Annotated checklist of things by or about
James P. Ascher

James P. Ascher

Dec. 12, 2015

Like any bibliographical project, this is necessarily selective based on the material available—in this case—on the web. If you want a CV, it’s below.


“James P. Ascher · Scholars’ Lab,” Scholars’ Lab, University of Virginia, last modified 2015.

Praxis Fellow for 2015-16, studying representations of time within digital humanities with a particular focus on literate programming, language, and the forms of documents.

“Presidential Fellows in Data Science, 2015-2016 |,” Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Virginia, last modified 2015.

Media studies and bibliographical type approaches to the the way people make arguments using data; collaborative and interdisciplinary.

“Department of English,” University of Virginia, last modified 2013.

Studying English at the University of Virginia, bibliography, digital humanities, 18th century, British, and American.

“James P. Ascher | University of Virginia -,” last modified 2015.

Traditional academic CV and select publications, mostly related to rare book librarianship, and his work as Assistant Professor of Libraries and English at CU Boulder.

Bibliography/Media Studies

Ascher, James P. “The Wordes Moote be Cosyn to the Dede: Diplomatic Transcription and Shifting Senses of Exactness Toward the Ecosystem of Digital Reproduction,” Appositions: Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature & Culture 8 (2011)

Some ways in which the expectations for an “exact” transcription of a document have changed over time, focusing on the oft-reprinted work of Chaucer.

“ScriptaLab Talks,” University of Colorado Boulder, Director, 2010-14.

ScriptaLab aimed to find the intersection of traditional book-oriented bibliographical studies and media studies; it included a lecture series, advanced faculty seminar, and publication series. The videos remain on YouTube, perhaps forever?

“The 54th Annual Preconference of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section,” Minneapolis, Conference Chair, 2013.

Focused on issues in managing performance arts collections as well as how the work of libraries is intrinsically a performance; also explored LGBT issues and gender in archives and special collections.

Literate Computation

“private-diary,” MELPA package for Emacs, updated 2015.

A simple proof-of-concept using strong encryption to create a private diary where you can keep your gossipy gossip and salacious life in the world’s best editor.

“Annotated checklist of Things by or About,” GitHub page, update 2016.

You’re looking at it, but it’s base on an org-mode file compiled with pandoc and styled with bare CSS. All hand-coded, all the time.

Public Ethics

Ascher, James P. “How To Not be Creepy,” nomorepotlucks 27: crush (2013)

Thoughts about how the 18th century teaches us that creeping is eternal and that it’s always creepy to stare.


“Twitter: @jpsa”