
random stuff you should forget about

One season down, one almost over, and two just starting


Just got done watching the Brewers lose in the final innings of the NL Wild Card game. A great run but pretty standard for Wisconsin sports. Minnesota United is doing well and their regular season ends in a week. Hopefully they do well but I haven't had a lot of time to keep up with them so I'm less invested.

Football and hockey season is upon us. With the new munchkin we probably won't be making games for either sport this year. With the new house its not much of an issue since it will most likely take us months to actually get settled in.

My one goal before winter gets here, besides actually mowing my lawn, is to get some sort of multiband antenna installed so I won't go another year without using my radio. Since having kids I haven't had much free time for myself. When I'm not working I'm either cleaning the house or letting the wife get out with her friends. Felt a little weird the other day when one of her new ones asked me what I do for fun and my response was, "I don't."