Sometimes it's nice being around someone who drives the conversation. Other times you wish they'd stop talking so you could get a word in. // usually the latter happens when you feel that the talk is making a wrong turn, becoming essentially useless. One wrong statement can ruin a good thought. // I find it interesting to observe which role I play, depending on the individual. I don't typically like to drive a conversation, but some people bring that out in me. I have more fun pushing the driver in specific directions to see what curious responses they might have, especially when they diverge dramatically from an assumed response. // I often end up as that person. The plus side is I can throw out an intense discussion about basically anything at any time. But I also think I talk way too much. When I try to apologize, or let my friend talk more, I get a lot of "it's ok, you're interesting." A) Not always. B) I'm happiest listening, but it's hard to tell.