1 clear 2 ls 3 passwd 4 ls 5 cd public_html/ 6 ls 7 top 8 wall 9 chat 10 motd 11 ~chat/start 12 ls 13 fq 14 faq 15 mkdir the thing about jetpacks 16 cd th 17 ls 18 rm -rg the thing about jetpacks/ 19 rm -rf th 20 rm -rf the/ 21 rm -rf thing/ 22 rm -rf about/ 23 rm -rf jetpacks/ 24 ls 25 mkdir "the thing about jetpacks" 26 rm index.html 27 talk 28 talk raven yeah 29 broadcast 30 talk raven@localhost 31 ls 32 cd the\ thing\ about\ jetpacks/ 33 ls 34 markdown_py 35 markdown_py edition_one.txt 36 clear 37 markdown_py edition_one.txt > index.html 38 nano index.html 39 cd ../design\ dare/ 40 ls 41 markdown_py combined_revised.text > index.html 42 nano index.html 43 ls 44 rm combined_revised.text 45 mesg n 46 who 47 faq 48 mail jessymyn 49 mail jessamyn 50 mail 51 finger jessamyn 52 finger jonbell 53 nano ~/.plan 54 finger jonbell 55 cd .. 56 ls 57 cd surprisebox/ 58 ls 59 nano readme.txt 60 ls 61 cd .. 62 ls 63 nano readme.txt 64 mail 65 who 66 cd ~ 67 ls 68 cd .. 69 ls 70 trey 71 cd trey 72 ls 73 more wall.log 74 cd horse_porn/ 75 ls 76 cd lol_jk/ 77 ls 78 cd .. 79 ls 80 cd .. 81 ls 82 cd fordl 83 cd ford 84 ls 85 cd sent 86 ls 87 more sent 88 cd public_html/ 89 ls 90 cd .. 91 ls 92 cd .. 93 ls 94 mkdir hoopla 95 ls 96 cd jonbell/ 97 ls 98 mkdir scripts 99 cd scripts/ 100 nano repeat.bash 101 pwd 102 nano sc 103 ls 104 nano re 105 nano repeat.bash 106 chmod 777 repeat.bash 107 ./repeat.bash 108 ls 109 ls -l 110 cat results.out 111 nano re 112 ls 113 nano repeat.bash 114 ./repeat.bash 115 nano results.out 116 nano repeat.bash 117 ./repeat.bash 118 ls 119 nano repeat.bash 120 ./repeat.bash 121 ls 122 cat file\:\ everyhtml.txt 123 nano repeat.bash 124 ./repeat.bash 125 nano repeat.bash 126 ./repeat.bash 127 ls 128 more everyhtml.txt 129 cat everyhtml.txt 130 clear 131 ./repeat.bash 132 cat everyhtml.txt 133 nano repeat.bash 134 ./repeat.bash 135 nano repeat.bash 136 ./repeat.bash 137 cat everyhtml.txt 138 ls -l 139 rm file\:\ everyhtml.txt 140 ls -l 141 df results.out 142 stat --printf="%s" results.out 143 ls 144 nano repeat.bash 145 ./repeat.bash 146 ls -l 147 rm filesize.txt 148 ls 149 nano repeat.bash 150 ./repeat.bash 151 nano repeat.bash 152 ./repeat.bash 153 ls - 154 ls -l 155 nano repeat.bash 156 ./repeat.bash 157 ls - 158 ls -l 159 nano repeat.bash 160 ./repeat.bash 161 ls -l 162 nano repeat.bash 163 stat --printf=/home/jonbell/public_html/index.html >> filesize.txt 164 stat --printf=/home/jonbell/public_html/index.html 165 stat --printf="%s" /home/jonbell/public_html/index.html 166 cat /home/jonbell/public_html/index.html 167 stat --printf="%s" /home/jkottke/public_html/index.html 168 nano repeat.bash 169 ./repeat.bash 170 ls -l 171 nano repeat.bash 172 ./repeat.bash 173 nano repeat.bash 174 ./repeat.bash 175 ls -l 176 cat filesize.txt 177 nano repeat.bash 178 cat filesize.txt 179 ./repeat.bash 180 cat filesize.txt 181 nano repeat.bash 182 ./repeat.bash 183 cat repeat.bash 184 cat filesize.txt 185 ls -l 186 nano repeat.bash 187 ./repeat.bash 188 cat filesize.txt 189 nano repeat.bash 190 ./repeat.bash 191 ls 192 cd .. 193 ls 194 cd scripts/ 195 ls 196 nano repeat.bash 197 ./repeat.bash 198 nano repeat.bash 199 ./repeat.bash 200 ls 201 mail 202 ~chat/start 203 ls 204 rm sizeOfThings.html 205 cd scripts/ 206 ls 207 cat results.out 208 rm results.out 209 ls 210 cat everyhtml.txt 211 cp everyhtml.txt ../public_html/everyIndexhtml.html 212 cd ../public_html/ 213 mv everyIndexhtml.html everyIndexhtml.txt 214 ls 215 cron 216 crontab 217 wget 218 wget http://lot23.com 219 ls 220 cd scr 221 cd ../scripts/ 222 ls 223 wget http://lot23.com > lot23.html 224 cat lot23.html 225 wget http://lot23.com/ > lot23.html 226 ls -l 227 cat index.html 228 rm index.html 229 rm index.html.1 230 rm lot23.html 231 man wget 232 wget http://lot23.com/ -o > lot23.html 233 crontab -l 234 ls 235 find cron 236 crontab -e 237 crontab -l 238 export EDITOR=nano 239 crontab -e 240 mail 241 crontab -e 242 ls ~/ 243 time 244 date 245 ls 246 ls ~/ 247 more repeat.bash 248 cd ~/ 249 more result.out 250 crontab -e 251 echo "This command is run at one min past every hour" > ~/result.out 252 cat ~/result.out 253 rm ~/result.out 254 date 255 cd ~/ 256 ls 257 cat result.out 258 mail 259 crontab -e 260 export EDITOR=nano 261 crontab -e 262 date 263 banner 264 broadcast 265 wall just logged in, what happened? Did someone hack the gibson 266 wall got it thanks 267 ls 268 more result.out 269 crontab -e 270 cd public_html/ 271 ls 272 rm index.html 273 post 274 pwd 275 chat 276 post 277 wall oh, mush 278 wall brb watching stallman dancing oh yeah there it is 279 wall he's not awful 280 ls 281 cd public_html/ 282 ls 283 history 284 history | grep wget 285 wget http://lot23.com/ -o > lot23.html 286 wget http://lot23.com/ -o | lot23.html 287 wget http://lot23.com 288 man wget 289 wget -O http://google.com > file 290 wget -O http://google.co 291 wget -O http://google.com 292 ls 293 wget http://lot23.com 294 rm index.html.1 295 rm index.html 296 wget http://lot23.com -O blah 297 ls 298 rm blah 299 rm lot23.html 300 rm ~/public_html/index.html; wget http://lot23.com -O ~/public_html/index.html 301 crontab -e 302 cd ~ 303 nano .login 304 history | grep nano 305 nano .login 306 exit 307 env 308 env | grep editor 309 crontab -e 310 history | grep eeditor 311 history | grep editor 312 history | grep EDITOR 313 export EDITOR=nano 314 crontab -e 315 date 316 ls 317 cat result.out 318 cd .. 319 cd pushcx/ 320 ls 321 cd ~ 322 cd public_html/ 323 ls 324 rm index.html 325 rm file 326 date 327 dae 328 date 329 nano 330 crontab -e 331 ls 332 rm index.html 333 mail 334 ls 335 cd scripts/ 336 ls 337 crontab -e 338 wall I'm not super haxory nor am I good at games but telehack absolutely floored me. Loved it 339 . 340 / 341 ; 342 ' 343 wall more info: http://waxy.org/2011/06/playable_archaeology_an_interview_with_the_telehacks_anonymous_creator/ 344 wall awesome. as someone who likes games but feels overwhelmed and left out by "gamer" culture I strongly approve of your work 345 http://lot23.com/days/progress_brain.php 346 wget http://lot23.com/days/progress_brain.php 347 wget http://lot23.com/days/progress_brain.php -O 348 wall same 349 wall WOW THAT STRANGE SONG PAGE THING 350 wall matt I have simple twitter bot I want to make 351 wall I just want some code I can make it respond to stuff. You ask x, it knows to say y, or load a page to get hte answer in response or whatever 352 wall but I don't know where to start 353 ' 354 wall thanks matt! 355 wall ah, neat. Also I work at Twitter so you'd think I'd be able to find this information on my own but nooooo 356 cd ! 357 cd ~ 358 ls 359 c dpu 360 cd public_html/ 361 ls 362 mkdir diary 363 cd diary/ 364 nano 1.txt 365 nano public_html/diary/1.txt 366 nano public_html/index.html 367 cat public_html/diary/1.txt >> public_html/index.html 368 wall WANT 369 nano public_html/index.html 370 kinit 371 nano public_html/index.html 372 wall Yeah, learned that the hard way :) Hi Nick 373 wall "Yeah learned that the hard way. Hi nickd :)" 374 wall I want to loop through and finger each account to make a list and see what everyone has put there. 375 wall Anyone have a script off the top of your head? :) 376 wall Anyone have a script off the top of your head? grin 377 ls -l ~/.. | xargs finger 378 wall "Thanks very much for the script for finger" 379 ls -l ~/.. | xargs finger > ~/public_html/listOfEveryonesProfile.txt 380 ls -l ~/.. | xargs finger | ~/public_html/listOfEveryonesProfile.txt 381 ls ~/public_html/ 382 ls -l ~/public_html/ 383 wall http://www.tilde.club/~jonbell/listOfEveryonesProfile.txt 384 wall and phone number 385 wall and phone number! 386 mail megnut 387 wall ok - and that reminds me. We know the system will fall apart if a million folks join 388 wall Id love to have some sort of netequitte doc 389 wall Ok - well that doc isn't linkable 390 wall Ok - well the finger doc isnt publicly visible 391 wall happy to take it down 392 wall taking down the finger page right now - though it wasnt publicly viewable 393 ls 394 cd public_html/ 395 ls 396 rm listOfEveryonesProfile.txt 397 wall do we have a rules of the road? 398 wall sorry, I didnt mean publicly viewable I just meant I didnt link to it from anywhere 399 wall Whoosh gone http://www.tilde.club/~jonbell/listOfEveryonesProfile.txt 400 wall Also lets remember the drama and guilt stuff - 401 wall I took a script, made a page, didnt link to it, lets not get into the smh territory right off the bat 402 wall lets all learn and make mistakes and hope the mistakes decrease - grin 403 wall Can I just say how jazzed I am about this little community 404 wall My biggest fear after metafilter, twitter, etc is that too many people will show up and naturally it hits a point where it all sort of collapses 405 wall so I want to write some principles to see if we can beat the peter principle of communities grin 406 wall michaelcoyote Yeah like a community guidelines thing you mean? 407 chat nickd 408 talk nickd 409 mail nickd 410 ls 411 mail 412 wall michaelcoyote Yeah great point. We're buds and I was just emaiiling here on it this morning 413 wall michaelcoyote Yeah great point. Werebuds and I was just emaiiling here on it this morning 414 wall michaelcoyote She is absolutely my hero these days. Were you at XOXO? 415 wall I watched the whole thing just nervous for my friend. I told her to look my way for a thumbs up if shes stressing. 416 wall she was super stressing. 417 wall And Jen just stepped away last night. 418 wall cortex did you get a hi button at xoxo? I was trying to pass them out everywhere 419 wall but yeah jen (edna piranha) stopped meatspaces last night. As someone who also walked away from his biggest hit, I respect that a lot. 420 wall but yeah jen -edna piranha- stopped measpaces last night. as someone who also walked away from his biggest hit, I respect that a lot 421 wall "but yeah jen -edna piranha- stopped measpaces last night. as someone who also walked away from his biggest hit, I respect that a lot" 422 wall "not stopped, but she doesn' run it anymore" 423 wall yeah its not for everyone for sure 424 wall but you fit in here! high five from seattle 425 mail megnut 426 pwd 427 nano tilde_club_proposal.txt 428 msg n 429 mesg n 430 nano tilde_club_proposal.txt 431 mesg y 432 wall "Here is a proposal please write jon@lot23.com if you have thoughts: http://tilde.club/~jonbell/tilde_club_proposal.txt" 433 wall awesome thanks - looking fowrard to hearing anyones thoughts 434 wall 435 wall does anyone know how to make wall put everything into a text file? I'd love to see that. 436 . 437 wall "does anyone know how to make wall put everything into a text file? I'd love that" 438 wall less beeping in the terminal more of a log we can all see and refer back to 439 pwd 440 script -f wall.log 441 cat wall.log 442 wall testing my wall log 443 cat wall.log 444 more wall.log 445 clear 446 mesg n 447 nano wall.log 448 mesg y 449 wall I'm doubling wall messages too. Anyone know why? 450 . 451 wall "I'm seeing doubling wall messages too. Anyone know why?" 452 top 453 cat wall.log 454 clear 455 nano public_html/tilde_club_proposal.txt 456 rm wall.log 457 cd public_html/ 458 ls- l 459 ls -l 460 wall thanks harper! 461 wall "Oh I'm here for all your walling needs" 462 wall "So we've been having some discussion about what's available on the server versus externally" 463 wall "also the how do we defeat the peter principle of communities question" 464 wall proposal here: http://www.tilde.club/~jonbell/tilde_club_proposal.txt 465 scrollz 466 mail 467 pine 468 ls 469 mail 470 pine 471 mail 472 wall head explodes iin the best possible way 473 wall also ASCII Crossing is the best name 474 wall but seriously I want a mud bad 475 wall canned? 476 wall snort 477 history 478 clear 479 wall I just realized I can make a directory that anyone can write to, which will give us a little discussion area possibly 480 cd public_html/ 481 ls 482 mkdir the_rad_cafe 483 chmod 777 the_rad_cafe/ 484 nano index.html 485 cd the_rad_cafe/ 486 index 487 ls 488 nano index.html 489 nano guestbook.txt 490 chmod 777 guestbook.txt 491 pwd 492 wall can someone try making a new file here, or editing the one thats here already? /home/jonbell/public_html/the_rad_cafe 493 wall awesome thanks! 494 nano ~/public_html/index.html 495 mail 496 pwd 497 nano tilde_culture.txt 498 chmod 777 tilde_culture.txt 499 ls 500 ls -l 501 more hello.txt 502 nano hello.txt 503 ls -l 504 wall phcordner: can you type chmod 777 on your hello.txt doc? 505 nano guestbook.txt 506 nano readme.txt 507 chmod 777 readme.txt 508 ls -l 509 chmod 777 hello.txt 510 pwd 511 ls -l 512 ls -d 513 ls 514 cd .. 515 s 516 ls 517 rm -rf diary/ 518 ls -l 519 mkdir archives 520 mv sizeOfThings.html archives/ 521 mv everyIndexhtml.txt archives/ 522 ls -l 523 nano index.html 524 mail mathowie 525 mail 526 pine 527 mail 528 post 529 pine 530 ls 531 cd public_html/the_rad_cafe/ 532 ls 533 ls -a 534 ls -l 535 nano guestbook.txt 536 nano tilde_culture.txt 537 nano music.txt 538 chmod 777 music.txt 539 ls -l 540 crontab -e 541 history | grep export 542 export EDITOR=nano 543 crontab -e 544 cd ~/public_html/the_rad_cafe/ 545 ls 546 ls -l 547 more music.txt 548 nano guestbook.txt 549 nano tilde_culture.txt 550 pwd 551 ls 552 pwd 553 cd .. 554 ls 555 ls -l 556 rm rf wall.log 557 rm wall. 558 ls 559 ls -l 560 nano index.html 561 wall :) 562 wall ":)" 563 top 564 pwd 565 nano index.html 566 wall yeah ftrain + medium = kaboom 567 mail 568 pine 569 mail 570 pine 571 clear 572 ls 573 faq 574 faq | cat > faq.txt 575 more faq.txt 576 cd public_html/ 577 mv faq.txt faq.html 578 cd public_html/ 579 ls 580 cd the 581 ls 582 cd the_rad_cafe/ 583 ls 584 ls -l 585 more music.txt 586 more guestbook.txt 587 more tilde_culture.txt 588 pwd 589 cd ../ 590 nano index.html 591 history 592 history > history.txt