[ evia, drone, security ] Posted on August 23, 2023

1 Intro

goals: auto landing, auto charging, auto takeoff, fixed wing VTOL, for a security system object tracking, zoom camera

2 Frame Summary Table

(defun collect-headline-data ()
  "Collect data of each headline in the buffer into an alist."
  (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'headline
    (lambda (headline)
      (let ((title (org-element-property :raw-value headline))
            (level (org-element-property :level headline))
            (properties (get-properties headline)))
        (cons (cons 'title title) properties)))))

(defun get-properties (headline)
  "Get the properties of an Org mode headline element."
  (let ((property-drawer (org-element-map headline 'property-drawer 'identity nil t)))
    (when property-drawer
      (let ((node-properties (org-element-map property-drawer 'node-property 'identity))
            (properties '()))
        (dolist (np node-properties)
          (push (cons (org-element-property :key np) (org-element-property :value np)) properties))

(defun collect-all-property-keys ()
  "Collect all unique property keys in the buffer."
  (let ((all-keys '()))
    (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'headline
      (lambda (headline)
        (let ((properties (get-properties headline)))
          (dolist (prop properties)
            (let ((key (car prop)))
              (unless (member key all-keys)
                (push key all-keys)))))))


(defun generate-org-table ()
  "Generate a table from Org headlines and properties."
  (let* ((all-keys (collect-all-property-keys))
         (column-names (cons "title" all-keys))
         (headline-data (collect-headline-data))
         (table (list column-names)))
    (dolist (headline headline-data)
      (let ((row (list (cdr (assoc 'title headline)))))
        (dolist (key all-keys)
          (let ((value (cdr (assoc key headline))))
            (push (or value "") row)))
        (push (nreverse row) table)))
    (nreverse table)))

(defun find-heading (heading)
  "Move point to the specified HEADING."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (re-search-forward (format org-complex-heading-regexp-format (regexp-quote heading)))

(defun parse-named-subtree (subtree-title)
  "Parse the named subtree in the Org buffer."
  (interactive "Subtree title: ")
    (find-heading subtree-title)
    (let ((table (generate-org-table)))

(parse-named-subtree "Frames")
title windresist price takeoffWeight cruisingSpeed wingspan payload endurance batterywh
Nimbus VTOL 40 2830 6 70 1800 0.8 1.3
Saber-210 8000 13 72 2150 1 3 1536
Baby Shark 8529 13 80 2500 1 2
Baby Shark 260 PRO 8729 13 80 2500 1 3.3 1296
AYK-350 Heavy 45 11569 35 80 3500 7kg 2.5

3 Frames

3.1 TODO check

baby shark folding https://www.foxtechfpv.com/foxtech-baby-shark-260-vtol-folding-version.html looong (cheap looks good, payload near others, what’s the diff?) https://www.foxtechfpv.com/foxtech-loong-2160-vtol.html

3.2 TODO loong

3.3 DONE check saber 220

https://www.foxtechfpv.com/saber-220-vtol-delta-wing-drone.html it has 400g payload capacity but same dimensions

3.4 Baby Shark 260 PRO

2x Diamond 6s 30Ah


3.5 Nimbus VTOL


3.6 Saber-210

1x 12S 32000mAh Diamond HV Semi-Solid-State Li-ion Battery


3.7 AYK-350 Heavy


3.8 Baby Shark

2xDiamond 6S 22000mAh Battery+2x6S 5000mAh Lipo Battery


4 Comms

4.1 caddx vista, 3-4km video/comms by dji


5 Cameras

about 1000 eur for long range zoom gimbal it seems (check weights?) https://www.foxtechfpv.com/industrial-drone/camera-for-drones.html?___SID=U&dir=asc&order=price

5.1 SYK-10L 4K Laser Night Vision Gimbal Camera

10x optical 4x digital 739$

5.2 SYK-10L AI

1000 EUR

10X Optical Zoom 3X digital zoom Laser Night Vision AI Object Detection & Tracking

https://www.foxtechfpv.com/foxtech-syk-10l-ai-laser-night-vision-gimbal-camera.html 429g

5.3 EH314 MINI

14x zoom 1500$ 275g https://www.foxtechfpv.com/fh314-4k-3-5x-optical-zoom-camera-with-3-axis-gimbal.html

5.4 Others

839 $ https://www.foxtechfpv.com/foxtech-seeker-18-18x-optical-zoom-camera-gimbal.html

1359 $ https://www.foxtechfpv.com/seeker-30-max-30x-zoom-camera-3-axis-gimbal.html

6 Autopilot


pixhawk something for out of the box semi smart autopilot

run with companion computer for actual smart stuff, make sure that in case of companion comp we still sort of run autonomously and are able to land

7 Sensors

7.1 RTK GPS here3 or here4

just need the drone element, not the groundstation, price for v3 is around 200 and price for v4 is 250 but it didn’t come out yet




7.2 Precision Landing Options


7.2.1 IRlock


7.2.2 Camera based loiter (can we do also auto landing with it?)

seems way better for sure needs a light?
