Keep Grinding

Navigation: Life Is Funny -> Careless Eris

Panel 1 - Eris: Respect our gender identities!
Panel 2 - The next day...
Eris: Wow, I can't believe Sonic is trans now! (Boom Knuckles walks nearby.)
Panel 3 - Boom Knuckles: You're just as bad as the bigots you hate!
Panel 4 - (Eris is embarassed.) Boom Knuckles: ...and I thought I was a meathead!

Sonic Boom is owned by Sega.

Background Information

I am baffled by people still liking the scumbag known as Eris "UltimateDSfan" Ray. She treats nearly everyone she encounters like garbage; she blatantly infringes copyright; and she plays the victim card too often. Additionally, her financial irresponsibility prevents her from obtaining the professional help she needs. How long until she commits a hate crime or preys on someone younger than her?

Here's another thought: if Eris hates being referred to as male, why is her name sire spelled backwards?


  1. garbage treatment 1
  2. garbage treatment 2
  3. anti-cisgenderism 1
  4. anti-cisgenderism 2
  5. anti-cisgenderism 3
  6. anti-cisgenderism 4
  7. anti-cisgenderism 5
  8. anti-cisgenderism 6
  9. anti-cisgenderism 7 (partially archived in previous link, but just wanted to be sure)
  10. racism towards herself
  11. proof she is Caucasian in real life
  12. her being proud of her Caucasian avatar
  13. She has another channel basically dedicated to copyright infringement. Ironic, considering she hated when people cloned her videos
  14. her trying to justify copyright infringement with donations
  15. what makes the evidence above ironic
  16. victim card 1
  17. victim card 2
  18. victim card 3
  19. victim card 4
  20. victim card 5
  21. victim card 6
  22. victim card 7
  23. financial irresponsibility 1 part 1
  24. financial irresponsibility 1 part 2
  25. financial irresponsibility 2
  26. financial irresponsibility 3
  27. financial irresponsibility 4
  28. financial irresponsibility 5
  29. financial irresponsibility 6
  30. financial irresponsibility 7

Reflection from 2023/03/08

I still like this strip after half a year. I think the first half almost perfectly shows Eris's "They're okay when I do them!" mindset. Even Sonic Boom's Knuckles would know better, as the "Knuckles explains feminism" clip demonstrates.

Though the rant above summarizes Eris's issues, I thought a full document was needed to show how vile it really is. Therefore, I gathered over forty links, yet there were several that I missed. Specifically, they were it disturbing the peace, recklessly driving a car, trying to justify Guilty Gear's Bridget being transwashed, shipping Sonic with Shadow, shipping Stocking with Brief, showing lazy nail care, and having a dangerhaired toothless avatard constantly bobbing in its videos. The last one's editing looks worse than the videos I made when I was twelve, the same age when I was using Windows Movie Maker and iMovie to edit.

There are no excuses for this living turd. It's in its mid-twenties, and it had over a year to learn from its missteps, yet it didn't improve. One might suggest donating to it so it can try therapy again, though donations are a waste on a sh**head that spends too much money on toys, electronics, games, comics, and lowlives. Besides, it has refused to talk to its therapist or call a hotline. Narcissism has damaged its brain so severely that it can no longer think well.

Eris has hurt many people with its retardation. It should be locked back into an asylum because it lacks the mental capacity needed for adulthood.

See also

Navigation: Life Is Funny -> Careless Eris