the sharp / the sweet

Heart's Homing Instinct Game 6

TONIGHT, IN FORTITUDE—Yeva tests to see if anyone other than Dali has received silver blood (they haven't); Dali explains "the nightlight lady"; Dali self-medicates, and has a series of strange nightmares culminating in melding with a bright claymation being;

the gang meets up for coffee and discusses what might be up with this; Dali shows up smelling like vodka; Natalia proposes research at the library, much to Dali's dismay; Natalia and Yeva meet Dali's crush Adrianna, the writer;

Adrianna improbably recognizes silver stuff as blood, and explains that she's met a lot of people way back when, and particularly angels, but is too tired to explain more coherently; Natalia and Yeva head to School's library to research;

Yeva finds few notes on the presence of angels in town, apart from an incident in Old Molder generations ago that her family was tangentially involved in; Natalia finds some books about angels themselves with the help of a kind librarian named Milena;

Milena runs into Yeva and it turns out that she's Yeva's ex, who Yeva thinks should think worse of her; Dali keeps watch over Adrianna, who is napping at Natalia's advice, and discovers that she's written some notes about Dali, angels, and a tree.