[type what actions you want to take. more detail is better because it progresses the story.] You awaken in a room you don't recognize. You hear what sounds like traffic. Discussion. Honking horns. You're probably in a city? Your room is smallish. There's a made bed, a dresser with someone's belongings, two paintings on the walls, a window, a door. You look down to see you've been sleeping in a recliner. There's a glass of water on the end table beside you. > Drink water. You feel refreshed. > Open dresser. Inside you find a half-eaten butterscotch, a Gideon's Bible, a wallet, a passport, and an old Game Boy. > Play Game Boy. It is out of batteries. > Open Bible. The Bible falls open to the Book of Matthew, Chapter 7. It appears there was an envelope inserted between the pages. Scrawled on the envelope is "Matthew 7:1" > Open envelope You find a large stack of money. Counting it, you discover that there are $7000 in one hundred dollar bills. There is also a slip of paper with an address on it. > Google Map address You use your smartphone to determine the location of the address: 616 Stow Street, Concord Massachusetts, USA You discover it is 3470 miles away from your current location: Van Diemenstraat 20 1013 NH Amsterdam, Netherlands. You do not recall ever being in the Netherlands. > Examine passport Your passport looks familiar. Right! You're Bob Drummond from the UK. You have light and curly hair that you got from your mom's side of the family, which is well represented in this passport photo. You took the picture down the street from your flat earlier in the spring for your summer vacation. You had let your passport expire but you noticed with more than enough time to … Oh, right. You were going to take holiday in America. New York and Boston. So what in the world are you doing here? > Look out the window Yup. That looks like it's probably Amsterdam out there. It's daytime. > Examine paintings. You don't know much about art, but you know what you like And you don't like these. > Examine wallet It's black leather, worn. There are four ones and a five, American currency. Also your government issued ID, and two credit cards. And nothing else, which strikes you as odd. The wallet feels stretched, like it's used to carrying much more. > Take wallet, passport, envelope. Step outside room You're in a hallway. There is bland carpet here. There is a elevator to the south. > Walk to elevator You walk to the elevator and there are up and down buttons. The game is going to assume you hit the down button. After a brief wait, a delightful chime tells you the elevator has arrived. That and the fact that the door opens and there's an elevator in there. Well, not the whole elevator, but the room. The box. That thing you ride in. You get inside the box of elevation and see that the building has seven floors, and you're on the third. There a one with a star on it and a P1, presumably for parking. It's a safe assumption you want to go to the first floor. The elevator takes you to the first floor, where the door opens to a lobby. In the lobby you see three men wearing dark suits and sunglasses. As they spot you they shout. > Hit button for 7th floor The elevator opens up again and you jump in. You hit the "close door" button and it actually responds. You stand there for a very long second as the doors close barely in time. Thank goodness for long lobbies. You jab your finger on the seventh floor, and a few minutes later, ding, the doors are open and you're on the seventh floor. > Look hallway Looks the same as last time you were here. > Look for possible exits Oh, hey! There's a fire escape through a half open window. > Climb out fire escape Now you're out on a fire escape. It's windy and pretty high up. You can climb up or down. You see a potted plant here. Below you hear a police siren. > Examine potted plant It appears to be ... cannabis? You're not sure, but you think maybe it is. How odd. > Take fronds of plant. > Climb up You purposefully place the plant pieces in your pocket and climb up. You're on the roof now. There's almost nothing up here, just gravel and a whole lot of sky above you. You hear a noise from where you came. > Look down