First post
I think that I postponed this enough, I am gathering courage to finally start writing my blog :). There are some things solved recently that finally make me ready to do it:
As I am writing this, I still have the post you should write blogs open in a different tab. Maybe people won't like what I write, but maybe they will. Maybe writing will make me better at writing? It should... Oh, I almost forgot about LuvstarKei who I discovered recently and put me in the website mood at all
I was afraid that it will all go away, and that it's not worth putting in work because I will lose it later or something. But with Git it will probably be OK? Even if I mess up writing a diary, there will be a diary of writing.
I mentioned Git, this is already a lot to understand but a big help mentally against fear of loss. But I also found Helix editor recently. It's like Vim but less scary, I need something to work with tilde site in the terminal. And it has a nice purple colour ^^, I just wish I could see it on tilde as well.
The editing is not helping a lot, I think it's only indentation now. But I am writing, and it feels my own when I do it by hand. I was already procrastinating, waiting for a perfect setup long enough.
Why now?
It's all the tools above, and the blog I was reading, that I found linked on another blog, and all the stars aligned. I am travelling again, and when I opened this page, I saw that the last update was also when I was travelling. So that is part of the reason.
But I am also thinking about Old Year resolutions.
I like the number 2024, it's a good year number.
Many things changed for me, and I feel that I want to be thinking about this site Ah, I started it in 2024