How is Allah fair as I didn’t ask for this?

Allah is All-Just and on the day of Judgement no one will object to His judgement. So how is this fair as I didn’t ask for the burden of free-will? Can I not argue this to Allah on judgement day?

Allah answers in the Quran:

We offered Our Trust (Our deputation) to the heavens, to the earth, and to the mountains, but they could not bear this burden and were afraid to accept it. Mankind was able to accept this offer but he was unjust to himself and ignorant of the significance of this Trust. - Quran 33:72

The Trust refers to being entrusted with our own obedience (“free will”). In contrast to the rest of the creation which is obedient by default and submit to Allah’s will. The heavens, the earth and the mountains refused this offer. But WE mankind had chosen this as we were unjust to ourselves and ignorant of the significance of this Trust. We wanted to be of higher status than the Angels. And this WE refers to each of our souls, not just Adam and Eve but you and I. So we cannot backtrack and complain as we had chosen free will.

Some people ask what creation would we have been if we rejected this Trust. The answer is not given as to which creation but it’s presumed to be Angels however this is speculation.

Tests from Allah + guidance to overcome it