How to read's local newsgroups in pine (aka Alpine, but I'll just call it pine): 1. Launch pine: sh$ pine 2. type "s" to enter Setup. (You won't see this in the commands listed at the bottom of the screen; if you want to see what other commands pine has, hit "o" and it'll cycle through 'em.) 3. type "c" to enter Config. 4. arrow down a few lines to "NNTP Server (for news)", hit enter, type "" and hit enter again. 5. Hit "e" to exit setup, and hit "y" to tell it to save the change you just made. Now pine knows where the news lives! Next step: subscribe to some rad newsgroups. 6. From the main menu of pine, hit "L" for Folder List. There should now be two options: "Mail", and "News on". If you've been using pine for mail already, you'll notice that the news listing is new! 7. Arrow down to News and hit enter. 8. You're now probably looking at a list of no groups. Fie! Hit "a" for Add. 9. It's asking for a newsgroup name. If you know offhand, just type it in, but if you want to see what's out there, hit "ctrl-t" to get a list 10. There they are! A bunch of groups. Arrow to one you think sounds keen, and hit enter; its name will appear down in that "Enter newsgroup name" prompt you saw before. Hit enter again. Bam! You subscribed. 11. Repeat the process for more groups if you like. Or use the "list" command during step ten to select a bunch at once! Now you've got newsgroups subscribed, and you can get at them via Folder List from the pine menu whenever you like.