1. jack is running, pulseaudio is bridged to jack
  2. connect bluetooth speaker to your system, make sure pulseaudio is able to see it (in pavucontrol) you need to have something like
  3. Hrog1UF.png

  4. start up carla. go to settings, engine and set driver to pulseaudio, engine mode as patchbay. stop and start the carla engine and connect input to output you can take the chance and apply any FX that you want to go purely to the bluetooth speakers here. you will have something like
  5. A7eg5cv.png

  6. in pavucontrol, make sure carla outputs to the BT speaker. like this
  7. JdZxZlG.png

  8. start up any jack application, when connected to pulseaudio source, it will output to the BT speakers. like this
