> How can we make computing more hand-crafted and organic? I have some ideas. What are yours? - The question seems to assume this is a desirable thing. It might be. In that case I think surprisebox is onto something. Maybe we should occasionally replace algorithms with human care. > Doing anything this weekend? - It is my friend's birthday and she is having a "make your own pizza" party, followed by board games. After that, I am seeing the San Francisco Symphony play the soundtrack to The Matrix live while they project the movie. Will be very curious to see how they interpret hits by Propellerheads, Rammstein, and Rage Against the Machine. - I'm going to be looking for a place to live in San Francisco. I'm not excited about it because I have heard apartment hunting here is like job hunting mixed with dating. > How does one "like" something? Is it innate or a matter of choice? Feel free to interchange "like" with love, enjoy, appreciate, or any other term of positive regard. - I think "liking" or "loving" something is not a choice. You like what you like and there may not be any more rationale to it than that. "Appreciating" something is definitely a choice. I can appreciate many great works of art that I don't like. I can appreciate a very well-executed concept that simply is "not for me." - "Like" happens when an object gives birth to something good in you. It can be an aesthetic pleasure (looking at a painting), a feeling of success and competence (working with a tool), etc. etc. I agree that you can't choose that; but some things might require some effort to like them. - I definitely find myself needing to make an effort to allow myself to like something that I felt like I shouldn't like. Other times I am surprised to find that I like a thing I didn't expect to, and it makes me happy that I am not as predictable as I thought. - I believe it is a matter of choice and effort, such that liking something or not is a function of these items. Additionally, one's current disposition at time of initial exposure effects an immediate positive or negative propensity regarding the experience. > Shouldn't new questions go on top so it's easier to see what's new? - Yes. Yes, they should. > Is fashion important? - Fashion is ephemeral, style is forever. > Doing anything notable before the end of summer? - Taking a skydiving class! > What was the last movie you saw? - Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, yesterday. 1 word review: "Formulaic". - Pacific Rim: it was awesome and left me wanting more. Definitely check it out if you are a fan of Toho and/or anime. If not, you probably won't enjoy it as much. - Oblivion: Endless Tom Cruise cameos and Morgan Freeman's worst performance ever. Stay away. Go see Moonrise Kingdom (again). > Speaking of which, let's refresh the Q & A file. Ya dig? - Why not, right? > Why doesn't anyone actually delete the "to delete soon?" folder? - Looks like someone just did.