My Linux journey

My Linux journey

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My first contact with Linux was around 2004. My father brought a Toshiba laptop home from work and allowed me to use it. The computer was set up to dual-boot into Windows 2000 and openSUSE.

2009 - 2016: From Ubuntu to Lubuntu

I started using Linux in 2009. I initially installed Ubuntu Linux only on my laptop. I used the desktop computer for gaming. Back then I used to play Fifa against my friends when they were visiting. When being alone, I spent my time playing GTA and Microsoft Flight Simulator. But over time gaming became less of a factor.

Advantages: Disadvantages:

After Canonical decided to replace the Gnome 2 desktop with the new Unity interface, I switched to Lubuntu. I did not hate the Unity desktop, but it was very slow and laggy on my machines (which weren't and aren't the most powerful ones). Therefore I decided on a more lightweight desktop environment: LXDE.

2016-2018: Manjaro and Arch

Lubuntu was my main operating system for about five years. However, I was a bit annoyed by essentially having to install a new version of the operating system every six month. So, I left the familiar *buntu territory and switched to a rolling release distribution - Manjaro - in late 2016. A while later, I installed Arch linux. The primary reason for installing Arch was that I did not like that Manjaro came with a lot of programs I never used.

November 2018: I started to tinker around with tiling window managers, in particular i3.

2019 - today: Enter the void

March 2019: Void Linux

June 2019: Switched to dwm

In May 2021 I stopped using a tiling window manager and switched to openbox.

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