|   simple is good    |
|  simpler is better  |
|  simplest is best   |
|                     |
|     I'm talking     |
|      of course      |
|     about mind      |
|                     |
|       fill it       |
|     and suffer      |
|                     |
|      still it       |
|      and know       |
|      I AM GOD       |
|                     |
| "abide in awareness |
|  with no illusion   |
|      of person      |
|     you will be     |
|   instantly free    |
|    and at peace"    |

|    so much noise    |
|     aka thought     |
|                     |
|   about a person    |
|                     |
|   about a person    |
| experiencing person |
|   and not person    |
|                     |
|     about an in     |
|     and an out      |
|                     |
|     all thought     |
|      aboutness      |
|   re-presentation   |
|  re-peated faster   |
|  than the speed of  |
|   the thought of    |
|       person        |
|                     |
| seemingly making it |
|   seemingly re-al   |
|                     |
|  let go the noise   |
|   remain and rest   |
|    in awareness     |
|    of awareness     |

|      all this       |
|       seeming       |
|        to be        |
|      real(ity)?     |
|                     |
|        mind         |
|        only         |
|                     |
|      including      |
|     being a me      |
|       to type       |
|        this         |
|                     |
|        mind         |
|        only         |
|                     |
|      concepts       |
|       notions       |
|  re-presentations   |
|                     |
|       believe       |
|      and it's       |
|     *seemingly*     |
|         so          |
|                     |
|     all mental      |
|     is illness      |
|                     |
|    for wellness     |
| cannot be contained |
|   aka imprisoned    |
|      in merely      |
|      a person       |
|                     |
|    cordoned off     |
|      separate       |
|        alone        |
|                     |
|     that ain't      |
|   no way to treat   |
|     a wellness      |

|          being          |
|        just you         |
|        is be-ing        |
|      so much less       |
|    than what we are     |
|                         |
|       soar above        |
|       and beyond        |
|      the mind view      |
|     of the seeming      |
|        situation        |
|                         |
|    above and beyond     |
|   the re-presentation   |
|       of the root       |
| of seeming presentation |
|                         |
|     in other words      |
|    beneath the noise    |
|    of conceptuality     |
|        aka mind         |

|      the writing of this      |
|          seems to be          |
|     that of an individual     |
|   intentionally writing out   |
|           thoughts            |
|     intentionally editing     |
| intentionally submitting them |
|        for peer review        |
|      and inconsideration      |
|                               |
|         when, in fact         |
|        the individual         |
|           is itself           |
|          written out          |
|         complete with         |
|   attributes and/or skills    |
|        like intention,        |
|             mind,             |
|           editing,            |
|        post submission        |
|                               |
|      written out so well      |
|     that the ensuing NPC      |
|   honestly considers itself   |
|        real and, thus         |
|          the doer of          |
|           all that            |
|                               |
|           ditto on            |
|          the reader           |

|     all mental is illness     |
|                               |
|    that illness is egoism     |
|     which is the thought      |
|    of being an individual     |
|  to whom more thoughts occur  |
|   all taken to be a reality   |
| ex-(i.e. outwardly)-perienced |
|    by the individual which    |
|             again             |
|      is merely a thought      |
|                               |
|        look at looking        |
|                               |
|           let go of           |
|        the thought of         |
|        the you that is        |
|       thought (haha) to       |
|      hold onto the rest       |
|                               |
|       the best thought        |
|          is the last          |

| thinking feels normal |
|   when perpetually    |
|     in its midst      |
|     in its grips      |
|                       |
|    but burdensome     |
|    yea exhausting     |
|    when resting in    |
|       awareness       |
|                       |
|       let it go       |
|      let you go       |
|         rest          |

|       the instant        |
|               |
|      pretends to be      |
|           "I"            |
|      misery follows      |
|     and accelerates      |
|        until "I"         |
| wishes it had never been |
|       *conceived*        |
|     i.e. thought up      |
|      and considered      |
|     to be more than      |
|      just a thought      |

| the world is one big eternal september |
| the majority much dumber than the rest |
|      making it impossible to rest      |
|        for anxious anticipation        |
|        of the next affirmation         |
|            of murphy's law             |
|            if not outright             |
|            self-interested             |
|             crime against              |
|                 others                 |

|  why are you going without?   |
|                               |
|        it's so simple         |
|       that only a *you*       |
|        couldn't see it        |
|                               |
|   breaking down the salient   |
|                               |
|              you              |
|              are              |
|             with              |
|              out              |
|                               |
|            get it?            |
|                               |
|   *you* are re-presentation   |
|   (aka again-presentation)    |
|            of *in*            |
|                               |
|      if you want to stop      |
|         going without         |
|                               |
|              get              |
|             with              |
|             *in*              |
|                               |
|          get within           |
|                               |
|                               |
|      back to where *you*      |
|             once              |
|              be               |
|            longed             |
|                               |
|          instead of           |
|            shorted            |
|                               |
|          aka without          |
|                               |
|        it's all so duh        |
|                               |
|              get              |
|             back              |
|             with              |
|              in               |
|                               |
|        to no longer be        |
|         (merely) you          |
|             with              |
|              out              |

|       it starts out exciting       |
|             ex citing              |
|    (i.e. outwardly citing mind)    |
|     (i.e. taking mindstuff as      |
|      some objective reality)       |
|                                    |
|       'til the devil arrives       |
|            details clad            |
|                                    |
|      you didn't really think       |
|  you could be an individual self   |
|   without some law-toting murphy   |
|                                    |
|            coming along            |
| to entropy and ennui your ass back |
|               homie                |

|      there's no problem      |
| with the seemingly happening |
| unless taking it to be other |
|      (especially more)       |
|  than *seemingly* happening  |
|                              |
| that goes first and foremost |
|       for the sense of       |
|     personal/individual      |
|             "I"              |
|                              |
|      making it personal      |
|  *is* taking it to be other  |
|      (especially more)       |
|  than *seemingly* happening  |
|                              |
|      making it personal      |
|    is taking it happening    |
|                              |
|         it's simple          |
|       until forgetting       |
|         or ignoring          |
|     the *seemingly* part     |

|           so interesting           |
|         the discrimination         |
|                                    |
|       no, not that bullshit        |
|        social kind murmured        |
|       by the self-righteous        |
|        when finding others         |
|         to be lesser than          |
|             themselves             |
|                                    |
|       rather, the kind where       |
|       even the shallowest of       |
|        conceptuality dives         |
|      folders/directories down      |
|                                    |
|       it's not just a wagon        |
|         it's a *red* wagon         |
|    and the red isn't merely red    |
|         but a *rusty* red          |
|  and the rusty isn't merely rusty  |
|   but an afternoon sunlight lit    |
|                red                 |
|                                    |
|             and so on              |
|            ad infinitum            |
|                                    |
|  even quarks aren't sufficiently   |
|              depthed               |
|                                    |
|     shouldn't the endlessness      |
|          of that descent           |
| be clue - if not evidence - enough |
|     that mind is paramount to      |
|         hopeless yearning          |
|        the impossibility of        |
|            satisfaction            |
|                                    |
|         rest in witnessing         |
|     without taking personally      |
|      without taking seriously      |
|      without identifying with      |
|      said impossible dreaming      |

|          in mind          |
|       there is a me       |
|      and a bunch of       |
|          not me           |
|                           |
|    plus motivation for    |
|          the me           |
|   to come to experience   |
|       and/or "know"       |
|        the not me         |
|                           |
|  it also seems important  |
|    to make aspects of     |
|          not me           |
| that also call themselves |
|            me             |
|     to "know" what I      |
|        aka this me        |
|      has experienced      |
|        and "knows"        |
|                           |
|     that's what this      |
|        yadda yadda        |
|            is             |
|                           |
|       pretty silly        |
|                           |
|   but it seems to take    |
|         suspicion         |
|     that maybe ego be     |
|          a crock          |
|     to come to see it     |

| how could discussion |
| mediated by symbols  |
|  whose meanings are  |
|  privately supplied  |
|    and contexted     |
| by each participant  |
|   possibly lead to   |
|      other than      |
|   misunderstanding   |
|       argument       |
|      confusion       |
|     or even war      |
|                      |
|  the words are mine  |
|  the meaning is you  |
|                      |
|     all mental -     |
| that is, conceptual  |
|    as though real    |
|     - is illness     |

|    a new day    |
| or such is what |
|   it's called   |
|                 |
|   a new post    |
| or such is what |
|   it's called   |
|                 |
|    all this     |
|  exactly what   |
|    I call it    |
|                 |
|  including the  |
|        I        |
|      part       |
| and the calling |
|       it        |
|   calling it    |
|                 |
|   this magick   |
|   sleight of    |
|      mind       |

|            the internet seemed            |
|             like a good idea              |
|             before realizing              |
|             that the symbols              |
|               we call words               |
|         live in private contexts          |
|           therein infused with            |
|             private meanings              |
|              egotic meanings              |
|                                           |
|       as seemingly extreme examples       |
|     take the words 'this' and 'that'      |
|      utterly meaningless apart from       |
|       a private space/time context        |
|           of an alleged person            |
|             slash individual              |
|                slash self                 |
|                                           |
|         egos pretend other words          |
| aren't similarly consensually meaningless |
|       because to not thusly pretend       |
|              can initiate a               |
| self/person/individual destruct sequence  |
|      by shining above-average light       |
|      on its conceptual imprisonment       |
|                                           |
|         so "you" think "you" know         |
|               what "I" mean               |
|          by what you're reading           |
|      but all you could possibly know      |
|            is what it means to            |
|                   "you"                   |
|                                           |
|                 la di da                  |
|                   la la                   |

|                temptation                |
|        is merely mental momentum         |
|        to remain identified with         |
| a mental construct/model/re-presentation |
|          called I/me/          |
|      in utter conceptual isolation       |
|        and bodily isolation, too         |
|   due to body being purely conceptual    |
|   i.e. part the I/me/ story    |
|       but believed to be more than       |
|            purely conceptual             |
|                                          |
|     of *course* that scenario wants      |
|              that is, lacks              |
|   it's defined to be ongoing want/lack   |
|          such that every effort          |
|  to address/fill/satisfy said want/lack  |
|            only increases it             |
|  by re-inforcing it's seeming re-ality   |
|   (via re-petition of re-presentation)   |
|           especially by way of           |
|      considering such effort to be       |
|      that of said I/me/'s      |
|                  "will"                  |
|                                          |
|    (see how the I/me/ must     |
|             seemingly exist              |
|       so long as its "will" does?)       |
|                                          |
|                let it go                 |
|                or suffer                 |
|                    it                    |

|     I want to believe in others      |
|             I really do              |
|                                      |
|        yet expire-ience shows        |
|      available others increase       |
|          proportionally to           |
|              ignorance               |
|        of the true nature of         |
|  individuality/selfhood/personhood   |
|    being merely self-referential     |
|            conceptuality             |
|         i.e. re-presentation         |
|                                      |
|          because of misery           |
| of individuality/selfhood/personhood |
|            loving company            |
|                                      |
|           and this jig of            |
|  individuality/selfhood/personhood   |
|           feels nearly up            |
|         by simply looking at         |
|        and being honest about        |
|                  it                  |

|         in this dream         |
|      am I an individual       |
|           a person            |
|            a self             |
|       communicating to        |
|       other individuals       |
|            persons            |
|            selves             |
|                               |
|       but don't forget        |
|   the all important dollop    |
| of insisting said arrangement |
|     is not merely a dream     |
|           but real            |
|                               |
|     oh, the sweetness of      |
|           the icing           |
|        en route to the        |
|        inevitable rot         |
|       of cake and tooth       |
|             alike             |
|                               |
|       'til death due us       |

|   the instant    |
|  the notion of   |
| individual self  |
| is faith'd into  |
| seeming reality  |
|  all manner of   |
|    derivative    |
| conceptual shit  |
| seemingly ensues |

|          words          |
|      other symbols      |
| and thoughts about them |
|      merely get in      |
|         the way         |

|       mania        |
|     is merely      |
|     repetition     |
|     of thought     |
|                    |
|     so is what     |
|    seems to be     |
|     one's self     |
|                    |
|     which "is"     |
|     a thought      |
|      repeated      |
|    faster than     |
|   thoughts about   |
|    what is seen    |
|     by the eye     |
|                    |
|   in other words   |
|                    |
|       the I        |
|  is quicker than   |
|      the eye       |
|                    |
| and necessarily so |
|   for otherwise    |
|   there's be no    |
|    to whom for     |
|     the images     |

|  the only solution   |
|  is the absence of   |
|    the thought of    |
|         you          |
|                      |
| which is easier than |
|        a you         |
|    could imagine     |
|                      |
|  because that "you"  |
|       thangie        |
| is the wall/barrier  |
|                      |
|    and thoughts,     |
|     the shadows      |
|      seemingly       |
|      thereupon       |

|     so much talk      |
|     so many words     |
|    not to mention     |
|  the longing beneath  |
|                       |
| that longing consists |
|  of the vain attempt  |
|   to pretend to be    |
|     so much less      |
|                       |
|        namely         |
|          me           |
|                       |
|     the phantasm      |
|       must long       |
|     by definition     |
|                       |
| that definition being |
|         "I'm"         |
| (i.e. the idea of me) |
|      apart from       |
|    I AM THAT I AM     |
|                       |
|  the idea of oneself  |
| is one of resistance  |
|    to simply being    |
|      unqualified      |
|                       |
|        sinning        |
|    in other words     |
|                       |
|  but don't take that  |
|      religiously      |
|      but, rather      |
|   willful isolation   |
|      followed by      |
|     a whole lotta     |
|     what the fuck     |
|     in pretending     |
|      not to know      |
|     that the idea     |
|      of oneself       |
|        demands        |
|     said scenario     |
|                       |
|     by definition     |

|     seeing this screen     |
|   teases out the thought   |
|      of being a self       |
|       an individual        |
|    opposite the screen     |
|                            |
|         seeing it          |
|         knowing it         |
|      as though apart       |
|       from said self       |
|      said individual       |
|                            |
|           bzzzt!           |
|                            |
|       oh duality boy       |
|       the old arcana       |
|          calling           |
|                            |
|          thought           |
|         reflection         |
|          modeling          |
|       conceptuality        |
|       representation       |
|                            |
|       positing mind        |
|      to contain stuff      |
|        blessed with        |
|     a sense of reality     |
|        by ignorance        |
|                            |
|          that is           |
|        by ignoring         |
|       the ineffable        |
|     behind the within      |
|      putting on this       |
|        shadow show         |
|        for a shadow        |
|       discriminated        |
|        to be itself        |
|                            |
|      for the love of       |
|        hand-waving         |
|                            |
|             of             |
|        mind-waving         |
|                            |
|        of waves of         |
|                            |
|          thought           |
|         reflection         |
|          modeling          |
|       conceptuality        |
|       representation       |
|                            |
|     the final hilarity     |
|    being how attempting    |
|         to know it         |
|        that is, to         |
|    confine it to words     |
|          at best           |
|      covers/hides it       |
|                            |
|           oh my            |
|                            |
|          best to           |
|  abide/rest in awareness   |
| with no illusion of person |
|         and, thus          |
|       no illusion of       |
|     the seemingly all      |
|         not person         |

|         one's self         |
|         is merely          |
|         a thought          |
|    toting sub-thoughts     |
|          repeated          |
|    sufficiently quickly    |
|    to seemingly emerge     |
|      from       |
|         as though          |
|          a thing           |
|                            |
|     not too different      |
|     from the animation     |
|   that seemingly emerges   |
|  from a stack of similar   |
|     but not identical      |
|     stills showing in      |
|      rapid succession      |
|                            |
|            yes             |
|          you are           |
|         a cartoon          |
|         character          |
|                            |
|         no wonder          |
|      the fascination       |
|        with stories        |
|          fiction           |
|   with any seeming thing   |
| and/or every seeming thing |
|   but wisdom dismantling   |
|    the loon bird called    |
|                 |

|       seeking       |
|     rides atop      |
|      a belief       |
| in a separate self  |
|    an individual    |
|     the seeker      |
|                     |
|     that belief     |
|      is itself      |
|  the only problem   |
|  that seems to be   |
|                     |
|    that problem     |
|  is seemingly over  |
|    when there's     |
|     no one left     |
| to have the problem |
|    that they are    |
|                     |
|      and poof       |
|     it was gone     |

| it's all been |
|    a dream    |
|     of be     |
|      ing      |

|     the assumption     |
| of being a free-willed |
| individual/person/self |
|  invariably drags in   |
|    support notions     |
|  ultimately devolving  |
| the experience thereof |
|      to suffering      |
|                        |
|   avoiding that end    |
|   requires avoiding    |
|     its beginning      |
|      not salving       |
|      whack-a-mole      |
|  devolution eruptions  |

|     "the strange freedom"     |
|   of writing in the context   |
|      of the expectation       |
|        that nobody is         |
|            reading            |
|                               |
|            yum yum            |
|             yummy             |
|            yum yum            |
|                               |
|           it works            |
|   because it's less selves    |
|      less individuality       |
| less pain-enticing assumption |
|    about what seems to be     |
|           happening           |
|                               |
|     the modeling matters      |
|         get it right          |
|           or suffer           |

|     writing this     |
| neither is nor isn't |
|      a complete      |
|    waste of time     |
|                      |
|       but that       |
| neither is nor isn't |
|   okay, given time   |
| neither is nor isn't |
|     an illusion      |
|                      |
|     as is/isn't      |
| the sense of be-ing  |
|    an individual     |
| thinking and writing |
|         this         |
|                      |
|       see also       |
|   faith in-filled    |
|   re-presentation    |
|      seeming to      |
|          be          |

|        how could        |
|       the problem       |
|        recognize        |
|        let alone        |
|          elect          |
|      the solution?      |
|                         |
|          hence          |
|       the problem       |
|  doing no better than   |
|      arguing with       |
| other instantiations of |
|       the problem       |
|                         |
|  while fully convinced  |
|       of knowing        |
|      the solution       |
|                         |
|        who needs        |
|   manufactured comedy   |
|        when such        |
|     mirror hilarity     |
|        abounds?         |

|   I'm behind the within, but not the   |
|   conceived "I" seemingly projected    |
| therefrom into thought space aka mind: |
|   not the re-presentation of behind    |
|              the within.               |
|                                        |
|   It's always the same: ineffability   |
|    glossed over by a single concept    |
| considered more than Mind Only, which  |
|  concept quickly becomes conceptually  |
|        fruitful and multiplies.        |
|                                        |
| Thoughts about. Aboutness. Againness.  |
|       Repetition. Practice makes       |
|  perfect. Practice of attention makes  |
|  real. Faith is practicing attention   |
|    to a desired reality. Desire is     |
|   want - i.e. lack - for an alleged    |
|        self/person/individual.         |

|     look at looking      |
|    aware of awareness    |
|                          |
|    those still imply     |
|     someone to look      |
|       to be aware        |
|                          |
|     being thoroughly     |
|    looking/awareness     |
|    unobservationally     |
| is the - excuse "me" - a |
|          ticket          |
|                          |
|   for then, no implied   |
|  self/person/individual  |
|          apart           |
|           from           |
|                          |
|     you know you're      |
|      onto something      |
|         when the         |
|  self/person/individual  |
|   absorbed/identified    |
|       don't get it       |

|     the world appears      |
|         as it does         |
|         by way of          |
|          thoughts          |
|   taken to be more than    |
|          thoughts          |
|                            |
|        that's right        |
|    'tis re-presentation    |
|    and re-presentation     |
|           alone            |
|                            |
| ignoring their true nature |
|          is, well          |
|         ignorance          |
|                            |
|        prattling on        |
|    about the diversity     |
|    and magnificence of     |
|           it all           |
|       makes for good       |
|      procrastination       |
|                            |
|        from simply         |
|    letting all that go     |
|      in exchange for       |
|           peace            |
|            aka             |
|          absence           |
|          of mind           |
|            aka             |
|          thoughts          |
|   taken to be more than    |
|          thoughts          |

|    you don't get     |
|   to seemingly be    |
| the idea of yourself |
|      *and* know      |
|      the truth       |
|                      |
|     because said     |
|   idea of self is    |
|      the false       |
|                      |
|     clinging to      |
|      the false       |
|   is what obscures   |
|      the truth       |
|                      |
|     it's really      |
|     very simple      |
|     save to the      |
|     sock puppet      |
|    also known as     |
|     the idea of      |
|      your self       |
|                      |
|     indeed does      |
|   the formulation    |
|     "your self"      |
|    highlight the     |
|  ridiculousness of   |
|    the situation     |

|     bookmarks are dust that      |
|   like anything else you save    |
| don't start out seeming that way |
|                                  |
| but soon enough the weariness of |
|             dusting              |
|          sets in again           |
|                                  |
|    and it's suddenly obvious     |
|       until the next round       |
|          of ignore-ance          |

|      neither       |
|    good not bad    |
|      is/isn't      |
|   what is/isn't    |
|                    |
| see how the words  |
|     lead/beg?      |
|                    |
|       let go       |
| the long chain(s)  |
|  of word equality  |
|                    |
|   this is a that   |
|    all that rot    |
|     literally      |
|                    |
| stature unaffected |
| by what it's said  |
|       to be        |

|    "The very intention to    |
|  seek for a treasure within  |
| life inevitably obscures the |
| reality that life is already |
|        the treasure."        |

|  "There is no greater mystery than this, that   |
|    we keep seeking reality though in fact we    |
|  are reality. We think that there is something  |
| hiding reality and that this must be destroyed  |
| before reality is gained. How ridiculous! A day |
| will dawn when you will laugh at all your past  |
|  efforts. That which will be the day you laugh  |
|             is also here and now."              |
|                                                 |
|                ~ Ramana Maharshi                |

|        I AM        |
|                    |
| is more than need  |
|     yea should     |
|      be said       |
|                    |
|    it's (t)here    |
|   whether or not   |
|        said        |
|                    |
| just this aka that |
| without the saying |
|       of it        |
|                    |
|     for it is      |
|       no it        |
|                    |
|        haha        |

| I keep searching for I |
|  which is ridiculous   |
|  for already being I   |
|                        |
|      and yet doth      |
|   that little wiggle   |
|      of yearning       |
|  also known as doubt   |
|    wriggle its way     |
|       between I        |
|         and I          |
|                        |
|    nothing has ever    |
|     been so simple     |
|  as not complicating   |
|     the seeming it     |
|       that is no       |
|         thing          |

|               i-dentity:               |
|                                        |
|         the only/root problem          |
|       for being the only "thing"       |
|                                        |
|    (though clearly merely a notion     |
|       (hence the double quotes)        |
| when thoroughly honestly investigated) |
|                                        |
|            that could have             |
|        i.e. be the recipient of        |
|                problems                |
|                                        |
|      yet doth it cling to itself       |
|             cherish itself             |
|              pride itself              |
|                                        |
|               :exactly:                |

| The world is its observer reflected. |
|                                      |
|       What more need be said?        |

|          awareness           |
|                              |
|   language superimposition   |
|                              |
|    duality presupposings     |
|                              |
|      "good" and "evil"       |
| as fundamental presupposings |
|   as superimposition atoms   |
|                              |
|  let go the superimposition  |
|     including the one to     |
|            let go            |

|       mind only        |
|       all of it        |
|       including        |
|      <ineffable>       |
|    seemingly being     |
|           it           |
|                        |
|       don't fall       |
|       from grace       |
|     to separation      |
|    via i-magination    |
| and/or i-dentification |
|                        |
|        lay calm        |
|  abiding in awareness  |
|   beneath thrashing    |
|    surface waves of    |
|        thought         |
|                        |
|    aka i-magination    |
|  aka i-dentification   |

|      discrimination       |
|    concept subdivision    |
|     seemingly endless     |
|                           |
|       all mind only       |
|                           |
| creating whatever needed  |
|        to explain         |
| "creating whatever needed |
|        to explain"        |
|                           |
|       slap yourself       |
|       and wake the        |
|            mf             |
|            up             |

|       with out        |
|        that is        |
|     with the out      |
|   instead of the in   |
|                       |
|      be with in       |
|     not with out      |
|                       |
|      looking out      |
|     does all this     |
|        appear         |
|                       |
|   essence is light    |
| illuminating whatever |
|       it thinks       |
|     it lands upon     |
|                       |
|       so simple       |
|                       |
|         stay          |

|     how funny      |
|    how obvious     |
|        that        |
|      without       |
| is the opposite of |
|       within       |

|  thought and reflection  |
|   labels for mind only   |
|                          |
| attention upon attention |
|      where it's at       |
|                          |
|    what's there to do    |
|       for no doer?       |
|                          |
|           rest           |

|    saying it    |
|     at all      |
|    even just    |
|    one word     |
|    obscures     |
| <can't be said> |

|           suddenly           |
|     is it obvious again      |
|                              |
|    knowing is the problem    |
|    for requiring a knower    |
|   from which all the rest    |
| of the seeming conceptuality |
|     also known (haha) as     |
|                              |
|     the world as though      |
|    no mere conceptuality     |
|          but "real"          |
|                              |
|           follows            |

|        we're fundamentally quiet         |
|    down where no concept/word can go     |
|                                          |
|            abide/remain there            |
|                                          |
| don't just "know" the show to be a dream |
|         marvel in its dreaminess         |
|     and rest in how it cannot touch      |
|            the ineffable you             |
|    so long as you don't identify with    |
|        a person/self in the show         |
|                                          |
|        we're fundamentally quiet         |
|    down where no concept/word can go     |
|                                          |
|            abide/remain there            |
|                                          |
| don't just "know" the show to be a dream |
|         marvel in its dreaminess         |
|     and rest in how it cannot touch      |
|            the ineffable you             |
|      so long as you don't identify       |
|            with a person/self            |
|               in the show                |

|           mind is           |
|      representational       |
|       procrastination       |
|          from I am          |
|                             |
| mind is seeking <ineffable> |
|  in representation thereof  |
|    where of course "it"     |
|      couldn't possibly      |
|      be found for not       |
|          being an           |
|             it              |

|    of *course*    |
| cramming infinity |
|    into finity    |
|       hurts       |

| "Modeling/representation taken seriously, |
|  i.e. to *be* "reality", i.e. to be more  |
|   than merely modeling/representation",   |
|   necessarily paints over a proverbial    |
|      garden of  with       |
|        conceptual opposites hell.         |

|         temptation is always          |
|     in the direction of rebelling     |
|            against isness             |
|            in the form of             |
|         a free-willed person          |
|            opposite isness            |
|                                       |
|      clinging to that notion is       |
|         the essence of "sin"          |
|      aka separation from isness       |
|                                       |
| it's literally self (person) -imposed |
|        by feigning personhood         |
|             to begin with             |

| the assumption of a self |
|  separate from not-self  |
|      is the root of      |
|        all misery        |

|  be the cat the   |
|  schrodinger cat  |
|   neither, nor    |
|  pure potential   |
|   zero bondage    |
| you are, you know |
|   just not this   |
|   just not that   |
|     am, i am      |
|      is all       |

|   I can't tell you   |
| because I would have |
|      to be a me      |
|    to tell a you     |
|                      |
|    but I is ever     |
|        only I        |
|       not a me       |
|      not a you       |
|                      |
|      it's that       |
|        simple        |