Log onto the Unix conference administration account.
This is the account that owns all the conference files and the backtalk
program itself.
change directory to the ``bbs'' directory.
This is the directory where the conflist file and all the conference
directories normally reside.
Edit the conflist file.
The conflist file resides in the top level "bbs" directory.
It is used to map typed names of conferences to the actual directory names
where the conference is stored.
You can use any standard Unix text editor to edit it, such as:
vi conflist
A typical conflist file might look like this:
Or, if you are using the shortened format,
The path names of the top level bbs directory (``/usr/local/backtalk/bbs/ ''
in the example will be replaced with percent signs, so that it looks more
like this:
Suppose we want to delete version one of the ``Martian'' conference, which is
stored in the martian1 directory.
We should start by deleting all the lines in the conflist which
point to that directory, in this case, the last three lines of the file.
Edit the public.txt file.
The public.txt file is a human-readable list of conferences, used
by the interfaces to generate lists of conferences.
You should edit this file, removing any line describing the conference
you are deleting.
Remove the user participation files
Backtalk maintains a participation file for each user who is a member of
a conference.
Since we are deleting the conference, we should delete this participation
files too.
The name of the participation file is in the conference's config
file. In this case, our conference was in the
directory, so the configuration file is
/usr/local/backtalk/bbs/martian1/config .
If we look at this file, we will see something like this:
The second line of this tells us the name of the participation file for
the conference, in this case .martian1.cf .
So we need to delete this file from each user's directory.
The easiest way to do this is with a Unix find command.
First you need to know where your user's home directories are.
If your Backtalk is set up to use real user accounts this may be
place like /home , but more likely
you are using separate Backtalk accounts for your Backtalk users, so you
user directory may be something like /usr/local/backtalk/user .
Supposing the latter, you could remove all the .martian1.cf files
using a command like:
find /usr/local/backtalk/user -name .martian1.cf -exec rm "{}" \;
This searchs under for all files named .martian1.cf under the
/usr/local/backtalk/user directory and deletes each one.
Obviously some caution is required with commands like this.
Remove the conference directory.
Everything else related to the Martian conference is in the directory that
the conflist file was pointing to (in this example, the directory
/usr/local/backtalk/bbs/martian1 ).
To finish the job of deleting the conference,
we need only delete this directory.
So, first make any backups of it that you might want, and then do
rm -r /usr/local/backtalk/bbs/martian1
to delete the directory and all of its contents.