This is a place where I can link you to other online creators whose content I enjoy.
A folk singer who puts out a great album every year.
A musician/artist who makes surreal music and surreal music videos.
A musical comedian and a great film-maker.
A video game documentary creator who makes some of the most high-quality content on the internet.
A video essayist with best writing skills I've every come across.
A video creator specialising in gaming and technology.
A creator of funny gaming videos.
An internet journalist with many specific obsessions to share.
A compiler of video game easter eggs and out-of-bounds oddities.
A team of talented mini documentary creators.
An often glamorous philosophical video creator.
A video essayist who has introduced me to some of my favorite games recently.
A creator of highly thematic philosophy videos.
A talented musician and video essayist.
A creator of mostly linguistics or video game videos and the person who introduced me to toki pona.
A producer of very well presented documentaries.
A developer putting out thought-provoking games and experiences.
A video creator who engagingly presents examples of evolution simulations.
An teller of often-comedic illustrated stories with a distinct style and sense of humor.
An developer with some very interesting game prototypes.
An creator of charming and well-researched educational videos.