It's been about one year since I started a bullet journal in an effort to keep on top of all-the-things.

I did fairly well for a couple of months, then hit a point where I found myself migrating the same unfinished tasks too many weeks in a row and spiraled into futility mode for a while.

When I came out of it, I re-discovered Org Mode for the umpteenth time, and this time I discovered habit mode, which is absolutely brilliant for all of the trivial "change the HEPA filter on the vacuum cleaner in n months" crap that has a tendency to slip days, weeks, months, even years past due. Org Mode doesn't provide any magic to make the "hey this thing still hasn't been done" problem go away, but it does let you punt things that can wait into the future for a while.

It's mildly upsetting to realize I've already been at this a year. On the one hand I don't feel anywhere near being on top of all-the-things... on the other, little things definitely pile up less than they used to, so I'll call that a win.