I've written code and drawn "cards" for combinery for about five years. Being able to try it out here was really special, and I learned a ton in just a week. I want to keep going, especially now that a whole bunch of new ideas have been spawned, but I need to marshall my strength. I have too many projects so I'm going to put Combinery on ice for now. Thank you so much for helping me think through it a bit. I may bring it back, but I'll need to make better tools to keep up. I liked how organic and handcrafted it was, especially compared to most boring "x does y" software logic. But that handcrafted feel took a lot of time, and I can't commit to doing it every day. By the way: the magic wand, combined with any object, unlocked a story and a point. And the stories were always personal and heartfelt. That was one dynamic I was excited about, though only one magic wand was found and combined. There were a lot of other stories, perhaps they'll be discovered someday :) Thanks again.