Posted on 2021-04-24
As you probably know if you read here regularly, I do The Freshmaker Show on tilderadio. I'm excited to announce that I'll soon be doing a second show on aNONradio, this one airing at 0000 UTC on Fridays (Thursday evenings North American time.) The shows will have different music; one won't be a rerun of the other. Just like I hang out on during my shows and banter with my listeners, I plan to do the same on SDF's com
Thanks to the folks at SDF for hooking me up with a slot. I look forward to being able to share even more of my musical mind with you.
(As an odd counterpoint to this, there will be no tilderadio live show this coming week due to a schedule conflict, so the next live show will be the first anonradio show.)
Next: A Phone Experiment
Previous: FSF/RMS/WTF
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