Shellbound archive ( April 2021 )

2021-04-30 -- Brain Starvation

Pentester locks-up and cannot go back. [via blue]

2021-04-29 -- Dough Brea[d] ootro

preparing sourdough

2021-04-28 -- Tasks for Month

good progress


2021-04-27 -- Odd Day to Start

by morning light

2021-04-26 -- John Oliver - a living muppet

almost every mannerism

2021-04-25 -- One Hand and Awkward Elevation

do not do this with your laptop and expect expected results

2021-04-24 -- Social Media and Journalism

The Body of Evidence interviews Brooke Binkowski May 24th, 2020.

2021-04-23 -- C Cold

but good

2021-04-22 -- Slow and Eventual Upgrades

all to keep up

2021-04-21 -- Guilty

good start - keep filming

2021-04-20 -- We Fly on Other Planets

opening as a new perspecitve we can use

2021-04-19 -- Successful First Flight!

Livestream Results confirmation

2021-04-18 -- Flight Tentative Monday

Ingenuity Helicopter on Mars results livestream at 3:15 am PDT.

2021-04-17 -- Bashic Math

had to go back to basics. Wild how much you can do without having to use math.

2021-04-16 -- New Stories


2021-04-15 -- TIL about on-the-fly

functions in BASH

2021-04-14 -- Tuesday with Springs

some event

2021-04-13 -- Personal Situations and Changing Them

start out as large projects, become enormous, then gargantuan. All while still affecting you.

2021-04-12 -- GMST

after too long

2021-04-11 -- Flight Delayed Until After 14th


2021-04-10 -- Ingenuity Flight Attempt Sunday

Info about plan and Livestream of NASA team receiving data Monday (a full day later) at 3:30 am EDT (early morning hours).

2021-04-09 -- 110:13


2021-04-08 -- Four Month Long Flip-Flop

started solidifying

2021-04-07 -- Taxes Done

to great relief

2021-04-06 -- Comm Academy 2021

An emergency communications & amateur radio conference

2021-04-05 -- Reset Day Makes Good

not a catch-up but at least a sync

2021-04-04 -- Bad Guess of Cold Days

they snuck back here

2021-04-03 -- Double Nothing

Weird day part 2

2021-04-02 -- Weird Nothing Day

what happened and not much

2021-04-01 -- Pile

of actions due

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