Chatroom Source
This is the PHP code which my chatroom runs on. I feel obligated to post this as when I first decided on how to make a chatroom, I found nothing which I could use to make one. It took me about a week of programming after school to finish the page. The only error that I encountered was accessing global variables from within a function, something I'm so accustomed to in C++. You are free to do what you want with my code which is why I posted it. If you can hack it, please let me know. I try to keep my website as open-source as possible.
I made this without using SQL, mainly because my PHP version is so obsolete, I had no idea if it would work, but also, SQL injection is still can still happen. I added more comments to this code than on my copy to make it easier to understand. I think I have solved my issues with the characters ', \, and ", but I feel that there may still be issues, I'll start worrying about that once people start posting. I'm trying to fix this, once I correct it I will change the source. I tried to make my code as generic as possible so you or me could easily change the post structure and content, remove restrictions, add restrictions, etc.
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta name="description" content="DV Tate Testa's chat room"/>
<meta name="author" content="Dustin Van Tate Testa"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="tate testa dustin van freshman blacksmith fish forge programming Dustin Van Tate Testa math calculators blog forum talk"/>
<meta name="start-date" content="4-6-2015"/><meta name="edit-date" content="4-11-2015"/>
<title>Chat Room - Tate's Website</title>
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<style type="text/css" id="talksyle">#block{border:1px solid #000;}input#postit{display:block;border:1px solid #000;background-color:#EAEAEA;}a#lyse{color: #090;font-family:'Ubuntu', sans-serif; height: 15px;}</style>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--//tab button adds tab to post
function enabletabbing(){
var textareas=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
var count=textareas.length;
for(var i=0;i<count;i++){
var s=this.selectionStart;
</script><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--adds blocks
function addblock(type){
if(type==3)document.postdat.msg.value+="\n[code]\nenter code here\n[/code]";
else if(type==2)document.postdat.msg.value+="[underline]put text here[/underline]";
else if(type==1)document.postdat.msg.value+="[bold]put text here[/bold]";
function chkin(){//pronounced chicken
document.getElementById("newpost").style.borderLeft="20px solid green";
else document.getElementById("newpost").style.borderLeft="20px solid red";
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$nameErr=$msgErr=" ";#bad name/no content
function verify(){//checks if data entered is valid
//in future checks account/login data
$name=$_POST['navn'];$msg=$_POST['msg'];#get data fra form
$name=trim($name);$err = false;
if($name===""|| $name==="tate"||$name==="Tate"||$name==="Admin"||$name==="Mod")
{$err = true;$GLOBALS['nameErr']="<span id=\"badinp\">*Chose another name</span>";}
if($name===""){$err = true;$GLOBALS['nameErr']="<span id=\"badinp\">*Name Required</span>";}
if($msg===""){$GLOBALS['msgErr']="<span id=\"badinp\">*Content Required</span>";}
if($err){return;}//prevent post on error
$msg=convertchars($msg);//convert approved tags
addpost($name, $msg);//Add/process post
function convertchars($msg){//converts MY code, underline and bold tags to HTML, stops HTML injection,formats code
$msg=str_replace("<", "<", $msg);//void html
$msg=str_replace("\\\\n", "\n",$msg);//html char voids '\n'
#$msg=str_replace("\n", "<br/>",$msg);//bad for code boxes
//horizontal tabs:
$msg=str_replace("\\\\t", "\t",$msg);//html char voids '\t'
$msg=str_replace("\t", " ",$msg);
//single quotes:
$msg=str_replace("\\\\'", "'",$msg);
$msg=str_replace("\'", "'",$msg);
//double quotes:
$msg=str_replace('\\\\"', """,$msg);
$msg=str_replace('\"', """,$msg);
$msg=str_replace("\\\\", "\",$msg);
$msg=processblocks("[code]", "[/code]",$msg);
$msg=str_replace("[code]","<pre id='code'>",$msg);
$msg=processblocks("[underline]", "[/underline]", $msg);
$msg=processblocks("[bold]", "[/bold]", $msg);
return $msg;
}function processblocks($startblock, $endblock, $msg){
$diff=countmissingends($startblock, $endblock,$msg);
if($diff>0){//if too many start blocks
for($i=0;$i<$diff; $i++){
$msg .= $endblock;
}elseif($diff<0){//too many end tags
for($i=0;$i>$diff; $i--){
$msg.= $startblock;
}return $msg;
}function countmissingends($startblock, $endblock,$msg){//returns difference between the number of starting tags and ending tags
$testmsg=$msg;//prevents destruction of $msg
$startnum=substr_count($testmsg, $startblock);
$endnum=substr_count($testmsg, $endblock);
return $startnum-$endnum;
function fixname($name){//prevents html in name
$name=str_replace("<", "<", $name);//void html
$name=str_replace("\\\\n", "\n",$name);//html char voids '\n'
$name=str_replace("\\\\t", "\t",$name);//html char voids '\t'
return $name;
function addpost($name, $msg){//writes post to thread file
$post=makepost($name, $msg);
file_put_contents('thread.txt', $post);
}function addposttobottom($name, $msg){//writes post to thread file
$file = fopen("thread.txt","a");
fwrite($file, makepost($name, $msg));
}function makepost($name, $msg){//creates the html for the post from the information given
if($name==="PASSWORD_GOES_HERE"){//password as name means admin post (extremely insecure but idc)
$post="\n<div id=\"post\"><table id=\"iconname\"><tr><td><img id=\"ico\" src=\"//\" height=\"80px\" alt=\"profile picture\" title=\"SysAdmin: Can edit and/or delete your posts.\"/></td><td id=\"info\"><b>Name</b>: Tate";
$post="\n<div id=\"post\"><table id=\"iconname\"><tr><td><img id=\"ico\" src=\"//\" height=\"80px\" alt=\"profile picture\" title=\"Guest\" /></td><td id=\"info\"><b>Name</b>: ";
}$post.= " <br/> <b>Date</b>: ";
$date=getdate(date("U"));//check date
$post.="$date[weekday], $date[month] $date[mday], $date[year]";//convert date into a string
$post.="</td></tr></table><div class=\"msg\"><object>";
return $post;
function getthread(){//returns the current blog as text/html from file
$file=fopen($filename, "r");
if($file==false){//failed to open file(not good)
return "<div class=\"main\"><h2><u>This is embarrassing</u>:</h2><hr/>There was an error, please try again later</div>";
}$filesize=filesize($filename);//length of file
$filetext=fread($file, $filesize);//set $filetext to the value of the file
return $filetext;
<div class="main" id="newpost"><h2><strong>Post Something:</strong></h2>
<form action="default.php" id="postdat" name="postdat" method="post">
<h4 style="display: inline">Name:</h4><input type="text" name="navn" id="brugersNavn" placeholder="ie- John Smith" onKeyUp="chkin()" required="true" title="What is your name? What do you go by?"/><?php echo $nameErr; ?><table width="100%"><tr>
<td><div id="msgwrap">
<textarea ng-model="mytext" onKeyUp="chkin()" ng-allow-tab required="true" id="msgin" rows="10" cols="100" name="msg" form="postdat" placeholder="What's up?" title="What do you want to say?"></textarea>
</div></td><td id="insertbtns">
<div id="insertbtns"><!--insert blocks-->
<input type="button" id="block" value="Bold" onclick="addblock(1)"/>
<!--<input type="button" id="block" form="postdat" value="Image"/>-->
<input type="button" id="block" value="Underline" onclick="addblock(2)"/>
<input type="button" id="block" value="Code" title="Add a code box" onclick="addblock(3)"/>
</tr></table><input type="submit" id="postit" value="Post" title="Send your message" /><?php echo $msgErr; ?>
</div><br/><?php echo getthread();//print the blog?>
<center><a href="//" target="_blank" id="lyse">View Source</a>
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