the sharp / the sweet

Heart's Homing Instinct Game 5

TONIGHT, IN FORTITUDE—Yeva gets off for some alone time after the shock of running into her great x many grandmother in her dreams and then being forcibly ejected from them; Natalia and Dali chat about what the hell that was;

Evgenia casually mentions that hey, at least no one's dead or trapped in a dream and Dali is a little alarmed those were options; Dali brings the art of the frappucino to Fortitude; Natalia and Dali go visit Yeva, who's holed up in her shop;

Yeva explains the strangeness of her family, and the legends of her storied great x many grandmother Liza ("either plant jesus or a green thumb"); Dali speaks on the subject of family, finds herself beset by a vision of such, and emerges from dream-state holding glass;

The glass is examined for evil spirits while Dali looks for a "flashlight lady" that she saw with bright silver hair; it is discovered that the glass is a window to another location—a barren, broken wasteland; Yeva helps Dali bury the glass shard in the earth to see what grows;

AND: Dali notices a cut on her palm that was holding the glass, which has begun to bleed silver.

We had to wrap early tonight since a player was feeling poorly, but next week we'll finish the Dali spotlight and maybe wrap up some quests??

Game 5 Quotes. Evgenia: "Well, no one;s dead and no one's trapped in a dream, so we'll call that a success." Dali: "......Was... was that an option?" Evgenia: "...You know, don't worry about it." / Dali, on the subject of sprinkles: "Look, the only thing that makes sugar better is more sugar. Especially when it's rainbow-colored. That's just science."