the sharp / the sweet

Heart's Homing Instinct Game 2

TODAY IN FORTITUDE (AND ALSO ARCADIA): Dali, Natalia and Yeva discuss Dali's distressing visions, and go visit the Vasili family shrine; everyone meets Natalia's dad, and Dali tries to flirt with him, to everyone else's dismay—

Natalia's dad, Heraklides, makes them tea and suggests Dali's troubles might be an effect of coming in through the Outside; the gang decides to visit the Methodology Building, since they traffic in Outside stuff, but decide they'd rather not when Dali has a normal one—

Heading back into Arcadia proper, everyone is accosted by the Stray Cats, Hikaru and Yuki, who inquire if they have exorcism needs for their supernatural troubles and promise to show them around for a good time—

A shopping montage with group bonding ensues; everyone gets to know each other's tastes a little better; the Stray Cats flirt with everyone and Dali shamelessly flirts back; everyone has a good time in the end, and the introverts head back home for the night.

at first i thought i was going to be stealing @geostatonary's bleak academy visa ritual but then it turned out i was actually stealing their arcadia shopping ritual,

Wicked Action: Dali looks up at the Methodology Building; Discovery: Yeva tries out using the Voronina Family Magic for the first time in a while to understand Dali better; Ritual Action: Yeva buys some gloves that Dali found for her; Ritual Action: Natalia buys everyone crepes, tailored to each of their tastes; Ritual Action: Dali quietly shoves a bunch of gloves under Yeva's dressing-room door