Shellbound archive ( August 2021 )

2021-08-30 -- Google vs Privacy

A sure sign you firmly dislike privacy - you use Chrome. [via]

2021-08-29 -- That Thing Foremost on Your Mind

track it and plot it or lose it

2021-08-28 -- Turn Down the Heat

time for a new season

2021-08-27 -- Drawing and Painting

pictures and illustrations mystifies me during their process

2021-08-26 -- Migration Outliers

those items which remain with minor effects, but still desired

2021-08-25 -- Later Than


2021-08-24 -- Waves of Cost

Popular to Proxy. Proxies become Popular. Popular Proxies to Secondary Proxies. Secondary Proxies become Popular.

2021-08-23 -- Remote Battery Notification

Automation at least daily sending device battery levels to your central or subordinate authority.

2021-08-22 -- Nmap Defcon release

pandemic mitigation [via]

2021-08-21 -- Cooking Day

on the heat

2021-08-20 -- Changing One Thing

opens the doors to many new directions

2021-08-19 -- Lucky

turned out as a great day -- ready for the worst helped turn it around

2021-08-18 -- Long Stressful Day

unless lucky

2021-08-17 -- Offline and Archived

current goal for indexing, for "where to find" those nuggets of information when put away

2021-08-16 -- Cash and Carry

away bag

2021-08-15 -- Can't Rembember

What I Used To Fight For

2021-08-14 -- All But A Few

steps away from done with migration

2021-08-13 -- Another Migration Step


2021-08-12 -- Bread Day


2021-08-11 -- Pain Points

Migrating email accounts hit a few when the account centers on your email addess -- its identity.

2021-08-10 -- Travel Feeling

without leaving home, the wear of road travel or just its touch fatigue can happen with all those waits on the phone for business.

2021-08-09 -- Regaining Normal Sleep

despite mounting anxiety


2021-08-08 -- Magic - The Gathering

A self-fulfilling name of a game which also describes its main mechanic. Rare have I ever opened a booster and felt disappointed with its contents.

2021-08-07 -- Enjoy Deep Research

except that most times it strays far from the thing I meant to do

2021-08-06 -- From Handwriting Recognition to Form Recognition

where you start to draw up a desired form and the AI or ML draws the rest, complete with fillable fields. A single UNDO could let you freeform draw a new one.

2021-08-05 -- New to Do

unknown experiences, even where to start

2021-08-04 -- Regestidigitation

Regex magic

2021-08-03 -- Sunrise

getting later as sunset gets sooner

2021-08-02 -- Strange but Good

Episode of 99 Percent Invisible - #286 700-Foot Mountain of Whipped Cream -- about radio commercials, and a few other timeless sound features.

2021-08-01 -- Bread and Stew

Wholesome even in summer

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