A Brief Guide to WinSPWW2 Mechanics

Anton Shepelev Version 0.1 2024.10.04






WinSPWW2 is a turn-based game, where the players act in alternating turns. During each turn, the player controls his pieces (called units), by giving them commands on map. The map is divided into hexagonal cells, (called hexes) 50 meters from side to side. A turn corresponds to a minute of real time, so that a unit may act only that long within a turn. For example, a jeep doing 30 mph will cover at most 16 hexes (or 800 meters) For the meticulous, here is the math:

 30 mile/hour * 1600 m/mile / 60 min/hour = 800 m/min
800 m/min     /   50 m/hex                =  16 hex/min


Units can perform two types of action: those that have a certain duration in terms of in-game time, and those that are considered momentary, and take no in-game time to perform. The game keeps track of the time spent by each unit within the current turn, and shows it at the bottom of the screen in terms of move and fire points. Generally, units can perform three kinds of command: