If time, money and fear was no object, what would be your dream creative project? // I've written about this before, but I've always wanted to vagabond the world and talk to elderly people and hear their stories and wisdom. The purpose would be to make sure their knowledge is not lost. People my age don't seem to seek the older generation's advice. Maybe this is because my peers feel they can't relate to technology so they don't bother with them--but that's not what I'm interested in. Many have lived long lives and learned how to live in many different ways. This knowledge will be lost and forgotten if not documented. // I would travel the world, read everything, take classes in everything, and compile an enormous, living, commonplace book of sorts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonplace_book) // I want to teach, and I want people to come to me. Some travel is fine, but ideally I'd teach throughout the year in my own city and be good enough to be able to keep doing it. // And - I've found that collaborative projects where both parties are motivated are pretty special. But most collaborations are frustrating. It's like I want a storybook romance and I keep getting pecks on the cheek. More frustrating than just being alone. // I want to work with talented people and learn. I want to make products for people doing hard and responsible work, like pilots. I wish I could take part in making something you can touch, like a photo camera or a microwave oven. Oh, these microwave ovens… They're abusing us everyday! It's time to tame them! [Oh God! I'm in!] [jb: same here! let's do it!]