This is Dakota's page. It is meant to be a fun exploration of the web as it could be with a little more semantic markup, separation of concerns and ASCII art of course. Look ma, no <div />s! If you are interested in how it's done you can check out the repo on github. Thanks to TAAG for all the text art fonts and inspiration. Many thanks to ~ben and ~deepend for keeping the lights on. Thanks to Tom 7 for being generally awesome and inspirational. Finally, thanks to Jankenpopp and crew for Windows 93, where I originally discovered (and so much more) in the first place.
I'm just a guy with a much greater than average like of mathematics. I grew up in Texas, finished my PhD in mathematics at the CUNY Graduate Center, married my incredible wife Abigail Myers (Two time Jeopardy! Champion, NYC Marathon finisher, NaNoWriMo author, National Board Certified teacher, the list goes on.) and welcomed our beautiful daughter Junia to the world. I now work as a software engineer, but web technologies and the original hopeful promise of the internet have been dear to my heart for most of my life which might explain why I would make a silly page like this in my spare time. After all, a little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest kin.
I like programming concepts and the languages that implement them, and I think that is neatly summed up in this haiku:
Python and SQL: Functional, declarative The fine tools of thought.
I have other websites on the internet that serve different purposes, and here are some links to them:
These projects are my latest attempts at advancing the shared quest to build awesome web pages. I hope you find them entertaining, if not useful. If you do find them useful, or have suggestions to make them better, please pass them along to me!