trash shell script development blog

      coming up with ideas for what to program
      is difficult, yet programming remains one
      of my favorite pastimes. because I'm a
      very creative person, I've decided to
      design a shell scripting language, which
      will be the third programming language
      I've made (one of the others is in active
      development, and the other is in limbo).

      if you haven't noticed, I've decided to
      call the language 'trash' as an echo
      of my boundless self-esteem.

      here's a few goals for trash:
      - written in Haskell
      - roughly as fast as fish
      - actually good syntax (like elvish)
      - syntax highlighting
      - customizable/extensible

      my hope is that writing a development
      blog will help me stay committed to this
      project. please note that this isn't written
      with the express purpose of being a tutorial,
      just something for the aforementioned purpose
      of commitment and also for the enjoyment of
      anyone who might be interested.

      here are the blogposts right now, in
      sequential order:

      - feature checkpoints
      - initial planning
      - extensive language planning