MARCGH-2025- A weapons contractor lives there (twitter meme)

JANUARY 2025- Januarye January 2025 It's the best.

DECEMBER 2024- This is probably one of the ducks that turns up late for everything and is disorganised.

NOVEMBER 2024- Love and support to the ones exposing the satanic death cult

August 2024- way behind with my updates!

june 2024- update sorry for lack of updates hope to update with updates

JANUARY 2024- The previous year couldn't have continued but in its last moments it generated a new year so that life could continue and we thank you for verything you did and we love you January 2024.

DECEMBER 2023- D e c e m b e r

NOVEMBER 2023- November now exists.

OCTOBER 2023- we have to accept that it's October and accept reality.

AUGUST 2023- Have a great August everyone.

JULY 2023- This is my July update.

JUNE 2023- It seems I missed my May update and my June update is late but better late than never.

APRIL 2023- this page of tilde links gained a litte traction somehow. tildelinks.html

MARCH 2023- It's the current month.

FEBRUARY 2023- Time for a update?

JANUARY 2023- thinking I might take a break


NOVEMBERRRR - LOW ENERGY update just keeping it up to date I guess.

OCTOBER - Not feeling very vocal this month.

SEPTEMBER 2022- 2022 continues to proceed.

AUGUST 2022- August update.

JULY 2022- I will update again next month.

JUNE 2022- I have a gopherhole at gopher://

MAY 2022- I think this page is starting to fizzle out.

MARCH 2022- Still here still having a great time and looking forwards to April.

FEBRUARY 2022- the year is proceeding... This page now 2 years old.

JANUARY 2022- new year new me.

JULY 2021- Just tidying up.

FEBRUARY- This page stretches back a year now.

DECEMBER- This seems to be a cult of some sort.

NOVEMBER- It's a while since I updated.

SEPTEMBER~ I don't like wi-fi in the house. .

JULY~ This page is just an experiment.

JUNE~ Turning away from the mainstream web, clickbait, got to move towards lightweight pages, keep it REAL, greed is ruining it.

MAY~ Social Networks are for newbies.

April ~ I prefer the internet in its pure form. Twitter is cancer !

March 2020~ Unix fun to learn.

February 2020~ I did it: I got a tilde-club account. It's all unix (I'll figure it out).