
These pages are my experiment in marrying web documents with printed books: generating high quality print-ready PDF files from the same markup used to create the web pages.

For this I am using Pollen, a system and language for publishing books on the web or anywhere else. Most of the visual design and layout comes from the Tufte CSS project, and the Tufte-LaTeX project on which it is based.

The Pollen source code for this site is available on Github. The content and code on this site are available for liberal reuse as described in the license provided in the repository.

On most pages (including this one!) you can click the PDF link to see the LaTeX-generated print version of that page, as well as a link to see the Pollen source code for that page. Again, the point of interest here isn’t that each page has a corresponding PDF, but that the same text files generate both the website and the PDF files, using a custom, light-weight markup that can take full advantage of both HTML and LaTeX.

I’m @joeld on Twitter and verified on Keybase. You can also find me at my page, and my main site, The Local Yarn, neither of which (yet) use Pollen.