Shellbound archive ( June 2020 )

2020-06-29 -- Drawing a Blank


2020-06-28 -- Feeling kind of bl...

Black Lives Matter!

2020-06-27 -- Creative need

clear workspace, pen in hand. such dreams

2020-06-26 -- Collectively Unsettled

concrete starts this way

2020-06-25 -- Droolery

that edge of awake awareness that you have formed a puddle of drool on your pillow and some still lines your lips


2020-06-24 -- Pandemic and Foundational Youtube

Many early youtubers created their work in isolation, built their audience. How many of them realized their roots and reaquainted themselves in these times?

2020-06-23 -- todo eol

the one you do not get to complete

2020-06-22 -- Sourdough Rise

Replicated last loaf volume. Feeling successful.

2020-06-21 -- Allnighter

oof, it stings

2020-06-20 -- Yesterday Juneteenth

caught up in all the reading and learning

2020-06-19 -- missing morning

missed another day -- slipped by

2020-06-18 -- Mask Style

viral statements

2020-06-17 -- CLImate chains

(i've got nothing)


2020-06-16 -- Sometimes coffee

hits the spot so hard you want to live there forever.

2020-06-14 -- Good Slices

Turns out after cooling fully, my sourdough sliced just fine, not as crumb cake, but bread.

2020-06-13 -- Sourdough Progess

Nice rise, but its inside looked more like a cake, a bit crumbly with few crannies.

2020-06-12 -- Wee Distracted

broken connection.

2020-06-11 -- Cheers to NASCAR and MTG

sweeping changes

2020-06-10 -- Goodbye Symbols of Oppression

Good to see so many getting erased.

2020-06-09 -- Feeling Deflated

but these protests give me life.

2020-06-08 -- Starting to change

keep pushing and voting.

2020-06-07 -- Try different flours

it might surprise you in your baking results.

2020-06-06 -- Weather Support

Full day and night activities

2020-06-05 -- Summer Heat

showed up and plans to stay a while.

2020-06-04 -- nice cron


2020-06-03 -- Seattle Protesters

A shout out to them all.

2020-06-02 -- To all "not fair to judge on a few bad apples" police spokespersons

First of all, YOU name these apples. Then, prove the value of your words by charging and convicting them. Otherwise, tepid air.

2020-06-01 -- June Bu[g|nker]

So it begins.

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