here is rubbert ducklong
Because of some stupid ATM my money are nowhere now… and i'm trying to scrape $6 for the Internet again.
What is the Kernel?
I remember a time ‘csh’ was considered “a better shell”…
ok un site web bien foutu +1
les gif en pp +1
bref c'est un twitter bien foutu
Voila un meme sur jojo il en faut bien ici aussi
Medical practice management solutions used several tools to ensure best practice management for our customers. They give free
consultation and trials are also offered for EHR/EMR packages.
@subterran hey im so sorry this is so late but im gonna mail out the enamel pins from my show soon so i need a mailing address. idk how to DM on here. btw this is camille
How do I find out if people I know are on this thing? It feels like a message in a bottle is the only method.
Also, the button labeled "TOOT!" to post makes me think of farting. Normally an important-but-often-forgotten phase in product dev is asking a teenage boy to make fun of the name. Here they could've done with a 6 year old boy.
People who believe that suffering is an inherent part of any art or worldbuilding or character growth or whatever the fuck are some of the worst people to listen to about creating things, jesus.
I have been generally discontended and that is not a real emotion i can feel except this is one i can relate to for recent days' reasons.
To be honest i get no kicks being serious online any more, except it is about a serious issue that needed to be resolved, so i will TOOT my way thru it all.
Winter usually lasts until spring, but not the weather per se, but the mood...i get that long thru it in bad seasons.