A Streetcar Named Misfire

Posted on 2016-02-25

The DC Streetcar project has been an ongoing boondoggle for a long time, but it may finally be coming to something close to an end. The system will open for business on February 27, or at least something close to "for business." In what appears to be a rush to get the streetcar running before some arbitrary date, a few unfortunate choices have been made.

As I said in the opening, this looks like a decision to just launch some kind of service with what's ready now in order to meet some self-decided deadline or keep some promise to someone, not a ready-for-prime-time opening. How hard would it have been to keep at least some Sunday service? Or to get a few of the handheld SmarTrip readers that MTA light rail ticket inspectors carry?

I suppose after the perpetual "Charlie Brown and the football" situation that has dogged the streetcar for years, this is still some kind of progress, but it still feels like Lucy yanked the ball away again. This is no way to run a customer-friendly, sustainable business.

Next: The Breaking Point | Previous: Gratitude
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