brings back cook-out memories of youth.
Late, at a stretch of road with undeveloped land, they watched and signaled their mob, even on my return route a few moments later.
Feeling a different day during the day, if only for a moment, then realizing what made it feel that way. Spacing of isolation or wishful.
seasoned with birdsong
Walk With Me gleaned from mefi
Early morning heat with Sun still hiding.
turned out quite good. Namely, jalapno peppers and bell peppers. (did have seasoning spices)
My recent experience at vCon helped the shared feeling come to light. A lot more renewal (and hope) than earlier estimation.
should keep to about mid-May.
though less-focused forums, presenters had a lot of material and attendees had a lot of questions. Worthwile endeavor.
Some parts of both body and psyche felt the same after attending a virtualized conference. Some renewal, some exhaustion. Overall, great!
first in over a month. Things have changed. Read about it every day, but to see so much change all at once astounds. Have the impression many still go out quite often, flippant that.
hope it works out to publish later in year
improving grains one tablespoon at a time.
While attempting to declutter my digital space, many old or ancient files have proven spotty or worse, despite reliable media storage.
feeling well this morning. Natural wake, no alarm. Soaking in the moment.
A quote that, "our staffing is currently impacted by the worldwide health situation", means you should have made quitting from your website easier (requires fewer staff), not harder.
volume "D": one of the first places to check when encounering a new set, for dinosaurs, as today's featured wikipedia Segnosaurus.
changing on a weekly basis. sometimes daily.
done. whew.
couple days, missed you
make your own or for others at ragmask.
where air conditioning suffers identity crises on hourly basis. Comfy walks out of doors.
reported numbers
video in case you fall into the group of 7.496 billions who have not yet seen it [source YouTube - not an April Fool].