A Letter from the Editor
Well, another year has passed. Where does the time go? Forward, usually. We must enjoy the good times as it marches on and not dwell on the unfortunate events of the year. To put it bluntly, DON'T WHINE LIKE A LITTLE WHINY BUTT JUST CAUSE BAD ISH HAPPENED TO YOU! As you may remember reading in Volume 2 Issue 1 (Martinez Page 1 "It was Fun While it Lasted"), I lost my job at Austin Radio Network. I got my hopes up for advancement within the station, but as it turned out, I was just an independent contractor instead of an employee. But as I mentioned, I'm not going to worry about it. I am on to bigger and better things.
This year, a new kitty joined our family: Kirby. You will be seeing new pictures of Kirby Kitty being a toot since the last issue. We've run into problems with the new kitty's behavior, but altogether, he is making things interesting around the house. The only one who is objecting to his presence is Princess Kinzie. There have been many stand-offs between the kitties leading to fighting, kitties being separated, one going to the garage, and princesses growling at the humans who feed her. I can tell you, there's never a dull moment with cats.
-Matthew "Matty Matt" Martinez
Times, They are A-Changin'
Changes are a-comin' to Matty's Rockin' Website! There will be a new URL (Website Address) that will get you connected to my little part of the net. The new address will be published starting with the next volume of the newsletter. Email subscribers will be notified of the change in January (if I remember) but you can
E-mail me and request the new address anytime. A special word of thanks to the nice people at Neocities for hosting the Rockin' Website, and to the Tildeverse for allowing me to post this up on their server. I am forever grateful. It has been an invaluable learning tool and a way to establish my REAL online presence. Remember kids, the
internet was around before social media and social networking, and with your help in independent projects like this, it will be here AFTER social media and social networking. Here's to a happy and prosperous 2024.
Kitty Corner
Dear Hooman,
I don't think I like the new kitty. He keeps running at me and tries to get teh hooman's attention. When it time for din din, he get to go into the "Utility Room" where the food is. I eat first, but I don't know if they feeding HIM first! It frustrating to see my hoomans give teh new kitty moar attention than me! I iz teh pincess after all! I demand their utmost attention! I didn't authorize an annoying kitty! And then, when I growl and hiss at teh kitty, teh hoomanz toss me outside! I don't want an annoying kitty! I iz teh pincess!
-Princess Kinzie
"Somewhere Out There"
Published By:
Candy Bar Cheese Press
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Text of Somewhere Out There Belongs to Matthew Martinez