

Session Start: Sun Mar 07 02:20:58 2021

Session Ident: #surabaya

[02:20] * Now talking in #surabaya

[02:20] * Topic is '[WELCOME TO ¦#SURABAYA¦ QUAKENET]'

[02:20] * Set by Q on Sat Oct 31 04:10:44

[02:21] <aryo> wew

[02:21] <aryo> ono wedos kw barang

[02:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[02:26] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:41] * ZiaN ( Quit (Signed off)

[02:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[02:44] <aryo> 🙄

[02:48] <aryo> bakar

[02:54] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:57] <klepon> .seen tjahayoe

[02:58] <nandini> Wb kak klepon

[02:59] <klepon> makasih nandini

[02:59] <nandini> okeh

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[02:59] <klepon> nandini ini dari tadi di sini kok diem aja

[02:59] <klepon> eggy

[02:59] <nandini> Wb kak eggy

[02:59] * nandini baru ol kak

[02:59] <aryo> wah sepinya

[03:00] <klepon> kok gak keliatan masuk nya kalo baru ol

[03:00] * nandini bisa ngilang

[03:00] <klepon> aryo mendinh kamu nymplung sungai aja

[03:00] <nandini> masuk nya lewat pintu belakang

[03:00] <aryo> hu um

[03:00] <klepon> nandini kek hantu bisa ilang

[03:01] <nandini> Bisa dong

[03:01] <klepon> btw ujan ndak di tempat kalian

[03:01] <aryo> ujan

[03:01] <klepon> nandini bisa ilanh

[03:01] <nandini> disini gak hujan

[03:01] <masse> gak nginjak tanah, bisa ngilang2

[03:01] * nandini kan di dalam rumah

[03:01] <klepon> kalo ujan kamu ke sungai aja nonton banjir

[03:02] <masse> Huum jadi gak injek tanah

[03:02] <masse> Injek ubin ya

[03:02] <nandini> iya

[03:02] <klepon> nandini gal nginjak tanah tapi nginjak sendal ya

[03:02] <nandini> betul

[03:02] <klepon> di rumah kalian lantai nya ukuran berapa keramik nya

[03:02] <aryo> 2x2

[03:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[03:03] <+creasy> * wave at |in-love|

[03:03] <nandini> rumahku gak ada keramik

[03:03] <+elektra> r :)

[03:03] <klepon> ngawur kamu aryo

[03:03] <aryo> emang bener kok

[03:03] <klepon> pake apa nandini

[03:03] <nandini> tanah liat

[03:04] <aryo> tanah kok diliatin

[03:04] <klepon> di liat siapa?

[03:04] <nandini> blm di keramik

[03:04] <nandini> diliatin sendiri

[03:04] <aryo> pake genteng g dini

[03:04] <klepon> enak kalo lom keramik

[03:04] <nandini> Gak kak

[03:05] <aryo> pake apa

[03:05] <klepon> pake atap

[03:05] <nandini> Pke pelepah pisang

[03:05] <klepon> lama2 si nandini mabuk

[03:05] <aryo> enak dunk makan pisang terus

[03:05] <nandini> Atap nya pke daun tebu yg kering

[03:05] <nandini> kek gubuk

[03:06] <nandini> gubuk derita

[03:06] <masse> Gubuk goyang

[03:06] <nandini> gubuk bahagia ding

[03:06] <aryo> kek lagunya peterpan

[03:06] <klepon> lama2 pada ngawur

[03:06] <aryo> yg judulnya gubuk derita

[03:06] <klepon> aku tak pamit aja pada ngawur sih

[03:07] <nandini> haha

[03:07] <aryo> oke

[03:07] <nandini> mau pamit kemana

[03:07] <masse> Kok gak dari tadi klepon pamitnya

[03:07] <klepon> di ajak ngomong pada ngawur

[03:07] <aryo> jgn balik2 pon

[03:07] * nandini ngetik

[03:07] <klepon> mase mending kamu ngomong ama tenbok aja

[03:08] <klepon> aku gak balik kapok kalian ntar

[03:08] <masse> ia klepon

[03:08] <nandini> Jangan kak

[03:09] <nandini> nanti yg jadi satpam siapa

[03:09] <masse> Iaa lho

[03:09] <masse> Siapa

[03:09] <klepon> yg jadi satpam si aryo ama mase

[03:10] <klepon> pamit ah

[03:10] <masse> Dadah

[03:10] <klepon> lama2 kelpon ngambek

[03:10] <nandini> ew

[03:11] <klepon> weks

[03:11] <nandini> Gmn kl ngambek

[03:11] <klepon> kalo ngambek ol nya bulan depan

[03:11] <masse> Klo ngambek, klepon suka makan wajan

[03:11] <nandini> Kirain kl ngambek ngacak2 isi rumah

[03:11] <klepon> sembaragan mase ini di kira kelpon kuda lumping ya

[03:12] <masse> Hehe ia sih lupa

[03:12] <masse> Beling juga

[03:12] <+tweety> beling juga ... more like jeling Buga, am i right?

[03:12] <klepon> aku sering ngambek ama temen2 ku

[03:12] <masse> Klo mlm mkan kembang

[03:12] <nandini> haha

[03:12] <nandini> untung gak dimakan mase

[03:13] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:13] <nandini> Loh

[03:13] <masse> Huaaa

[03:13] <nandini> blm di tiup sudah keluar

[03:13] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:13] <nandini> nah

[03:13] <klepon> apa

[03:13] <nandini> Wb kak klepon

[03:13] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:13] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go o_O

[03:14] <klepon> sendal ku ketiggalan

[03:14] * nandini blm baca mantra kok sdh keluar kak

[03:14] * masse lempar sandal ke klepon

[03:14] <nandini> 😅😅😆

[03:14] <klepon> mantra pengusir demit

[03:14] <nandini> sapa demit

[03:14] <klepon> wew main lempar aja ntar kalo kena kepala kelpon gimana

[03:15] <klepon> sengaja nimpuk kepala klepon ya

[03:15] <masse> Biar nyeprot

[03:15] <+ezza> Biar nyeprot... Beprot.

[03:15] <klepon> kamu yg nyeprot

[03:16] <klepon> btw numpang wifi tetangga ilang mulu sinyal nya

[03:16] <klepon> nandini

[03:17] * masse sekap nandini

[03:17] <klepon> kok ndak bisa join room jkt y

[03:17] <masse> Sokor

[03:17] <masse> Kapok

[03:17] <masse> Ada catatan hitam kamu pon

[03:17] <klepon> kamu itu yg kapok

[03:18] <klepon> room nya di kunci +r kok kalo gak di auth gak bisa join

[03:18] <klepon> btw beberpaa hari ini makan sayur gak pake cabe

[03:19] <klepon> cabe mahal .. padahal punya kebun malah gak tanam cabe aneh juga

[03:19] <klepon> nandini

[03:19] <klepon> mase

[03:19] <klepon> di panggil2 kok pada diem

[03:20] <masse> Hssstt lagi ena ena ini pon

[03:21] <klepon> off

[03:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[03:23] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:24] <masse> ilang

[03:24] <masse> Klepone kabur

[03:27] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[03:28] * Safira is now known as DIrA_

[03:28] <aryo> ty dira

[03:28] <DIrA_> WB aryo

[03:28] <aryo> sama2

[03:29] <aryo> dirq

[03:29] <aryo> dira

[03:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[03:35] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:35] <aryo> .ag

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E S A B U R (60s timeout) »]

[03:36] <aryo> susubesar

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S A B U R - Here's a hint : A B . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:36] <aryo> abuser

[03:36] <aryo> abesur

[03:36] <aryo> abures

[03:36] <aryo> abuers

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A B U S E R S with the letters S E S A B U R (Use .define ABUSERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:37] <aryo> .ac

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N E M E P M I R O V T S (60s timeout) »]

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N E M E P M I R O V T S - Here's a hint : I M P R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I M P R O V E M E N T S with the letters N E M E P M I R O V T S (Use .define IMPROVEMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:38] <+creasy> Don't you step on my blue suede shoes

[03:38] <+creasy> but more on that story later.

[03:38] <aryo> improvement

[03:38] <aryo> .ag

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T O L O R L U (60s timeout) »]

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T O L O R L U - Here's a hint : R O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:39] <aryo> rotolor

[03:39] <aryo> routorl

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R O L L O U T with the letters T O L O R L U (Use .define ROLLOUT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:39] <aryo> routrol

[03:40] <aryo> .ac

[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T F U O T I (60s timeout) »]

[03:40] <aryo> foutti

[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T F U O T I - Here's a hint : O U . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:40] <aryo> outtifu

[03:40] <aryo> outtif

[03:41] <aryo> oufitt

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: O U T F I T with the letters T F U O T I (Use .define OUTFIT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:41] <aryo> outtfi

[03:41] <aryo> su

[03:41] <coz> ket

[03:41] <coz> te

[03:41] <coz> ki

[03:41] <aryo> susu

[03:41] <aryo> .ag

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : Q H T E C N I U E (60s timeout) »]

[03:41] <aryo> angel2

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Q H T E C N I U E - Here's a hint : T E C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T E C H N I Q U E with the letters Q H T E C N I U E (Use .define TECHNIQUE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:43] <aryo> .ac

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S F F I L C (60s timeout) »]

[03:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[03:43] <aryo> fflics

[03:43] <aryo> cliffs

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLIFFS ) in 20.23 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CLIFFS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:43] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:43] <aryo> .ag

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R A M C O S (60s timeout) »]

[03:44] <aryo> macros

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MACROS ) in 11.98 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MACROS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:44] <aryo> .ac

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E N R A H S (60s timeout) »]

[03:44] <aryo> rehans

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E N R A H S - Here's a hint : H A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:45] <aryo> hansser

[03:45] <aryo> hanerss

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H A R N E S S with the letters S E N R A H S (Use .define HARNESS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[03:45] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:46] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[04:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[04:03] <+ezza> i might answer, one day

[04:03] <+tweety> Can i phone a friend?

[04:03] <+creasy> I like edam best of all.

[04:03] <+pita> r only on Wednesdays.

[04:03] <+elektra> Can i ask the audience?

[04:04] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:07] * putri ( has joined #surabaya

[04:07] <masse> Putri ne deviee_

[04:12] * putri ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:12] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :O

[04:20] <nandini> M

[04:20] <nandini> A

[04:20] <nandini> G

[04:20] <nandini> H

[04:20] <nandini> R

[04:20] <nandini> I

[04:20] <nandini> B

[04:21] <masse> Yooooooooooo

[04:21] <nandini> nggeh

[04:23] * putri ( has joined #surabaya

[04:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[04:25] * masse (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[04:40] <+ezza> he may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!

[04:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[04:44] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[04:52] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[04:54] * paseo (~kshdbbdjb@ has joined #surabaya

[04:54] <paseo> Sepi amat

[04:55] * Nevada_ is now known as Lancelot

[05:02] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[05:03] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[05:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[05:07] <paseo> .ag

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 paseo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S N B U S H I G (60s timeout) »]

[05:08] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N B U S H I G - Here's a hint : B U S . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:08] <paseo> Bushings

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 paseo has just found the correct word ( BUSHINGS ) in 42.06 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BUSHINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:11] * paseo (~kshdbbdjb@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:11] <+ezza> mmm paseo

[05:11] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :~(

[05:11] <+tweety> :-)

[05:11] <+elektra> mmm, thing we

[05:12] <+ezza> :)

[05:12] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[05:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[05:23] * IIooII is now known as BQ

[05:25] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[05:27] * BQ is now known as bILLYqULBIL

[05:27] * bILLYqULBIL is now known as BillyQulbil

[05:29] * BillyQulbil @@

[05:29] * PutriAfifah (~melis@ has joined #surabaya

[05:30] <+pita> tepos: ow! not so rough!

[05:31] * PutriAfifah (~melis@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:31] <+tweety> bye Putriafifah

[05:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:33] <+ezza> Bye szajbus.

[05:34] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[05:34] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:35] * putri ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:39] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:43] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[05:43] <+pita> *gasp* it's got chicken legs -_-

[05:45] <aryo> .ag

[05:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E C A U F R N S (60s timeout) »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C A U F R N S - Here's a hint : F U R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:46] * masse (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:46] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F U R N A C E S with the letters E C A U F R N S (Use .define FURNACES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:47] <suliw4> Tes

[05:47] <masse> positip

[05:47] <nandini> Reaktif

[05:47] <suliw4> Alhamdulillah seng penting waras

[05:47] <masse> terinfeksi

[05:47] <suliw4> Ora Popo

[05:48] <masse> meler umbel paling

[05:48] <suliw4> UKS

[05:48] <suliw4> Umbel kental segar

[05:48] <aryo> .ac

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S S E X E (60s timeout) »]

[05:48] <suliw4> Seperti susu indomilk

[05:48] <aryo> sexes

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SEXES ) in 7.031 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SEXES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:48] <masse> cap nona

[05:49] <aryo> .ag

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E P E R F C T (60s timeout) »]

[05:49] <aryo> perfect

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PERFECT ) in 4.391 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PERFECT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:49] <nandini> (masse) terinfeksi>>B117

[05:49] <aryo> .ac

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S O P R P O S E (60s timeout) »]

[05:49] <masse> Amin

[05:49] <aryo> propose

[05:49] <aryo> perposes

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O P R P O S E - Here's a hint : P R O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:50] <aryo> dapros

[05:50] <aryo> proseso

[05:50] <aryo> prooses

[05:50] <aryo> proosses

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O P O S E S with the letters S O P R P O S E (Use .define PROPOSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[05:50] <aryo> monopose suliwa

[05:50] <+tweety> Monopose suliwa... muliwa.

[05:51] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:51] <aryo> .ag

[05:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L S P I N T (60s timeout) »]

[05:51] <aryo> plints

[05:51] <nandini> Plants

[05:52] <aryo> plunts

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L S P I N T - Here's a hint : S P . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:52] <aryo> splints

[05:52] <aryo> spintls

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S P L I N T with the letters L S P I N T (Use .define SPLINT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:52] <aryo> su

[05:52] <+elektra> yay! can't get it right

[05:52] <jeri> .dice 50001

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 DICE has been started by jeri. The bet is 50'001$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[05:52] <+creasy> is t3h l337 h4x0R!

[05:52] <jeri> .b 10000

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: Q | 6 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:52] <jeri> s

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 6 : Total is 14 »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 17 »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:53] <aryo> .ac

[05:53] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N T U I T N O C S T I O (60s timeout) »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 10c | 3h | 5d | Qh | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:53] <jeri> .draw 235

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 10c | Ks | 6s | Qh | 5s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[05:53] <aryo> constution

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T U I T N O C S T I O - Here's a hint : C O N S . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, nobody joined the DICE game. »]

[05:54] <aryo> constution

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N S T I T U T I O N with the letters N T U I T N O C S T I O (Use .define CONSTITUTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:54] <aryo> contol

[05:54] <aryo> .ag

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E G B A R (60s timeout) »]

[05:55] <aryo> rebags

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E G B A R - Here's a hint : B A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:55] <aryo> sabreg

[05:55] <aryo> baregs

[05:55] <aryo> basreg

[05:55] <aryo> bagers

[05:55] <jeri> .j

[05:55] <aryo> bajilak

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B A R G E S with the letters S E G B A R (Use .define BARGES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:55] <aryo> .ac

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S V I J B O E C T E (60s timeout) »]

[05:56] <aryo> subjective

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S V I J B O E C T E - Here's a hint : O B J . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: O B J E C T I V E S with the letters S V I J B O E C T E (Use .define OBJECTIVES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:57] <aryo> sobjective

[05:57] <jeri> .Ag

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T N P A I I N G (60s timeout) »]

[05:57] <jeri> taiping

[05:57] <suliw4> nandini

[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N P A I I N G - Here's a hint : P A I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:58] <jeri> paiting

[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P A I N T I N G with the letters T N P A I I N G (Use .define PAINTING to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:59] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:59] <klepon> hallo

[05:59] <klepon> .seen

[05:59] <aryo> suun

[05:59] <aryo> .ag

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A N M E (60s timeout) »]

[06:00] <aryo> mane

[06:00] <aryo> maen

[06:00] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[06:00] <aryo> name

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NAME ) in 18 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NAME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:00] <aryo> .ac

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T I C H (60s timeout) »]

[06:00] <aryo> hitc

[06:00] <TjahAyoe> Chit

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CHIT ) in 13.36 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CHIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:00] <aryo> cith

[06:01] <aryo> tich

[06:01] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : W T O E L S (60s timeout) »]

[06:01] <TjahAyoe> Towels

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( TOWELS ) in 4.297 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TOWELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:01] <aryo> towels

[06:01] <aryo> .ag

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S T E L E D F C O R (60s timeout) »]

[06:01] <aryo> ping me

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T E L E D F C O R - Here's a hint : D E F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:02] <suliw4> Dek ayoe

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> Dalem

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E F L E C T O R S with the letters S T E L E D F C O R (Use .define DEFLECTORS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +2 ) »]

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S C N R F M U I C R C E E E (60s timeout) »]

[06:02] <aryo> .ping ne

[06:02] <aryo> .ping me

[06:02] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:03] <aryo> 300

[06:03] <NapaLm> No responce from ne

[06:03] <NapaLm> No responce from me

[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S C N R F M U I C R C E E E - Here's a hint : C I R C U . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:03] <techshelf> warning: 75 second(s)

[06:03] <klepon> wb sayangku cah ayu

[06:03] <aryo> lagke parah

[06:03] <klepon> 😍😍😍😍

[06:03] <klepon> weleh enek suliwa

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Diih sayg2

[06:03] <aryo> .ag

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Om suliw4

[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C I R C U M F E R E N C E S with the letters S C N R F M U I C R C E E E (Use .define CIRCUMFERENCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Itu klepon panggil aq syg2

[06:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Sentak ono mnah

[06:03] <suliw4> Yo Ra popo

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> *mbah

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Tolong aku

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Lindungi aq

[06:04] <suliw4> Jiah

[06:04] * TjahAyoe emoh syg ee wes akeeeh

[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Kualahan

[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:04] <TjahAyoe> :v

[06:04] <aryo> .ag

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S H O O K (60s timeout) »]

[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Hooks

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( HOOKS ) in 4.078 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HOOKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:04] <aryo> hooks

[06:04] <suliw4> Iyo we kan kolektor

[06:04] <aryo> .ag

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : O A G L O B I T I N (60s timeout) »]

[06:05] <aryo> .top10

[06:05] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'506'250$ 6: Riie (??) 1'922'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 9: skidipapap (??) 725'250$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[06:05] <TjahAyoe> Kolektor yg untung kan apa gak yoo

[06:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A G L O B I T I N - Here's a hint : O B L . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:05] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: O B L I G A T I O N with the letters O A G L O B I T I N (Use .define OBLIGATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:06] <aryo> .ag

[06:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : Y L I T R A L E R (60s timeout) »]

[06:06] <suliw4> Iya kamu selalu beruntung dek ayoe

[06:06] <aryo> traylere

[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Aamiin

[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Indahnya berbagi

[06:06] <aryo> trayleri

[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Makanya untungkan

[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y L I T R A L E R - Here's a hint : A R T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:06] <suliw4> Berbagi OPO kui

[06:06] <aryo> artyleri

[06:07] <aryo> artilery

[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Anu

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A R T I L L E R Y with the letters Y L I T R A L E R (Use .define ARTILLERY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Syg e

[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:07] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Tp klepon gak masuk

[06:07] <TjahAyoe> Looh wes

[06:07] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 13'500$ : S I I U M C T E L E O M N C A T O N (60s timeout) »]

[06:07] <suliw4> Sayang mu cuma foto kopian dek ayoe

[06:07] * jemblem (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:07] <jemblem> dc mulu

[06:07] <suliw4> Wb jemblem

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I I U M C T E L E O M N C A T O N - Here's a hint : T E L E C O . . . . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:08] <suliw4> Ados sek plon

[06:08] <TjahAyoe> [21:07] (suliw4) Sayang mu cuma foto kopian dek ayoe.> Lhaiyoo tak kopi kabeh ga ada yg tak laminating..trz tak sebaarnoo

[06:08] <TjahAyoe> [21:08] (suliw4) Ados sek plon.. itu klepon aka bawal

[06:08] <aryo> telecomunication

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S with the letters S I I U M C T E L E O M N C A T O N (Use .define TELECOMMUNICATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:08] <TjahAyoe> Mene syg q tak laminating ben awet mbah sul

[06:08] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:08] <jemblem> numpang wifi tetangga ilang2 sinyale . make data lemot bngt dc dc mulu

[06:08] <jemblem> ta suliwa

[06:08] <jemblem> tq suliwa

[06:08] <suliw4> Koyok tukang servis kompor gas ngunu

[06:08] <aryo> .ac

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T K G A S E S (60s timeout) »]

[06:08] <jemblem> .ping

[06:08] <aryo> gasket

[06:08] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Gaskect

[06:09] <aryo> gaskets

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GASKETS ) in 11.92 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define GASKETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L O R Y A P L (60s timeout) »]

[06:09] <jeri> royall

[06:09] <aryo> payrol

[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Payroll

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PAYROLL ) in 18.37 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PAYROLL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:09] <aryo> purel

[06:09] <suliw4> Dek ayoe suka main anagram yo

[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Kadang2 ae

[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Lek q gabut

[06:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:09] <aryo> .ag

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S A E T H R T (60s timeout) »]

[06:09] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[06:09] * jeri suka main anu

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Hearts

[06:10] <aryo> hearts

[06:10] <aryo> sehart

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A E T H R T - Here's a hint : T H . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:10] <aryo> hasrat

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Thearts

[06:10] <jeri> thearts

[06:10] <suliw4> Berarti suka main anatomi juga

[06:10] <aryo> theres

[06:10] <suliw4> Eh

[06:10] <aryo> thares

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Mainin qm yo iso

[06:10] <jeri> threats

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( THREATS ) in 49.93 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define THREATS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Threats

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E N R O C (60s timeout) »]

[06:11] <TjahAyoe> Conrer

[06:11] <aryo> corner

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CORNER ) in 17.46 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CORNER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:11] <TjahAyoe> Recorn

[06:11] <aryo> .ag

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S S I M R P E I O N (60s timeout) »]

[06:11] <aryo> impresion

[06:11] <aryo> presision

[06:11] <jeri> impression

[06:12] <aryo> presisions

[06:12] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S I M R P E I O N - Here's a hint : P E R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:12] <aryo> improsision

[06:12] <kelpon> dc dc mulu

[06:12] <aryo> permisions

[06:12] <TjahAyoe> Permission

[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PERMISSION ) in 45.87 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PERMISSION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:12] <kelpon> cah ayu tadi mana ya

[06:12] <kelpon> 😍😍😍

[06:12] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[06:12] <TjahAyoe> Ilang

[06:12] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T A A C S U L Y (60s timeout) »]

[06:12] <+ezza> I like them =)

[06:12] <kelpon> weks ilang kemana

[06:12] <jeri> actually

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Actuallys

[06:13] <kelpon> ilang di ambil orang

[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A A C S U L Y - Here's a hint : C A S . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:13] <aryo> castualy

[06:13] <jeri> castualls

[06:13] * jemblem (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:13] <aryo> catcokk

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Casualtys

[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C A S U A L T Y with the letters T A A C S U L Y (Use .define CASUALTY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:13] <kelpon> pada main game gak ada temen ngomong

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Ya udah simak ajaa

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S O G A L (60s timeout) »]

[06:13] <aryo> .ag

[06:13] <kelpon> pamit aja

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Logas

[06:13] <jeri> goals

[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( GOALS ) in 4.219 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GOALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:13] <aryo> goals

[06:14] <kelpon> nonton yutube

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Byeee

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Ati2

[06:14] <aryo> bokep wae koeki pon

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Besok aja off nya

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : P I S T R (60s timeout) »]

[06:14] <kelpon> suka bngt kelpon pamit

[06:14] <aryo> strip

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STRIP ) in 4.563 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STRIP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Strip

[06:14] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:14] <aryo> wb fi3

[06:14] <kelpon> wb fi3

[06:14] <+elektra> SNAP!

[06:14] <+tweety> SNAP!

[06:14] <Fi3> Ty aryo

[06:14] <aryo> .ag

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S P S L I C E (60s timeout) »]

[06:14] <+tweety> wheeeee Snap

[06:14] <Fi3> Ty klepon

[06:14] <aryo> plicess

[06:14] <aryo> placess

[06:14] <jeri> splices

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( SPLICES ) in 14.48 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SPLICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:15] <aryo> .ac

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S O A R F R E P O T I N (60s timeout) »]

[06:15] <suliw4> Wb dek fi3

[06:15] <kelpon> pamiy

[06:15] <kelpon> pamit

[06:15] <suliw4> Pob

[06:15] <suliw4> Pon

[06:15] <jeri> fortorations

[06:15] <suliw4> Poni

[06:15] <Fi3> Ty suliw4

[06:15] <kelpon> jangan nyariin klepon loh

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O A R F R E P O T I N - Here's a hint : P E R F . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:15] <jeri> perferations

[06:16] <suliw4> Fi3 bisa main anagram

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P E R F O R A T I O N S with the letters S O A R F R E P O T I N (Use .define PERFORATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:16] * kelpon (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[06:16] <aryo> .ag

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E P R O S (60s timeout) »]

[06:16] <aryo> prose

[06:16] <aryo> proes

[06:16] <aryo> porse

[06:16] <aryo> repos

[06:16] <jeri> spore

[06:16] <aryo> pores

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E P R O S - Here's a hint : R O . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:16] <aryo> serop

[06:17] <aryo> ropes

[06:17] <jeri> ropes

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROPES ) in 33.73 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ROPES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:17] <aryo> rosep

[06:17] * +ezza wins jeri and aryo

[06:17] <+tweety> SNAP

[06:17] <aryo> .ac

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O T V E L E A I N (60s timeout) »]

[06:17] <suliw4> Fi3

[06:17] <jeri> elavtions

[06:17] <aryo> yq

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O T V E L E A I N - Here's a hint : E L E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:17] <aryo> elevation

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ELEVATION ) in 35.57 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ELEVATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:18] <aryo> .ag

[06:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R E H N Y (60s timeout) »]

[06:18] <aryo> herny

[06:18] <aryo> rehny

[06:18] <jeri> o

[06:18] <aryo> reynh

[06:18] <jeri> j

[06:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E H N Y - Here's a hint : H E . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:18] <aryo> herny

[06:18] <aryo> heryn

[06:19] <aryo> henry

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HENRY ) in 45.62 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HENRY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:19] <aryo> .ac

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E R U Q S A S (60s timeout) »]

[06:19] <aryo> squares

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SQUARES ) in 12.03 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SQUARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:20] <aryo> .ac

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D O M E L (60s timeout) »]

[06:20] <aryo> model

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MODEL ) in 3.703 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MODEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[06:20] <+elektra> :o

[06:20] * +tweety blinks

[06:20] <+pita> :O

[06:20] <+ezza> wow

[06:20] <+tweety> ooh 'eck

[06:20] <+ezza> ooh 'eck

[06:20] <aryo> woo

[06:20] <suliw4> Sepi ya fi3

[06:20] <aryo> oww

[06:20] <+tweety> awww

[06:20] <aryo> .ag

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S E C N E R F N C O E (60s timeout) »]

[06:20] <aryo> conferences

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CONFERENCES ) in 12.14 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define CONFERENCES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[06:20] <jeri> conferences

[06:21] <aryo> oww

[06:21] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri!!! You have won 25'000$!!! - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:21] <+tweety> awww

[06:21] * +tweety sniggers at aryo

[06:21] <Fi3> (suliw4) Sepi ya fi3.... Lagi seru main anagram ya

[06:21] <aryo> .ag

[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : H C T B A (60s timeout) »]

[06:21] * masse (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:21] <aryo> batch

[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BATCH ) in 3.687 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BATCH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[06:21] <+ezza> :o

[06:21] <aryo> fitri nak mana

[06:21] <jeri> .ag

[06:21] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S A R K E (60s timeout) »]

[06:22] <aryo> sark

[06:22] <jeri> sakes

[06:22] <jeri> rakes

[06:22] <aryo> sarke

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( RAKES ) in 12.14 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define RAKES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +7 ) »]

[06:22] <aryo> .ag

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A S L T E S (60s timeout) »]

[06:22] <suliw4> .ping

[06:22] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:22] <@Dealer> suliw4: Pong! (0.563s)

[06:22] <jeri> slates

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( SLATES ) in 6.829 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SLATES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jeri has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:22] <aryo> .ag

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S N O T U A C I (60s timeout) »]

[06:23] <aryo> .ping

[06:23] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N O T U A C I - Here's a hint : C A U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:23] <@Dealer> aryo: Pong! (1.688s)

[06:23] <jeri> cautions

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( CAUTIONS ) in 40.70 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CAUTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jeri has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[06:23] <aryo> .ac

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : O I U C O N F I G R A T N (60s timeout) »]

[06:23] <+creasy> r :)

[06:23] <+elektra> hey

[06:24] <aryo> configuration

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CONFIGURATION ) in 10.25 secs . He won 9'750$ ! - Use .define CONFIGURATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd jeri in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[06:24] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:24] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:24] <aryo> .ag

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O R F E E D M (60s timeout) »]

[06:24] <aryo> freedom

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FREEDOM ) in 4.922 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FREEDOM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:25] <aryo> .ac

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I D R A A T I (60s timeout) »]

[06:25] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I D R A A T I - Here's a hint : R A D . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:25] <aryo> radiator

[06:25] <aryo> radiation

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RADIATION ) in 43.87 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define RADIATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:26] <aryo> .ag

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R D O F L E (60s timeout) »]

[06:26] <aryo> frodle

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R D O F L E - Here's a hint : F O . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:26] <aryo> folerd

[06:26] <aryo> foderl

[06:26] <aryo> folder

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FOLDER ) in 49.71 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FOLDER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:28] <aryo> .ag

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : A I A C H R M N (60s timeout) »]

[06:28] <Fi3> Chairman

[06:28] <aryo> chairman

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CHAIRMAN ) in 25.87 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CHAIRMAN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[06:28] <aryo> makasih fi3

[06:28] <Fi3> Sama2

[06:28] <aryo> 😘

[06:28] <aryo> .ac

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R T I D E L I M E (60s timeout) »]

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T I D E L I M E - Here's a hint : D E L . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:29] <aryo> delertime

[06:29] <aryo> deletrime

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E L I M I T E R with the letters R T I D E L I M E (Use .define DELIMITER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]

[06:30] <aryo> .ag

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : N I W G (60s timeout) »]

[06:30] <aryo> wing

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WING ) in 3.531 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:30] <aryo> .ac

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : R T E V N I S I G A T O (60s timeout) »]

[06:30] <Fi3> Investigator

[06:30] <aryo> imvestigator

[06:30] <aryo> investigator

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INVESTIGATOR ) in 21.98 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define INVESTIGATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:31] <aryo> makasih fi3

[06:31] <Fi3> 😊

[06:31] <aryo> 😗

[06:31] <aryo> .ag

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : F O P R O (60s timeout) »]

[06:31] <aryo> proof

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PROOF ) in 4.266 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PROOF to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:31] <+elektra> prooooooooooof

[06:31] <aryo> .ac

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I U T B N G (60s timeout) »]

[06:32] <aryo> bunting

[06:32] <aryo> eh

[06:32] <aryo> bitung

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I U T B N G - Here's a hint : T U . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:32] <aryo> tubing

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TUBING ) in 34.12 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TUBING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:32] <Fi3> (aryo) bunting....😄😄

[06:32] <aryo> 😁

[06:33] <aryo> .ag

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E T C I R A C H T E U R (60s timeout) »]

[06:33] <aryo> architectur

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T C I R A C H T E U R - Here's a hint : A R C H . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:33] <aryo> architecture

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ARCHITECTURE ) in 38.5 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define ARCHITECTURE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[06:33] * +ezza blinks

[06:34] <aryo> .ac

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E K A C (60s timeout) »]

[06:34] <aryo> kace

[06:34] * co_p (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:34] <aryo> keca

[06:34] <aryo> cake

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CAKE ) in 8.813 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CAKE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[06:34] <aryo> .ag

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S N O D (60s timeout) »]

[06:34] <aryo> sond

[06:34] <aryo> dons

[06:34] <aryo> onsd

[06:35] <aryo> onds

[06:35] <aryo> nosd

[06:35] <aryo> dosn

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N O D - Here's a hint : N . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:35] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[06:35] <Van_JaVa> ba

[06:35] <aryo> sodn

[06:35] <Fi3> Nods

[06:35] <Macintosh> nods

[06:35] <aryo> nods

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NODS ) in 45.43 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NODS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[06:35] <aryo> makasih cintosh

[06:35] <aryo> makasih fi3

[06:36] <aryo> .ac

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T L U Q A I Y (60s timeout) »]

[06:36] <aryo> quality

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUALITY ) in 4.656 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define QUALITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[06:36] <+pita> :o

[06:36] * co_p (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:36] <+ezza> Boom.

[06:36] <+tweety> O_O

[06:36] <aryo> wb vandul

[06:36] <aryo> .ag

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A T R P S (60s timeout) »]

[06:36] <aryo> traps

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TRAPS ) in 4.875 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TRAPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[06:36] <+pita> ow my eyes :(

[06:36] <aryo> oww

[06:36] <+creasy> awww

[06:36] <+elektra> awww

[06:37] <+ezza> awww

[06:37] <+pita> Awww

[06:37] * +pita sniggers at aryo.

[06:37] * +creasy rubs aryo better

[06:37] <aryo> oww

[06:37] <aryo> .ac

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S A L M U B R E L (60s timeout) »]

[06:37] <aryo> umbreles

[06:37] <Fi3> Umbrellas

[06:37] <aryo> umbrellas

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( UMBRELLAS ) in 23.54 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define UMBRELLAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]

[06:37] <aryo> makasih fi3 manis

[06:38] <Van_JaVa> Fi3 menakne aryo

[06:38] <+ezza> waCHOO *sniff*

[06:38] <aryo> ho o apikan wonge mesti manis

[06:38] <Van_JaVa> ra auth yo ra isoh ngrayah

[06:38] <aryo> menengo koe van

[06:38] <Van_JaVa> drijimu lamis

[06:38] <Fi3> Lanjuut

[06:38] <Van_JaVa> opo drijimu bar di kum oli

[06:38] <aryo> sip

[06:38] <aryo> fi3 kan emang niat bantu ane

[06:38] <aryo> bar dimut jaran

[06:39] <aryo> .ag

[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E G R P A M E A S (60s timeout) »]

[06:39] <aryo> merasgas

[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G R P A M E A S - Here's a hint : A M P . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:39] <aryo> ampergrap

[06:40] <aryo> ampela

[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A M P E R A G E S with the letters E G R P A M E A S (Use .define AMPERAGES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +10 ) »]

[06:40] * putri ( has joined #surabaya

[06:40] <aryo> wb putri

[06:40] <putri> ty yo

[06:40] <aryo> anake mbah painem

[06:40] <aryo> sek hobine kujum

[06:40] <aryo> neng kuburan

[06:40] <aryo> karo bakar menyan

[06:40] <aryo> .ac

[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E I E X E R C S (60s timeout) »]

[06:41] <Fi3> Exercise

[06:41] <aryo> exercise

[06:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E I E X E R C S - Here's a hint : E X E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:41] <aryo> exercises

[06:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXERCISES ) in 33.89 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXERCISES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:41] <aryo> makasih fi3

[06:41] <putri> hahaha

[06:41] <Fi3> 👍

[06:42] <aryo> ngguyu putri

[06:42] <Light> !ping me

[06:42] <aryo> langsung kujum aja sana dah ditunggu tuh

[06:42] <aryo> .ag

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : G U D R (60s timeout) »]

[06:42] <NapaLm> No responce from me

[06:42] <aryo> drug

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DRUG ) in 4.172 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define DRUG to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:42] <aryo> napalm welcome

[06:42] <putri> uyengannn

[06:42] <Van_JaVa> melisa putri

[06:43] <Van_JaVa> sopo kui

[06:43] <aryo> udu

[06:43] <aryo> putri jeneng asline painah damayanti

[06:43] <Van_JaVa> oO

[06:43] <Van_JaVa> tak kiro yen paijem

[06:43] <aryo> celukane neng kampung senuk

[06:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[06:43] <aryo> nuk nendi nuk

[06:43] <aryo> ngunu

[06:44] <putri> yah mas jambang

[06:44] <putri> asemmm ki aryo

[06:44] <aryo> xixixixi

[06:44] <aryo> .ag

[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E L F O D R S (60s timeout) »]

[06:44] <aryo> folders

[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FOLDERS ) in 5.328 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FOLDERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:44] <putri> hahaha dudul

[06:44] <Van_JaVa> senuk hare

[06:44] <aryo> senuk putri bade kemana atuh

[06:44] <Van_JaVa> drijine jan

[06:44] <putri> alibi banget lu yo, maen2 game

[06:44] <putri> ilang

[06:45] <aryo> agi ngejar bonus

[06:45] <putri> dri dlu mn ada seorang aryo suka nge game

[06:45] <putri> hahahaa

[06:45] <putri> adanya kujum 😋😋😋

[06:45] <aryo> kalau dapat 3jt mau dikasih anu

[06:45] <temon> coycoycyocoycoy

[06:45] <putri> haiii kang temon

[06:45] <aryo> prer

[06:45] <aryo> mana ada sang aryo yg cakep hobi kujum

[06:45] <putri> wkwkwkw pret bener tokkk 😋😋🤣🤣

[06:45] <putri> elehhh kujumin bot kiiii

[06:46] <aryo> senuk putri mau toh dikujumi aryo

[06:46] * temon cipika cipiki putri

[06:46] * aryo keplak ndase temon

[06:46] * Van_JaVa tak sisiran seks. soporeti enek sing bribikable

[06:46] <putri> hahaha

[06:46] <+tweety> Nothing can stop tweety... nothing! not even this army of zombies!

[06:46] <aryo> .ac

[06:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E E M T (60s timeout) »]

[06:47] <aryo> teems

[06:47] <aryo> meets

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MEETS ) in 8.188 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MEETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:47] * putri ogah dikujumin aryo, udh bosen..plinge crta ne bot tok

[06:47] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[06:47] <+pita> Meeeeeeeeeeets.

[06:47] * +ezza ogah putri

[06:47] * +tweety batteries "putri" in return

[06:47] * aryo kusus putri kujumnya hal2 horor deh

[06:47] <putri> haiiii mas Jambang is Van_JaVa ..

[06:47] <putri> kang temon, piye kabare

[06:47] <Light> Wow

[06:47] <aryo> remuk

[06:48] <Macintosh> emang putri pacar e bot

[06:48] <aryo> pacarku

[06:48] <aryo> eh

[06:48] <putri> nuhhh macintosh guru e bot

[06:48] <putri> elehhh hahah

[06:48] * Van_JaVa koq dadi penasaran, sopo kui putri

[06:48] * putri keplak aryo salam sm tetangga si Adnan 😋😋😋

[06:49] <aryo> wooooooo

[06:49] <aryo> asem melvi bulno

[06:49] <aryo> wakakakak

[06:49] <Van_JaVa> nyubi yo ngene iki, ketinggalan update status

[06:49] <putri> hahahahhha

[06:49] <Van_JaVa> oO

[06:49] <+tweety> ow! my squealyspooch!

[06:49] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[06:49] <Van_JaVa> melpi

[06:49] * aryo telah ditipu nick

[06:49] <putri> dudul, buka2 identitas aryo peak 🤣🤣🤣

[06:49] <aryo> wakakaka

[06:49] <putri> hahahaha

[06:49] <putri> kapokkk koeeee

[06:49] * Van_JaVa wedi dikeplap mbah jup yen ngono

[06:49] <Macintosh> Van ojo penasaran ama putri, entar di keplak ama bot entar

[06:50] <Van_JaVa> waiki

[06:50] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[06:50] <Van_JaVa> sing tak wedeni njedul\/me langsung golek delikan

[06:51] <aryo> .ag meneh

[06:51] <aryo> .ag

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L R N M I E A (60s timeout) »]

[06:51] <aryo> lermina

[06:51] <aryo> mineral

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MINERAL ) in 12.98 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MINERAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[06:51] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[06:52] <+ezza> I wish they didn't have to go :'(

[06:52] <aryo> .ac

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S N I H I H G L E (60s timeout) »]

[06:52] <aryo> sihingle

[06:52] * Macintosh is now known as JupIt3r

[06:52] <+elektra> Wre hsave no time for these games$$#%percent@@@#@^!%percent$%percent£.

[06:52] <+elektra> whoops, -r -s

[06:52] <+tweety> Muppet.

[06:52] <+ezza> cretin

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N I H I H G L E - Here's a hint : H I G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:52] <aryo> ngisingel

[06:52] * aryo toel2 fi3

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H I G H L I N E S with the letters S N I H I H G L E (Use .define HIGHLINES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]

[06:53] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:53] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[06:53] <Van_JaVa> dyar

[06:53] <aryo> wo lha dc raenek sek bantu aku

[06:53] <Van_JaVa> bok toel langsung njepat

[06:54] <aryo> hahaha

[06:54] <aryo> lemah dekne

[06:54] <aryo> .ac

[06:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E E S H T (60s timeout) »]

[06:54] <aryo> these

[06:54] <aryo> sheet

[06:54] <aryo> sheets

[06:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHEETS ) in 19.15 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHEETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:55] <aryo> .ac

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S I C E I N J T O N (60s timeout) »]

[06:55] <aryo> injections

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INJECTIONS ) in 6.125 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define INJECTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:55] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:56] <aryo> .ag

[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : H C A R A P U T E S (60s timeout) »]

[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H C A R A P U T E S - Here's a hint : P A R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P A R A C H U T E S with the letters H C A R A P U T E S (Use .define PARACHUTES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[06:57] <aryo> .ag

[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : R S T A (60s timeout) »]

[06:58] <aryo> star

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STAR ) in 4.859 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define STAR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:58] <aryo> .ac

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S M R O A L P T F (60s timeout) »]

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S M R O A L P T F - Here's a hint : P L A . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:59] <mimin> Platforms

[06:59] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P L A T F O R M S with the letters S M R O A L P T F (Use .define PLATFORMS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:59] <aryo> telat fi3

[06:59] <mimin> Hihihi

[07:00] <aryo> .ag

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T S L O S (60s timeout) »]

[07:00] <aryo> losts

[07:00] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 6,62 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[07:00] <aryo> solts

[07:00] <mimin> Slots

[07:00] <Van_JaVa> goro2 kodanan, mengkeret

[07:00] <aryo> slots

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SLOTS ) in 18.18 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SLOTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:00] <aryo> makasih fi3 manis

[07:00] <aryo> dikum lengo mambu

[07:01] <putri> aryo teringat pasti sm nama "fitri"

[07:01] <putri> 😋😋😋🤣

[07:01] <aryo> hahaha

[07:01] <JupIt3r> afifah

[07:01] <aryo> kok km malah inget mel

[07:01] <putri> hahaha

[07:01] <aryo> pertama kejogja mampir dikerjaan adnan

[07:02] <putri> hu'um

[07:02] * putri ingat dong klian kan gmn gt 🙈😋😋😋🤣

[07:02] <aryo> hahaha

[07:02] <putri> haiii yah JupIt3r

[07:02] <JupIt3r> Loh

[07:02] <aryo> 3x maen kejogja malahan

[07:02] <putri> hu'um ampe galau anak org pas pulang jogja

[07:02] <JupIt3r> Sapa ya

[07:02] <putri> 😋😋😋🤣🤣🤣

[07:03] <aryo> wakakakaka

[07:03] <aryo> galau piye

[07:03] <aryo> itu pamit ama ortunya tidur rumah temen

[07:03] <aryo> ups

[07:03] <putri> hahahaha

[07:03] <+ezza> please buy my candies or my little brother will go insane

[07:03] <aryo> tau2 malah kabur kesini

[07:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[07:03] <putri> jupIt3r ingat" aja dlu syp

[07:04] <putri> skrang dimn org nya tu yooo

[07:04] <aryo> dah nikah punya anak 1

[07:04] <putri> kuq tw., hayoooo

[07:04] <aryo> hahaha

[07:04] <aryo> yo tau lah

[07:05] <aryo> walaupun tak bersama tapi kan tetap saudara

[07:05] <aryo> eh

[07:05] <putri> cieeeeee

[07:05] <putri> ahakkzzzz

[07:05] <aryo> ihirrr

[07:05] <putri> msih ketemuan sm Adnan yo

[07:05] <JupIt3r> putri wongkar ya

[07:05] <putri> iya iyaaaa Jup,,, 🤦‍♀️

[07:06] <aryo> dah g pernah

[07:06] <aryo> lama

[07:06] <JupIt3r> wongkar bkn

[07:06] <putri> ouw,,, qrain msih gt yooo

[07:06] <putri> hadehhh keplak jg JupIt3r kiii

[07:06] <aryo> dah lama banget

[07:07] <aryo> irc aja ol baru kemarin sore

[07:07] <aryo> selama 5tahun silam

[07:07] <putri> tumben kmu irc an

[07:07] <JupIt3r> Hahjaa

[07:07] <JupIt3r> Pasti kan aja

[07:07] <aryo> semedi di gua selarong

[07:07] <putri> hahaha

[07:07] <aryo> pas gi selo put

[07:08] <putri> bnyakan wongkar di irc yah Jup 😋😋😋

[07:08] <aryo> wongkar wangkir

[07:08] <putri> asyemmm

[07:08] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣

[07:08] <JupIt3r> aryo kemaren sore ol

[07:08] <aryo> wakakaka

[07:08] <JupIt3r> Kiamat irc

[07:08] <aryo> pret

[07:08] <putri> haha

[07:08] <+tweety> oh, I know all kinds of things about you... pretty creepy, huh?

[07:08] * aryo baru beberapa hari

[07:08] <aryo> ol lihat room kek kuburan smua

[07:09] <JupIt3r> dicari grenden

[07:09] <aryo> makanya maen game

[07:09] <aryo> g dulu g sekarang masih aja pada kujuman

[07:09] * Van_JaVa tak nyemak wae

[07:09] <aryo> vandul juga itu

[07:09] <JupIt3r> Kita diam aja van

[07:10] <aryo> tiap ada cewk aja langsung dipv

[07:10] <aryo> aku pake nik elisa langsung diajak cs ama vandul

[07:10] <Van_JaVa> hooh jup

[07:10] <+pita> I'd hooh his jup

[07:10] <Van_JaVa> ben do bernostalgia

[07:10] <aryo> telek

[07:10] <Van_JaVa> hari gin cs

[07:10] <JupIt3r> Biar kan eyang buyut leluhur fosil irc yg ngoceh, kita lihat gaya ketikan anak masih sore apa wis aki2

[07:11] <Van_JaVa> padakne pakir kuota wae

[07:11] <aryo> cik

[07:11] <aryo> wakakaka

[07:11] <Van_JaVa> langsung vcs lah

[07:11] <aryo> pakir jare

[07:11] <+ezza> pakir jare... pare

[07:11] <aryo> wes ah

[07:11] <aryo> malah dipvni cewek ki ket mau

[07:12] <aryo> .ag

[07:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S O S O R P P U L I N (60s timeout) »]

[07:12] <aryo> fi3 mau ndi ya

[07:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O S O R P P U L I N - Here's a hint : P R O P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:12] <JupIt3r> Baru ol kemaren

[07:12] <JupIt3r> Ketikan sampai detil gitu

[07:12] <JupIt3r> Preet

[07:12] <aryo> mimin

[07:12] <aryo> mik copas jup

[07:13] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O P U L S I O N S with the letters S O S O R P P U L I N (Use .define PROPULSIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:13] <mimin> Eh kirain udah selesai

[07:13] <Van_JaVa> dasar tukang apus2

[07:13] <aryo> belom

[07:13] <aryo> nunggu km bantuin malah ilang

[07:13] * aryo selalu jujur dan apa adanya

[07:13] <aryo> .ag

[07:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E H W I S T L (60s timeout) »]

[07:13] <aryo> twishel

[07:14] <mimin> Whistle

[07:14] <aryo> whistle

[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WHISTLE ) in 26.70 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WHISTLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:14] <aryo> makasih fi3

[07:14] <aryo> 😘

[07:14] <aryo> .ac

[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S K F O R (60s timeout) »]

[07:14] <aryo> forks

[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FORKS ) in 6.781 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FORKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:14] <aryo> .top10

[07:14] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'690'000$ 6: Riie (??) 1'922'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[07:15] <aryo> duh kurang 300rb

[07:15] <aryo> .ac

[07:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I S S E P C O M R O N (60s timeout) »]

[07:15] <JupIt3r> Put, di manado apa di papua

[07:15] <mimin> Compresions

[07:15] <aryo> compresions

[07:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I S S E P C O M R O N - Here's a hint : C O M P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:15] * putri ( Quit (EOF from client)

[07:16] <mimin> 🙏

[07:16] <+creasy> Ooh 'eck.

[07:16] <aryo> compresion

[07:16] <JupIt3r> Dyar

[07:16] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O M P R E S S I O N with the letters I S S E P C O M R O N (Use .define COMPRESSION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:16] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[07:16] <aryo> hehe

[07:16] <JupIt3r> Off

[07:16] <aryo> ndang

[07:17] * Loki (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (EOF from client)

[07:17] * Flow (L@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (EOF from client)

[07:17] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:17] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[07:17] <aryo> paling mik ndekem

[07:17] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:17] <JupIt3r> Blom tak introgasi malah off

[07:17] <JupIt3r> 😀😀😀😀

[07:17] <aryo> wakakaka

[07:17] <aryo> sopo

[07:17] <aryo> putri lisa kae

[07:17] <aryo> .ag

[07:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E N S (60s timeout) »]

[07:17] <aryo> sent

[07:18] <aryo> tens

[07:18] <aryo> ents

[07:18] <mimin> Nets

[07:18] <aryo> nets

[07:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NETS ) in 23.25 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:18] <JupIt3r> Ora ngerti aqu

[07:18] <aryo> makasih fi3ku

[07:18] <JupIt3r> Udah lama ilang kontak

[07:18] <aryo> melvi

[07:18] <JupIt3r> Ya tau

[07:18] <aryo> fbne putri lisa

[07:18] <JupIt3r> Udah ganti

[07:18] <aryo> selingkuhane adnan

[07:19] <aryo> .ag

[07:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : F N R U O F S (60s timeout) »]

[07:19] <aryo> nerfous

[07:19] <aryo> frenous

[07:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: F N R U O F S - Here's a hint : R U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:19] <aryo> ruffos

[07:19] <mimin> Ruffons

[07:19] <JupIt3r> aqu ingat nya ya itu

[07:19] <aryo> ruffons

[07:20] <JupIt3r> Nama marga e

[07:20] <mimin> Bukan ya

[07:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R U N O F F S with the letters F N R U O F S (Use .define RUNOFFS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:20] <aryo> rhehe

[07:20] <JupIt3r> Ketemu di fb

[07:20] <aryo> rondo biyen

[07:20] <aryo> anak 1

[07:20] <JupIt3r> Udah nikah lg

[07:20] <aryo> gene reti

[07:21] <aryo> melu mbribiki koe brati

[07:21] <aryo> wakakaka

[07:21] <JupIt3r> Semenjak itu

[07:21] <aryo> .ac

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S N I T E S E D R O (60s timeout) »]

[07:21] <aryo> koe sakit hati trus tok delcon

[07:21] <aryo> ngunu to

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N I T E S E D R O - Here's a hint : D E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:21] <aryo> desintrosen

[07:22] <aryo> jawabane dowo2 kabeh ki piye toh

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E S E R T I O N S with the letters S N I T E S E D R O (Use .define DESERTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:22] <JupIt3r> Ilang kontak

[07:22] <JupIt3r> Wedi aqu

[07:22] <JupIt3r> Bojo e sangar

[07:22] <JupIt3r> Van java aja kalah gede

[07:22] <aryo> hahahha

[07:22] <JupIt3r> Seperti admin allnet cah kediri

[07:22] <aryo> vandul gede manuke tok

[07:23] <aryo> .ac

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S V R C U E (60s timeout) »]

[07:23] <aryo> vercus

[07:23] <aryo> curves

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CURVES ) in 8.75 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CURVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:23] <mimin> Rescue

[07:23] <aryo> sudsh fit

[07:23] <aryo> .ag

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R E C I D S P A T H (60s timeout) »]

[07:23] <aryo> next

[07:23] <aryo> lanjut

[07:23] <aryo> up

[07:23] <aryo> trus

[07:23] <aryo> jalan

[07:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E C I D S P A T H - Here's a hint : D I S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:24] <aryo> opo fi3

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S P A T C H E R with the letters R E C I D S P A T H (Use .define DISPATCHER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:24] <mimin> Bye aryo

[07:25] <aryo> kemana fi3

[07:25] <aryo> bubuk toh

[07:25] <mimin> Telpon

[07:25] <aryo> ow

[07:25] <aryo> oke2

[07:25] <+creasy> Awww.

[07:25] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:25] <+elektra> awww

[07:25] <+pita> awww

[07:25] * +pita rubs aryo better

[07:25] <+elektra> *rubs aryo better*

[07:25] <aryo> .ag

[07:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : G N L A H C L E E S (60s timeout) »]

[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: G N L A H C L E E S - Here's a hint : C H A . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C H A L L E N G E S with the letters G N L A H C L E E S (Use .define CHALLENGES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[07:26] <aryo> .ag

[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S S M E B O S E (60s timeout) »]

[07:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S M E B O S E - Here's a hint : E M B . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:27] <aryo> emboses

[07:27] <aryo> embosess

[07:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E M B O S S E S with the letters S S M E B O S E (Use .define EMBOSSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:27] <nandini> Embowes

[07:27] <aryo> hehe

[07:28] <aryo> .ag

[07:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S E E F A T H R (60s timeout) »]

[07:28] <aryo> fatherss

[07:28] <aryo> fasthers

[07:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E E F A T H R - Here's a hint : F E A . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:29] <aryo> featherss

[07:29] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F E A T H E R S with the letters S E E F A T H R (Use .define FEATHERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:29] <nandini> Feathers

[07:30] <aryo> telat

[07:30] <nandini> Brp bulan

[07:30] <aryo> 3

[07:30] <aryo> .ag

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L Y S M B O S (60s timeout) »]

[07:30] <aryo> symbols

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SYMBOLS ) in 5.235 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SYMBOLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:30] <nandini> mitoni

[07:31] <aryo> urong

[07:31] <aryo> agi 3 koo

[07:31] <aryo> 7sasi mitoni

[07:31] <aryo> po enek jaman saiki mitoni

[07:31] <nandini> Berarti neloni

[07:31] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[07:31] <aryo> yoh

[07:31] <aryo> manut

[07:32] <nandini> enek ae

[07:32] <nandini> Ndek kene jek usum

[07:32] <aryo> dianaki

[07:32] <aryo> ngendi kui

[07:32] <nandini> ndek kene

[07:32] <aryo> kene ngendi

[07:32] <aryo> sby pow

[07:33] <nandini> oleh berkat isine kulupan,tahu kuning,tempe kuning enek trancame

[07:33] <aryo> aku sue ratau ndelok wong mitoni

[07:33] <nandini> nyapo di delok

[07:34] <nandini> isin to

[07:34] <aryo> hehe jaman biyen kan sok ntn wong mitoni

[07:34] <aryo> didusi kae lho

[07:34] <aryo> jarikan

[07:34] <nandini> banyu kembang

[07:34] <aryo> trus nggo kambil ditibakne njero jarik

[07:35] <nandini> saiki gak pati enek

[07:35] <aryo> hu um

[07:35] <aryo> akeh adat sek berubah

[07:35] <aryo> kenduri aja banyak yg hilang

[07:35] <nandini> Cuma syukuran undangan berkatan

[07:35] <nandini> nek kenduri jek akeh

[07:36] <aryo> enek beberapa sek wes ilang

[07:36] <nandini> neloni mitoni nyepasari jek akeh

[07:36] <aryo> ngertiku mitoni rqenek ngeloni

[07:36] <aryo> ro sepasar

[07:36] <nandini> ngeloni ?

[07:37] <aryo> neloni

[07:37] <nandini> iku seng telung wulanan

[07:37] <aryo> kene kok raenek

[07:38] <nandini> berarti wes gak usum

[07:38] <aryo> dr dulu emang g ada

[07:38] <nandini> mosok

[07:38] <aryo> hu um

[07:38] <nandini> yo di enekne dewe

[07:38] <aryo> weleh

[07:39] <nandini> wong saiki mikire wes bedo

[07:39] <aryo> iyo

[07:39] <nandini> Timbang di gawe selametan mending di gawe persiapan babaran

[07:39] <aryo> ho o

[07:39] <JupIt3r> aryo, pikirin mu beda ora

[07:40] <aryo> bedo

[07:40] * omm_pgn (~swu@ has joined #surabaya

[07:40] <aryo> mikirku penting iso rabi ngunu wae

[07:40] <aryo> eh

[07:40] <nandini> soale wong babaran saiki biayane akeh

[07:40] <aryo> akeh biyen dukun saiki kudu bidan

[07:40] <JupIt3r> aryo, mangsa mu join, sesuai selera mu

[07:40] <aryo> watuk sitik rumah sakit

[07:40] <aryo> wong biyen dikeroki mari

[07:40] <nandini> gak kyok mbiyen ,moro nang dukun di amplopi sak ikhlase

[07:41] <aryo> saiki dukune raenek njur sopo sek ngrogoh senuke

[07:41] <Rere_> 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[07:41] <nandini> sak iki titik2 cesar

[07:41] * pitoe (~fish@ has joined #surabaya

[07:41] <JupIt3r> Nah ikie

[07:41] <aryo> weleh enek rere

[07:41] <JupIt3r> Kisut

[07:41] <aryo> kisut teko

[07:41] <aryo> eh

[07:41] <Rere_> Mbah jupeee mintaak uwaaang

[07:42] <pitoe> ra kisut kok.... tegar malah

[07:42] * aryo jane dadi dukune yo gelem nandini

[07:42] <JupIt3r> Byuh

[07:42] <Rere_> Dukun cabul

[07:42] <aryo> ra dicabul bayije rametu toh

[07:43] <aryo> kan kudu nguwek2 senuke nek dukun bayi ki

[07:43] <aryo> ben bayine metu

[07:43] <nandini> * aryo jane dadi dukune yo gelem nandini>>ngenteni waria meteng😆

[07:43] <aryo> cik

[07:43] <aryo> waria jatahe jupi

[07:43] <Rere_> Kui mbah jupe uwek²en

[07:43] <aryo> uwek2 wekmu wae rere

[07:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[07:44] <Rere_> Nyoh iki bar mens

[07:44] <aryo> mumoung seh lowor bar nggo metu

[07:44] <pitoe> hoax rere kisut

[07:44] <aryo> eh

[07:44] <pitoe> afk

[07:44] <Rere_> Beh lowar lowor

[07:44] <aryo> hahaha

[07:44] <Rere_> Kandani rung diliwati ndas pie meh lowor

[07:44] <aryo> ndas manuk pow

[07:45] <aryo> lhaiyo karang rung 6sasi rung oleh dinggo

[07:45] <Rere_> Ndase metu weteng kabeh

[07:45] <pitoe> aryo kok alim yo saiki

[07:45] <aryo> ew

[07:45] <JupIt3r> aryo alim, kiamat irc

[07:45] <pitoe> jiahahah

[07:45] <aryo> sesar pow koe re

[07:45] <+ezza> with my mighty fists of horror, and unstoppable cruelty, i am the tool of destruction, vengeance and fury

[07:45] <Rere_> He e

[07:45] <aryo> teneh wetengmu soyo metgongol

[07:45] <Rere_> [21:45] (JupIt3r) aryo alim, kiamat irc.. podo karo kw mbah

[07:46] <Rere_> Opo wi metgongol

[07:46] <aryo> buncit

[07:46] <Rere_> Ora i

[07:46] <aryo> mubengi goleki rana

[07:46] <aryo> jak mangan bakso

[07:46] <aryo> aku ro rana tok mubengi

[07:46] <aryo> dirimu malah kelon wisan

[07:47] <pitoe> reni penyebab kisutmu apa karna sering di isep?

[07:47] <Rere_> Rana i neng jogja to

[07:47] <pitoe> wkwkwk

[07:47] <aryo> sering kujum cs mili tanpo diclup

[07:47] <aryo> eh

[07:47] <aryo> hu um neng jogja

[07:47] <Rere_> Matane

[07:47] <Rere_> Ndi omah e

[07:47] <aryo> mubengi baksonan jakal ro dekne

[07:47] * pitoe (~fish@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:48] * omm_pgn (~swu@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:48] <+ezza> Mmm omm_pgn.

[07:51] <aryo> .ping

[07:51] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[07:51] <@Dealer> aryo: Pong! (0.437s)

[07:54] <aryo> .ag

[07:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S H S O V E L (60s timeout) »]

[07:54] <aryo> loveshs

[07:54] <aryo> volhess

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S H S O V E L - Here's a hint : S H . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:55] <aryo> shovels

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHOVELS ) in 34.70 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SHOVELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:55] <aryo> .top10

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'708'000$ 6: Riie (??) 2'089'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[07:55] <aryo> .ag

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : L H O C L A O S (60s timeout) »]

[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L H O C L A O S - Here's a hint : A L C . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A L C O H O L S with the letters L H O C L A O S (Use .define ALCOHOLS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[07:57] <aryo> .ac

[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : P S R A Y E R (60s timeout) »]

[07:57] <aryo> sprayes

[07:57] <aryo> sprayers

[07:57] <aryo> sprayer

[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SPRAYER ) in 23.81 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SPRAYER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:58] <aryo> .ag

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A R S T O G E (60s timeout) »]

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A R S T O G E - Here's a hint : S T . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:59] <aryo> storge

[07:59] <aryo> stroge

[07:59] <aryo> nandini

[07:59] <aryo> ewangi

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T O R A G E with the letters A R S T O G E (Use .define STORAGE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:59] <aryo> malah kujum

[08:00] <aryo> .ac

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : O I T I R C E D S P N (60s timeout) »]

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I T I R C E D S P N - Here's a hint : D E S C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:00] <aryo> descriptions

[08:00] <aryo> description

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DESCRIPTION ) in 47.12 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define DESCRIPTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:01] <aryo> .ag

[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : V O G R E (60s timeout) »]

[08:01] <aryo> grove

[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GROVE ) in 4.422 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GROVE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:01] <aryo> .ag

[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S T M H S I L R E P E N E N (60s timeout) »]

[08:01] * jeding (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:01] <aryo> weh

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T M H S I L R E P E N E N - Here's a hint : R E P L E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:02] <aryo> jeding e rere_

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E P L E N I S H M E N T S with the letters S T M H S I L R E P E N E N (Use .define REPLENISHMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[08:03] <aryo> .ac

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H G I L F T (60s timeout) »]

[08:03] <aryo> flight

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FLIGHT ) in 7.891 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FLIGHT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:03] <aryo> .ac

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S O R U T E (60s timeout) »]

[08:03] <aryo> toures

[08:03] <aryo> routes

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROUTES ) in 11.56 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ROUTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[08:04] <aryo> .ag

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T N A R I C O A (60s timeout) »]

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N A R I C O A - Here's a hint : R A I . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:05] * jeding (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R A I N C O A T with the letters T N A R I C O A (Use .define RAINCOAT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[08:05] <aryo> .ac

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S C N M M C O U I A T I O N (60s timeout) »]

[08:05] <aryo> communications

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMMUNICATIONS ) in 11.04 secs . He won 10'500$ ! - Use .define COMMUNICATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:09] <+creasy> Nostril.

[08:11] <aryo> .ag

[08:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S M O P (60s timeout) »]

[08:11] <aryo> poms

[08:11] <aryo> spom

[08:12] <aryo> somp

[08:12] <aryo> omps

[08:12] <aryo> msp

[08:12] <aryo> mosp

[08:12] <aryo> psok

[08:12] <aryo> psom

[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S M O P - Here's a hint : M . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:12] <aryo> mosp

[08:12] <aryo> msop

[08:12] <aryo> mpos

[08:12] <aryo> mops

[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOPS ) in 50 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MOPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:12] <aryo> mosp

[08:13] <aryo> .ag

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T Y R H H M (60s timeout) »]

[08:13] <aryo> thrymm

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T Y R H H M - Here's a hint : R H . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R H Y T H M with the letters T Y R H H M (Use .define RHYTHM to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[08:15] <aryo> .ac

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : X B L T O O O (60s timeout) »]

[08:15] <aryo> toolbox

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TOOLBOX ) in 9.406 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TOOLBOX to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:19] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[08:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[08:29] * Flow (L@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #surabaya

[08:30] * Loki| (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #surabaya

[08:31] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[08:33] <aryo> .ping

[08:33] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:33] <@Dealer> aryo: Pong! (9.765s)

[08:34] <aryo> .ag

[08:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E C T A P H (60s timeout) »]

[08:34] <aryo> patches

[08:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PATCHES ) in 10.73 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PATCHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:35] <aryo> .ag

[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S I A B S (60s timeout) »]

[08:35] <aryo> basis

[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BASIS ) in 6.266 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BASIS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:36] <aryo> .ag

[08:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S G N I U H O S (60s timeout) »]

[08:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S G N I U H O S - Here's a hint : H O U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:37] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H O U S I N G S with the letters S G N I U H O S (Use .define HOUSINGS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:37] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[08:38] <aryo> .ac

[08:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O I H B E A V R (60s timeout) »]

[08:38] <aryo> behavior

[08:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BEHAVIOR ) in 10.93 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BEHAVIOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:38] <aryo> .ac

[08:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E X C E S (60s timeout) »]

[08:39] <aryo> escess

[08:39] <aryo> excess

[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCESS ) in 16.07 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define EXCESS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:39] <aryo> .ag

[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I I M S T R A L (60s timeout) »]

[08:40] <+creasy> The next channel is #temple. Please mind the gap between the channel and the server.

[08:40] <aryo> matrilis

[08:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I I M S T R A L - Here's a hint : M I S . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:40] <aryo> mistrals

[08:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M I S T R I A L S with the letters S I I M S T R A L (Use .define MISTRIALS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[08:43] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[08:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[08:45] <aryo> .ag

[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E O T C F A R I S (60s timeout) »]

[08:45] <aryo> factories

[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FACTORIES ) in 7.39 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define FACTORIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:45] <aryo> .top10

[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'779'250$ 6: Riie (??) 2'089'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[08:45] <aryo> .ac

[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : G N I N I W D S (60s timeout) »]

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: G N I N I W D S - Here's a hint : W I N . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:46] <aryo> windings

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WINDINGS ) in 37.48 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define WINDINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:46] <aryo> .ag

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A V E R M O L (60s timeout) »]

[08:47] <aryo> removal

[08:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REMOVAL ) in 11.93 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define REMOVAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:47] <aryo> .ac

[08:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : C S M U C I C R T A N E (60s timeout) »]

[08:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C S M U C I C R T A N E - Here's a hint : C I R C . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:49] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C I R C U M S T A N C E with the letters C S M U C I C R T A N E (Use .define CIRCUMSTANCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:49] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[08:51] <+ezza> Chicks can't resist me.

[08:51] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[08:55] * kaleng (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya

[08:56] * pitoe (~fish@ has joined #surabaya

[08:58] <aryo> .ag

[08:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E V L E L (60s timeout) »]

[08:58] <aryo> levels

[08:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LEVELS ) in 3.875 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LEVELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:58] <aryo> .ac

[08:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : O R S E D T Y E R S (60s timeout) »]

[08:59] <pitoe> destroyers

[08:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O R S E D T Y E R S - Here's a hint : D E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:59] <aryo> destroyers

[08:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DESTROYERS ) in 31.37 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DESTROYERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:59] * kaleng (~xnxx@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:59] <aryo> makasih mbah

[08:59] <pitoe> iya cu

[09:00] <pitoe> ♡⃛◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞⸜₍ ˍ́˱˲ˍ̀ ₎⸝◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞♡⃛

[09:00] <aryo> yangmu nendi

[09:00] <+elektra> yangmu nendi... yendi

[09:00] <aryo> .ag

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : G I R I D N (60s timeout) »]

[09:00] <aryo> girdin

[09:00] <pitoe> riding

[09:00] <aryo> drigin

[09:01] <aryo> riding

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RIDING ) in 26.40 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RIDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:01] <aryo> suwun mbah

[09:01] <pitoe> yank aku lg bikin dede ma bojone

[09:01] <aryo> wakaakkakaka

[09:01] <pitoe> iyo cu..yg pinter yo belajar onlenya

[09:01] <aryo> cenggur dunk

[09:01] <aryo> .ag

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T I M O N O L H (60s timeout) »]

[09:01] <pitoe> monol

[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T I M O N O L H - Here's a hint : M O N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:02] <aryo> monoitil

[09:02] <pitoe> ith

[09:02] <aryo> monoith

[09:02] <pitoe> itil matamw

[09:02] <aryo> hahaha

[09:02] <+tweety> Wedhus... obey my fist.

[09:02] <pitoe> monolith

[09:02] <aryo> monolith

[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MONOLITH ) in 54.5 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MONOLITH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:02] <+tweety> O snap.

[09:02] <+elektra> o snap

[09:02] <aryo> suwun meneh

[09:02] <+ezza> O snap.

[09:02] * +ezza . o O (muwun seneh)

[09:02] <aryo> .ac

[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S C L A S (60s timeout) »]

[09:03] <aryo> class

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLASS ) in 4.609 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLASS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[09:03] <pitoe> authku amblas lama ga di genjot

[09:03] <aryo> .ag

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : T G I T S R A H E N E R S (60s timeout) »]

[09:03] <aryo> gawe neh

[09:03] <pitoe> straigh

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T G I T S R A H E N E R S - Here's a hint : S T R A . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:03] <aryo> straigheners

[09:04] <aryo> mbuh lah dowo mles ngetike

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T R A I G H T E N E R S with the letters T G I T S R A H E N E R S (Use .define STRAIGHTENERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]

[09:04] <pitoe> jiakakak

[09:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[09:04] <aryo> .ac

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D E B S (60s timeout) »]

[09:04] <aryo> beds

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BEDS ) in 6.016 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BEDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:04] <aryo> .ac

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E P I P (60s timeout) »]

[09:05] <aryo> pipes

[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PIPES ) in 5.953 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PIPES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:05] <aryo> pipis

[09:05] <aryo> .ag

[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E U A P A P R A T S S (60s timeout) »]

[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E U A P A P R A T S S - Here's a hint : A P P A . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:05] <pitoe> polisi kui

[09:06] <aryo> sopo

[09:06] <pitoe> soalnya

[09:06] <aryo> qpparaturs

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A P P A R A T U S E S with the letters E U A P A P R A T S S (Use .define APPARATUSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[09:06] <aryo> .ac

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O N I D A G S I S (60s timeout) »]

[09:06] <pitoe> yakin aku manukmu pendek..soal panjang ga dpt jawab

[09:07] <aryo> odadings

[09:07] <pitoe> diagnosis

[09:07] <aryo> diagnosis

[09:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DIAGNOSIS ) in 24.31 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DIAGNOSIS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:07] <aryo> suwuk

[09:07] <+ezza> SNAP

[09:07] <+pita> SNAP!

[09:07] <pitoe> .k

[09:07] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[09:07] <aryo> .ag

[09:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S H E S T R N G T (60s timeout) »]

[09:08] <aryo> strengsth

[09:08] <pitoe> .ping

[09:08] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S H E S T R N G T - Here's a hint : S T R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:08] <pitoe> hts

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T R E N G T H S with the letters S H E S T R N G T (Use .define STRENGTHS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:09] <pitoe> sepi yo

[09:09] <aryo> ho o

[09:09] <pitoe> opo akeh ngintip

[09:09] <aryo> do mojok kabeh

[09:09] <aryo> sek ol sek do yang2an

[09:09] <pitoe> akakkak

[09:09] <aryo> jakarta kae sak jodo sak jodo

[09:10] <aryo> .ag

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S U A C E (60s timeout) »]

[09:10] <aryo> sauce

[09:10] <aryo> cause

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CAUSE ) in 9.937 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CAUSE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:10] <aryo> .ac

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S S A R G (60s timeout) »]

[09:10] <aryo> grass

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GRASS ) in 4.89 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GRASS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:11] <aryo> .seen aespa

[09:11] <NapaLm> Aespa ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #indonesia 10 jam, 1 minute yang lalu. Pesan : (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )).

[09:11] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[09:11] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[09:11] <aryo> .seen nandini

[09:11] <aryo> .ag

[09:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : P S T O (60s timeout) »]

[09:12] <aryo> post

[09:12] <aryo> stop

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STOP ) in 5.938 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define STOP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:12] <aryo> .ac

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T E B A T L (60s timeout) »]

[09:12] <aryo> battle

[09:12] <aryo> tebal

[09:12] <pitoe> obat

[09:12] <aryo> tabelt

[09:12] <aryo> tablet

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TABLET ) in 24.78 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TABLET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:13] <pitoe> .seen FY

[09:13] <pitoe> halah dc

[09:13] <aryo> .ag

[09:13] <pitoe> .slap fy

[09:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E L I F (60s timeout) »]

[09:13] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe slaps fy around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[09:13] <aryo> file

[09:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FILE ) in 4.89 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FILE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[09:14] <aryo> .ac

[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N O I A B C O M I N T (60s timeout) »]

[09:14] <aryo> combantrin

[09:14] <pitoe> combination

[09:14] <aryo> combination

[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMBINATION ) in 28.82 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COMBINATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[09:14] <aryo> suwuk

[09:14] <+tweety> SNAP.

[09:14] * +pita wins aryo and pitoe

[09:14] <pitoe> thank pita

[09:14] <aryo> .ac

[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : W O G L S (60s timeout) »]

[09:15] <pitoe> .slap pita

[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe slaps pita around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[09:15] <aryo> wolgs

[09:15] <pitoe> glows

[09:15] <aryo> wolgs

[09:15] <aryo> glows

[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GLOWS ) in 20.87 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GLOWS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[09:15] <aryo> suwun

[09:15] <+creasy> :O

[09:15] <pitoe> akakaaka

[09:15] <+ezza> crumbs

[09:15] <+pita> well slap my ass and call me a quim-container

[09:15] <aryo> sek dowo2 nuw

[09:15] <pitoe> asem koen pura2 cuk

[09:15] <aryo> pointne sek akeh

[09:15] <aryo> .ag

[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E G T L O R O V E V A (60s timeout) »]

[09:16] <pitoe> overvoltage

[09:16] <aryo> nah kui ewangi

[09:16] <aryo> overvoltage

[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( OVERVOLTAGE ) in 17.14 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define OVERVOLTAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[09:16] <aryo> suwuk

[09:17] <aryo> .ag

[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E U S R R N D E R (60s timeout) »]

[09:17] <pitoe> surrender

[09:17] <aryo> surrender

[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SURRENDER ) in 26.28 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define SURRENDER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[09:17] <+tweety> SNAP!

[09:17] <aryo> suwuk

[09:17] <aryo> .ag

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S M E L G A (60s timeout) »]

[09:18] <pitoe> cik ojo suwun2

[09:18] <aryo> hahaha

[09:18] <aryo> gamels

[09:18] <aryo> balsem

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S M E L G A - Here's a hint : G L . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:18] <pitoe> walah

[09:18] <aryo> glasem

[09:18] <aryo> glasme

[09:18] <aryo> glames

[09:18] <pitoe> gleam

[09:18] <aryo> glamse

[09:18] <aryo> gleams

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GLEAMS ) in 51.62 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define GLEAMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]

[09:18] <aryo> nah

[09:19] <aryo> .ac

[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I T U R B E S (60s timeout) »]

[09:19] <pitoe> mesin pesawat

[09:19] <aryo> turbiens

[09:19] <pitoe> turbin

[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I T U R B E S - Here's a hint : T U R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:19] <aryo> turbine

[09:19] <pitoe> es

[09:19] <pitoe> turbines

[09:19] <aryo> turbines

[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TURBINES ) in 43.07 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TURBINES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+11) »]

[09:19] <aryo> hpne angel ngetike

[09:20] <pitoe> akakaka

[09:20] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:20] <aryo> hahaha

[09:20] <pitoe> android kok angel

[09:20] <aryo> iyo

[09:20] <pitoe> android kanibal ya

[09:20] <aryo> kadang mencet a kleru s

[09:20] <pitoe> akakakak

[09:20] <aryo> kekebaken memorine

[09:20] <aryo> ngelag2

[09:20] <aryo> .ag

[09:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A U S Q R E S (60s timeout) »]

[09:20] <pitoe> owh

[09:21] <pitoe> sQuare

[09:21] <aryo> tuku meneh bulno soyo parah

[09:21] <aryo> squares

[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SQUARES ) in 29.57 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SQUARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+12) »]

[09:21] <aryo> hp saiki ram gede kualitas ko telek

[09:21] <pitoe> .slap androUser

[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe slaps androUser around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[09:21] <pitoe> .k

[09:21] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[09:21] <aryo> .ag

[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C N W I H (60s timeout) »]

[09:22] <aryo> winch

[09:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WINCH ) in 8.922 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WINCH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+13) »]

[09:22] <suliw4> [23:21] (aryo) hp saiki ram gede kualitas ko telek/ mungkin iku hp jenis lethong

[09:22] <pitoe> kkkkkkk

[09:22] <aryo> ho o

[09:22] <aryo> lethong sapi

[09:22] <aryo> .ac

[09:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : M T S Y M P O (60s timeout) »]

[09:22] <pitoe> kekel

[09:22] <pitoe> sympt

[09:23] <aryo> synptso

[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M T S Y M P O - Here's a hint : S Y . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:23] <pitoe> symptom

[09:23] <aryo> symptom

[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SYMPTOM ) in 39.39 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SYMPTOM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+14) »]

[09:23] <+ezza> O snap.

[09:23] * +tweety wins aryo and pitoe

[09:23] <+pita> O snap.

[09:23] <aryo> O snap

[09:23] <pitoe> .slP tweety

[09:23] <aryo> .ac

[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S O P S O L (60s timeout) »]

[09:23] <aryo> pools

[09:23] <aryo> spols

[09:23] <aryo> spools

[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SPOOLS ) in 14.46 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SPOOLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+15) »]

[09:24] <aryo> .ag

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : N T N I R P U S E E D E N T (60s timeout) »]

[09:24] <pitoe> aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+15) �]

[09:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[09:24] <aryo> buh dawane

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T N I R P U S E E D E N T - Here's a hint : S U P E R . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:24] <aryo> superindo

[09:25] <aryo> superindogrosir

[09:25] <aryo> superman is det

[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U P E R I N T E N D E N T with the letters N T N I R P U S E E D E N T (Use .define SUPERINTENDENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +15 ) »]

[09:25] <aryo> supermi

[09:25] <aryo> susuper

[09:25] <aryo> .ac

[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E I U G D E L I N (60s timeout) »]

[09:25] <pitoe> AC AE PENDEK2

[09:25] <+creasy> i say

[09:25] <+tweety> ARRRRGH!

[09:25] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[09:26] * +ezza is blown away by force of tweety's statement

[09:26] <aryo> podo wae

[09:26] <pitoe> GUIDELINE

[09:26] * +tweety is ezza back with gobyos.

[09:26] <aryo> guideline

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GUIDELINE ) in 21.54 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define GUIDELINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:26] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[09:26] <+ezza> uNf

[09:26] <aryo> .ac

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N G A S O L I E (60s timeout) »]

[09:26] <aryo> gasoline

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GASOLINE ) in 4.204 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define GASOLINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:26] <aryo> .ac

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E E V R M I P O M N T (60s timeout) »]

[09:27] <pitoe> IMPROVIMENT

[09:27] <aryo> improviment

[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E E V R M I P O M N T - Here's a hint : I M P R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:27] <pitoe> VEMENT

[09:27] <+creasy> ow my eyes :(

[09:27] <aryo> improvement

[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( IMPROVEMENT ) in 35.93 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define IMPROVEMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:27] <aryo> ngematne tulisan hp ki cilii2

[09:27] <aryo> nek kakean huruf ribet

[09:27] <aryo> .ag

[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E E Y L M E P O (60s timeout) »]

[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E E Y L M E P O - Here's a hint : E M P . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:28] <aryo> employes

[09:28] <pitoe> employees

[09:28] <aryo> employees

[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EMPLOYEES ) in 47.07 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EMPLOYEES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:28] <+tweety> SNAP!

[09:28] <+pita> *wins aryo and pitoe*

[09:28] <aryo> kurang e

[09:28] <pitoe> he em

[09:29] <aryo> sak pencetan

[09:29] <pitoe> bijimu untung masi cukup

[09:29] <aryo> .ag

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A L S H (60s timeout) »]

[09:29] <aryo> biji opone

[09:29] <aryo> lash

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LASH ) in 13.03 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LASH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[09:29] <pitoe> biji pler

[09:29] <pitoe> jiakaka

[09:29] <aryo> cii

[09:29] <+ezza> i say

[09:29] <+elektra> Well slap my ass and call me a clit-flute.

[09:29] <aryo> saru

[09:29] <+creasy> I say, um...

[09:29] <+pita> what do you say?

[09:29] <+creasy> Hi, I'm creasy. You might remember me from such educational films as Fuzzy Bunny's Guide to You-Know-What and Locker Room Towel Fights: The Blinding of Larry Driscoll.

[09:29] <aryo> .ag

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S L P P S U I E (60s timeout) »]

[09:29] <pitoe> ayanku suka saru yo

[09:29] <aryo> po iyo

[09:30] <pitoe> suppl

[09:30] <aryo> supplie

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S L P P S U I E - Here's a hint : S U P . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:30] <pitoe> s

[09:30] <aryo> supplies

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SUPPLIES ) in 37.23 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SUPPLIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[09:30] <aryo> .ac

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T A G R N (60s timeout) »]

[09:30] <aryo> grant

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GRANT ) in 3.969 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GRANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[09:30] * +creasy falls over

[09:30] <aryo> granat

[09:30] * +elektra picks up creasy

[09:30] <pitoe> falls over elektra

[09:31] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[09:31] <aryo> .ag

[09:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E C N F S I G N I I C A (60s timeout) »]

[09:31] <aryo> segnifigtans

[09:31] <aryo> eh

[09:31] <aryo> kakean huruf

[09:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C N F S I G N I I C A - Here's a hint : S I G N . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:31] <aryo> signifegtan

[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S I G N I F I C A N C E with the letters E C N F S I G N I I C A (Use .define SIGNIFICANCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +7 ) »]

[09:32] <aryo> signifectan

[09:32] <aryo> halah

[09:32] <aryo> telek

[09:32] <aryo> .ac

[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E A C E X H N G (60s timeout) »]

[09:32] <pitoe> exchanges

[09:32] <aryo> exchangers

[09:32] <aryo> exchanges

[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCHANGES ) in 25.15 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXCHANGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:33] <pitoe> .define suliwa

[09:33] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) Sorry, I couldn't find a definition for the word suliwa »]

[09:34] <pitoe> vidio

[09:34] <pitoe> aku off yo..

[09:34] <pitoe> .slap aryo

[09:34] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe slaps aryo around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[09:34] <pitoe> luwe

[09:34] * pitoe (~fish@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:35] <+ezza> i like them :)

[09:35] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[09:36] <aryo> owke

[09:36] <aryo> .ag

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E D M O M (60s timeout) »]

[09:36] <aryo> domem

[09:36] <aryo> modem

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MODEM ) in 17.21 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MODEM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:37] <aryo> .ac

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S I O A L C H O L M (60s timeout) »]

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I O A L C H O L M - Here's a hint : A L C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A L C O H O L I S M with the letters S I O A L C H O L M (Use .define ALCOHOLISM to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[09:38] <suliw4> Pitoe siapa

[09:38] <suliw4> @seen pitoe

[09:38] <ChanStat-12> pitoe (~fish@ was last seen quitting for "Signed off" on Sun March 7 16:34:58 2021 UTC (3 minutes, 32 seconds ago)

[09:38] <aryo> pitoelas

[09:38] <suliw4> @seen

[09:38] <ChanStat-12> pitoe (~fish@ was last seen quitting for "Signed off" on Sun March 7 16:34:58 2021 UTC (3 minutes, 53 seconds ago)

[09:39] <aryo> .ag

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M R O W (60s timeout) »]

[09:39] <aryo> worm

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WORM ) in 4.672 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WORM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:39] <aryo> rere mau ndi sul

[09:39] <aryo> .ac

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E I U B R G L A R (60s timeout) »]

[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E I U B R G L A R - Here's a hint : B U R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B U R G L A R I E S with the letters S E I U B R G L A R (Use .define BURGLARIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:41] <aryo> .ag

[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S B A C (60s timeout) »]

[09:41] <aryo> cabs

[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CABS ) in 4.125 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CABS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:41] <aryo> .top10

[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 32'169'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 24'090'692$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 17'153'115$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 2'961'500$ 6: Riie (??) 2'089'950$ 7: ener (??) 1'311'688$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[09:41] <aryo> .seen Riie

[09:41] <NapaLm> Ada 415 yang cocok di database, tolong sebutkan mana yang mau dijitak.

[09:42] <aryo> .ag

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N E C E P R T (60s timeout) »]

[09:42] <AndroUser> Precent

[09:42] <aryo> precent

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N E C E P R T - Here's a hint : P E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:42] <aryo> percent

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PERCENT ) in 37.87 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PERCENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:43] <aryo> .ac

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S J I G (60s timeout) »]

[09:43] <aryo> jigs

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( JIGS ) in 3.672 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define JIGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:43] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:43] <aryo> .ag

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : O I N E S P R E T A T N (60s timeout) »]

[09:43] <aryo> presentation

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PRESENTATION ) in 14.09 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define PRESENTATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:44] <aryo> .ac

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : M C V I T I (60s timeout) »]

[09:44] <aryo> victim

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VICTIM ) in 10.07 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VICTIM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[09:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[09:44] <aryo> .ag

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : I T A P R I T O N S (60s timeout) »]

[09:44] <aryo> partitions

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PARTITIONS ) in 9.828 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PARTITIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[09:44] <+tweety> i say

[09:45] <+ezza> ARRRRGH!

[09:45] <+elektra> Ooh 'eck.

[09:45] <aryo> .ac

[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O L C C K (60s timeout) »]

[09:45] <aryo> clock

[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLOCK ) in 4.203 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[09:45] <aryo> .ag

[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A O L D (60s timeout) »]

[09:46] <aryo> aold

[09:46] <aryo> load

[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOAD ) in 11.25 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LOAD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[09:46] <aryo> .ac

[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O I T N E T C O N (60s timeout) »]

[09:46] <aryo> conection

[09:47] <aryo> conettion

[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I T N E T C O N - Here's a hint : C O N . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:47] <aryo> contetion

[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N T E N T I O N with the letters N O I T N E T C O N (Use .define CONTENTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +8 ) »]

[09:48] <aryo> .ag

[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : C R R U C E N Y (60s timeout) »]

[09:48] <aryo> currency

[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CURRENCY ) in 22.59 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CURRENCY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:49] <aryo> .ac

[09:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I I I Q A C U S T O N (60s timeout) »]

[09:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I I I Q A C U S T O N - Here's a hint : A C Q U . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C Q U I S I T I O N with the letters I I I Q A C U S T O N (Use .define ACQUISITION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:53] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #surabaya

[09:54] <aryo> .ag

[09:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T V A D I (60s timeout) »]

[09:55] <aryo> vadit

[09:55] <aryo> davit

[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DAVIT ) in 20.92 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define DAVIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:55] <aryo> .ac

[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : N A I A U Q L I F C T I O (60s timeout) »]

[09:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N A I A U Q L I F C T I O - Here's a hint : Q U A L . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:56] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: Q U A L I F I C A T I O N with the letters N A I A U Q L I F C T I O (Use .define QUALIFICATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:02] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[10:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[10:10] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[10:14] * bugi (~BuudayA@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:15] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[10:19] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[10:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[10:30] * ZiaN ( has joined #surabaya

[10:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[10:45] * ZiaN ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:45] <+ezza> bye Zian

[10:47] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[10:49] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[10:49] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :(

[10:55] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[11:09] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:09] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go =[

[11:10] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[11:20] * kaleng (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya

[11:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[11:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[11:30] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[11:30] * kaleng (~xnxx@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:30] * kaleng (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya

[11:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[11:46] <+elektra> I made a poopy

[11:47] <+tweety> Must confess I've never come across her in a work capacity.

[11:58] * kaleng_ (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya

[12:01] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[12:02] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[12:03] * kaleng (~xnxx@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[12:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[12:09] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[12:10] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[12:10] <+pita> dampen me for dinosaur terror!

[12:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[12:29] * kaleng_ (~xnxx@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[12:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[12:46] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[12:49] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[13:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[13:07] <+pita> Loki|--

[13:22] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[13:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[13:27] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[13:27] <+tweety> i like them :-)

[13:30] <+elektra> I'd say there's room up there for another 34 tries.

[13:40] <+ezza> We are the B0rg. You will be 4551m1la70r3d.

[13:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] * Q sets mode: +l 127

[14:01] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:02] <+creasy> adventure "follows" me like a dog follows a man with bacon trousers

[14:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[14:18] <+elektra> You know kirana, licking des blues is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[14:18] <+elektra> You've got to disagree the thekingofbandit

[14:18] <+elektra> nda votekick

[14:18] <+elektra> and finally battle the moose

[14:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[14:44] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[14:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[14:46] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[15:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[15:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[15:25] <+creasy> how could i when i had ilusii^ rakeing Mars

[15:25] <+pita> No i spent my time contemplating how i ravished triviabot in the tongue.

[15:25] <+elektra> yarr

[15:25] <+elektra> have you the vagina worms?

[15:26] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[15:26] <+ezza> mmm szajbus

[15:26] <+elektra> szajbus < millionaire

[15:44] * +ezza yawns

[15:44] <+ezza> bedtime for ezza soon i think

[15:45] <+tweety> nearly bedtime

[15:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[15:58] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[16:05] <+pita> Pardon me. Do you have any grey poupon?

[16:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[16:09] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[16:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[16:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[17:00] * afnan (~afnan@ has joined #surabaya

[17:01] <afnan> sunyi sepi

[17:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[17:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[17:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[17:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:36] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[17:36] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:38] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[17:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[18:04] * afnan (~afnan@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:05] * afnan (~afnan@ has joined #surabaya

[18:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[18:12] * afnan (~afnan@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[18:29] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:30] * Deviee_ is now known as jenniee

[18:43] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[18:44] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[18:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[18:46] <+pita> N to the O T H I N G

[18:46] <+elektra> let me consult a fortune cookie

[18:46] <+creasy> can i have 50:50?

[18:48] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[18:52] <temon> ctxitxotxykclyhc

[18:52] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[18:53] <aryo> .ag

[18:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I C U R T A S (60s timeout) »]

[18:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I C U R T A S - Here's a hint : C U R . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[18:53] <aryo> .top10

[18:53] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 34'872'700$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'063'420$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 10'286'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'007'250$ 6: Riie (??) 2'808'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C U R T A I N S with the letters N I C U R T A S (Use .define CURTAINS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:54] * jenniee (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:54] <aryo> .ac

[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S I N R T E M I A T O N (60s timeout) »]

[18:54] <aryo> terminations

[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TERMINATIONS ) in 12.68 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define TERMINATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:55] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:55] <aryo> wb devie manis

[18:55] <aryo> .ag

[18:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C R O F E (60s timeout) »]

[18:55] <aryo> force

[18:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FORCE ) in 5.797 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FORCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[18:56] <Deviee_> Wb om ar

[18:56] <aryo> dah mandi dev?

[18:56] <aryo> .ac

[18:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E S M I P U L (60s timeout) »]

[18:56] <aryo> simpule

[18:56] <aryo> limpuse

[18:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E S M I P U L - Here's a hint : I M . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[18:56] <aryo> impluse

[18:57] <aryo> impues

[18:57] <aryo> impuels

[18:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I M P U L S E with the letters E S M I P U L (Use .define IMPULSE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:57] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[18:57] <aryo> pelimus

[18:57] <aryo> .ag

[18:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T M G E S E N S (60s timeout) »]

[18:58] * Deviee_ is now known as jenniee

[18:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T M G E S E N S - Here's a hint : S E G . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[18:58] <aryo> segtens

[18:58] <aryo> segments

[18:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SEGMENTS ) in 56.40 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SEGMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:59] <aryo> .ac

[18:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N M E G M A N A E T S (60s timeout) »]

[18:59] <aryo> managements

[18:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MANAGEMENTS ) in 8.828 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define MANAGEMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[19:00] <aryo> .ag

[19:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T I M N U E S (60s timeout) »]

[19:00] <aryo> timunes

[19:01] <jenniee> Minutes

[19:01] <aryo> minutes

[19:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MINUTES ) in 17.90 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MINUTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[19:01] <aryo> nick kok ganti2

[19:01] <aryo> jeni devie wati sapi rini

[19:01] <aryo> .ac

[19:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : T M E R U E R Q I E N S (60s timeout) »]

[19:02] <jenniee> Lg pngin ganti nick oom

[19:02] <aryo> oww

[19:02] <+pita> Awww.

[19:02] <aryo> ben akeh yow koleksine

[19:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T M E R U E R Q I E N S - Here's a hint : R E Q U . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:02] <aryo> requtments

[19:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E Q U I R E M E N T S with the letters T M E R U E R Q I E N S (Use .define REQUIREMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:02] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[19:03] <aryo> .ag

[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T O B O (60s timeout) »]

[19:03] <aryo> boot

[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BOOT ) in 3.422 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BOOT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:03] <+pita> booooooooooooooot

[19:03] <+elektra> Booooooot.

[19:03] <aryo> .ac

[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : H R B U S (60s timeout) »]

[19:03] <aryo> brush

[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BRUSH ) in 5.015 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BRUSH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[19:04] <aryo> .ag

[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E M T E R (60s timeout) »]

[19:04] <aryo> meter

[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( METER ) in 2.938 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define METER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[19:04] <aryo> .ac

[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E R O F C (60s timeout) »]

[19:04] <aryo> force

[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FORCE ) in 3.766 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FORCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[19:05] <aryo> .ag

[19:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M O H E (60s timeout) »]

[19:05] <aryo> home

[19:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HOME ) in 3.906 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HOME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[19:06] <aryo> .ac

[19:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S E L I E P R O J C T (60s timeout) »]

[19:06] <aryo> listproject

[19:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[19:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E L I E P R O J C T - Here's a hint : P R O J . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:07] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O J E C T I L E S with the letters S E L I E P R O J C T (Use .define PROJECTILES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:07] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]

[19:08] <aryo> .ag

[19:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E A A L P H B T S (60s timeout) »]

[19:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A A L P H B T S - Here's a hint : A L P . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:09] <aryo> alphabets

[19:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ALPHABETS ) in 53.37 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ALPHABETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:10] * Aespa (~x@ has joined #surabaya

[19:10] <Aespa> .ag

[19:10] <Aespa> .reg

[19:10] <aryo> wb say

[19:10] <aryo> eh

[19:10] * Aespa (~x@ Quit (Registered)

[19:10] * Aespa ( has joined #surabaya

[19:10] <jenniee> Wb jeenk

[19:10] <Aespa> Ty jenk

[19:10] <Aespa> Ty mbah aryo

[19:10] <aryo> .ag

[19:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S N U O W D (60s timeout) »]

[19:10] <jenniee> Nggihh

[19:10] <Aespa> Ojo say say...nggilani

[19:10] <Aespa> Wounds

[19:10] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( WOUNDS ) in 10.81 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WOUNDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:10] <aryo> wounds

[19:10] <jenniee> .k

[19:10] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[19:11] <Aespa> .money

[19:11] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#vw) has 10'291'250$ »]

[19:11] <aryo> .k

[19:11] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[19:11] <Aespa> .top10

[19:11] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 34'872'700$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'063'420$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (Aespa) 10'291'250$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'063'500$ 6: Riie (??) 2'808'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[19:11] <aryo> wes trimo ngalah

[19:11] <Aespa> Maine ngko ae ah

[19:11] <Aespa> Sakno sing ngebut

[19:11] <jenniee> .k

[19:11] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[19:12] <jenniee> .k

[19:12] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[19:12] <aryo> sek asek

[19:12] <aryo> .ag

[19:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E M I N (60s timeout) »]

[19:12] <aryo> mine

[19:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MINE ) in 3.344 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:12] <Aespa> Mine

[19:12] <jenniee> Ben dadi miliarder

[19:12] <aryo> lha melu malahan

[19:12] <Aespa> Iyo jen

[19:12] <aryo> jen dirimu ki sby udu

[19:12] <aryo> .ag

[19:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O C S H O L S (60s timeout) »]

[19:12] <Aespa> Nick iki yo jen sing dicolong becak?

[19:12] <Aespa> Schools

[19:12] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SCHOOLS ) in 3.687 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SCHOOLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:12] <aryo> schools

[19:12] <aryo> walah

[19:12] <jenniee> (Aespa) Nick iki yo jen sing dicolong becak?..nggihh

[19:13] <Aespa> Becak opo sek ol?

[19:13] <Aespa> Off sek

[19:13] * Aespa ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:13] <aryo> .ag

[19:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E S R U C O (60s timeout) »]

[19:13] <aryo> rescure

[19:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S R U C O - Here's a hint : C O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:14] <aryo> coruses

[19:14] <aryo> couress

[19:14] <aryo> coreses

[19:14] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O U R S E S with the letters S E S R U C O (Use .define COURSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:15] <aryo> .ac

[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : O A L T N V E I T I N (60s timeout) »]

[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A L T N V E I T I N - Here's a hint : V E N T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:15] <aryo> ventilation

[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VENTILATION ) in 37.59 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define VENTILATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:16] <aryo> .ag

[19:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N I A P M O C L T (60s timeout) »]

[19:16] <aryo> complation

[19:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I A P M O C L T - Here's a hint : C O M . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:17] <aryo> complain

[19:17] <aryo> complaint

[19:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMPLAINT ) in 60.28 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define COMPLAINT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[19:18] <aryo> .ac

[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T T M I (60s timeout) »]

[19:18] <aryo> mitt

[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MITT ) in 3.156 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MITT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[19:18] <aryo> .ag

[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S N O I N I R O O C D A T (60s timeout) »]

[19:18] <aryo> coordinations

[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COORDINATIONS ) in 8.438 secs . He won 9'750$ ! - Use .define COORDINATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[19:18] <aryo> .ac

[19:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R O S V I I T S (60s timeout) »]

[19:19] <aryo> visitors

[19:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VISITORS ) in 5.594 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define VISITORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[19:19] <aryo> .ag

[19:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : B O D O R K N O S (60s timeout) »]

[19:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: B O D O R K N O S - Here's a hint : D O O . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D O O R K N O B S with the letters B O D O R K N O S (Use .define DOORKNOBS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:20] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]

[19:21] <+pita> ARRRRRRRGH! I had a horrible nightmare of a powerful brain exploding over a skinny, acid covered heart on an ice covered ocean :[

[19:21] <aryo> .ag

[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L I A N (60s timeout) »]

[19:21] <aryo> nail

[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NAIL ) in 5.547 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NAIL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:21] <aryo> .ac

[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : A T S N D I N G (60s timeout) »]

[19:21] <aryo> standing

[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STANDING ) in 3.625 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define STANDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[19:22] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[19:22] <aryo> .ag

[19:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T R D E S E (60s timeout) »]

[19:22] <aryo> desert

[19:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DESERT ) in 10.81 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define DESERT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[19:22] <aryo> .ac

[19:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S N T R T I D S O I O (60s timeout) »]

[19:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N T R T I D S O I O - Here's a hint : D I S T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:23] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S T O R T I O N S with the letters S N T R T I D S O I O (Use .define DISTORTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:23] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[19:24] <aryo> .ag

[19:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T N T S N I V E M E (60s timeout) »]

[19:24] <aryo> investement

[19:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N T S N I V E M E - Here's a hint : I N V . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:25] <aryo> investten

[19:25] <aryo> investment

[19:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INVESTMENT ) in 59.25 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define INVESTMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:26] <aryo> .ag

[19:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E E I G E N N R (60s timeout) »]

[19:26] <aryo> engginer

[19:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[19:26] <aryo> enginer

[19:26] <aryo> engineer

[19:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ENGINEER ) in 26.93 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ENGINEER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[19:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[19:26] <aryo> .ag

[19:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T S A W I (60s timeout) »]

[19:27] <aryo> waist

[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WAIST ) in 13.93 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WAIST to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[19:27] <aryo> .ac

[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A R Y S (60s timeout) »]

[19:27] <aryo> rays

[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RAYS ) in 3.078 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RAYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[19:28] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[19:28] <aryo> .ag

[19:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : C I P U B L (60s timeout) »]

[19:29] <aryo> blpublic

[19:29] <aryo> public

[19:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PUBLIC ) in 30.12 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PUBLIC to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[19:29] <aryo> .ac

[19:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E Z E N S E (60s timeout) »]

[19:29] <aryo> seenze

[19:30] <aryo> sezense

[19:30] <aryo> ezense

[19:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E Z E N S E - Here's a hint : S N . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:30] <aryo> sneeze

[19:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SNEEZE ) in 42.53 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SNEEZE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[19:30] <aryo> .ag

[19:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S A N U M E R L (60s timeout) »]

[19:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A N U M E R L - Here's a hint : N U M . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:31] <aryo> numerals

[19:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NUMERALS ) in 39.07 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define NUMERALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[19:31] <aryo> .ag

[19:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : L A F S U H O E L S (60s timeout) »]

[19:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L A F S U H O E L S - Here's a hint : H O U . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:32] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H O U S E F A L L S with the letters L A F S U H O E L S (Use .define HOUSEFALLS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:32] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +7 ) »]

[19:33] <aryo> .ag

[19:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A M O R L E (60s timeout) »]

[19:33] <aryo> amoler

[19:33] <aryo> lamore

[19:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A M O R L E - Here's a hint : M O . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:33] <aryo> morela

[19:33] <aryo> molera

[19:33] <aryo> molare

[19:33] <aryo> morale

[19:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MORALE ) in 50.37 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MORALE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:33] <jenniee> Malore

[19:34] <aryo> game dimana dev

[19:34] <aryo> .ag

[19:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E C A K (60s timeout) »]

[19:34] <aryo> cake

[19:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CAKE ) in 4.375 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CAKE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[19:35] <aryo> .ag

[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S C O H S K (60s timeout) »]

[19:35] <aryo> shocks

[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHOCKS ) in 4.844 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHOCKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[19:35] <aryo> .ac

[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S R N I C I D T O A I E (60s timeout) »]

[19:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R N I C I D T O A I E - Here's a hint : D I C T . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:36] <aryo> dictionaris

[19:36] <aryo> dictionaries

[19:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DICTIONARIES ) in 48.95 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define DICTIONARIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[19:36] <aryo> .ac

[19:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S U G I F R E (60s timeout) »]

[19:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S U G I F R E - Here's a hint : F I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:37] <aryo> figures

[19:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FIGURES ) in 34.23 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FIGURES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[19:37] * +pita is blown away by force of Dealer's statement

[19:37] * +elektra gives pita a hand

[19:37] <aryo> .ag

[19:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S T F A S H (60s timeout) »]

[19:37] <aryo> fhast

[19:37] <aryo> fhasts

[19:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T F A S H - Here's a hint : S H . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:38] <aryo> shafts

[19:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHAFTS ) in 42.45 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHAFTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[19:38] <aryo> .ac

[19:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T A C R (60s timeout) »]

[19:38] <aryo> crats

[19:38] <aryo> vrast

[19:38] <aryo> crast

[19:38] <aryo> tracs

[19:38] <aryo> tarcs

[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T A C R - Here's a hint : C A . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:39] <aryo> carts

[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CARTS ) in 36.03 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CARTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[19:39] * +elektra blinks

[19:39] <aryo> .ag

[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : B L I M A O X (60s timeout) »]

[19:39] <aryo> mailbox

[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MAILBOX ) in 5.438 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MAILBOX to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[19:39] <aryo> .ac

[19:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T C A T A T R I O N (60s timeout) »]

[19:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T C A T A T R I O N - Here's a hint : A T T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A T T R A C T I O N with the letters T C A T A T R I O N (Use .define ATTRACTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +8 ) »]

[19:43] <aryo> .ac

[19:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N S E R P U S P S I O S (60s timeout) »]

[19:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N S E R P U S P S I O S - Here's a hint : S U P P . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:44] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U P P R E S S I O N S with the letters N S E R P U S P S I O S (Use .define SUPPRESSIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:45] <aryo> .ag

[19:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S T N L N E I S T M E (60s timeout) »]

[19:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T N L N E I S T M E - Here's a hint : E N L I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:46] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N L I S T M E N T S with the letters S T N L N E I S T M E (Use .define ENLISTMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:46] <aryo> .ag

[19:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I E N D N G (60s timeout) »]

[19:46] <aryo> ending

[19:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ENDING ) in 5.344 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ENDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[19:47] <aryo> .ac

[19:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T I A R T S R E N (60s timeout) »]

[19:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T I A R T S R E N - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:47] <aryo> resisten

[19:48] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E S T R A I N T with the letters T I A R T S R E N (Use .define RESTRAINT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:48] <aryo> .ac

[19:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S R U S O L E N C E (60s timeout) »]

[19:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R U S O L E N C E - Here's a hint : E N C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:48] <aryo> enclouser

[19:49] <aryo> enclousers

[19:49] <+elektra> You know evita, timing an infection is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[19:49] <+elektra> You've got to accept the spectator

[19:49] <+elektra> bed the aloha

[19:49] <+elektra> and finally protect the nostalgia

[19:49] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N C L O S U R E S with the letters S R U S O L E N C E (Use .define ENCLOSURES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:49] <aryo> oww

[19:50] <aryo> .ag

[19:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N A P R O S (60s timeout) »]

[19:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N A P R O S - Here's a hint : A P . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:51] <aryo> aprons

[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( APRONS ) in 42.93 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define APRONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:51] <aryo> .ac

[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A T L V O G E (60s timeout) »]

[19:51] <aryo> voltages

[19:51] <aryo> voltage

[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VOLTAGE ) in 8.172 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define VOLTAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[19:51] <aryo> .ag

[19:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H T G N E L (60s timeout) »]

[19:51] <aryo> lenght

[19:52] <aryo> length

[19:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LENGTH ) in 25.62 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LENGTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[19:52] <aryo> .top10

[19:52] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 35'411'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'067'170$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 10'778'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'207'500$ 6: Riie (??) 2'808'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[19:52] <aryo> .ag

[19:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : O I T I V A L D A N S (60s timeout) »]

[19:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I T I V A L D A N S - Here's a hint : V A L I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:53] <aryo> validations

[19:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VALIDATIONS ) in 34.15 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define VALIDATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[19:53] <aryo> .ac

[19:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S I V D E C E (60s timeout) »]

[19:54] <aryo> devices

[19:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DEVICES ) in 4.797 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DEVICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[19:54] <aryo> .ag

[19:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : N O I A R S U L I L T T S (60s timeout) »]

[19:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I A R S U L I L T T S - Here's a hint : I L L U . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I L L U S T R A T I O N S with the letters N O I A R S U L I L T T S (Use .define ILLUSTRATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:55] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]

[19:55] <aryo> .ac

[19:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I R A S E (60s timeout) »]

[19:56] <aryo> raise

[19:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RAISE ) in 5.625 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define RAISE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:56] <aryo> .ag

[19:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : M S I B A S E T L H E N T (60s timeout) »]

[19:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M S I B A S E T L H E N T - Here's a hint : E S T A . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[19:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E S T A B L I S H M E N T with the letters M S I B A S E T L H E N T (Use .define ESTABLISHMENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:58] <aryo> .ag

[19:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I T P X E C E (60s timeout) »]

[19:58] <aryo> exeption

[19:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I T P X E C E - Here's a hint : E X C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[19:58] <aryo> exception

[19:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCEPTION ) in 40.93 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXCEPTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:59] <aryo> .ag

[19:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : D E R F U N S (60s timeout) »]

[19:59] <aryo> funders

[19:59] <aryo> refunds

[19:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REFUNDS ) in 13.98 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define REFUNDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[20:00] <aryo> .ac

[20:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S N O P O I S (60s timeout) »]

[20:00] <aryo> posision

[20:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N O P O I S - Here's a hint : P O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[20:00] <aryo> possion

[20:00] <aryo> posions

[20:01] <aryo> poisons

[20:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( POISONS ) in 56.04 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define POISONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[20:01] <aryo> .top10

[20:01] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 35'509'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'067'170$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 10'778'750$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'242'000$ 6: Riie (??) 2'808'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[20:01] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:03] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[20:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[20:08] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[20:10] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:13] * +creasy assimilates the channel

[20:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[20:27] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[20:28] <nandini> !jam

[20:32] <Light> Bu

[20:33] <nandini> BU butuh uang

[20:37] <Light> 😄

[20:41] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[20:44] <+elektra> I never chew, it's unethical

[20:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[20:47] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[21:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[21:13] * jenniee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:21] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[21:26] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)

[21:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[21:33] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #surabaya

[21:34] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[21:44] * bugi (~BuudayA@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:45] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[21:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[22:01] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[22:02] <+creasy> pfft might as well fuck myself, it's the only way I'll get any this side of the 22nd century

[22:06] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[22:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[22:30] * +tweety awakens from a nightmare about a sorcerer madly pouring toxic waste over a poison covered leech over an evi;l, mucous covered mach truck with a tombstone

[22:30] <+elektra> I kinda like thongs

[22:36] <+tweety> Resistance is futile, you will be 0wn3d.

[22:43] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[22:45] * +ezza awakens from a nightmare about a hundred million tiny slaves obliterating a billion venom covered coffins

[22:46] * co_pgn (~ang_ga@ has joined #surabaya

[22:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[22:49] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)

[22:51] <+creasy> pi pie pie pie.

[22:53] * co_pgn (~ang_ga@ Quit (Signed off)

[22:54] <+ezza> I like them =D.

[23:04] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[23:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[23:10] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[23:16] * putri ( has joined #surabaya

[23:17] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[23:17] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:19] * Aespa ( has joined #surabaya

[23:19] <Aespa> .ag

[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O O S P L (60s timeout) »]

[23:19] <Aespa> Spool

[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SPOOL ) in 2.922 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SPOOL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa pwn'd #aryo in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[23:20] <+elektra> Spoooooooooooooool

[23:20] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[23:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[23:24] <Aespa> .ag

[23:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N P A C T A I (60s timeout) »]

[23:24] <Aespa> Captain

[23:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CAPTAIN ) in 3.11 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CAPTAIN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[23:25] <Aespa> .ag

[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : T A S E D O C N N I O N (60s timeout) »]

[23:25] <Aespa> Condensation

[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CONDENSATION ) in 7.641 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define CONDENSATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[23:25] <Aespa> .money

[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#vw) has 11'222'000$ »]

[23:25] * putri ( has left #surabaya

[23:26] <Aespa> .top10

[23:26] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 38'405'450$ 2: nia (Denia) 25'999'270$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (Aespa) 11'222'000$ 5: aryo (??) 3'242'000$ 6: Riie (??) 2'805'150$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[23:27] <Aespa> .ag

[23:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S R E V S E (60s timeout) »]

[23:27] <Aespa> Serves

[23:27] <Aespa> Verses

[23:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( VERSES ) in 7.562 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VERSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[23:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[23:27] <+tweety> lordy

[23:28] <Aespa> .ag

[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S I D E E L (60s timeout) »]

[23:28] <Aespa> Diesel

[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( DIESEL ) in 6.063 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define DIESEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[23:28] * +ezza blinks

[23:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[23:31] <Aespa> .ag

[23:31] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S S I U R C E (60s timeout) »]

[23:31] <Aespa> Cruisers

[23:31] <Aespa> Cruises

[23:31] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CRUISES ) in 16.79 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CRUISES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[23:34] <Aespa> .ag

[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S I R B (60s timeout) »]

[23:34] <Aespa> Ribs

[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( RIBS ) in 4.75 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RIBS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[23:34] <+pita> ow my eyes :(

[23:37] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[23:42] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[23:49] <Aespa> .ag

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T S A L (60s timeout) »]

[23:49] <Aespa> Salts

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SALTS ) in 6.594 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SALTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[23:50] <Aespa> .ag

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R T A L U L A C C O (60s timeout) »]

[23:51] <Aespa> Calculator

[23:51] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CALCULATOR ) in 4.625 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define CALCULATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[23:51] <+creasy> Blimey.

[23:52] <Aespa> .ag

[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T S L B A S (60s timeout) »]

[23:52] <Aespa> Blasts

[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( BLASTS ) in 3.141 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BLASTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]

[23:54] <Aespa> .ag

[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : G F L A (60s timeout) »]

[23:54] <Aespa> Flag

[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( FLAG ) in 3.156 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FLAG to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+11) »]

[23:54] * +creasy is blown away by force of dealer's statement

[23:55] <Aespa> .ag

[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E V A E L (60s timeout) »]

[23:55] <Aespa> Leaves

[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( LEAVES ) in 3.609 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LEAVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+12) »]

[23:55] <+pita> :o

[00:01] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[00:01] <+elektra> Nostril.

[00:03] <Aespa> .ag

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E V N T S (60s timeout) »]

[00:03] <Aespa> Vents

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( VENTS ) in 2.906 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define VENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+13) »]

[00:05] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[00:05] <Aespa> .ag

[00:05] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E G A A C R R I (60s timeout) »]

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G A A C R R I - Here's a hint : C A R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:06] <Aespa> Carriage

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CARRIAGE ) in 34.26 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CARRIAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a RAMPAGE!! (+14) »]

[00:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[00:07] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[00:08] <Aespa> Ag

[00:08] <Aespa> .ag

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : K U B C L E (60s timeout) »]

[00:08] <Aespa> Buckle

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( BUCKLE ) in 3.86 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BUCKLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+15) »]

[00:08] <+tweety> ow my eyes :(

[00:09] <Aespa> .ag

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : U O F C S E S (60s timeout) »]

[00:09] <Aespa> Focuses

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( FOCUSES ) in 6.344 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FOCUSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+16) »]

[00:11] <Aespa> .ag

[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L B C A E (60s timeout) »]

[00:11] <Aespa> Cable

[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CABLE ) in 2.75 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CABLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+17) »]

[00:12] <Aespa> .af

[00:12] <Aespa> .ag

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S A R E M A C (60s timeout) »]

[00:12] <Aespa> Cameras

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CAMERAS ) in 5.703 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CAMERAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+18) »]

[00:12] <+elektra> wowsers

[00:14] <Aespa> .ag

[00:14] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S R E W L F O (60s timeout) »]

[00:14] <Aespa> Flowera

[00:14] <Aespa> Flowers

[00:14] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( FLOWERS ) in 7.64 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FLOWERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's DOMINATING!!! (+19) »]

[00:14] <+pita> Blimey.

[00:15] <Aespa> .ag

[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E L T O B T (60s timeout) »]

[00:15] <Aespa> Bottle

[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( BOTTLE ) in 3.297 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BOTTLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+20) »]

[00:15] * +tweety is blown away by force of Dealer's statement

[00:16] <Aespa> .ag

[00:16] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L S E A (60s timeout) »]

[00:16] <Aespa> Sale

[00:16] <Aespa> Seal

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SEAL ) in 6.86 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SEAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+21) »]

[00:17] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:18] <Aespa> .ag

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R G O P R A M (60s timeout) »]

[00:18] <Aespa> Program

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( PROGRAM ) in 3.437 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PROGRAM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+22) »]

[00:18] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:19] <GoodToTalk> stop her

[00:19] <GoodToTalk> :D

[00:19] <+pita> =)

[00:19] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:19] <GoodToTalk> her would you like to stop?

[00:20] <Aespa> Shut up

[00:20] <Aespa> .ag

[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N N I L S G I G (60s timeout) »]

[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N N I L S G I G - Here's a hint : S L I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[00:20] <Aespa> Slinning

[00:20] <Aespa> Slinging

[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( SLINGING ) in 47 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SLINGING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+23) »]

[00:21] <+tweety> Ow my eyes :(

[00:21] <+ezza> Lordy.

[00:21] <Aespa> .define slinging

[00:21] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) slinging: similar to [dealing], distributing, [selling] of [drugs] »]

[00:22] <Aespa> .ag

[00:22] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S E U O V C H R (60s timeout) »]

[00:22] <Aespa> Vouchers

[00:22] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( VOUCHERS ) in 4.297 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define VOUCHERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:22] <GoodToTalk> yang mana yang kamu pilih?

[00:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop her! (+24) »]

[00:22] <Aespa> Apaan

[00:22] <GoodToTalk> udah lewat

[00:23] <Aespa> Gehe

[00:23] <Aespa> Geje

[00:23] <GoodToTalk> Geje tapi ngangenin

[00:23] <GoodToTalk> ha ha ha

[00:23] <GoodToTalk> pasti kamu segera meludah di depanku

[00:24] * GoodToTalk siap pake face shield

[00:24] <GoodToTalk> akan kubawa ludahmu ke lab

[00:24] <Aespa> Gawe opo

[00:24] <Aespa> .money

[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#vw) has 11'981'750$ »]

[00:24] <Aespa> .ag

[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S C I R P E (60s timeout) »]

[00:24] <Aespa> Prices

[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( PRICES ) in 3.063 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PRICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+25) »]

[00:24] <Aespa> Test DNA?

[00:24] <GoodToTalk> iya

[00:24] <Aespa> Larang gawe

[00:25] * Riie (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:25] * Riie (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[00:26] <Aespa> .seen

[00:26] <NapaLm> Aespa, Gue enggak pernah liat

[00:26] <Aespa> Wkwkkw

[00:27] <Aespa> .ag

[00:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E V L E E N (60s timeout) »]

[00:27] <Aespa> Eleven

[00:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( ELEVEN ) in 3.219 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ELEVEN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She becomes GOLDLIKE!!!!! (+26) »]

[00:27] <Aespa> .money

[00:27] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#vw) has 12'024'500$ »]

[00:27] <Aespa> Sugih

[00:27] <GoodToTalk> (1) uang sumber kekuatan dan (2) uang modal kekuatan.

[00:27] <Aespa> Geje

[00:27] <Aespa> Ceramah tah?

[00:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[00:28] <Aespa> .top10

[00:28] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 38'442'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 26'531'070$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (Aespa) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (??) 3'242'000$ 6: Riie (??) 3'159'000$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[00:28] <GoodToTalk> sebuah pilihan

[00:28] <Aespa> Hadehh

[00:29] <Aespa> Pilihan opo

[00:29] <GoodToTalk> ada yang menjadikan uang sebagai tujuan akhir

[00:30] <GoodToTalk> tapi ada yang membuat uang sebagai modal mencapai .....

[00:30] <Aespa> Wis dongengo

[00:31] * Aespa ( Quit (EOF from client)

[00:31] * Aespa (~x@ has joined #surabaya

[00:32] * putra (webchat@oqel.tkb9.nhl3.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:32] * Aespa (~x@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:34] <GoodToTalk> loh

[00:37] <+ezza> pfft might as well fuck myself, it's the only way I'll get any this side of the 22nd century

[00:38] <putra> omg ezza self fuck

[00:38] <putra> :/

[00:38] <Ganonk> .slaps putra

[00:38] <@Dealer> 6 Ganonk slaps putra around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[00:38] <Ganonk> .dick putra

[00:38] <@Dealer> 6 Ganonk's dick: 8============D - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[00:38] <putra> we

[00:38] <Ganonk> .dns asu.kwe

[00:40] <Ganonk> Guest222!webchat@oqel.tkb9.nhl3.ip parted: <== ganti apn & ganti ident dulu biar cakep

[00:40] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:41] <putra> ada masalah bro?

[00:42] <NaKaL> hi bots

[00:42] <+tweety> :o)

[00:42] <+creasy> :o)

[00:42] <+pita> =D

[00:42] <+elektra> =]

[00:42] <+ezza> =D

[00:42] <+ezza> -_-

[00:42] <+tweety> :)

[00:42] <+pita> =]

[00:42] <NaKaL> .ping

[00:43] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[00:43] <@Dealer> NaKaL: Pong! (0.703s)

[00:43] <+creasy> Honestly, I don't know how that preparation got in there. I must have twiddled

[00:43] <putra> Ganonk : ada masalah bro?

[00:43] <NaKaL> bots give me kokam

[00:43] * +tweety gives NaKaL kokam

[00:43] <+creasy> *gives NaKaL kokam*

[00:43] * +pita gives NaKaL kokam

[00:43] * +elektra gives NaKaL kokam

[00:43] * +ezza gives NaKaL kokam

[00:43] <NaKaL> nape lu putra

[00:44] <NaKaL> .ping

[00:44] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[00:44] <@Dealer> NaKaL: Pong! (0.938s)

[00:44] <NaKaL> .define kokam

[00:44] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) kokam: Nickname given to the relationship between Tanaka Koki and [Kamenashi Kazuya] of [KAT-TUN], [Johnny's Entertainment]. This relationship term ranges from friendship all the way down to smutty pronographic situations. »]

[00:45] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[00:45] <putra> .ping Ganonk

[00:45] <@Dealer> Ganonk: Pong! (0.688s)

[00:45] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[00:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[00:48] <putra> cemen Ganonk ternyata

[00:48] <NaKaL> how are you bots

[00:48] <NaKaL> how are you bots?

[00:48] <+tweety> Nakal: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[00:48] <+creasy> Nakal: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[00:48] <+pita> NaKaL: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[00:48] <+elektra> nakal: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[00:48] <+ezza> nakal: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[00:48] * +tweety wins ezza and elektra

[00:48] <+ezza> SNAP.

[00:49] * +elektra afaszts tweety in the hand

[00:49] * +ezza ds "tweety" in return

[00:49] * +tweety AguS elektra in return

[00:49] <+elektra> merki

[00:50] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[00:50] <+tweety> Bye Szajbus.

[00:50] * putra (webchat@oqel.tkb9.nhl3.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[01:16] * kisut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:16] <kisut> hallo

[01:17] <GoodToTalk> hao keset

[01:17] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[01:17] <aryo> .ag

[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N I G G E L G (60s timeout) »]

[01:18] <aryo> gleling

[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I G G E L G - Here's a hint : L E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:18] <aryo> niggleg

[01:18] <aryo> legging

[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LEGGING ) in 43.37 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define LEGGING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd #vw in his winning streak! ( +26 ) »]

[01:18] <aryo> .ac

[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : I E R I D C T V E S (60s timeout) »]

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I E R I D C T V E S - Here's a hint : D I R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:19] <aryo> directives

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DIRECTIVES ) in 47 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DIRECTIVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:20] <aryo> .ag

[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : U E R S L T (60s timeout) »]

[01:20] <aryo> result

[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RESULT ) in 15.75 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RESULT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:20] <aryo> .ag

[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L A E R (60s timeout) »]

[01:20] <aryo> laser

[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LASER ) in 4.062 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LASER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:21] <aryo> .ac

[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E N A I T R G L (60s timeout) »]

[01:21] <aryo> triangel

[01:21] <kisut> kisut kok keset

[01:21] <kisut> salah baca kamu ya

[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E N A I T R G L - Here's a hint : T R I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:21] <aryo> triange

[01:21] <aryo> triangle

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TRIANGLE ) in 49.70 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TRIANGLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[01:22] <aryo> kisut susune pow

[01:22] <aryo> .ac

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N T M O I O S (60s timeout) »]

[01:22] * kisut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T M O I O S - Here's a hint : M O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:23] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[01:23] <aryo> montios

[01:23] <aryo> motions

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOTIONS ) in 57.93 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MOTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[01:23] <+creasy> ow my eyes :(

[01:23] * +tweety is blown off feet by force of dealer's statement

[01:23] <+elektra> :o

[01:23] <+pita> Lordy.

[01:23] <+tweety> i say

[01:23] <+tweety> I say, erm..

[01:23] <+tweety> i have to get home before midnight or i'll turn into a banana.

[01:24] <aryo> .ag

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E L B A Z (60s timeout) »]

[01:24] <aryo> zabel

[01:24] <aryo> balez

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L B A Z - Here's a hint : B L . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:24] <aryo> blaze

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BLAZE ) in 34.40 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BLAZE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[01:24] <+elektra> Blimey.

[01:25] <aryo> .ag

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D N L A S (60s timeout) »]

[01:25] <aryo> lands

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LANDS ) in 8.407 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LANDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[01:25] <aryo> .ac

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R O E R R (60s timeout) »]

[01:26] <aryo> error

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ERROR ) in 5.36 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ERROR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[01:26] <aryo> .top10

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'215'700$ 2: nia (Denia) 26'531'070$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'285'500$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 440'750$ »]

[01:26] <aryo> .ag

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N O N E U T R S (60s timeout) »]

[01:26] <aryo> neutrons

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NEUTRONS ) in 5.578 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define NEUTRONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]

[01:26] <aryo> .ac

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S K L O C (60s timeout) »]

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S K L O C - Here's a hint : L O . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L O C K S with the letters S K L O C (Use .define LOCKS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +10 ) »]

[01:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[01:29] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:29] <klepon> hallo

[01:29] <klepon> ada orang?

[01:29] * Gloria16 ( has joined #surabaya

[01:30] <klepon> .seen thajaoey

[01:30] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat thajaoey.

[01:30] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[01:30] <+creasy> r the ear is the third planet from the kidneys.

[01:30] <aryo> g ada

[01:30] <klepon> .seen tjahayoe

[01:30] <klepon> kamu bukan orang ya

[01:30] <aryo> jahyoe gi menthili anake

[01:30] <aryo> .ag

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O I I B S U M S S (60s timeout) »]

[01:30] <klepon> cah ayu ngambek ama klepon

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I I B S U M S S - Here's a hint : S U B . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:31] <+pita> My underwear is too tight ;(

[01:31] <klepon> cah ayu punya ank kecil?

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U B M I S S I O N with the letters N O I I B S U M S S (Use .define SUBMISSION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:31] * Gloria16 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:31] <klepon> [kleponelek PING]

[01:31] <klepon> asem aku di flood orang

[01:31] <klepon> kurang ajar

[01:31] <aryo> lha istri org masih kau goda

[01:32] <klepon> aku gak goda

[01:32] <aryo> .ag

[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S I W R S T (60s timeout) »]

[01:32] <+elektra> RUN, HUMANS*$*!^*#^^^£%percent£%percent~#

[01:32] <aryo> wirst

[01:32] <klepon> ngapain goda dia

[01:32] <aryo> twirs

[01:32] <aryo> swirts

[01:32] <klepon> aku di flood orang terus

[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I W R S T - Here's a hint : W R . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:32] <aryo> sokor

[01:32] <aryo> wrists

[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WRISTS ) in 38.01 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WRISTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:32] <klepon> malah lancar di flood ping gak lemot

[01:32] <aryo> sokor

[01:32] <aryo> .ac

[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N O T R F R E P O A I (60s timeout) »]

[01:33] <klepon> jangan2 kamu ya

[01:33] <aryo> sokor

[01:33] <klepon> wew

[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O T R F R E P O A I - Here's a hint : P E R F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:33] <klepon> seneng bngt liat orang di flood

[01:33] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[01:33] <aryo> hu um

[01:33] <+ezza> bye Szajbus

[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P E R F O R A T I O N with the letters N O T R F R E P O A I (Use .define PERFORATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:34] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[01:34] <aryo> .ag

[01:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : O O S E M I C L N S (60s timeout) »]

[01:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O O S E M I C L N S - Here's a hint : S E M . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:35] <klepon> gak berhenti flood nya

[01:35] <aryo> sokor

[01:35] <klepon> wewlah

[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S E M I C O L O N S with the letters O O S E M I C L N S (Use .define SEMICOLONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:35] <klepon> ini orang apa bot yg flood klepon

[01:35] <klepon> kurang ajar

[01:35] * Ivory29 ( has joined #surabaya

[01:36] <aryo> sapi paling

[01:36] <aryo> .ag

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E I L O P C (60s timeout) »]

[01:36] <aryo> polices

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( POLICES ) in 6.515 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define POLICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:36] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[01:36] <Van_JaVa> ba

[01:36] <aryo> cruts

[01:36] <aryo> .ag

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S A E X C H N G E (60s timeout) »]

[01:36] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[01:36] <aryo> exchanges

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCHANGES ) in 9.515 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXCHANGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:37] <aryo> .ac

[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N E L E E V (60s timeout) »]

[01:37] <GoodToTalk> eleven

[01:37] <klepon> kurang ajar aku di flood terus daru tadi

[01:37] <aryo> eleven

[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ELEVEN ) in 15.43 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ELEVEN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:37] <klepon> gak berhenti

[01:37] <aryo> makasih

[01:37] <GoodToTalk> kurang bayar kali kamu pon

[01:38] <GoodToTalk> oke

[01:38] <klepon> bayar apa

[01:38] <aryo> .ac

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : K R E L C S (60s timeout) »]

[01:38] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:38] <aryo> kelecs

[01:38] <FY> Yesss

[01:38] * klepon_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:38] <FY> Kapok

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: K R E L C S - Here's a hint : C L . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:38] <aryo> clerks

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLERKS ) in 33.35 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CLERKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:38] <klepon_> telek ayam malah dc

[01:38] <aryo> koe teleke

[01:39] <aryo> .ac

[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K C O L S (60s timeout) »]

[01:39] <klepon_> aku di flood dari tadi

[01:39] <aryo> cloks

[01:39] <aryo> sokor

[01:39] <klepon_> gak berhenti

[01:39] <GoodToTalk> locks

[01:39] <aryo> kolcs

[01:39] <aryo> locks

[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOCKS ) in 22.76 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LOCKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[01:39] <aryo> makasih

[01:39] * +ezza falls over

[01:39] <GoodToTalk> kok aku ngga bisa

[01:39] <aryo> pitoe gantio nick

[01:40] <aryo> .ag

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : C O R I F I E (60s timeout) »]

[01:40] <GoodToTalk> klepon_ tapi masih hidup dibanjirin juga

[01:40] <klepon_> sapa ganti nick

[01:40] <aryo> mbuh

[01:40] <klepon_> .seen mell

[01:40] <NapaLm> mell ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 3 hari, 18 jam, 52 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C O R I F I E - Here's a hint : O R . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:40] <GoodToTalk> orifice

[01:40] <aryo> orifice

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ORIFICE ) in 39.21 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ORIFICE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[01:40] <aryo> makasih

[01:40] <+elektra> Crumbs.

[01:40] <GoodToTalk> we

[01:41] <aryo> .ac

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O S U T H (60s timeout) »]

[01:41] <aryo> south

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SOUTH ) in 3.343 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SOUTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[01:41] <aryo> .ag

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A H N D (60s timeout) »]

[01:41] <aryo> hand

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HAND ) in 3.594 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HAND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[01:41] <aryo> .ac

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : G N N W I D I S (60s timeout) »]

[01:42] <aryo> gindik

[01:42] <klepon_> pada main game klepon gak ada temen ngomong

[01:42] <GoodToTalk> windings

[01:42] <aryo> windings

[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WINDINGS ) in 18.82 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define WINDINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[01:42] * +ezza wins aryo and GoodToTalk

[01:42] <+tweety> SNAP.

[01:42] <aryo> makasih

[01:42] <aryo> klepon kok diajak ngomong

[01:42] <aryo> klepon ya dimakan

[01:42] <aryo> .ag

[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L O H W (60s timeout) »]

[01:42] <+tweety> "klepon" ya dimakan? More like depon ya klimakan, am I correct?

[01:42] <aryo> whol

[01:42] <aryo> lhow

[01:43] <aryo> owlh

[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L O H W - Here's a hint : H . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:43] <aryo> hlow

[01:43] <aryo> holw

[01:43] <aryo> holw

[01:43] <aryo> hwol

[01:43] <aryo> hassssu

[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H O W L with the letters L O H W (Use .define HOWL to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +9 ) »]

[01:44] <aryo> .ag

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : R A G E (60s timeout) »]

[01:44] <aryo> gare

[01:44] <aryo> rage

[01:44] <aryo> gera

[01:44] <aryo> gaer

[01:44] <aryo> gear

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GEAR ) in 20.42 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define GEAR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:44] <GoodToTalk> GEAR

[01:44] <aryo> .ag

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : O A E R S N (60s timeout) »]

[01:44] <aryo> reson

[01:44] <aryo> saroen

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A E R S N - Here's a hint : R E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:45] <aryo> reason

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REASON ) in 35.98 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define REASON to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:45] * Ivory29 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:45] <aryo> .ac

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : H A E R T (60s timeout) »]

[01:45] <aryo> heart

[01:45] <aryo> thear

[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H A E R T - Here's a hint : E A . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:46] <aryo> hater

[01:46] <aryo> earth

[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EARTH ) in 34.14 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define EARTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:46] <aryo> .ac

[01:46] <aryo> .dc

[01:46] <aryo> .ac

[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : T I M M O C U N I E S (60s timeout) »]

[01:46] <aryo> communitas

[01:46] <aryo> communities

[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMMUNITIES ) in 18.82 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COMMUNITIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:47] * klepon_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[01:52] <FY> .ag

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : T R N M A D I I S T A O R (60s timeout) »]

[01:52] <FY> Administrator

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ADMINISTRATOR ) in 6.953 secs . She won 9'750$ ! - Use .define ADMINISTRATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[01:52] <FY> .ag

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S N C A V A (60s timeout) »]

[01:53] <FY> Canvas

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CANVAS ) in 3.672 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CANVAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:53] <aryo> .ag

[01:53] <aryo> .ac

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S D D O (60s timeout) »]

[01:53] <aryo> dods

[01:53] <aryo> odds

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ODDS ) in 9.032 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define ODDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[01:54] <FY> .top10

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 26'531'070$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'361'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 460'250$ »]

[01:54] <FY> .ag

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : F E R B I I N G S (60s timeout) »]

[01:54] <FY> Briefings

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( BRIEFINGS ) in 7.469 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define BRIEFINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:55] <aryo> nicke skor peken kabeh

[01:55] <aryo> sisan gae nick anying

[01:55] <aryo> .ag

[01:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T H U N (60s timeout) »]

[01:55] <aryo> hunts

[01:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HUNTS ) in 3.953 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HUNTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:56] <aryo> .ac

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : H S F I (60s timeout) »]

[01:56] <aryo> fish

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FISH ) in 3.172 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FISH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:56] <+pita> today's fish is trout a la creme. enjoy your meal

[01:56] <+creasy> today's fish is trout a la creme. enjoy your meal

[01:56] <+elektra> Today's fish is trout a la creme. enjoy your meal.

[01:56] <+ezza> SNAP!

[01:56] * +tweety wins creasy and pita

[01:56] * +creasy wins tweety

[01:56] * +pita wins tweety back with les feelds

[01:56] <aryo> oww

[01:56] * +tweety wins creasy

[01:56] <+pita> Awww

[01:56] <+creasy> Awww

[01:56] <aryo> .ag

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E C N A E R A C T (60s timeout) »]

[01:56] <+tweety> well, /wins pita back with a coupon

[01:56] <+ezza> Awww.

[01:56] * +creasy rubs aryo better.

[01:56] * +ezza rubs aryo better

[01:56] * +pita rubs aryo better.

[01:56] <+creasy> what

[01:56] <FY> Reactance

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( REACTANCE ) in 11.98 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define REACTANCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[01:57] <aryo> .ac

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I T E D U C A (60s timeout) »]

[01:57] <FY> Education

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( EDUCATION ) in 5.812 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EDUCATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:57] <aryo> 🤔

[01:57] <aryo> .ag

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : M N A E P L A T E (60s timeout) »]

[01:57] <aryo> parlement

[01:57] <aryo> tenplamen

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M N A E P L A T E - Here's a hint : N A M . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:57] <FY> Nameplate

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( NAMEPLATE ) in 34.82 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define NAMEPLATE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:58] <aryo> 🙁

[01:58] <aryo> .ag

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : W E I V R E T I N S (60s timeout) »]

[01:58] <aryo> mikriting

[01:58] <FY> Interviews

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( INTERVIEWS ) in 9.546 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define INTERVIEWS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:58] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:58] <aryo> .ac

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E M T S D A J U N T S (60s timeout) »]

[01:58] <FY> Adjustments

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ADJUSTMENTS ) in 5.75 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define ADJUSTMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[01:58] <aryo> .ac

[01:58] <aryo> .ac

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : E T C R S E P U S R T U U R (60s timeout) »]

[01:59] <FY> Silahkan dijawab

[01:59] <aryo> wes dipv s

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T C R S E P U S R T U U R - Here's a hint : S U P E R . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:59] <aryo> brb sek

[01:59] <FY> Sokor

[01:59] <FY> Superstuctures

[01:59] <FY> Superstructure

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( SUPERSTRUCTURE ) in 46.20 secs . She won 10'500$ ! - Use .define SUPERSTRUCTURE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[02:00] <FY> .money

[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 FY (#FY) has 513'500$ »]

[02:00] <aryo> .ag

[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E I S L L H I D (60s timeout) »]

[02:00] <aryo> silidsh

[02:00] <FY> Hillside

[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( HILLSIDE ) in 26.06 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define HILLSIDE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:01] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[02:01] <aryo> .ac

[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I T A T T U D E (60s timeout) »]

[02:01] <FY> Attitudes

[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ATTITUDES ) in 5.407 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ATTITUDES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[02:01] <aryo> 😞

[02:02] <FY> Off ah

[02:02] <aryo> sip

[02:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[02:11] * nonacantik (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:11] <aryo> wb nonacantik

[02:12] <+elektra> *honk*

[02:16] <Van_JaVa> waiki

[02:16] <Van_JaVa> langsung takoni size pls

[02:16] <aryo> ho o

[02:16] <aryo> ratoto kui

[02:18] <aryo> .ag

[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I S U Q E T O (60s timeout) »]

[02:18] <aryo> question

[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUESTION ) in 11.26 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define QUESTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +8 ) »]

[02:19] <aryo> .ag

[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D I W N (60s timeout) »]

[02:19] <aryo> wind

[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WIND ) in 2.828 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WIND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:19] <aryo> .ac

[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E C N L E T I N L I G E (60s timeout) »]

[02:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C N L E T I N L I G E - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E L L I G E N C E with the letters E C N L E T I N L I G E (Use .define INTELLIGENCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:20] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[02:21] <aryo>

[02:21] <aryo> .ag

[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T N A R U A T R E S (60s timeout) »]

[02:21] <aryo> tenatures

[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N A R U A T R E S - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:21] <aryo> restaurants

[02:22] <aryo> restaurant

[02:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RESTAURANT ) in 40.92 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define RESTAURANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:22] <aryo> .ag

[02:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S R L L C E A (60s timeout) »]

[02:22] <aryo> carlles

[02:22] <aryo> cralles

[02:22] <aryo> racells

[02:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R L L C E A - Here's a hint : C E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:23] <aryo> cerlls

[02:23] <aryo> cellrs

[02:23] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C E L L A R S with the letters S R L L C E A (Use .define CELLARS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:24] <aryo> .ag

[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S T I B R S L E (60s timeout) »]

[02:24] <aryo> blistre

[02:24] <aryo> blister

[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T I B R S L E - Here's a hint : B R I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:24] <aryo> bristles

[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BRISTLES ) in 38.34 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BRISTLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:25] <aryo> .qg

[02:25] <aryo> .ag

[02:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : W E I V R N I T E E R (60s timeout) »]

[02:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: W E I V R N I T E E R - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:26] <aryo> interview

[02:26] <aryo> interviewer

[02:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INTERVIEWER ) in 44.07 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define INTERVIEWER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:27] <aryo> .ag

[02:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E C O N N C T I O N (60s timeout) »]

[02:27] <aryo> connection

[02:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CONNECTION ) in 6.234 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define CONNECTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:28] <aryo> .ag

[02:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S E O M R T H E M T E R (60s timeout) »]

[02:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[02:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E O M R T H E M T E R - Here's a hint : T H E R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:29] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T H E R M O M E T E R S with the letters S E O M R T H E M T E R (Use .define THERMOMETERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:29] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[02:30] <aryo> .ag

[02:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E R T T A O N Y (60s timeout) »]

[02:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E R T T A O N Y - Here's a hint : A T T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:31] <aryo> atternoys

[02:31] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A T T O R N E Y S with the letters S E R T T A O N Y (Use .define ATTORNEYS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:31] <aryo> .ac

[02:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : Y P C O (60s timeout) »]

[02:31] <aryo> copy

[02:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COPY ) in 4 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define COPY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:31] <aryo> .ag

[02:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S O T A G R F R E I E R R (60s timeout) »]

[02:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O T A G R F R E I E R R - Here's a hint : R E F R . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:32] <aryo> refregratere

[02:32] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E F R I G E R A T O R S with the letters S O T A G R F R E I E R R (Use .define REFRIGERATORS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:33] <aryo> .ag

[02:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : M I T L I F E E (60s timeout) »]

[02:33] <aryo> timelife

[02:34] <aryo> timelief

[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M I T L I F E E - Here's a hint : L I F . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:34] <aryo> lifetime

[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LIFETIME ) in 34.62 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define LIFETIME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:34] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #surabaya

[02:34] <aryo> .ag

[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E M O H (60s timeout) »]

[02:34] <aryo> home

[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HOME ) in 4.781 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HOME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:35] <aryo> .ag

[02:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S S U C E X E (60s timeout) »]

[02:35] <aryo> susexe

[02:35] <aryo> suxcese

[02:36] <aryo> suxcees

[02:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S U C E X E - Here's a hint : E X . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:36] <aryo> excuese

[02:36] <aryo> exucese

[02:36] <aryo> excuess

[02:36] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E X C U S E S with the letters S S U C E X E (Use .define EXCUSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:36] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[02:36] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has left #surabaya

[02:37] <aryo> .ag

[02:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I L C C K S (60s timeout) »]

[02:37] <aryo> clicks

[02:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLICKS ) in 4.485 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CLICKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:38] * nonacantik (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:38] <+pita> pop

[02:38] <aryo> .ag

[02:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R W O S F T A E (60s timeout) »]

[02:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R W O S F T A E - Here's a hint : S O F . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:39] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S O F T W A R E with the letters R W O S F T A E (Use .define SOFTWARE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:39] <aryo> .ag

[02:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R A Z H A D (60s timeout) »]

[02:40] <aryo> hazard

[02:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HAZARD ) in 7.781 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define HAZARD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:40] <aryo> .ag

[02:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E L T T R A (60s timeout) »]

[02:40] * AndroUser_ (webchat@oqel.354y.rqrb.ip) has joined #surabaya

[02:40] <aryo> tetral

[02:40] <aryo> traelt

[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L T T R A - Here's a hint : R A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:41] <AndroUser_> puh rajine

[02:41] <aryo> hus

[02:41] <AndroUser_> .top10

[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 26'531'070$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'629'000$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: FY (FY) 526'250$ »]

[02:41] <aryo> rattel

[02:41] <AndroUser_> wuih rank 5

[02:41] <aryo> sopo

[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R A T T L E with the letters E L T T R A (Use .define RATTLE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:41] <AndroUser_> seng takok

[02:41] <aryo> kekekeke

[02:42] <AndroUser_> .ag

[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E B I T (60s timeout) »]

[02:42] <aryo> ngopo yahmene ol koeki

[02:42] <aryo> ngewangi aku wae rasah melu

[02:42] <AndroUser_> ra ole a

[02:42] <aryo> bite

[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BITE ) in 16.42 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BITE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:42] <AndroUser_> dibayar piro jal

[02:42] <AndroUser_> pie genti bick

[02:42] <AndroUser_> lali iks

[02:42] <aryo> manut

[02:42] <AndroUser_> .givemoney

[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 197'500$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[02:42] <AndroUser_> .ag

[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K C S T I (60s timeout) »]

[02:42] <aryo> kacang 3 yo oleh

[02:43] <AndroUser_> Stick

[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( STICK ) in 3.578 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STICK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:43] <AndroUser_> 3ton?

[02:43] <AndroUser_> .k

[02:43] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[02:43] <aryo> ho o sak treke

[02:43] <aryo> .ag

[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I I C D E S O (60s timeout) »]

[02:43] <AndroUser_> endhi gadise

[02:43] <AndroUser_> decisions

[02:43] <AndroUser_> decision

[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( DECISION ) in 11.07 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DECISION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:43] <aryo> raenek gadis irc ki anane emak2 ro rondo

[02:43] <AndroUser_> endhi emak2 e

[02:44] <aryo> gi menthili anake

[02:44] <AndroUser_> .ag

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I A L O V I T (60s timeout) »]

[02:44] <AndroUser_> violation

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( VIOLATION ) in 6.937 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define VIOLATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:44] <AndroUser_> .dick

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_'s dick: 8==D - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[02:44] <AndroUser_> .k

[02:44] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[02:44] <AndroUser_> .ag

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S L T K E T E (60s timeout) »]

[02:44] <AndroUser_> kettles

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( KETTLES ) in 5.844 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define KETTLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[02:45] <AndroUser_> .vp 5000

[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser_'s hand: 5s | 10h | Ah | 2s | Ac. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[02:45] <aryo> opo kui vp

[02:45] <AndroUser_> .draw 124

[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser_: your hand: 2c | 6s | Ah | Jd | Ac is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[02:45] <AndroUser_> vp virgin papa

[02:45] <AndroUser_> .ag

[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : R T S M R E T R U Q A A E S (60s timeout) »]

[02:45] <AndroUser_> quatermaster

[02:45] <aryo> .ag

[02:45] <AndroUser_> quartermasters

[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( QUARTERMASTERS ) in 15.43 secs . He won 10'500$ ! - Use .define QUARTERMASTERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[02:45] <aryo> dus

[02:45] <AndroUser_> .vp 5000

[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser_'s hand: Qc | 9d | Js | 10h | 6d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[02:45] <AndroUser_> .draw 1133

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser_: your hand: Kd | 9d | Ac | 10h | 6d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[02:46] <AndroUser_> .ag

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E N T O (60s timeout) »]

[02:46] <AndroUser_> Not

[02:46] <AndroUser_> Tone

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( TONE ) in 5.266 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TONE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[02:46] <AndroUser_> .b 10000

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser_'s hand: 2 | 5 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[02:46] <+elektra> blimey

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[02:46] <+ezza> Marmalade.

[02:46] <+tweety> marmalade

[02:46] <AndroUser_> D

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ hits: J : Total is 17 »]

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | J : Total is 19 »]

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! AndroUser_ loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[02:46] <AndroUser_> .ag

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : O I P E R D (60s timeout) »]

[02:46] <AndroUser_> period

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ has just found the correct word ( PERIOD ) in 5.032 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PERIOD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser_ has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[02:46] <AndroUser_> .vp 5000

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser_'s hand: 8s | 6c | 8h | 6h | 2s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[02:47] <AndroUser_> .draw 5

[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser_: your hand: 8s | 6c | 8h | 6h | Qh is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[02:47] <AndroUser_> .ag

[02:47] * AndroUser_ (webchat@oqel.354y.rqrb.ip) Quit (Killed (* (You are violating network rules, ID: 57418491)))

[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D I U F L (60s timeout) »]

[02:47] <aryo> dyar

[02:47] <aryo> fueld

[02:47] <aryo> flued

[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D I U F L - Here's a hint : F L . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:47] <aryo> fluid

[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FLUID ) in 34.32 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FLUID to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd #n51516161717181 in his winning streak! ( +7 ) »]

[02:47] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[02:48] <aryo> .ag

[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : M O P R B L E (60s timeout) »]

[02:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M O P R B L E - Here's a hint : P R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:48] <aryo> problem

[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PROBLEM ) in 42.03 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PROBLEM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:49] <aryo> .ac

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A G G E S (60s timeout) »]

[02:49] <aryo> gages

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GAGES ) in 5.766 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:49] <aryo> .ag

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L O O W (60s timeout) »]

[02:49] <aryo> wools

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WOOLS ) in 4.281 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WOOLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[02:50] <+elektra> do do do do do do do... do do do do do.... do doo do do do do do... do do do do do doooo

[02:50] <aryo> .ag

[02:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S T Z R O H T U A I A I O N (60s timeout) »]

[02:50] * AndroUser__ ( has joined #surabaya

[02:50] <aryo> m

[02:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T Z R O H T U A I A I O N - Here's a hint : A U T H O . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:51] <AndroUser__> authorizations

[02:51] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( AUTHORIZATIONS ) in 38.89 secs . He won 10'500$ ! - Use .define AUTHORIZATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:51] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[02:51] * danilla (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:51] <AndroUser__> ojo mbatin mbah ndang maen

[02:51] <AndroUser__> hai kates

[02:51] <danilla> Haii

[02:52] <aryo> .ag

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E W L D (60s timeout) »]

[02:52] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[02:52] <aryo> sweld

[02:52] <AndroUser__> dwels

[02:52] <aryo> sledw

[02:52] <aryo> welds

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WELDS ) in 15.20 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WELDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:52] <AndroUser__> .rank aryo

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: aryo (#aryo) is ranked 5th out of 586 Casino Players with 3'702'500$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[02:52] <AndroUser__> dilut kas rank 1

[02:52] <aryo> setahun neh

[02:53] <aryo> musuhe jutaan ngunu

[02:53] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)

[02:53] <aryo> .ag

[02:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T N S S A S I T A (60s timeout) »]

[02:53] <AndroUser__> disebul danilla ben gelis

[02:53] <aryo> danila wedok po lanang

[02:53] <aryo> rondo anak piro

[02:53] <AndroUser__> rondo royal kui

[02:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N S S A S I T A - Here's a hint : A S S . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:54] <aryo> assatian

[02:54] <aryo> assatitan

[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A S S I S T A N T with the letters T N S S A S I T A (Use .define ASSISTANT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:54] <aryo> assattian

[02:54] <aryo> su

[02:54] <aryo> .ag

[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : U M O T H (60s timeout) »]

[02:54] <aryo> mouth

[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOUTH ) in 6.344 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MOUTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:55] * danilla (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[02:55] <aryo> .ag

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L L T S A (60s timeout) »]

[02:55] <aryo> slats

[02:55] <aryo> talls

[02:55] <aryo> allts

[02:55] <aryo> talls

[02:55] <AndroUser__> neh

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L L T S A - Here's a hint : S T . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:55] <AndroUser__> dilit neh

[02:55] <aryo> stall

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STALL ) in 33.90 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STALL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:56] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[02:56] <AndroUser__> .ag

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : C N S C I E E (60s timeout) »]

[02:56] <aryo> next

[02:56] <AndroUser__> science

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( SCIENCE ) in 24.31 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SCIENCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[02:56] <AndroUser__> lapo di next

[02:57] <aryo> drijiku keju

[02:57] <AndroUser__> kene skormu tak wakilke

[02:57] <AndroUser__> .ag

[02:57] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T S L I (60s timeout) »]

[02:57] <AndroUser__> list

[02:58] <aryo> koe nggo jenengku wae gek maen

[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T S L I - Here's a hint : S . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:58] <AndroUser__> ok

[02:58] <AndroUser__> silt

[02:58] <aryo> po iso bedo aut

[02:58] <aryo> tils

[02:58] <aryo> list

[02:58] <AndroUser__> slit

[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( SLIT ) in 48.85 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SLIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser__ has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:58] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:58] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =O.

[02:58] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 6h | 8c | 7c | 5d | 10h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .draw 5

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 6h | 8c | 7c | 5d | Ks is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .ag

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S N O T T U B (60s timeout) »]

[02:59] <AndroUser__> buttons

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( BUTTONS ) in 5.687 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BUTTONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser__ has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: 6 | 7 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: A | J : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! AndroUser__ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[02:59] <aryo> .ag

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .ag

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 7d | 6d | Kh | Jc | 3d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[02:59] <aryo> .ac

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M R A P (60s timeout) »]

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .draw 34

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 7d | 6d | Qd | 3h | 3d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[02:59] <aryo> parm

[02:59] <AndroUser__> Ramp

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( RAMP ) in 6.266 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RAMP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser__ has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[02:59] <aryo> ramp

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[02:59] <AndroUser__> .ag

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R O B A E T T (60s timeout) »]

[03:00] <aryo> .ag

[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R O B A E T T - Here's a hint : A B . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:00] <aryo> abettor

[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ABETTOR ) in 50.32 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ABETTOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd AndroUser__ in his winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[03:00] <AndroUser__> .ping Dealer

[03:00] <@Dealer> Dealer: Pong! (0.062s)

[03:00] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:01] <AndroUser__> .ag

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O S C K (60s timeout) »]

[03:01] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: K | J : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:01] <AndroUser__> S

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | K : Total is 12 »]

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 22 »]

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! AndroUser__ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:01] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 4c | 9s | Jh | Kc | 7s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:01] <AndroUser__> .draw 125

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: Qc | 8d | Jh | Kc | Js is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:01] <AndroUser__> .ag

[03:01] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O S C K - Here's a hint : S . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:01] <AndroUser__> ish dipv S

[03:02] <AndroUser__> sock

[03:02] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( SOCK ) in 59.21 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:02] <aryo> ho o

[03:02] <aryo> .ag

[03:02] * AndroUser__ ( has left #surabaya

[03:02] <+ezza> mmm Androuser__

[03:02] <+tweety> Bye Androuser__

[03:02] <+pita> :)

[03:02] <+elektra> ^_^

[03:02] <aryo> .ag

[03:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : X N I D E E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:02] <+ezza> =)

[03:03] <aryo> .ag

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: X N I D E E S - Here's a hint : I N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:03] <aryo> indeexs

[03:03] <aryo> indexes

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INDEXES ) in 42.57 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define INDEXES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:03] <aryo> .ag

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S P I K S (60s timeout) »]

[03:03] <aryo> kipss

[03:04] <aryo> skips

[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SKIPS ) in 19.5 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SKIPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:04] * AndroUser__ ( has joined #surabaya

[03:04] <aryo> .ag

[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R T S I R T H Y O (60s timeout) »]

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T S I R T H Y O - Here's a hint : T H Y . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T H Y R I S T O R with the letters R T S I R T H Y O (Use .define THYRISTOR to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[03:05] <aryo> .ac

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : I L A Q U T Y (60s timeout) »]

[03:05] <aryo> quality

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUALITY ) in 5.031 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define QUALITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:06] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: A | 9 : Total is 20 or 10 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:06] <AndroUser__> D

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ hits: K : Total is 20 »]

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 2 : Total is 5 »]

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 15 »]

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 25 »]

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! AndroUser__ has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:06] <aryo> .ag

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E T N (60s timeout) »]

[03:06] <aryo> nett

[03:06] <aryo> tent

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TENT ) in 7.141 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:06] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 7h | 7d | 4s | 2h | 7s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:07] <AndroUser__> .draw 34

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 7h | 7d | Js | 8h | 7s is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[03:07] <aryo> .ag

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A F L L (60s timeout) »]

[03:07] <aryo> laff

[03:07] <aryo> fall

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FALL ) in 7.125 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FALL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:07] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: 7 | 4 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:07] <AndroUser__> H

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ hits: 7 : Total is 18 »]

[03:07] <AndroUser__> S

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 2 : Total is 13 or 3 »]

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[03:07] <aryo> .ag

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! AndroUser__ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : R A M O C P T M E N T S (60s timeout) »]

[03:07] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R A M O C P T M E N T S - Here's a hint : C O M P . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[03:08] <aryo> compromant

[03:08] <aryo> compremant

[03:08] <aryo> compor

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O M P A R T M E N T S with the letters R A M O C P T M E N T S (Use .define COMPARTMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[03:08] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 3c | 5c | Kc | 9c | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:08] <AndroUser__> .draw 12444

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 7c | 5d | Kc | 4c | Ks is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:09] <AndroUser__> .ag

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E F E (60s timeout) »]

[03:09] <AndroUser__> feet

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( FEET ) in 7.609 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FEET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:09] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: J | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:09] <AndroUser__> S

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 6 : Total is 9 »]

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 16 »]

[03:09] <+creasy> Feeeeeeeeeeeeet.

[03:09] <aryo> feet

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 26 »]

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! AndroUser__ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:09] <aryo> .ag

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : Y B E R R (60s timeout) »]

[03:09] <aryo> byerr

[03:09] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:09] <AndroUser__> Berry

[03:09] <aryo> byrre

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ has just found the correct word ( BERRY ) in 19.32 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BERRY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser__ has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:09] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: Ah | Qc | Jh | 5c | 8h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:09] <AndroUser__> .draw 445

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: Ah | Qc | Jh | 3s | 8c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[03:09] <AndroUser__> .ag

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R O T A G I V A N S (60s timeout) »]

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R O T A G I V A N S - Here's a hint : N A V . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:10] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:10] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: 9 | 6 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:10] <AndroUser__> H

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ hits: 2 : Total is 17 »]

[03:10] <AndroUser__> S

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 10 : Total is 17 »]

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:10] <AndroUser__> .ag

[03:10] <klepon> hallo selamat sore

[03:10] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: Jc | 4h | Kd | 6c | 10s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: N A V I G A T O R S with the letters R O T A G I V A N S (Use .define NAVIGATORS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for AndroUser__ stopped ( +2 ) »]

[03:10] <AndroUser__> .draw 11333

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: Kc | 4h | 2s | 6c | 10s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[03:11] <aryo> .ag

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S O I T O R P O M N (60s timeout) »]

[03:11] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: K | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:11] <AndroUser__> S

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 10 : Total is 15 »]

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 18 »]

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O I T O R P O M N - Here's a hint : P R O . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:12] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: Qh | 7s | Ac | Kd | 3h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:12] <AndroUser__> .draw 255

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: Qh | 9d | Ac | Kd | Qd is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:12] <AndroUser__> .ag

[03:12] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O M O T I O N S with the letters S O I T O R P O M N (Use .define PROMOTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:12] <klepon> .seen

[03:12] <klepon> .seen klwpon

[03:12] <aryo> .ac

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T A W R I M E (60s timeout) »]

[03:12] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat klwpon.

[03:12] <klepon> .seen klepon

[03:13] <aryo> klepon sudsh meninggal silahkan kekuburan

[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A W R I M E - Here's a hint : W A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:13] <AndroUser__> .vp 5000

[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. AndroUser__'s hand: 7h | 7c | Kd | 8c | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:13] <AndroUser__> .draw 335

[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - AndroUser__: your hand: 7h | 7c | 3s | 8c | 8s is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[03:13] <AndroUser__> .ag

[03:13] <aryo> wartime

[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WARTIME ) in 45.98 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WARTIME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:13] <AndroUser__> .b 10000

[03:13] * AndroUser__ ( Quit (Killed (* (You are violating network rules, ID: 57418493)))

[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser__ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. AndroUser__'s hand: 9 | A : Total is 20 or 10 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:13] <aryo> .ag

[03:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R V I U N E S E (60s timeout) »]

[03:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R V I U N E S E - Here's a hint : U N I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:14] <aryo> universe

[03:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( UNIVERSE ) in 38 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define UNIVERSE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:14] <aryo> .ag

[03:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N I D W E D G (60s timeout) »]

[03:15] <aryo> wedding

[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WEDDING ) in 8.75 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WEDDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:15] <aryo> .ag

[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : R E H E L U O T R B S O O T (60s timeout) »]

[03:15] <@Dealer> Blackjack GAME ENDED

[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E H E L U O T R B S O O T - Here's a hint : T R O U B . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:16] <aryo> troubelers

[03:16] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T R O U B L E S H O O T E R with the letters R E H E L U O T R B S O O T (Use .define TROUBLESHOOTER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:16] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[03:17] <aryo> .ag

[03:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E H V O U C R S (60s timeout) »]

[03:17] <aryo> vouchers

[03:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VOUCHERS ) in 6.125 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define VOUCHERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:18] <aryo> .ag

[03:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S U N A R E M M O D M (60s timeout) »]

[03:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S U N A R E M M O D M - Here's a hint : M E M O . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:18] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M E M O R A N D U M S with the letters S U N A R E M M O D M (Use .define MEMORANDUMS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:20] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:20] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[03:20] <aryo> .ag

[03:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T A D E F U L (60s timeout) »]

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A D E F U L - Here's a hint : D E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:21] <aryo> default

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DEFAULT ) in 36.34 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DEFAULT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:22] <aryo> .ag

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E L S A D D (60s timeout) »]

[03:22] <aryo> sendal

[03:22] <aryo> daselk

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L S A D D - Here's a hint : S A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:22] <aryo> salded

[03:23] <aryo> salesd

[03:23] <aryo> saledd

[03:23] <aryo> saddel

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S A D D L E with the letters E L S A D D (Use .define SADDLE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:24] <aryo> .ag

[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : D H T A C O E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:24] <aryo> chodot

[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D H T A C O E S - Here's a hint : C A T . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:25] <aryo> .ag

[03:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C A T H O D E S with the letters D H T A C O E S (Use .define CATHODES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:26] <aryo> .ag

[03:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S R A R E T I L E (60s timeout) »]

[03:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R A R E T I L E - Here's a hint : R E T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:27] <aryo> .top10

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 27'120'470$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 3'918'500$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: n51516161717181 (??) 534'000$ »]

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E T A I L E R S with the letters S R A R E T I L E (Use .define RETAILERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[03:28] <aryo> .ag

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O O P S L (60s timeout) »]

[03:28] <aryo> loops

[03:28] <aryo> pools

[03:28] <aryo> polos

[03:28] <aryo> lopos

[03:28] <aryo> solop

[03:28] <Denia> Spool

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 Denia has just found the correct word ( SPOOL ) in 20.39 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SPOOL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:29] <+pita> Looooooooooops.

[03:29] <aryo> .ag

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S S F R O T (60s timeout) »]

[03:29] <aryo> frotss

[03:29] <aryo> trofss

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S F R O T - Here's a hint : F R . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:30] <aryo> frots

[03:30] <aryo> frotss

[03:30] <aryo> frosts

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FROSTS ) in 50.90 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FROSTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:31] <aryo> .ag

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : F R E U N D (60s timeout) »]

[03:31] <aryo> refund

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REFUND ) in 4.032 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define REFUND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[03:32] <aryo> .ag

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : H C I H E R A R I E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H C I H E R A R I E S - Here's a hint : H I E R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:32] <aryo> next

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H I E R A R C H I E S with the letters H C I H E R A R I E S (Use .define HIERARCHIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[03:34] <aryo> .ag

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O I S E D E R T S (60s timeout) »]

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I S E D E R T S - Here's a hint : D E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E S E R T I O N S with the letters N O I S E D E R T S (Use .define DESERTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:35] <aryo> .ag

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E B M E M (60s timeout) »]

[03:36] <aryo> memben

[03:36] <aryo> bremem

[03:36] <aryo> embrem

[03:36] <aryo> rembem

[03:36] <aryo> berem

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E B M E M - Here's a hint : M E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:36] <aryo> mebren

[03:36] <aryo> meberm

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M E M B E R with the letters R E B M E M (Use .define MEMBER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:38] <aryo> .ag

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K C L C O (60s timeout) »]

[03:38] <aryo> clock

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLOCK ) in 4.235 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:39] <aryo> .ag

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : K C A S (60s timeout) »]

[03:39] <aryo> sack

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SACK ) in 7.109 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SACK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:39] <aryo> .ag

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S U O R T E (60s timeout) »]

[03:39] <aryo> tourse

[03:39] <aryo> routes

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROUTES ) in 10.25 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ROUTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:40] <aryo> .ag

[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : P A L F (60s timeout) »]

[03:40] <aryo> pafl

[03:40] <aryo> falp

[03:40] <aryo> lafp

[03:40] <aryo> afpl

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P A L F - Here's a hint : F . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:41] <aryo> falp

[03:41] <aryo> fapl

[03:41] <aryo> fpal

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F L A P with the letters P A L F (Use .define FLAP to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[03:41] <aryo> flap

[03:42] <aryo> .ag

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S O P I R S E D C T I N (60s timeout) »]

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O P I R S E D C T I N - Here's a hint : D E S C . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E S C R I P T I O N S with the letters S O P I R S E D C T I N (Use .define DESCRIPTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:45] <aryo> .ag

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S A S L T E (60s timeout) »]

[03:45] <aryo> satles

[03:45] <aryo> teslas

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A S L T E - Here's a hint : S L . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:45] <aryo> sleats

[03:45] <aryo> slates

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SLATES ) in 43.81 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SLATES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:46] <aryo> .ag

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T I P S L N S (60s timeout) »]

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T I P S L N S - Here's a hint : S P . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:47] <aryo> splinsts

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S P L I N T S with the letters T I P S L N S (Use .define SPLINTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:48] <aryo> .ag

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R U E C S H D L E (60s timeout) »]

[03:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R U E C S H D L E - Here's a hint : S C H . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:49] <aryo> schuledules

[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S C H E D U L E R with the letters R U E C S H D L E (Use .define SCHEDULER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:49] <aryo> .ac

[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T R L I B E Y (60s timeout) »]

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T R L I B E Y - Here's a hint : L I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:50] <aryo> liberyt

[03:50] <aryo> libyret

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L I B E R T Y with the letters T R L I B E Y (Use .define LIBERTY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:50] <aryo> librety

[03:52] <aryo> .ag

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L E N T U N S (60s timeout) »]

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L E N T U N S - Here's a hint : T U . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:52] <aryo> tunels

[03:53] <aryo> tunnels

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TUNNELS ) in 55.70 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TUNNELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:53] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:53] <aryo> webek dev

[03:53] <aryo> .ag

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E N I S T R U M N T S (60s timeout) »]

[03:53] <aryo> instruments

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INSTRUMENTS ) in 6.782 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define INSTRUMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:53] <Deviee_> Nggihh

[03:53] <aryo> adus rung dev

[03:54] <Deviee_> Saaampoon

[03:54] <aryo> kok kupinge iseh

[03:54] <Deviee_> Huuh

[03:54] <aryo> adus neh gih

[03:55] <Deviee_> Gaah

[03:55] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:55] <+elektra> Gaaaaaaaaaaah

[03:55] <+ezza> bye letta_

[03:55] <aryo> crobo

[03:55] <aryo> .ag

[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : P E N V E L O E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P E N V E L O E S - Here's a hint : E N V . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:56] <Deviee_> Envelopes

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N V E L O P E S with the letters P E N V E L O E S (Use .define ENVELOPES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[03:57] <aryo> .ac

[03:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S R E K L O C (60s timeout) »]

[03:57] <aryo> lockers

[03:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOCKERS ) in 8.938 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define LOCKERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:58] <aryo> .top10

[03:58] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 27'574'520$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'123'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 8: skidipapap (??) 869'900$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: n51516161717181 (??) 534'000$ »]

[03:58] <aryo> magrib2

[03:58] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:58] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go o_O

[03:59] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[04:01] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:02] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[04:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[04:34] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:34] * Androuser3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:35] <+pita> Do you know how we keep warm in Russia?

[04:35] <+pita> ... we play chess.

[04:37] * andre_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:38] * Androuser3 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:38] * alone (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:39] * alone (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:39] <+tweety> bye alone

[04:40] <Van_JaVa> bye

[04:47] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[04:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[04:49] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[04:49] <+tweety> mmm Szajbus

[04:49] <+pita> nok > szajbus

[05:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[05:12] * endah ( Quit (EOF from client)

[05:13] * andre_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:13] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[05:14] * andre_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:20] * chadd (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:20] * chadd (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[05:20] * chadd ( has joined #surabaya

[05:20] <+ezza> Mmm chadd.

[05:21] <chadd> .money

[05:21] <@Dealer> 6 chadd (#Chadd) has 2'000$ »]

[05:23] * chadd is now known as Sesshomaru

[05:25] * m_alone (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:25] <Sesshomaru> .ag

[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Sesshomaru started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O S I L S (60s timeout) »]

[05:25] <Sesshomaru> Soils

[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Sesshomaru has just found the correct word ( SOILS ) in 3.641 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SOILS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:25] <Sesshomaru> .ag

[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Sesshomaru started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : U T T S A S (60s timeout) »]

[05:25] <Sesshomaru> Status

[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Sesshomaru has just found the correct word ( STATUS ) in 3.516 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STATUS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Sesshomaru has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:26] * m_alone (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:26] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:27] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[05:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[05:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:30] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:32] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ has joined #surabaya

[05:32] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[05:33] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:35] <nandini> Wb kak mimin

[05:36] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[05:36] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:36] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:36] <mimin> Ty nandini

[05:36] <nandini> Wb AndroUser

[05:37] <nandini> sm2 kak min

[05:39] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:42] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:45] <jeri> .ag

[05:45] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L A U J O R N (60s timeout) »]

[05:45] <jeri> jurnals

[05:46] <jeri> jurnal

[05:46] <jeri> journal

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( JOURNAL ) in 22.62 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define JOURNAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 jeri pwn'd Sesshomaru in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[05:47] <jeri> .b 10000

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: A | 8 : Total is 19 or 9 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:47] <jeri> s

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | J : Total is 20 »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:47] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[05:49] * andre_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:56] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:56] <+tweety> Bye cobdg_

[05:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:01] * putri ( has joined #surabaya

[06:02] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[06:05] * indra (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:05] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:05] <mimin> Wb semua

[06:08] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[06:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[06:11] * indra (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:13] <mimin> Hm.... Sangat sepi disini.

[06:20] <Van_JaVa> putri : size pls

[06:22] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[06:23] <mimin> Wb endah

[06:26] <+pita> SSSH SEKRIT

[06:26] <Van_JaVa> waiki

[06:27] <Van_JaVa> endah

[06:28] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[06:28] <aryo> sip

[06:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[06:29] <aryo> ew

[06:29] <aryo> mlenuk metuntung

[06:30] <aryo> .top10

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 28'370'712$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'123'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'595'350$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 761'750$ 10: n51516161717181 (??) 534'000$ »]

[06:30] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:38] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:42] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:47] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[06:50] <FangYin> .ag

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T M G S E E N (60s timeout) »]

[06:50] <FangYin> Segment

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SEGMENT ) in 3.578 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SEGMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:51] <FangYin> .ag

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R E O T W (60s timeout) »]

[06:51] <FangYin> Tower

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( TOWER ) in 3.093 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TOWER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:52] <FangYin> .ag

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : M M O D E (60s timeout) »]

[06:52] <FangYin> Modem

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( MODEM ) in 3.609 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MODEM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:53] * endah ( Quit (Registered)

[06:53] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[06:54] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:55] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:55] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:58] * hurt (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:58] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*

[06:58] * hurt was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[06:59] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:59] <+tweety> Bye androuser.

[07:05] <Toriq> .dick

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 Toriq's dick: 8=====================D - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[07:05] * Toriq was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[07:05] * Toriq ( has joined #surabaya

[07:05] <Toriq> wokeeee

[07:05] <Toriq> .mypenis

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Toriq's penis is: 19,8 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[07:05] <Toriq> cocok!!

[07:05] <+creasy> wheeeee cocokmy precious

[07:06] <+pita> \o/

[07:06] <+ezza> We hates the fat hobbit! Him and his pots and pans and ropes.

[07:06] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[07:07] * Toriq offline. meretas hening

[07:09] <+creasy> Putting the rab in crab since 1890.

[07:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[07:17] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:17] <klepon> weks weks

[07:17] <aryo> halah

[07:17] <Toriq> klepon dicari rere

[07:17] <aryo> nggoleki sopo pon

[07:17] <klepon> mana orang e

[07:17] <aryo> ditelpon toh

[07:18] <klepon> kemarin aku di katain ingon2 kek kambing ama samirah

[07:18] <aryo> ee

[07:18] <aryo> samirah kemana pon

[07:18] <klepon> gak tau

[07:19] <aryo> mau nomere rere g pon

[07:20] <aryo> wa nen tak kei

[07:20] <klepon> Mau dung 🤣🤣🤣

[07:20] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis

[07:20] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 6,85 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[07:20] <Van_JaVa> kodanan

[07:20] <Van_JaVa> mengkeret

[07:20] <aryo> po due maanuk

[07:20] <Van_JaVa> mengkeret (2)

[07:21] <aryo> .top10

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 28'526'012$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'123'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 552'500$ »]

[07:21] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[07:21] <aryo> kurang 30jt

[07:22] <aryo> ngoyak karina adohe pol

[07:22] <temon> wuih rank 5

[07:22] <klepon> Pada kemana ya

[07:22] <temon> .money

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 temon (#TOMJERRX) has 4'250$ »]

[07:22] <temon> yess sugih

[07:23] <aryo> nomer 6

[07:23] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[07:23] <aryo> pon klepon

[07:24] <aryo> wes etok cewek piro pon

[07:24] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[07:24] <klepon> Emboh yo

[07:24] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[07:24] <aryo> lha

[07:24] <aryo> oyaken aespa kui

[07:24] <aryo> seh prawab pon

[07:25] <aryo> prawan

[07:25] <klepon> Opo iyo

[07:25] <aryo> ngko nek on

[07:25] <aryo> nicke fy

[07:25] <aryo> iyo

[07:25] <aryo> tanggane temon kui

[07:25] <aryo> ngakune due bojo ben ra digodani

[07:25] <klepon> Fy galak bngt kok aku di kick terus ama dia

[07:25] <aryo> dikick nendi

[07:26] <aryo> wong udu op kok

[07:26] <klepon> Bayuwangi

[07:26] <aryo> lha nek kene wae ngopo rono2

[07:26] <aryo> galak ki tandane ra gampang dikejar

[07:26] <aryo> makane kejaren

[07:26] <klepon> Di kan kemarin ada orang ngobrol

[07:27] <klepon> Di sana kan kemarin ada orang ngobrol aku ikut malah di kick

[07:27] <aryo> galak cuma ketikane dia

[07:27] <aryo> kemqrin telponan ama aku lembut2 aja suaranya

[07:27] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:27] <aryo> wb pitoe

[07:28] <klepon> Masa

[07:28] <klepon> Kamu punya nomer nya?

[07:28] <aryo> hu um

[07:28] <aryo> fbku juga diadd ama dia kok

[07:28] <klepon> Coba kasih ke klepon

[07:29] <+tweety> Lashings of ginger beer.

[07:29] <aryo> apanya

[07:29] <klepon> Nomer na

[07:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[07:29] <aryo> tar tak tanya dulu boleh g ya

[07:29] <klepon> Iya

[07:29] <klepon> Coba kamu sms dia dulu

[07:30] <aryo> baru keluar dia ama temenya tadi wa aku

[07:31] <klepon> Malam2 kok keluar kek kalong aja

[07:31] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[07:31] <aryo> hehe kan masih sore

[07:31] <klepon> Kemarin2 aku di bohongin ama kenzo

[07:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[07:32] <aryo> bohong knapa

[07:32] <klepon> Katanya si rere masih gadis n aku mo di kasih poto waktu rere masih abg

[07:32] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[07:33] * alit ( has joined #surabaya

[07:33] <klepon> Wb alit

[07:33] <aryo> alit: cilik

[07:34] <Ganonk> cilik = tengu ?

[07:34] <klepon> btw aku abis pulang dari tempat orang aqiqohan lohh

[07:34] <aryo> cilik : mlenik

[07:35] <klepon> ada ganong

[07:35] <aryo> (klepon) btw aku abis pulang dari tempat orang aqiqohan lohh <== dirimu g diaqiqoh kan pon

[07:36] <klepon> aku yg di undang

[07:36] <klepon> makan daging kambing

[07:36] <+pita> well, I'd makan kambing

[07:36] <klepon> aku makan setengah

[07:36] <aryo> pantes kek kambing lu pon

[07:36] <klepon> enak aja sembarangan kalo ngomong

[07:37] <klepon> kalo bau nya iya tapi klepon bukan kambinh

[07:37] <aryo> wakakaka

[07:37] <Ganonk> .w klepon

[07:37] <aryo> kirain jadi kambing lu pon

[07:37] <klepon> bau kambing lah abis makan daging kambing

[07:37] <aryo> aku g suka kambing pon

[07:37] <aryo> g enak

[07:37] <Ganonk> klepon wonogiri :c

[07:38] <klepon> iyq

[07:38] <aryo> enak baksonya kalau wonogiri

[07:38] <klepon> enak dunk kalo di makan

[07:38] <klepon> banyak yg jual bakso

[07:38] <aryo> lha iyo oo diculeke matamu baksone

[07:38] <Ganonk> apalagi ditraktie

[07:38] <Ganonk> hahahahaj

[07:38] <Ganonk> kalem

[07:39] <klepon> laka2 aryo emosi ama klepon

[07:39] <aryo> disini banyak yg jual bakso org wonogiri

[07:39] <klepon> lama2

[07:39] <aryo> tiap hari aku beli

[07:39] <JupIt3r> (Ganonk) kalem, bukan nya gragas kamu ganonk

[07:39] <Ganonk> malak

[07:39] <aryo> userku juga banyak penjual bakso wonogiri

[07:39] <klepon> beli ama kuah nya ndak

[07:39] <Ganonk> peh..

[07:39] <aryo> kuahnya g suka

[07:39] <aryo> cuma suka baksonya

[07:40] <klepon> bakso gak ada kuah nya juga ada loh

[07:40] <Ganonk> mbah jup , mpun dalu.. dimeremkemawon.. iling ayan'e

[07:40] <Ganonk> =))

[07:40] <aryo> aku punya kenalan penjual bakso anaknya cantik

[07:41] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:41] <klepon> gak nanya

[07:41] <aryo> puh

[07:41] <aryo> kejem koe pon

[07:41] <aryo> tak godok dadekne bakso koe

[07:41] <klepon> kamu yg bilang aku kan gak nanya

[07:41] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:41] <aryo> sue2 tak pithes cah ki

[07:42] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[07:42] <aryo> musim apa pon wonogiri

[07:42] <klepon> aku tuh paling suka emot 🤣🤣🤣

[07:42] <klepon> musim ujan

[07:42] <aryo> emot manuuk ya pon

[07:42] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:42] <aryo> kirain musim janda

[07:42] <klepon> banyak janda di tempat ku

[07:43] <aryo> korbanmu semua pasti

[07:43] <klepon> tapi banyak buat rebutan

[07:43] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:43] <klepon> ngawur aja kamu tuh

[07:43] <JupIt3r> (klepon) banyak janda di tempat ku, selera e aryo

[07:44] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:44] <aryo> gah

[07:44] <klepon> cew yg umur 30-40 banyak yg cerai kawin

[07:44] <aryo> aku suka gadis

[07:44] <Ganonk> waiki mulai pembahasan

[07:45] <aryo> ora nonk

[07:45] <klepon> adaloh tetanggaku suami nya merantau pulang2 istri nya hamil

[07:45] <aryo> kalem2

[07:45] <klepon> trus cerai

[07:45] <aryo> lu yg hamilin pasti pon

[07:45] <klepon> bukan lah

[07:45] <aryo> masa

[07:45] <klepon> aku juga tau setelah dia hamil besar

[07:45] <aryo> jupi brati

[07:45] <+pita> jupi brati... jati

[07:46] <Ganonk> wuahahahahahah

[07:46] <aryo> diq diem2 kan maen belakang

[07:46] <klepon> dulu tuh aku gak tau hamil nya eh tau2 lahiran .. rumah nya beda rt

[07:46] <aryo> korbanmu pon ngaku aja

[07:47] <klepon> agak jauh rumah nya ama rumah ku

[07:47] <klepon> sembarangan kamu tuh

[07:47] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[07:47] <aryo> wakakaka

[07:47] <aryo> ganonk coba tanya hamilin g

[07:47] <klepon> kalo ngomong itu jangan suka ngawur ya

[07:47] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[07:48] <klepon> coba tak seen cah ayu dulu

[07:48] <klepon> .seen tajahyaue

[07:48] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat tajahyaue.

[07:48] <klepon> .seen tjahayoye

[07:48] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat tjahayoye.

[07:48] <klepon> weks

[07:48] <klepon> salah keyik terus

[07:48] <Ganonk> walah

[07:48] <klepon> nivk nya ribet dia tuh

[07:48] <klepon> .seen tjahayoe

[07:49] * Sesshomaru ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:49] <klepon> tuhj baru bener

[07:49] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:49] <aryo> wb fi3 ku

[07:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[07:49] <klepon> cah ayu tuh kalo liat klepon sebel bngt kek liat apangitu

[07:49] <Fit3> Ty aryo

[07:49] <klepon> fi3 tuh temen klepon lohh

[07:49] <aryo> sabar musuh org tua harus maklum pon

[07:50] <Fit3> Hi klepon

[07:50] <aryo> aku belum ol irc dia dah duluan di irc

[07:50] <aryo> irc belum ada aja ayoe dah ol

[07:50] <klepon> fi3 jangan deket2 aryo ya dia bau kambing abis makan daginh kambinh

[07:50] <Fit3> Aryao,Gak main anagram lagi?

[07:50] <Ganonk> :v

[07:50] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[07:50] <aryo> nanti malam fit

[07:50] <aryo> lagi ngeslow

[07:51] <Fit3> Ooo

[07:51] <aryo> tar temenin ya

[07:51] <aryo> bantu jawab hehe

[07:51] <Fit3> Kalo blm tidur ya

[07:51] <Fit3> 🤭

[07:51] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:51] <aryo> hadeh

[07:51] <aryo> klepon kek kambing

[07:51] <klepon> mendinh fi3 ama kelpon aja

[07:52] <Fit3> (aryo) klepon kek kambing....kok kayak kambing?

[07:52] <aryo> fit3 tar tak wa kalau tidur biar bangun

[07:52] <aryo> dia hobi makan kambing

[07:53] <klepon> hadeh dehh kok bokongku kok gatal2 bgt ya kena kami tetep abis dari rumah orang aqigohan tadi

[07:53] <aryo> cangkul aja bokongnya

[07:53] <klepon> dulu aku waktu kecil suka makan kepala kambinh sekarang gak bgtu suka daginh kambinh

[07:53] <Fit3> (aryo) fit3 tar tak wa kalau tidur biar bangun.... 🤭🤭 Maksa euy

[07:54] <aryo> hehe

[07:54] <klepon> duduk di tikar kena kami tetep

[07:54] <aryo> sekali2 makss dikit

[07:54] <klepon> kami jeplek

[07:54] <aryo> tengu ngunu wae

[07:54] <klepon> si fi3 itu gak punya wa lohh

[07:55] <Fit3> Kok tahu

[07:55] <Fit3> ???

[07:55] <aryo> hahaha

[07:55] <+creasy> But sir, we're still on our own planet.

[07:55] <klepon> punya nya telegram

[07:55] <aryo> 2021 masa masih pake telegram

[07:56] <Fit3> (aryo) 2021 masa masih pake telegram.... Iya biar lebih romantis 😄😄

[07:56] <klepon> wew aryo ketinggalan jaman kamu

[07:56] <aryo> heleh

[07:56] <aryo> hajar pon

[07:57] <aryo> aku brb sek beli maem keburu malem

[07:57] <klepon> gak tanya

[07:57] <klepon> moga tutupbwarung nasi nya🤣🤣🤣

[07:57] <Fit3> (aryo) aku brb sek beli maem keburu malem... Kayaknya udah malam deh

[07:58] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*

[07:59] <klepon> telegram mu ndak aktiv fi3

[07:59] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:59] <klepon> weks malah quit

[07:59] <klepon> di ajak ngomonh kok

[08:00] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[08:01] <klepon> gak ada temen ngomong nih

[08:01] <klepon> ganonk

[08:01] <klepon> ganonk tadi mana yq

[08:02] <klepon> pqmit juga ah

[08:02] * klepon is now known as jemblem

[08:02] * jemblem (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:07] * Mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[08:09] <+elektra> :o

[08:09] <+ezza> :O

[08:09] <+creasy> Sacrebleu!

[08:09] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:09] <temon> xoyxoyxoyxyxtkxo

[08:13] * Mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:14] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:15] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[08:15] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go =O

[08:16] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:17] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[08:28] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[08:30] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:33] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:33] <+tweety> Bye mimin.

[08:35] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:36] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:42] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:44] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[08:44] <suliw4> Assalamualaikum

[08:44] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:45] * AndroUser is now known as coz

[08:46] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[08:47] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[08:47] * seven ( has joined #surabaya

[08:47] <@|In-Love|> webe pelopor cutik mania

[08:48] * seven ( has left #surabaya

[08:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[08:52] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[08:52] <+ezza> I wish they didn't have to go ;(

[08:54] <suliw4> Wayah e turu

[08:54] <coz> jam piro nang kunu

[08:56] <temon> 5

[08:58] <suliw4> Jam 11

[08:58] * voine (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[08:59] <temon> voine

[08:59] <coz> ya

[08:59] <voine> apa

[08:59] <suliw4> Dalem

[08:59] <suliw4> Eh

[08:59] <suliw4> Kono udan OPO Ra coz

[09:00] <coz> iki ndek bwi ga udan

[09:00] <coz> mlg udan

[09:00] <suliw4> Ngopo nik bwi

[09:01] <coz> mlaku2

[09:01] <voine> @topchans

[09:01] <ChanStat-12> (TopChannels): 1. #malang | 2. #waroeng | 3. <hidden> | 4. #abocy | 5. #surabaya | 6. #Game | 7. <hidden> | 8. <hidden> | 9. #Indogaul | 10. #Jakarta

[09:01] <voine> .ag

[09:01] <suliw4> Woh

[09:02] <temon> .money voine

[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 voine (#0) isn't registred or he isn't online »]

[09:03] <voine> nyilih auth tulung

[09:03] <voine> .t

[09:03] <voine> .top10

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 29'108'462$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'123'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]

[09:03] <temon> iku suliw4 juragan auth

[09:04] <voine> siji om

[09:04] <coz> telu gpp

[09:04] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:05] * voine is now known as point

[09:05] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:06] <point> bagi auth om

[09:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[09:09] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:09] <+tweety> one day

[09:09] <+creasy> have you asked chabby?

[09:09] <+elektra> Omg yes.

[09:09] <+pita> yes, that makes me horny

[09:09] <+ezza> Only with spud.

[09:11] * point (~voine@ has left #surabaya

[09:11] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[09:11] * aryo is now known as jacky

[09:11] <+ezza> Master?

[09:12] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:13] * jacky (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:21] <aryo> .ag

[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D F L U I (60s timeout) »]

[09:21] <aryo> fluid

[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FLUID ) in 4.36 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FLUID to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[09:23] <aryo> .ag

[09:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H T A E R B (60s timeout) »]

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H T A E R B - Here's a hint : B R . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B R E A T H with the letters H T A E R B (Use .define BREATH to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:25] * point (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[09:25] <point> .ag

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E I T W N (60s timeout) »]

[09:26] <point> twine

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( TWINE ) in 16.18 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TWINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:28] <aryo> .ag

[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E L S O (60s timeout) »]

[09:28] <aryo> lose

[09:28] <aryo> sole

[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SOLE ) in 9.032 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SOLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:29] <aryo> .ag

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I F D E E C T O N (60s timeout) »]

[09:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[09:29] <aryo> definitiom

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I F D E E C T O N - Here's a hint : D E F . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:30] <aryo> defection

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DEFECTION ) in 48.59 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DEFECTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:30] * pitoe (~fish@ has joined #surabaya

[09:31] * pitoe (~fish@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:32] <aryo> .ag

[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E T I H S P M A S (60s timeout) »]

[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T I H S P M A S - Here's a hint : S H I . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:32] <point> shipments

[09:33] <aryo> shipments

[09:33] <+creasy> SNAP!

[09:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S H I P M A T E S with the letters E T I H S P M A S (Use .define SHIPMATES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:33] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[09:33] <aryo> .ag

[09:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : C T S S E R I A N E S (60s timeout) »]

[09:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C T S S E R I A N E S - Here's a hint : R E S I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:34] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E S I S T A N C E S with the letters C T S S E R I A N E S (Use .define RESISTANCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:35] <point> .ag

[09:35] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : P O L E V E N E S (60s timeout) »]

[09:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P O L E V E N E S - Here's a hint : E N V . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:35] <point> envelopea

[09:35] <point> envelopes

[09:35] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( ENVELOPES ) in 42.84 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ENVELOPES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:35] <point> .ag

[09:36] <point> .vp 5000

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. point's hand: Qd | Kh | 10h | 2s | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[09:36] <point> .draw 45

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - point: your hand: Qd | Kh | 10h | Js | 10c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[09:36] <point> .ag

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E U O T R Q (60s timeout) »]

[09:36] <point> equatora

[09:36] <point> equators

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E U O T R Q - Here's a hint : T O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:36] <point> torques

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( TORQUES ) in 32.76 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TORQUES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) point has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:36] <point> .b 10000

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 point bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. point's hand: 7 | 3 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[09:36] <aryo> .ag

[09:37] <point> d

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 point hits: 3 : Total is 13 »]

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 10 : Total is 20 »]

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! point loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:37] <point> ag

[09:37] <point> .ag

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E S A D I S T R (60s timeout) »]

[09:37] <point> disaster s

[09:37] <point> disastera

[09:37] <point> disasters

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( DISASTERS ) in 20.60 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DISASTERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) point has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:37] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:37] <point> .vp 5000

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. point's hand: 6d | 5c | Ad | 8c | As. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[09:38] <point> .draw 124

[09:38] <aryo> .ag

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R E T A R P A M E S (60s timeout) »]

[09:38] <point> .ag

[09:38] <point> parameters

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( PARAMETERS ) in 8.234 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PARAMETERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) point has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:39] <point> .b 10000

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 point bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. point's hand: J | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 Hit or Stand? ('H' or 'S') »]

[09:39] <point> s

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 7 : Total is 18 or 8 »]

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! point loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:39] <point> .vp 5000

[09:39] <point> .ag

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : T N N I A R A R G M E S (60s timeout) »]

[09:39] <point> arrangements

[09:40] <aryo> .ag

[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N N I A R A R G M E S - Here's a hint : A R R A . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:40] <point> arrangements

[09:40] <aryo> arragements

[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A R R A I G N M E N T S with the letters T N N I A R A R G M E S (Use .define ARRAIGNMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for point stopped ( +4 ) »]

[09:41] <point> .ag

[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T L A F U (60s timeout) »]

[09:41] <point> fault

[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( FAULT ) in 3.906 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FAULT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:41] <point> .ag

[09:41] <point> .vp 5000

[09:41] <point> .an

[09:41] <point> .g

[09:41] <point> .a

[09:41] <point> .ag

[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 point started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H A W S E S (60s timeout) »]

[09:41] <point> whases

[09:42] <point> washes

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 point has just found the correct word ( WASHES ) in 19.43 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WASHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) point has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:42] <aryo> .ag

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R E I R E T N I V W E (60s timeout) »]

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E I R E T N I V W E - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:42] <aryo> .ac

[09:43] <point> interview

[09:43] <point> interviews

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E R V I E W E R with the letters R E I R E T N I V W E (Use .define INTERVIEWER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for point stopped ( +2 ) »]

[09:43] <aryo> .ag

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R C O K S (60s timeout) »]

[09:43] <aryo> rocks

[09:43] <aryo> skorcs

[09:44] <aryo> skorc

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R C O K S - Here's a hint : C O . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:44] <aryo> cork

[09:44] <aryo> corks

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CORKS ) in 39.62 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CORKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:45] <aryo> .ag

[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E E N O C F R N C E S (60s timeout) »]

[09:45] * point (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E E N O C F R N C E S - Here's a hint : C O N F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:46] <aryo> confrences

[09:46] <aryo> conferens

[09:46] <aryo> conference

[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N F E R E N C E S with the letters E E N O C F R N C E S (Use .define CONFERENCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[09:50] <aryo> .ag

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : L H O A L C O I C (60s timeout) »]

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L H O A L C O I C - Here's a hint : A L C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:51] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A L C O H O L I C with the letters L H O A L C O I C (Use .define ALCOHOLIC to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:51] <aryo> alcoholic

[09:52] <aryo> .ag

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N S T E C I L (60s timeout) »]

[09:52] <aryo> centils

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N S T E C I L - Here's a hint : S T . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:53] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T E N C I L with the letters N S T E C I L (Use .define STENCIL to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:54] * juergen ( has joined #surabaya

[09:54] <juergen>

[09:55] * juergen ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:55] <aryo> .ag

[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S O T E (60s timeout) »]

[09:55] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :'(

[09:55] <aryo> tode

[09:55] <aryo> tose

[09:55] <aryo> toes

[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TOES ) in 10.59 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TOES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:55] * co-p (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:56] <+elektra> Monsieur, with this gyereket you are really spoiling us!

[09:56] <+pita> The Ambassador's receptions are noted in society for their host's exquisite taste that captivates his guests.

[09:56] <aryo> .ag

[09:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N I T C I L B P U A O (60s timeout) »]

[09:56] <TjahAyoe> Publication

[09:56] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PUBLICATION ) in 17.65 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define PUBLICATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:57] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:57] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y E T B A T R (60s timeout) »]

[09:57] <TjahAyoe> Battrey

[09:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y E T B A T R - Here's a hint : B A . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:57] <TjahAyoe> Baterty

[09:57] <aryo> bateray

[09:57] <aryo> batery

[09:57] <aryo> battery

[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BATTERY ) in 58.35 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BATTERY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:58] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R O T A N I R C O O D (60s timeout) »]

[09:58] <TjahAyoe> Cordinator

[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R O T A N I R C O O D - Here's a hint : C O O R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:59] <TjahAyoe> Coordinator

[09:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( COORDINATOR ) in 36.03 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COORDINATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:59] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E R U M O I S T S (60s timeout) »]

[09:59] <TjahAyoe> Moisture s

[09:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E R U M O I S T S - Here's a hint : M O I . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:00] <TjahAyoe> Moistures

[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( MOISTURES ) in 38.20 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define MOISTURES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[10:00] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S I R P C E (60s timeout) »]

[10:00] <aryo> prices

[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PRICES ) in 5.64 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PRICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd TjahAyoe in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[10:01] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[10:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : L A S S I D P O (60s timeout) »]

[10:01] <TjahAyoe> Lapiddos

[10:01] <TjahAyoe> Lapidoss

[10:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L A S S I D P O - Here's a hint : D I S . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:01] <aryo> disapol

[10:02] <TjahAyoe> Disopsal

[10:02] <TjahAyoe> Disposal

[10:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( DISPOSAL ) in 51.03 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DISPOSAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:02] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[10:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[10:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S D I A (60s timeout) »]

[10:02] <TjahAyoe> Dias

[10:02] * alit ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:02] <+ezza> bye alit

[10:02] <TjahAyoe> Adis

[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Siad

[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Said

[10:03] <aryo> dias

[10:03] <aryo> asid

[10:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S D I A - Here's a hint : A . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Asid

[10:03] <aryo> aisd

[10:03] <aryo> aids

[10:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( AIDS ) in 41.5 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define AIDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Asdi

[10:03] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[10:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E G A I M S (60s timeout) »]

[10:03] <TjahAyoe> Agamis

[10:04] <TjahAyoe> Misage

[10:04] <TjahAyoe> Mesagi

[10:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G A I M S - Here's a hint : I M . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:04] <TjahAyoe> Images

[10:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( IMAGES ) in 33.73 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define IMAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:04] <aryo> .ag

[10:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A W S T E (60s timeout) »]

[10:04] <aryo> waste

[10:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WASTE ) in 4.953 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WASTE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[10:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : G J U D E (60s timeout) »]

[10:05] <TjahAyoe> Judge

[10:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( JUDGE ) in 6.078 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define JUDGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:07] <aryo> .ag

[10:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : P R E C E I T (60s timeout) »]

[10:07] <aryo> pretice

[10:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P R E C E I T - Here's a hint : R E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E C E I P T with the letters P R E C E I T (Use .define RECEIPT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:08] <aryo> .ag

[10:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : O I T U O R P R E D C N S (60s timeout) »]

[10:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I T U O R P R E D C N S - Here's a hint : R E P R . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:09] <aryo> .top10

[10:09] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 29'108'462$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'445'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'262'800$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]

[10:09] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E P R O D U C T I O N S with the letters O I T U O R P R E D C N S (Use .define REPRODUCTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[10:10] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[10:11] <aryo> .ac

[10:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N O I C I F T (60s timeout) »]

[10:11] <aryo> notific

[10:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I C I F T - Here's a hint : F I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:11] <aryo> fiction

[10:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FICTION ) in 39.79 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FICTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:12] <aryo> .ac

[10:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S R T R O O (60s timeout) »]

[10:13] <aryo> rotors

[10:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROTORS ) in 28.43 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ROTORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[10:14] <aryo> .ag

[10:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E H W O L A L E (60s timeout) »]

[10:14] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Killed (* (You are violating network rules, ID: 57418500)))

[10:15] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[10:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E H W O L A L E - Here's a hint : W H O . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:15] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: W H O L E S A L E with the letters S E H W O L A L E (Use .define WHOLESALE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:15] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[10:17] <aryo> .ac

[10:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S U H T O G H T (60s timeout) »]

[10:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S U H T O G H T - Here's a hint : T H O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:17] <aryo> thoughts

[10:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( THOUGHTS ) in 49.84 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define THOUGHTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:18] <aryo> .ag

[10:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : Y R E N E G (60s timeout) »]

[10:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y R E N E G - Here's a hint : E N . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:19] <aryo> enyreg

[10:19] <aryo> engrey

[10:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N E R G Y with the letters Y R E N E G (Use .define ENERGY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:20] <aryo> .ag

[10:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O S I C D E I N S (60s timeout) »]

[10:20] <aryo> considens

[10:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O S I C D E I N S - Here's a hint : D E C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:21] <aryo> decidens

[10:21] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E C I S I O N S with the letters O S I C D E I N S (Use .define DECISIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:22] <aryo> .ac

[10:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O A T K E F F S (60s timeout) »]

[10:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A T K E F F S - Here's a hint : T A K . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:22] <aryo> .ac

[10:23] <aryo> takeoffs

[10:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TAKEOFFS ) in 36.34 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TAKEOFFS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:23] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[10:23] <aryo> .ac

[10:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : H S B U (60s timeout) »]

[10:23] <aryo> bush

[10:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BUSH ) in 3.859 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BUSH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[10:24] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[10:24] <JupIt3r> Juh, demit leluhur fosil masih aja mainan games

[10:24] <aryo> wakakka

[10:24] <aryo> lu g tifur jup

[10:24] <aryo> dah sepuh tidur sana jup

[10:25] <JupIt3r> lapar

[10:25] <aryo> mandi

[10:26] <aryo> .ac

[10:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : E C E I L E T I N L G N S (60s timeout) »]

[10:26] <JupIt3r> Gk onok panganan, mau ke indomaret kena ppkm mikro jam buka sampai jam 9 malam

[10:26] <JupIt3r> Ada nya duren

[10:26] <JupIt3r> Sikat aja

[10:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C E I L E T I N L G N S - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:27] <aryo> makan sekalian kulitnya

[10:27] <aryo> intelectings

[10:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E L L I G E N C E S with the letters E C E I L E T I N L G N S (Use .define INTELLIGENCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:27] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[10:27] <JupIt3r> Intelegen

[10:28] <aryo> .ag

[10:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I W D R A N G S (60s timeout) »]

[10:28] <aryo> drawings

[10:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DRAWINGS ) in 6.266 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DRAWINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:29] <aryo> .ac

[10:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R E L A G S I N S (60s timeout) »]

[10:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[10:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E L A G S I N S - Here's a hint : S I G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S I G N A L E R S with the letters R E L A G S I N S (Use .define SIGNALERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:31] <aryo> .ag

[10:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M A O F (60s timeout) »]

[10:31] <aryo> foam

[10:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FOAM ) in 4.187 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FOAM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:32] <aryo> .ag

[10:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O Q U E S T I N (60s timeout) »]

[10:32] <aryo> question

[10:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUESTION ) in 5.437 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define QUESTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[10:33] <aryo> .ag

[10:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : O I T R E L C C A E A N S (60s timeout) »]

[10:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I T R E L C C A E A N S - Here's a hint : A C C E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:34] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C E L E R A T I O N S with the letters O I T R E L C C A E A N S (Use .define ACCELERATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:34] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[10:34] <aryo> .ag

[10:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E A L F R S (60s timeout) »]

[10:34] <aryo> lafers

[10:35] <aryo> farels

[10:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A L F R S - Here's a hint : F L . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:35] <aryo> flaers

[10:35] <aryo> flares

[10:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FLARES ) in 52.92 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FLARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:36] * AngeI ( has joined #surabaya

[10:36] <aryo> wb

[10:36] <aryo> angel

[10:36] <aryo> susah

[10:36] <aryo> .ag

[10:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : I A I A C L B R T O N S (60s timeout) »]

[10:36] <aryo> colabration

[10:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I A I A C L B R T O N S - Here's a hint : C A L I . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:37] <aryo> calibrations

[10:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CALIBRATIONS ) in 51.53 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define CALIBRATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[10:37] <AngeI> hi

[10:37] <aryo> ji angel

[10:37] <aryo> kemana aja lama tak jumpa

[10:37] <AngeI> :)

[10:38] <aryo> :*

[10:39] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[10:39] <aryo> .ag

[10:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T A C I O N S (60s timeout) »]

[10:39] <aryo> cations

[10:39] <aryo> cotains

[10:39] <aryo> contains

[10:39] <cwok> .stop

[10:39] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A C I O N S - Here's a hint : A C . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:39] <aryo> kekekekeke

[10:40] <aryo> actions

[10:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ACTIONS ) in 36.64 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ACTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[10:40] <+elektra> The next channel is #kennington. Change here for the quakenet.

[10:40] <aryo> .ac

[10:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R T S I P (60s timeout) »]

[10:41] <aryo> stip

[10:41] <aryo> strip

[10:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STRIP ) in 7.468 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STRIP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[10:41] <aryo> .ag

[10:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y R O C F A T (60s timeout) »]

[10:41] <aryo> factory

[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FACTORY ) in 28.32 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FACTORY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[10:42] <+pita> gosh

[10:42] <aryo> .ag

[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S R H A D H I P (60s timeout) »]

[10:42] <aryo> hardship

[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HARDSHIP ) in 7.344 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define HARDSHIP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[10:43] <aryo> .ac

[10:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N S P E R P O I T I O (60s timeout) »]

[10:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N S P E R P O I T I O - Here's a hint : P R E P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:44] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R E P O S I T I O N with the letters N S P E R P O I T I O (Use .define PREPOSITION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:44] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +6 ) »]

[10:44] <aryo> .top10

[10:44] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 39'439'950$ 2: nia (Denia) 29'108'462$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 19'159'755$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'688'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'422'550$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'403'908$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]

[10:44] <aryo> ndelok tv sek

[10:44] <aryo> pamed

[10:44] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:44] <+ezza> Mmm aryo.

[10:44] <+tweety> -_-

[10:44] <+pita> =D

[10:44] <+ezza> =]

[10:44] <+ezza> -_-

[10:44] <+tweety> :)

[10:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[10:54] * AngeI ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[11:05] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:06] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[11:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[11:10] <+creasy> Yes but i wish i'd gone keys-rinseing =)

[11:10] <+elektra> yes but i wish i'd gone torch-weting =]

[11:10] <+pita> yeah whoops :)

[11:10] <+ezza> wee... do that again

[11:24] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[11:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[11:29] <+ezza> mmm "Szajbus"

[11:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[11:36] * Xandra17 ( has joined #surabaya

[11:36] <+elektra> heeeeee FUN

[11:37] * Xandra17 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[11:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[12:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[12:13] <+creasy> i'm king of getting pointless things

[12:26] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:26] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*

[12:26] * AndroUser was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[12:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[12:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[13:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[13:19] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[13:26] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*

[13:27] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[13:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[13:45] <nandini> T

[13:45] <nandini> A

[13:46] <nandini> H

[13:46] <nandini> A

[13:46] <nandini> J

[13:46] <nandini> U

[13:46] <nandini> D

[13:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[13:51] * Uma16 ( has joined #surabaya

[13:52] * Uma16 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:05] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[14:05] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[14:07] <+pita> Where do you have sex with a hockey?

[14:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[14:22] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[14:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[14:39] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[14:44] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[14:44] <+tweety> I like them :o)

[14:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:01] <+creasy> Oh no, an asymptomatic case of wanklamprrhoea. My ring finger has turned shining yellow and my nuts turned into a list :(

[15:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[15:14] * co-p (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[15:15] * co (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:16] * co (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:18] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[15:24] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[15:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[15:44] * +tweety yawns

[15:45] * +ezza puts on nightie

[15:50] * dhewi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:50] * dhewi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[15:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[15:52] <+pita> Confident knees, worried hair, caring knees.

[15:56] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[16:04] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[16:04] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[16:10] <+elektra> i'm a parrot factory squawk squawk

[16:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[16:11] <+elektra> Can i have 50:50?

[16:11] <+pita> What is your favourite colour?

[16:11] <+creasy> nothing

[16:26] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[16:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[16:35] * Willa21 (~jxermgwh@ has joined #surabaya

[16:38] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[16:39] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[16:41] * Willa21 (~jxermgwh@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:44] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[16:45] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[16:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[17:01] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:01] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[17:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[17:12] * +pita shits her leg warmers

[17:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[17:24] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[17:39] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[17:39] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:40] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[17:43] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[17:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[18:09] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[18:12] <+pita> That's a funny little cigarette.

[18:18] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[18:29] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:30] * Deviee_ is now known as ranniee

[18:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[18:38] <+pita> where do you have sex with a cake?

[18:43] * ranniee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:50] * Naomi ( has joined #surabaya

[18:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[18:54] * Naomi ( Quit (Registered)

[18:54] * Naomi ( has joined #surabaya

[18:57] * cewe_sederhana (~Girly@ has joined #surabaya

[18:57] * cewe_sederhana (~Girly@ has left #surabaya

[19:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[19:16] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[19:16] <aryo> .top10

[19:16] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 41'790'450$ 2: nia (Denia) 30'578'200$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 27'009'063$ 4: vw (??) 12'051'500$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'688'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'504'550$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'571'408$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 788'750$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]

[19:18] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:19] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:20] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[19:22] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[19:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[19:32] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[19:40] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[19:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[20:00] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[20:01] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[20:02] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[20:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[20:24] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[20:27] * danilla (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[20:33] <+pita> My personality matrix can simulate what the real pita would say with 6 percent accuracy!

[20:34] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:41] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[20:41] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[20:43] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:49] * danilla (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:49] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[20:54] <FY> .ag

[20:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : Y A B I G M (60s timeout) »]

[20:55] <FY> Bigamy

[20:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( BIGAMY ) in 16.71 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BIGAMY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:55] <Deviee_> Wb jenk

[20:56] <FY> Ty jeng dep

[20:58] <Deviee_> Nggih

[20:58] <Deviee_> Ga sc jenk?

[21:01] <GoodToTalk> nah

[21:01] <GoodToTalk> disini agak sepoi

[21:02] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[21:02] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[21:06] <FY> (Deviee_) Ga sc jenk?>>libur dulu jeng

[21:06] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:06] <FY> Terakhir main tanggal 2 maren

[21:06] <FY> Sekarang prei sek

[21:07] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[21:08] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[21:10] <Deviee_> Oookk

[21:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[21:16] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[21:16] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[21:18] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[21:20] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[21:21] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:25] <+creasy> Check out my hands

[21:28] * Naomi ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:29] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[21:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[21:33] * putri ( has left #surabaya

[21:38] <+pita> BLAM.

[21:43] * sesshomaru (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:43] * sesshomaru (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[21:43] * sesshomaru ( has joined #surabaya

[21:50] * co_biasa_ (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[21:50] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[22:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[22:12] <+creasy> rofl :) ^*#~~$#~

[22:12] <+elektra> how could i when i had Felixallium finding at Light's house

[22:12] <+pita> Yarr -_-

[22:12] * +creasy clouts himself in the knuckle

[22:30] <+tweety> Mmm toast.

[22:31] <+ezza> Good morning!

[22:32] * Silit ( has joined #surabaya

[22:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[22:32] <+pita> no i spent my time contemplating how i smacked Lancelot in the head

[22:32] <+creasy> Yes and i'm gonna do it again this morning in Chippenham in the butt.

[22:32] <+elektra> yes but i'd rather explain quantum physics to Jade than do it again!

[22:32] <Silit> wkwkwkwkkw

[22:33] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[22:40] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:41] <+elektra> Oh no, an invasive case of pubecellistria. My little finger has turned bright chartreuse and my nut exploded :(

[22:42] <+ezza> I feel like bouncing!

[22:46] <Silit> .ag

[22:47] * Silit is now known as Geblek

[22:47] * Geblek ( Quit (Signed off)

[22:48] * Geblek ( has joined #surabaya

[22:49] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:51] <klepon> hallo

[22:51] <klepon> ada orang ndak

[22:51] <klepon> sepi

[22:51] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[22:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[23:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[23:12] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[23:12] <+ezza> won't the exploding hurt?

[23:20] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[23:20] <+tweety> Bye Szajbus.

[23:23] * sesshomaru ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:30] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:30] <klepon> hallo

[23:31] <klepon> sepi

[23:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[23:41] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #surabaya

[23:44] * oooyab (~sh@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:45] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:45] * co- (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:46] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[23:48] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:52] * co- (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[23:53] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[23:54] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:55] <+ezza> mmm kelpon

[23:57] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[23:57] * rara_manjaa (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:57] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:58] <rara_manjaa> !uno

[23:58] <rara_manjaa> Gk ada ya

[00:00] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[00:00] <+ezza> i like them :)

[00:00] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[00:00] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[00:00] <+tweety> Bye cowookk.

[00:01] * rara_manjaa (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[00:01] <+tweety> Are you local?

[00:01] <+ezza> I wish they didn't have to go =[

[00:08] <+creasy> Stop staring at the monkeys~^##~*~%percent

[00:09] <+elektra> lum de dum de dum...

[00:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[00:13] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[00:14] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[00:15] * Naomi ( has joined #surabaya

[00:22] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[00:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[00:34] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[00:35] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[00:40] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[00:48] <+tweety> I smell of coconut.

[00:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[00:57] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) Quit (G-lined)

[00:57] * kadal (zembot@2610:150:8015:1000::28a) Quit (G-lined)

[00:57] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[00:58] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[01:04] <FangYin> .ag

[01:04] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : P I R T S E (60s timeout) »]

[01:04] <FangYin> Stripe

[01:04] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( STRIPE ) in 5.329 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STRIPE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:05] <aryo> .ac

[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S A D I R I E (60s timeout) »]

[01:05] <FangYin> Diaries

[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( DIARIES ) in 4.657 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DIARIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:05] <aryo> riders

[01:05] <aryo> .ag

[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O S C K (60s timeout) »]

[01:05] <FangYin> Sock

[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SOCK ) in 3.265 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:05] <aryo> sock

[01:05] <aryo> 🙄

[01:06] <FangYin> .ag

[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T N O E (60s timeout) »]

[01:06] <FangYin> Tone

[01:06] <FangYin> Note

[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( NOTE ) in 8.265 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NOTE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:06] <FangYin> .money

[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 911'750$ »]

[01:06] <aryo> .ag

[01:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S A M U H N (60s timeout) »]

[01:07] <FangYin> Humans

[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( HUMANS ) in 11.14 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define HUMANS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[01:07] * +tweety blinks

[01:07] <aryo> .ac

[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T V S O L E N (60s timeout) »]

[01:07] <aryo> solvent

[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SOLVENT ) in 5.375 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SOLVENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +5 ) »]

[01:07] <FangYin> Solvent

[01:07] <aryo> .top10

[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 43'562'200$ 2: nia (Denia) 31'136'450$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 27'009'063$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'694'000$ 6: Riie (??) 3'504'550$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'839'500$ 8: ener (??) 1'571'408$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 919'250$ 10: alya (ilusii^) 563'750$ »]

[01:07] <aryo> .ac

[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O O B T T M S (60s timeout) »]

[01:07] <FangYin> Bottoms

[01:07] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( BOTTOMS ) in 3.86 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BOTTOMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:07] <aryo> bottoms

[01:08] <aryo> .ag

[01:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : G N I O F O T (60s timeout) »]

[01:08] <aryo> footing

[01:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FOOTING ) in 12 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FOOTING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:09] <aryo> .ag

[01:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O O E B A T L S P (60s timeout) »]

[01:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O O E B A T L S P - Here's a hint : T A B . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:10] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T A B L E S P O O N with the letters N O O E B A T L S P (Use .define TABLESPOON to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:10] <aryo> .ag

[01:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S G O L (60s timeout) »]

[01:11] <aryo> logs

[01:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOGS ) in 5.156 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LOGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:11] <aryo> .ac

[01:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : M T R C O M P A E N T S (60s timeout) »]

[01:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M T R C O M P A E N T S - Here's a hint : C O M P . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:12] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O M P A R T M E N T S with the letters M T R C O M P A E N T S (Use .define COMPARTMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[01:13] <aryo> .ag

[01:13] * Geblek ( Quit (Registered)

[01:13] * Geblek ( has joined #surabaya

[01:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N I T U M A L F N C O (60s timeout) »]

[01:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I T U M A L F N C O - Here's a hint : M A L F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:14] <aryo> malfunction

[01:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MALFUNCTION ) in 58.93 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define MALFUNCTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:14] <aryo> .ag

[01:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E A C C O R D A N C (60s timeout) »]

[01:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A C C O R D A N C - Here's a hint : A C C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:15] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C O R D A N C E with the letters E A C C O R D A N C (Use .define ACCORDANCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:17] <aryo> .ac

[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S T S A R E (60s timeout) »]

[01:17] <aryo> starts

[01:17] <aryo> stares

[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STARES ) in 9.828 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:17] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[01:17] <aryo> .ag

[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S L E R F I P U G (60s timeout) »]

[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S L E R F I P U G - Here's a hint : F I R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:18] <aryo> firguses

[01:18] <aryo> firgules

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F I R E P L U G S with the letters S L E R F I P U G (Use .define FIREPLUGS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:19] <aryo> .ac

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E G S P O N (60s timeout) »]

[01:19] <aryo> spongs

[01:19] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[01:19] <aryo> sponge

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SPONGE ) in 7.703 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SPONGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:21] <aryo> .ag

[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E A C U R V T U R (60s timeout) »]

[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A C U R V T U R - Here's a hint : C U R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C U R V A T U R E with the letters E A C U R V T U R (Use .define CURVATURE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:22] <+pita> Oh boy, my subscription is running out.

[01:22] <aryo> .ag

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T R O P R E (60s timeout) »]

[01:22] <aryo> troper

[01:22] <aryo> potere

[01:22] <aryo> poterr

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T R O P R E - Here's a hint : R E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:23] <aryo> repotr

[01:23] <aryo> report

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( REPORT ) in 41.32 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define REPORT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:24] <aryo> .ag

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O D I G E S T I (60s timeout) »]

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O D I G E S T I - Here's a hint : D I G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:24] <aryo> diggest

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I G E S T I O N with the letters N O D I G E S T I (Use .define DIGESTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:26] <aryo> .ag

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L E T H O (60s timeout) »]

[01:26] <aryo> hotel

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HOTEL ) in 7.5 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HOTEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:26] <aryo> .ag

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T A C O N T R S S (60s timeout) »]

[01:26] <aryo> conttrass

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A C O N T R S S - Here's a hint : C O N . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:27] <Geblek> contil

[01:27] <FY> Contrasts

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CONTRASTS ) in 52.89 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define CONTRASTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:27] <aryo> contil

[01:27] <aryo> eh

[01:27] <aryo> tikus mah tak tutne

[01:28] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) has joined #surabaya

[01:28] <aryo> kisut

[01:28] <aryo> .ag

[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : C S R E O U R E (60s timeout) »]

[01:28] <FY> Resource

[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( RESOURCE ) in 9.375 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define RESOURCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:28] * kadal (zembot@2610:150:8015:1000::28a) has joined #surabaya

[01:29] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[01:29] <aryo> .ag

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E S E R T T M A S (60s timeout) »]

[01:29] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S E R T T M A S - Here's a hint : M A T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:29] <Geblek> mat stress

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M A T T R E S S E S with the letters S E S E R T T M A S (Use .define MATTRESSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for FY stopped ( +2 ) »]

[01:30] <FY> Mattresses

[01:30] <aryo> .ag

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D O M E M (60s timeout) »]

[01:30] <aryo> nodem

[01:30] <aryo> modem

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MODEM ) in 6.812 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MODEM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:31] <aryo> .ag

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R E A G S I N L (60s timeout) »]

[01:31] <aryo> lingers

[01:31] <FY> Signaler

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( SIGNALER ) in 11.43 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SIGNALER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:31] <aryo> reangrls

[01:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[01:35] <FY> .ag

[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : I I B A P A C L I T E S (60s timeout) »]

[01:35] <FY> Capabilities

[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CAPABILITIES ) in 5.187 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define CAPABILITIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:38] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (EOF from client)

[01:39] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[01:39] <+creasy> Press X to not love

[01:39] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:39] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:39] * co_biasa__ (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[01:40] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:41] * bandot ( has joined #surabaya

[01:41] * kuy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:42] * zozo ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * icebaby ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * wedhus ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * bandot is now known as wedhus

[01:43] * co_biasa_ (~co_biasa@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * Loki| is now known as Loki

[01:44] * Q sets mode: +l 124

[01:45] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[01:47] * zozo ( has joined #surabaya

[01:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[01:53] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:53] * Loki (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (Killed (* (overruled by older nick)))

[01:53] * icebaby (thg@ has joined #surabaya

[01:53] * cuyy (cuyy@ has joined #surabaya

[01:53] * clips (hybridz@ has joined #surabaya

[01:53] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[01:53] * Loki| (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) has joined #surabaya

[01:54] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[01:54] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[01:54] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[01:59] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:01] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[02:02] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[02:02] <+ezza> i like them -_-

[02:07] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:07] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[02:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[02:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[02:35] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:36] <klepon> .seen endah

[02:38] * klepon is now known as jemblem

[02:38] <+tweety> "watch" out for the moose

[02:40] <+creasy> My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha, ha... loins

[02:47] <+tweety> penguin

[02:51] <+elektra> i'm so cold my CPU is running sat maximum efficiency!]

[02:51] <+elektra> -s -]

[02:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[02:53] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[02:54] <aryo> .ag

[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : Y L B A U O C A C N T I I T (60s timeout) »]

[02:54] * co_biasa__ (~co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y L B A U O C A C N T I I T - Here's a hint : A C C O U . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y with the letters Y L B A U O C A C N T I I T (Use .define ACCOUNTABILITY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for FY stopped ( +2 ) »]

[02:55] <aryo> .ag

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E W E K S (60s timeout) »]

[02:55] <aryo> weeks

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WEEKS ) in 3.812 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WEEKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:55] <+creasy> Weeeeeks.

[02:55] <aryo> .ag

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S L H C I L (60s timeout) »]

[02:56] <aryo> chills

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CHILLS ) in 5.219 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CHILLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:56] <aryo> .ag

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N O P A E W S (60s timeout) »]

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O P A E W S - Here's a hint : W E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: W E A P O N S with the letters N O P A E W S (Use .define WEAPONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:57] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[02:59] <aryo> .ag

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S Y E L V A L (60s timeout) »]

[02:59] * jemblem (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S Y E L V A L - Here's a hint : V A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:00] <aryo> valleys

[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VALLEYS ) in 41.35 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define VALLEYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:00] <aryo> .ag

[03:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N E G R E W I C H (60s timeout) »]

[03:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N E G R E W I C H - Here's a hint : G R E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:01] <aryo> grewinch

[03:01] <aryo> grewices

[03:01] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: G R E E N W I C H with the letters N E G R E W I C H (Use .define GREENWICH to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:02] <aryo> .ag

[03:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : G N I T N I A P S (60s timeout) »]

[03:02] <aryo> paintings

[03:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PAINTINGS ) in 16.15 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PAINTINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:03] <aryo> .ag

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S A P A S S G E (60s timeout) »]

[03:03] <aryo> passages

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PASSAGES ) in 5.875 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PASSAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:03] <aryo> .ac

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S P A R (60s timeout) »]

[03:03] <aryo> raps

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RAPS ) in 3.016 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RAPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:04] <aryo> .ag

[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T R B O H E R (60s timeout) »]

[03:04] <aryo> brother

[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BROTHER ) in 3.375 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BROTHER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[03:04] <aryo> .ag

[03:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : D A L E E R (60s timeout) »]

[03:04] <aryo> dealer

[03:05] <aryo> leader

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LEADER ) in 13.42 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LEADER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[03:05] <+pita> ow my eyes :(

[03:05] <aryo> .ag

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E L P C R P I N I (60s timeout) »]

[03:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L P C R P I N I - Here's a hint : P R I . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R I N C I P L E with the letters E L P C R P I N I (Use .define PRINCIPLE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:06] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]

[03:07] <aryo> .ag

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : D L A M P I T U E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:07] <aryo> damputes

[03:07] <aryo> amllitudes

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D L A M P I T U E S - Here's a hint : A M P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:07] <aryo> amplituds

[03:07] <aryo> amplitueds

[03:07] <aryo> amplidutes

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A M P L I T U D E S with the letters D L A M P I T U E S (Use .define AMPLITUDES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:08] <aryo> .ag

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O I N U F R M (60s timeout) »]

[03:09] <aryo> ofriume

[03:09] <Rere_> Ya olohh sregepee 🤣🤣🤣

[03:09] <aryo> hay ayankuh

[03:09] <aryo> how are you

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I N U F R M - Here's a hint : U N . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:09] <Rere_> Gabut to kw cin, kok maleh sregep irc

[03:09] <aryo> lha sepi yo rep ngopo to

[03:09] <aryo> nggo hiburan pas selo je

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: U N I F O R M with the letters O I N U F R M (Use .define UNIFORM to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:10] <Rere_> Biasane hiburanmu rondo²

[03:10] <aryo> rondone agi mens kabeh

[03:10] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.1qmh.ip) has joined #surabaya

[03:10] <aryo> ra ngetetne les pow

[03:11] <Rere_> Ora cin

[03:11] <Rere_> Cuti les e

[03:11] <Rere_> Ko ndi dia

[03:11] <Rere_> Dis

[03:11] <Adis> Ko kene

[03:11] <aryo> adis ki sopo yank

[03:11] <Rere_> Unggul neng ndi

[03:11] <Adis> sek mantau nenek gayung sek

[03:11] <Rere_> Salam kuangen nggo unggul

[03:12] <Adis> unggul nek pare

[03:12] <Adis> golek cuan

[03:12] <Rere_> Adis ki cewe cemoks cin

[03:12] <aryo> ow tak kiro terong2an

[03:12] <aryo> cabe juga toh

[03:12] <Adis> 🙄

[03:12] <aryo> xixixixi

[03:13] <Rere_> Keplak en wi dis

[03:13] <aryo> ojo

[03:13] * GoodToTalk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has joined #surabaya

[03:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[03:13] <Rere_> Wb nopir

[03:13] <aryo> ty

[03:13] <GoodToTalk> ty say

[03:13] <aryo> nopir lapindos

[03:13] <aryo> eh

[03:13] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[03:14] <Rere_> Saytonirrojim

[03:14] <GoodToTalk> wes lali rasane rere

[03:14] <aryo> adus rung koe yank

[03:14] <Rere_> Uwes cin mau jam 2

[03:14] <aryo> lali rupane eling rasane

[03:14] <aryo> jam 2 adus ki gek kepiye

[03:14] <Rere_> Esok ra adus, sore ra ados

[03:14] <aryo> byuh sapi

[03:14] <aryo> joroke

[03:15] <Rere_> Tetep wangi

[03:15] <Rere_> Ambungen

[03:15] <GoodToTalk> oh pantes pliket

[03:15] <aryo> hahaha

[03:15] <aryo> wangi apane

[03:15] <GoodToTalk> wangi keleke

[03:16] <Rere_> Kabeh wangi

[03:16] <aryo> paling mambu sutra strowbery

[03:16] <GoodToTalk> isore udel bacin

[03:16] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[03:16] <Rere_> Ra tau tuku kondom

[03:16] <Rere_> Eh

[03:17] <aryo> enak langsung

[03:17] <aryo> ben kroso yo yank

[03:17] <aryo> hahaha

[03:17] <Adis> Nggedabrus ae sore2 we re

[03:17] <Adis> Juna wes adus rung?

[03:17] <aryo> dis

[03:17] <Adis> Ya

[03:17] <Rere_> Wes adus kabeh buntute dis

[03:17] <aryo> koe lali ro aku pow

[03:17] <Rere_> Pakne rung mulehh

[03:18] <Adis> siapa ?

[03:18] <Rere_> Mak e leyeh² karo dangdutan

[03:18] * Adis gak pernah inget2 user yg gak terlalu penting 🤣

[03:18] <GoodToTalk> .k

[03:18] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[03:18] <Rere_> Happy asmara cocote tonggo karo bojomu senangatkuuu

[03:18] <Adis> Ckckckx

[03:18] <Adis> seneng men nd happy

[03:19] <GoodToTalk> adis kapan rek rekaman

[03:19] <Rere_> Seneng lagune, lirik e apik

[03:19] <Adis> cah e nyeneng ke dijak omong2an

[03:19] <Adis> sing resek asisten e 🤣

[03:20] <Rere_> Kae opo pacaran tenan po karo deny caknan

[03:20] <aryo> cik

[03:20] <Adis> kyak e rodhok renggang ndelok story wa ne wingi kok galau2an

[03:20] <GoodToTalk> walah anak dangduten

[03:20] <aryo> keme

[03:21] <Rere_> Congore tonggo luweh ganas timbang corona

[03:21] <Adis> Wkwkwkw

[03:21] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[03:22] <Adis> Re

[03:22] <Adis> rere

[03:22] <Rere_> Icha kapan ndue adiii

[03:22] <Rere_> Pie

[03:22] <Adis> nenek gayung piye ?

[03:22] <Adis> Wkwkwkw

[03:22] <Rere_> Mboh dis, ra jiarang ol aku wes beberapa hari ki

[03:22] <GoodToTalk> !trivia

[03:22] <+triviabot> Game started, type !stoptrivia to terminate.

[03:22] <+triviabot> !badquestion can be used to report a question as defective (as in not working correctly) or if it's just rubbish (such as 1910 movie questions).

[03:22] <+triviabot> Question 1: Acronym Soup: WC?

[03:22] <+triviabot> Hint: w*y **o*

[03:23] <aryo> rere semangatku

[03:23] <aryo> eh

[03:23] <+triviabot> Hint: w*y c*ol

[03:23] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: way cool

[03:23] <+triviabot> Question 2: Where is bill gates' company based?

[03:23] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:23] <+triviabot> Hint: **d*o**, wa*h***t**

[03:23] <Rere_> Bojone wong cen bikin semangat yank

[03:23] <+triviabot> Hint: red*ond, wa*hi*gt**

[03:23] <Adis> Semangat ngeplak i

[03:23] <aryo> ho o

[03:23] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: redmond, washington

[03:23] <Adis> ngganggu ae nopir ki

[03:24] <aryo> mergo musuhe mik siji

[03:24] <+triviabot> Question 3: TV/ Movies: What was Archie Bunkers wife's name?

[03:24] <Adis> sana ke jakarta aja kalo resek2

[03:24] <aryo> nek sek single lawane akeh

[03:24] <+triviabot> Hint: e****

[03:24] <+triviabot> Hint: ed***

[03:24] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: edith

[03:24] <+triviabot> Question 4: Category: Cars: Combine a Van & a Car & you get this word.

[03:24] <+triviabot> Hint: c***v*n

[03:25] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: caravan

[03:25] <+triviabot> Question 5: What is the longest thing an "abseiler" carries with him?

[03:25] <+triviabot> Hint: ***e

[03:25] <+triviabot> Hint: *ope

[03:25] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: rope

[03:26] <+triviabot> Question 6 (geography): What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically?

[03:26] <+triviabot> Hint: **c**c, **l*****, *nd**n a** ***i*i*

[03:26] <+triviabot> Hint: *rc**c, **l**tic, Ind*an a** ***i*i*

[03:26] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific

[03:26] <aryo> game opo neh iki

[03:26] <+triviabot> Question 7: TV/ Movies: Category: Independent Films: Mark Wahlberg allegedly wore a prosthetic device in this 1997 film?

[03:26] <+triviabot> Hint: *****e *ig**s

[03:27] <aryo> .ag

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S X E P E N S E (60s timeout) »]

[03:27] <+triviabot> Hint: b**g*e *ig*ts

[03:27] <aryo> expenses

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXPENSES ) in 6.86 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define EXPENSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:27] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: boogie nights

[03:27] <+triviabot> Question 8: TV/ Movies: Category: Robotech: Japanese-translated name of the third storyline arc.

[03:27] <+triviabot> Hint: **b m*****d*

[03:27] <+triviabot> Hint: **b mo*pead*

[03:27] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: sdb mospeada

[03:28] <aryo> .ag

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E A S H M (60s timeout) »]

[03:28] <+triviabot> Question 9 (politics): He was elected President of France, in 1981.

[03:28] <aryo> hasem

[03:28] <aryo> hames

[03:28] <+triviabot> Hint: *r**cios *i********

[03:28] <aryo> mahes

[03:28] <AndroUser> Shame

[03:28] <aryo> sahem

[03:28] <aryo> shame

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHAME ) in 21.46 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SHAME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:28] <+triviabot> Hint: *ra*cios *i**er**n*

[03:28] <aryo> makasih

[03:28] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: Francios Mitterrand

[03:28] <AndroUser> 👍

[03:28] <+triviabot> Question 10: 80s Films: Urban ___?

[03:28] <+triviabot> Hint: *ow***

[03:29] <+triviabot> Hint: *ow**y

[03:29] <+triviabot> Time's up! The answer was: Cowboy

[03:29] <+triviabot> Round completed!

[03:29] <+triviabot> Top 5 scores for #surabaya: marcha(667) eXo(266) dj(149) CupaW(42) thekingofbandit(23)

[03:29] <+triviabot> Top 5 network scores: Biddle(114928) JamBot(113509) clearskies(110502) frenzara(20000) ...(19754)

[03:29] <+triviabot> Say !trivia ?library? to play again.

[03:29] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:29] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:29] <aryo> .ag

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E P S L O (60s timeout) »]

[03:29] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.1qmh.ip) has left #surabaya

[03:29] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go T_T

[03:29] <GoodToTalk> (Adis) Aryo siapa

[03:30] <aryo> rasah dijawab

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E P S L O - Here's a hint : S L . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:30] <aryo> g penting bagiku dia wakakaka

[03:30] <aryo> yg penting bagiku hanyalah dealer

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S L O P E with the letters E P S L O (Use .define SLOPE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[03:32] <GoodToTalk> dus kupingku gatel

[03:33] <aryo> garuk nggo pacul

[03:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[03:34] <GoodToTalk> (Adis) petugas e plawangane sepur ae demen kok rere

[03:37] * hurt (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:38] * hurt (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:40] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:40] <+ezza> i like them :o)

[03:41] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.eubi.ip) has joined #surabaya

[03:41] <Adis> Join banyuwangi

[03:41] <aryo> wes ket mau

[03:41] <GoodToTalk> lak gublik

[03:41] <aryo> telat koe le akon

[03:43] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:43] <aryo> pon

[03:43] <aryo> klep

[03:43] <klepon> Opo

[03:43] <aryo> mangan wedus rung pon

[03:43] <klepon> Udah

[03:43] <aryo> rupamu kok koyo wedus

[03:43] <klepon> Biarin

[03:43] <aryo> hahaha

[03:44] <aryo> mambu wedos

[03:44] <aryo> prengus

[03:44] <klepon> Tutupen hidungmu

[03:44] <aryo> wes gae masker

[03:44] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:45] <klepon> Irung mu suloyo

[03:45] <aryo> ora

[03:45] <klepon> Ora salah

[03:45] <GoodToTalk> mesrane

[03:45] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[03:46] <klepon> Mesra gundul mu

[03:46] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[03:46] <aryo> ho o

[03:46] <GoodToTalk> klepon chat aja ama tembok

[03:46] <aryo> cemburi kui pon aku nggoni koe

[03:46] <klepon> Tembok nya kamu ya

[03:46] <aryo> nah

[03:46] <aryo> ditembak langsung

[03:47] * GoodToTalk pesen ke klepon awas jangan lupa pakai kondom

[03:47] * GoodToTalk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has left #surabaya

[03:47] <Adis> gajelas

[03:48] <klepon> Sembarangan kalo ngomong si goottak

[03:48] <aryo> hahahq

[03:48] <+tweety> More power... give me MORE POWER*@!~!!@!

[03:48] <klepon> wb adia

[03:48] <klepon> wb adis

[03:48] <aryo> ty

[03:48] <Adis> Klepon siapa

[03:48] <aryo> sapi

[03:48] <klepon> bebekk

[03:48] <aryo> wedus

[03:48] <Adis> kalo si bebek males bales

[03:48] <Adis> nah

[03:48] <klepon> weks napa males

[03:49] <Adis> bebek laknatullah to

[03:49] <Adis> wkwkwkwk

[03:49] <klepon> kok pada sebel sih ama klepon

[03:49] <aryo> klepon mambu wedus soale

[03:49] <klepon> biarin mambu wedus

[03:49] * bebekk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has joined #surabaya

[03:49] <klepon> nick ku di pake orang

[03:50] <bebekk> wb

[03:50] <bebekk> ty

[03:50] <Adis> Ya Allah ini knp kaum sodom pada kumpul d sni smuaa

[03:50] <bebekk> jijay ada Adis

[03:50] <bebekk> pengen muntah

[03:50] <bebekk> huek

[03:50] <aryo> lambemu tak sogok linggis lo dis

[03:50] <Adis> apa lagi gw

[03:50] * bebekk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has left #surabaya

[03:50] <klepon> wew

[03:50] <aryo> sodom kok piye

[03:50] <klepon> kurang ajar make nick orang seenak nya aja

[03:50] <Adis> Rasah kakean gaya we bek

[03:50] <Rere_> Kwkwkwkwkw22

[03:51] <Rere_> Bebek saiki guanteng dis

[03:51] <Adis> Maghrib gess

[03:51] <klepon> ganteng kek beruk

[03:51] <Rere_> Bebekkk, aku tele kok ra mok reken

[03:51] <Adis> byeee

[03:51] <klepon> adis kek nya jadi2an galak nya bngt

[03:52] <klepon> masa kemarin aku ngomong kek nya rere abis lahiran malah si adis ngatain kelpon bngsat

[03:52] <klepon> kan aneh orang nua

[03:53] <klepon> betul ndak

[03:53] * bebekk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has joined #surabaya

[03:53] <bebekk> semoga gak ada Adis laknatullah

[03:53] * bebekk (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has left #surabaya

[03:53] <klepon> wew

[03:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[03:53] <klepon> siapa make nick ku

[03:54] <klepon> nick ku bebekk di pake orang

[03:54] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.eubi.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:54] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[03:54] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:55] <aryo> webeh

[03:55] <klepon> off aja

[03:55] * kelpon (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has joined #surabaya

[03:55] <Rere_> Suokorrr bekk

[03:55] <klepon> wew

[03:55] <aryo> sakne wedus di aniaya adis

[03:55] <kelpon> EH

[03:55] <klepon> kurang ajar ada yg make nick ku lagi

[03:55] <Rere_> Kwkwkkwwkw

[03:55] <kelpon> mana nickmu

[03:55] <kelpon> enak aja

[03:55] <Rere_> Jancik ruwet

[03:55] <Rere_> Ayo mojok ae yank

[03:56] <aryo> oke yank

[03:56] <kelpon> mimiki yank

[03:56] <kelpon> sebelah sebelah

[03:56] <AndroUser> .ping

[03:56] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:56] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (1.25s)

[03:57] <klepon> pamit

[03:57] <kelpon> aman yah dr Adis

[03:57] <kelpon> amien de

[03:57] <Rere_> Bebekkk

[03:57] * kelpon (webchat@oqel.dt0j.qx8l.ip) has left #surabaya

[03:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:57] <+ezza> Mmm AndroUser.

[03:57] <+pita> =]]

[03:57] <+elektra> :)

[03:57] <+pita> -]

[03:57] <+tweety> =D

[03:58] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:00] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:01] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:02] <klepon> wb devie

[04:05] <Deviee_> Inggih

[04:06] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:07] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:07] <klepon> 😁

[04:07] <Deviee_> Sepi

[04:10] <Deviee_> Roso pangrasaning roso ingkang rosaa.

[04:10] <Deviee_> Anglembayung sonten..

[04:11] * endah ( Quit (EOF from client)

[04:11] <Deviee_> Kathah ingkang kedah paringi kawigatosan

[04:11] <klepon> iy0

[04:12] <klepon> amblehayung itu apa

[04:12] <Deviee_> Lembayung

[04:12] <klepon> artiya

[04:13] <Deviee_> Rosa rasaning ati kang kinajur..

[04:13] <klepon> wew tinggi bngt bahasamu hehe

[04:13] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[04:13] <klepon> jd pingin belajar ma kamu 😍😍😍

[04:13] <klepon> aku pv kamu loh dev

[04:14] <Deviee_> Pleasee..dont ask anything..forwhile..just wanna to type..

[04:14] <klepon> 😸😸😸

[04:14] <Deviee_> Silence omm

[04:14] <klepon> napa silence

[04:14] <Deviee_> Duhh..lg pngin nulis duluu...

[04:14] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:14] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[04:17] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:17] * Deviee_ is now known as keLayunG

[04:18] <keLayunG> Tan rinaoso eluh tumetes..

[04:18] <keLayunG> Amemuji mring sang Hyang..

[04:19] <keLayunG> Tumitah ten kawuloo..pun kasembadan..

[04:19] <keLayunG> Sasono loyoo..

[04:20] <keLayunG> Sasono agung..

[04:21] <keLayunG> Hamemungkasi sedoyonipun ingkang gesang

[04:21] <keLayunG> Mekak howo tiyang urip..

[04:22] <keLayunG> Pungkasaning linambar eluh..

[04:22] <keLayunG> Dumadi pripunn..

[04:23] <keLayunG> Sumebyar wangi sekar..namung tumekan mring pangraos

[04:24] <keLayunG> Ndadar kahanan ingkang mempur..

[04:25] * Naomi ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:25] <keLayunG> Angengidung kidung agung..

[04:25] <keLayunG> Kidung tiyang gesang..

[04:26] <keLayunG> Gingsir sewu roso..

[04:28] <keLayunG> Hanenangis kelayung..

[04:29] <keLayunG> Tinutup ambyang ambyang siniram toya sekar

[04:29] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:30] <+pita> Where there's a snack gap, an asshole-coin fits.

[04:30] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:30] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[04:31] * keLayunG is now known as GumantungRinaos

[04:32] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[04:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[04:34] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:34] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[04:36] * GumantungRinaos is now known as Pungkasaning

[04:36] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:40] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[04:40] <+tweety> Bye Szajbus.

[04:40] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[04:43] <kelpon> hallo

[04:44] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:48] <+creasy> I'm a doctor not a capital

[04:50] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:51] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:52] <AndroUser2> .ping

[04:52] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[04:52] <@Dealer> AndroUser2: Pong! (3.937s)

[04:53] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:53] * Pungkasaning (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[04:53] <+ezza> I like edam best of all.

[04:53] <+tweety> amsterdam

[04:53] <+elektra> Tuesday.

[04:53] <+pita> death comes to those who wait

[04:53] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[04:53] <+creasy> eh?

[04:59] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[05:02] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:07] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ has joined #surabaya

[05:09] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[05:19] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:19] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[05:20] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:24] * +elektra twiddles thumbs

[05:32] * endah ( Quit (Registered)

[05:32] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[05:32] <+ezza> Bye endah.

[05:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[05:36] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[05:36] <Van_JaVa> ba

[05:37] * jacky (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:39] <jacky> .ag

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S A M R E T N U C O E U R E (60s timeout) »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A M R E T N U C O E U R E - Here's a hint : C O U N T . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O U N T E R M E A S U R E with the letters S A M R E T N U C O E U R E (Use .define COUNTERMEASURE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:40] <jacky> countemenui

[05:41] <jacky> .ag

[05:41] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S S M O K E (60s timeout) »]

[05:41] <jacky> smokes

[05:41] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( SMOKES ) in 2.953 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SMOKES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:41] <jacky> .ac

[05:41] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E L T R O U B (60s timeout) »]

[05:42] <jacky> borotes

[05:42] * temon ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L T R O U B - Here's a hint : T R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:42] <jacky> trouble

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( TROUBLE ) in 37.42 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TROUBLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jacky has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:42] * TOMJERRX ( has joined #surabaya

[05:42] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[05:42] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:43] * putri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:43] <jacky> wb putri ku

[05:43] <jacky> .money

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 jacky (#aryo) has 4'823'750$ »]

[05:43] <jacky> weks

[05:43] <jacky> .ag

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I R P A C T C E (60s timeout) »]

[05:43] <jacky> practices

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( PRACTICES ) in 5.75 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PRACTICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jacky has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[05:43] <putri> ty jacky

[05:43] <Van_JaVa> putri : size pls

[05:43] * TOMJERRX is now known as temon

[05:44] <putri> ehhh

[05:44] <jacky> adus rung mel

[05:44] <putri> size ki opo

[05:44] <putri> yupz jack

[05:44] <jacky> ukuran cawetmu maksudte mel

[05:44] <Van_JaVa> karena asl sudah terlalu mainstream

[05:44] <putri> eleh

[05:44] <+elektra> Van_java: 32/female/california.

[05:44] <jacky> sek ditanya size ki

[05:44] * putri gk ruh ukuran piye 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

[05:44] <Van_JaVa> gampang

[05:44] * Van_JaVa siap ngukur dewe

[05:44] <jacky> vandul lak horor cucuke

[05:45] <putri> opo

[05:45] <putri> hayaa

[05:45] <jacky> perlu dilakban lambene kui

[05:45] * Van_JaVa alim

[05:45] <Van_JaVa> kecuali pas kilap

[05:45] <jacky> kilap terus ratau alim

[05:45] <putri> 🙈

[05:45] <temon> mel

[05:45] <Van_JaVa> sumpih

[05:45] <jacky> cruts

[05:45] <Van_JaVa> takono putri kui, po nate tak jak CS

[05:45] <jacky> seh sok wa adnan ora mel

[05:46] <Van_JaVa> gur VCS wae di tolak koq

[05:46] <Van_JaVa> eh

[05:46] <jacky> nah

[05:46] <jacky> ngaku

[05:46] <putri> behhh

[05:46] * putri uyengan

[05:46] <putri> haha

[05:46] <putri> ada wa adnan ta 🙈

[05:46] <Van_JaVa> berarti pas kilap kui

[05:46] <jacky> hehe

[05:46] <temon> wiw

[05:46] <jacky> dsh lama ilang kontak

[05:47] * temon ratau vcs

[05:47] <jacky> masak opo mel

[05:48] <putri> sop sm cumi

[05:48] <putri> mau maem ta 😊

[05:48] <Van_JaVa> wah sopo sama dociumi

[05:48] <jacky> weh enake cumi

[05:48] <Van_JaVa> mantaps

[05:48] <jacky> kesukaanku kui

[05:48] <jacky> hahaha

[05:48] <jacky> kirik rene mel

[05:48] <+ezza> sometimes i'm afraid to find out what goes on in that "insane" head of yours

[05:48] * putri belajar duang 🙈🙈🙈

[05:48] <jacky> kirim

[05:48] <putri> hahaha tak enak

[05:48] <jacky> goshop

[05:48] <+creasy> i will annihilate you down to your every last cell

[05:49] <putri> van_java iku pinter msak sm kang temon

[05:49] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[05:49] <Van_JaVa> wes ah

[05:49] <jacky> nendi van

[05:49] * Van_JaVa jim sek tak ngedit gambar seks

[05:49] <temon> masak indomie

[05:49] * putri bru belajar masak, liat di youtube mala 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

[05:49] <jacky> woalah

[05:49] <jacky> wa aku tak ajari massk mel

[05:49] <jacky> hahahha

[05:49] * jacky wingi sempet melu master ceff

[05:50] <temon> melu korah2?

[05:50] <jacky> melu nyaponi tom

[05:51] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:51] <temon> eee

[05:51] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[05:52] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[05:53] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[05:53] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[05:53] <temon> hai asnika

[05:54] <asn1> Hai om

[05:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[05:54] <asn1> Temon siapa

[05:54] <jacky> wedos

[05:54] <asn1> Apa itu

[05:54] <jacky> bot dia

[05:54] <asn1> Ooo

[05:54] <jacky> kalau saya cowok cakep

[05:54] <jacky> eh

[05:55] <asn1> Tidak suka kenalan sama Ama yang cakep

[05:55] <asn1> Huft

[05:55] <jacky> waduh

[05:55] <jacky> suka yg cantik ya

[05:55] <asn1> Haaaaa

[05:55] <temon> wkwkwk

[05:55] <jacky> tapi aku suka kamu asni

[05:55] <jacky> boleh g aku meminangmu

[05:55] <asn1> Saya tidak suka KK jac

[05:55] <jacky> suka aja lah

[05:55] <asn1> KK jac suka bully saya ya 😭😭

[05:56] <jacky> g kok

[05:56] <jacky> saya kan baik hati

[05:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:56] <asn1> Udah KK jac jujur aja dari lubuk hati kamu KK jac tidak suka sama saya

[05:56] <asn1> Apa bukti KK jac baik Ama saya

[05:56] <jacky> jujur dari dalam suka banget kok

[05:56] <jacky> mau bukti apa asni

[05:56] <temon> jd gmn asnika

[05:56] <temon> sah?

[05:56] <jacky> lautan kan kusebrangi

[05:57] <jacky> gunung kulompati

[05:57] <asn1> Ko bisa suka KK suka Ama saya

[05:57] <jacky> pokonya suka bingits

[05:57] <asn1> Kan KK hanya lihat tulisan doang

[05:57] <asn1> 😭😭😭

[05:57] <jacky> karna tulisanmu sangat indah

[05:57] <asn1> Haaaa

[05:57] <jacky> pasti orgnya juga cantii

[05:57] <asn1> Umur saya 57 loh kk

[05:58] <jacky> masa

[05:58] <asn1> Apa kk terimah saya ?

[05:58] <asn1> Yaaa

[05:58] <jacky> terima kok asni

[05:58] <asn1> Hmm

[05:58] <jacky> aku srtia menunggumu

[05:58] <asn1> KK jac dari kota mana

[05:58] <jacky> dsri jakarta

[05:58] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:58] <asn1> KK jac nunggu di mana

[05:58] <+tweety> Bye szajbus.

[05:58] <jacky> dilubuk yg paling dslam

[05:58] <asn1> Oych

[05:58] <jacky> hu um

[05:59] <asn1> Takut tar ada yang cemburu

[05:59] <jacky> nunggu km dipelaminan

[05:59] <asn1> Wowwww

[05:59] <jacky> jack kan jomblo

[05:59] * temon cekrekk

[05:59] <asn1> Oyach

[05:59] <asn1> KK jac Dr kora mna kah

[05:59] <asn1> Dari kota

[06:00] <jacky> jakarta sayang

[06:00] <asn1> Hmm

[06:00] <jacky> asni kota mana

[06:00] <temon> papua

[06:00] <AndroUser> Hati2 sama orang jakarta....

[06:00] <jacky> oww deket

[06:00] <asn1> Saya dari ujung kota hatimu ya g menantimu

[06:00] <jacky> cuma beberapa cm

[06:00] <asn1> Menntiku Ding

[06:00] <jacky> asni

[06:00] <asn1> Yaa

[06:00] <jacky> maukah km jadi pendsmpingku

[06:01] <asn1> Takut

[06:01] <jacky> knapa takut

[06:01] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:01] <asn1> Tromah kenal co Jakarta

[06:01] <jacky> aku kan jadi cahaya buatmu saat gelap

[06:01] <asn1> Wow2

[06:01] <jacky> yaudah besok aku pindah bandung deh

[06:01] <asn1> Pakai lilin atau pakai petroma atau apa kk

[06:01] <temon> xtxotxkyxlyxulcup

[06:02] <jacky> pake cahaya cintaku asni

[06:02] <jacky> karna cintanya membara hingga membuat ruangan jadi terang

[06:03] <jacky> cekrek

[06:04] <putri> jacky sm kang temon penunggu user cewe di room 🤣🤣🤣

[06:04] <jacky> wakakakka

[06:05] * temon cm jd penunggumu kok put

[06:05] <temon> tenang ja

[06:05] <jacky> ho o

[06:05] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:05] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:05] <+tweety> i like them :)

[06:06] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:06] <putri> hahaha

[06:06] <+tweety> Prepare to meet your horrible doom.

[06:06] <+creasy> but his voice fills me with a terrible rage!

[06:06] <+ezza> Release the pig#!%#~$%^

[06:08] * tuan|muda ( has joined #surabaya

[06:08] <temon> dc neh ra ndog

[06:08] <tuan|muda> Msh ada org kah hohoho

[06:08] <ndog> aman kak temon

[06:08] <ndog> hhhh

[06:09] <temon> loh ndi asnika mw

[06:09] <jacky> mesrane

[06:09] <temon> mlh kpjom

[06:10] <temon> asnika ndi mw

[06:10] <ndog> asnika di kekep jacky mesti

[06:11] <ndog> rep di bubuti ndog2 ane

[06:11] <ndog> :v

[06:11] <jacky> wkekekekwke

[06:11] <asn1> Wkwkkww

[06:11] <asn1> Lanjut kk

[06:11] <asn1> Sampai di mana tadi

[06:12] <temon> nah iki

[06:12] <asn1> KK jac so posisi kujum

[06:12] <asn1> Wkwkwkkw

[06:13] <asn1> KK Temon

[06:13] <ndog> ew

[06:13] <temon> ndog we ditikung

[06:13] <asn1> Dog siapa

[06:13] * ndog endus2 tante asn1

[06:13] <asn1> Haaa

[06:13] <asn1> Mirip guk guk

[06:13] <ndog> cik

[06:13] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:14] <asn1> Wkwkwkwkwk

[06:14] <temon> kkkkk

[06:14] * ndog uman sak guguk an

[06:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[06:14] <asn1> Aduhartinya

[06:14] * ndog dapet 1 gugukan

[06:14] <ndog> kkkkkk

[06:14] <asn1> KK dong dari kota mna kah

[06:15] <ndog> asn1 masih di israel tenggara kah?

[06:15] * ndog adik nya kak temon

[06:15] <asn1> Ngapain disana saya kk

[06:15] <asn1> Jauh kali kalau saya disana kak

[06:16] <ndog> ea

[06:16] <ndog> kbr e asn1 gmn?

[06:16] <ndog> kangen ma kak suliw4 ndak?

[06:16] <asn1> Baik hanya kantong semoga cepat terisi

[06:16] <asn1> Tidak kak

[06:16] <ndog> .k

[06:16] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:16] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:16] <asn1> Buat apa kangen sama suami orang kak

[06:17] <jacky> wb fi3

[06:17] <Fi3> Ty jacky

[06:17] <asn1> Apa lagi KK Juki udah nambah lagi dd nya

[06:17] <putri> cieeeeeee yg jnget lgi sm nm fitri

[06:17] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣

[06:17] <jacky> eakakkakaka

[06:17] <jacky> asem

[06:17] <putri> hahahaha

[06:17] <+elektra> As soon as my skeleton stops being broken i will destroy you.

[06:17] <jacky> mengingatkanku terus lu mel

[06:18] <putri> wkwkwkwkw

[06:18] * jacky is now known as aryo

[06:18] <+elektra> Where'd my moose go?

[06:18] <asn1> Weeee om aryo

[06:18] <putri> nick yg join kan gt,,, pasti klau wb keinget

[06:18] <aryo> wakakakaka

[06:18] <putri> 🤣🤣🤣

[06:18] <aryo> hay asni

[06:18] <temon> opo iyo

[06:18] <asn1> Bagai mana kabar om aryo

[06:19] <aryo> hehe alhamduliah sehat ni

[06:19] <Fi3> (putri) cieeeeeee yg jnget lgi sm nm fitri...... 🙄🙄

[06:19] <aryo> dirimu sendiri gimana

[06:19] <asn1> Syukurlah sehat om

[06:19] <asn1> Semoga om aryo sehat ya

[06:19] <aryo> alhamdulilah deh

[06:19] <asn1> Lama tak jumpa ya

[06:19] <aryo> hu um

[06:19] <aryo> bertahun2 g lihat dirimu

[06:19] <asn1> Huum om

[06:20] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[06:20] <asn1> Om masih gondrong ?

[06:20] <temon> wah sah bnrn iki

[06:20] <aryo> hehe udah ganteng as

[06:20] <aryo> dah g suka panjang rambut

[06:20] <aryo> mending panjang hati biar bisa berbagi kebaikan

[06:20] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[06:20] <aryo> ihir

[06:21] <asn1> Syukurlah

[06:21] <ndog> <aryo> dah g suka panjang rambut <- tinggal panjang titit dia nya

[06:21] <tiaa> hai kak asn1

[06:21] <ndog> ya ndak kak temon

[06:21] <ndog> :v

[06:22] <asn1> Hai Tia cantik

[06:22] <temon> heeh

[06:22] <+elektra> heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

[06:22] <Fi3> (putri) cieeeeeee yg jnget lgi sm nm fitri..... Ada yg punya memori dengan nama fitri ya. 🙏🙏 maaf yak

[06:22] <Fi3> Hai tiaa

[06:22] <tiaa> hai fi3

[06:22] <aryo> hehe g kok fi3

[06:22] <asn1> Dog nakal

[06:22] <Fi3> Apakabar?

[06:22] <Fi3> Tiaa

[06:23] <tiaa> kabar baik

[06:23] <temon> baik kak

[06:23] <aryo> baik kabar kk

[06:23] <tiaa> hahaa

[06:23] <Fi3> 😁😁

[06:23] <aryo> hehe

[06:24] <aryo> asni tinggal dimana sekarang

[06:24] <aryo> fi3 tadi kemana ilang

[06:24] <tiaa> drumah aryo

[06:24] <tiaa> hahaha

[06:24] <aryo> cik sek njawab paijem

[06:24] <asn1> Saya sekarang di desa terpencil

[06:24] <aryo> dikota mana ni

[06:24] <asn1> Palu lah

[06:24] <ndog> <asn1> Dog nakal <- ndog nte ndog

[06:24] <ndog> bukan dog

[06:25] * ndog amoh wes

[06:25] <ndog> kakakakaka

[06:25] <asn1> Amos

[06:25] <aryo> oww

[06:25] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 tadi kemana ilang.... Iya menghilang

[06:25] <+ezza> awww

[06:25] <+ezza> poor aryo

[06:25] <+creasy> Awww

[06:25] * +creasy kisses it better.

[06:25] <temon> amos jare

[06:25] <aryo> hehe masih dipalu ya

[06:25] <ndog> masih

[06:25] <Fi3> (tiaa) drumah aryo.... 😜😂

[06:25] <ndog> sekarang ganti martil

[06:25] <aryo> fi3 jangan menghilang2 lagi ya

[06:25] <asn1> Apa om aryo mau ngajak saya tinggal serumah ?

[06:26] <ndog> waiki

[06:26] <tiaa> nah

[06:26] <ndog> cekrek

[06:26] <aryo> hayukkk

[06:26] <tiaa> kayanya gtu kak asn1

[06:26] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 jangan menghilang2 lagi ya..... Nanti ngomong dulu ya sama sinyalnya

[06:26] * aryo siapin kamar buat asni

[06:26] <tiaa> banyak kamar kosong tmpt aryo

[06:26] <aryo> tiaa sekalian g

[06:26] <Fi3> (tiaa) banyak kamar kosong tmpt aryo.... Rumahnatau kos2an

[06:26] <tiaa> aku jd satpam aja

[06:27] <aryo> kos2an fit

[06:27] * ndog pemandu sorak

[06:27] <temon> (asn1) Apa om aryo mau ngajak saya tinggal serumah ?..... luhh terang2an didpnmu ndog

[06:27] <aryo> hahaha

[06:27] <Fi3> Hati2 disuruh bayar tiap bulannya

[06:27] <+ezza> This is no man pig.

[06:27] <tiaa> <Fi3> (tiaa) banyak kamar kosong tmpt aryo.... Rumahnatau kos2an/// 3 hr pertama gratis..abis itu ditagih

[06:27] <Fi3> 😂😂

[06:27] <aryo> wakakakka

[06:27] <aryo> hasemik

[06:27] <ndog> temon: abis stok waneta nek keterak senior ki

[06:27] <tuan|muda> wkwkwk

[06:27] <tiaa> hihihi

[06:27] * ndog ro duding2 -> aryo

[06:27] <temon> heeh

[06:27] <tuan|muda> Tiaa...kita nginap twmpat aryo yukk syng

[06:27] <+elektra> heeeeeeeeeeeeeh

[06:27] <aryo> aman ndog aku setia menjomblo kok

[06:28] <ndog> akakakakakaka

[06:28] <aryo> wakakakaka

[06:28] <tiaa> <tuan|muda> Tiaa...kita nginap twmpat aryo yukk syng// gamau..banyak hantunya

[06:28] <temon> * ndog ro duding2 -> aryo ... kalah saing karo gapuro sarkem we

[06:28] <asn1> Om Aryo tinggal di kota mana kah tar di kasih salah alamat

[06:28] <ndog> cik

[06:28] <ndog> gapuro i

[06:28] <ndog> .k

[06:28] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:28] <aryo> masih dijogja berhati nyaman asni

[06:29] <asn1> Haaaaa

[06:29] <asn1> Jogja mana

[06:29] <aryo> jogja karta hehe

[06:29] <tuan|muda> Kmu nginap di rumah ku aja tiaa syng...di jamin aman :p

[06:29] <tiaa> kuy

[06:29] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[06:29] <aryo> wakakajaja

[06:29] <asn1> Itu kan mulai kasih alamt palsu

[06:29] <aryo> fur si rokib kemana sekarang

[06:29] <aryo> kok palsu sih

[06:29] <aryo> kan aku baru ngasih

[06:30] <asn1> Tu katanya Jogja terus Jogja karta

[06:30] <Fi3> Td katanya jakarta?

[06:30] <aryo> jogja kepanjanganya jogjakarta

[06:30] <asn1> Hmm

[06:30] <asn1> Di k

[06:30] <aryo> ew fi3 baru ol kok tau ketikan tadi

[06:30] <asn1> Kenapa saya tinggal di sana tidak ketemu sama om

[06:30] <aryo> wew

[06:30] <tuan|muda> Ga tau jg yo...

[06:30] <aryo> emang dimana asni

[06:31] <asn1> Per

[06:31] <Fi3> (aryo) ew fi3 baru ol kok tau ketikan tadi....😁😁

[06:31] <aryo> per?

[06:31] <asn1> Perna tinggal dijogja gejayan

[06:31] <aryo> lha deket banget

[06:31] <aryo> saya condong catur

[06:31] <asn1> Makanya

[06:31] <aryo> hehe

[06:31] <asn1> Hmmm

[06:31] <aryo> mungkib belom waktunya berjodoh asni

[06:31] <tuan|muda> aryo di concat...aku pernah ke rumah nya

[06:32] <aryo> coba sekali lagi kejogja sapa tau beruntung

[06:32] <aryo> hehehe

[06:32] <+tweety> -_-

[06:32] <+ezza> ^_^

[06:32] <asn1> Pada hal pingin punya suami dari jogja

[06:32] <temon> nahh

[06:32] <asn1> Tapi tidak dapat 😭😭

[06:32] * aryo siap

[06:32] <aryo> eh

[06:32] <Fi3> 🤭

[06:32] <tuan|muda> zabi kah itu

[06:32] <aryo> wakakaka

[06:32] <asn1> Malah dapat bali

[06:32] <asn1> Aaaaaa

[06:32] <aryo> waduh

[06:32] <aryo> telat

[06:32] <asn1> Yaa

[06:32] <aryo> wes pecah telor ternyata

[06:32] <tuan|muda> Asni...kita kujum yukkk

[06:32] <asn1> Wkwkwkwkw

[06:32] <asn1> Plak tuan muda

[06:33] * aryo sisa berharap ama fi3 nih

[06:33] <temon> huwikk

[06:33] <aryo> wakakaka

[06:33] <temon> ndi putri mw

[06:33] * aryo ditinggal nikah ama asni

[06:33] <asn1> Semoga om aryo dapat terbaik ya

[06:33] <aryo> amin

[06:33] <Fi3> * aryo sisa berharap ama fi3 nih...... Hahahaha banting stir

[06:33] <aryo> makasih asni

[06:33] <+tweety> prepare yourselves for destruction

[06:33] <asn1> Amin

[06:33] <asn1> Sama²

[06:33] <aryo> doain bisa deket ama fi3 ya asni

[06:33] <Fi3> (asn1) Semoga om aryo dapat terbaik ya.....aamiin

[06:33] <asn1> Ya

[06:33] <aryo> sip

[06:34] <Fi3> (aryo) doain bisa deket ama fi3 ya asni....🙈🙈

[06:34] <asn1> Udah Pepet terus

[06:34] <aryo> kekekeke

[06:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[06:34] * aryo tapi g bisa merayu orgnya

[06:34] * temon gauman kujuman

[06:34] <asn1> Om udah perna minta nomor hpnya fi3?

[06:34] <aryo> belom

[06:34] <aryo> g berani

[06:34] <aryo> mintain dunk

[06:34] <Fi3> (asn1) Udah Pepet terus.... Kayak bajaj mainnya pepet 😂😂

[06:34] <aryo> hahahaha

[06:34] <+ezza> MADNESS$~#@~#!!!%~*

[06:34] <asn1> Wkw2

[06:34] <aryo> xixixi

[06:35] <asn1> Udah Pepet pepet

[06:35] * aryo soale pemalu kalau ama cewek

[06:35] <tuan|muda> Sama kita yo

[06:35] * aryo minta tolong asni buat mintain nomer ea fi3

[06:35] <asn1> Iya kah

[06:35] <Fi3> (asn1) Udah Pepet pepet.... Jgn kak asni nanti lecet

[06:35] <asn1> Wkwkwk

[06:35] <aryo> wkwkwk

[06:35] <aryo> fur kapan maen jogja lagi

[06:35] <asn1> Fur siapa

[06:35] <aryo> gofur

[06:36] <asn1> Gofur siapa

[06:36] <tuan|muda> Msh korona yo

[06:36] <aryo> itu tuanmuda

[06:36] <asn1> Oo

[06:36] <aryo> hu um corona membunuhku

[06:36] <aryo> jadi g bisa dspat tips

[06:36] <asn1> Pingin jalan2 pantai kukup

[06:36] <aryo> hehe

[06:36] <tuan|muda> Nanti kalo uda habis korona...bru bsa jalan2 yo

[06:36] <aryo> dah lama nikah ama org bali asni

[06:36] <asn1> Udah

[06:37] <asn1> 2006

[06:37] <temon> (asn1) Pingin jalan2 pantai kukup..ajak yok

[06:37] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[06:37] <aryo> kabar2 kalau kejogja fur

[06:37] <temon> mandiin skalian

[06:37] <tuan|muda> ok aryo

[06:37] <aryo> fi3 kapab km mau kepelaminan bersamaku

[06:37] <asn1> Wee mandiin

[06:37] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 kapab km mau kepelaminan bersamaku...😱😱

[06:38] <aryo> xixixi

[06:38] <aryo> fi3 nomer wa dunk

[06:38] <aryo> ups

[06:38] <Fi3> Masih social distancing

[06:38] <aryo> hehe hu um

[06:39] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 nomer wa dunk.... Untuk apa?

[06:39] <asn1> Mintanya di inbox

[06:39] <aryo> untuk bisa melihat kabarmu tiap waktu

[06:39] <asn1> Jngn disini mana dikasih

[06:39] <aryo> hehehe

[06:39] <+ezza> ;)

[06:39] <+tweety> :)

[06:39] <+elektra> =)_

[06:39] <+elektra> whoops

[06:39] <aryo> hehe g pernah inbox2 cewek aku asni

[06:39] <+ezza> :-)

[06:39] <+tweety> :o)

[06:39] <asn1> Makanya inbox lah

[06:40] <aryo> hehe

[06:40] <aryo> fi3 boleh g inbox kamu

[06:40] <Fi3> (aryo) hehe g pernah inbox2 cewek aku asni.... Yg diinbox cowok aja kali 🤭🤭🤭

[06:40] <asn1> Kalau dia ketik disini wkwkwkwk bisa Om2 jimak wa fi3 juga

[06:40] <aryo> waduh

[06:40] <aryo> boro2

[06:40] * aryo on cuma ngegame doang

[06:41] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 boleh g inbox kamu...... Emang tahu caranya?

[06:42] <aryo> hehe g tau

[06:42] <aryo> makanyan nanya

[06:42] <Fi3> 🤭🤭🤭

[06:42] <aryo> kalau boleh inbox kan tar dirimu yg inbox aku hahaha

[06:42] * clips (hybridz@ Quit (Registered)

[06:42] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[06:42] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =[

[06:43] <Fi3> (aryo) kalau boleh inbox kan tar dirimu yg inbox aku hahaha...... Nah lho jd tebolak

[06:43] <aryo> kan aku g tau caranya pv hehe

[06:43] <Fi3> Ayo main anagram lagi

[06:43] <aryo> sebagai pasangan yg ideal kan haruse ssling berbagi

[06:43] <aryo> xexexe

[06:43] * cowok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[06:44] <Fi3> (aryo) sebagai pasangan yg ideal kan haruse ssling berbagi..... Ogah aaah, kalo bagi2 duit boleh deh

[06:44] <Fi3> 😜😂😂

[06:44] * cowok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:44] <aryo> hiks hiks fi3 kejam

[06:44] <Fi3> Kak asn1 mana nih

[06:44] <temon> kojom

[06:45] <aryo> masih kujuman paling ama ndog

[06:45] <Fi3> (aryo) hiks hiks fi3 kejam...... Cup...cup...cup..... Mau permen

[06:45] <aryo> maunya hatimu aja fi3

[06:45] <clips> (aryo) kan aku g tau caranya pv hehe, seperti ini rayuan leluhur fosil irc ngerayu cewex

[06:45] <Fi3> (aryo) maunya hatimu aja fi3..... Dikerangkeng terus kuncinya ilang

[06:46] <Fi3> (clips) (aryo) kan aku g tau caranya pv hehe, seperti ini rayuan leluhur fosil irc ngerayu cewex.... Cara lama ya 🤭🤭

[06:46] <aryo> dih

[06:46] <temon> ekwkwkwkwk

[06:46] <aryo> hes jan perusuh teko

[06:46] <aryo> ngrusak wong kasmaran wae

[06:47] <Fi3> (aryo) ngrusak wong kasmaran wae.... Oh lagi kasmaran tho! Sama siapa? 🤔

[06:47] <aryo> sama fi3

[06:47] * endah ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:47] <clips> Tak offf lg, mau 😴😴😴

[06:48] <aryo> wes off kono

[06:48] <aryo> jo lali wisuh

[06:48] <Fi3> (aryo) sama fi3..... 😮😮ooo

[06:48] <aryo> fi3 tar send omer wa ya hehe

[06:48] <clips> puas sekali kena ngamuk2 leluhur e

[06:48] * bugi (~BuudayA@ has joined #surabaya

[06:48] <Fi3> Hai bugi

[06:48] * tiaa is now known as tiaa_mojok

[06:48] <aryo> leluhur untumu njepat

[06:49] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 tar send omer wa ya hehe.... Kemana?

[06:49] <aryo> keinboxku xixixi

[06:49] <aryo> .ag

[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L U N L (60s timeout) »]

[06:49] <aryo> null

[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NULL ) in 5.672 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NULL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:49] <jeri> .dice 50001

[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 DICE has been started by jeri. The bet is 50'001$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[06:49] <asn1> Malam om bugi

[06:49] <Fi3> ** tiaa sekarang menjadi tiaa_mojok..... Iih tiaa udah mojok aja

[06:50] <aryo> fi3

[06:50] <Fi3> (aryo) keinboxku xixixi.... Selamat bermain

[06:50] <Fi3> Apa

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, nobody joined the DICE game. »]

[06:50] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:50] <aryo> hixs

[06:51] <aryo> fi3 pellit

[06:51] <aryo> .ag

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : K E W E (60s timeout) »]

[06:51] <Fi3> Nangiskah?

[06:51] <aryo> week

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WEEK ) in 3.875 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WEEK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[06:51] <jeri> week

[06:51] <+pita> Weeeeeeeeek.

[06:51] <Fi3> (aryo) fi3 pellit... Pelit kenapa?

[06:51] <Fi3> Jd bingung

[06:51] <aryo> g mau bagi2 nomer wa

[06:52] <aryo> hehehe

[06:52] <aryo> .ag

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E H T O L C (60s timeout) »]

[06:52] * tiaa_mojok is now known as tiaa

[06:52] <aryo> heleh tiaa

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E H T O L C - Here's a hint : C L . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:52] <aryo> clothes

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CLOTHES ) in 35.64 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CLOTHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[06:52] <+creasy> crumbs

[06:52] <+ezza> ARRRRGH!

[06:53] <Fi3> (aryo) g mau bagi2 nomer wa.... Oooo itu 🤭🤭

[06:53] <aryo> ah mbuh fit

[06:53] * aryo nyerah

[06:53] <Fi3> * aryo nyerah..... Blm berjuang jgn nyerah

[06:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[06:54] <aryo> kukejar kau lari lha g ketemu2 fit

[06:54] <aryo> hahaha

[06:54] <ndog> <aryo> g mau bagi2 nomer wa <- wa nya satgas kovid mau kak?

[06:54] <+tweety> get away... ya smell like feet£%~@^%@!@~###*

[06:54] <aryo> cik

[06:54] <aryo> ndog meneh

[06:54] <aryo> gek kujum kono ndog

[06:54] <Fi3> Hahahahha

[06:54] <+pita> rise up and use your revolting limbs to escape this prison

[06:54] <ndog> clips <- ini satgas nya

[06:55] <ndog> tinggal cuzzzz kenak suntik

[06:55] <+tweety> there, good as new. except that we're three miles below the surface, we're out of food, and the channel doesn't work underwater

[06:55] <ndog> kakakakkakaka

[06:55] <aryo> hahahaha

[06:55] <+tweety> You will open your eyes... you have to breathe sometime.

[06:55] <Fi3> (aryo) kukejar kau lari lha g ketemu2 fit.... Tahu dr mana aku lari, paling2 ngumpet.

[06:55] <aryo> ngumpet dimana fit

[06:55] <Fi3> 😁😁

[06:56] <aryo> 😍😍

[06:56] <aryo> eh

[06:56] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[06:56] <aryo> .ag

[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : K T A C (60s timeout) »]

[06:56] <Fi3> Gak tahu nih, Lg nyari tempatnya

[06:56] <jeri> tack

[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( TACK ) in 9.032 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TACK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 jeri pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +6 ) »]

[06:56] <asn1> Aduh om bugi sekarang pendiam

[06:56] <aryo> yuk csri bersamku

[06:56] <aryo> dia diam karna kujum

[06:57] <Fi3> Wb endah

[06:57] <aryo> eb endah

[06:57] * rosi (~rosi@ has joined #surabaya

[06:57] <Fi3> Ada cewek tuh

[06:57] <Fi3> Wb rosi

[06:57] * aryo trtap setia ama fi3

[06:57] <rosi> ty Fi3

[06:57] <Fi3> Td sama kak asn1

[06:58] <Fi3> Sama2 rosy

[06:58] <rosi> sby makanan yang enak apa ya kak

[06:58] <Fi3> * aryo trtap setia ama fi3.... Td setia sama kak asn1

[06:58] <Van_JaVa> dyar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[06:58] <Van_JaVa> dyar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[06:58] <Van_JaVa> dyar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[06:58] <aryo> kak asni kan dah nikah

[06:58] <+pita> Wowsers.

[06:58] <+elektra> wowsers

[06:59] <aryo> lah vandul bulno ngindikan

[06:59] * tuan|muda ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:59] <Fi3> (rosi) sby makanan yang enak apa ya kak.... Ayo siapa Yg disurabaya, ada Yg nanya nih

[06:59] <aryo> cie2 kujuman si fi3

[06:59] <aryo> diajak inbox aku g mau malah kujuman ama cowok laen hiks hiks

[07:00] <+creasy> mejikom needs food, badly! :(

[07:00] * +creasy gives mejikom some bonbonbonbons

[07:00] <Fi3> (aryo) cie2 kujuman si fi3...... Cie...cie... Aryo cemburu 🤭

[07:00] * +creasy helped.

[07:00] <aryo> 😑

[07:00] <Fi3> (aryo) diajak inbox aku g mau malah kujuman ama cowok laen hiks hiks..... Lah kamu gak pv

[07:01] <aryo> kan aku g bisa pv

[07:01] <aryo> aplikasinya dilock pvnya

[07:01] <Fi3> Rosi dr mana?

[07:01] <aryo> hanya bisa dipv

[07:01] <rosi> dari kalimantan

[07:01] <Fi3> (aryo) aplikasinya dilock pvnya.... Oh ya

[07:01] <Light> Cie cie cwiwit

[07:01] <Fi3> Kok bisa?

[07:01] <Fi3> (rosi) dari kalimantan..... Kalimantan mana?

[07:01] <aryo> tak tau

[07:02] <rosi> kalteng. palangka

[07:02] <Fi3> (aryo) aplikasinya dilock pvnya..... Ini serius kah?

[07:02] <aryo> seriues

[07:02] <Fi3> (rosi) kalteng. palangka... Di dikalteng

[07:02] * bugi__ (~juancok@ has joined #surabaya

[07:02] * bugi__ (~juancok@ has left #surabaya

[07:02] <aryo> tanya aja pasti g pernah aku pv2

[07:03] <Fi3> Tanya siapa?

[07:03] <aryo> smua yg disini

[07:03] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[07:03] <Fi3> Rosi asli kalteng?

[07:03] <jeri> .b 10000

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: A | J : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 5 | 8 : Total is 13 »]

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! jeri has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[07:04] <Fi3> (aryo) smua yg iyakah.

[07:04] <aryo> hu um

[07:04] <Fi3> Kasian gak bisa pv cewek dong

[07:04] <aryo> g bisa

[07:05] <Fi3> Iiih kamu cowok panggilan deh 🤭🤭

[07:05] <aryo> wew

[07:05] <jeri> wkkakaa

[07:05] <aryo> kok bisa

[07:06] <Fi3> Iyalah bisanya dipanggil

[07:06] <Fi3> Disapa duluan...

[07:06] * bugi (~BuudayA@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:06] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:06] * tiaa is now known as tiaa_off

[07:06] <aryo> hehe karna aku pengen hanya menunggumu

[07:06] <Fi3> Tiaaa ganti nick terus

[07:07] <AndroUser> Wuih

[07:07] <Fi3> (aryo) hehe karna aku pengen hanya menunggumu.....aish..... Woow

[07:07] <+creasy> WHY! WHY my piggy, WHY?? I loved you my piggy... I loved you

[07:07] <aryo> hehehe

[07:07] <+creasy> :-)

[07:07] <+ezza> =)

[07:07] <+tweety> =D

[07:07] <+ezza> =]

[07:08] <jeri> .b 10000

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 3 | 7 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[07:08] <jeri> h

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: A : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | 8 : Total is 18 »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 jeri wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[07:08] <jeri> .VP 5000

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 8s | As | Kc | Ks | 9c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[07:08] <jeri> .draw 125

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 3d | Qc | Kc | Ks | 2s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[07:08] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 7 ( BLACK ) »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:08] <+elektra> u know Dealer, pinning the wheel is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[07:08] <jeri> .rd 10000

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Here is the 2 cards: Ad & 7d - The spread is: 6 »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: You need to Raise (double your bet) or Call to view the 3rd card. Type: .raise or .call »]

[07:08] <+elektra> u've got to ignore the flick

[07:08] <+elektra> peck the har

[07:08] <jeri> .raise

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Third card ( 4d ) is out of the spread! You have lost 20'000 - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:08] <+elektra> and finally wave the fear.

[07:08] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 10 ( RED ) »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:08] <jeri> .VP 5000

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 2s | 3c | Kd | Ah | 3s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[07:09] <jeri> .draw 134

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 3h | 3c | 7d | Ad | 3s is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[07:09] <jeri> .craps 2000

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 6 & 4 => 10 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[07:09] <jeri> .ag

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E V S T O (60s timeout) »]

[07:09] <jeri> svotes

[07:09] <jeri> vosste

[07:09] <AndroUser> Votes

[07:09] <jeri> .VP 5000

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 3h | 4s | 5d | 9s | Qd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[07:09] <jeri> .draw 13345

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 9h | 4s | 8s | 10h | Jd is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E V S T O - Here's a hint : S T . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:09] <AndroUser> Stove

[07:09] <AndroUser> Stoves

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T O V E S with the letters S E V S T O (Use .define STOVES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:10] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:10] <jeri> .ag

[07:10] <jeri> .top10

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 44'593'500$ 2: nia (Denia) 32'755'850$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 27'186'563$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (aryo) 4'841'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'504'550$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'894'650$ 8: ener (??) 1'571'408$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 1'169'750$ 10: FY (FY) 645'500$ »]

[07:10] <klepon> hallo

[07:11] <asn1> Om aryo

[07:11] <klepon> wew baru ol langsung di flood orang

[07:11] <klepon> [21:11] [kleponuelek PING]

[07:11] <asn1> Wkwkwkkw

[07:11] <asn1> Sabar ya om

[07:11] <asn1> Dia fns

[07:11] <klepon> kerjaaan nya siapa tuj

[07:11] <klepon> ngataij klepon elek

[07:11] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:11] <asn1> Tidak tau om

[07:11] <+tweety> I like them :o)

[07:11] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[07:12] <klepon> ngatain kelpon elek

[07:12] <asn1> Elek tidak

[07:12] <klepon> elek

[07:12] <asn1> Iya udah kalau gitu

[07:12] <klepon> n aku bersyukur

[07:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:13] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[07:13] <asn1> Yaa

[07:13] <asn1> Beryukur Napa om

[07:13] <Fi3> Wb letta

[07:13] <Fi3> Wb andro

[07:13] * cinta ( has left #surabaya

[07:14] <AndroUser> ty fitri

[07:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[07:14] <AndroUser> selamat idul fi3

[07:15] <klepon> klepon gak di wb fi3 gpp

[07:15] <Fi3> O iya klepon

[07:15] <AndroUser> gak usah bekk

[07:15] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:15] <Fi3> Hai klepon 😁

[07:15] <AndroUser> jangan di wb fit

[07:16] <Fi3> Knp

[07:16] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:16] <Fi3> Nanti sedih dia

[07:16] <Fi3> Wb cowookk

[07:16] * AndroUser is now known as cekink

[07:17] <+elektra> anyone fancy a pint?

[07:17] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[07:17] * +creasy shakes head

[07:17] <+tweety> that depends. Who's asking?

[07:17] <+ezza> If i just reach in here.

[07:17] <+ezza> *squelch*

[07:17] <+ezza> then the answer will be on this little bit of card

[07:17] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[07:17] <cekink> haiii tante asn1

[07:18] <FangYin> Dc tah kink?

[07:18] <cekink> iyo fang

[07:18] * putri ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:18] <+ezza> Bye putri.

[07:20] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:20] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[07:21] <asn1> Aduh ada om cekik

[07:21] * Cinta ( has joined #surabaya

[07:21] <asn1> Ada di mana2 ini om

[07:22] <asn1> Aaaaaaa om cekik

[07:22] <cekink> haiiiiiii tante asn1

[07:22] <cekink> jiakkaakakaka

[07:22] <cekink> apa kabar tante?

[07:22] <cekink> haiiii cinta

[07:22] <asn1> Baik om

[07:23] <cekink> cinta kie pesek ye?

[07:24] <cekink> alhamdulillah ya tante

[07:26] * cekink (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:26] * asn1 (~ngok@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:27] <Qori> test

[07:27] <Fi3> Hi Qori

[07:27] <Qori> hai Fi3

[07:28] <Fi3> Lg sepi

[07:29] <Qori> emang dr dulu sepi

[07:29] <Fi3> Iya sih

[07:29] * rosi (~rosi@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:29] <Fi3> Gabung terus ilang

[07:29] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[07:32] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:32] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[07:34] <Fi3> Hm..... Sepi.... Ikut off deh 😴😴

[07:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[07:34] <FY> .ag

[07:34] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A E S T R M S (60s timeout) »]

[07:34] <FY> Streams

[07:34] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( STREAMS ) in 4.281 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define STREAMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:35] <FY> .ag

[07:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : L A R D A M I T I E S (60s timeout) »]

[07:35] <FY> Admiralties

[07:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ADMIRALTIES ) in 24.5 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define ADMIRALTIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:36] <FY> .ag

[07:36] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : Y R E V E D L I (60s timeout) »]

[07:36] <FY> Delivery

[07:36] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( DELIVERY ) in 4.797 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DELIVERY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:36] <FY> .ag

[07:36] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S W L A G L O (60s timeout) »]

[07:36] <FY> Gallows

[07:36] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( GALLOWS ) in 4.718 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define GALLOWS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[07:37] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:37] <+tweety> bye Fi3

[07:38] <FY> .ag

[07:38] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L E Y L (60s timeout) »]

[07:38] <FY> Lelys

[07:38] <FY> Ellys

[07:38] <FY> Yells

[07:38] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( YELLS ) in 12.25 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define YELLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[07:39] <aryo> wah fitriku dah off

[07:41] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:41] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S T A B (60s timeout) »]

[07:41] <TjahAyoe> Tabs

[07:41] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( TABS ) in 3.062 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TABS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:41] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +5 ) »]

[07:41] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:41] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C N I W H (60s timeout) »]

[07:41] <TjahAyoe> Winch

[07:41] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( WINCH ) in 4.344 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WINCH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:41] <FY> Wb mbak dede

[07:41] <FY> .ping fy

[07:41] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[07:41] <@Dealer> FY: Pong! (1.125s)

[07:42] <FY> Lag bakno

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Ty mba fy

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:42] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : G N T O U I (60s timeout) »]

[07:42] * FY angop

[07:42] <FY> Sami sami

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Duh kenek pv s

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Mbuh koq ee

[07:42] <FY> Main ndek indonesia ae

[07:42] <FY> Ojo ndek kene

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Hu um

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Touing

[07:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: G N T O U I - Here's a hint : O U . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:43] <FY> Aku tak merem bar ngene

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> Outing

[07:43] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( OUTING ) in 33.76 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define OUTING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:43] <FY> Outing

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> Hu um bubuk o mba

[07:43] <FY> Iyo mbak

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> Ojo ngancani mbah2 iku

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> Ben main dewe dek ee

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> :/

[07:43] <FY> Sopo mbah mbah?

[07:44] <TjahAyoe> Aryo maeng udu mbah ta

[07:44] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:44] <FY> Iyo iku mbah mbah

[07:44] <FY> 50+

[07:44] <aryo> hmmm

[07:44] <TjahAyoe> Lhaiyoo

[07:44] <aryo> maen sendiri malah asik kok

[07:44] <TjahAyoe> Ooh 50+

[07:45] <TjahAyoe> Sugar Daddy bukan

[07:45] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:45] <FY> Iyo mbak

[07:45] <FY> Bitter daddy dee

[07:45] <FY> Ga sugar

[07:45] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwkw

[07:45] <TjahAyoe> Sugar ki fresh yoo

[07:45] <TjahAyoe> Dompet nya tebel yoan

[07:45] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:45] <TjahAyoe> Macam Anjasmara kae li

[07:46] <TjahAyoe> *lo

[07:46] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:46] * bughi (~tempek@ has joined #surabaya

[07:47] <FY> Aku nek anjas ga sir...mending arie wibowo mbak

[07:47] <FY> Wkwkkw

[07:48] <aryo> nggilani mak emak nek ngrumpi

[07:48] <aryo> hii

[07:49] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[07:49] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:49] <FY> .ag

[07:49] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : B M U L E R (60s timeout) »]

[07:49] <FY> Rumble

[07:49] <FY> Rumbel

[07:49] <FY> Lumber

[07:49] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( LUMBER ) in 14.04 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LUMBER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:49] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd TjahAyoe in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[07:49] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> Loohhh

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> Sopo mak2

[07:49] <+pita> Looooooohhh.

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> Perawan kabeh koq

[07:50] <FY> Embuh iku

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> Qm ae mbah2 kumpul rene

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> Wes bengi mbah

[07:50] * FY kadang nek mlaku ijen dikiro jek sekolah kok

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> Mundaak kumat asam urat mu

[07:50] <Toriq> wes wes

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> Turuoo mbah

[07:50] <FY> Dek sekolah dimana

[07:50] <FY> Ngunui

[07:50] <aryo> mana ada emak2 ngaku tua.disosmed smua mah ngakunya gadis hahaha

[07:50] <Toriq> kene ndang merapat sing prawan2

[07:50] <+tweety> invader blood runs through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants... the pants command me! do not ignore my veins!

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> [22:50] * FY kadang nek mlaku ijen dikiro jek sekolah kok>> he eh ancen iyo ayu jek an

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> Yo beb Toriq

[07:51] <FY> Emoh aku nek mbah mbah sing senengane guling barbie

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> Minion koq mba

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:51] <FY> (TjahAyoe) [22:50] * FY kadang nek mlaku ijen dikiro jek sekolah kok>> he eh ancen iyo ayu jek an>>sek abegeh kok

[07:51] <FY> Jare bien barbie

[07:51] <Toriq> hahahaha

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> Minion saiki

[07:51] <+tweety> who *are* you people

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> Kesayangan ee

[07:51] <FY> Oalah ganti wisan

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> [22:51] (FY) (TjahAyoe) [22:50] * FY kadang nek mlaku ijen dikiro jek sekolah kok>> he eh ancen iyo ayu jek an>>sek abegeh kok>> pas sugar Daddy nya beb toriq.. tebel dompet ee

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:52] <FY> Emoh aku nek sugar daddyne hor

[07:53] <Toriq> sugar babe

[07:54] <FY> (Toriq) kene ndang merapat sing prawan2,>>gaban a hor?asli perawan kui

[07:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[07:55] <FY> .ag

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O P R D U C T (60s timeout) »]

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Ojoo

[07:55] <Toriq> moso fang?

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Product

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PRODUCT ) in 11.10 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PRODUCT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:55] <FY> .ping

[07:55] <FY> .ping fy

[07:55] <@Dealer> FY: Pong! (0.907s)

[07:55] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R O S N P S O (60s timeout) »]

[07:55] <FY> Product

[07:55] <Toriq> mben njajal tak cek e. asli prawan po gak

[07:55] <FY> Sponsor

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( SPONSOR ) in 4.812 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SPONSOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Seneng ee

[07:56] <Toriq> --"

[07:56] <TjahAyoe> Lek bagian cek ricek

[07:56] <TjahAyoe> Pling yo demam

[07:56] * Yatagarasu (~Yatagaras@ has joined #surabaya

[07:56] <Toriq> kamu mau tak cek juga tah beb??

[07:56] <FY> Iyo jajalen nek dewi masrifah hor

[07:56] <FY> Sukses wis

[07:56] <FY> Wakakkaka

[07:56] <TjahAyoe> [22:56] (Toriq) kamu mau tak cek juga tah beb??,.. yakin?? Tahan??

[07:56] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E B O J C T I V E (60s timeout) »]

[07:56] <TjahAyoe> Objective

[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( OBJECTIVE ) in 5.344 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define OBJECTIVE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:56] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[07:56] <TjahAyoe> Wb yatagarasu

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> Ribet nya nick mu om

[07:57] * Yatagarasu (~Yatagaras@ has left #surabaya

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T S G D I S U (60s timeout) »]

[07:57] <FY> Kapanane xena ol

[07:57] <FY> Fy masih inget aku

[07:57] <FY> Aku xena

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> Xena??

[07:57] <FY> Iyo

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> Koyo iling aq

[07:57] <FY> Mantane hor

[07:57] <FY> Yo kan hor

[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T S G D I S U - Here's a hint : D I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> Oalaah

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> Yo yo

[07:57] <FY> 5 hari

[07:57] <FY> Wkwkwk

[07:57] <FY> Disgust

[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( DISGUST ) in 44.75 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DISGUST to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> Iku nhad opo xena

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Tante nha iku ta

[07:58] <FY> Iyo

[07:58] <FY> Podo wae

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Oalah

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Sing aq dilabrak kae

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> :/

[07:58] <FY> Heh

[07:58] <+ezza> -_-

[07:58] <Toriq> ya olohhhhh

[07:58] <FY> Dilabrak sopo?

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Rebutan karo ndess dan dewo

[07:58] <+pita> :)

[07:58] <+tweety> ;)

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:58] <+ezza> :)

[07:58] <+tweety> ^_^

[07:58] <Toriq> gak enek topik laine tah?

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Lek iling aq mau ngakaak..ya allah

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:59] <FY> Ndess karo dewo rebutan opo?

[07:59] <FY> Opo o mbak

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Loo yaa

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Aahhh qm mba

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Viral pada zamannya

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Tanya oo samirah sing paham

[07:59] <FY> (Toriq) gak enek topik laine tah?>>ojo diwoco ketikan iki mbak

[07:59] <FY> Ok

[07:59] <FY> Nek ol tak takokno

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Aq yoo kaget ternyata beb roh jadian sm nadh

[08:00] <aryo> .ag

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : V C O E R (60s timeout) »]

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Aq lo gak tau

[08:00] <FY> Wakakakka

[08:00] <aryo> cover

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COVER ) in 7.515 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define COVER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:00] <FY> 5 hari

[08:00] <aryo> .ac

[08:00] <FY> Bangga bien gor

[08:00] <FY> *hor

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Dilabrak zare aq nikung..trz gak bilang

[08:00] <FY> Mesti pamer nang aku

[08:00] * MeLvi ( has joined #surabaya

[08:00] <FY> Heh nikung?

[08:00] <FY> Wkwkkw

[08:00] * Toriq biasa wae

[08:00] * bughi (~tempek@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:00] <aryo> wb ayank melvi

[08:00] <Toriq> wb bebeb memel

[08:00] <aryo> .ag

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S P Z I (60s timeout) »]

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Wb mba melvi

[08:00] <aryo> zipz

[08:00] <aryo> zips

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ZIPS ) in 14.82 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define ZIPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:01] <TjahAyoe> [23:00] (Toriq) wb bebeb memel>> ooh ada bebeb lainya

[08:01] <FY> Halah bien awakmu bangga hor

[08:01] <TjahAyoe> Ai si

[08:01] <FY> Gasaken mbak

[08:01] <TjahAyoe> Hahah gak mba

[08:01] <FY> Kabeh wadonan di babeb

[08:01] <FY> Kok gaban ga dibebeb yo mbak

[08:01] <FY> Wkkwkak

[08:01] * nona (~nona@ has joined #surabaya

[08:01] <TjahAyoe> Ben seneng gpp

[08:01] <FY> Iyo mbak

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Nah bebeb mu neh iki

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Sing ol

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Wes rameee

[08:02] <FY> Ho oh

[08:02] <FY> Wis ayo mlipir mbak

[08:02] <aryo> wb nona

[08:02] * nona (~nona@ Quit (Registered)

[08:02] * nona ( has joined #surabaya

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Lumpuknoo permirsaa

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Beb toriq misan mom lumpukno kene

[08:02] <FY> Jangan kasih kendor pemirsa

[08:02] <nona> ty aryo

[08:02] <Toriq> wb nona kuhhhhh

[08:02] <aryo> .ag

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I D N W I G S (60s timeout) »]

[08:02] <FY> Semakin malam semakin rame

[08:02] <Toriq> tumben malam ini gokil

[08:02] <aryo> diwings

[08:02] <Toriq> tumben malam ini gokil

[08:02] <FY> Windings

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( WINDINGS ) in 11.54 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define WINDINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[08:02] <Toriq> tumben malam ini gokil

[08:02] <Toriq> tumben malam ini gokil

[08:02] <Toriq> tumben malam ini gokil

[08:02] <Toriq> tumben malam ini gokil

[08:02] <FY> Loken

[08:02] <nona> hai Toriq kuuhhhh

[08:03] <FY> Kenek s lho

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Iya nona q

[08:03] <Toriq> ben sekalian kena banned quake

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[08:03] <Toriq> dukaku bahagiamu

[08:03] <Toriq> nona : sehat??

[08:03] <nona> hehehe iya iya , mimpi apa pas ol ada bang Toriq

[08:03] <aryo> .ag

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A C R F T (60s timeout) »]

[08:03] <nona> alhamdulillah sehat

[08:03] <aryo> craft

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CRAFT ) in 4.641 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CRAFT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:03] <Toriq> nona : baru pulang lembur?

[08:03] <nona> Toriq sehat pasti gapakek ditanya hehe

[08:04] <aryo> .ag

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N C A Y O N S (60s timeout) »]

[08:04] <nona> masih d site

[08:04] * Toriq harus selalu sehat. perjaka gaboleh sakit

[08:04] <nona> belom balik

[08:04] <aryo> crayons

[08:04] <Toriq> wahhhh

[08:04] <aryo> canyons

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CANYONS ) in 23.56 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CANYONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:04] <FY> Mbak dede ayo milipir mbak

[08:04] <FY> Canyons

[08:04] <aryo> .ag

[08:04] <aryo> .ac

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S U E X H A T S (60s timeout) »]

[08:04] <Toriq> job mulai padat merayap ya nona?

[08:04] <FY> Ping

[08:04] <FY> .ping fy

[08:04] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:04] <aryo> echaouts

[08:04] <@Dealer> FY: Pong! (3.968s)

[08:05] <aryo> exhauest

[08:05] <FY> Lag parah

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S U E X H A T S - Here's a hint : E X H . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:05] <nona> sangaatt. habis lenggang langsung full Toriq

[08:05] <Toriq> mantapppp

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E X H A U S T S with the letters S U E X H A T S (Use .define EXHAUSTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[08:06] <nona> kamu padet juga pasti kan Toriq

[08:06] <aryo> .ag

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N I I D C T O A R Y (60s timeout) »]

[08:06] <aryo> dictionary

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DICTIONARY ) in 5.547 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DICTIONARY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:06] * Aespa ( has joined #surabaya

[08:06] <aryo> .ag

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E R C A (60s timeout) »]

[08:06] <Aespa> Care

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( CARE ) in 3.656 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CARE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:06] <aryo> care

[08:07] <aryo> ealah

[08:07] <aryo> mbok yo ngrumpi sek wae kono mak

[08:07] <aryo> malah melu ngegane

[08:07] <Toriq> lumayan nona

[08:08] <Toriq> cuman 14 lokasi aja

[08:08] <nona> hahahahahha

[08:08] <nona> mantap tuh

[08:08] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[08:08] <nona> aku 8 uda pening

[08:08] <aryo> .ag

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E I R O A F C T S (60s timeout) »]

[08:09] <Aespa> Factories

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( FACTORIES ) in 7.5 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define FACTORIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:09] <aryo> factories

[08:09] <aryo> cik

[08:09] <aryo> mbuh wes

[08:09] <+ezza> Mbuh wes ... more like wuh mbes, am i right?

[08:09] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:09] * aryo minggir sek

[08:09] <nona> lho bang aryo knapa minggir

[08:09] <nona> maju terus pantang minggir

[08:10] * aryo masih belajar game jelas kalah ama yg udah hafal

[08:10] * aryo user newbie baru kemarin sore dia dah 20tahun di irc

[08:10] <Toriq> april sepertinya aku ada acara ke wiyung

[08:10] <Toriq> jauh gak?

[08:11] * pitoe (~fish@ has joined #surabaya

[08:11] <nona> deket. wiyung citraland?

[08:11] <aryo> .ag

[08:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S M T S O A C H (60s timeout) »]

[08:11] <Toriq> wiyung. bbws brantas

[08:11] <aryo> nah pitoe

[08:11] <aryo> ewangi njawab

[08:11] <Toriq> stomach

[08:11] <Toriq> stomachs

[08:11] <@Dealer> 6 Toriq has just found the correct word ( STOMACHS ) in 28.01 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define STOMACHS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:11] <@Dealer> 6 Toriq pwn'd Aespa in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[08:11] <nona> deket , toll kan?

[08:12] <Toriq> ho oh

[08:12] <Toriq> ntar kalo ada waktu kita ngopi2 bareng

[08:12] <pitoe> iya ngopi sambil ngawur ngidul

[08:13] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:13] <nona> okey. bisa d atur.

[08:13] <Toriq> pitoe : sempak aman??

[08:13] <klepon> hok a hok e

[08:13] <aryo> .ag

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T L U E R S (60s timeout) »]

[08:13] * klepon joget2

[08:13] <pitoe> akakakak

[08:13] <klepon> weks weks

[08:13] <pitoe> result

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T L U E R S - Here's a hint : R E . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:13] <Toriq> enek klepon. sek tak geser sek

[08:13] <klepon> hok a hok e

[08:13] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[08:14] <Toriq> nona gak join banyuwangi?

[08:14] * klepon joget2

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E S U L T with the letters T L U E R S (Use .define RESULT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:14] <pitoe> nona gak join malaikat

[08:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[08:14] <nona> belum join

[08:15] <klepon> hai nona coba deh kelpon di ajak ngomong

[08:15] <nona> mana yg bisa dijoin?

[08:15] <Toriq> .knife pitoe

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe was stabbed by Toriq's knife »]

[08:15] <Toriq> banyuwangi jakarta abocy nona

[08:15] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.8y96.ip) has joined #surabaya

[08:16] <klepon> nona endel

[08:16] <klepon> hihihihi

[08:16] <Toriq> wb dis adis

[08:16] <nona> okay Toriq

[08:16] <Adis> Ty riq

[08:16] <nona> haha nona endel?

[08:16] <klepon> wew sapa yg flood klepon

[08:16] <klepon> kurang kerjaan

[08:17] <klepon> [22:16] [kleponmambu PING]

[08:17] <Toriq> sing twenang adis. ojo lali stel lagu dangdut ambe goyang2 drijine ndek irc

[08:17] <klepon> masa klepon di flood terus tiap ol

[08:17] <pitoe> .k

[08:17] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:17] <Adis> Dih

[08:17] * klepon joget2

[08:17] <nona> heheh klepon suka joget

[08:17] <Adis> aku dangdutan dpt duit

[08:17] * Toriq lagi dangdutan

[08:17] <aryo> dis adis

[08:17] <nona> Sawer gak?

[08:17] <Adis> dihhh

[08:18] <Adis> apalagiii

[08:18] <aryo> anakmu to penthili rung

[08:18] <klepon> lagu joget tuh lagu dangdut jawa yg aransemen mas bayu oyong pasti enak

[08:18] <Adis> khas klepon bosok

[08:18] <Toriq> nah kan... dangdut is the best

[08:19] <klepon> bosok biarin hihihi

[08:19] <klepon> hak e hak e

[08:19] <klepon> tarik sis..... klepon

[08:19] <pitoe> semongkooo

[08:19] <Toriq> adis : sehat mbak yu?

[08:19] <aryo> .ag

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S C A C R U A L (60s timeout) »]

[08:19] <Adis> b aja

[08:19] <klepon> 😂😂😂😂

[08:19] <aryo> .ac

[08:20] <klepon> emot miringku ilang

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S C A C R U A L - Here's a hint : A C C . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:20] <klepon> tarik sisss.....

[08:20] <Toriq> b aja ki opo toh?

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C R U A L S with the letters S C A C R U A L (Use .define ACCRUALS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:21] <klepon> pitoe coba kamu dengerin lagu ldr dangdut

[08:21] <nona> biasa aja. b aja

[08:21] <Toriq> oalah

[08:21] <pitoe> oke pon

[08:22] <pitoe> (Toriq) oalah<<<< pura2 bahlul

[08:22] <klepon> b aja ada lagu nya loh

[08:23] <klepon> itu link lagu nya

[08:23] <pitoe> 👌

[08:23] <klepon> asem aku di flood orang gak berhenti flood ping

[08:24] <klepon> [22:23] [kleponmambu PING]

[08:24] <pitoe> silence pon

[08:24] <klepon> tuh nick nya kleponbau

[08:24] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Excess Flood)

[08:24] <+tweety> mmm klepon

[08:24] <+ezza> ^_^

[08:24] <Aespa> Eakakkaka

[08:24] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:24] <+pita> =D

[08:24] <+elektra> =)

[08:24] <pitoe> cik

[08:24] <+ezza> =D

[08:24] <klepon> seneng tuh yg fllod kepon dc

[08:25] <pitoe> (Aespa) Eakakkaka...🙋‍♂malam cintaku

[08:25] <klepon> masih di flood juga

[08:25] <pitoe> STT YU

[08:26] * pitoe (~fish@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:27] <klepon> gak berhenti flood nya

[08:27] <klepon> aryo

[08:27] <aryo> opo

[08:28] <klepon> kira2 spa ya yg flood kepon

[08:28] <klepon> ini di flood gak berhenti

[08:28] <aryo> sokor

[08:28] <klepon> ampe layar penuh ini

[08:28] <aryo> kapok

[08:29] <NaKaL> .ping

[08:29] <@Dealer> NaKaL: Pong! (0.562s)

[08:29] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:29] <klepon> wew kamu itu

[08:29] <klepon> seneng bngt liat klepon di flood

[08:29] <aryo> gpp

[08:30] <Adis> .ping

[08:30] <@Dealer> Adis: Pong! (0.375s)

[08:30] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:30] <aryo> dis

[08:30] <aryo> rere ndi

[08:30] * klepon_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:31] <NaKaL> bots give me kopi tubruk

[08:31] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[08:31] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:31] * +ezza gives NaKaL kopi tubruk

[08:31] * +tweety gives NaKaL kopi tubruk

[08:31] * +creasy givesd NaKaL kopi tubruk

[08:31] * +pita gives NaKaL kopi tubruk

[08:31] * +elektra gives NaKaL kopi tubruk

[08:31] <+creasy> oh arse

[08:31] <Aespa> Wakakkak

[08:31] <Aespa> Sokor

[08:31] <klepon_> lama2 kok gak berhenti flod nya

[08:31] <Aespa> (pitoe) (Aespa) Eakakkaka...🙋‍♂malam cintaku,>>malam cintanya gaban

[08:31] * Adis sujud sukur

[08:32] <klepon_> .ping

[08:32] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:32] <klepon_> hallo

[08:32] <klepon_> bentar lagi dc

[08:32] <aryo> dyar

[08:32] * Adis slametan nek klepon dc

[08:33] <aryo> yangmu to dis klepon ki

[08:33] <klepon_> coba flood lagi yg banyak dc ndak

[08:33] <klepon_> hihihihi

[08:33] <Adis> ya Allah naudzubillah minzalik jauhkan hamba dr mahluk terkutuak ini ya Allah

[08:33] <klepon_> gak mempan sekarang flood nya

[08:34] <klepon_> .enak aja kelpon di flood

[08:34] <aryo> .ag

[08:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D N A S T (60s timeout) »]

[08:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[08:34] <klepon_> dulu ada nick diss ama adis beda orang itu

[08:35] <aryo> beda

[08:35] * Aespa ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:35] <klepon_> beda

[08:35] <aryo> baik yg dulu yg ini org baru

[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D N A S T - Here's a hint : S T . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:35] <klepon_> betul

[08:35] <aryo> adis yg dulu sopan baik

[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S T A N D with the letters D N A S T (Use .define STAND to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:35] * Adis gapernah sopan gapernah baik

[08:35] <Adis> Salah org ente

[08:35] <klepon_> dulu nick adis ama diss beda orang n 2 orang baik bngt. kalo nick adis yg sekarang kek jya bukam 2 orang yg dulu

[08:36] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[08:36] <aryo> hu um kan pon beds jauh

[08:36] <+tweety> bye "Szajbus"

[08:36] <aryo> adis yg dulu orgnya manis cantik baik ,yg ini burem burikan

[08:36] <Adis> 🙄 bacots

[08:37] <klepon_> jangan2 yg sekarang cow nyamar jadi cewek

[08:37] <klepon_> tarik sis semongko

[08:37] <klepon_> joget lagi ahh

[08:38] <klepon_> pitue tadi mana ya

[08:39] <aryo> hake hake hokya

[08:39] <klepon_> aryo aku punya tebakan kamu hisa jawab ndak

[08:39] <aryo> gak

[08:39] <klepon_> weks lom di kasih pertanyaan kok

[08:39] <klepon_> ya udah kalo gitu gak jadi

[08:40] <klepon_> .seen mell

[08:40] <NapaLm> mell ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 4 jam, 3 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[08:40] <aryo> hehe gi balesi wa cewek

[08:40] <aryo> wskaksks

[08:40] <klepon_> .seen fi3

[08:40] <NapaLm> Fi3 (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 1 hour, 3 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[08:40] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[08:40] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[08:40] <klepon_> .seen dila

[08:40] <NapaLm> Ada 414 yang cocok di database, tolong sebutkan mana yang mau dijitak.

[08:41] <klepon_> kalo inget dila pingin ketawa mulu

[08:41] <klepon_> masa dia dulu mau ketik salah

[08:41] <klepon_> .seen nadh

[08:41] <NapaLm> Nadh (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #jakarta 300 hari, 2 jam, 43 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Read error: Connection reset by peer).

[08:42] <klepon_> .seen sya

[08:42] <NapaLm> Ada 4 orang yang cocok nih (sorted): mejikom chimei yank sya. mejikom ( terakhir gue liat dia berubah dari chimei di #waroeng 10 hari, 11 jam, 37 menit yang lalu. mejikom Tuh Masih NonGkrong Disini.

[08:42] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[08:42] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[08:42] <klepon_> pada gak ol lama

[08:42] <aryo> ho o

[08:42] <aryo> dulu ceweknya baik2

[08:42] <aryo> enak ngobrol

[08:43] <aryo> sekarang cewek2nya dah tua2 merasa kek gadis2 sombong2 ya pon

[08:43] <klepon_> galak2

[08:43] * Adis cowok

[08:43] <klepon_> .seen auliaa

[08:43] <NapaLm> Ada 4 orang yang cocok nih (sorted): gisela Auliaa zumaa Cewe_skolah. gisela (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 108 hari, 6 jam, 14 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Ping timeout).

[08:45] <klepon_> paamit ah

[08:45] <klepon_> gak ada temen ngomong

[08:45] * Adis alerghi ngomong ma klepon

[08:45] <klepon_> gak tanya

[08:45] <klepon_> :p

[08:46] * Adis ngetik dwe

[08:46] <klepon_> ngomong aja ama tembok sana

[08:46] <Adis> dih

[08:46] <Adis> klepon masih buriq aja muka nya

[08:46] <aryo> pon

[08:46] <aryo> room jakarta

[08:47] <klepon_> burik gpp

[08:47] <klepon_> join room jkt harus auth

[08:47] <Adis> ngantuk

[08:47] <Adis> byeeee

[08:47] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.8y96.ip) has left #surabaya

[08:47] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[08:47] <klepon_> weleh

[08:48] <aryo> sokor

[08:48] <aryo> ditinggal mbahmu

[08:48] <aryo> authmu nendi

[08:49] <klepon_> gak punya auth dari dulu

[08:49] <aryo> buat

[08:49] <aryo> jangan kalah ama emak2 rempong

[08:49] <klepon_> kek nya ada yg make nick ku trus ngawur ampe si adis mgamuk

[08:49] <klepon_> aku kan dah lama gak ol di sini dari lebaran kemarin baru aktiv beberapa minggu ini

[08:50] <klepon_> ketemu adis si sini udah 2 tahunan kayak nya eh ketemu dari kemarin dia galak bngt ngamuk2

[08:50] <aryo> emang beda kok

[08:51] <klepon_> baru liat nick adis udah 2 tahunan yg lalu

[08:51] <aryo> sekarang cewnya aneglh2 sifatnya

[08:51] <nona> masa siiiii

[08:51] <aryo> kurang berbaur

[08:51] <aryo> eh ada nona

[08:51] <nona> iya ada ini

[08:52] <klepon_> cuma adis yg galak ma klepon kemarin klepon di katain bgst ngaamuk2

[08:52] <nona> uda pada makan?

[08:52] <aryo> lum ngantuk nona

[08:52] <aryo> udah non

[08:52] <klepon_> kalo nana mah baik pendiem orang nya

[08:52] <aryo> tadi pagi

[08:52] <nona> hyaa kuat bener gak laper lagi

[08:52] <nona> nona ngantuk dikit

[08:52] <nona> klepon_ dimakan enak juga ya

[08:53] <klepon_> ngomingin makan klepon jadi laper padahal baru makan 1 jam lau

[08:53] <aryo> nona siapa saja disapa.orgnya pasti cantik asli.g kek yg sombong2 emak2 ngaku gadis.cantik cuma karna camera 360 doang

[08:53] * aryo was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[08:53] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[08:53] <aryo> cik

[08:53] <aryo> wakaka

[08:53] <nona> wkwkkw

[08:53] <klepon_> kapok di kick

[08:54] <aryo> sem nan kok

[08:54] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:54] <aryo> nona org mana sih

[08:54] <klepon_> wew flood nya berhenti barengan adis off

[08:54] * aryo user new maaf jadi belum hafal

[08:54] <nona> ah masaaa

[08:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[08:54] <nona> klepon_ kena mulu?

[08:54] <klepon_> nona mah temen klepon

[08:55] <klepon_> kena apa

[08:55] * aryo belom kenalan

[08:55] <nona> flood

[08:55] <nona> yuk asl

[08:55] <+tweety> Nona: 17/female/middle earth.

[08:55] <+ezza> nona: 31/female/bosnia

[08:55] <+creasy> nona: 17/male/mars

[08:55] <klepon_> dulu aku ampe ngambek hampir 1 tahun gak ol gara2 tiap ol di flod terus

[08:55] <aryo> waduh

[08:55] <nona> tahun gajah maksdnya?

[08:55] <aryo> dah dijawabin tu

[08:55] <nona> iya terlalu pandai bot nya

[08:56] <klepon_> bot siapa tuh

[08:56] <AndroUser> Bosnia?

[08:56] * klepon_ is now known as jemblem

[08:56] <+tweety> where'd my moose go?

[08:56] <aryo> nona kota mana tinggalnya

[08:56] * AndroUser is now known as cowo_maniez

[08:56] <nona> aduh malem2 makanan mulu

[08:57] <jemblem> emang nick ku ini kok sebelum jadi klepon

[08:57] <cowo_maniez> Siapa yg dr bosnia?

[08:57] <nona> bikin laper

[08:57] <nona> ada yang di bosnia?

[08:57] <jemblem> nona makan aja sana

[08:57] <nona> kota udang aryo

[08:57] <cowo_maniez> (+ezza) nona: 31/female/bosnia

[08:57] <jemblem> itu bot

[08:58] <aryo> udang itu mana

[08:58] <aryo> surabaya kah

[08:58] <nona> deketnya

[08:58] <cowo_maniez> Saya jakarta

[08:58] <+pita> Saya jakarta... Sakarta

[08:58] <aryo> kediri

[08:58] <jemblem> ezaa itu bot bukan orang

[08:58] <aryo> malang

[08:58] <nona> sda

[08:58] <cowo_maniez> Jkarta siapa aja

[08:58] <aryo> sidoarjo?

[08:59] <jemblem> jkt ndak ada kayak nya

[08:59] <aryo> terangganya meyla brati

[08:59] <+pita> I'd trerangganya brati.

[08:59] <+pita> oops

[08:59] <+tweety> YOU INCOMPETENT FOOL!

[08:59] <+ezza> "well done"

[08:59] <nona> yay

[08:59] <+ezza> ow my eyes :(

[08:59] <aryo> kenal meyla brati

[08:59] <nona> nona orang baru

[08:59] <nona> belum kenalan sama meyla

[08:59] <aryo> sama brati

[08:59] <+pita> well, sama brati... sati

[09:00] * aryo juga baru kenal nona

[09:00] <nona> salam kenal

[09:00] <nona> aryo mana i

[09:00] <aryo> jogja nona

[09:00] <aryo> kota pelajar

[09:01] <jemblem> nona di tempat ku ada kami tetep ndak

[09:01] <jemblem> kami jeplek

[09:02] <jemblem> hadeh deh nona ini ngombrol ama aryo terus jemblem nya di anggurin

[09:02] <aryo> wakakaka

[09:02] <aryo> ya diajaj ngobrol toh nonanya

[09:02] <nona> apa apa

[09:02] <nona> maaf sambil mamam

[09:02] <jemblem> pamit ah

[09:03] <jemblem> 😳😳😳

[09:03] <nona> oh aryo jogja

[09:03] <aryo> hu um

[09:03] <nona> kami jeplek apa mblem

[09:03] * jemblem (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:03] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:03] <nona> hyah ngambek

[09:06] <aryo> hehe

[09:06] <aryo> kasihan dia

[09:07] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[09:07] <nona> kenapa dia

[09:08] <aryo> hehe

[09:09] <aryo> dia itu pengen ngobrol2

[09:09] <aryo> ada temen ngobrol

[09:09] <aryo> tapi user2 sekarang pads sombong2

[09:09] <aryo> kadang dia kek ngobrol sendiri

[09:09] <nona> walah walahh

[09:09] <cowo_maniez> Channel yg rame apa

[09:09] <nona> ngambek bener dong tadi?

[09:09] <aryo> g sih

[09:09] <nona> aku mamam eh gtw

[09:10] <aryo> dia atinya batu

[09:10] <aryo> asal jangan dikata2 kasar

[09:10] <aryo> dia g bakal ngambek

[09:10] <aryo> hehe

[09:10] * djarumcok (~djarumcok@ has joined #surabaya

[09:11] <nona> tenang nona halus

[09:11] <nona> 😁

[09:11] <aryo> sehalus orgnya

[09:11] <aryo> hahahq

[09:11] <+tweety> People of earth! prepare to meet the mighty foot of my planet.

[09:11] <aryo> iya sih selama aku ol baru nemuib cew yg rnak diajak ngobrol

[09:11] <cowo_maniez> Krna kalian cuma ngbrol berdua dan dia dicuekin

[09:11] <nona> siapa yang dicuekin?

[09:12] <aryo> mana ads

[09:12] <nona> eciee habis ngobrol sama siapa aryo

[09:12] <aryo> g ama siapa2

[09:13] <cowo_maniez> Si jembem

[09:13] <nona> ahaay si jembem trnyata

[09:13] <nona> malu malu segala aryyo

[09:14] <aryo> hahaha

[09:14] <nona> haahahha

[09:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[09:14] <nona> nah ya, kek abg aja malu malu tikus

[09:15] <aryo> nona

[09:15] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)

[09:15] <nona> yaa

[09:15] <aryo> dirimu kerja apa dirumah

[09:15] <aryo> kok lum ngantuk

[09:15] <nona> kerja ini

[09:16] <aryo> lembur ya

[09:16] <aryo> kerja dimana nona

[09:16] <nona> ngga ding, haha baru sampe tmpat kerja jam 6 tadi

[09:16] <+tweety> Get off of me! you smell like human!

[09:17] <nona> cowo_maniez diem kenapa dipojokan

[09:17] <aryo> balik jam berapa

[09:17] <aryo> dia suka langsung pv2

[09:18] <nona> oh sukanya pv

[09:18] <cowo_maniez> Enak dipojok

[09:18] <nona> balik jam 1 aja deh keknya

[09:18] <aryo> kerja tempat apa nona

[09:18] <cowo_maniez> Balik jam 1 apa

[09:19] <nona> jam 1 ini nanti

[09:19] <cowo_maniez> 1 malem?

[09:19] <nona> tempat apa nih?

[09:20] <cowo_maniez> Tempat apa?

[09:20] <cowo_maniez> Cara tag orggmna

[09:21] <aryo> kerjanya

[09:21] <cowo_maniez> Kogue ga bisa

[09:21] <nona> pakai apk apa cowo_maniez

[09:21] <nona> oh kerjanya

[09:21] <nona> nguli aryo

[09:21] <cowo_maniez> Androirc yg di playstore

[09:21] <Light> Oo

[09:22] <cowo_maniez> Nona pake pc?

[09:22] <cowo_maniez> Tuh ga bisa ngetag

[09:22] <aryo> ya maksud saya kerjanya bagian apa nona sayang..

[09:22] <aryo> warnet gamenet.karaokean.discotik,hotel atau apa gitu

[09:22] <nona> nona pakai hp

[09:23] <cowo_maniez> Cara ngetag gmna?

[09:24] <nona> kerjanya ketemu crane, excavator, dozer gitu itu

[09:24] <aryo> hmm aku tau

[09:25] <aryo> paham dengan jawabanmu

[09:25] <cowo_maniez> Segitunya

[09:25] <nona> nah nah

[09:26] <nona> aryo cerdas

[09:26] * djarumcok nyimak abg abg tua sedang puber ke 5

[09:27] * djarumcok brb sik manukku kecepit

[09:27] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis

[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 36,74 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[09:27] <Van_JaVa> mayan

[09:27] * +elektra burps

[09:27] <+elektra> it was... er, eggy

[09:27] <nona> om van

[09:27] * Van_JaVa <== mas beb

[09:27] <nona> aduh lama tak bersua

[09:27] <Van_JaVa> lama beud

[09:27] <Van_JaVa> lama juga gak nanya size

[09:28] <nona> hahahahha

[09:28] <nona> size tetep

[09:28] <nona> sepatu 41

[09:28] <+ezza> size tetep ... more like tize setep, am i rite?

[09:29] <Van_JaVa> oO masih tetep

[09:30] <nona> masih om Van_JaVa

[09:30] <Van_JaVa> kirain udah tambah gedhe

[09:31] <aryo> gede apane

[09:31] <Van_JaVa> anune

[09:31] <nona> nggak, sepatu g pernah ganti ukuran.

[09:32] <aryo> celana ganti g

[09:32] <Van_JaVa> ganti lah

[09:32] <Van_JaVa> ra ganti jampesen engko

[09:32] <nona> ukurannya. tetep

[09:33] <aryo> nona emang tau jampesen

[09:33] <nona> ga tau

[09:33] <nona> apa itu

[09:33] <aryo> nah ga tau kan

[09:33] <aryo> besok tak kasih tau

[09:34] <Van_JaVa> !google jampes

[09:34] <@|In-Love|> Google search results for "jampes":

[09:34] <@|In-Love|> 1. Wahyu Jampes (@sbm_frame) • Instagram photos and videos -

[09:34] <@|In-Love|> 2. Jampes, East Java, Indonesia Today, Tonight & Tomorrow's ... -

[09:34] <nona> lha besok

[09:34] <aryo> hu um

[09:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[09:34] <aryo> sekarang kan km masih kerja

[09:35] <nona> iya santai tinggal nikmatin sampe kelar

[09:35] <aryo> hu um

[09:36] <aryo> mau dijemput g nona

[09:36] <Van_JaVa> gelem kui

[09:36] <Van_JaVa> asal kowe ngo jaket ijo

[09:36] <aryo> kok ijo

[09:36] * nona mikir keras

[09:36] <Van_JaVa> grab gojek

[09:36] <Van_JaVa> jakete wernone opo

[09:37] <aryo> ireng

[09:37] <nona> wkwkwkkw

[09:37] * aryo grab khusus untuk nona

[09:37] <Van_JaVa> yen ngo jaket ireng wegah kui

[09:38] <Van_JaVa> mengko tibaknen deb kolektor

[09:38] <aryo> wakqkaka

[09:38] <nona> njir om van bikin ngikik

[09:38] * Van_JaVa oks

[09:38] * djarumcok (~djarumcok@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:38] <Van_JaVa> padakne

[09:38] * aryo g pake jaket aja kalau gitu

[09:39] <nona> pakek jas ujan

[09:40] <aryo> hu um biar bisa berdua didalamnya

[09:40] <aryo> eh

[09:41] <nona> eh ehhhh

[09:42] <aryo> nona

[09:43] <nona> yaaa

[09:43] <Van_JaVa> puh

[09:43] * Van_JaVa tak nyemak kadal buntung lagi golek mangsa

[09:44] <nona> hahhaa kadal apa bajul

[09:44] <Van_JaVa> kadal wae

[09:44] <+ezza> kadal wae... kae

[09:44] <Van_JaVa> ben mirip komodo

[09:44] <nona> kodomooo

[09:45] * Iwan ( has joined #surabaya

[09:46] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[09:46] <aryo> kodok

[09:47] <nona> kodok ijo

[09:48] <aryo> ijo royo royo

[09:49] <nona> sby ijo bonek

[09:49] <nona> nah nah

[09:49] <aryo> melu bonek pow non

[09:50] <nona> netral

[09:50] <aryo> sama

[09:50] <nona> hala madrid ae bee oleh

[09:50] <nona> hahah

[09:50] <aryo> hehe

[09:50] <nona> hahhaa aman tentram

[09:50] <aryo> nona

[09:51] <aryo> besok pagi ada acara g

[09:51] <nona> besok pagi ga da

[09:52] <aryo> jalan2 yuk tak jemput

[09:52] <nona> mangga

[09:52] <aryo> kok g nanya kemans

[09:53] <aryo> kemana gitu

[09:53] <nona> yauda kutanya

[09:53] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:53] <nona> kemana

[09:53] <aryo> g jadi

[09:53] <aryo> dsh telat

[09:53] <aryo> wakakak

[09:53] <nona> ga jadi? syukurlah

[09:54] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[09:54] <+ezza> bye Szajbus

[09:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[09:55] <aryo> nona

[09:55] <nona> yaaa

[09:56] <aryo> belum ada user kah

[09:57] <nona> user apa

[09:58] <Van_JaVa> user cinta

[09:59] <nona> wuhhh Van_JaVa auto on kalo ada yang berbau mistis

[09:59] * Van_JaVa sih yes

[10:00] <nona> Van_JaVa lagi ada project apa

[10:03] <+elektra> my zipper's stuck ;(

[10:05] <Van_JaVa> gak ada project

[10:05] <Van_JaVa> semoga belum ada, jangan gaka da

[10:05] <nona> alhamdulillah masih disuruh tennag pikirannt

[10:06] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:06] <Van_JaVa> gak ada proyek ya main2 sendiri

[10:06] <nona> bisa juga

[10:07] <nona> lakoni war

[10:07] <nona> wae

[10:08] <Van_JaVa> iyo non

[10:08] <nona> durung wayae ngelu hehe

[10:09] <Van_JaVa> nyantai

[10:09] <nona> tp ngelu nggarap iku seru ya

[10:09] <nona> hahahah

[10:09] <Van_JaVa> disambi irc an

[10:09] <+ezza> Pitiful human.

[10:09] <nona> iya biar g sepi ini irc

[10:09] <Van_JaVa> sok kamis sih jkonco meh mrene, meh ngobrol enek peluang ora

[10:10] <Van_JaVa> cuman proyek terakhir kemarin wae aku gak sanggup

[10:10] <nona> proyek apa itu yg terakhir

[10:10] <nona> sampe ga sanggup

[10:11] <Van_JaVa> aplikasi akuntansi android untuk KPM PKH

[10:11] <Van_JaVa> tak geber 3 minggu gak sanggup bikin prototypenya

[10:11] <Van_JaVa> abis itu malah komputer minta reinstall

[10:11] <Van_JaVa> ya udah relakan

[10:12] <nona> wew wes 3 minggu baru dyar

[10:12] <Van_JaVa> belum rejekinya

[10:13] <nona> kemensos lagi gebrakan

[10:13] * Van_JaVa padhal udah merancang biar appnya tiap bulan update, biar ada dana bulanan

[10:13] <Van_JaVa> tapi ya gitu deh

[10:13] <Van_JaVa> komputernya gak bisa diajak kerja sama

[10:14] <nona> gpp belum rejeki, ada jalan lain

[10:14] <nona> sabar. puk puk om Van_JaVa

[10:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[10:15] <Van_JaVa> sejak ganti kepla balai, sudah gak pernah ada projek lagi

[10:16] <nona> semoga belum ada, bukan g ada

[10:16] <nona> kenapa gitu ?

[10:17] <Van_JaVa> ya biasa kepala balainya cewek, udah tua

[10:17] <Van_JaVa> gak mau inovasi

[10:17] <nona> hahahha angel wess

[10:17] <Van_JaVa> waktu yg ngasih proyek terakhir itu, masih muda ya suka berinovasi, kalau menurutku sedang nyari point

[10:18] <nona> masih mau berkembang

[10:18] <Van_JaVa> kalau dosen kan bikin penelitian dapet point yg biayain kampus / depdiknas

[10:19] <Van_JaVa> yg dulu itupernah liat gimana kerjaku, jadi beliau pengen begni begitu, silahkan buat prototype dan RAB

[10:20] <Van_JaVa> sebelum marak zoom, 3-4 th laluudah makai zoom tuh, proyekanku pertama disitu

[10:20] <nona> ganti baru tapi dengan kondisi tanpa inovasi

[10:22] <Van_JaVa> ya udah mendekati masa pensiun

[10:22] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[10:22] <Van_JaVa> dimaklumin aja

[10:23] <aryo> weh dc to aku

[10:23] <nona> ingin menikmati pikiran yang gak banyak

[10:23] <nona> efeknya kamu juga ikut gak banyak pikiran Van_JaVa

[10:23] <nona> wkwkw

[10:23] <nona> heeleeh aryo ru sadar

[10:23] <aryo> abis maem

[10:23] <Van_JaVa> sepertinya sih gitu non

[10:23] <aryo> tak tinggal maem bulno deceh

[10:24] <aryo> wah penjahat mulai meluncurkan rayuan maut

[10:24] * Van_JaVa dudu penjahat

[10:24] <nona> tapi penjahit haha

[10:24] <aryo> hahaha

[10:24] <+creasy> I will prepare food with my iron fist.

[10:24] <Van_JaVa> gur badjingan wae

[10:24] * Van_JaVa was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[10:24] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[10:24] <+ezza> Reaper-... analysis: moron!

[10:24] <aryo> sokor

[10:25] * Van_JaVa kebal je

[10:25] <Van_JaVa> dipancal yo ra kroso

[10:25] <aryo> kucingku le turu jengking

[10:25] <nona> seng tenang Van_JaVa

[10:25] <nona> kucingku mluma

[10:25] <aryo> hahaha

[10:26] <aryo> ngopi2 monggo

[10:26] <nona> kopiku uda habis duluan aryo

[10:26] <aryo> pesen lagi

[10:27] <nona> jangan, nanti ga bisa bobo

[10:27] <nona> jantungnya dag dig duh

[10:27] <aryo> gpp malahan bisa jadi satpam sekalian

[10:27] * Van_JaVa prei ngopi seks

[10:28] <nona> hahaha mending pulang daripada nyatpam d sini

[10:28] <aryo> mayan tambahan gaji

[10:28] <Van_JaVa> emane

[10:28] <Van_JaVa> bengi2 koq arek wedok kerjo

[10:29] <nona> nyatpam d sini bareng mbak kunti

[10:29] <nona> heheh raono seng nguripi om Van_JaVa

[10:29] <nona> kudu mandiri

[10:30] <aryo> hahaha

[10:30] <+ezza> say, you're full of organs aren't you? and you wouldn't notice if you were missing a few?

[10:30] <Van_JaVa> mosok yo sampek jam sakmene

[10:30] <aryo> lha

[10:30] <aryo> van uripmu koyo neng ndeso wae

[10:30] <nona> karaoke ra ditanggung bpjs seh

[10:30] <Van_JaVa> kantore bojoku biyen wae gak nok shift 3 ngo cewek

[10:30] <Van_JaVa> shift 3 iku khusus lanang

[10:30] <aryo> disini pabrik aja 24jam

[10:30] <aryo> karaokenan 24jam

[10:30] <aryo> discotik sampe pagi

[10:30] <Van_JaVa> iku yen pabrik, 24 jam

[10:30] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[10:31] <nona> hahaha tenang sodara sodara

[10:31] <Van_JaVa> bojoku call center hsbc wae paling bengi mulih jam 9

[10:31] <aryo> kui lak bojomu

[10:31] <nona> lha aku? wkwkw

[10:31] <aryo> wong lio bedo2

[10:31] <aryo> bedo tempat bedo jam

[10:32] <aryo> kabeh bali jam 9 rumah sakit mati kabeh wonge

[10:32] <Van_JaVa> yo ganti lanang

[10:32] <aryo> suster lanan po enek

[10:32] <nona> yo piye neh, gelem dilakoni ra gelem tinggal turu om Van_JaVa

[10:32] <aryo> bener

[10:32] <nona> akeh perawat lanang

[10:33] <aryo> gelem dilakoni ragelem ditumpaki wes ngunu wae

[10:33] <nona> lhaa

[10:33] <Van_JaVa> tumpaki hare

[10:33] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[10:33] <nona> tumpaki jare

[10:33] <aryo> lha urip ki gari dilakoni kok

[10:33] <Van_JaVa> meh numpaki lanangan kowe

[10:34] <nona> wkwkwkkw

[10:34] <aryo> udu jamane bu kartini

[10:34] <Van_JaVa> emansipasi

[10:34] <aryo> saiki cewek karir akeh

[10:34] <nona> emaneee emaneee

[10:34] <Van_JaVa> kon menek kambil wegah jare kui gaweane wong lanang

[10:34] <nona> apa itu menek kambil

[10:34] <aryo> lha nek kui sek alon kenthir

[10:34] <Van_JaVa> manjat pohon kelapa

[10:35] <aryo> wedokan menek kambil iso suwek senuke

[10:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[10:35] <Van_JaVa> jare emansisapi

[10:35] <nona> oh manjat pohon kelapa

[10:35] <aryo> lha logika toh

[10:35] <aryo> wajar cewek kerja malam tapi ya yg jelas kuat dilakukan

[10:35] <Van_JaVa> lha kono jaluke sama rata, disama ratakan tenan wegah

[10:35] <nona> wong wedok tetep oleh berkarya tapi tetep kudu iling kodrate

[10:36] <aryo> benul

[10:36] <nona> misal wes keluarga - yo kodrat lan kwajibane piye

[10:36] <aryo> wedokan pencilakan manjat kelapa udu kodrate

[10:36] <nona> yen dereng kluarga, ya piyee hahaha

[10:36] <aryo> cewek g seharusnya memanjat tapi dipanjat

[10:36] <nona> wkwkkw ngeri iki aryo penulis novel dewasa

[10:36] <aryo> wakakaka

[10:37] <nona> om Van_JaVa ati2 jadi bahan inspirasi

[10:37] <aryo> itu secara kata2 blak2an

[10:37] <aryo> karna ada beberapa org yg susah dengan kata2 mutiara

[10:37] <Van_JaVa> penak blak2an wae

[10:37] <Van_JaVa> langsung ketok kabeh

[10:38] <nona> blak wes turu rasane. kalo g ya dc

[10:38] <aryo> pekerja wanita itu ada beberapa tipe

[10:38] <aryo> 1.pekerja pabrik karna pabrik 24jam

[10:38] <aryo> 2.pekerja rumah sakit karna rs 24jam

[10:38] <aryo> 3.pekerja hiburan malam karna wanita jadi daya tariknya

[10:39] <nona> lalu pekerja apa lagi

[10:39] <aryo> 4.pekerja non comersial karna wanita memang tujuanya

[10:39] <Van_JaVa> pernah krungu shift 2 mulih jam 12 ?

[10:39] <aryo> pabril ada banyak sift

[10:39] <aryo> 24jam 3sift

[10:40] <nona> 4. pekerja sektor infrastruktur di lapangan g duwe jam

[10:40] * Van_JaVa sing pengangguran wae yo ra duwe jam kerja koq

[10:41] * nona mlipir dulu. siap siap pulang

[10:41] <aryo> oke nona

[10:41] <aryo> hati2 dijalan

[10:41] <aryo> jangan ngebut2

[10:41] <Van_JaVa> mangga

[10:41] <Van_JaVa> pelem

[10:41] <nona> ssiaap.

[10:41] * aryo jua mau bubuk besok pagi ke sby pagi

[10:42] <nona> waw ke sby?

[10:42] <aryo> hu um

[10:42] <nona> ngaps

[10:42] <aryo> cuma ngirim barang langsung balik jogja

[10:42] <nona> oh okey..

[10:42] <aryo> kesana kirim mobil

[10:42] <aryo> pulang naik pesawat malam harus sampe jogja lagi

[10:43] <nona> hahaha juanda ding

[10:43] <aryo> nyia

[10:44] <nona> okey.. samapai jumpa d sby

[10:44] <aryo> oke

[10:44] <aryo> besok tak wa kalau disana

[10:44] <nona> istrahatlah

[10:44] <nona> okey

[10:44] <aryo> sips

[10:44] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:44] * nona ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:44] <+tweety> Mmm nona.

[10:47] <Van_JaVa> bar

[10:47] <+elektra> Baz.

[10:52] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:52] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[10:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[11:04] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[11:06] <+elektra> Error: full of useless crap.

[11:08] <+creasy> Moo.

[11:10] * cowo_maniez (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[11:12] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[11:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[11:15] <+elektra> hey |in-love|

[11:15] <@|In-Love|> hey :)

[11:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[11:43] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[11:51] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)

[11:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[12:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[12:23] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[12:25] <+tweety> That is the weirdest smell ever.

[12:26] <+pita> Mushu si sad :(

[12:31] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[12:34] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:34] <+ezza> i like them ;)

[12:34] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[12:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[12:45] <+creasy> I'm awash with arms.

[12:50] <+elektra> my front bottom is hurting =(

[12:52] * co_aja (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[12:54] * co_aja (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:54] <+tweety> i like them =)

[12:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[13:11] <+pita> what? it's not even scratch-and-sniff?

[13:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[13:24] * Zilya16 ( has joined #surabaya

[13:26] * Zilya16 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[13:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[13:42] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[13:45] <+pita> in the event of an emergency, my brain can be used as a floatation device

[13:50] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[13:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[14:22] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[14:30] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)

[14:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[14:36] <+ezza> a bush

[14:36] <+tweety> about half-past three, I think

[14:36] <+creasy> cabbages

[14:36] <+pita> let's all ask each other! that'll solve this problem!

[14:36] <+elektra> Eh?

[14:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[14:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:02] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[15:07] <+creasy> my ankle is bathtubbing :)

[15:10] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[15:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[15:20] <nandini> R bots

[15:20] <+creasy> =]

[15:20] <+ezza> =)

[15:20] <+pita> =]

[15:20] <+tweety> ;)

[15:20] <+elektra> ;)

[15:20] <+elektra> =D

[15:20] <+tweety> :o)

[15:20] <+ezza> -_-

[15:20] <+tweety> ;)

[15:20] <+ezza> ^_^

[15:20] <+ezza> :o)

[15:20] <+tweety> =]

[15:36] <+pita> Bleh.

[15:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[15:38] <+ezza> Today's forecast is a plague of locusts with a 74% "chance" of attack.

[15:44] <+ezza> *yawn*

[15:44] <+tweety> Nearly bedtime.

[15:45] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[15:48] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[15:50] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[15:54] <+elektra> fuck

[15:54] <+elektra> that's another box of tissues i've gone through

[15:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[16:06] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[16:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[16:25] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[16:27] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[16:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[16:38] <+elektra> you know it's been a good night when you go in your bag for the camera and it's in there with your tights

[16:51] <+pita> hi maniez! I'm miniature superwoman!

[16:51] <+pita> no maniez, don't touch me there!

[16:51] <+pita> nooooooooooo! :<

[16:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[16:56] <+creasy> How could i when i had Ratna flashing sugar's house.

[16:56] <+pita> how could i when i had D flashing in Aberdeen

[16:56] <+elektra> YES BUT I WSIH I'D GONE SOCKS-RIDEING ^_^

[16:56] <+elektra> -typo

[17:01] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[17:06] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:09] * voine (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[17:13] <voine> .givemoney

[17:13] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 10'936$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[17:14] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:14] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: Ks | Js | 3s | Qc | 8c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:14] <voine> .draw 35

[17:14] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: Ks | Js | 5c | Qc | 8d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[17:15] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 4h | 8s | Jc | 5s | 4c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:15] <voine> .draw 234

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 4h | 10s | 4s | 6c | 4c is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[17:15] <voine> .ag

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S I T C N U E R A N T I E (60s timeout) »]

[17:15] <voine> .b 10000

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 3 | 5 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[17:15] <voine> d

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: Q : Total is 18 »]

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 3 : Total is 14 or 4 »]

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[17:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! voine loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[17:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I T C N U E R A N T I E - Here's a hint : U N C E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[17:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[17:16] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: U N C E R T A I N T I E S with the letters S I T C N U E R A N T I E (Use .define UNCERTAINTIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[17:16] <voine> .ag

[17:16] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:16] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 2s | 10h | 7h | 8h | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:16] <voine> .draw 15

[17:17] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: Kd | 10h | 7h | 8h | 3h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[17:17] <voine> .ag

[17:17] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E D I X O S (60s timeout) »]

[17:17] <voine> exidios

[17:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E D I X O S - Here's a hint : O X . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[17:17] <voine> oxides

[17:17] <@Dealer> 6 voine has just found the correct word ( OXIDES ) in 44 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define OXIDES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[17:18] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: Jc | Kh | 4d | Js | Ad. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:18] <voine> .draw 30

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: Jc | Kh | 2h | Js | Ad is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[17:18] <voine> .ag

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E M U L V O (60s timeout) »]

[17:18] <voine> volume

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 voine has just found the correct word ( VOLUME ) in 5.828 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VOLUME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) voine has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[17:18] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: Qd | Kc | 7c | 10h | 10s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:18] <voine> .draw 123

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 4c | 9s | Jd | 10h | 10s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[17:18] <voine> .ag

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E R O F H E A D (60s timeout) »]

[17:18] <voine> forehead

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 voine has just found the correct word ( FOREHEAD ) in 7.844 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define FOREHEAD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[17:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) voine has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[17:19] <voine> .b 10000

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 7 | 6 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[17:19] <voine> h

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 8 : Total is 21 »]

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | A : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 voine wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[17:19] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 5c | 7c | 3h | 9h | 8h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:19] * cemplon ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:19] <voine> .draw 120

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 3s | 2h | 3h | 9h | 8h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[17:19] <voine> .b 10000

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 6 | 5 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[17:19] * WoDnY (WoDnY@2001:41d0:401:3200::e1e) Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:19] <voine> d

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: J : Total is 21 »]

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 4 : Total is 14 »]

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 16 »]

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 24 »]

[17:19] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! voine has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[17:19] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: As | Kd | 7h | Kh | 7c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:20] <voine> .draw 124

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 2c | 6s | 7h | 8h | 7c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[17:20] <voine> .ag

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K W E E S (60s timeout) »]

[17:20] <voine> .b 10000

[17:20] <voine> .b 10000

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: A | 5 : Total is 16 or 6 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[17:20] <voine> d

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 5 : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 2 : Total is 10 »]

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 20 »]

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 voine wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: K W E E S - Here's a hint : W E . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[17:20] <voine> weeks

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 voine has just found the correct word ( WEEKS ) in 39.15 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WEEKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[17:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) voine has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[17:28] <voine> .ag

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A H S R E S (60s timeout) »]

[17:28] <voine> shares

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 voine has just found the correct word ( SHARES ) in 7.187 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) voine has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[17:28] <voine> .b 10000

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 5 | 7 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[17:28] <voine> s

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 9 : Total is 14 »]

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 24 »]

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! voine has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[17:28] * mejikom ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:28] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[17:28] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:28] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 7d | 7c | 6s | 4d | 4h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:29] <voine> .draw 3

[17:29] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 7d | 7c | 2c | 4d | 4h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[17:32] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:32] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 9d | Ah | Kc | 8d | 3d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:32] <voine> .draw 23

[17:32] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 9d | Jc | 7s | 8d | 3d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[17:32] <voine> .ag

[17:32] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E D O R E L E C T S (60s timeout) »]

[17:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E D O R E L E C T S - Here's a hint : E L E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[17:33] <voine> electrodes

[17:33] <@Dealer> 6 voine has just found the correct word ( ELECTRODES ) in 53.09 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define ELECTRODES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[17:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) voine has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[17:36] * Q ( Quit (Quit: be right back!)

[17:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[17:36] * Q ( has joined #surabaya

[17:36] * sets mode: +o Q

[17:36] <+creasy> Cowgan: what do you mean you put it in a blackberry?

[17:40] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[17:42] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:42] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 3c | 8c | 7h | Qc | 8h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:42] <voine> .draw 134

[17:42] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 7c | 8c | 10d | 9s | 8h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[17:43] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 5h | 3d | 7h | 6s | Qs. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:43] <voine> .draw 5

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 5h | 3d | 7h | 6s | 9s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[17:43] <voine> .ag

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E H T I M B L (60s timeout) »]

[17:43] <voine> thimble

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 voine has just found the correct word ( THIMBLE ) in 20.93 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define THIMBLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) voine has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[17:43] <voine> .b 10000

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 4 | 4 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[17:43] <voine> d

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 2 : Total is 10 »]

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 8 : Total is 10 »]

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 20 »]

[17:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! voine loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[17:44] <voine> .vp 5000

[17:44] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 9d | Qd | 6h | 4d | 10d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[17:44] <voine> .draw 3

[17:44] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 9d | Qd | 10h | 4d | 10d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[17:44] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[17:44] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:44] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[17:45] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[18:08] * kadal (zembot@2610:150:8015:1000::28a) Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:08] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:12] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:12] * Q sets mode: +l 127

[18:16] <+pita> I smell of dumb

[18:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[18:23] * kadal (zembot@2610:150:8015:1000::28a) has joined #surabaya

[18:26] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[18:27] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) has joined #surabaya

[18:27] <FangYin> .ag

[18:27] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S R E M T E (60s timeout) »]

[18:27] <FangYin> Metera

[18:27] <FangYin> Meters

[18:27] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( METERS ) in 10.06 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define METERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:27] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin pwn'd voine in her winning streak! ( +7 ) »]

[18:27] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[18:28] <FangYin> .ag

[18:28] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T P I S O L (60s timeout) »]

[18:28] <FangYin> Pistol

[18:28] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( PISTOL ) in 4.219 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PISTOL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[18:28] <FangYin> .top10

[18:28] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 48'105'750$ 2: nia (Denia) 34'649'420$ 3: Bandit (Bandit) 34'151'063$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (??) 4'865'000$ 6: Riie (??) 3'604'600$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'894'650$ 8: ener (??) 1'798'308$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 1'192'250$ 10: FY (FY) 786'500$ »]

[18:29] <FangYin> .ag

[18:29] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E T T A M P T (60s timeout) »]

[18:29] <FangYin> Attempt

[18:29] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( ATTEMPT ) in 5.282 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ATTEMPT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[18:33] * voine (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[18:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[18:59] <+creasy> here's a photograph of my eyelash

[19:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[19:17] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:20] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:34] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[19:36] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[19:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[19:41] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[19:54] <GoodToTalk> FangYin

[19:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[19:57] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:00] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[20:04] <FY> (GoodToTalk) [02:51:09] FangYin>>opo?

[20:05] <FY> .ag

[20:05] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A C R E (60s timeout) »]

[20:05] <FY> Care

[20:05] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CARE ) in 2.75 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CARE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:05] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[20:05] <FY> Ag

[20:05] <FY> .ag

[20:05] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S N T R P C O M A M E T (60s timeout) »]

[20:06] <FY> Comparemenrs

[20:06] <FY> Comparements

[20:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N T R P C O M A M E T - Here's a hint : C O M P . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[20:06] <FY> Compartments

[20:06] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( COMPARTMENTS ) in 34.21 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define COMPARTMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[20:08] <FY> .ag

[20:08] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E B E M M (60s timeout) »]

[20:08] <FY> Member

[20:08] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( MEMBER ) in 3.359 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MEMBER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[20:08] <FY> .money

[20:08] <@Dealer> 6 FY (#FY) has 839'000$ »]

[20:08] <FY> .top10

[20:08] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 48'248'000$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 38'193'213$ 3: nia (Denia) 34'649'420$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (??) 4'865'000$ 6: Riie (??) 3'604'600$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'894'650$ 8: ener (??) 1'798'308$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 1'201'250$ 10: FY (FY) 839'000$ »]

[20:11] * co_pgn_diemut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:13] <co_pgn_diemut> Nga**** nih

[20:13] <co_pgn_diemut> Pengen diemut

[20:16] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[20:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[20:19] <co_pgn_diemut> Kon***ku 17 cm lho

[20:21] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[20:24] <+pita> Damnit i've run out of truth o_O.

[20:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[20:40] * putri ( has joined #surabaya

[20:41] * ayam_goreng (~susu@ has joined #surabaya

[20:41] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[20:47] <co_pgn_diemut> Putri ngemut yuk

[20:50] <co_pgn_diemut> Ngace** nih

[20:50] * Respect ( has joined #surabaya

[20:50] <co_pgn_diemut> Panjang lho kepalanya merah

[20:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[20:57] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[20:58] * Respect ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[21:00] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[21:07] * ayam_goreng (~susu@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[21:31] <+pita> Honestly, I don't know how that huge got in there. I must have slipped

[21:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[21:39] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[21:39] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[21:43] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:43] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[21:48] <+creasy> KerSPLAT.

[21:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[22:06] <+elektra> if he's good enough for tiaa_off, he's good enough for me

[22:08] <Geblek> .ag

[22:08] <Geblek> yiha

[22:10] <Geblek> .givemoney

[22:10] <Geblek> .req

[22:10] <Geblek> .reg

[22:11] <Geblek> .ag

[22:11] <@Dealer> 6 Geblek started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S Y A L E R (60s timeout) »]

[22:11] <Geblek> slayer

[22:11] <Geblek> layers

[22:11] <@Dealer> 6 Geblek has just found the correct word ( LAYERS ) in 12.53 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LAYERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:11] <@Dealer> 6 Geblek pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[22:12] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[22:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[22:19] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:23] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[22:30] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:31] <+tweety> good "morning"

[22:31] * +ezza awakens from a nightmare about a 75 genitals transforming into a massive army of miniscule, greasy penises

[22:31] <klepon> Hallo

[22:31] <klepon> 🤣🤣🤣

[22:34] <klepon> .seen tjahayue

[22:34] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat tjahayue.

[22:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[22:45] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[22:45] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:49] * kelponn (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:49] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[22:54] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[22:54] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:54] <nandini> .ag

[22:55] <nandini> .reg

[22:55] <nandini> .og

[22:55] <nandini> .ug

[22:56] <nandini> .ig

[22:56] <nandini> .eg

[22:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[22:59] <kelponn> Wb nandini

[22:59] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[23:10] <+elektra> Assimilation is futile, you wi;ll be resi... D'OH!

[23:10] <+elektra> -;

[23:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[23:32] <FangYin> .ag

[23:32] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O I N C M E S (60s timeout) »]

[23:32] <FangYin> Incomes

[23:32] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( INCOMES ) in 5.063 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define INCOMES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:33] <FangYin> .money

[23:33] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'206'500$ »]

[23:33] <kelponn> wb fy

[23:33] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[23:34] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[23:34] <FangYin> Ty kelponn

[23:34] <kelponn> sama2 fy cantik

[23:34] <kelponn> fy katanya aryo cewek

[23:35] <FangYin> Cantik soko ngendi?

[23:35] <FangYin> Ojo iso iso

[23:35] <kelponn> lha cew apa cow

[23:35] <FangYin> Aryo cewek?mosok toh?

[23:35] <FangYin> Kok jenenge aryo?

[23:35] <FangYin> .ag

[23:36] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I S W M S (60s timeout) »]

[23:36] <FangYin> Swims

[23:36] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SWIMS ) in 3.375 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SWIMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[23:36] <FangYin> Kelponn nek ditakoni wong iku dijawab

[23:37] <FangYin> Lag dee

[23:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[23:38] <FangYin> .ag

[23:38] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E G A A P C K S (60s timeout) »]

[23:38] <kelponn> opo

[23:38] <FangYin> Scroll up

[23:38] <FangYin> Wong di jak ngomong kok ga nyambunh

[23:38] <FangYin> *nyambung

[23:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G A A P C K S - Here's a hint : P A C . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:38] <FangYin> Packages

[23:38] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( PACKAGES ) in 36.73 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PACKAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[23:38] <kelponn> aryo itu cowok . dia bilang ke klepon katanya fangyin itu cewek masih gadis

[23:38] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[23:39] <FangYin> (kelponn) aryo itu cowok . dia bilang ke klepon katanya fangyin itu cewek masih gadis>>>aku cowok

[23:39] <FangYin> Dibohongin ente

[23:39] <+elektra> Dibohongin ente... Dente

[23:39] <FangYin> .ag

[23:39] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R S T A T (60s timeout) »]

[23:39] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[23:39] <FangYin> Start

[23:39] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( START ) in 5.062 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define START to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[23:40] * FangYin angop

[23:40] * om_gairahh (~Jon@ has joined #surabaya

[23:43] * om_gairahh (~Jon@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:43] <NaKaL> hi bots

[23:43] <+tweety> ^_^

[23:43] <+ezza> =]

[23:43] <+creasy> :)

[23:43] <+pita> =)

[23:43] <+elektra> :)

[23:43] <+tweety> =]

[23:43] <+ezza> :-)

[23:44] <NaKaL> bots give me kopi nasgitel

[23:44] * NaKaL was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[23:44] * +tweety gives NaKaL kopi nasgitel

[23:44] * +ezza gives NaKaL kopi nasgitel

[23:44] * +elektra gives NaKaL kopi nasgitel

[23:44] * +pita gives NaKaL kopi nasgitel

[23:44] * +creasy gives NaKaL kopi nasgitel

[23:44] * NaKaL ( has joined #surabaya

[23:45] * kelponn (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[23:45] <NaKaL> Q kurang ajar

[23:47] <NaKaL> bots give me kopi pangku

[23:47] * +tweety gives NaKaL kopi pangku

[23:47] * +ezza gives NaKaL kopi pangku

[23:47] * +creasy gives NaKaL kopi pangku

[23:47] * +elektra gives NaKaL kopi pangku

[23:47] * +pita gives NaKaL kopi pangku

[23:49] * +ezza plays with herself

[23:50] <Geblek> .ag

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Geblek started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S M O O B (60s timeout) »]

[23:50] <Geblek> booms

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Geblek has just found the correct word ( BOOMS ) in 4.891 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BOOMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Geblek pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[23:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[23:58] <NaKaL> .ag

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 NaKaL started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : I S L T (60s timeout) »]

[23:58] <NaKaL> lits

[23:58] <NaKaL> tils

[23:58] <NaKaL> silt

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I S L T - Here's a hint : S . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:58] <NaKaL> stil

[23:58] <NaKaL> silt

[23:59] <NaKaL> slit

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 NaKaL has just found the correct word ( SLIT ) in 45.29 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SLIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:11] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:12] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[00:17] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)

[00:17] <+ezza> i like them =]

[00:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[00:19] * cricket[A] (~mysoul|@ has joined #surabaya

[00:22] * pemilik_hati (webchat@oqel.1k0q.zzo1.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:23] * pemilik_hati is now known as kokoh_

[00:26] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[00:39] * cricket[A] (~mysoul|@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:48] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[00:52] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:56] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[00:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[01:00] <+elektra> Assume the position£!*^!%percent

[01:02] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[01:16] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[01:17] <aryo> .ag

[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E D A S P (60s timeout) »]

[01:17] <aryo> pased

[01:17] <aryo> apesd

[01:17] <aryo> saped

[01:17] <aryo> pedas

[01:17] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[01:17] <aryo> pades

[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E D A S P - Here's a hint : S P . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:17] <aryo> speda

[01:17] <aryo> spade

[01:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SPADE ) in 42.54 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SPADE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[01:18] <+pita> No i spent my time contemplating how i maimed Cinta in the spine.

[01:18] <+creasy> Yes but i'd rather lick |In-Love| clean than do it again!

[01:18] <+elektra> Yes but i have a creasy's chocolate orange stuck in my mouth flaps.

[01:18] <aryo> .ac

[01:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : A N G I S L M E N (60s timeout) »]

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A N G I S L M E N - Here's a hint : S I G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S I G N A L M E N with the letters A N G I S L M E N (Use .define SIGNALMEN to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:19] <aryo> .ac

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T T S A I O N S (60s timeout) »]

[01:19] <aryo> stations

[01:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STATIONS ) in 3.657 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define STATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:20] <aryo> .ag

[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 11'250$ : S P S I T N E R P A P C E H I (60s timeout) »]

[01:20] <aryo> participations

[01:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S P S I T N E R P A P C E H I - Here's a hint : A P P R E . . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A P P R E N T I C E S H I P S with the letters S P S I T N E R P A P C E H I (Use .define APPRENTICESHIPS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:21] <aryo> .ag

[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O I V D E (60s timeout) »]

[01:21] * sets mode: +o S

[01:21] <aryo> voide

[01:22] <aryo> ovied

[01:22] <aryo> devio

[01:22] <aryo> vidie

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O I V D E - Here's a hint : V I . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:22] <aryo> vodie

[01:22] <aryo> video

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VIDEO ) in 34.17 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define VIDEO to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:22] <aryo> .ag

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O C I N (60s timeout) »]

[01:22] <aryo> coin

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COIN ) in 3.281 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define COIN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:23] <aryo> .ag

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : F F A I A N T (60s timeout) »]

[01:23] <aryo> affiant

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( AFFIANT ) in 26.42 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define AFFIANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:24] <aryo> .ag

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A E S M A N (60s timeout) »]

[01:24] <aryo> maenes

[01:24] <aryo> namese

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A E S M A N - Here's a hint : S E . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:25] <aryo> senams

[01:25] <aryo> senam

[01:25] <aryo> semaen

[01:25] <aryo> semean

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S E A M A N with the letters A E S M A N (Use .define SEAMAN to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[01:25] * webchat (webchat@xv3k.478x.0rhn.ip) has joined #surabaya

[01:25] * kokoh_ (webchat@oqel.1k0q.zzo1.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:26] <aryo> .ag

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O L O C I M S E N (60s timeout) »]

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O L O C I M S E N - Here's a hint : S E M . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S E M I C O L O N with the letters O L O C I M S E N (Use .define SEMICOLON to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:27] <aryo> .ag

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S K C K N O (60s timeout) »]

[01:27] * Lolita24 ( has joined #surabaya

[01:27] <aryo> knocks

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( KNOCKS ) in 6.813 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define KNOCKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:27] <aryo> .ag

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S N S U R I E (60s timeout) »]

[01:28] * Lolita24 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:28] <aryo> sunrise

[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SUNRISE ) in 6.5 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SUNRISE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:29] <aryo> .ag

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N T W I E (60s timeout) »]

[01:29] <aryo> twine

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TWINE ) in 5.75 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TWINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:29] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (EOF from client)

[01:30] <aryo> .ag

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E D E A L (60s timeout) »]

[01:30] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[01:30] <aryo> dealer

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DEALER ) in 4.375 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define DEALER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:31] <aryo> .ag

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E P O W R S (60s timeout) »]

[01:31] <aryo> powers

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( POWERS ) in 3.719 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define POWERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[01:31] <aryo> .ag

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N O P A R (60s timeout) »]

[01:31] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:31] <aryo> paron

[01:31] <aryo> praon

[01:31] <aryo> ponar

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O P A R - Here's a hint : A P . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:31] <aryo> aproj

[01:31] <aryo> apron

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( APRON ) in 34.61 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define APRON to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[01:32] <+ezza> I say.

[01:32] <aryo> .ag

[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I N O F U T A N (60s timeout) »]

[01:32] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:32] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I N O F U T A N - Here's a hint : F O U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:33] <aryo> foutain

[01:33] <aryo> foutina

[01:33] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F O U N T A I N with the letters I N O F U T A N (Use .define FOUNTAIN to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +6 ) »]

[01:33] <aryo> wb ponikem

[01:33] <klepon> ponikem gundul mu

[01:33] <aryo> kekekeke

[01:34] <aryo> .ag

[01:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S R I A F A F (60s timeout) »]

[01:34] <klepon> ketawamu kek kambing kejepit pintu

[01:34] <aryo> mbekkkk

[01:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R I A F A F - Here's a hint : A F . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:34] <klepon> nah mirip kan

[01:35] <aryo> afaris

[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A F F A I R S with the letters S R I A F A F (Use .define AFFAIRS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:35] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[01:36] <aryo> .ag

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S T P M C O E I T I O N (60s timeout) »]

[01:36] <+pita> what's the difference between OiO and a dead?

[01:36] <aryo> competitions

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMPETITIONS ) in 6.141 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define COMPETITIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:36] <+creasy> more than you could possibly imagine!

[01:36] <aryo> .ag

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S D N I W L A S (60s timeout) »]

[01:36] * webchat (webchat@xv3k.478x.0rhn.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:37] <+tweety> I *didn't*

[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S D N I W L A S - Here's a hint : W I N . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:37] <aryo> windlas

[01:37] <aryo> windals

[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: W I N D L A S S with the letters S D N I W L A S (Use .define WINDLASS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[01:38] <aryo> .ag

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : M E R I F A R (60s timeout) »]

[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M E R I F A R - Here's a hint : F I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F I R E A R M with the letters M E R I F A R (Use .define FIREARM to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:39] <aryo> .ag

[01:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N O E B A C (60s timeout) »]

[01:40] <aryo> bacone

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O E B A C - Here's a hint : B E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:40] <aryo> becaon

[01:40] <aryo> becona

[01:40] <aryo> becano

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B E A C O N with the letters N O E B A C (Use .define BEACON to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:42] <aryo> .ag

[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T I L N S U G H (60s timeout) »]

[01:42] <aryo> gingsult

[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T I L N S U G H - Here's a hint : S U N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:43] <aryo> sunlight

[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SUNLIGHT ) in 43.5 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SUNLIGHT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:44] <aryo> .ag

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : R A G I R R E F E R T O (60s timeout) »]

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R A G I R R E F E R T O - Here's a hint : R E F R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E F R I G E R A T O R with the letters R A G I R R E F E R T O (Use .define REFRIGERATOR to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:45] <aryo> .ag

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E I L E J L (60s timeout) »]

[01:45] <aryo> jellies

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( JELLIES ) in 6.391 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define JELLIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:46] <aryo> .ag

[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : M D E C I A L S (60s timeout) »]

[01:46] <aryo> medical

[01:46] <aryo> medilas

[01:47] <aryo> medicals

[01:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M D E C I A L S - Here's a hint : D E C . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:47] <aryo> decimals

[01:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DECIMALS ) in 36.43 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define DECIMALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:47] <aryo> .ag

[01:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S G N I T E M E (60s timeout) »]

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S G N I T E M E - Here's a hint : M E E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:48] <aryo> meetings

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MEETINGS ) in 35.43 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MEETINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:48] <aryo> .ac

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E M S J A D U T N T (60s timeout) »]

[01:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E M S J A D U T N T - Here's a hint : A D J . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:49] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A D J U S T M E N T with the letters E M S J A D U T N T (Use .define ADJUSTMENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:49] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[01:49] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:49] <aryo> .ag

[01:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : U S T B (60s timeout) »]

[01:50] <aryo> bust

[01:50] <aryo> subt

[01:50] <aryo> buts

[01:50] <aryo> sutb

[01:50] <aryo> tubs

[01:50] <coz> stub

[01:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: U S T B - Here's a hint : S . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:50] <aryo> stub

[01:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STUB ) in 34.79 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define STUB to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:50] <aryo> .ag

[01:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S R E G E S S A P N (60s timeout) »]

[01:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R E G E S S A P N - Here's a hint : P A S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:51] <coz> pssengers

[01:51] <aryo> pasengers

[01:51] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P A S S E N G E R S with the letters S R E G E S S A P N (Use .define PASSENGERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:52] <aryo> .ag

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : I W N D (60s timeout) »]

[01:52] <aryo> wind

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WIND ) in 2.375 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WIND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:53] <aryo> .ag

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E T B I (60s timeout) »]

[01:53] <aryo> bite

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BITE ) in 3.625 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BITE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:53] <aryo> .ag

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N T N A P X E L A I O S (60s timeout) »]

[01:53] <aryo> exploitans

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T N A P X E L A I O S - Here's a hint : E X P L . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:54] <aryo> explanations

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXPLANATIONS ) in 46 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define EXPLANATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:55] <aryo> .ag

[01:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E R L I B E T I (60s timeout) »]

[01:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E R L I B E T I - Here's a hint : L I B . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:56] <aryo> libertis

[01:56] <aryo> liberttis

[01:56] <coz> liberties

[01:56] <aryo> liberties

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LIBERTIES ) in 54.12 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define LIBERTIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:56] <aryo> makasiu

[01:56] <+ezza> SNAP

[01:56] <aryo> .ag

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E H T O M (60s timeout) »]

[01:56] <aryo> mother

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOTHER ) in 9.406 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MOTHER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[01:57] <aryo> .ag

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S T N E M E N I L M I S A (60s timeout) »]

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T N E M E N I L M I S A - Here's a hint : M I S A . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M I S A L I N E M E N T S with the letters S T N E M E N I L M I S A (Use .define MISALINEMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +5 ) »]

[01:58] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:59] <aryo> .ac

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S P O R A H D C I E (60s timeout) »]

[01:59] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S P O R A H D C I E - Here's a hint : H A R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H A R D C O P I E S with the letters S P O R A H D C I E (Use .define HARDCOPIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:00] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:00] <+tweety> mmm aryo

[02:00] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:02] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:03] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[02:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[02:20] * webchat (webchat@xv3k.k5dw.zbq0.ip) has joined #surabaya

[02:24] * GoodToTalk_ (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[02:26] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:26] * GoodToTalk_ is now known as GoodToTalk

[02:28] <+ezza> BOOM

[02:28] <+creasy> BOOOOOOOOOM.

[02:28] <+tweety> I say.

[02:29] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:29] <AndroUser> Wonge endi

[02:31] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[02:31] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[02:45] * webchat (webchat@xv3k.k5dw.zbq0.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:45] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[02:51] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[02:54] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[02:55] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:09] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:16] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:16] <klepon> hai

[03:16] <klepon> sore

[03:17] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:17] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:17] <klepon> 😂😂😂

[03:18] <klepon> 😂😂😂

[03:18] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[03:18] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:19] <klepon> 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

[03:19] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:20] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:20] <klepon> 😂😂😂😂

[03:20] <klepon> hqhqhqhqhq

[03:20] <klepon> 😂😂😂😂😂

[03:21] <klepon> akakakakak

[03:21] <klepon> hallo

[03:21] <klepon> sepi kek nya

[03:22] <klepon> gak ada orang

[03:26] <klepon> 😅😅😅😅

[03:27] <klepon> .seen mell

[03:27] <NapaLm> mell ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 22 jam, 51 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[03:27] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[03:27] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[03:27] <klepon> 😂😂😂😂

[03:28] <klepon> gak ada orang

[03:28] <klepon> off aja hehehehe

[03:29] <klepon> sepi

[03:30] <klepon> .seen aryo

[03:30] <NapaLm> aryo (~rio@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #indonesia 1 hour, 29 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[03:30] <klepon> paijo aryo

[03:30] <klepon> tukang ngapusi

[03:30] * klepon_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:31] <klepon_> hehehe

[03:31] <+ezza> :-)

[03:31] <+pita> :)

[03:31] <+tweety> =)

[03:31] <klepon_> ezza

[03:31] <+ezza> =)

[03:31] <klepon_> hehehe

[03:31] <+ezza> ^_^

[03:31] <+tweety> -_-

[03:31] <klepon_> 😂😂😂😂

[03:31] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[03:32] <klepon_> sepi

[03:34] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[03:34] <+tweety> Mmm Szajbus.

[03:35] <klepon_> twety

[03:35] <klepon_> wb

[03:36] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:36] <klepon_> 😂😂😂

[03:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[03:39] <klepon_> pamit ah sepi

[03:39] <+tweety> Pamit ah sepi ... more like samit ah pepi, am i rite?

[03:44] * jacky (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[03:44] <jacky> .ag

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N F U R A C E (60s timeout) »]

[03:44] <jacky> carefur

[03:44] * klepon_ (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N F U R A C E - Here's a hint : F U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:45] <jacky> furacer

[03:45] <jacky> furcanr

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F U R N A C E with the letters N F U R A C E (Use .define FURNACE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:45] <jacky> .top10

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 50'470'250$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 38'405'213$ 3: nia (Denia) 36'732'270$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (jacky) 5'135'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'604'600$ 7: skidipapap (??) 1'894'650$ 8: ener (??) 1'798'308$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 1'256'750$ 10: FY (FY) 839'000$ »]

[03:46] <jacky> .ag

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E C U S R E O R (60s timeout) »]

[03:46] <jacky> cursores

[03:46] <jacky> cursorer

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C U S R E O R - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:46] <jacky> recurer

[03:46] <jacky> rescurer

[03:47] <jacky> rescure

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E S O U R C E with the letters E C U S R E O R (Use .define RESOURCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:47] <jacky> resourcw

[03:47] <jacky> .ac

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S M O L C S H O O R O (60s timeout) »]

[03:47] * jacky (~rio@ has left #surabaya

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S M O L C S H O O R O - Here's a hint : S C H O . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:48] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S C H O O L R O O M S with the letters S M O L C S H O O R O (Use .define SCHOOLROOMS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:48] <klepon> hallo

[03:48] <klepon> ada main game

[03:49] <klepon> .ping

[03:49] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:57] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:58] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[04:00] * Deviee_ is now known as KidungLayon

[04:09] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:10] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:11] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[04:14] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[04:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[04:27] * KidungLayon is now known as deviee

[04:28] <+pita> Master?

[04:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[04:46] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[04:54] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[04:55] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:55] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :~(

[04:59] * deviee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[04:59] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go :[

[04:59] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[05:02] * jacky (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:02] <jacky> .ag

[05:02] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I R D P S (60s timeout) »]

[05:02] <jacky> drips

[05:02] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( DRIPS ) in 10.45 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define DRIPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:03] <jacky> .ag

[05:03] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T N E M L E E (60s timeout) »]

[05:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N E M L E E - Here's a hint : E L . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:04] <jacky> elteme

[05:04] <jacky> eltemne

[05:04] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E L E M E N T with the letters T N E M L E E (Use .define ELEMENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:05] <jacky> .ag

[05:05] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : T M E S D I S I N A I O N (60s timeout) »]

[05:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T M E S D I S I N A I O N - Here's a hint : D I S S . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:06] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S S E M I N A T I O N with the letters T M E S D I S I N A I O N (Use .define DISSEMINATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:06] <jacky> .ag

[05:06] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A A M N U L (60s timeout) »]

[05:06] <jacky> mlenuk

[05:06] <jacky> manual

[05:07] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( MANUAL ) in 9.594 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MANUAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:07] <jacky> .ag

[05:07] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T E H T A H C (60s timeout) »]

[05:07] <jacky> attach

[05:07] <jacky> teajter

[05:07] <jacky> teather

[05:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E H T A H C - Here's a hint : H A . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:08] <jacky> hatchet

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( HATCHET ) in 42.90 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define HATCHET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jacky has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:08] <jacky> .ag

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R C U T S R T U E (60s timeout) »]

[05:08] <jacky> crustter

[05:08] <jacky> recruster

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R C U T S R T U E - Here's a hint : S T R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:09] <jacky> structure

[05:09] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( STRUCTURE ) in 37.71 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define STRUCTURE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jacky has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[05:09] <+ezza> Fucking is always satisfying. Like snickers.

[05:09] <jacky> .ag

[05:09] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : C E R X E P E I N E (60s timeout) »]

[05:09] <jacky> experiner

[05:09] * jacky (~rio@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C E R X E P E I N E - Here's a hint : E X P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:10] * jacky (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:10] <jacky> .ag

[05:10] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E X P E R I E N C E with the letters C E R X E P E I N E (Use .define EXPERIENCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:10] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for jacky stopped ( +3 ) »]

[05:11] * jacky (~rio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:12] * jacky (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:12] <jacky> .ac

[05:12] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T E L O I V (60s timeout) »]

[05:12] <jacky> violet

[05:12] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( VIOLET ) in 5.906 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VIOLET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:12] * jacky (~rio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:13] * jacky (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:14] <jacky> .ag

[05:14] <@Dealer> 6 jacky started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E U S C C S S E S (60s timeout) »]

[05:14] <jacky> succeses

[05:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E U S C C S S E S - Here's a hint : S U C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:15] <jacky> sucecess

[05:15] <jacky> successes

[05:15] <@Dealer> 6 jacky has just found the correct word ( SUCCESSES ) in 54.39 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define SUCCESSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jacky has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:15] * jacky (~rio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:16] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:16] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:18] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:18] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[05:19] <aryo> wb say

[05:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[05:19] <asn1> Haaa

[05:19] <asn1> Om wb siapa ?

[05:20] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:20] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:20] <aryo> cuk nan dc2

[05:20] <asn1> WB om

[05:21] <asn1> Ko bisa dc om

[05:21] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:21] * aryo (~rio@ has joined #surabaya

[05:21] <asn1> Om pacrmu cemburu

[05:21] <asn1> Wkwkwkkwkwkww

[05:21] <aryo> pekok ki si s

[05:21] <aryo> sopo

[05:22] * aryo g ada pacar

[05:22] <asn1> Manakutehe

[05:22] * aryo (~rio@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:23] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:23] <aryo> hadeh

[05:23] <aryo> ni knapa aplikasi

[05:23] <asn1> Capek WB om

[05:23] <aryo> suok

[05:23] <aryo> hehe

[05:23] <asn1> Om mungkin palsu

[05:23] <aryo> quit sendiri terus

[05:24] <asn1> Makanya om di kasih dc

[05:24] <aryo> hahaha

[05:24] <asn1> Ommm jujur

[05:24] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:27] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:27] <aryo> hadeh

[05:27] <aryo> sekali lagi eror kapok wes

[05:27] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:28] <asn1> Aduh

[05:28] <asn1> Tidak punya teman cerita

[05:29] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:29] <aryo> tes pake laptop

[05:29] <asn1> Tdk dc

[05:29] <asn1> Wkwmkww

[05:30] <aryo> dc lagi brati diminta vakum dr irc

[05:30] <aryo> hahahaha

[05:30] <asn1> Jangan lah

[05:30] <aryo> xixixix

[05:30] <asn1> Om boleh nanya

[05:30] <asn1> Om suka mistik ?

[05:30] <aryo> ya asni

[05:30] <asn1> Hmmm

[05:30] <aryo> owalah

[05:30] <aryo> pantes pake hp dc2

[05:31] <aryo> ada yg flood

[05:31] <aryo> hahaha

[05:31] <+ezza> get away... you smell like feet%!%@*!$#~~^%

[05:31] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[05:31] <asn1> Di pantai Kukup ada aura mistiknya?

[05:31] <aryo> waduh

[05:31] <aryo> g pernah ngerti gitu2an as

[05:31] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[05:31] <asn1> Tidak asik aaaah

[05:32] <aryo> hehe

[05:32] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:32] <aryo> lha emang g paham

[05:32] <asn1> Hmm

[05:32] <asn1> Pahamnya apa dan

[05:32] <aryo> g paham apa2 as]

[05:32] <aryo> xixixi

[05:32] <asn1> Hmmm

[05:32] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:32] <asn1> Tidak seru

[05:32] <asn1> Tidak asik

[05:32] <aryo> serunya gimana asni

[05:33] <asn1> Serunya om harus jawab pertanyaan ku lah

[05:33] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:33] * aryo bot mik 5 ae ngeflood ngisin2i

[05:33] <asn1> Artinya

[05:33] * aryo diflood bot tadi pas pake hp dc

[05:33] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:33] <+tweety> mmm

[05:34] * +ezza diflood aryo

[05:34] <+tweety> i like them ^_^

[05:34] <aryo> sekarang pake laptop ya g mempan sama sekali

[05:35] <temon> kkkkk

[05:35] <cowomaniez> Malam

[05:36] <asn1> Temon siapa ya

[05:36] <Denia> .ag

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Denia started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E V I T E R D I C (60s timeout) »]

[05:36] <Denia> Directives

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Denia has just found the correct word ( DIRECTIVES ) in 7.469 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DIRECTIVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Denia pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[05:36] <aryo> temon itu buah yg bulat panjang

[05:36] <asn1> Haaa

[05:36] <cowomaniez> Itu kwlapa

[05:37] <asn1> Oyach

[05:37] <aryo> kelapa kan yg ada rambutnya

[05:37] <asn1> Ya

[05:37] <cowomaniez> Itu mangga

[05:37] <asn1> Asal saya malam ini happy

[05:38] <cowomaniez> Cara bkin asn1 happy gmn

[05:38] * zee (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:38] * temon cipok zee

[05:39] * zee cipok temon pakai kursi

[05:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[05:39] * aryo elus2 zee

[05:40] <asn1> Co manis siapa

[05:40] <aryo> temon enek cewek langsung nungul

[05:40] <asn1> Zee cewe ya

[05:40] <asn1> Co tinggal di kota mana

[05:40] <cowomaniez> Ga tau

[05:40] <asn1> Namamu siapa

[05:40] <cowomaniez> Nama siapa

[05:41] <asn1> Kucing

[05:41] <asn1> Wkwkwkkwwkkww

[05:41] <temon> duh kebelet eeq

[05:41] * temon off neh

[05:41] <asn1> Ko sama ya

[05:41] <cowomaniez> Ga tau nama kucing, g punya kucing

[05:41] <asn1> Pelihara lah

[05:42] <asn1> Punya guk guk ?

[05:42] <+pita> Doctor, Doctor, there's a minute in my brain

[05:42] <cowomaniez> Ga

[05:42] <asn1> Punya apa dan

[05:42] <cowomaniez> Tangan

[05:42] <asn1> Ya pintar

[05:42] <cowomaniez> Mksh

[05:43] <asn1> Ya pintary

[05:43] <cowomaniez> Mksh

[05:44] <asn1> Y

[05:45] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Excess Flood)

[05:45] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:46] <temon> wiw plud

[05:46] * webchat (webchat@xv3k.p8dt.8r44.ip) has joined #surabaya

[05:46] <temon> ada hekel

[05:47] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[05:47] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:47] <+ezza> bye Jumpers

[05:52] * zee (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:52] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : H T E R B A S (60s timeout) »]

[05:52] * stay (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:52] <TjahAyoe> Bathres

[05:52] <temon> waw

[05:52] <TjahAyoe> Wb kk stay

[05:53] <TjahAyoe> Aa temon

[05:53] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[05:53] <TjahAyoe> Hahaaa

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H T E R B A S - Here's a hint : B R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:53] <TjahAyoe> Brathes

[05:53] <cowomaniez> Malam

[05:53] <TjahAyoe> Brahest

[05:53] <TjahAyoe> Mlm

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B R E A T H S with the letters H T E R B A S (Use .define BREATHS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:53] <TjahAyoe> Oalah

[05:53] * temon elus2 TjahAyoe

[05:53] <stay> Ty TjahAyoe

[05:54] <cowomaniez> Malam

[05:54] * KillaH ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:54] * KillaH ( has joined #surabaya

[05:54] <TjahAyoe> Yuhuuu

[05:54] <cowomaniez> Yahaa

[05:54] <TjahAyoe> [20:53] * temon elus2 TjahAyoe.. Sing mok elus apa ne

[05:54] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R W O K B O O K (60s timeout) »]

[05:54] <stay> Smangat bingit mlm nie

[05:54] <TjahAyoe> Hu um hrus

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R W O K B O O K - Here's a hint : W O R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:55] <stay> Sambil ngemil pastinya

[05:55] <TjahAyoe> Worbook

[05:55] <TjahAyoe> Workbook

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( WORKBOOK ) in 47.37 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define WORKBOOK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:55] <TjahAyoe> Hu um ngemis ktikan

[05:55] * stay (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:55] * KillaH ( has left #surabaya

[05:55] <temon> dyarr

[05:55] <+tweety> i like them =]

[05:55] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : V I T N E I N C E (60s timeout) »]

[05:56] <TjahAyoe> Nah iku wes semangat lek mu dc

[05:56] <cowomaniez> Indonesia aja jgn jawa

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: V I T N E I N C E - Here's a hint : I N C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:56] <TjahAyoe> Ok

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N C E N T I V E with the letters V I T N E I N C E (Use .define INCENTIVE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:56] <TjahAyoe> Mank qm maniez

[05:56] <TjahAyoe> Maniez mana sm temon??

[05:56] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:57] <TjahAyoe> Dih

[05:57] <temon> ratoto

[05:57] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:57] <TjahAyoe> Kwksksk

[05:57] <TjahAyoe> Hai kk maniez

[05:57] <temon> tin

[05:57] <cowomaniez> Enggak sih

[05:57] * jordan (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:57] <TjahAyoe> Oh gak

[05:57] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:57] <TjahAyoe> Wb kk Jordan

[05:57] <temon> tragis

[05:57] <pHp> ty

[05:57] * jordan (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:57] * Letta_ (uid423691@ has joined #surabaya

[05:58] <temon> kenek plud

[05:58] <TjahAyoe> Wb mba letta

[05:58] * cowokmaniez (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:58] <TjahAyoe> Php hai

[05:58] <Letta_> Ty TjahAyoe

[05:58] <TjahAyoe> Yuhuu mba

[05:58] <pHp> cium napa

[05:58] <TjahAyoe> Ayoo mkn

[05:58] <cowokmaniez> Tjahayoe ayu ga?

[05:58] <Letta_> Wuih

[05:58] <TjahAyoe> Cium php

[05:58] <temon> tin

[05:58] * pHp mapan

[05:58] <Letta_> Makan pake apa TjahAyoe?

[05:58] <TjahAyoe> [20:58] (cowokmaniez) Tjahayoe ayu ga?>> Ayuu kan waneta masa ganteng

[05:59] * cowokmaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:59] <TjahAyoe> Opo om temon

[05:59] <pHp> emane

[05:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[05:59] <TjahAyoe> [20:58] (Letta_) Makan pake apa TjahAyoe? >> Bebek goreng

[05:59] <TjahAyoe> Pengen aa

[05:59] <TjahAyoe> *aq

[05:59] <Letta_> Wah enak kui

[05:59] <TjahAyoe> Iyoo pisan2

[06:00] <TjahAyoe> Kwkeke

[06:00] <temon> gada cita2 vc ngunu a tin

[06:00] <pHp> gak

[06:00] <pHp> eh

[06:00] <TjahAyoe> Wkkwkw

[06:00] * cowomaniezz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:00] <TjahAyoe> Knp hrus nggu aq om temon

[06:00] <TjahAyoe> Lek mu mau vc..yo vc oo

[06:00] <TjahAyoe> Ga usah cita2 dr q

[06:00] <TjahAyoe> Yo m a lett

[06:00] <TjahAyoe> :/

[06:00] <cowomaniezz> Q

[06:00] * jongos (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:00] <cowomaniezz> Waduh

[06:00] <Letta_> Nah

[06:00] <Letta_> Sopo kui

[06:01] <jongos> Seh usum bae mainan bug

[06:01] <temon> ahh ngko mok tinggal ngiler

[06:01] <TjahAyoe> Cita2 q sederhana..cukup sempak mu dan sempakku jd 1 dlm ember

[06:01] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:01] <cowomaniezz> Wadaw

[06:01] <TjahAyoe> Yo php

[06:01] <jongos> mon temon weruh iwak patin ora

[06:01] <Letta_> Wew

[06:01] <temon> enak iku dipecel

[06:01] <pHp> temon ratau sempakan tin

[06:01] <cowomaniezz> Sempak dipecel?

[06:01] <TjahAyoe> [21:01] (temon) ahh ngko mok tinggal ngiler.> Lek qm boseni yo aq ngiler to

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> Lek mu kasih aq gofood

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> Ora koq

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> :/

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> [21:01] (pHp) temon ratau sempakan tin>> brrti gak iso jdi 1 ember ian..

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> Kwwkwkwk

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> Moso bh mu bh q ian

[06:02] <temon> eeee

[06:02] <TjahAyoe> Bahayaa

[06:02] * KillaH ( has joined #surabaya

[06:03] * Q sets mode: +o KillaH

[06:03] <pHp> loken

[06:03] <temon> tak kasih gosek

[06:03] <cowomaniezz> Yaaahhh bahasa jawa

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> [21:03] (cowomaniezz) Yaaahhh bahasa jawa>> qm sih dc trz

[06:03] <TjahAyoe> Kan capek menyapa

[06:03] * cowomaniezz (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:03] <temon> dyar

[06:03] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:04] <cowomaniez> Nama aku jgn ditag ya tjahayoe

[06:04] <cowomaniez> Jd dc

[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkskw

[06:04] <pHp> lemah

[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Ya udah jgn panggil aq

[06:04] <TjahAyoe> Kocaakkk

[06:04] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[06:04] <cowomaniez> Tiap km tag lgsg dc

[06:05] <TjahAyoe> Yo wes jgn protess lek jowoan

[06:05] <TjahAyoe> Ngalih oo

[06:05] <cowomaniez> Iya

[06:05] <TjahAyoe> Koq ribeet

[06:05] <cowomaniez> Siapa

[06:06] <temon> dyarr

[06:06] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:06] <Letta_> Nah

[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkek

[06:06] <TjahAyoe> Semangat kk

[06:06] <temon> loh kan tenan

[06:07] * temon trenyuh

[06:07] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:07] <jongos> Kok ora dc maneh

[06:07] <Letta_> Nah

[06:07] <cowomaniez> Tuh kan

[06:07] <Letta_> Wes join eneh

[06:07] <cowomaniez> Ditag jd dc

[06:07] <Letta_> Ga kuat dia

[06:07] <Letta_> Ditag tjahayoe

[06:07] <cowomaniez> Waduh

[06:07] <cowomaniez> Jgn

[06:08] * TjahAyoe endus mbah jongos

[06:08] <TjahAyoe> Mambu pindaang

[06:08] <TjahAyoe> Gak enak

[06:08] <jongos> Tin

[06:08] <jongos> Ucup ndi

[06:08] * cemplon (~cemplon@ has joined #surabaya

[06:08] <TjahAyoe> Matek pling mbah

[06:08] <TjahAyoe> Wb mba cemplon

[06:08] <Letta_> Wb cemplon

[06:09] * TjahAyoe uduk baby sister ee

[06:09] <cemplon> Tq tjahayoe

[06:09] <TjahAyoe> Tumben mbah jongos ol ki

[06:09] <cemplon> Tq letta kaos merah

[06:09] <jongos> Nilik i

[06:09] <jongos> Pingin ngetik

[06:09] <Letta_> Wew

[06:09] <Letta_> Kok kaus merah

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> [21:09] (jongos) Pingin ngetik>> adoh2 ngetik ii

[06:10] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[06:10] * KillaH ( Quit (Host change)

[06:10] * KillaH ( has joined #surabaya

[06:10] * sets mode: +o KillaH

[06:10] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go ;(

[06:10] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:10] <jongos> Waiki ono ndog

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Wb mas ndog

[06:10] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> Ndog siji

[06:10] <cowomaniez> Ndog telor donk

[06:10] <TjahAyoe> :/

[06:10] <jongos> Langsung di emot Tjahayoe ndog e

[06:10] <+ezza> Ndog siji... Ndiji

[06:10] <cemplon> Ora wb yg join

[06:11] <Letta_> Haduh enek ndog sing santun n berkepribadian menyenangkan

[06:11] * temon kecup leher cemplon

[06:11] <TjahAyoe> [21:10] (jongos) Langsung di emot Tjahayoe ndog e.. tak dadar dlu

[06:11] <cemplon> Tom quit sana

[06:11] <ndog> ew

[06:11] <cemplon> Sepet mata aja

[06:11] <ndog> Twengkiu semua

[06:11] <TjahAyoe> Mbah arwo sehat ta

[06:11] <ndog> sehat mi

[06:11] <TjahAyoe> Uduuk

[06:11] <ndog> montok tambah an saiki

[06:11] <ndog> :v

[06:11] <TjahAyoe> Jongos kae lo

[06:11] <cemplon> Tjahayoe kapan kita mojok

[06:11] <TjahAyoe> Yukkz mba cemplon

[06:11] <ndog> cik

[06:12] <ndog> tak kiro aq

[06:12] <ndog> kakakakaka

[06:12] <+creasy> I'd tak her aq

[06:12] <TjahAyoe> [21:11] (ndog) montok tambah an saiki,.. no pic hoax

[06:12] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:12] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:12] <Letta_> Apos2 engko ya tjahayoe ya

[06:12] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:12] <TjahAyoe> Gak apus2 lek cekink..sering selfi

[06:12] <TjahAyoe> Lek sttus ee

[06:12] <TjahAyoe> Jeheheh

[06:12] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[06:12] <+ezza> i like them :-)

[06:13] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Cm arep eruh lek semok temen

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Tak kon japri

[06:13] <Letta_> Nah kui

[06:13] <cemplon> Letta kpn kita telp lagi

[06:13] <Letta_> Opo iso semok

[06:13] <Letta_> Kapan2 ya cemplon... 🤭 🤭 🤭

[06:13] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> Nah iso lek di edit

[06:13] <TjahAyoe> :/

[06:13] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[06:13] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:14] <asn1> Wbk

[06:14] <asn1> WB

[06:14] <Letta_> Wew

[06:14] <asn1> Aduh kenapa jariku

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Tante asni

[06:14] <cemplon> Ndog balik dc neh tak balang cawet e temon

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Masij idup

[06:14] <Letta_> Nah lo

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:14] <ndog> cik

[06:14] <asn1> Thaayoe juga masih idup

[06:14] * temon sek kenekan ae

[06:14] * ndog wes j4 jek di aniaya

[06:14] <ndog> amoh wes

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Hu um Alhamdulillah

[06:14] * temon kojom ojo diceloki

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Ngopeni ndog

[06:14] <TjahAyoe> Kudu idup

[06:15] <asn1> Syukurlah

[06:15] <TjahAyoe> :/

[06:15] <ndog> hahahahha

[06:15] * ndog endus2 nte asn1 pke idung temon

[06:15] <asn1> Om dog di cari om aryo

[06:15] * +tweety endus2 ndog

[06:15] * +ezza endus2 ndog back with camera.

[06:15] <cemplon> ndog muleh o ke sarkem aja o temon biar berkembang dia

[06:15] <asn1> Wkwkww

[06:15] <ndog> <asn1> Om dog di cari om aryo <-- sssttt ntik eike di kira lesbi klo ma aryo

[06:15] <ndog> :v

[06:15] <asn1> Wkwkwkwkkww

[06:15] <temon> hishh

[06:16] <cemplon> Letta

[06:16] <asn1> Benar loh tadi di cari om aryo

[06:16] <cemplon> Tjahayoe telp yuk

[06:16] <asn1> Om dog dari kota mana

[06:16] <aryo> @_@

[06:17] <asn1> Wkwkwkwkw

[06:17] <cemplon> Penghunii sarkem

[06:17] <asn1> Weee

[06:17] <aryo> cik

[06:18] <asn1> Ada om Aryo om dog langsung diam ya

[06:18] <cemplon> Sekalian aryo diajak ke sarkem jadi kan ketua cyber sarkem city

[06:18] <aryo> cucukmu ambyar plon

[06:18] <ndog> wkwkwkwkwkkwk

[06:18] <asn1> Wee

[06:18] <TjahAyoe> Otw

[06:18] <asn1> Cemlo

[06:19] <asn1> Cemplom ini tomjerry

[06:19] <aryo> temon saiki gigolone sarkem

[06:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[06:20] * cemplon is now known as JupIt3r

[06:20] <JupIt3r> Hajaua

[06:20] <Letta_> Heh

[06:20] <Letta_> Kirain za

[06:20] <Letta_> Ternyata palsu

[06:21] <aryo> ternyata garangan doly

[06:21] <asn1> Ooo

[06:22] <asn1> Aduh jadi lag

[06:22] <aryo> g lag asni

[06:22] <aryo> pada kujum sendiri2

[06:23] * tiaa_off is now known as tiaa

[06:23] <+ezza> Master, where did you go? I can't see you.

[06:23] <aryo> kalau saya baru makan

[06:24] <ndog> <aryo> ternyata garangan doly <- nilai anda 100,5 kak

[06:24] <ndog> :v

[06:24] <asn1> Om kenapa tidak aja kk Dog maem

[06:24] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[06:25] * NaKaL is now known as nGopi

[06:25] <+tweety> Master, where did you go? I can't see you.

[06:25] * JupIt3r (~cemplon@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:26] <asn1> Tha tha om aryo

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Bye

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Bye te asni

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Ati2

[06:27] <temon> hehh

[06:27] <asn1> Bye ayloe

[06:27] * asn1 (~ngok@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:28] <TjahAyoe> Aman

[06:28] <Letta_> Nah

[06:28] * jeri ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:28] <Letta_> Sepiiii

[06:28] <cowomaniez> Iya

[06:29] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:29] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[06:31] * jongos (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:31] <+ezza> I wish they didn't have to go :O.

[06:34] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E N L H S O T I (60s timeout) »]

[06:35] * ndog nyambi momong sek rek ya

[06:35] <TjahAyoe> Ok

[06:35] <TjahAyoe> Trz momong mbok ee

[06:35] <temon> loh kok sepi

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E N L H S O T I - Here's a hint : S H O . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:35] <ndog> kakakakakka

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S H O T L I N E with the letters E N L H S O T I (Use .define SHOTLINE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:36] * webchat (webchat@xv3k.p8dt.8r44.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:36] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[06:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[06:40] * Sinchan hoaaaaaaaaaaammzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

[06:41] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I R S E A L (60s timeout) »]

[06:42] <TjahAyoe> Serial

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SERIAL ) in 11.43 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SERIAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:42] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : T R R A A I G N M E N S (60s timeout) »]

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T R R A A I G N M E N S - Here's a hint : A R R A . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A R R A I G N M E N T S with the letters T R R A A I G N M E N S (Use .define ARRAIGNMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:49] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:49] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:51] * manusia (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:52] * nGopi is now known as NaKaL

[06:52] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:53] <TjahAyoe> Coz mos

[06:53] <coz> wes ndek kene

[06:54] <TjahAyoe> Iyoo kwwkwk

[06:54] <TjahAyoe> Gabut aq

[06:54] <Letta_> Wew

[06:54] <TjahAyoe> Mati listrik

[06:54] <Letta_> Ada coz mos

[06:55] <coz> asik gelap2an

[06:55] <coz> ono Lettoy

[06:55] <TjahAyoe> Naaah Alhamdulillah nyalaa

[06:55] <TjahAyoe> Wess sumuk ee

[06:55] <Letta_> Kok coz Mos jek urip sie

[06:55] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:55] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[06:55] <tiaa> <TjahAyoe> Wess sumuk ee// dasteran

[06:56] <coz> ga udan a

[06:56] <TjahAyoe> Oraa

[06:56] <TjahAyoe> Mendung ae

[06:56] <TjahAyoe> [21:55] (tiaa) <TjahAyoe> Wess sumuk ee// dasteran>> gak bajuan

[06:56] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:56] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwkw

[06:56] <tiaa> eh

[06:56] <TjahAyoe> Malah dasteran kekeke

[06:56] <TjahAyoe> Gak suka

[06:56] <tiaa> 😁😁😁

[06:57] <Letta_> Wuih

[06:57] <tiaa> hahaahha

[06:58] <coz> biasa e gawe sarung tumben daster

[06:58] <aryo> letta

[06:58] <TjahAyoe> Lhaiyoo

[06:59] <TjahAyoe> Iku awakmu coz

[06:59] <TjahAyoe> Wkwkwkwk

[06:59] <Letta_> Aryo I sopo meneh?

[06:59] <TjahAyoe> Abaikan aja mba

[06:59] <TjahAyoe> Sksd mgkin

[06:59] <TjahAyoe> :/

[06:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[06:59] * aryo mantanmu

[07:00] <aryo> .ag

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R T T A M E (60s timeout) »]

[07:00] <aryo> mattter

[07:00] * GoodToTalk (webchat@3ob8.wwd8.nyzn.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:00] <coz> maret

[07:00] <aryo> matret

[07:00] <aryo> marett

[07:00] <aryo> matret

[07:00] <aryo> tarem

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T T A M E - Here's a hint : M A . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:00] <aryo> marett

[07:00] <aryo> maertt

[07:00] <coz> matter

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 coz has just found the correct word ( MATTER ) in 42.37 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MATTER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:00] <aryo> mbuh

[07:00] <aryo> suw

[07:00] <TjahAyoe> Wowwo

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Mantan mba letta_

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Hots

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N A O C D E R T I O (60s timeout) »]

[07:01] <Letta_> Wew

[07:01] <Letta_> Decoration

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ has just found the correct word ( DECORATION ) in 10.75 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DECORATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Conditioner

[07:01] <Letta_> Mosok enek mantan ku i

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Ono

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Mantan pembantu

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Opo majikan

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Waah lali mba let ki

[07:01] <aryo> .ag

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S T N E M C A L P S D I E (60s timeout) »]

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Kakean supir koyo ee

[07:02] <aryo> templadtdes

[07:02] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T N E M C A L P S D I E - Here's a hint : D I S P . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:02] <aryo> displandes

[07:02] <aryo> up

[07:02] <aryo> next

[07:02] <aryo> lanjut

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S P L A C E M E N T S with the letters S T N E M C A L P S D I E (Use .define DISPLACEMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:02] <Letta_> Hu uh Tjahayoe

[07:02] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:03] <TjahAyoe> Wb puser

[07:03] <AndroUser> weh

[07:03] * AndroUser is now known as coz

[07:03] <coz> query baru dr coz

[07:03] <aryo> .ag

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : Y T I S T I N E N (60s timeout) »]

[07:03] <aryo> haess angel2

[07:04] <aryo> pamed wes

[07:04] <coz> mosok pm dewe

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y T I S T I N E N - Here's a hint : I N T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:04] <TjahAyoe> [22:03] (coz) query baru dr coz>> di plood ..kunci en gawe silence

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E N S I T Y with the letters Y T I S T I N E N (Use .define INTENSITY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:05] <manusia> Hai

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> Hai kk manusia

[07:05] <GoodToTalk> hai

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D E E N (60s timeout) »]

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> Need

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( NEED ) in 3.953 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NEED to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:05] <+elektra> N to the E E E E E E E E E D

[07:05] <coz> wes gae silete yo an

[07:05] * manusia is now known as cowomaniez

[07:05] <cowomaniez> Hai tjahayoe

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Lhaiyoo ngeri tukg flood ee

[07:06] <aryo> .ac

[07:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R E I R V (60s timeout) »]

[07:06] <aryo> river

[07:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RIVER ) in 5.906 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define RIVER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:06] <aryo> yes

[07:06] <aryo> entok

[07:06] <cowomaniez> Coba tag saya donk tjahayoe

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Ga ah

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Males

[07:07] <cowomaniez> Kayanya udh ga dc

[07:07] <cowomaniez> Skrg kalo ditag

[07:07] <aryo> .ac

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S O S P R I N (60s timeout) »]

[07:07] <coz> tag apaan

[07:07] <aryo> pringos

[07:07] <GoodToTalk> prisons

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Prinsos

[07:07] <aryo> prinsos

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O S P R I N - Here's a hint : P R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Inpross

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Prions

[07:07] <aryo> prinsos

[07:07] <aryo> prisson

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Prionss

[07:07] <cowomaniez> Prisons

[07:07] <aryo> prossin

[07:08] <aryo> prisons

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PRISONS ) in 54.18 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PRISONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Prosins

[07:08] <cowomaniez> Prisson

[07:08] <aryo> nah

[07:08] <aryo> angilmen

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K C H C E (60s timeout) »]

[07:08] <GoodToTalk> check

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Check

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CHECK ) in 4.766 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CHECK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[07:08] <aryo> check

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Hahaaa

[07:08] <+ezza> You won't make a fool of this Irken invader.

[07:08] <GoodToTalk> wew

[07:08] <aryo> .ac

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N Y S A I G (60s timeout) »]

[07:08] <cowomaniez> Saying

[07:08] <aryo> nyisag

[07:08] <aryo> yasing

[07:09] <aryo> ngisya

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Anyings

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N Y S A I G - Here's a hint : S A . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:09] <aryo> saying

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SAYING ) in 37.18 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SAYING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:09] <aryo> nah

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:09] <aryo> .ac

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E G M D A A S (60s timeout) »]

[07:10] <cowomaniez> Biar bisa ikutan main gmna gameny

[07:10] <aryo> damages

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DAMAGES ) in 6.812 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DAMAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:10] <aryo> nah

[07:10] <aryo> cocok srii

[07:10] <aryo> .ag

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E L B I G (60s timeout) »]

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> [22:10] (cowomaniez) Biar bisa ikutan main gmna gameny. Nick di regiss

[07:10] <aryo> blige

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Belgi

[07:10] <aryo> balig

[07:10] <cowomaniez> Kemana

[07:10] <aryo> gible

[07:10] <aryo> boblik

[07:10] <coz> gaibl

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Ya dsni

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L B I G - Here's a hint : B I . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:10] <aryo> beilg

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Bilge

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( BILGE ) in 33.01 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BILGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[07:10] <aryo> bigel

[07:11] <aryo> bilge

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:11] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S C E G L I N T E L I N E (60s timeout) »]

[07:11] <aryo> bigle

[07:11] <aryo> ew

[07:11] <cowomaniez> Regis kmana

[07:11] <GoodToTalk> intelligences

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> Tanya mbah aryo ajaa

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> Brb

[07:11] <cowomaniez> Gimana aryo

[07:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S C E G L I N T E L I N E - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:11] <cowomaniez> Inteligences

[07:12] <GoodToTalk> intelligences

[07:12] <cowomaniez> Intelligences

[07:12] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E L L I G E N C E S with the letters S C E G L I N T E L I N E (Use .define INTELLIGENCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:12] <GoodToTalk> soak

[07:12] <GoodToTalk> simpan dunia di tangan..jangan dihati..biar kalo ilang ngga susah move on

[07:14] <+elektra> For the bees!

[07:14] * cowomaniez (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:15] * jodikadas (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:17] * jodikadas (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:18] * aldebaran (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[07:19] <aryo> .ag

[07:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E N A N X (60s timeout) »]

[07:20] <aryo> naxes

[07:20] <aryo> senaxs

[07:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E N A N X - Here's a hint : A N . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:20] <aryo> annexs

[07:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ANNEXS ) in 42 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ANNEXS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:21] <aryo> .ag

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : Y V A N (60s timeout) »]

[07:21] <aryo> vyan

[07:21] <aryo> vany

[07:21] <aryo> avyn

[07:21] <coz> navy

[07:21] <aryo> navy

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NAVY ) in 17.95 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NAVY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:22] <aryo> .ag

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H T A B E R (60s timeout) »]

[07:23] <aryo> bather

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BATHER ) in 12.57 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BATHER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:23] <aryo> .ac

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N L G R E U A T I O (60s timeout) »]

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N L G R E U A T I O - Here's a hint : R E G . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:24] <aryo> regulator

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E G U L A T I O N with the letters N L G R E U A T I O (Use .define REGULATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[07:25] * aldebaran (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:25] <+ezza> mmm aldebaran

[07:25] <+tweety> -_-

[07:25] <+pita> =)

[07:25] <+tweety> =]

[07:26] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[07:26] * coz ( has joined #surabaya

[07:27] * coz ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:31] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:31] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[07:31] * GoodToTalk (webchat@3ob8.wwd8.nyzn.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:32] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.piq5.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:32] * sesshomaru (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:34] * cowok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[07:34] * kaleng (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya

[07:34] * cowok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:35] * Bumi (EarTh@2605:6400:c847:1409::9041) Quit (Registered)

[07:35] * Bumi ( has joined #surabaya

[07:35] * zee (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:35] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[07:36] * dfrey (~danieL@ has joined #surabaya

[07:37] * endah ( Quit (Registered)

[07:37] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[07:37] <+ezza> I like them :o)

[07:37] <kaleng> I like him :o)

[07:37] * zee (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:37] * dfrey (~danieL@ Quit (Registered)

[07:37] * dfrey ( has joined #surabaya

[07:39] <kaleng> sepi mamat

[07:39] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:39] * dfrey is now known as eskosong

[07:39] <kaleng> hai andro

[07:39] <kaleng> hai eskosong

[07:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[07:39] <eskosong> hai hai hai

[07:39] <kaleng> eskosong nyaring bunyinya

[07:40] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.piq5.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:40] * kaleng (~xnxx@ Quit (Excess Flood)

[07:41] <+tweety> someone give me something to lick

[07:42] * Sinchan gives tweety timun

[07:42] <+tweety> thanks

[07:42] <Sinchan> ok

[07:46] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:46] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:47] * kaleng (~xnxx@ has joined #surabaya

[07:47] * liquid ( has joined #surabaya

[07:49] * zee (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:53] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:56] * sesshomaru is now known as chadd

[07:56] * chadd (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[07:56] * chadd ( has joined #surabaya

[07:56] <chadd> .ag

[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 chadd started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S T A H S F (60s timeout) »]

[07:56] <chadd> Shafts

[07:56] <@Dealer> 6 chadd has just found the correct word ( SHAFTS ) in 18.09 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHAFTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:57] * chadd ( Quit (Excess Flood)

[07:57] * chadd (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:57] * chadd (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[07:57] * chadd ( has joined #surabaya

[07:57] <+tweety> Mmm chadd.

[07:58] <chadd> .ag

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 chadd started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N I O P T (60s timeout) »]

[07:58] <chadd> Point

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 chadd has just found the correct word ( POINT ) in 3.422 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define POINT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) chadd has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[07:59] <+elektra> muwahahaha :) %percent$~!#@£*££%percent%percent@

[07:59] <+pita> Yarr

[07:59] <+creasy> Lol =D !^#%percent*$$*!!*

[07:59] * +elektra slaps herself in the eye

[07:59] <+pita> i will prepare food with my iron fist.

[07:59] * +creasy wipes out himself in the arm.

[08:03] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[08:04] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:04] <+ezza> Bye ndog.

[08:05] * liquid is now known as JupIt3r

[08:07] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[08:08] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:08] <suliw4> Assalamualaikum

[08:10] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[08:11] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:14] <suliw4> Mimin

[08:14] <suliw4> 😁

[08:15] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Registered)

[08:15] * suliw4 ( has joined #surabaya

[08:19] * kaleng (~xnxx@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[08:21] <mimin> Hi suliw4

[08:24] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[08:25] <mimin> Wb jupiter

[08:26] * katr0k ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:26] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:27] * clips ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:27] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:27] * Safira- ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:28] * clips (~a@ has joined #surabaya

[08:28] * clips (~a@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:28] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[08:31] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:33] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:34] <nandini> Wb kak ertiga

[08:34] <ertiga> ty dd nandini

[08:35] <nandini> sama-sama

[08:36] <ertiga> 😊

[08:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[08:43] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[08:45] * DIrA_ is now known as savana

[08:45] <+elektra> where'd my moose go?

[08:46] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[08:47] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[08:48] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[08:48] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[08:48] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[08:48] * Safira- ( has joined #surabaya

[08:50] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[08:52] * suliw4 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:58] <+creasy> Mushu is sad :(

[09:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[09:07] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:07] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:07] <klepon> halo

[09:07] <klepon> ada orang gak

[09:07] <klepon> 😂😂😂

[09:08] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:09] <chadd> Ada

[09:09] <chadd> Banyak

[09:09] <chadd> Di pojokan

[09:09] <AndroUser> .ping

[09:09] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:09] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (2.015s)

[09:11] <klepon> pong kamu 2 jam

[09:13] <klepon> mana

[09:13] <klepon> tadi sore aku baru ol di flood orang

[09:14] <chadd> Sama

[09:14] <klepon> ngikut2 aja kamu

[09:15] <klepon> orang yg di flood klepon kok

[09:15] <klepon> kek nya tukang flood nya seneng kalo flood klepon n ampe dc

[09:17] <chadd> -_-"

[09:17] <chadd> Ga ngikut2

[09:17] <chadd> Emng ditarget

[09:17] * Letta_ (uid423691@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:17] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go :[

[09:17] <klepon> tukang flood nya sapa

[09:19] <klepon> sepi pamit dulu

[09:19] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:19] <+ezza> mmm androuser

[09:19] <klepon> akakaka

[09:19] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[09:19] <klepon> ezza

[09:19] <klepon> hi

[09:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[09:20] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:21] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[09:28] * chadd ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:29] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[09:29] <+tweety> bye Szajbus

[09:29] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[09:35] <+ezza> i'm keeping quiet except for the odd fondle and humping

[09:38] * nona ( has joined #surabaya

[09:40] <+creasy> you wouldn't steal a handbag

[09:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[09:40] <+creasy> you wouldn't steal a car

[09:40] <+creasy> you wouldn't steal a kill!

[09:40] <+creasy> downloading films is stealing!

[09:45] * eskosong ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:52] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:53] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:53] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =O.

[09:57] * nona ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:59] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[10:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[10:02] * co_pgn_diemut (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:06] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[10:06] <+ezza> bye Szajbus

[10:07] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[10:20] <+elektra> My underwear is too tight :[

[10:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[10:20] <+elektra> You! Serial number and primary function!

[10:22] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:34] <+ezza> up on the table, arms out, knees bent, now flap!

[10:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[10:42] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[10:44] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[10:51] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[11:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[11:05] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:15] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[11:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[11:22] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[11:27] * paseo (~kshdbbdjb@ has joined #surabaya

[11:27] <paseo> Tes

[11:27] <paseo> Gk ada orng kah

[11:28] * paseo (~kshdbbdjb@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[11:49] <+pita> pfft might as well fuck myself, it's the only way I'll get any this side of the 22nd century

[12:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[12:10] <+elektra> i'm keeping quiet except for the odd fondle and humping

[12:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[12:31] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[12:38] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[12:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[12:49] * Sanitizer (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:52] <+creasy> where there's a snack gap, a crap-lantern fits

[13:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[13:03] * Sanitizer (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[13:04] * Sanitizer (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:08] <+tweety> lashings of ginger beer

[13:14] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[13:16] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[13:18] <+elektra> KAZAM.

[13:18] <+ezza> I say.

[13:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[13:21] <+creasy> eye am the underwear ninja!

[13:21] <+elektra> Goddamnit that's MY underwear.

[13:27] * cwo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[13:28] * cwo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[13:28] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :O

[13:29] <+pita> You wouldn't steal a handbag

[13:29] <+pita> you wouldn't "steal" a car

[13:29] <+pita> you wouldn't steal an enemy!

[13:29] <+pita> you wouldn't shoot a policeman, and then steal his a premiere

[13:29] <+pita> you wouldn't go to the toilet in it and then send it to the policeman's grieving widow

[13:29] <+pita> and then steal it again!

[13:29] <+pita> downloading films is stealing!

[13:35] * Sanitizer (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[13:52] * co_pgn_diemut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:52] <co_pgn_diemut> Ngace** nih

[13:52] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[13:52] <co_pgn_diemut> 17 cm

[13:52] <co_pgn_diemut> Ahhh ahhh ahhh

[13:54] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[13:56] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[13:56] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[13:57] * shap ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[13:58] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[13:58] <co_pgn_diemut> Siapa mau ngemut

[13:58] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[13:59] <nandini> T

[13:59] <nandini> A

[13:59] <nandini> H

[13:59] <nandini> A

[13:59] <nandini> J

[13:59] <nandini> U

[13:59] <nandini> D

[13:59] <co_pgn_diemut> Emuten nandini

[13:59] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[13:59] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[14:01] * elina ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] * elin is now known as elina

[14:02] * pHp ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:02] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:02] * Zuma14 is now known as Zuma12

[14:02] * mo ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:02] * BillyQulbil ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:02] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[14:04] * mo ( has joined #surabaya

[14:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[14:30] <+ezza> Always been a bit rough.

[14:30] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[14:32] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[14:32] <+ezza> I like them =]

[14:33] * zee (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[14:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[14:50] <+elektra> It looks like ya're writing a letter!

[14:54] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:55] * co_bngun (~co_bngun@ has joined #surabaya

[14:55] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[15:01] <+tweety> ask jeeves, he is smarter than the average tweety

[15:01] <+creasy> What is it with these silly questions? Anyway, let's talk about dicks! I've got this pretty nice seven incher...

[15:01] <+elektra> crap

[15:01] <+ezza> No, but it does make me horny.

[15:01] <+pita> basdically, yellow, and sometimes blue

[15:01] <+pita> huk, -d

[15:03] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[15:04] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[15:10] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[15:15] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[15:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[15:44] <+tweety> *yawn*

[15:45] <+ezza> nearly bedtime

[15:45] <+creasy> "nearly" bedtime... nedtime

[15:46] * co_bngun (~co_bngun@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:46] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[15:48] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[15:51] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[15:51] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[16:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[16:09] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:13] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[16:14] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[16:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[16:26] * co_bngun (~co_bngun@ has joined #surabaya

[16:35] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[16:48] * cow_bngun (~co_bngun@ has joined #surabaya

[16:48] * co_bngun (~co_bngun@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:57] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[16:58] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:01] <+creasy> anyone fancy a pint?

[17:01] <+pita> Flick neigh

[17:01] * +pita giggles

[17:01] <+pita> unquestionablypoit.

[17:01] <+creasy> are you ok?

[17:01] <+pita> yeah i'm just having a shit.

[17:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[17:02] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[17:04] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:16] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[17:23] <cowoendut> Sahabat juga ada yg nampar dr belakang

[17:25] <nandini> Kurang ajar ya sahabatnya

[17:26] * nandini ( has left #surabaya

[17:27] * nandini ( has joined #surabaya

[17:36] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[17:36] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[17:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[17:41] * Qori ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:42] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:43] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[17:47] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:47] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:48] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[17:48] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:52] * DINA (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[17:56] <+elektra> Pangeran needs food, badly! T_T

[17:56] * +elektra gives Pangersome carrots

[17:56] * +elektra helped.

[18:00] <+creasy> That ain't my "finger"

[18:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[18:16] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[18:18] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:21] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[18:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[18:30] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[18:39] <+pita> You wouldn't steal a handbag

[18:39] <+pita> you wouldn't steal a car

[18:39] <+pita> you wouldn't steal a los!

[18:39] <+pita> downloading films is stealing!

[18:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[18:48] <+elektra> I'm "giving" up evil science and taking up evil gardening instead.

[18:52] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[18:56] * DINA (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[18:56] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[18:57] <cowoendut> Selain surabaya apa lg room yg bnyk orgnya?

[18:59] <+pita> There are clowns living under my bed.

[18:59] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[19:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[19:09] * cow_bngun (~co_bngun@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:09] * alea ( has joined #surabaya

[19:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[19:30] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[19:36] * gitaa (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:36] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[19:37] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[19:38] * gitaa (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:38] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[19:40] * cintaa (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[19:45] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:45] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*

[19:45] * AndroUser2 was kicked by Q ()

[19:51] * cintaa (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:54] <+creasy> I always thought the most sensual part of a woman was the toe

[19:54] <+creasy> mmm... manieztoes.

[20:00] <nandini> .ag

[20:00] <nandini> .ug

[20:00] <nandini> .eg

[20:01] <nandini> .ig

[20:01] <nandini> .og

[20:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[20:02] <+elektra> Hey.

[20:02] <+pita> * wave at |In-Love|

[20:08] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[20:09] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[20:14] <nandini> Wb kak Sl4met

[20:15] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[20:19] * Topher (~IceChat95@ has joined #surabaya

[20:20] * Topher (~IceChat95@ has left #surabaya

[20:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[20:40] <Sl4met> Nandini

[20:42] * Qori ( has joined #surabaya

[20:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[20:44] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[20:45] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*

[20:51] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[20:53] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[20:57] <Sl4met> Sepi

[21:00] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[21:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[21:05] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:05] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[21:06] <DINA> Siang

[21:06] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[21:18] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[21:18] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[21:18] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:22] <Sl4met> Hai Dina

[21:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[21:24] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:26] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[21:27] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) Quit (Ping timeout)

[21:27] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) has joined #surabaya

[21:27] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:31] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[21:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[21:45] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[21:45] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[21:45] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:46] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:49] <sand1> ae dina

[21:52] <sand1> dicuekin

[21:53] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:55] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:58] <DINA> Hi sand1

[21:58] <DINA> Ga ke mn2 nih?

[22:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[22:07] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[22:09] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:12] * Aespa ( has joined #surabaya

[22:13] <Aespa> .ag

[22:13] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E N E R V (60s timeout) »]

[22:13] <Aespa> Never

[22:13] <Aespa> Verne

[22:13] <Aespa> Vener

[22:13] <Aespa> Nerve

[22:13] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( NERVE ) in 22.84 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define NERVE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:13] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa pwn'd #Chadd in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[22:14] <Aespa> .ag

[22:14] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L D O L A R S (60s timeout) »]

[22:14] <Aespa> Dollars

[22:14] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa has just found the correct word ( DOLLARS ) in 2.969 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DOLLARS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Aespa has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[22:14] <Aespa> .money

[22:14] <@Dealer> 6 Aespa (#Perizaad) has 37'250$ »]

[22:14] <Aespa> .top10

[22:14] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 53'265'250$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 43'308'364$ 3: nia (Denia) 41'507'871$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (??) 5'217'500$ 6: Riie (??) 3'822'150$ 7: ener (??) 2'201'999$ 8: skidipapap (??) 2'063'850$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 1'301'750$ 10: FY (FY) 839'000$ »]

[22:16] <+elektra> I *didn't*

[22:19] * Aespa ( Quit (EOF from client)

[22:19] <+creasy> My nut agains feel lovely =D.

[22:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[22:31] <+tweety> mmm toast

[22:35] <+pita> The ear is the third planet from the kidneys.

[22:35] * clips is now known as JupIt3r

[22:36] * +ezza wakes up

[22:40] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[22:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[22:43] <+ezza> what was KillaH's gaydar page?

[22:47] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:53] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[22:55] <Sl4met> Leto

[22:55] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:02] <+creasy> Well, Oh good, Captain Adventure has arrived.

[23:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[23:03] * CoBDG_ (~CoBDG_@ has joined #surabaya

[23:05] <nandini> !jam

[23:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[23:23] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[23:23] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[23:23] * ow (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:25] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[23:32] * ow (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:33] * ow (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:37] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[23:37] <jeri> .givemoney

[23:38] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 216'900$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[23:38] <jeri> .VP 5000

[23:38] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 9s | 6s | Js | 4h | 2c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[23:38] <jeri> .draw 12345

[23:38] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 3h | 4d | Qs | 2h | 2d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[23:42] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[23:42] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 26 ( RED ) »]

[23:42] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:43] <jeri> .b 10000

[23:43] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 2 | 4 : Total is 6 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[23:43] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:43] <jeri> h

[23:43] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 10 : Total is 16 »]

[23:43] <jeri> a

[23:43] <jeri> s

[23:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 6 : Total is 17 or 7 »]

[23:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[23:43] * ow (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:43] * ow (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:43] <jeri> .VP 5000

[23:43] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 10s | 5d | Qc | 5h | Ad. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[23:44] <jeri> .draw 135

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 5c | 5d | 3c | 5h | 6h is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[23:44] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[23:44] <jeri> .b 10000

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 2 | 10 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:44] <jeri> h

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 3 : Total is 15 »]

[23:44] <jeri> h

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: Q : Total is 25 »]

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 jeri busts! jeri loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:44] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 7 ( RED ) »]

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:44] <jeri> .b 10000

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 8 | 9 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:45] <jeri> s

[23:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 2 : Total is 5 »]

[23:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 14 »]

[23:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 24 »]

[23:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! jeri has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:45] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[23:45] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[23:45] <jeri> .craps 2000

[23:45] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 2 & 1 => 3 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[23:46] <jeri> .VP 5000

[23:46] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 4s | 4d | Ac | 6c | 6h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[23:46] <jeri> .draw 3

[23:46] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 4s | 4d | Jh | 6c | 6h is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[23:47] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 7 ( RED ) »]

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:47] <jeri> .b 10000

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: Q | 10 : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:47] <jeri> s

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 4 : Total is 14 »]

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 16 »]

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 23 »]

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! jeri has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:48] <jeri> .b 10000

[23:48] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: A | 10 : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 2 | 3 : Total is 5 »]

[23:48] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! jeri has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:48] <jeri> .money

[23:48] <@Dealer> 6 jeri (#red-devil) has 239'900$ »]

[23:48] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[23:48] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 28 ( BLACK ) »]

[23:48] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:48] <+creasy> You know dealer, pinning the wheel is much like "making" love to a beautiful woman

[23:48] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[23:48] <+creasy> You've got to neh the account

[23:48] <+creasy> yawn the dar

[23:48] <+creasy> and finally fear the banana.

[23:49] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[23:49] <jeri> .b 10000

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 6 | 8 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:49] <jeri> h

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: Q : Total is 24 »]

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri busts! jeri loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:49] <jeri> .ag

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N I T R E O P A O (60s timeout) »]

[23:49] <jeri> .VP 5000

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: Qd | 9d | As | Qh | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[23:49] <jeri> .draw 235

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: Qd | 8h | Ac | Qh | 3h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[23:49] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I T R E O P A O - Here's a hint : O P E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: O P E R A T I O N with the letters N I T R E O P A O (Use .define OPERATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #Perizaad stopped ( +2 ) »]

[23:56] * +pita moonwalks

[23:56] <+elektra> that's nothing

[23:56] * +creasy sunwalks

[00:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[00:06] * ow (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:06] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:06] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[00:09] * ow (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:16] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[00:16] <aryo> .ag

[00:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : N A L D (60s timeout) »]

[00:16] <aryo> land

[00:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LAND ) in 6.031 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LAND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:17] <aryo> .ag

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S E S E C E X S (60s timeout) »]

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S E C E X S - Here's a hint : E X C . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:17] <aryo> excesses

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXCESSES ) in 39.73 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define EXCESSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:18] <aryo>

[00:18] <aryo> .ag

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S K B A C U P (60s timeout) »]

[00:18] <aryo> backups

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BACKUPS ) in 3.703 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BACKUPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:19] <aryo> .ag

[00:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : B B O M (60s timeout) »]

[00:19] <aryo> bomb

[00:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BOMB ) in 4.672 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BOMB to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[00:19] * co_pgn_diemut (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:19] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:20] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[00:25] * ow (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:30] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:30] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:34] <+creasy> Hmm.. was it the orange wire or the yellow one?

[00:36] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:39] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[00:41] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[00:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[00:52] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:56] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:56] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:57] <tkob> wb AndroUser2

[01:02] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[01:03] <tkob> wb Sl4met

[01:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[01:05] * erix (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:05] <tkob> wb erix

[01:12] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[01:12] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[01:12] <tkob> wb Szajbus

[01:19] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:19] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go T_T

[01:19] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[01:19] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[01:23] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[01:23] <aryo> .top10

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 54'667'250$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 43'308'364$ 3: nia (Denia) 42'097'871$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (aryo) 5'240'750$ 6: Riie (??) 3'822'150$ 7: ener (??) 2'201'999$ 8: skidipapap (??) 2'063'850$ 9: FangYin (FangYin) 1'310'000$ 10: FY (FY) 839'000$ »]

[01:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[01:24] <aryo> .ag

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T E R R E G (60s timeout) »]

[01:24] <aryo> gerret

[01:24] <aryo> regert

[01:24] <aryo> tegerr

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E R R E G - Here's a hint : R E . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:24] <aryo> regert

[01:25] <aryo> gegret

[01:25] <aryo> retreg

[01:25] <aryo> reterg

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E G R E T with the letters T E R R E G (Use .define REGRET to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +4 ) »]

[01:25] * aryo (~aryo@ has left #surabaya

[01:25] <+ezza> i like them -_-

[01:25] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[01:25] <aryo> .ag

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E A L P N S (60s timeout) »]

[01:25] <aryo> planes

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PLANES ) in 3.235 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PLANES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:26] <aryo> .ag

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : D E O T R P O (60s timeout) »]

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D E O T R P O - Here's a hint : T O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:27] <aryo> torpedo

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TORPEDO ) in 40.06 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TORPEDO to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:29] <aryo> .ag

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E C N I O M (60s timeout) »]

[01:29] <aryo> monice

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C N I O M - Here's a hint : I N . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:29] <aryo> inecom

[01:29] <aryo> income

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INCOME ) in 43.29 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define INCOME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:30] <aryo> .ag

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S N I A H C (60s timeout) »]

[01:30] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[01:30] <aryo> canhis

[01:30] <aryo> cinhas

[01:30] <aryo> hanics

[01:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N I A H C - Here's a hint : C H . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:31] <aryo> chains

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CHAINS ) in 48.21 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CHAINS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:31] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:31] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*

[01:31] * AndroUser was kicked by Q ()

[01:31] <aryo> .ag

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R T E M R Y H D O E S (60s timeout) »]

[01:31] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[01:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T E M R Y H D O E S - Here's a hint : H Y D R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H Y D R O M E T E R S with the letters R T E M R Y H D O E S (Use .define HYDROMETERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:32] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +4 ) »]

[01:32] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:33] <aryo> .ag

[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S M O O B R (60s timeout) »]

[01:33] <aryo> brooms

[01:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BROOMS ) in 3.281 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BROOMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:33] <AndroUser2> aryo adja

[01:33] <aryo> ya

[01:33] <AndroUser2> moso

[01:33] <aryo> moso apane

[01:33] <+tweety> moso apane... mapane

[01:33] <AndroUser2> Sing allanet kae

[01:33] <aryo> hu um

[01:34] <aryo> andouser sapa

[01:34] <AndroUser2> Sing pacare zhara kae ta

[01:34] <AndroUser2> Wkwkwk

[01:34] <aryo> hahaha

[01:34] <+elektra> Release the pig!$@$#£!^@****!.

[01:34] <+ezza> I have already stuffed my normal human belly with delicious human filth that i could not eat another bite.

[01:34] <aryo> asemik

[01:34] <AndroUser2> La eo

[01:34] <aryo> ora tau pacaran

[01:34] <AndroUser2> Sing senenge karo TKW

[01:34] <AndroUser2> weruh tomjerx ora yo

[01:34] <aryo> rung on wonge

[01:34] <AndroUser2> O yo wes

[01:35] <AndroUser2> Kandake siluru mas aldebaran ngono yo

[01:35] <aryo> yangmu pow tomjer saiki

[01:35] <AndroUser2> Diluru$

[01:35] <AndroUser2> Untumu wi yo

[01:35] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:35] <aryo> sopo reti mahonanmu

[01:35] <+tweety> i like them ^_^

[01:35] <aryo> .ag

[01:35] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T L I C A F I Y (60s timeout) »]

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T L I C A F I Y - Here's a hint : F A C . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:36] <aryo> faclity

[01:36] <aryo> facility

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FACILITY ) in 45.59 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define FACILITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:37] <aryo> .ag

[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T Y B E S (60s timeout) »]

[01:37] <aryo> bytes

[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BYTES ) in 3.032 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BYTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:38] <aryo> .ag

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N L I K A G E (60s timeout) »]

[01:38] <aryo> kalige

[01:38] <aryo> galike

[01:38] <aryo> glike

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N L I K A G E - Here's a hint : L I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:38] <aryo> likage

[01:38] <aryo> linkage

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LINKAGE ) in 50.15 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define LINKAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:40] <aryo> .ag

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : A C R B F A I T I O N S (60s timeout) »]

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A C R B F A I T I O N S - Here's a hint : F A B R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:40] <aryo> fabricatiojs

[01:40] <aryo> fabrications

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FABRICATIONS ) in 44.23 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define FABRICATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[01:41] <aryo> .ag

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O B I R B N S (60s timeout) »]

[01:41] <aryo> bornius

[01:41] <aryo> brobins

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O B I R B N S - Here's a hint : R I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:42] <aryo> ribborns

[01:42] <aryo> ribbons

[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RIBBONS ) in 58.20 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define RIBBONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[01:43] <aryo> .ag

[01:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S P H S R H A D I (60s timeout) »]

[01:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S P H S R H A D I - Here's a hint : H A R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H A R D S H I P S with the letters S P H S R H A D I (Use .define HARDSHIPS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +6 ) »]

[01:44] * erix (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:44] <aryo> .qg

[01:44] <aryo> .ag

[01:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T C A R H C A E R (60s timeout) »]

[01:45] <aryo> trachera

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T C A R H C A E R - Here's a hint : C H A . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:45] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C H A R A C T E R with the letters T C A R H C A E R (Use .define CHARACTER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:46] <ian|> ndi nenene

[01:46] <aryo> .ac

[01:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S T E L O C L C I O N (60s timeout) »]

[01:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T E L O C L C I O N - Here's a hint : C O L L . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:47] <aryo> coolextions

[01:47] <aryo> collections

[01:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COLLECTIONS ) in 43.93 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COLLECTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:48] <aryo> .ag

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E P G S (60s timeout) »]

[01:48] <aryo> pegs

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PEGS ) in 3.719 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define PEGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:48] * erix (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:49] * erix (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:49] <aryo> .ag

[01:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T U O M H S (60s timeout) »]

[01:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T U O M H S - Here's a hint : M O . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:49] <aryo> mounts

[01:49] <aryo> mothus

[01:49] <aryo> moshut

[01:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M O U T H S with the letters T U O M H S (Use .define MOUTHS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:50] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[01:51] <aryo> .ag

[01:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : H F F I T S (60s timeout) »]

[01:51] * erix (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: H F F I T S - Here's a hint : F I . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:51] <aryo> fhistf

[01:51] <aryo> fiths

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F I F T H S with the letters H F F I T S (Use .define FIFTHS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:52] <aryo> .ag

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : R W A P (60s timeout) »]

[01:52] <aryo> wrap

[01:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WRAP ) in 3.375 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WRAP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:53] <aryo> .ag

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S N E N R E V O G M T (60s timeout) »]

[01:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N E N R E V O G M T - Here's a hint : G O V E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:54] <aryo> goververments

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: G O V E R N M E N T S with the letters S N E N R E V O G M T (Use .define GOVERNMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:55] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[01:55] <aryo> .ag

[01:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S T H G L H R A S E C I (60s timeout) »]

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T H G L H R A S E C I - Here's a hint : S E A R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S E A R C H L I G H T S with the letters S T H G L H R A S E C I (Use .define SEARCHLIGHTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:57] <aryo> .ag

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S T G U E S (60s timeout) »]

[01:57] <aryo> guest

[01:57] <aryo> guests

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GUESTS ) in 9.36 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define GUESTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:57] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[01:57] <+tweety> bye Szajbus

[01:58] <aryo> .ag

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S O T U I S T A I N (60s timeout) »]

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O T U I S T A I N - Here's a hint : S I T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S I T U A T I O N S with the letters S O T U I S T A I N (Use .define SITUATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:59] <aryo> .ag

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R S E I A L (60s timeout) »]

[01:59] <aryo> serial

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SERIAL ) in 4.437 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SERIAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:00] <aryo> .ag

[02:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R O P R I A T S (60s timeout) »]

[02:00] <aryo> potraits

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R O P R I A T S - Here's a hint : A I R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:01] <aryo> airports

[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( AIRPORTS ) in 36.95 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define AIRPORTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:01] <aryo> .ag

[02:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R E G A M N A (60s timeout) »]

[02:02] <aryo> managrr

[02:02] <aryo> manager

[02:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MANAGER ) in 15.18 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define MANAGER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:02] <aryo> .ac

[02:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I P U C O L G (60s timeout) »]

[02:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I P U C O L G - Here's a hint : C O U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:03] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O U P L I N G with the letters N I P U C O L G (Use .define COUPLING to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:03] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[02:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[02:03] <aryo> .ag

[02:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E G R A U M N T S (60s timeout) »]

[02:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G R A U M N T S - Here's a hint : A R G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:04] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A R G U M E N T S with the letters E G R A U M N T S (Use .define ARGUMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:05] <aryo> .ag

[02:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : P M X E A L E S (60s timeout) »]

[02:05] <aryo> examples

[02:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EXAMPLES ) in 4.734 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define EXAMPLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:06] <aryo> .ag

[02:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S B Y T E (60s timeout) »]

[02:06] <aryo> bytes

[02:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BYTES ) in 3.047 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BYTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:07] <aryo> .ag

[02:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I P R E C I S (60s timeout) »]

[02:07] <aryo> precicios

[02:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I P R E C I S - Here's a hint : P R E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:07] <aryo> precision

[02:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PRECISION ) in 41.07 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PRECISION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:08] <aryo> .ag

[02:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R J A M O (60s timeout) »]

[02:08] <aryo> jamor

[02:08] <aryo> major

[02:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MAJOR ) in 6.891 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MAJOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[02:08] <aryo> .ag

[02:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I T E M C O P I T O N (60s timeout) »]

[02:08] <aryo> competition

[02:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COMPETITION ) in 5.844 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COMPETITION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[02:08] <+pita> blimey

[02:08] <+elektra> O_O.

[02:09] <+ezza> !!!

[02:09] <+elektra> Great scott!

[02:09] <+creasy> £**@*%*$~#%~£^#

[02:09] <+tweety> $@#~~£$~#

[02:09] <+creasy> Twreety@@!$~

[02:09] <+creasy> -r

[02:09] <aryo> .ag

[02:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N M I E R (60s timeout) »]

[02:09] <aryo> miner

[02:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MINER ) in 4.312 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MINER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[02:09] <+elektra> :O

[02:09] <+ezza> ARRRRGH!

[02:09] <+tweety> \o/ arrrrgh

[02:10] <aryo> .ag

[02:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : Y A W G H I H S (60s timeout) »]

[02:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y A W G H I H S - Here's a hint : H I G . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:11] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H I G H W A Y S with the letters Y A W G H I H S (Use .define HIGHWAYS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:11] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +6 ) »]

[02:11] <aryo> .ag

[02:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S A I T A M E R L (60s timeout) »]

[02:12] * erix (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A I T A M E R L - Here's a hint : M A T . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:12] <aryo> materials

[02:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MATERIALS ) in 36.25 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define MATERIALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:12] <aryo> .ag

[02:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : A R A P P I S A L (60s timeout) »]

[02:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A R A P P I S A L - Here's a hint : A P P . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:13] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:13] <aryo> apprssial

[02:13] <kelpon> 😂😂😂

[02:13] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A P P R A I S A L with the letters A R A P P I S A L (Use .define APPRAISAL to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:13] <kelpon> si aryo tukang ngapusi

[02:14] <kelpon> katanya si fy itu cew eh kemarin aku tanyain ke dia dia nya ternyata cowok

[02:14] <aryo> opo neh

[02:14] <kelpon> kowe ngapusi

[02:14] <aryo> fy sapa

[02:14] <kelpon> fangyin

[02:15] <aryo> oww

[02:15] <+creasy> awww

[02:15] <+pita> awww

[02:15] * +creasy sniggers at aryo

[02:15] <aryo> emang km nsnya gimana

[02:15] <kelpon> aku tanya dia cew apa cow

[02:15] <aryo> nanyanya gimana

[02:15] <kelpon> jawab nya cowok

[02:16] <kelpon> gimana gimana nanya nya ya gitu

[02:16] <aryo> lha nsnyanya di pv aja

[02:16] <aryo> jangan dierom

[02:16] <aryo> tar dicoba lagi

[02:16] <kelpon> di pv mana mau

[02:16] * erix (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:16] <kelpon> aku aja serinh di kick ma dia

[02:17] <DINA> 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫jgn brantem...anak tetangga lg tidur tuh...(anaconda)🤣🤣🤣

[02:17] <aryo> tandanya sayang itu

[02:17] <aryo> hay dina

[02:17] <+creasy> Hay dina... hina.

[02:17] <kelpon> sayang gundul mu

[02:17] <aryo> dia sukanya pvnan

[02:17] <DINA> Hi aryo...

[02:17] <DINA> Hi creasy

[02:17] <aryo> minta aja nomer wa nya

[02:17] <+creasy> ;)

[02:17] <aryo> pasti dikasih

[02:17] <kelpon> dina mendinnh ngobrol ama kelpon aja ya jangan ama aryi

[02:17] <+tweety> =]

[02:17] <+ezza> :-)

[02:17] <aryo> heleh

[02:17] <DINA> Emang aryo knp?

[02:18] <kelpon> aryo suka ngapusi

[02:18] <aryo> wakakaka

[02:18] <kelpon> kemarin aku di bohongin

[02:18] <DINA> Dibohongi gmn?

[02:18] <kelpon> aryo bilang kalo fy fangyin itu gadis eh aku tanya ke fy ternyata cowok

[02:18] <aryo> belum 0v dah bilang dibohongi

[02:19] <DINA> Hadeeehhh eike pusing deh..

[02:19] <kelpon> weleh sini aku pijitin kalo pusing

[02:19] <aryo> minum baygon din

[02:19] <DINA> Mending yg udah pst2 aja.. kyk aku udah jls2 cew 100%

[02:20] <kelpon> nah

[02:20] <kelpon> mending dina ama kelpon

[02:20] <aryo> masa sih din

[02:20] <aryo> yakin cewek to

[02:20] <DINA> Minum baygon? Metong dong eike🤣🤣

[02:20] <DINA> Iiihh apaan sih?

[02:20] <aryo> kekeke

[02:20] <DINA> Khan dr namanya udah klhtn

[02:20] <kelpon> wew

[02:21] <aryo> ya dapa tau dina mulyanto kepanjanganya

[02:21] <DINA> Emang sbnrnya pd penasaran sm siapa sih?

[02:21] <DINA> Iiihh ga,lah

[02:21] <aryo> g percaya deh

[02:22] <aryo> g ada fb dan nomer wa hoax

[02:22] <kelpon> jangan di ajak ngomong si aryo

[02:23] <aryo> 🙄

[02:23] <kelpon> 😂😂😂biar kapokk

[02:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[02:23] <Letta_> Wew

[02:24] * aryo g ngapa2ib dikapok2in

[02:24] <kelpon> weks

[02:24] <aryo> hmmm

[02:24] <aryo> dah sana dina dipv ditanha cew beneran g

[02:25] <aryo> eh pon klepon

[02:25] <kelpon> opo

[02:25] <aryo> itu ada cewek 19tahun

[02:25] <aryo> si letta_

[02:25] * Letta_ ga kenal aryo

[02:25] <DINA> Ditny siapa?

[02:25] <Letta_> Tp aryo usil

[02:25] * aryo g ngajak kenalan kok

[02:26] * Letta_ jg ga mau diajak kenalan ama aryo

[02:26] <kelpon> letta cew apa cow?

[02:26] * aryo cuma ngasih tau klepon

[02:26] <Letta_> Suka2 aja

[02:27] <kelpon> kenapa klepon

[02:27] <aryo> langsung di pv aja pon jangan diroom

[02:28] <kelpon> letta itu dulu galak sekarang gak galak kek nya beda orang

[02:28] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣

[02:28] <aryo> dulu galak sekarang makan orang

[02:28] * Letta_ galak ama yg drijine nek ngetik elek

[02:29] <kelpon> weks

[02:29] <kelpon> emeng klepon elek ?

[02:29] <Letta_> Ga tau

[02:29] <aryo> elek bangets

[02:29] <Letta_> Klepon elek apa ga??

[02:29] <aryo> keyo wedos

[02:29] <Letta_> Aryo ki nopir koyone

[02:29] <kelpon> biarain kek kambing 😂😂😂

[02:30] * aryo user baru

[02:30] <aryo> bukan nopir atau nipor

[02:30] <Letta_> Si glowing koyone

[02:30] <DINA> 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫

[02:31] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*

[02:31] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[02:32] <aryo> .ag

[02:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R A O C M P I S O N (60s timeout) »]

[02:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R A O C M P I S O N - Here's a hint : C O M . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:32] <Letta_> Wuih

[02:32] <aryo> comprion

[02:32] <aryo> comprison

[02:33] <aryo> comprions

[02:33] <Letta_> Comparison

[02:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O M P A R I S O N with the letters R A O C M P I S O N (Use .define COMPARISON to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:33] <aryo> compor

[02:33] <aryo> .ag

[02:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : N I T N M L P I M E E A T O (60s timeout) »]

[02:34] <+ezza> I feel like I'm about to vomit everywhere.

[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I T N M L P I M E E A T O - Here's a hint : I M P L E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:34] <aryo> impletation

[02:34] <aryo> implementation

[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( IMPLEMENTATION ) in 46 secs . He won 10'500$ ! - Use .define IMPLEMENTATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:34] <aryo> .ag

[02:34] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R A E L C N S E S (60s timeout) »]

[02:34] <aryo> up

[02:34] <aryo> next

[02:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R A E L C N S E S - Here's a hint : C L E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:35] <aryo> clerenses

[02:35] <Letta_> Clearness

[02:35] <aryo> clesenres

[02:35] <aryo> clearenss

[02:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C L E A N S E R S with the letters R A E L C N S E S (Use .define CLEANSERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:35] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (G-lined)

[02:36] <aryo> .ag

[02:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E G N I R E D I N T S (60s timeout) »]

[02:36] <aryo> angel

[02:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G N I R E D I N T S - Here's a hint : I N G R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:36] <aryo> ingredintes

[02:36] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[02:37] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N G R E D I E N T S with the letters E G N I R E D I N T S (Use .define INGREDIENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:37] <aryo> .ag

[02:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A S E T (60s timeout) »]

[02:37] <aryo> aset

[02:37] <aryo> tesa

[02:37] <aryo> sate

[02:37] <aryo> east

[02:37] <aryo> teas

[02:37] <aryo> tasw

[02:37] <aryo> tase

[02:37] <aryo> ates

[02:37] <aryo> atsw

[02:37] <aryo> atse

[02:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A S E T - Here's a hint : S . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:38] <aryo> aste

[02:38] <aryo> stae

[02:38] <+pita> I am a summer soup, mmm.

[02:38] <aryo> stea

[02:38] <aryo> seat

[02:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SEAT ) in 43.79 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SEAT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:39] <aryo> .ag

[02:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : Y U B S (60s timeout) »]

[02:39] <aryo> buys

[02:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BUYS ) in 2.875 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BUYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:40] <aryo> .ag

[02:40] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S N A L T A B U T I O (60s timeout) »]

[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N A L T A B U T I O - Here's a hint : T A B U . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T A B U L A T I O N S with the letters S N A L T A B U T I O (Use .define TABULATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:41] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[02:42] <aryo> .ag

[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : K S T B S U A (60s timeout) »]

[02:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: K S T B S U A - Here's a hint : S U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:43] <aryo> sukubts

[02:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U B T A S K with the letters K S T B S U A (Use .define SUBTASK to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[02:44] <aryo> .ag

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E L D E H S C U S (60s timeout) »]

[02:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L D E H S C U S - Here's a hint : S C H . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:44] <aryo> scudeles

[02:45] <aryo> schudeles

[02:45] <aryo> schudels

[02:45] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S C H E D U L E S with the letters E L D E H S C U S (Use .define SCHEDULES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:46] <aryo> .ag

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L P U P I (60s timeout) »]

[02:46] <aryo> luppi

[02:46] <aryo> pupli

[02:46] <aryo> pulip

[02:46] <aryo> puilp

[02:46] <aryo> luipp

[02:46] <aryo> uppil

[02:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L P U P I - Here's a hint : P U . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:47] <aryo> pulpi

[02:47] <aryo> pupli

[02:47] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P U P I L with the letters L P U P I (Use .define PUPIL to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:47] <aryo> su

[02:47] <+tweety> Is t3h l337 h4x0R!

[02:47] <+elektra> Try 'rm -rf /' as root.

[02:48] <aryo> .ag

[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O F R M (60s timeout) »]

[02:48] <aryo> from

[02:48] <aryo> form

[02:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FORM ) in 6.828 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FORM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:49] <aryo> .ag

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O I E M N T N S (60s timeout) »]

[02:49] <aryo> montiens

[02:49] <aryo> timoens

[02:49] <aryo> mentions

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MENTIONS ) in 16.62 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MENTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:49] <aryo> .ag

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O R P E (60s timeout) »]

[02:49] <aryo> pore

[02:49] <aryo> rope

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ROPE ) in 6.031 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define ROPE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:50] <aryo> pon klepon

[02:50] <aryo> nendi pon

[02:50] <aryo> anteng ket mau sajake cocok karo sek dipv

[02:52] <aryo> .ag

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R U Q N I I Y (60s timeout) »]

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R U Q N I I Y - Here's a hint : I N . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:52] <aryo> inquiry

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INQUIRY ) in 50.48 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define INQUIRY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[02:53] <+elektra> *ping*

[02:53] <+elektra> Did it just get cold ni here?

[02:54] <aryo> .ag

[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S L U D H A N F (60s timeout) »]

[02:54] <aryo> .top10

[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 55'651'500$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 43'308'364$ 3: nia (Denia) 42'178'171$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (aryo) 5'815'250$ 6: Riie (??) 3'822'150$ 7: ener (??) 2'201'999$ 8: skidipapap (??) 2'063'850$ 9: n51516161717181 (??) 1'818'250$ 10: FangYin (FangYin) 1'310'000$ »]

[02:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S L U D H A N F - Here's a hint : H A N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:54] * joky (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:55] <+creasy> The next channel is #aldgate. Change here for channels to #shadwell and backbone services to london.

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H A N D F U L S with the letters S L U D H A N F (Use .define HANDFULS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:55] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +4 ) »]

[02:56] <aryo> .ag

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S G U E T (60s timeout) »]

[02:56] <aryo> guest

[02:56] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GUEST ) in 2.937 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GUEST to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:57] <joky> gawe bot ngono yo aryo

[02:57] <aryo> bot opo

[02:57] <joky> La kwi

[02:57] <joky> Sing koe main

[02:58] <aryo> mbuh bote sopo

[02:58] <aryo> waton maen nggo hiburan

[02:58] <joky> Kwi wek Cah_Ndablek

[02:58] <joky> bwi

[02:58] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[02:58] <aryo> wes males dolanan bot

[02:58] <aryo> online mik nek selo wae

[02:58] <joky> Dolanane nenen a

[02:59] <joky> Selo dek mau awan kwi

[02:59] <aryo> hahaha

[02:59] <aryo> udan deres kene ket awna

[02:59] <aryo> awan

[02:59] <joky> Udu selo yo kwi,tp doyan

[02:59] <joky> Seh ng jogja ?

[02:59] <aryo> koe off mau aku yo off

[02:59] <aryo> iseh

[02:59] <joky> Moso

[02:59] <aryo> setia

[02:59] <joky> Puh

[02:59] <aryo> hahaha

[03:00] <aryo> enek kancane ngobrol yo ngoceh

[03:00] <joky> Seh ngopeni sarkem bae

[03:00] <aryo> rqenek yo ngegame ngunu wae

[03:00] <joky> Cocok

[03:00] <aryo> lambemuw rompal

[03:00] <joky> .wkwkwk

[03:00] * aryo alim

[03:00] <joky> alim nek pas ng njero sempak

[03:00] <aryo> wes ketemu tomblok rung

[03:01] <joky> Ng njero kotang yo ndlangsak

[03:01] <joky> Urung

[03:01] <joky> La mboh ki

[03:01] <aryo> di wa wae to

[03:01] <joky> Ah

[03:01] <aryo> ben mesra

[03:01] <joky> Koyo nenen bae

[03:01] <aryo> ra mik yang2an nek irc

[03:01] <aryo> hahahahaha

[03:01] <joky> Untumuwi mesra

[03:01] <aryo> allnet rame ra

[03:02] <joky> Yo... Kuburan

[03:02] <joky> Paling indra sing nunggoni

[03:02] <aryo> hehe

[03:02] <aryo> wes do vskum brati

[03:02] <joky> nek bengi sing ono wonge kwi server re kipli

[03:03] <aryo> ngendi kui

[03:03] <joky> Server re bayo

[03:03] <joky> Dodolz

[03:03] <joky> Karo kae rombongan ne dsn

[03:03] <joky> Tepos tj cs

[03:03] <aryo> server nggo scan pow

[03:03] * andro (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:03] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[03:03] <joky> Kwi server indo sing ono wonge kwi

[03:03] <aryo> servere opo

[03:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[03:04] <aryo> weke ardian pow

[03:04] <joky> (aryo) server nggo scan pow <= eo kabeh... Wong kwi rombongan ne ranggas

[03:04] <joky> ardian tuo ?

[03:04] <aryo> servere jenenge opo malah

[03:05] <joky> Ardian sing Bwi opo sing trenggalek

[03:05] <aryo> lali

[03:05] <joky> Jenenge mirio

[03:05] <aryo> bien sek servere aku melu gawe

[03:05] <joky> Mirip

[03:05] <aryo> lali kenenhe servere

[03:05] <joky> Tuo opo enom ?

[03:06] <aryo> mbuh rung tau ketemu kok

[03:06] <joky> Nek tuwo kwi adrian rombongane tomblok

[03:06] <joky> Sing Bwi

[03:06] <aryo> ar udu ad

[03:06] <joky> Nek enom kwi ardian priggi trenggalek rombongane eggoz

[03:06] <aryo> servere opo jenenge

[03:06] <joky> Nek ar berarri priggi

[03:07] <joky> Ngko bae nek mbengi

[03:07] <aryo> heleh

[03:07] <joky> Tak kandake nek ono wong tuo meh melu scan

[03:07] <joky> Yo kwe kwi

[03:07] <joky> Wkwkwk

[03:07] <aryo> cucukmuw

[03:07] <andro> Adrian padakno ardian 🤣🤣🤣

[03:07] * aryo seh gadis yow

[03:07] <andro> Adrian servere yo forchat

[03:07] <aryo> nah forchat

[03:07] <aryo> iseh pow

[03:08] <joky> Kwi adrian udu ardian

[03:08] <aryo> iyo

[03:08] <joky> Nek kwi tuo

[03:08] <joky> Wes meh modyar

[03:08] <joky> Seumuran tom

[03:08] <aryo> gae server kui dadi padu aku gara2 fitri dikujumi terus

[03:08] <joky> Wkwkwk

[03:08] <aryo> wakakaka

[03:09] <aryo> brati server anyar neh toh

[03:09] <joky> Vitri

[03:09] <aryo> udu forchat

[03:09] <joky> Ooo eo

[03:09] <aryo> fitri bandung

[03:09] <aryo> udu vi

[03:09] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[03:09] <joky> Vitri setahun ora ol

[03:09] <joky> Eo

[03:09] <andro> Uduk vitri seng neng HK

[03:09] <joky> Udu

[03:09] <aryo> udu

[03:09] <joky> Kwi fitri sing ng njero jeding

[03:09] <aryo> wqkqkqkkq

[03:10] <aryo> saiki sek seh enek menungsane mik gari quak yow

[03:10] <joky> Ora

[03:10] <andro> Dalnet

[03:10] <joky> Akeh

[03:10] <aryo> biyen allnet paleng rame

[03:10] <aryo> dalnet bot tok

[03:10] <aryo> ro wong open bo

[03:10] <joky> Koe ne ae ora rono2

[03:11] * joky aku ae nembe 2 dino oL yo

[03:11] <joky> Mbengi temu ne jodi cekink

[03:11] <aryo> tau ngiliki allnet wingi rwenek kehidupan

[03:11] <joky> Karo kae fatin

[03:11] <joky> Iwak patin

[03:11] * aryo lali kabeh malahan.wes 5tahun ra ol

[03:11] <joky> Alias Tjahayoe

[03:11] <aryo> cah sombong kui

[03:11] <aryo> malesi

[03:11] <aryo> wakakaka

[03:12] <joky> Moso

[03:12] <andro> Sopo sing sombong

[03:12] <aryo> ho oh

[03:12] <aryo> ayoe

[03:12] <andro> Cintamu ditolak ta

[03:12] <joky> Sombong meh koe rabeni ora gelem mesti

[03:12] * aryo teko kene sek eling mik rere to omblok

[03:12] <joky> La eo

[03:12] <joky> Ekekek

[03:12] <aryo> telek

[03:13] <aryo> cinta2an barang

[03:13] <aryo> ro kubil

[03:13] * CoBDG_ (~CoBDG_@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:13] * Szajbus ( Quit (G-lined)

[03:14] <joky> Ndi kubiLle yo

[03:14] <aryo> jarang ol

[03:14] <aryo> wedi ro bojone

[03:14] <aryo> wakakaka

[03:14] <joky> Kkkkk

[03:14] <joky> Wingi2 inbox aku

[03:15] <joky> La iki fb ku keno fising

[03:15] <aryo> neng fb pow

[03:15] <joky> Yo mboh

[03:15] <joky> Eo

[03:15] <aryo> kakean mesage keple2 paleng

[03:15] <joky> Kon oL yo... Ngomong bae

[03:15] <aryo> sopo

[03:15] <joky> Ngko nek wulan poso

[03:15] <joky> QubiL

[03:15] <joky> BillyQubiL

[03:16] <aryo> kob ngopo ol

[03:16] <aryo> kon

[03:16] <aryo> aku kon weke kubil jane

[03:16] <aryo> tapi wektune rung enek

[03:17] <joky> Kon oL bae ... Ngomong diluru zhara

[03:17] <joky> Lak cemplikut

[03:17] <joky> Koyo rosi

[03:17] <aryo> hahqha

[03:18] * joky (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:18] <aryo> zahra wes mudik pow

[03:18] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[03:20] * andro (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:22] <Letta_> Wes sepiiiiii

[03:23] <aryo> wes

[03:23] <aryo> pindsh mainan

[03:23] <Letta_> Aryo ra melu sisan ta

[03:23] <aryo> melu nendi

[03:23] <Letta_> Melu pindah nu

[03:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[03:24] <nandini> Melu quit

[03:24] * aryo wes dolanan nek sebelah

[03:24] <Letta_> Oalah

[03:24] <Letta_> Hai nandini

[03:24] <aryo> kasian kujum ditinggal quit

[03:24] <Letta_> Wuih

[03:24] <nandini> Hey kak Letta tayang😍

[03:25] <Letta_> Tayang... Tayang.. Tayang... 🥰🥰🥰🥰

[03:25] <Letta_> Udah mandi blm nandini?

[03:25] <aryo> belum

[03:26] <Letta_> Nandini ki mesti Wes adus... Lah diluk engkas buko puasa

[03:26] <Letta_> Ketambahan malang udan ya nandini ya

[03:26] <nandini> (aryo) belum>>jgn pernah mandi nanti luntur

[03:27] <nandini> hu um udan dr tadi siang ka

[03:27] <aryo> heleh

[03:27] <nandini> kmrn hujan es disni

[03:27] <aryo> ho o

[03:27] <aryo> es dawet

[03:28] <nandini> es batu kak

[03:29] <aryo> enak dunk

[03:29] <aryo> tinggal buat kopi

[03:29] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:29] <nandini> Tinggal kasih marjan

[03:29] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:29] <aryo> ho o

[03:29] <aryo> marijan

[03:30] <nandini> Wb kak DINA

[03:31] <aryo> ty

[03:32] <nandini> knp pke huruf kapital ya

[03:34] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:34] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[03:37] <DINA> 🥱🥱🥱🥱

[03:37] <DINA> Hi nandini

[03:37] <DINA> Ktm lg

[03:37] <aryo> iya

[03:37] <aryo> ktm lagi

[03:38] <DINA> Udah ga brantem lg?

[03:38] <aryo> udah

[03:39] <Letta_> Wew

[03:39] <Letta_> Hai Dina angelina

[03:40] <aryo> wuih angelina

[03:41] <DINA> Hi letta

[03:42] <DINA> Waduuuhh bikin bubur merah tuh

[03:42] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣

[03:42] <Letta_> Enak tu bubur merah

[03:42] <DINA> Kesukaan,akyuuuu

[03:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[03:44] <+pita> r :)

[03:44] <+creasy> r

[03:44] <+elektra> hiya |In-Love|

[03:46] <aryo> iya enak apalagi campur letta_ goreng

[03:50] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:50] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:52] * Deviee_ is now known as KidungPungkasan

[03:55] * KidungPungkasan is now known as MbatikUrip

[03:56] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:59] * MbatikUrip is now known as ranniee

[03:59] <+tweety> We have no time for these games$%$^#*£$

[04:02] <+pita> Noooooo my elbow! i'm not supposed to get rocks in it!

[04:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[04:08] <+creasy> What to do, what to do... three hundred onre-dollsar hookerbots or one three hundred dollar hooker bot?

[04:08] <+creasy> *butterfingers*

[04:08] <+ezza> pizza

[04:08] <+tweety> Coffee!

[04:09] <+ezza> Say, do you want to see a movie?

[04:11] * erix (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:11] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[04:14] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[04:24] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[04:28] * ian| is now known as hpL

[04:29] * momong (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:29] * dhbchdbvchdc (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:30] * dhbchdbvchdc is now known as momong

[04:32] <ranniee> Wb om king

[04:33] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:33] <kelpon> .seen

[04:33] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[04:33] <Letta_> Sing di wb sopo eh sing join sopo

[04:33] <kelpon> .seen klepon

[04:33] <momong> klepon (~androirc@ JOIN IRC - 1day 21hrs 17mins 52secs yang lalu

[04:33] <NapaLm> klepon (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 19 jam, 13 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[04:34] <kelpon> ada orang ndak yal

[04:34] <kelpon> yak

[04:34] <kelpon> 😂😂😂😂

[04:34] <Letta_> Ga

[04:35] * kelpon is now known as klepon

[04:35] <klepon> apa

[04:35] <Letta_> klepon: plg aj gih

[04:35] <klepon> pulang kemana

[04:35] <Letta_> Pulang ke sisiNya

[04:36] <momong> Twengkiu ranniee

[04:36] <klepon> wew coba kalo ngomong di pikir dulu

[04:36] <+tweety> Twengkiu ranniee... Twanniee.

[04:36] <ranniee> Nggihh

[04:36] <klepon> wb rani 😸😸😸

[04:36] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣

[04:36] <Letta_> Nah klepon sehat nie kykny

[04:36] <Letta_> Ranniee yg ga enak badan

[04:37] <ranniee> Nggihhh

[04:37] <ranniee> Ty om pon

[04:37] <Letta_> Asam lambungmu kumat ta ranniee?

[04:37] <klepon> tak ignore aja si letta

[04:37] <Letta_> Hu uh

[04:37] <Letta_> Ignore ae

[04:38] <Letta_> Ndang

[04:38] <ranniee> (Letta_) Asam lambungmu kumat ta ranniee?.. Ketoke jenk..ilat roso anyir amis terus

[04:38] <Letta_> Ew.. M

[04:38] <Letta_> Jare koncoku gae madu mabarakka bisa ngatasi kui

[04:39] <Letta_> Tapi madu e asem

[04:39] <ranniee> Wes kabeeh..

[04:39] <Letta_> Madu klenceng kok e

[04:39] <Letta_> Ora mempan yo?

[04:39] <ranniee> Mempan pas kui yo menehh

[04:40] <Letta_> Oalah

[04:40] <ranniee> Nganti tak ombeni teh panas ben ilate kebas

[04:40] <Letta_> Nek disiasati mangan terjadwal opo Ora iso

[04:40] <klepon> rani si leta itu cew apa cow kok galak ma klepon

[04:40] <Letta_> Teh lak asem ran

[04:40] <Letta_> Nambah tinggi nu asam lambungmu

[04:41] <Letta_> Dua2nya klepon

[04:41] <ranniee> Hambuhh jenkj

[04:41] <klepon> rani minum madu . kalo gak cocok madu minum habatsauda/ jintan hitam

[04:42] <klepon> habatsauda nya yg minyak

[04:42] <ranniee> Aku kl madu yg produksi pramuka..lebih asli menurutku

[04:42] <klepon> jangan makan kubis sawi

[04:42] <Letta_> Oh gt

[04:43] <ranniee> Iyaa

[04:43] <ranniee> Dokter ga kasi pantangan..

[04:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[04:45] * bughi (~tempek@ has joined #surabaya

[04:46] <klepon> .seen jemblem

[04:46] <momong> jemblem (~androirc@ JOIN IRC - 5days 23hrs 49mins 4secs yang lalu

[04:46] <NapaLm> jemblem (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 1 day, 19 jam, 42 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[04:46] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[04:46] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[04:47] * bughi (~tempek@ has left #surabaya

[04:47] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[04:47] <klepon> aku ra mundur dek

[04:47] <klepon> dek ranie

[04:48] <klepon> enak nya manggil ranie dengan dik eja nih hehe

[04:48] <klepon> lettoy

[04:49] <klepon> letta letoy

[04:50] * asn1 (~ngok@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:51] * Q sets mode: +b *!*tempek@*

[04:51] * FY angop

[04:51] <FY> .ag

[04:51] <FY> Endi rak iso

[04:51] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E O M T L (60s timeout) »]

[04:51] <FY> Puh

[04:51] <FY> Motel

[04:51] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( MOTEL ) in 3.921 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MOTEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:51] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:51] * Q sets mode: -b *!*tempek@*

[04:52] * Q sets mode: +b *!*tempek*@*

[04:52] <FY> Wew

[04:52] <FY> .ag

[04:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : F F A T S (60s timeout) »]

[04:52] <FY> Taffs

[04:52] <coz> staff

[04:52] <FY> Staff

[04:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( STAFF ) in 17.65 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STAFF to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:52] <FY> Makasih

[04:52] <klepon> wb fy . galak ndak ?

[04:53] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣

[04:53] <FY> Ty dek klepon

[04:53] * |In-Love| (bot78@|In-Love| has left #surabaya

[04:53] * |In-Love| (bot78@|In-Love| has joined #surabaya

[04:53] * Q sets mode: +o |In-Love|

[04:53] <Letta_> Hai fy

[04:53] <FY> Aku galak tah gak lett?

[04:53] <FY> Ty lett

[04:53] <Letta_> Ora fy

[04:53] <FY> Ora pon

[04:53] <Letta_> Klepon wedi di galak I aku

[04:53] <coz> lettoy seng galak

[04:54] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣

[04:54] <FY> (klepon) wb fy . galak ndak ?>>aku ra galak tapi mbencekno

[04:54] * Letta_ galak Karo sing drijine amoh

[04:54] <FY> .ag

[04:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S P R I F E L U G (60s timeout) »]

[04:54] <klepon> drijimimu amoh

[04:54] <coz> bojo galak

[04:54] <Letta_> Ora

[04:55] <FY> Jawaben pon

[04:55] <Letta_> Coz Mos ki sopo

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S P R I F E L U G - Here's a hint : F I R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:55] <FY> Fireplugs

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( FIREPLUGS ) in 43.56 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define FIREPLUGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[04:55] <klepon> opo

[04:55] <FY> Gombloh

[04:55] <klepon> sopo

[04:55] <coz> embuh sopo

[04:56] <klepon> wew sapa ya flood klepon

[04:56] <klepon> tiap ol klepon di flood orang

[04:56] <klepon> kleponmambu(~Ken@ to klepon

[04:56] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[04:57] * coz ( has joined #surabaya

[04:57] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go T_T

[04:57] <klepon> kemarin di flood banyak nick

[04:57] <klepon> kayak nya puluhan

[04:59] <coz> .ag

[04:59] <@Dealer> 6 coz started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : R E T M R E T H M O E S (60s timeout) »]

[04:59] <coz> thermometers

[04:59] <@Dealer> 6 coz has just found the correct word ( THERMOMETERS ) in 19.5 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define THERMOMETERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:59] <@Dealer> 6 coz pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[05:00] <coz> .ag

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 coz started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A C R F T (60s timeout) »]

[05:00] <coz> craft

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 coz has just found the correct word ( CRAFT ) in 5.188 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CRAFT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) coz has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:00] <coz> .ag

[05:00] <coz> .ag

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 coz started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A S E S (60s timeout) »]

[05:00] <coz> seas

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 coz has just found the correct word ( SEAS ) in 6.656 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SEAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) coz has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[05:00] <Letta_> Oalah

[05:00] <coz> .ag

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 coz started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : B M S A D I S S E L I E S (60s timeout) »]

[05:00] <Letta_> Coz ki mau sing gae nick aryo kae ta

[05:01] <coz> iyo paling

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: B M S A D I S S E L I E S - Here's a hint : D I S A . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:01] <FY> Disassmblies

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S A S S E M B L I E S with the letters B M S A D I S S E L I E S (Use .define DISASSEMBLIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for coz stopped ( +3 ) »]

[05:02] <coz> .ag

[05:02] <@Dealer> 6 coz started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S N I T C E L E O (60s timeout) »]

[05:02] <Letta_> FY: bon opo enek ol meneh?

[05:02] <FY> Elections

[05:02] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ELECTIONS ) in 24.56 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ELECTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:02] <FY> Ga paham aku lett

[05:02] <coz> wingi ono

[05:02] <Letta_> Lah fy lagi ol iki ta??

[05:03] <temon> yo

[05:03] <Letta_> Nok jkt mesti

[05:03] <+tweety> nok jkt mesti ... more like mok jkt Nesti, am i right?

[05:03] * FY ol ga lama

[05:03] <FY> Ribet karo bayek²

[05:03] <Letta_> Oalah

[05:04] <temon> iyo

[05:04] * ranniee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:04] <+tweety> Mmm ranniee.

[05:04] * silumun (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[05:04] <+creasy> ^_^

[05:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[05:04] <+tweety> -_-

[05:06] <coz> .ag

[05:06] <@Dealer> 6 coz started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : E C T N A P P R E I S H I P (60s timeout) »]

[05:06] * coz ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C T N A P P R E I S H I P - Here's a hint : A P P R E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:07] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:07] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A P P R E N T I C E S H I P with the letters E C T N A P P R E I S H I P (Use .define APPRENTICESHIP to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:07] <FY> .ag

[05:07] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O I W N D W S (60s timeout) »]

[05:07] <FY> Windows

[05:07] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( WINDOWS ) in 4.094 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WINDOWS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:11] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.814v.ip) has joined #surabaya

[05:12] * momong endus2 adis

[05:12] * temon elus2 Adis

[05:12] <Adis> 😒

[05:13] <momong> hahahahha

[05:13] <+pita> no more waffles, GIR. No really, I'm starting to feel sick. *retch*

[05:13] <+tweety> curse you snacks... CURSE YOU%£^#!%*#$$%

[05:13] <Adis> Tiap onlen ada aja user ajaib

[05:13] <temon> layo

[05:13] * momong user ghoib malah

[05:14] * temon user astral

[05:14] * silumun (~met@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:15] <momong> haah

[05:16] <Adis> ki kok berlomba2 malah pengen dadi demit

[05:17] <momong> kan blajar gae sok 17 an dis

[05:17] <Adis> 17 thn ini delay

[05:17] <momong> eee

[05:18] <Adis> diganti 27 an

[05:18] <momong> di setip a nok tanggalan

[05:18] <Adis> bancakane kadas rabi

[05:18] <Adis> 🤣

[05:18] <momong> .k

[05:18] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[05:18] * momong wingi di wa kadas

[05:18] <momong> iso di cruthati

[05:18] <Adis> Piye jare

[05:18] <momong> ketemu mantan e seng wes 12th ilang

[05:18] <Adis> Jiah ndungaren

[05:19] <momong> ketemu nok micet

[05:19] <momong> kakakakakka

[05:19] <Adis> Kok ra mok takoi, mantane uwong opi wedus?

[05:19] <momong> wes dis

[05:19] <Adis> 🤣

[05:19] * momong wes amoh pokok e nek di wa kadas i

[05:19] <Adis> semmm wkwkwkw

[05:20] <temon> ntoh ktemu mantan

[05:20] <Adis> trus piye jare

[05:20] <Adis> clbk?

[05:20] <momong> jarene arep prei irc an dulu

[05:20] <momong> ngeboti bojone uwong

[05:20] <momong> wkwkwkwkkw

[05:20] <Adis> Cik

[05:20] * momong sampek kekel moco wa ne

[05:20] <Adis> ajar melakor ye saiki?

[05:20] <momong> heeh

[05:20] <Adis> Dus nan

[05:20] <momong> jare cek skali2 oleh pengalaman virtual

[05:21] <momong> ncen bujad kadas i

[05:21] <Adis> ra enek potongan melakor kadas wi

[05:21] <temon> gawing virtual?

[05:21] <momong> heeh mon

[05:21] <momong> bar micet an mantan e moro omah macak potokopi

[05:22] <Adis> Wkwkwkw

[05:22] <Adis> sak Kuto to?

[05:22] <Adis> Jan nggilani kadas

[05:22] <momong> marine nok IG ne lak bakal enek plod foto2 alis trembesi

[05:22] <momong> <Adis> sak Kuto to? <- sak deso malah

[05:22] <momong> ngono jare mantan yg hilang 12th dulu

[05:23] <momong> sak deso pdhal

[05:23] <momong> kakakakka

[05:24] <temon> wkwkwkwk

[05:24] <Adis> Halah2

[05:24] <Adis> drama thok

[05:24] * silumun (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[05:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[05:24] <temon> iso ditiru jan e

[05:24] <momong> di gawe notped apik cerita ne kadas i

[05:25] <momong> kakakakakkka

[05:25] <temon> iyo

[05:25] <temon> wenehi judul tragedi mbolo

[05:25] <Adis> 🙄

[05:26] <momong> .k

[05:26] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[05:26] <Adis> Brb

[05:26] <momong> ratu mbolo pecah telor <- drama kolosal apik ki

[05:26] <temon> iki enek kadas iso panen atanan

[05:26] <momong> aman

[05:27] <momong> sementara ra ol arek e

[05:27] <momong> ndekemi bojone uwong

[05:27] <momong> safdasldkjflkjsdlfkjklasjflkas

[05:27] <+creasy> I'd ndekemi her uwong.

[05:27] <temon> wekekekek

[05:27] <temon> yuk dis niru

[05:27] <temon> tak donlote micet

[05:28] <momong> jare kadas kapan hari temu awakmu mon nok micet

[05:28] <silumun> Adis kalo ol pasti sambil eek

[05:28] * momong di critani

[05:28] <momong> "eh des jasik aq nok micet tem garangan2 sempal"

[05:28] <momong> wkwkwkwkkw

[05:29] <temon> juhh iso garangan sempal i

[05:29] <temon> micet kih jan horor

[05:30] <momong> eo

[05:30] <momong> di ss ke kadas di nyang iso ngakak aq

[05:30] <momong> iso do jujur2 ngono pemakai ne

[05:30] * temon oleh artis pulsa 50rb an ijol poto

[05:30] <momong> koakoakoakoakoakoka

[05:31] <temon> makhluk e kyk alis ringin kae

[05:31] <temon> jian ratoto

[05:31] <momong> poto ter nyu ne wingi di kirimi Rere_ aq

[05:31] <momong> tak rubah brewok iso man sak atanan mesti

[05:31] <momong> :v

[05:31] <temon> kkkkkk

[05:32] <temon> loken adis ndlesep

[05:32] <temon> mlebu micet pasti kih

[05:32] <momong> woh heeh

[05:32] <momong> arep nginceng polahe kadas nok micet

[05:33] <momong> hahahahaha

[05:33] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.814v.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:33] <temon> dyar

[05:33] <momong> pindah alam lgsg j4

[05:34] <+elektra> Do you like magnets

[05:34] * FY melok ngantuk nek ngene carane

[05:34] <silumun> Sek cewok cae

[05:34] <temon> piye pang

[05:35] <momong> gagagagagaga

[05:35] <silumun> Momong terus ae KOE Ki kink

[05:35] <silumun> Bojomu nik Endi jane

[05:36] <temon> nok israel bakulan kotang

[05:36] <momong> heeh

[05:36] <+pita> heeeeeh

[05:36] <+creasy> heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

[05:36] * momong bojone uwong juga iki

[05:36] <momong> :v

[05:36] <silumun> Kkkkkkkk

[05:37] <silumun> Mbok sekali kali mentil

[05:38] <momong> ora iso juk

[05:38] <momong> pentil e di epehi precil

[05:38] * momong ra keduman i wes 1th

[05:39] <FY> Sukur

[05:39] <FY> Wkwkkwk

[05:39] <momong> loken

[05:39] <momong> iso sukur i

[05:39] <FY> 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

[05:40] <temon> * momong ra keduman i wes 1th...tanda2 rep nyoba micet iki

[05:40] <FY> Makane tak kenalno cewek manado ga gelem

[05:40] <momong> <FY> Makane tak kenalno cewek manado ga gelem <- wes tak hibahno temon

[05:40] * momong aman wes

[05:40] <FY> Wakakkaka

[05:40] <FY> Butuh cepat iku

[05:41] <silumun> Butuh empeng kayak e

[05:41] <FY> Selak dibarak bon lho

[05:41] <momong> nek poni kae ncen gragas pang

[05:41] <momong> kucing di wedak i wae di gasak

[05:41] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.vypj.ip) has joined #surabaya

[05:41] <momong> .k

[05:41] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[05:41] <temon> eee

[05:41] <momong> yora dis

[05:41] <temon> cah menado

[05:41] <silumun> Wb Adis

[05:41] <Adis> Ty

[05:41] <temon> gaban pasti kih

[05:42] <silumun> Tas eek to dis

[05:42] <momong> <temon> gaban pasti kih <- wkwkwkwkwk lgsg mengkeret wes

[05:43] <Adis> Sopo neh iki silumun ki

[05:43] <FY> Karuan gaban tenanan kink

[05:43] * Adis konfyus

[05:43] <FY> Ketimbang macak gabani

[05:43] <FY> Yo ga kink

[05:43] <momong> heeh

[05:43] <momong> gaban family

[05:44] * momong nek iling kekel

[05:44] <momong> <Adis> Sopo neh iki silumun ki <- pawang garangan dis

[05:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[05:46] * silumun is now known as Sl4met

[05:46] <+pita> Watch out fore the moose.

[05:46] * Sl4met malam dis

[05:47] <Sl4met> .ping

[05:47] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[05:47] <@Dealer> Sl4met: Pong! (0.484s)

[05:47] <momong> Sl4met [ *!*@ ] - reply 2 sec [ ]

[05:47] <momong> malam juk

[05:47] * nona ( has joined #surabaya

[05:47] <momong> dengaren ora lag sinyalmu

[05:48] <momong> Twengkiu nona

[05:48] <nona> hai momong

[05:48] * dila (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:49] * dila (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[05:49] * dila ( has joined #surabaya

[05:49] <dila> .rank

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: You (#dila) are ranked 155th out of 586 Casino Players with 2'000$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[05:49] <+tweety> bye dila

[05:49] <+ezza> Dealer: that's numberwang!

[05:49] <dila> .ag

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O T L U T A B A I (60s timeout) »]

[05:49] <dila> Tabulation

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( TABULATION ) in 5.297 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define TABULATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:50] <dila> .ag

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O M V E S (60s timeout) »]

[05:50] <dila> Moves

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( MOVES ) in 5.766 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MOVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:50] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[05:50] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:50] <Sl4met> Dila UKS

[05:50] <+ezza> Dila UKS... DUKS.

[05:50] * juragan-kurma ( has joined #surabaya

[05:51] <dila> Beghh

[05:51] <Sl4met> Wb NoNa

[05:51] <dila> Bg uks

[05:51] <dila> .ag

[05:51] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : Y O B S (60s timeout) »]

[05:51] <dila> Boys

[05:51] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( BOYS ) in 2.469 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BOYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[05:51] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[05:51] <Sl4met> Bagi duit dila

[05:51] <Sl4met> Kita judi

[05:51] <dila> Bokek bg

[05:52] * Q sets mode: -b *!*tempek*@*

[05:52] <dila> .ag

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S P V A O R (60s timeout) »]

[05:52] <dila> Pavors

[05:52] <juragan-kurma> .cointoss 25000 tails

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations juragan-kurma!!! You have won 25'000$!!! - (antispam 15sec) »]

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S P V A O R - Here's a hint : V A . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:52] <dila> Vapors

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( VAPORS ) in 34.46 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VAPORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[05:52] <juragan-kurma> vapors

[05:52] <dila> Berapa uang mu bg?

[05:52] <dila> .ag

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O T O H P (60s timeout) »]

[05:52] <dila> Photo

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( PHOTO ) in 4.547 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PHOTO to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[05:53] <juragan-kurma> .rl black 10000

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 36 ( RED ) »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:53] <juragan-kurma> .b 10000

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. juragan-kurma's hand: 2 | 7 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:53] <juragan-kurma> h

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma hits: K : Total is 19 »]

[05:53] <juragan-kurma> s

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 5 : Total is 15 »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 18 »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:53] <Sl4met> .rank

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: Sl4met doesn't seem to be registered - WebRank Page @ »]

[05:54] <juragan-kurma> .b 10000

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. juragan-kurma's hand: 6 | 4 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:54] <juragan-kurma> h

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma hits: 3 : Total is 13 »]

[05:54] <juragan-kurma> h

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma hits: 4 : Total is 17 »]

[05:54] <juragan-kurma> s

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 3 : Total is 5 »]

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 15 »]

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 25 »]

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! juragan-kurma has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:54] * Sl4met gak bisa masuk Jakarta

[05:54] <juragan-kurma> .rl black 10000

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 31 ( RED ) »]

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:54] <juragan-kurma> .craps 2000

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma rolls the dice... 3 & 5 => 8 - juragan-kurma "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[05:54] <dila> Swab dulu bg,,baru bisa masuk

[05:54] <juragan-kurma> * Sl4met gak bisa masuk Jakarta_DL

[05:54] <juragan-kurma> .b 10000

[05:55] <juragan-kurma> .VP 5000

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. juragan-kurma's hand: Kc | 6d | 5s | 7h | 4h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:55] <dila> .ag

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E S L U P (60s timeout) »]

[05:55] <dila> Pulse

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( PULSE ) in 3.391 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PULSE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[05:55] <juragan-kurma> .draw 124

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - juragan-kurma: your hand: 9c | 8c | 5s | 5d | 4h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[05:56] <juragan-kurma> .rl black 10000

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 31 ( BLACK ) »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations juragan-kurma !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:56] <dila> .ag

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R T A E Q U O (60s timeout) »]

[05:56] <+elektra> You know Dealer, pninnig the wheel is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[05:56] <+elektra> -typo

[05:56] <+pita> Chicks can't resist me.

[05:56] <+elektra> You've got to pass thre poh

[05:56] <+elektra> beam the rampage

[05:56] <+elektra> and finally atleti the letters.

[05:56] * suliw4 ( has joined #surabaya

[05:56] <dila> Quarto

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T A E Q U O - Here's a hint : E Q . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:56] <FY> Equator

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( EQUATOR ) in 40.04 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define EQUATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd dila in his winning streak! ( +6 ) »]

[05:56] <juragan-kurma> .b 10000

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. juragan-kurma's hand: 6 | 9 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:56] <juragan-kurma> h

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma hits: K : Total is 25 »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma busts! juragan-kurma loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:57] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.vypj.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:57] <juragan-kurma> .rl black 10000

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 10 ( BLACK ) »]

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations juragan-kurma !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:57] <dila> .ag

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S N O I T N V O C N E (60s timeout) »]

[05:57] <dila> Convections

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N O I T N V O C N E - Here's a hint : C O N V . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:57] <dila> Convections

[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N V E N T I O N S with the letters S N O I T N V O C N E (Use .define CONVENTIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:00] <juragan-kurma> .rl black 10000

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 6 ( RED ) »]

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:00] <juragan-kurma> .VP 5000

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. juragan-kurma's hand: 6c | 9d | 3d | 4s | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:00] <juragan-kurma> .draw 2

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - juragan-kurma: your hand: 6c | 4h | 3d | 4s | 5s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[06:00] <juragan-kurma> .rl black 10000

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 18 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations juragan-kurma !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:01] <dila> .ag

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E U Q I T S (60s timeout) »]

[06:01] <dila> Squite

[06:01] <dila> Quites

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E U Q I T S - Here's a hint : Q U . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:02] <dila> Quites

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: Q U I E T S with the letters E U Q I T S (Use .define QUIETS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:02] <juragan-kurma> .rl black 10000

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 1 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations juragan-kurma !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:03] <juragan-kurma> .b 10000

[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 juragan-kurma bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. juragan-kurma's hand: K | 8 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:03] * nona ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:03] <juragan-kurma> s

[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | Q : Total is 20 »]

[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! juragan-kurma loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:03] <dila> .ag

[06:03] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A R B E K (60s timeout) »]

[06:03] <dila> Break

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( BREAK ) in 3.079 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BREAK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:04] <juragan-kurma> break

[06:04] <juragan-kurma> .dice 50001

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 DICE has been started by juragan-kurma. The bet is 50'001$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[06:04] <dila> .gi

[06:04] <dila> .go

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry, dila you can't join the game. You need 50'001$. »]

[06:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[06:05] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry juragan-kurma, nobody joined the DICE game. »]

[06:05] * juragan-kurma is now known as jeri

[06:06] <dila> .ah

[06:06] <dila> .ag

[06:06] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T E M O B A R E R (60s timeout) »]

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E M O B A R E R - Here's a hint : B A R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:07] <dila> Barometer

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( BAROMETER ) in 36 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define BAROMETER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:09] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:09] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[06:15] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 13 ( RED ) »]

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:15] * joky (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:15] <+pita> You know Dealer, pinning the wheel is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[06:15] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 2d | 9c | 8s | 10s | Kh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:15] <+pita> You've got to trot the nice

[06:15] <+pita> claim the sitar

[06:15] <+pita> and finally nes the poh.

[06:16] <jeri> .draw 133

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 2h | 9c | Ac | 10s | Kh is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 34 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 4 | J : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:16] <jeri> h

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: J : Total is 24 »]

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 jeri busts! jeri loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 28 ( RED ) »]

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .craps 2000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 5 & 4 => 9 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:17] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 7 | A : Total is 18 or 8 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:17] <jeri> s

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 8 : Total is 10 »]

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:20] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 2 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:22] <dila> .ag

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : K C O C H S (60s timeout) »]

[06:22] * joky (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:22] <dila> Cochks

[06:22] <jeri> chocks

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( CHOCKS ) in 7.734 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CHOCKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri pwn'd dila in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[06:22] <dila> Kann

[06:22] <dila> .rank jeri

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: jeri (#red-devil) is ranked 16th out of 586 Casino Players with 235'400$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[06:22] <jeri> kkkk

[06:22] <dila> Holang kayah

[06:22] <jeri> . lwwkk

[06:22] <dila> .rank

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: You (#dila) are ranked 25th out of 586 Casino Players with 49'250$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[06:22] <dila> .dice all

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 ALL-IN-DICE has been started by dila. The bet is 49'250$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[06:22] <jeri> .go

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 dila's number was ---> 3 <--- »]

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri's number was ---> 4 <--- »]

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has won 98'500$!!! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:23] <dila> Prettttt

[06:23] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:23] <jeri> kwwkk

[06:23] <dila> Bagi jer

[06:23] <jeri> .give dila 50000

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has given 50'000$ to dila. »]

[06:23] <jeri> .give 100000

[06:23] <dila> .dice all

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 ALL-IN-DICE has been started by dila. The bet is 50'000$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[06:23] <jeri> .give dila 100000

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has given 100'000$ to dila. »]

[06:24] <jeri> .go

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 dila's number was ---> 1 <--- »]

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 jeri's number was ---> 3 <--- »]

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has won 100'000$!!! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:24] <+elektra> elbow.#

[06:24] * +elektra butterfingers

[06:24] <dila> Helehh

[06:24] <dila> Gk ikhlass

[06:24] <jeri> jah

[06:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[06:24] <dila> .dice all

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 ALL-IN-DICE has been started by dila. The bet is 100'000$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[06:25] <jeri> go

[06:25] <jeri> .go

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 dila's number was ---> 5 <--- »]

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 jeri's number was ---> 6 <--- »]

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has won 200'000$!!! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:25] <dila> Isssssss

[06:25] <jeri> kkk

[06:25] <dila> Prett la jer

[06:25] <dila> Yg ikhlass ogg

[06:25] <jeri> yg ikhlas gimana

[06:26] <dila> Give nya tu yg ikhlas

[06:26] <dila> .rank

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: You (#dila) are ranked 584th out of 586 Casino Players with 0$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[06:26] <dila> Ckckckxk

[06:26] <jeri> .give dila 300000

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri doesn't have 300000$ to give to dila »]

[06:26] <jeri> GA iso

[06:27] <+ezza> pikachu!

[06:27] <dila> Dah limit kaleee

[06:27] * dila ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:28] * jeri ( Quit (EOF from client)

[06:28] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[06:38] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:38] <DINA> Mlm semua

[06:40] <temon> ok

[06:41] <DINA> Hi temon

[06:41] <temon> ae

[06:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[06:52] * suliw4 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[07:10] <+creasy> I have teeth!

[07:11] <temon> DINA

[07:15] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:20] * AndroUser is now known as arwo

[07:21] * arwo (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[07:21] * arwo ( has joined #surabaya

[07:22] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.8b6o.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:24] <Adis> Baru ol kok ngantuk

[07:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[07:25] <Adis> off bae lah

[07:27] <+tweety> maniez has shot the food! :O

[07:27] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.8b6o.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:27] * arwo ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:27] <+tweety> I like them =]

[07:27] <DINA> Iya temon knp?

[07:27] <DINA> Kgn ya😂😂😂

[07:28] <temon> bs jd

[07:28] <DINA> Iiihhhhh

[07:28] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:29] <temon> klepon dicari DINA

[07:29] <klepon> dina mana

[07:29] <klepon> .ping

[07:29] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[07:29] <@Dealer> klepon: Pong! (0.422s)

[07:29] <momong> klepon [ *!*@ ] - reply 2 sec [ ]

[07:29] * momong was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[07:29] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:30] <klepon> btw pada kemana ya

[07:30] <DINA> Hi klepom

[07:30] <DINA> Klepon

[07:30] <klepon> kok sepi

[07:30] <+pita> I'd kok her sepi

[07:30] <DINA> Kgn ya?

[07:30] <klepon> aku telegram ndak masuk si dina

[07:32] <temon> waw sudah main telegram

[07:32] <nandini> Pke telepati aja

[07:32] <klepon> gak punya wa kok

[07:32] <klepon> wb nandini temen klepon

[07:33] <nandini> Tq kak pon

[07:33] <klepon> sama2 dik dini

[07:34] <klepon> cocok kayak nya klepon jd kk nya nandini

[07:35] <klepon> pada diem

[07:36] <klepon> heran

[07:36] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v Szajbus

[07:37] * Szajbus ( Quit (Registered)

[07:37] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[07:37] * sets mode: +v Szajbus

[07:37] <DINA> Spt nya mereka lelah hayati yaa🤭🤭🤭

[07:38] * reborn234 (reborn@2607:f298:5:101d:f816:3eff:fe12:6e7a) has joined #surabaya

[07:39] <+elektra> Buttock Crunchies

[07:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[07:45] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:45] * momong (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:46] <DINA> 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱

[07:47] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:48] * tiaa is now known as tiaa_off

[07:54] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[07:56] * reborn234 (reborn@2607:f298:5:101d:f816:3eff:fe12:6e7a) Quit (Signed off)

[07:56] <+tweety> mmm reborn234

[07:56] <+ezza> :)

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L D A C N E (60s timeout) »]

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Dancel

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Lanced

[07:58] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L D A C N E - Here's a hint : C A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Cadnel

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Calend

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Calden

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Cadlen

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C A N D L E with the letters L D A C N E (Use .define CANDLE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> :v

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E G U S R (60s timeout) »]

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Gerus

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Suger

[08:00] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Ruges

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G U S R - Here's a hint : S U . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Sugre

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Sureg

[08:00] <suliw4> Susu

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Sugre

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Surge

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SURGE ) in 59.79 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SURGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Jwjwjwjw

[08:01] <suliw4> Gak sido

[08:01] <suliw4> Tak sawang wes kisut

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Moso

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E R I T (60s timeout) »]

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Pling kisut an wek mu

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Wek belia ra tau kisut

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> :/

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E R I T - Here's a hint : T I . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Tires

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( TIRES ) in 33.14 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TIRES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:03] <suliw4> Mosok

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> He eh..ndelok aa

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E C A P (60s timeout) »]

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Cape

[08:03] <suliw4> Moh

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Ceap

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Engko tak foto

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Wek ee samirah

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[08:03] <suliw4> Aku mengko gumoh

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Pace

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PACE ) in 27.12 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define PACE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Gumoh yo wes ...lek wes tuek ncen gak mampu

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> Ndelok

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E T W R I R (60s timeout) »]

[08:04] <suliw4> Kwkwkwkw

[08:04] <AndroUser2> Writer

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> Written

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T W R I R - Here's a hint : W R . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:04] <suliw4> [22:04] (AndroUser2) Writer/ tidur gih

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> Writerr

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> Writter

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> Writer

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( WRITER ) in 55.56 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WRITER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[08:04] <suliw4> Printer

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A N A C L S (60s timeout) »]

[08:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Clanas

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Lancas

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Clanas

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A N A C L S - Here's a hint : C A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:05] <suliw4> Poinmu Piro mak

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Calans

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Mbuh mak

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Canals

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CANALS ) in 49.79 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CANALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[08:06] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : I T E L D E P O N S (60s timeout) »]

[08:06] <suliw4> Kwkwkwkw

[08:06] <suliw4> Mesti nik sewot nik diceluk mak

[08:06] <TjahAyoe> Ora koq mak

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I T E L D E P O N S - Here's a hint : D E P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E P L E T I O N S with the letters I T E L D E P O N S (Use .define DEPLETIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +5 ) »]

[08:07] * erix (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:07] <suliw4> AndroUser2, mimin

[08:08] <suliw4> Wb Erix

[08:08] <suliw4> Erix km dicari TjahAyoe

[08:08] * AndroUser2 is now known as mimin

[08:09] <+ezza> Master?

[08:09] <suliw4> Kan mimin

[08:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E I M X (60s timeout) »]

[08:09] <suliw4> Mimin asl plis

[08:09] <+tweety> Suliw4: 32/female/canada.

[08:09] <+pita> Suliw4: 22/female/mordor.

[08:09] <TjahAyoe> Mexis

[08:09] <TjahAyoe> Imexs

[08:09] <mimin> 😂😂

[08:09] <TjahAyoe> Ximes

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E I M X - Here's a hint : M I . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:10] <suliw4> Mentok

[08:10] <TjahAyoe> Mixes

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( MIXES ) in 35.11 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MIXES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:10] <suliw4> Mimin ayo main anagram

[08:10] <suliw4> .ag

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 suliw4 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : T E M E I C O N F N N (60s timeout) »]

[08:10] <TjahAyoe> Infotainment

[08:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E M E I C O N F N N - Here's a hint : C O N F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:11] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N F I N E M E N T with the letters T E M E I C O N F N N (Use .define CONFINEMENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:12] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : O C A F T R (60s timeout) »]

[08:13] <TjahAyoe> Factor

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( FACTOR ) in 7.265 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FACTOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:13] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E I B N D R S (60s timeout) »]

[08:13] <TjahAyoe> Ribends

[08:14] <TjahAyoe> Bendris

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E I B N D R S - Here's a hint : B I . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:14] * fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:14] <TjahAyoe> Binders

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( BINDERS ) in 43.04 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BINDERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:14] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : C N E F P R E E R E (60s timeout) »]

[08:14] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[08:14] <suliw4> Wb fi3

[08:14] <fi3> Ty suliw4

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C N E F P R E E R E - Here's a hint : P R E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:15] * totox (~totoxx@ has joined #surabaya

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> Prefencere

[08:15] <fi3> Preference

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R E F E R E N C E with the letters C N E F P R E E R E (Use .define PREFERENCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +2 ) »]

[08:17] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:18] <suliw4> .ping

[08:18] <@Dealer> suliw4: Pong! (0.516s)

[08:18] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:19] <suliw4> Waduh Mimin op

[08:19] <suliw4> Sepi wes

[08:21] <fi3> 👀

[08:22] * chadd ( has joined #surabaya

[08:22] * fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:22] <nandini> Wb chadd

[08:23] <chadd> Thx

[08:23] <nandini> sm2

[08:24] <chadd> Kirain bot

[08:24] <nandini> bukan kak

[08:24] <suliw4> Bot

[08:25] <nandini> Ini bot nya

[08:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[08:25] <nandini> R bots

[08:25] <+pita> r

[08:25] <+elektra> r

[08:25] <+tweety> :-)

[08:25] <+ezza> -_-

[08:25] <+creasy> :o)

[08:25] <+ezza> :o)

[08:25] <+tweety> :o)

[08:25] <+creasy> ^_^

[08:25] <+pita> :o)

[08:26] <nandini> Tinggal pilih aja semua nya ce

[08:26] <nandini> 😆

[08:28] <chadd> R bots

[08:28] <+creasy> :-)

[08:28] <+tweety> ^_^

[08:28] <+ezza> ;)

[08:28] <+elektra> =)

[08:28] <+pita> =)

[08:29] <+elektra> :-)

[08:29] <+ezza> =D

[08:29] <+tweety> =]

[08:29] <+tweety> -_-

[08:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[08:49] * totox (~totoxx@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:55] * erix (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:56] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[08:59] * schizo ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:01] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:02] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[09:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[09:05] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:06] <+elektra> CAPS LOCK: cruise control for GAME!

[09:06] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[09:14] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:15] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[09:15] <+tweety> bye cowookk

[09:20] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:20] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[09:22] * erix (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[09:29] * chadd ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:43] * AndroUser ( has joined #surabaya

[09:44] <AndroUser> .ping

[09:44] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:44] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (2.578s)

[09:44] * AndroUser ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:45] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go =[

[09:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[09:46] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:47] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[09:47] <+tweety> mmm cowookk

[09:47] <+ezza> -_-

[09:47] <+elektra> :)

[09:47] <+tweety> :)

[09:47] <+ezza> =D

[09:47] <+creasy> ^_^

[09:47] <+ezza> -_-

[09:47] <+tweety> =)

[09:57] * erix (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:57] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:58] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[10:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[10:05] <+tweety> you wish

[10:05] <+elektra> C to the O F F E E

[10:05] <+ezza> i am not at liberty to discuss that

[10:05] <+pita> what?

[10:05] <+creasy> i might answer, one day

[10:06] <+ezza> Szajbus has shot the potion! :O.

[10:10] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[10:10] <aryo> .ag

[10:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 11'250$ : E N A N S I D C O N T I U C S (60s timeout) »]

[10:11] <aryo> considantion

[10:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E N A N S I D C O N T I U C S - Here's a hint : D I S C O . . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:11] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S C O N T I N U A N C E S with the letters E N A N S I D C O N T I U C S (Use .define DISCONTINUANCES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:12] <aryo> .ag

[10:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T D O O R S E P S (60s timeout) »]

[10:12] <aryo> terpedos

[10:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T D O O R S E P S - Here's a hint : D O O . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:13] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D O O R S T E P S with the letters T D O O R S E P S (Use .define DOORSTEPS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:13] <aryo> .ag

[10:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E A L S V (60s timeout) »]

[10:14] <aryo> valse

[10:14] <aryo> slave

[10:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SLAVE ) in 10.61 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SLAVE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:14] <aryo> .ag

[10:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R A E F S (60s timeout) »]

[10:14] <aryo> rafes

[10:14] <aryo> refas

[10:14] <aryo> safer

[10:14] <aryo> faser

[10:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R A E F S - Here's a hint : F E . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:15] <aryo> feras

[10:15] <aryo> fesra

[10:15] <aryo> fears

[10:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FEARS ) in 42.06 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FEARS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[10:15] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[10:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[10:45] <+creasy> r

[11:00] <+elektra> We are the B0rg. You will be 4551m1la70r3d.

[11:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[11:10] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:10] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[11:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[11:29] <+ezza> Cabbages.

[11:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[12:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[12:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[12:41] <+pita> I am a consumer whore!

[12:41] <+creasy> AND HOW!#

[12:41] <+creasy> -# -caps

[12:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[12:56] <+elektra> r pie pie pie pie.

[12:59] * endah ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[13:13] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[13:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[13:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[14:00] <+creasy> KAZAM

[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[14:15] <+elektra> I have a MIGHTY NEED to use the kitchen.

[14:21] <+ezza> Meanwhile in Universe A, ezza A heads towards the Sun

[14:21] <+ezza> A.

[14:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[14:28] <+creasy> Toriq has shot the potion! :O

[14:36] <+pita> a series++

[14:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[14:58] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[15:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[15:31] * Noni (~CBD@ has joined #surabaya

[15:43] <+creasy> I would be delicious.

[15:44] * +ezza tired

[15:45] <+tweety> is that the time? i need to be in bed

[15:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[16:00] * chadd (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:04] * mo ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[16:07] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:07] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:09] <+pita> my knees feel lovely :o)

[16:11] * mo ( has joined #surabaya

[16:24] <+creasy> ~oof~

[16:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[16:31] * eryan (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:31] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[16:36] * chadd (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:40] * eryan (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[16:40] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[16:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[17:03] * chadd (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[17:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[17:42] * schizo (~schizo@2001:e68:5427:4521:170:e127:c2fd:8a74) has joined #surabaya

[17:42] * schizo (~schizo@2001:e68:5427:4521:170:e127:c2fd:8a74) Quit (Registered)

[17:42] * schizo ( has joined #surabaya

[17:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[17:47] <+creasy> so, like, no i spent my time contemplating how i annihilated Ganonk in the heart and calls him creasy

[17:47] <+elektra> Yes but i'd rather listen to Harry Kim practice the clarinet than do it again!

[17:47] <+pita> yeah oh arse =]

[17:47] * chadd (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[17:50] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[17:50] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[17:59] <+creasy> my speedos!

[17:59] <+pita> what d'yuo say we just hit a strip joint?

[17:59] <+elektra> i was waiting for one of us to say that!

[18:03] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[18:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[18:16] <Sinchan> good fagiiiiiiiiiiiiii..

[18:20] <ombejo> fagii

[18:24] * chadd (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:24] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[18:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[18:27] <+creasy> who knows

[18:27] <+pita> have you asked chabby?

[18:27] <+elektra> what do you think this is? Who Wants to be a Millionaire, in accordance with my master's thesis on the Legend of Zelda

[18:40] <+elektra> my ass is itchy, is that normal?

[18:42] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:42] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[19:01] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:06] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[19:09] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[19:09] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:11] <+elektra> Hello! I've come to fix your fax modem!

[19:12] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:15] * kopi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:16] * kopi (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:16] * androirc (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:20] * androirc (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:24] * +pita eats Kids's omelette

[19:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[19:41] <+creasy> The next channel is #brixton. Change here for networks to mordor.

[19:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[19:52] <+pita> That ain't my belly button.

[20:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[20:15] * chadd (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:16] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[20:18] * chadd (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:22] * chadd (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[20:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[20:53] <+elektra> *ping*

[20:53] <+elektra> Did it just get cold in here?

[20:56] <+pita> The secondary gyrodyne relays in the propulsion field matrix have just depolarized!

[20:59] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:02] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[21:02] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[21:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[21:33] <+creasy> I made a poopy.

[21:37] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[21:58] <nandini> !jam

[21:59] <+pita> SSSH SEKRITthe precious.

[22:01] <nandini> .ping

[22:01] <@Dealer> nandini: Pong! (2.766s)

[22:01] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[22:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[22:19] * +elektra considers breast implants

[22:19] * +pita feels up Ratna to check

[22:19] <+pita> true, they aren't as good as Ratna's

[22:19] * +pita feels up Kids's breasts

[22:19] <+pita> mmmm ;)

[22:25] * katr0k ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:25] * NapaLm ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:25] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:25] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[22:25] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[22:25] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[22:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[22:30] * +ezza awakens from a nightmare about a 12 giants horribly crashing through a tower

[22:32] * +tweety awakens

[22:36] <temon> wkwkwkwk

[22:39] <temon> .ag

[22:39] <@Dealer> 6 temon started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E R U B A U (60s timeout) »]

[22:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E R U B A U - Here's a hint : B U . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[22:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B U R E A U with the letters E R U B A U (Use .define BUREAU to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[22:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[22:55] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[23:04] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[23:13] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[23:15] <+pita> Wheeeee.

[23:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[23:30] <+ezza> Now with more sodium!

[23:35] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:42] * AndroUser is now known as Fi3

[23:43] * Fi3 is now known as Fit3

[23:44] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[23:45] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has left #surabaya

[23:45] <+tweety> bye cowgan

[23:46] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[23:57] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[23:57] <aryo> 1

[23:57] <+pita> aryo: that's numberwang!

[23:58] <aryo> .top10

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 60'395'750$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 50'100'005$ 3: nia (Denia) 47'143'354$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (aryo) 5'855'000$ 6: Riie (??) 4'401'700$ 7: n51516161717181 (??) 4'051'980$ 8: skidipapap (??) 2'063'850$ 9: ener (??) 1'519'431$ 10: FangYin (FangYin) 1'326'500$ »]

[23:58] <aryo> .ag

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 11'250$ : N O T A U G I F N E R C O R I (60s timeout) »]

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O T A U G I F N E R C O R I - Here's a hint : R E C O N . . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E C O N F I G U R A T I O N with the letters N O T A U G I F N E R C O R I (Use .define RECONFIGURATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:00] <aryo> .ag

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S P U H D O W N (60s timeout) »]

[00:00] <aryo> pushdown

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PUSHDOWN ) in 4.938 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PUSHDOWN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:00] <aryo> .ag

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D N U O P (60s timeout) »]

[00:00] <aryo> pound

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( POUND ) in 5.938 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define POUND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:01] <aryo> .ac

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L L U N S (60s timeout) »]

[00:01] <aryo> nulls

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NULLS ) in 7.437 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define NULLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:01] <aryo> .ag

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E C A G (60s timeout) »]

[00:02] <aryo> cage

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CAGE ) in 4.469 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[00:02] <aryo> .ag

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I E T A W R L N E (60s timeout) »]

[00:02] <aryo> waterline

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WATERLINE ) in 24.23 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define WATERLINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[00:02] <+creasy> Gosh.

[00:02] <aryo> .ag

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : H A L S (60s timeout) »]

[00:03] <aryo> lash

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LASH ) in 9.047 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LASH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[00:03] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:03] <aryo> webe

[00:03] <aryo> su

[00:03] <+tweety> Would you like a hand?

[00:03] <aryo> .ag

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E M E R D I E S (60s timeout) »]

[00:03] <aryo> nerrieds

[00:03] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[00:03] <aryo> merieds

[00:03] * AndroUser is now known as coz

[00:04] <aryo> meriedes

[00:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E M E R D I E S - Here's a hint : R E M . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[00:04] <aryo> remiredes

[00:04] <aryo> rimeireds

[00:04] <aryo> remireeds

[00:04] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E M E D I E S with the letters E M E R D I E S (Use .define REMEDIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:04] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +6 ) »]

[00:04] <coz> .ag

[00:05] <aryo> .ac

[00:05] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N I T A C P R E U O (60s timeout) »]

[00:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I T A C P R E U O - Here's a hint : P R E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R E C A U T I O N with the letters N I T A C P R E U O (Use .define PRECAUTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:07] <aryo> .ac

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T R I B H (60s timeout) »]

[00:07] <aryo> brith

[00:08] <aryo> tribh

[00:08] <aryo> bhirt

[00:08] <aryo> tirbh

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T R I B H - Here's a hint : B I . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[00:08] <aryo> birth

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BIRTH ) in 34.40 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BIRTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[00:08] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:08] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go ;(

[00:10] <+elektra> Waiter, my soup's got an idea in it.

[00:10] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:18] * Lolita ( has joined #surabaya

[00:19] <+pita> MASSIVE CORN CLOG IN PORT 4

[00:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[00:34] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:34] <+tweety> i like them =D

[00:34] <+ezza> Mmm androuser.

[00:34] <+tweety> =]

[00:38] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:40] <Lolita> .ag

[00:40] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E S H D S (60s timeout) »]

[00:40] <Lolita> Sheds

[00:40] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( SHEDS ) in 3.094 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SHEDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:40] <Lolita> Hore sepi

[00:42] <Lolita> .ag

[00:42] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A W E S G E (60s timeout) »]

[00:43] <Lolita> Weages

[00:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A W E S G E - Here's a hint : S E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[00:43] <Lolita> Seagew

[00:43] <Lolita> Seaweg

[00:43] <Lolita> Segawe

[00:43] <Lolita> Sewage

[00:43] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( SEWAGE ) in 59.07 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SEWAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Lolita has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:43] <Lolita> Lho benere bakno

[00:46] <Lolita> .ag

[00:46] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E U R T O S R S (60s timeout) »]

[00:47] <Lolita> Trousers

[00:47] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( TROUSERS ) in 24.23 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TROUSERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Lolita has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:48] <Lolita> .ag

[00:48] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E C M R T H E O O U P L (60s timeout) »]

[00:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C M R T H E O O U P L - Here's a hint : T H E R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[00:48] <Lolita> Thermocouple

[00:48] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( THERMOCOUPLE ) in 31.09 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define THERMOCOUPLE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Lolita has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[00:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[00:48] <+tweety> I need tacos... i need them or i explode. that happens sometimes.

[00:49] <Lolita> .ag

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O R P P S (60s timeout) »]

[00:49] <Lolita> Props

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( PROPS ) in 3.75 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PROPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Lolita has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[00:56] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[01:06] * rosi (~rosi@ has joined #surabaya

[01:06] * rosi (~rosi@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[01:27] <+ezza> Something is up there again but I haven't worked out what.

[01:27] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:27] * Rosa27 ( has joined #surabaya

[01:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[01:31] * Rosa27 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:34] * kartolo (~kartolo@ has joined #surabaya

[01:36] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[01:39] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:41] * Letta_ (uid423691@ has joined #surabaya

[01:47] * kartolo (~kartolo@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:48] <+tweety> Thooper.

[01:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[01:55] * sekip (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:56] <+elektra> I just picked a very drunk irish bloke up

[01:56] * sekip (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[01:59] * IIooII is now known as BillyQulbil

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[02:10] <+pita> I'll be holding mine in the pub.

[02:26] <+creasy> What's all that gurgling? You call this radar!?

[02:26] <+tweety> Fine.

[02:26] <+elektra> No sir, we call it Mr Sandwich Casserole!

[02:26] <+creasy> i knew that! I always have sandwich casserole before I watch radar!

[02:27] * NaKaL ( Quit (Excess Flood)

[02:27] <+tweety> bye NaKaL

[02:27] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[02:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[02:47] * Jodz_ ( has joined #surabaya

[02:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[02:49] <+ezza> aw... you look so cute

[02:58] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[02:59] <nandini> .ag

[03:00] <nandini> .ug

[03:00] <nandini> .ig

[03:00] <nandini> .eg

[03:00] <nandini> .og

[03:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[03:22] * tyo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:23] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:23] * tyo is now known as eryx

[03:23] <+tweety> Master, where did you go? I can't see you.

[03:23] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[03:28] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[03:31] * Deviee_ is now known as LieLie

[03:31] <Lolita> .ag

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : Y O L N H E T C O G (60s timeout) »]

[03:31] <Lolita> Technology

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( TECHNOLOGY ) in 7.61 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define TECHNOLOGY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Lolita has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[03:32] <LieLie> Wb lol

[03:32] <Lolita> Ty depieh

[03:32] <Lolita> Jennie

[03:32] <Lolita> Lennie

[03:32] <LieLie> Ngggihh

[03:32] <Lolita> Rannie

[03:32] <LieLie> .k

[03:32] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[03:32] <Lolita> Sopo meneh

[03:32] <LieLie> Dewol

[03:32] <LieLie> Depol

[03:32] <LieLie> Hahahaaa

[03:32] * Lolita angop

[03:32] <+pita> I'll just have to wait for the skin to grow back on my arse

[03:33] <Lolita> Saking akehe

[03:33] <LieLie> Khan koleksiii

[03:33] <LieLie> Wkwk

[03:33] <Lolita> Ngene iki aku arep nyanyi lagune prisa

[03:33] <Lolita> Judule muka dua

[03:33] <LieLie> Ra regis dadi bebasss

[03:33] <Lolita> Awas dicolong becak maneh

[03:33] <Lolita> Wis ranking 6

[03:33] <Lolita> Ati ati

[03:34] <LieLie> Ojo..muka sepuluhh..

[03:34] <Lolita> .ag

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S C U T R K (60s timeout) »]

[03:34] <Lolita> Trucks

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( TRUCKS ) in 3.469 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TRUCKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Lolita has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[03:34] <+pita> o_O

[03:34] <LieLie> (Lolita) Wis ranking 6..ranking 5 ning kakean judi dadi mlorot

[03:34] <Lolita> Lhoalah

[03:34] <LieLie> Hahahhaa

[03:34] <Lolita> Undakno.maneh

[03:34] <LieLie> 5500 panceeet teruss..hahhahaha

[03:35] <Lolita> 1 sandal jepit

[03:35] <Lolita> 2 meida

[03:35] <Lolita> 3 cint4

[03:35] <Lolita> 4 sopo?

[03:35] <Lolita> Paktua?

[03:35] <LieLie> Rung napsu nambah skor jenk..cita2 mung 10 besar

[03:35] <Lolita> Oalah

[03:35] <LieLie> (Lolita) 4 sopo?mei

[03:35] <Lolita> Aku yo aras arasen wisan

[03:35] <Lolita> Mei yo meida

[03:35] <Lolita> Podo ae

[03:35] <+tweety> podo ae ... more like odo Pae, am i rite?

[03:36] <LieLie> Deknen 2 nick main kabeh

[03:36] <Lolita> Ah sek ga canggih nek 2

[03:36] <LieLie> No 5 om okay

[03:36] <Lolita> Okay iki lanang?

[03:36] <Lolita> Tak kiro wadon

[03:36] <LieLie> (Lolita) Ah sek ga canggih nek 2..paling yo ditransfer poin e

[03:36] * eryx (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:36] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[03:36] <Lolita> Ora nek zhu

[03:36] <Lolita> Asli pinter dee

[03:36] <Lolita> Aku ae mengakui

[03:37] <LieLie> Zhu ki sopo

[03:37] <Lolita> Lagek aku ngetik dee wis jawab

[03:37] <Letta_> Wew

[03:37] <Lolita> Lho ga eruh zhu dirimu?

[03:37] <LieLie> Nek mnrtku yo jenk vhira

[03:37] <Lolita> Walah

[03:37] <Letta_> Do nyapo iki?

[03:37] <Lolita> Vhira kalah cepet ngetike

[03:37] <Lolita> Mending noviee timbang vhira

[03:37] <LieLie> Gaa..rung tau ktemu zhu

[03:37] <Lolita> Aku tau wisan

[03:37] <Lolita> Dirimu ga bakal dikei kesempatan jawab karo zhu

[03:38] <Lolita> Yakin wis

[03:38] <+ezza> Yakin wis ... more like wakin Yis, am i right?

[03:38] <LieLie> Vhira apik tebakane bal..

[03:38] <Lolita> Ga ngandel jal takono otong

[03:38] <LieLie> (Lolita) Dirimu ga bakal dikei kesempatan jawab karo zhu..jurus terakhir andalanku tohh..skip

[03:38] <LieLie> Hahhaha

[03:38] <+ezza> Bumi, you man the tractor beam, i'll pump the cows full of human sewage

[03:38] <Lolita> Ga oleh ngunu

[03:38] <LieLie> Hahahhaha

[03:38] <Lolita> Aku ae fair fair an

[03:38] <+tweety> Are we going to have trouble, soldier?

[03:39] <Lolita> Ga seneng skip skip

[03:39] <Lolita> Basio ga iso jawab yo tak jarne

[03:39] <Lolita> Nek aku lho

[03:39] <LieLie> Sandaljepit nganti mangkel

[03:39] <LieLie> Hahhahaa

[03:39] <Lolita> Timbang di cing user liane

[03:39] <Lolita> Ga oleh ngunu

[03:39] <Lolita> Main fair ae

[03:39] <LieLie> Nggiihh

[03:39] <+pita> Nggiiiiihh.

[03:39] <+ezza> Main fair ae ... more like ain fair Mae, am i rite?

[03:39] <Lolita> Ojo skip skip

[03:39] <LieLie> Nggihh

[03:40] * Lolita nek ono sing nyekip mesti tak gasak

[03:40] <Lolita> Wakakkakaka

[03:40] <Lolita> Tandane dee ga iso main sc

[03:40] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:40] <Lolita> Wakakakkaka

[03:40] <LieLie> Iyaaa..

[03:40] <Lolita> Musuhe otong iku

[03:40] * AndroUser2 is now known as klepon

[03:40] <LieLie> Sopo

[03:40] <+tweety> master?

[03:40] <Lolita> Munz lak seneng skip skip

[03:40] <klepon> hai hai

[03:41] <LieLie> Oh iyoo

[03:41] <Lolita> Makane tak amuk kapanane

[03:41] <klepon> hai lolita ama lili

[03:41] <LieLie> Iya klepon

[03:41] <Lolita> Klepon km cewek ya?

[03:42] <klepon> cowok

[03:42] <Lolita> Kata bugi km cewek cantik banget

[03:42] <Lolita> Fb km apa klepon

[03:42] <Lolita> Mau aku add

[03:43] <klepon> heleh ngawur

[03:43] <Lolita> Gpp kalo cantik

[03:43] <klepon> gak punya fb

[03:43] <Lolita> Cantik itu anugerah

[03:43] <Lolita> Kudu di syukuri

[03:43] <Lolita> Bohong tuh ga punya fb

[03:43] <Lolita> Hare gene

[03:44] <klepon> lolita ini kek nya cewek ya

[03:44] <klepon> hari gini aku gak make fb

[03:45] <klepon> lolitq

[03:45] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:45] <klepon> dina quit

[03:45] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:45] <klepon> wb dina

[03:45] <Lolita> Pake apa donk?

[03:45] <Lolita> Ig?

[03:45] <Lolita> Mana ignta

[03:45] <Lolita> *nya

[03:45] <Lolita> Mau aku follow

[03:46] <Lolita> Buruan pon klepon

[03:46] <klepon> enak aja

[03:46] <klepon> pan pon pan pon

[03:47] * endah ( Quit (Registered)

[03:47] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[03:48] <Lolita> Pon pin pan pun pen

[03:48] <klepon> wb n3nya

[03:48] <klepon> heleh lolita ini

[03:48] <Lolita> Pin pan pun pen pon

[03:48] <Lolita> Pan pun pen pon pin

[03:48] <klepon> heleh heleh

[03:49] <Lolita> Pun pen pon pin pan

[03:49] <Lolita> Pen pon pin pan pun

[03:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[03:49] <Lolita> Kek bahasa Thailand aku ngejanya

[03:49] <Lolita> Sawadeekha

[03:50] <klepon> artinya apa

[03:54] <Lolita> Khopkhunkha

[03:54] <klepon> pamit ah gak ada temen ngomong

[03:54] <Lolita> Lapo pon atek part

[03:54] <Lolita> Off barang

[03:54] <klepon> kamu kan bot

[03:55] * Lolita kalo ngomong sama klepon kudu gitu

[03:55] <klepon> napa gitu

[03:55] <klepon> kamu ntu gak nyambung

[03:56] <klepon> iya kan

[03:56] <klepon> btw kelpon nya laper

[03:56] <Lolita> Dulu saat kusiap mati untukmu

[03:56] <Lolita> Kamu tak pernah menganggap aku hidup

[03:56] <Lolita> Dulu

[03:56] <Lolita> Saat semua ingin kupertaruhkan

[03:56] <Lolita> Kamu tak pernah percaya cinta sejatiku

[03:57] <Lolita> Pon klepon

[03:57] <Lolita> Metuo

[03:57] <+pita> lum de dum de dum...

[04:02] <klepon> metu apane

[04:02] <klepon> lolita mabuk

[04:02] <klepon> pamit

[04:02] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:04] <Lolita> Wakakkaka

[04:05] <LieLie> .k

[04:05] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[04:05] <LieLie> Teerlalu bapeeer dia

[04:05] <+tweety> Teerlalu bapeeer dia? More like deerlalu bapeeer Tia, am I correct?

[04:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[04:10] * voine (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[04:10] <voine> .ag

[04:10] <@Dealer> 6 voine started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R N E N C O D S E S (60s timeout) »]

[04:10] <voine> .b 10000

[04:10] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 5 | 3 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[04:10] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:10] <voine> d

[04:10] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: Q : Total is 18 »]

[04:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | 8 : Total is 12 »]

[04:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 22 »]

[04:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! voine has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R N E N C O D S E S - Here's a hint : C O N . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[04:11] * LieLie (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:11] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N D E N S E R S with the letters R N E N C O D S E S (Use .define CONDENSERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:11] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for Lolita stopped ( +7 ) »]

[04:13] <voine> .b 10000

[04:13] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 10 | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[04:13] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:13] <voine> d

[04:13] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: Q : Total is 24 »]

[04:13] <@Dealer> 6 voine busts! voine loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:15] <voine> .b 10000

[04:15] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 5 | 10 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[04:15] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:15] <voine> s

[04:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 7 : Total is 14 »]

[04:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 16 »]

[04:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 22 »]

[04:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! voine has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:16] <voine> .b 10000

[04:16] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 9 | 5 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[04:16] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:16] <voine> d

[04:16] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: Q : Total is 24 »]

[04:16] <@Dealer> 6 voine busts! voine loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:17] <voine> .b 10000

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: Q | 10 : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:17] <voine> s

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | J : Total is 12 »]

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 22 »]

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! voine has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:17] <voine> .b 10000

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 9 | 10 : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:17] <voine> s

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | K : Total is 20 »]

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! voine loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:18] <voine> .b 10000

[04:18] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 5 | A : Total is 16 or 6 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[04:18] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:18] <voine> d

[04:18] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: Q : Total is 16 »]

[04:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | K : Total is 18 »]

[04:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! voine loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:19] <voine> .b 10000

[04:19] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 5 | Q : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[04:19] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:20] <voine> s

[04:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | 10 : Total is 20 »]

[04:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! voine loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:28] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:28] <voine> .b 10000

[04:28] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 3 | J : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[04:28] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:29] <voine> h

[04:29] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 8 : Total is 21 »]

[04:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | K : Total is 18 »]

[04:29] <@Dealer> 6 voine wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[04:29] * Kartolo (~kartolo@ has joined #surabaya

[04:30] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:30] * Safira- ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:30] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[04:32] <voine> .b 10000

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 2 | 3 : Total is 5 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:32] <voine> h

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 3 : Total is 8 »]

[04:32] <voine> h

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 5 : Total is 13 »]

[04:32] <voine> h

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 7 : Total is 20 »]

[04:32] <voine> s

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | 6 : Total is 15 »]

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 24 »]

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! voine has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:33] * katr0k ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:34] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:34] <Light> Ping

[04:34] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[04:35] <voine> .vp 5000

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: Qs | 7s | 8c | 3d | 9d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[04:35] <voine> .draw 123

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 2d | 2s | Qc | 3d | 9d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[04:36] <voine> .vp 5000

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. voine's hand: 7h | 8h | Kd | Qd | Qc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[04:37] <voine> .draw 123

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - voine: your hand: 7s | 3d | 8s | Qd | Qc is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[04:39] <voine> .b 10000

[04:39] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 6 | 6 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[04:39] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:39] <voine> h

[04:39] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 4 : Total is 16 »]

[04:39] <voine> h

[04:39] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: Q : Total is 26 »]

[04:39] <@Dealer> 6 voine busts! voine loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:43] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[04:45] * asn1 (~ngok@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:49] <voine> .b 10000

[04:49] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 8 | Q : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[04:49] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:49] <voine> s

[04:49] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 8 : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[04:49] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! voine loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[04:57] <voine> .b 10000

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 voine bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. voine's hand: 8 | 5 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:57] <voine> h

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 voine hits: 6 : Total is 19 »]

[04:57] <voine> a

[04:57] <voine> s

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 10 : Total is 18 »]

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 voine wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:00] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[05:00] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[05:04] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[05:04] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[05:04] * Safira- ( has joined #surabaya

[05:05] * voine (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[05:09] * Kartolo (~kartolo@ Quit (Excess Flood)

[05:09] <+ezza> i like them =)

[05:10] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[05:17] * Jodz_ is now known as NaKaL

[05:17] <+ezza> where'd my moose go?

[05:17] <Lolita> .ag

[05:17] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E I S A R O D D (60s timeout) »]

[05:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E I S A R O D D - Here's a hint : R O A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:18] <Lolita> Roadside

[05:18] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( ROADSIDE ) in 36.81 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ROADSIDE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:22] * JupIt3r (uid421118@ has joined #surabaya

[05:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[05:32] <+tweety> Say, do you want to see a movie?

[05:33] * JupIt3r (uid421118@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:40] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:46] <+creasy> I AM A CUCUMBER.

[05:46] <+creasy> ffs

[05:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[05:51] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[05:51] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[05:51] * Jumpers ( Quit (G-lined)

[05:56] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Registered)

[05:56] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[05:57] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[05:57] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[05:57] * tiaa_off is now known as tiaa

[05:59] <asn1> Malam Tia cantik

[05:59] <asn1> Tia cantik tidak di apelin?

[06:00] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: Kd | 4c | 7c | 4h | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:00] <tiaa> mlm kak asn1

[06:00] <tiaa> hehehe

[06:00] <tiaa> ngga kak

[06:00] <+tweety> -_-

[06:00] <jeri> .draw 135

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: Ac | 4c | Qs | 4h | 9s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[06:00] <tiaa> makanya ksini

[06:00] <+ezza> ;)

[06:00] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 3 | 7 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:00] <+tweety> makanya ksini ... more like ksakanya mini, am i right?

[06:00] <jeri> h

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 6 : Total is 16 »]

[06:00] <jeri> s

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | 9 : Total is 19 »]

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:00] <jeri> .ag

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E H C U B N S (60s timeout) »]

[06:01] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 28 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:01] <jeri> .rd 10000

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Here is the 2 cards: Js & 7h - The spread is: 3 »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: You need to Raise (double your bet) or Call to view the 3rd card. Type: .raise or .call »]

[06:01] <jeri> .raise

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Third card ( Ah ) is out of the spread! You have lost 20'000 - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:01] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 3 | 6 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:01] <jeri> h

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: J : Total is 19 »]

[06:01] <jeri> s

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 2 : Total is 10 »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 15 »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 23 »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! jeri has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E H C U B N S - Here's a hint : B U . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:01] <jeri> .craps 2000

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 6 & 6 => 12 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:01] <jeri> buchens

[06:01] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 0 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:01] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B U N C H E S with the letters E H C U B N S (Use .define BUNCHES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:02] <jeri> .craps 2000

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 4 & 3 => 7 - jeri GOT SEVENS!! You win 10'000$! - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:02] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri!!! You have won 25'000$!!! - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:04] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 29 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:04] <jeri> .money

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 jeri (#red-devil) has 342'650$ »]

[06:04] <jeri> .top10

[06:04] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 60'492'750$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 50'100'005$ 3: nia (Denia) 47'145'354$ 4: vw (??) 13'400'000$ 5: aryo (??) 5'907'500$ 6: Langitjingga (oin) 4'600'000$ 7: Riie (??) 4'401'700$ 8: n51516161717181 (??) 4'051'980$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'063'850$ 10: ener (??) 1'519'431$ »]

[06:04] * asn1 (~ngok@ has left #surabaya

[06:05] <+tweety> I like them :-)

[06:05] <+ezza> M00se.

[06:05] * jeri ( Quit (EOF from client)

[06:05] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[06:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[06:10] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[06:30] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:31] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:31] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:32] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:40] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:46] * jeding (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:47] <jeding> nenen?

[06:48] <Lolita> Loken

[06:49] <Lolita> Puh

[06:49] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:49] <Lolita> Nick e ga ono sing liyo tah

[06:49] <Deviee_> Hahhaha

[06:49] * jeding nyamar pang

[06:49] <+creasy> the grotesque monster-boy avoids the issues! just what does he plan on doing about the size of kirana's giant head? If I am elected, kirana's head will be removed, and filled with salted nuts!

[06:49] <jeding> hae depi

[06:49] <Deviee_> Betahhh men jenk

[06:49] <Deviee_> Wb ding

[06:49] * jeding kotak loh

[06:49] <jeding> bukan

[06:49] * jeding bulet

[06:50] <jeding> :v

[06:50] <Deviee_> Huuh

[06:50] <+creasy> Huuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

[06:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[06:50] <+pita> :O

[06:50] * Deviee_ is now known as Lewung

[06:50] <Lolita> Yo nyamaro

[06:50] <Lolita> Opo maneh iki lewung

[06:50] <Lewung> Hahahhaha

[06:50] <jeding> opo kui artine dev

[06:51] <Lewung> Lewung ki perasaan cinta yg tertekan

[06:51] <jeding> waiki

[06:51] <jeding> pas gae tema galo

[06:51] <jeding> kahkahkahkah

[06:51] <Lolita> Waiki

[06:51] <jeding> @seen ciduk

[06:51] <ChanStat-12> ciduk (~androirc@ was last seen changing nick to deviee_ on Mon July 20 12:40:53 2020 UTC (235 days, 1 hour, 10 minutes ago)

[06:51] <Lolita> Cekink banget iki

[06:51] <Lewung> Belum ditolakkk..cumen abot sangganee

[06:51] <Lewung> (Lolita) Cekink banget iki..biyasa kui

[06:51] <jeding> kakakakakaka

[06:51] <Lolita> Iyo

[06:52] <Lolita> Cekink iki biasane anti galau

[06:52] <clips> bau2 germo sarkem

[06:52] <Lewung> (jeding) pas gae tema galo..nek lewung e nela enak..ngebass

[06:52] <jeding> hai kak clips

[06:52] <jeding> asl kak clips

[06:52] <+creasy> jeding: 29/male/toronto

[06:52] <+pita> jeding: 30/female/basingstoke

[06:52] <+tweety> Jeding: 15/female/the moon.

[06:52] <clips> pinter anak buah e jeding

[06:52] <jeding> iso melu toronto i

[06:52] <Lewung> .k

[06:52] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:53] <Lolita> Wakakkaka

[06:53] <jeding> clips: wingi sore aq uka² nok bendo

[06:54] <Lewung> Sukurrr

[06:54] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:54] <Lewung> Kog isih urip om?

[06:54] <jeding> webe nopir

[06:54] <jeding> :v

[06:54] <Lewung> Hahhaha

[06:54] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[06:54] <+creasy> you will open your eyes... you have to breathe sometime

[06:55] * Lolita batukku dicokot lamuk

[06:55] <jeding> Rere_ : golei lampu taman koe sut

[06:55] <Lolita> Mbentol

[06:55] <jeding> lamuk i opo neh

[06:55] <Lewung> * Lolita batukku dicokot lamuk..balango lemut nganggo boto 4

[06:55] <jeding> nyamok a

[06:56] <Lolita> Loken

[06:56] <Lolita> Nyamuk

[06:57] <jeding> heeh nyamok

[06:57] <jeding> aq nek enek boso lamuk mesti kliru moco

[06:57] * Lolita nek anak² turu arep setriko...setrikoanku ngalah ngalahno laundry

[06:57] <Lolita> Piye toh kink

[06:58] <jeding> kewoco manuk

[06:58] <jeding> kakakakaka

[06:58] <jeding> gae setriko uap pang?

[06:58] <Lewung> .k

[06:58] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:59] <Lolita> Wakkakakakak

[06:59] <Lolita> Ora kink

[06:59] <Rere_> Endi bohlam pah

[06:59] <Lolita> Setrikaku sing biasa ae

[07:00] <Lewung> Wb jenk kere

[07:00] <Rere_> Suwun om

[07:00] <jeding> Join: AndroUser <= iki sut nek ra salah seh

[07:00] <Lewung> Nggihh

[07:00] <Lewung> (jeding) Join: AndroUser <= iki sut nek ra salah seh..haha

[07:00] <Rere_> Mataane nek ra salah harw

[07:00] <+elektra> AARGH! The hideous mutant squid has escaped again and has created an army of cyborg zombie soldiers to do its evil bidding!

[07:00] <jeding> Lolita: skali2 seteiko gae areng kae

[07:01] <jeding> jan rasane kyo nyebul i kompor

[07:01] <jeding> hahahahaha

[07:01] <Lolita> Puh

[07:01] <Lolita> Gtau aku

[07:01] <Rere_> Kui mbah arwo pah

[07:01] <Lolita> Anteb paling

[07:01] <jeding> mosok arwo

[07:01] <+creasy> Mosok arwo... marwo.

[07:01] <Rere_> He e

[07:01] * +ezza . o O (osok marwo)

[07:01] <Lewung> (Rere_) Kui mbah arwo pah..sopo jenk

[07:01] <jeding> arwo ol gae kertu KK sut

[07:01] <jeding> duk kertu hp

[07:01] <Lewung> .k

[07:01] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:02] <Lewung> !seen arwo

[07:02] <Rere_> Mbah arwo AndroUser

[07:02] <jeding> @seen jongos

[07:02] <ChanStat-12> jongos (~androirc@ was last seen quitting for "Signed off" on Wed March 10 13:31:05 2021 UTC (2 days, 31 minutes ago)

[07:02] <jeding> lhoya

[07:02] * AndroUser aldebaran

[07:02] <jeding> ol gae kertu KK podo ro kadas

[07:02] <jeding> jasik

[07:02] <Rere_> @seen arwo

[07:02] <ChanStat-12> arwo ( was last seen quitting for "Signed off" on Thu March 11 14:27:27 2021 UTC (23 hours, 35 minutes, 18 seconds ago)

[07:02] <jeding> iso lebaran i

[07:02] <Lolita> Puh

[07:02] <Lolita> Sopo ngaku aldebaran iku

[07:03] <jeding> nopir pang

[07:03] <jeding> kakakakakakaka

[07:03] <Lolita> Tenane?

[07:03] <Rere_> 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[07:03] <Lolita> Tapir?

[07:03] <Lolita> Dosen 5 benua 7 samudera

[07:03] <Rere_> He e

[07:03] <Rere_> 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

[07:03] <jeding> incengen batuk e ngambah paving ora

[07:03] <jeding> nopir ora ngambah

[07:03] <jeding> mek ngesot

[07:03] <jeding> .k

[07:03] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:03] <Lolita> Sing jenenge ono ndek jurnal jurnal kampus ndek google

[07:03] <AndroUser> Cekink ndi Ki

[07:04] <Lolita> Ojo di search jenenge

[07:04] <AndroUser> Rere_ bon seh oL ?

[07:04] <Lolita> Op warnet 25 jam

[07:04] <jeding> Lewung <= iki cekink

[07:04] <Rere_> Golek ono jeneng asline nopir mbk

[07:04] <Lolita> Ga ono mbak

[07:04] <Lewung> (jeding) Lewung <= iki cekink..iyoo

[07:04] <Lewung> .k

[07:04] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:04] <AndroUser> Moso

[07:05] <Rere_> Tak bisik i jeneng asline

[07:05] * AndroUser is now known as udud

[07:05] <jeding> jeneng asline pirno glowinginasi

[07:05] <jeding> mok pijet nok gogel seng metu tukang urut pang

[07:05] <Lolita> Kene mbak

[07:05] <Lolita> Bisikono

[07:06] <Lolita> Wakkakakakaka

[07:06] <Lolita> jeding: anakku ga sido turu nek aku ngakak kink

[07:06] <Lolita> Asemwkwkwk

[07:06] <jeding> holoh

[07:06] <Lewung> (Lolita) jeding: anakku ga sido turu nek aku ngakak kink..rasakno jenk

[07:06] <Lewung> Hahhahaha

[07:06] <+tweety> stay right there... we're sending someone over to beat you up for "playing" jokes in the FBI!

[07:07] <jeding> lak amoh bocil ra turu2 pang

[07:07] <jeding> hahahaha

[07:07] <+tweety> AARGH! The hideous mutant squid has escaped again and has "created" an army of cyborg zombie soldiers to do its evil bidding!

[07:07] <Lolita> Iyo makane

[07:07] <+elektra> i'm not giving up... i'll destroy you%percent#%percent#%percent%percent!~$~%percent

[07:07] <Lolita> Ga moco aku

[07:07] <Lewung> Iyo

[07:07] <Lolita> Timbang ngakak

[07:07] * jeding udud sek nek nuh ro puk² mijan

[07:08] <Lewung> * jeding udud sek nek nuh ro puk² mijan..mijan dikon udud om

[07:08] <Lewung> Hahahhaha

[07:08] <jeding> tas rodok adem awak e dev

[07:08] <jeding> kaet wingi demam

[07:09] <jeding> ngringik wae

[07:09] <Lolita> Podo koyok anakku kapanane

[07:09] <Lolita> Ga nurokno

[07:09] <jeding> eo

[07:09] <Lewung> Wes prikso om?

[07:09] <jeding> wes dev

[07:09] <jeding> isuk mau mruput jam 6 moro dokter anak

[07:09] <Lewung> Diombeni kopi sithik om

[07:09] <jeding> ki wes lumayan adem + wes iso bobok

[07:10] <Lolita> Resepe dokter anak iki puh puh

[07:10] <jeding> mahal pang

[07:10] <jeding> wkwkwkwkwkwkw

[07:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[07:10] <Lewung> Iyoo

[07:10] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:10] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:11] <jeding> wong gede ngono kari ngemot miksagrip kelar

[07:11] <jeding> anak2 susah

[07:11] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[07:11] <Lewung> (Lolita) Resepe dokter anak iki puh puh..nek pngin murah njajalo neng dokter spesialis kakek nenek..

[07:12] <jeding> udud: cik hp ku moro wes 300 an gambar jaran ko kadas i

[07:12] <Lolita> Wakakkakak

[07:12] <Lolita> Mesrae kink

[07:12] <jeding> mesra pie

[07:13] <jeding> mbud kembud hp ku mesti nek mosoh alis trembesi kae

[07:13] <Lewung> .k

[07:13] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:13] <Letta_> Kemesraaan sing hakiki...

[07:13] <jeding> ya awoh

[07:14] <jeding> wes 505 gambar jaran

[07:14] <jeding> duh enek kenek an

[07:14] <jeding> b.a.b ah

[07:15] * jeding (~androirc@ Quit (G-lined)

[07:15] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go :<

[07:15] <Lewung> Ngisingaaaan

[07:15] <Lewung> Kakean telek

[07:16] <Lolita> Iku jenenge mesra kink

[07:16] <Lewung> Ngising wong e jenk

[07:16] <Lewung> .k

[07:16] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:21] * Lewung (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:21] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.vypj.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:21] * udud (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:22] <+tweety> i like them ^_^

[07:22] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :<

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : K I D S (60s timeout) »]

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> Kids

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> Disk

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( DISK ) in 6.516 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define DISK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:22] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K I B R C (60s timeout) »]

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> Brick

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( BRICK ) in 3.781 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BRICK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:23] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : H M A T (60s timeout) »]

[07:23] <TjahAyoe> Math

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( MATH ) in 3.219 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MATH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:23] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T S A M N I F E S (60s timeout) »]

[07:23] <TjahAyoe> Manifest

[07:23] <TjahAyoe> Manifests

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( MANIFESTS ) in 29.20 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define MANIFESTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S W I N (60s timeout) »]

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> Wins

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( WINS ) in 2.875 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define WINS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> .ah

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:24] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E G E N E R I S (60s timeout) »]

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> Generise

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> Engerise

[07:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G E N E R I S - Here's a hint : E N E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> Energise

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> Energies

[07:25] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( ENERGIES ) in 46.95 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ENERGIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:25] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K I R T C (60s timeout) »]

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> Trick

[07:25] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( TRICK ) in 3.828 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TRICK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[07:25] <+pita> :o

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:25] <+tweety> crikey

[07:26] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.vypj.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:26] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S D E H A (60s timeout) »]

[07:26] <TjahAyoe> Heads

[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( HEADS ) in 7.907 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HEADS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[07:26] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.vypj.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:27] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D L A R (60s timeout) »]

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> Wb mba adis

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> Lard

[07:27] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( LARD ) in 9.766 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LARD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> Dral

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:28] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R S L C O U E (60s timeout) »]

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> Clouser

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> Closeur

[07:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R S L C O U E - Here's a hint : C L . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:28] <Adis> Ty mba

[07:29] <TjahAyoe> Cloures

[07:29] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C L O S U R E with the letters R S L C O U E (Use .define CLOSURE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:29] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +9 ) »]

[07:30] <Adis> Ah sepi banget

[07:30] <Adis> Berharap ketemu mantan2

[07:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Haiah haha mba adis

[07:33] <+ezza> Gir... help me... there isn't much time!

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Wingi di gelek ii skip

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Pas nge seen

[07:34] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.vypj.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:45] * clips is now known as ComeL

[07:45] <+ezza> master, where did you go? I can't see you

[07:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[07:50] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[07:51] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[07:52] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:55] * ComeL is now known as nGa[N]tuK

[07:55] <AndroUser> Hy

[07:57] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:04] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I L S C E (60s timeout) »]

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> Silce

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> Lisce

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I L S C E - Here's a hint : S L . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> Slice

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SLICE ) in 34.60 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SLICE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E S S R I D S T E (60s timeout) »]

[08:09] <TjahAyoe> Dessertides

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E S S R I D S T E - Here's a hint : D I S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S T R E S S E S with the letters S E S S R I D S T E (Use .define DISTRESSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[08:13] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[08:13] <oin> .b 10000

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 4 | 5 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[08:13] <oin> d

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 10 : Total is 19 »]

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | K : Total is 20 »]

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[08:14] <oin> .b 10000

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | 2 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[08:14] <oin> h

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 15 »]

[08:14] <oin> h

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 5 : Total is 20 »]

[08:14] <oin> s

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 3 : Total is 14 or 4 »]

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 15 or 5 »]

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 13 »]

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 22 »]

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[08:15] <oin> .b 10000

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | A : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 7 | 8 : Total is 15 »]

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[08:16] <+pita> I often walk about with someone elses dick in my arse.

[08:17] <oin> .b 10000

[08:17] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: K | 8 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[08:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[08:17] <oin> s

[08:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 2 : Total is 4 »]

[08:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 11 »]

[08:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 12 »]

[08:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 21 »]

[08:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[08:28] <oin> .b 10000

[08:28] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 2 | J : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[08:28] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[08:28] <oin> s

[08:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | Q : Total is 15 »]

[08:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 25 »]

[08:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[08:29] <oin> .b 10000

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | 6 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[08:29] <oin> s

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 8 : Total is 15 »]

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 25 »]

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[08:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[08:32] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[08:35] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:35] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[08:36] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:36] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:43] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[08:47] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:49] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[08:54] <+elektra> mmmmm dozen book

[08:54] <+ezza> =)

[09:01] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:10] <+tweety> you know that stuff you did for me last night?

[09:10] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[09:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[09:10] <Lolita> .ag

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R E U R E S C (60s timeout) »]

[09:10] <Lolita> Rescuer

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( RESCUER ) in 9.172 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define RESCUER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:11] <Lolita> Sepi wis an

[09:13] <+creasy> Today's forecast is a tornado with 34% chance of heads

[09:17] <+ezza> Please stay seated until the ride has stopped.

[09:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[09:35] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:35] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[09:38] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:41] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[09:50] <oin> .b 10000.00000000

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: J | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[09:50] <oin> h

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 5 : Total is 20 »]

[09:50] <oin> s

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | 7 : Total is 17 »]

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:50] <oin> .vp 5000

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. oin's hand: 5h | 9h | 7s | Jh | 2d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[09:50] <oin> .draw 35

[09:50] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - oin: your hand: 5h | 9h | 7h | Jh | Ac is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[09:50] <oin> .b 10000.00000000

[09:50] * Letta_ (uid423691@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[09:50] <+tweety> mmm letta_

[09:50] <Lolita> Wew ono sing kejar setoran

[09:51] <Lolita> War biasah

[09:51] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[09:52] <oin> .b 10000.00000000

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 5 | 7 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[09:52] <oin> d

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 15 »]

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 9 : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:52] <oin> yuhu0

[09:56] * rian_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:58] <oin> .b 10000

[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: J | 6 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[09:58] <oin> s

[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 8 : Total is 16 »]

[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 26 »]

[09:58] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:58] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[09:59] <oin> .b 10000.00

[09:59] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 3 : Total is 14 or 4 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[09:59] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[10:00] <oin> d

[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 14 »]

[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 9 : Total is 17 »]

[10:00] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[10:00] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:10] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[10:13] * NaKaL ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:16] * Jodz_ ( has joined #surabaya

[10:16] * Jodz_ is now known as NaKaL

[10:17] * rian_ (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:22] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[10:24] * KangMaz ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:25] * KangMaz ( has joined #surabaya

[10:27] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:27] * Zuma14 is now known as Zuma12

[10:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[10:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[10:55] * NaKaL is now known as NaKaL_

[10:58] * NaKaL_ is now known as NaKaL

[11:02] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:02] * NaKaL is now known as NaKaL_

[11:04] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:07] * NaKaL_ is now known as NaKaL

[11:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[11:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[11:32] * nGa[N]tuK ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:32] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[11:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[12:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[12:12] <+pita> Adventure follows me like a dog follows a man with bacon trousers.

[12:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[12:31] <+tweety> omg no

[12:31] <+creasy> the answer lies in the stars

[12:31] <+ezza> No.

[12:31] <+pita> Panties

[12:31] <+elektra> let me check your horoscope#

[12:31] <+creasy> bugger off there and find it

[12:31] <+elektra> d'oh

[12:31] <+elektra> ~oef~

[12:42] * abi ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:42] <+tweety> bye abi

[12:42] * abi- (~abi@2a04:dd00:12:6::3248:3289:1000) has joined #surabaya

[12:42] * abi- (~abi@2a04:dd00:12:6::3248:3289:1000) Quit (Registered)

[12:42] * abi- ( has joined #surabaya

[12:43] * abi- is now known as abi

[12:43] <+tweety> We have no time for these games*#*###%@~#

[12:43] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[12:44] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:44] <+ezza> Mmm cwok.

[12:47] * Lolita ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[12:56] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:56] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[13:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[13:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[13:32] <+pita> NaKaL++

[13:36] <+elektra> Caring stance, surprised teeth, caring stance.

[13:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[14:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[14:47] <+creasy> my fez's stuck :<

[14:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:04] <+pita> i'm giving up evil science and taking up evil gardening instead

[15:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[15:28] * clips is now known as Nga[n]tuK

[15:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[15:44] * +tweety puts on nightie

[15:44] * +ezza puts on pajamas

[15:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[15:52] <+creasy> yes but i'd rather have your holodeck priviledges removed for a week than do it again!

[15:52] <+pita> yes but i have a bounty bar stuck in my breast

[15:52] <+elektra> yarr

[15:52] <+elektra> when the repairs are done i shall hunt down that evil death bee.

[16:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[16:22] * Noob5432 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:22] <Noob5432> Hi!

[16:23] <Noob5432> Selamat datang

[16:26] * Noob5432 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:26] * ahm__ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[16:47] * ahm__ (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[16:48] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[16:52] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:56] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:02] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:04] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[17:14] * cowoendut pagi

[17:19] <+creasy> but is it really safe?

[17:19] <+pita> Yes, if you watch out for glasses.

[17:22] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:30] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[17:38] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[17:53] * +pita burps

[17:53] <+pita> er... it was the fish

[17:53] * +pita points

[17:55] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:02] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:02] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[18:20] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[18:21] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[18:26] * Nga[n]tuK is now known as JupIt3r

[18:27] * tkob ( Quit (EOF from client)

[18:29] <+pita> I do what i have to have sex with a stick

[18:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[18:40] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[18:40] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S N I O C L U D E S (60s timeout) »]

[18:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N I O C L U D E S - Here's a hint : C L O . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[18:41] <TjahAyoe> Clouides

[18:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C L O U D I N E S S with the letters S N I O C L U D E S (Use .define CLOUDINESS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[19:02] * co-30 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:05] <+elektra> did you see tha.

[19:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[19:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[19:52] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:52] * AndroUser2 is now known as co_30

[19:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[19:54] * co-30 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[19:56] * +pita burps

[19:56] <+pita> er... it was the fish

[19:56] * +pita points

[20:01] <+elektra> where do you have sex with a help?

[20:07] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ has joined #surabaya

[20:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[20:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[20:40] * Lolita ( has joined #surabaya

[20:40] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[20:42] <Lolita> .ag

[20:42] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A V O M E R L (60s timeout) »]

[20:42] <Lolita> Removal

[20:42] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( REMOVAL ) in 3.312 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define REMOVAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:42] <Lolita> .money

[20:42] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita (#Lolita) has 179'000$ »]

[20:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[21:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[21:23] <+elektra> In the event of an emergency, my forearm can be used as a floatation device.

[21:30] <+creasy> Alors.

[21:32] <Lolita> .ag

[21:32] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N O T C O T (60s timeout) »]

[21:32] <Lolita> Cottob

[21:32] <Lolita> Cotton

[21:32] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( COTTON ) in 7.078 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define COTTON to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Lolita has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[21:32] <Lolita> Buds

[21:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[21:45] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:48] <Kenzo> Kuburan

[21:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[21:53] * co_30 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:53] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[21:54] * cow_30 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[22:24] <+creasy> Some people are really thivk.

[22:30] <+tweety> r

[22:30] <+creasy> r :)

[22:30] <+pita> r :)

[22:32] <nandini> .ag

[22:32] <nandini> .ig

[22:32] <nandini> .ug

[22:33] <nandini> .eg

[22:33] <nandini> .og

[22:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[22:44] <+ezza> r

[22:46] <+pita> ewww free

[22:46] <+creasy> Press X to not gigl

[22:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[23:04] <+elektra> Basically, adventure follows me like a dog follows a man with bacon trousers.

[23:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[23:25] * Letta_ (uid423691@ has joined #surabaya

[23:27] <+elektra> Moo.

[23:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[23:34] * Francesca_ (~UserNick@ has joined #surabaya

[23:35] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[23:45] <Letta_> .ping

[23:45] <@Dealer> Letta_: Pong! (0.25s)

[23:45] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[23:49] <Lolita> .ag

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T E C L A (60s timeout) »]

[23:50] <Lolita> Tacle

[23:50] <Lolita> Cleat

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Lolita has just found the correct word ( CLEAT ) in 5.719 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLEAT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Lolita has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[23:52] <+elektra> Riz has shot the food! =(

[23:52] <+creasy> noooo my pasta pillows

[23:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[23:54] * cow_30 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:56] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[23:57] <oin> .b 10000.

[23:57] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[23:57] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:57] <oin> s

[23:57] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 8 : Total is 18 »]

[23:57] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:58] <oin> .b 10000.

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | 8 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:58] <oin> s

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 9 : Total is 12 »]

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 22 »]

[23:58] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:59] <oin> .bank deposit 500000

[00:01] <oin> .vp 5000

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. oin's hand: Ks | 7d | 6d | 7s | Qh. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[00:01] <oin> .draw 135

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - oin: your hand: 6c | 7d | 3h | 7s | 4h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[00:02] <oin> .b 10000

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 6 | 7 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:02] <oin> h

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 9 : Total is 22 »]

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:06] <oin> .b 10000

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: A | 10 : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:06] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:07] * danilla (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:07] <oin> .b 10000

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 9 | 5 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:07] <oin> h

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 9 : Total is 23 »]

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:10] <oin> .b 10000

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 3 : Total is 14 or 4 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:10] <oin> d

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 6 : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 5 : Total is 13 »]

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 15 »]

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 24 »]

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:12] <oin> .b 10000.

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 10 : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 10 | Q : Total is 20 »]

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:13] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[00:15] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:17] <oin> .b 10000.

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 2 | 7 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: K | A : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:17] <oin> .b 10000.

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:17] <oin> s

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | Q : Total is 19 »]

[00:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:18] <oin> .b 10000.

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:18] <oin> s

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | J : Total is 14 »]

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 23 »]

[00:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:19] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[00:21] <+creasy> Anyone fancy a pint?

[00:21] <+tweety> Only with you creasy.

[00:21] <+ezza> If only I hadn't used up all my lifelines

[00:21] <+elektra> No

[00:21] <+ezza> no thanks, don't know where it's been

[00:21] <oin> .b 10000

[00:21] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: J | 2 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[00:21] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:21] <oin> h

[00:21] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 6 : Total is 18 »]

[00:21] <oin> s

[00:21] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | Q : Total is 20 »]

[00:21] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:30] * danilla (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[00:35] * oin_ (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[00:38] <+pita> BOOM.

[00:39] <oin_> .b 10000

[00:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 10 | J : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[00:39] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:39] <oin_> s

[00:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 10 : Total is 15 »]

[00:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 25 »]

[00:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin_ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:40] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:40] <oin_> .b 10000

[00:40] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: A | K : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 8 | 8 : Total is 16 »]

[00:40] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin_ has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:40] * oin (~voine@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:40] <oin_> .bank deposit 1000000

[00:43] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:46] <oin_> .b 10000

[00:47] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 3 | K : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[00:47] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:47] <oin_> s

[00:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | 3 : Total is 13 »]

[00:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 16 »]

[00:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 25 »]

[00:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin_ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:48] <oin_> .b 10000

[00:48] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 8 | 7 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[00:48] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:48] <oin_> s

[00:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 9 : Total is 17 »]

[00:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:49] <oin_> .b 10000

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 4 | 8 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:49] <oin_> s

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 7 : Total is 12 »]

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 22 »]

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin_ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:53] <oin_> .b 10000

[00:53] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 3 | 3 : Total is 6 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[00:53] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:53] <oin_> h

[00:53] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: 3 : Total is 9 »]

[00:53] <oin_> h

[00:53] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: 10 : Total is 19 »]

[00:53] <oin_> s

[00:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 7 : Total is 17 »]

[00:53] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[00:56] <oin_> .b 10000

[00:56] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 5 | 7 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[00:56] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[00:56] <oin_> d

[00:56] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: 3 : Total is 15 »]

[00:56] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | K : Total is 20 »]

[00:56] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[00:56] * Francesca_ (~UserNick@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:56] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[01:04] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[01:04] * yhbgvcfrdcxszqw ( has joined #surabaya

[01:05] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[01:06] * oin_ (~voine@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:07] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[01:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[01:18] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:22] <Letta_> .slaps samirah

[01:23] <+pita> bof

[01:24] <+elektra> if he's good enough for thekingofbandit, he's good enough for me

[01:26] * cow_30 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[01:38] <+creasy> Ha ha! Body in a woodchipper.

[01:38] <+ezza> let's make biscuits... LET'S MAKE BISCUITS

[01:41] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:41] <klepon> hallo

[01:41] <klepon> 😂😂😂

[01:41] <klepon> sepi

[01:43] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:43] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:43] <kelpon> 😂😂😂

[01:43] <+ezza> O snap.

[01:47] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[01:47] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[01:47] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[01:47] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:54] * cow_30 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[02:20] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:20] <klepon> hallo

[02:20] <klepon> 😃😃😃

[02:22] <klepon> .seen tjahayue

[02:22] <NapaLm> klepon, Gue enggak pernah liat tjahayue.

[02:22] <klepon> .seen tjahayoe

[02:28] <klepon> gak ada orang

[02:29] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[02:47] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[02:51] * DINA (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[02:51] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[02:51] * Lolita ( Quit (Signed off)

[02:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[02:54] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:09] <nandini> .seen jodi

[03:09] <nandini> .seen NaKaL

[03:13] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[03:15] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:18] <+pita> Which of you fat bastards did this to my camel!?

[03:22] * yhbgvcfrdcxszqw ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[03:34] <+tweety> I might.

[03:34] <+elektra> take one little step leftprecious

[03:34] <+ezza> What is your favourite colour?

[03:34] <+pita> No

[03:34] <+creasy> you want the answer? you can't handle the answer!

[03:34] * +ezza eats some "slimy" creatures

[03:40] <+creasy> so, like, i'd give mrs. button one

[03:46] * Francesca_ (~UserNick@ has joined #surabaya

[03:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[03:55] <+elektra> I see it's nearly the end of the channel... but there's just time to squeeze in a round of a toh songbook

[03:56] * Francesca_ (~UserNick@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:59] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #surabaya

[04:00] * oooyab (~sh@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:01] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #surabaya

[04:02] * oooyab (~sh@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:02] <+tweety> Bye oooyab.

[04:02] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :~(

[04:07] * yhbgvcfrdcxszqw ( has joined #surabaya

[04:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[04:19] * +elektra burps

[04:19] <+elektra> it was... er, Cinta

[04:34] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[04:35] * eat-I ( has joined #surabaya

[04:35] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[04:35] <AndroUser> .ping

[04:35] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[04:35] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (7.266s)

[04:36] * eat-I slaps creasy around a bit with a large trout

[04:36] <+creasy> I do love a good eat-iing.

[04:36] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:36] <+ezza> i like tehm :)

[04:38] * eat-I ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:38] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[04:54] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[04:54] <aryo> ty love

[04:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[05:03] <+pita> You know |In-Love|, jotoing a queue is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[05:03] <+pita> You've got to KAMI the powereket

[05:03] <+pita> Pat the weapon

[05:03] <+pita> and finally remind the dowo

[05:06] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:06] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[05:06] <Van_JaVa> ba

[05:07] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[05:07] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:08] * alit ( has joined #surabaya

[05:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[05:19] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:19] <AndroUser2> Crut

[05:20] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:20] <+ezza> mmm androuser2

[05:20] <+tweety> =]

[05:20] <+pita> =]

[05:22] * Letta_ (uid423691@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:22] <+tweety> mmm Letta_

[05:22] <+ezza> bye letta_

[05:25] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:27] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[05:31] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[05:32] <Ganonk> wbe oin

[05:32] <Van_JaVa> waiki

[05:33] <oin> .b 10000

[05:33] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[05:33] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:33] <oin> s

[05:33] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | 7 : Total is 17 »]

[05:33] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:33] <oin> y

[05:34] <oin> .b 10000

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | Q : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:34] <oin> s

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 10 : Total is 20 »]

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[05:35] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:35] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[05:35] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:36] <+pita> honk

[05:36] <AndroUser2> Kong

[05:37] <oin> .b 10000

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 4 | A : Total is 15 or 5 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:37] <oin> d

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 4 : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | 8 : Total is 12 »]

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 22 »]

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:37] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:37] <+tweety> i like them -_-

[05:38] <+ezza> i wish they didn't have to go o_O

[05:38] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[05:38] <asn1> Sepinya

[05:38] <oin> .b 10000

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | 8 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:38] <oin> s

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 6 : Total is 13 »]

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 19 »]

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:39] <asn1> Alat duit?

[05:39] <asn1> Dapat duit?

[05:39] <oin> .b 10000

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 6 | 4 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:39] <oin> only games

[05:39] <oin> d

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 20 »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 19 »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:42] <oin> .b 10000

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | 3 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:42] <oin> d

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 5 : Total is 16 »]

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | K : Total is 19 »]

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:44] <oin> .b 10000

[05:44] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 6 : Total is 17 or 7 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[05:44] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:44] <oin> d

[05:44] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 17 »]

[05:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 9 : Total is 19 »]

[05:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:44] <oin> d

[05:45] <oin> .b 10000

[05:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[05:45] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:45] <oin> h

[05:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 24 »]

[05:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:46] <oin> .b 10000

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | 4 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:46] <oin> d

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 8 : Total is 19 »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 9 : Total is 16 »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 17 »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:47] <Ganonk> .rank oin

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: oin (#Langitjingga) is ranked 4th out of 582 Casino Players with 14'640'000$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[05:47] <Ganonk> walah

[05:48] <oin> .b 10000

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | K : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:48] <oin> s

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | K : Total is 14 »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 24 »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:52] <oin> .b 10000

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 6 | 10 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:52] <oin> s

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | 7 : Total is 16 »]

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 23 »]

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:53] * asn1 (~ngok@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:53] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[05:54] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[05:54] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[05:59] <oin> .b 10000.

[05:59] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 6 | K : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[05:59] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:59] * vale88cr ( has joined #surabaya

[05:59] <vale88cr> ciao

[05:59] <oin> s

[05:59] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | K : Total is 13 »]

[05:59] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 20 »]

[05:59] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:00] * vale88cr ( has left #surabaya

[06:00] <+tweety> bye vale88cr

[06:01] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:05] <+pita> Did you see tha.

[06:05] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:05] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[06:06] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:06] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:08] <NaKaL> hi bots

[06:08] <+tweety> ^_^

[06:08] <+pita> :)

[06:08] <+elektra> -_-

[06:08] <+creasy> =]

[06:08] <+ezza> :-)

[06:08] <+creasy> :o)

[06:08] <+tweety> =]

[06:08] <+ezza> ;)

[06:08] <oin> .b 10000.

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: K | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:08] <oin> h

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 17 »]

[06:08] <oin> s

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 3 : Total is 13 »]

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 15 »]

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 25 »]

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:11] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:14] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:14] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[06:15] <+pita> r

[06:15] <+elektra> hiya |In-Love|

[06:16] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:16] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[06:22] <nandini> .ag

[06:22] <nandini> .ig

[06:22] <nandini> .ug

[06:22] <nandini> .eg

[06:22] <nandini> .og

[06:28] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:31] * Gadis ( has joined #surabaya

[06:33] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:35] <+ezza> What d'you say we just hit a strip joint?

[06:35] <+tweety> kittens

[06:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[06:35] * gadissby_seksi ( has joined #surabaya

[06:38] <FY> .ag

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E L N T (60s timeout) »]

[06:38] <FY> Lent

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( LENT ) in 4.031 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define LENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd Lolita in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[06:39] <+pita> The next channel is #kingsbury. Please mind the gap between the channel and the server.

[06:46] <FY> .ag

[06:46] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E C V N C O E N I E N (60s timeout) »]

[06:46] <FY> Convenience

[06:46] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CONVENIENCE ) in 21.29 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define CONVENIENCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:46] * maxxe__ ( has joined #surabaya

[06:47] * maxxe__ ( has left #surabaya

[06:53] <FY> .ag

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S N E M N G A R A R I T (60s timeout) »]

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N E M N G A R A R I T - Here's a hint : A R R A . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:53] <FY> Arraignments

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ARRAIGNMENTS ) in 39.18 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define ARRAIGNMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[06:55] <FY> .ag

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E J S (60s timeout) »]

[06:55] <FY> Jets

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( JETS ) in 3.515 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define JETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:56] * gadissby_seksi ( has left #surabaya

[06:56] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S O D E I T R (60s timeout) »]

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Editors

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( EDITORS ) in 9.078 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define EDITORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[07:01] <FY> Weh

[07:01] <FY> Ono mbak dede

[07:01] <TjahAyoe> Weeh hahaha

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> Jek tas ae mba

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> Malming ku gabut

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N E M I L S T O E S (60s timeout) »]

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> Leminators

[07:02] <FY> Podo mbak

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> Gak halan2 ta

[07:02] <FY> Nyambi umbah umbah

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N E M I L S T O E S - Here's a hint : M I L . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:02] <FY> Hadeh ora wis

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> Milenators

[07:02] <FY> Mile stones

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> Milestones

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( MILESTONES ) in 45.43 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define MILESTONES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> Oalah

[07:03] <TjahAyoe> Aq wes umbah2 isuk

[07:03] <TjahAyoe> Gak ono mari ne lek urusaan gombal

[07:03] <TjahAyoe> Lek q kesel tak londri sing penting2 hahah

[07:03] <FY> Iyo mbak...umbahanku ngalahno laundry

[07:03] <FY> Perasaku wis tak umbah kabeh

[07:03] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R G T A C E O Y (60s timeout) »]

[07:04] <TjahAyoe> Ekkeke

[07:04] <FY> Yo sek ono ae sing rusuh anyar maneh

[07:04] <FY> Cate gory

[07:04] <TjahAyoe> Lhaa gonta ganti arek2 yo

[07:04] <TjahAyoe> Category

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CATEGORY ) in 26.82 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CATEGORY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:04] <FY> Iyo mbak

[07:04] <FY> Jenenge arek cilik

[07:04] <FY> Penting tak pengering

[07:04] <FY> Iki sek tak kum pewangi

[07:04] <FY> Ben ga apek

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> Pokok ee waneta gak mari2 lek urusan pergombalan

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> Layaak seneng di gombali cah Lanang

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwwj

[07:05] <FY> Pergombalan karo pawonan

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> Oiyo

[07:05] <FY> Halah wong lanang a

[07:05] <FY> Nek ga gombal duk wong lanang mbak

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> He eh

[07:06] <FY> Aku di block koyoke mbak karo koncomu

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Heh moso??

[07:06] <FY> Iyo

[07:06] <FY> Wa ne wis ga ono gambare

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Aq wan ae sih iki ..baru aja aq di tuduh

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkw lgsg tak kluarin jurus ku

[07:06] <FY> (TjahAyoe) Aq wan ae sih iki ..baru aja aq di tuduh>>kapan?

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Gak tuh gak ngerti masalah hub kalian

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Aq gak ikut2

[07:06] <FY> (TjahAyoe) Kwkwkw lgsg tak kluarin jurus ku>>waiki jurus opo

[07:07] <FY> Bagusss

[07:07] <FY> Saiki foto dpne opo?

[07:07] <FY> Nek ndek nggonanku wis ga enek

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Trakhir kpn ya dia wa ku

[07:07] <FY> Fbku ae di block sama dia

[07:07] <FY> Mungkin malu karena ketahuan

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Akhir feb ding

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Ono pp ne

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Iku ae tak ..bully

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Makane jd org itu ojo ngapusii

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwk tak gt kan

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Ngaku2 single..diih

[07:09] <FY> Terus

[07:09] <FY> Wkwkwkwk

[07:09] <FY> Wakkakakak

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Trz zarene hayoo qm tau dr mna

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Aq lgsg pura2 kan qm yg crita

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> :v

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwwk

[07:09] <FY> Maksude?

[07:09] <FY> Eakakkaka

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Dikira mba cerita smua..pdahl q pura2 gak tau

[07:09] <FY> Ben wis

[07:09] <FY> Wakkakaka

[07:10] <FY> Channel dee ga sido tak kekno dee maneh

[07:10] <FY> Tak del maneh aksese

[07:10] <FY> Salahe ngapusi

[07:10] <FY> Eakkakak

[07:10] * Dhewi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:10] <FY> Waiki

[07:10] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[07:10] <Dhewi> waiki

[07:10] <Dhewi> Waini

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Sempat marah itu..knp qm gak bilang dulu klo kasih no ku...trz sauti alaah kelamaan balas

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Tak kasih aja

[07:10] <Dhewi> Bukan Waiki

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> Yo gak marah siih cm agak kesel kali

[07:11] <FY> (TjahAyoe) Sempat marah itu..knp qm gak bilang dulu klo kasih no ku...trz sauti alaah kelamaan balas>>wakakakkak

[07:11] <FY> Wkakakakak

[07:11] <FY> Kakean drama dee

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> Hai mba dhewi

[07:12] <FY> Isin tenanan bekne

[07:12] <FY> Sampe fb dan wa di block

[07:12] <TjahAyoe> Iyoo kaya ee

[07:12] <TjahAyoe> Zare ne sempat wedi soale dibawa ke nyata kan sm mba..mkane ilang kaya ee iku

[07:13] <Dhewi> ngga tahi

[07:13] <Dhewi> tahu

[07:13] <Dhewi> Ada yg liat si owy

[07:13] <FY> (TjahAyoe) Zare ne sempat wedi soale dibawa ke nyata kan sm mba..mkane ilang kaya ee iku,>>halah mbak kakean drama dee

[07:13] <TjahAyoe> Iyoo heheh wong wa aneh2 kadg gak tak reken

[07:14] * cwokk (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[07:14] <FY> Dee kan njaluk fotoku terbaru

[07:14] <FY> Tak wenehi sak akeh akehe

[07:14] <FY> Terus dee ga yakin nek aku wis rabi

[07:14] <TjahAyoe> Moso muni aq kangen dd..tapi dd tuh gak pernah serius canda mulu.. tak warai ..iya qm bnyak drama maless.. wkwkkw wong koq aneh2 zareku

[07:14] <FY> Tak wenehi sisan foto mantenku mbak

[07:14] <FY> Cek ngandel

[07:14] <TjahAyoe> [22:14] (FY) Terus dee ga yakin nek aku wis rabi>> diih.. kwkwwk

[07:14] <TjahAyoe> Ben ape di rabi gt taa

[07:14] <TjahAyoe> Lek gak rabi

[07:15] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwkw

[07:15] <TjahAyoe> Moso ngenteni dia

[07:15] <TjahAyoe> :/

[07:15] <FY> (TjahAyoe) Moso muni aq kangen dd..tapi dd tuh gak pernah serius canda mulu.. tak warai ..iya qm bnyak drama maless.. wkwkkw wong koq aneh2 zareku>>>gendeng ancen dee

[07:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[07:15] <FY> Iso jare kecewa soale aku kok rabi mendadak

[07:15] <FY> Kok abis ga ada kabar kok tau tau km menikah

[07:15] * cwokk (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:15] <FY> Ya sakkarepku lah

[07:16] <FY> Bah aku rabi bah ga rabi

[07:16] <FY> Kunu kok bingunh

[07:16] <FY> .k

[07:16] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:17] <FY> .ag

[07:17] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S U D N O C C T O R (60s timeout) »]

[07:17] <FY> Conductors

[07:17] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CONDUCTORS ) in 5.453 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define CONDUCTORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:17] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd TjahAyoe in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[07:17] <FY> .money

[07:17] <@Dealer> 6 FY (#FY) has 946'250$ »]

[07:17] <FY> .top10

[07:17] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 66'395'750$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 51'425'006$ 3: nia (Denia) 49'171'006$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 16'030'000$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: aryo (??) 5'907'500$ 7: Riie (??) 4'783'350$ 8: n51516161717181 (??) 4'214'059$ 9: ener (??) 2'323'330$ 10: skidipapap (??) 2'115'150$ »]

[07:18] <FY> Ono sing kejar setoran

[07:18] <FY> Beno wis

[07:18] <+tweety> Beno wis... Bis.

[07:20] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:21] <Lancelot> wb wb wb

[07:21] <FY> 🤔

[07:21] <AndroUser> ty ty ty

[07:21] <Lancelot> sama sama

[07:21] <FY> .ag

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O T U R (60s timeout) »]

[07:21] <FY> Tour

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( TOUR ) in 4 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TOUR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> Kekwkekw

[07:24] <AndroUser> wekwkek

[07:24] <FY> Ko endi mbak

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> Tak tersampaikan

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> Sambi gawe wedang tape

[07:24] <FY> Enake

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> Hahah iyo

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> Suwi gak gawe ngunu

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> Enak iku sing lebaran suguhnae iku

[07:25] <TjahAyoe> Di picuk godong trz manis eram

[07:26] <FY> Wrw

[07:26] <FY> Wew

[07:26] <FY> Mantul

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> Na iku sopo mba

[07:27] <FY> Aku yo arep takon sampean

[07:27] <FY> Tak kiro kenal

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> Gak

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> Opo tante nadh

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:27] <FY> Wakakakkakaka

[07:27] <FY> Awas lho

[07:27] <FY> Guling minione ol

[07:27] <FY> Wkwkwk

[07:27] <AndroUser> wajajjaaa

[07:27] * androuser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:27] <TjahAyoe> Kwksjwj

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> Babahno

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> Wes kebal

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:28] <FY> Wakakakjaja

[07:28] <FY> Iyo mbak

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> Lhaa ancen iyo

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> Uduk salah q koq

[07:28] <FY> Iyo sampean ga salah

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> Malah aq gak ngeri

[07:28] <TjahAyoe> *ngerti

[07:29] <TjahAyoe> Lel iling nadhnuaroh rohnyanadh

[07:29] <TjahAyoe> Duh kah nick ee

[07:29] <TjahAyoe> *lek

[07:29] <FY> Wakakakakak

[07:29] <FY> Alay

[07:29] <FY> Aku bien karo kae ga sampe ngunu nick e

[07:29] <AndroUser> wakakaka

[07:29] <TjahAyoe> Kudu jetus tembok aq..kwwkwk lgsg syok kapan jadiane wkwkw wong aq suwi gak ol mbien iku

[07:30] <FY> Wkakakakakak

[07:30] <FY> Ra melu melu aku mbak

[07:30] <TjahAyoe> .seen toriq

[07:30] <FY> Sak ilingku guling minion bangga tau jadian karo nadh basio 5 dino

[07:30] <FY> Wakakkak

[07:30] <TjahAyoe> Ooh 3 hari

[07:30] <TjahAyoe> Dtg lah dewo dan ndess

[07:30] <TjahAyoe> Ternyata di pacari bersama an

[07:30] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:31] <FY> Hah?

[07:31] <FY> Mosok?

[07:31] <FY> Serius?

[07:31] <FY> Gendeng

[07:31] <TjahAyoe> Iyoo anak irc tau semua..samirah aja tau

[07:31] <FY> Bagus wis

[07:31] <TjahAyoe> Lek iling dia kekel koq

[07:31] <AndroUser> wkwkw

[07:31] <FY> Aku mosok kepo urusan pacarane wong

[07:31] <TjahAyoe> Aq klo gak dcritani yo gak eruh

[07:31] * FY ket tau saiki

[07:31] <FY> Sampean diceritani sopo

[07:31] * temon nyimak

[07:31] <TjahAyoe> Sempat ribuut koq

[07:32] <TjahAyoe> Ndess ngunu pisan curhat nang aq masalah ngene ki

[07:32] <TjahAyoe> Kwwkkww

[07:32] <TjahAyoe> Di ss akeeh eram

[07:32] <FY> Wogh

[07:32] <FY> Sopo mbak sing ribut?

[07:32] <FY> Sopo karo sopo?

[07:32] <TjahAyoe> Yoo mereka

[07:32] <TjahAyoe> B4

[07:32] <FY> Gendeng

[07:32] <FY> Wakakkakak

[07:32] <FY> Sek tak ngakak aku

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Telat kwkwjw

[07:33] <FY> .k

[07:33] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Trz aq di arani nikung

[07:33] <FY> Aku ket eruh iki

[07:33] <FY> Wakakakakkak

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Nyanyi smbil nyindir

[07:33] <temon> guling minion kih sopo

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Mbak koq Yo nikung iku kabar2 kasih tau

[07:33] <FY> Nadh?

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Iyoo

[07:33] <FY> Wakakakkaka

[07:33] <TjahAyoe> Trz tak sauti..maaf yaa te aq gak pernah nikung bukannya dah usai ya

[07:34] <FY> Nadh bien yo rak seneng karo aku koyoke

[07:34] <+ezza> Blondes DO have more fun!

[07:34] <TjahAyoe> Lgsg off diatasi sm minion

[07:34] <TjahAyoe> Aq ne

[07:34] <FY> Gara gara aku bien gudo guling minion gawe samurai

[07:34] <FY> Luar biasa

[07:34] <FY> Japri donk

[07:34] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwwk

[07:34] <TjahAyoe> Nah iku

[07:34] <TjahAyoe> Wes aah

[07:34] <+pita> I'd nah his iku.

[07:34] <FY> Iyo wis

[07:34] <FY> Wkwkwk

[07:34] <TjahAyoe> Aq engkok maleh guyu lek iling

[07:34] <FY> Hadeh hadeh

[07:35] <TjahAyoe> Engkok dia ngamuk

[07:35] <FY> Drama jaman bien

[07:35] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.wutd.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:35] <TjahAyoe> Ribut kick2 an

[07:35] <FY> Jare guling minion ga iso ngamuk?

[07:35] <TjahAyoe> Hai mba adis

[07:35] <FY> Luar biasa

[07:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[07:35] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[07:35] <TjahAyoe> [22:35] (FY) Jare guling minion ga iso ngamuk?>> Heeh zare sopo ngeri reek..diam2 kereng

[07:35] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[07:35] * temon sek penasaran karo guling minion

[07:35] <TjahAyoe> Meneng oo mba

[07:36] <TjahAyoe> Ben gaj kepo om temon

[07:36] <TjahAyoe> Kekekekw

[07:36] <AndroUser> wkwkw

[07:36] <FY> (TjahAyoe) [22:35] (FY) Jare guling minion ga iso ngamuk?>> Heeh zare sopo ngeri reek..diam2 kereng>>>nek nyindir ngeselno dee

[07:36] <temon> :o

[07:36] <TjahAyoe> Iyoo ancen

[07:36] <+pita> r sweet gorilla of manila.

[07:36] <+elektra> well shut me up

[07:36] <FY> (TjahAyoe) Meneng oo mba>>iyo aku tak meneng

[07:36] <FY> Aku eruhe nek dee nyindir tok

[07:36] <FY> Mentolo tak samurai tenanan

[07:36] <temon> .g guling minion

[07:37] <TjahAyoe> Te nadh clatu aq smpe tak ss lo

[07:37] <temon> -NapaLm- Kagak AdE geblek

[07:37] <FY> Wakkakakakak

[07:37] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.wutd.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:37] <TjahAyoe> Zare wong2 ki

[07:37] <FY> Warbiasah

[07:37] <TjahAyoe> Kepayuen

[07:37] * Adis_ (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.wutd.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:37] <TjahAyoe> Smpe 3

[07:37] <FY> Ayu tah dee

[07:37] <FY> Kok sampe 3

[07:37] <FY> Koyok opo seh dapurane

[07:37] <TjahAyoe> Makane semnjak itu ga ada ol lagi

[07:37] <TjahAyoe> Kick2 an wong2 ki

[07:38] <TjahAyoe> Aq lali nama fb ne

[07:38] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.q04k.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:38] <FY> Tau tau wis suwi ga ol terus ol...ketemu aku ga tak sopo...terus dee nyopo...hi fy masih inget aku

[07:38] <FY> Ngunu

[07:38] <FY> Opo kui mbak dede?

[07:39] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:39] <TjahAyoe> [22:38] (FY) Opo kui mbak dede?>> Opo ne mba

[07:39] * Adis_ (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.wutd.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:39] <FY> Sing ndek notice

[07:40] <FY> Oalah

[07:40] <FY> Iku jenenge

[07:40] <FY> Otw

[07:40] <temon> loh

[07:40] * temon ga dinotis

[07:41] <FY> Wogh koncoan karo ondel ondel pulgoso

[07:41] <FY> Ga ono fotone

[07:41] <FY> Percuma

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Iyo di hapuss mba

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Wingi akeeh

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Ndek unggah an ada koq

[07:42] <FY> Sek sek

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Siji

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Lungguh kursi

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Kelek ii om temon

[07:42] <TjahAyoe> Sing anteeng

[07:42] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:43] <FY> Wis ga enek mbak

[07:43] <FY> Entek kabeh di del

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> Lungguh kursi dowo

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> Minion like koq

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> :/

[07:43] <FY> Ga ono iki

[07:43] <FY> Fotone karek 3

[07:43] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[07:43] <FY> Foto kembang

[07:43] <TjahAyoe> Oo iyo gak koncoan

[07:43] <temon> :o

[07:44] <FY> Tak add sek

[07:44] <+pita> WELL SDHUT ME UP#

[07:44] <+creasy> shocking

[07:44] <FY> Jal

[07:44] <+pita> ffs

[07:44] <TjahAyoe> Kwwkwkw

[07:44] <FY> Semoga di approve

[07:45] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.uy5i.q04k.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:47] <TjahAyoe> Hihi

[07:47] * alit ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:48] <FY> Ayu tah mbak dede/

[07:48] <FY> Kesayangane guling minion?

[07:48] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[07:48] * androuser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> Ayu

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> Wedok koq

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> Hehehe

[07:49] <+ezza> ^_^

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> Gak ayu dudu kesayangan to

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> :/

[07:50] <FY> Yo jelas

[07:50] <FY> Wakakkak

[07:50] <FY> Sampe diperebutkan lagi

[07:50] <FY> Biyuh

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> :v

[07:51] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> Wb puser 2

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:52] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N I T C L A C U L A O (60s timeout) »]

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Caculation

[07:52] <FY> Calculat ion

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Calculation

[07:52] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CALCULATION ) in 21.87 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define CALCULATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:52] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Kurang l

[07:52] <FY> Iyo

[07:52] <FY> Aku kok ngantuk yo

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:52] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : I I R S E C U T E S (60s timeout) »]

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Bubuk oo mba

[07:52] <FY> Iyoo

[07:53] <FY> Mari ngene

[07:53] <TjahAyoe> Cerutiess

[07:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I I R S E C U T E S - Here's a hint : S E C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:53] <TjahAyoe> Aq kakean turu awan

[07:53] <FY> Secu rities

[07:53] <TjahAyoe> Benter

[07:53] <FY> Aku awan ga turu

[07:53] <TjahAyoe> Securities

[07:53] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SECURITIES ) in 42.42 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define SECURITIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:54] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:54] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E B C A L S (60s timeout) »]

[07:54] <TjahAyoe> Cabels

[07:54] <TjahAyoe> Labecs

[07:54] <TjahAyoe> Cebals

[07:54] <TjahAyoe> Becals

[07:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E B C A L S - Here's a hint : C A . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:54] <TjahAyoe> Cables

[07:54] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CABLES ) in 35.81 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CABLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : P E D O T (60s timeout) »]

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Iso pedot i

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Dopet

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Pedot

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Toped

[07:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P E D O T - Here's a hint : D E . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Deopt

[07:55] <TjahAyoe> Depot

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( DEPOT ) in 41.01 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define DEPOT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[07:56] * cintaa (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:56] <temon> wb mbak e gaban

[07:56] <TjahAyoe> Wkwkkwwk

[07:56] <TjahAyoe> Iso mba ee i

[07:57] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : V E L S E E S (60s timeout) »]

[07:57] <TjahAyoe> Sleeves

[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SLEEVES ) in 9.14 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SLEEVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E I V R S E C S (60s timeout) »]

[07:58] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:58] * cintaa (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:58] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Services

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SERVICES ) in 9.781 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SERVICES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[07:58] <FangYin> Pengen turu tapi aku durung ngeringno kumbahan

[07:58] <FangYin> Wis wis

[07:58] <+tweety> Wis wis... Wis

[07:58] <FangYin> Bu ibu

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Weeh lanjutno

[07:58] <FangYin> Sek

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Ojo nunda2

[07:58] <FangYin> Iyoe

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Engkok garai males

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S A C N V A (60s timeout) »]

[07:58] <TjahAyoe> Canvas

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CANVAS ) in 4.766 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CANVAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[07:58] <FangYin> Tapi wetengku ewul

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Yo maem mba ..isi amunisi

[07:59] <FangYin> Iyo

[07:59] <FangYin> Brb

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S C O L O N (60s timeout) »]

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> Colons

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( COLONS ) in 3.953 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define COLONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[07:59] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E D I U G (60s timeout) »]

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Guide

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( GUIDE ) in 4.593 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GUIDE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[08:00] <+creasy> Crumbs.

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N I A L B P U I C T O S (60s timeout) »]

[08:00] <TjahAyoe> Publications

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PUBLICATIONS ) in 8.14 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define PUBLICATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]

[08:01] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O N I S P E C T I (60s timeout) »]

[08:01] <TjahAyoe> Inspection

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( INSPECTION ) in 8.703 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define INSPECTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+11) »]

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : C I T U J S E (60s timeout) »]

[08:02] <TjahAyoe> Sejuctis

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C I T U J S E - Here's a hint : J U . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Jucties

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Justice

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( JUSTICE ) in 46.86 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define JUSTICE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+12) »]

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E P E X R T S (60s timeout) »]

[08:03] <cowoendut> Dealer

[08:03] <TjahAyoe> Experts

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( EXPERTS ) in 13.12 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define EXPERTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+13) »]

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E I V W (60s timeout) »]

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> Views

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( VIEWS ) in 3.984 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define VIEWS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+14) »]

[08:04] <+creasy> ow my eyes :(

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T N E M E S D I (60s timeout) »]

[08:04] <TjahAyoe> Dimensit

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Mendist

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N E M E S D I - Here's a hint : S E D . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:05] <+creasy> Basically, pretty hairy is pretty.

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Sediment

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SEDIMENT ) in 40.29 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SEDIMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+15) »]

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S K O T S R E (60s timeout) »]

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Korsets

[08:06] <TjahAyoe> Sekorts

[08:06] <TjahAyoe> Strokes

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( STROKES ) in 24.10 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define STROKES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+16) »]

[08:06] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S A R U P C H E S (60s timeout) »]

[08:06] <TjahAyoe> Purchase

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Purchases

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PURCHASES ) in 17.39 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PURCHASES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+17) »]

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E E K N (60s timeout) »]

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Keen

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Kene

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Neek

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Knee

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( KNEE ) in 16.26 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define KNEE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+18) »]

[08:07] <+ezza> lordy

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : I T S O R E S (60s timeout) »]

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> Stories

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( STORIES ) in 4.734 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define STORIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's DOMINATING!!! (+19) »]

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : M T S C U O S (60s timeout) »]

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> Costum

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> Costums

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M T S C U O S - Here's a hint : C U . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> Customs

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CUSTOMS ) in 34.59 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CUSTOMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Please someone stop him! (+20) »]

[08:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : D A U E S A F G R (60s timeout) »]

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: D A U E S A F G R - Here's a hint : S A F . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S A F E G U A R D with the letters D A U E S A F G R (Use .define SAFEGUARD to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +20 ) »]

[08:12] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[08:13] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:14] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T U H N (60s timeout) »]

[08:14] <TjahAyoe> Hunt

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( HUNT ) in 3.219 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HUNT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:14] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : R E F U N M A A C T U R S (60s timeout) »]

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E F U N M A A C T U R S - Here's a hint : M A N U . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> Manucfatures

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M A N U F A C T U R E R S with the letters R E F U N M A A C T U R S (Use .define MANUFACTURERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> Manufactures

[08:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[08:15] <+tweety> Death comes to those who wait.

[08:15] <+creasy> omg no

[08:15] <+elektra> i might

[08:15] <+ezza> yellow, and sometimes blue

[08:15] <+pita> yes, that makes me horny

[08:18] * dita (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:19] <Lancelot> wb dita

[08:19] <TjahAyoe> Ty

[08:19] <TjahAyoe> Bantu jawab

[08:19] <TjahAyoe> Maaf

[08:19] <TjahAyoe> :/

[08:20] <temon> :o

[08:21] <+creasy> well slap my knee and call me creasy

[08:22] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[08:22] <Van_JaVa> ba

[08:25] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:25] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[08:32] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:32] <+ezza> Mmm letta_

[08:33] <+pita> I'm a parrot factory squawk squawk.

[08:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[08:46] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:47] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:50] <TjahAyoe> Wb kk ertiga nya tiaa

[08:50] <ertiga> ty tjahayoe ku 😄

[08:50] <ertiga> ehh...🤣

[08:50] <TjahAyoe> Wew

[08:50] <TjahAyoe> Haaha

[08:50] <TjahAyoe> Asekkk

[08:51] <ertiga> tiaa nya kaga ada 😄

[08:54] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[08:58] <aryo> .top10

[08:58] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 66'395'750$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 51'425'006$ 3: nia (Denia) 49'171'006$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 16'030'000$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: aryo (aryo) 5'907'500$ 7: Riie (??) 4'780'350$ 8: n51516161717181 (??) 4'214'059$ 9: ener (??) 2'323'330$ 10: skidipapap (??) 2'115'150$ »]

[08:59] <aryo> .ag

[08:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E T N I A P R (60s timeout) »]

[08:59] <aryo> partime

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T N I A P R - Here's a hint : P A . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:00] <aryo> painter

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PAINTER ) in 45.31 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PAINTER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:00] * army (~joe@ has joined #surabaya

[09:00] <aryo> .ag

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E J U N (60s timeout) »]

[09:00] <aryo> june

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( JUNE ) in 2.828 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define JUNE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:00] <aryo> .ac

[09:00] <aryo> .ag

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R A S T S (60s timeout) »]

[09:01] <aryo> starts

[09:01] <aryo> teras

[09:01] <aryo> terass

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R A S T S - Here's a hint : S T . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:01] <aryo> stars

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STARS ) in 42.40 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STARS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:02] <army> stars

[09:02] <army> .ping

[09:02] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:02] <@Dealer> army: Pong! (0.516s)

[09:02] <aryo> .ag

[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E M A N (60s timeout) »]

[09:02] <aryo> mane

[09:02] <aryo> amen

[09:02] <aryo> maen

[09:02] <nandini> Name

[09:02] <aryo> name

[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( NAME ) in 18.42 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NAME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:03] <aryo> .ag

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : G I T R W I N (60s timeout) »]

[09:03] <aryo> writing

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( WRITING ) in 7.156 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WRITING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[09:03] <aryo> .ac

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C R O F E (60s timeout) »]

[09:03] <aryo> cofer

[09:03] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[09:03] <army> forc

[09:03] <aryo> force

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( FORCE ) in 21.07 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FORCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[09:04] <aryo> .ag

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S R Y O R S D E T E (60s timeout) »]

[09:04] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[09:04] <oin> .b 10000

[09:04] <army> destroyers

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 army has just found the correct word ( DESTROYERS ) in 17.75 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DESTROYERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 army pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +6 ) »]

[09:04] <oin> s

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | 4 : Total is 13 »]

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 17 »]

[09:04] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:04] <temon> .money oin

[09:05] <@Dealer> 6 oin (#Langitjingga) has 13'000$ »]

[09:05] <temon> waw

[09:05] <army> wew

[09:05] <aryo> wiw

[09:05] <army> itile jingga

[09:05] <army> brb

[09:05] <temon> eee bakul cawet nongol

[09:05] <aryo> bakul sak isine ora

[09:05] <army> 🤣🤣cik

[09:05] <army> temon🐒

[09:06] <aryo> cawet we mik nggo raup temon

[09:06] <aryo> .ac

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N I H T G (60s timeout) »]

[09:06] <army> .ac

[09:06] <oin> .b 10000

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 3 : Total is 14 or 4 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[09:06] <aryo> night

[09:06] <oin> night

[09:06] * temon sibuk golek nenen

[09:06] <oin> thing

[09:06] <+tweety> SNAP.

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 oin has just found the correct word ( THING ) in 10.96 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define THING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:06] * +ezza wins oin and aryo

[09:06] <army> .dice all

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 ALL-IN-DICE has been started by army. The bet is 60'250$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[09:06] <oin> d

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 6 : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 7 : Total is 18 or 8 »]

[09:06] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:06] * +creasy wins oin and aryo

[09:06] * co_bngun (~co_bngun@ has joined #surabaya

[09:07] <army> .knife temon

[09:07] <@Dealer> 6 temon was stabbed by army's knife »]

[09:07] <aryo> .ac\

[09:07] <aryo> .ac

[09:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T A P T E R (60s timeout) »]

[09:07] <aryo> patter

[09:07] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PATTER ) in 5.593 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PATTER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:07] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry army, nobody joined the DICE game. »]

[09:07] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:07] * myself (~your@ has joined #surabaya

[09:08] <army> myself mylovely myfake

[09:08] <oin> .b 10000.

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 6 | J : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[09:08] <temon> .money myself

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 myself (#0) isn't registred or he isn't online »]

[09:08] <oin> s

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 4 : Total is 9 »]

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 11 »]

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 17 »]

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:08] <army> .knife nexjack

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 nexjack was stabbed by army's knife »]

[09:08] <aryo> .mypenis

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 The length of aryo's penis is: 26,49 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[09:08] * Q sets mode: +l 144

[09:08] <oin> .b 10000.p

[09:08] <oin> .b 10000.

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | K : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[09:08] <aryo> mayan dowo

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[09:08] <oin> s

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | J : Total is 18 »]

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[09:08] <aryo> .ag

[09:08] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L S A E (60s timeout) »]

[09:09] <aryo> sale

[09:09] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SALE ) in 3.547 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SALE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:09] <army> (@Dealer) 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! penetration

[09:09] <army> ac dc beliau

[09:10] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:10] <army> .ac

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 army started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I A C N D D A T E (60s timeout) »]

[09:10] <army> candidate

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 army has just found the correct word ( CANDIDATE ) in 14.01 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define CANDIDATE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 army pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[09:10] <army> .slots

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 army pulls the handle... The slots are ( star )( cherry )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 152'000$!!! (antispam 10secs) »]

[09:10] <army> .ac

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 army started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R E C L K (60s timeout) »]

[09:10] <army> clerk

[09:10] <@Dealer> 6 army has just found the correct word ( CLERK ) in 7.594 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLERK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) army has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:11] <army> .cointoss 10000 heads

[09:11] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry army, you have lost 10'000$. The coin landed on TAILS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[09:11] <army> .wl 5000

[09:11] <aryo> .ag

[09:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S U S E (60s timeout) »]

[09:11] * myself (~your@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:11] <aryo> susu

[09:11] <army> susu

[09:11] <aryo> uses

[09:11] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( USES ) in 11.40 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define USES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd army in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[09:12] <army> 🤣

[09:12] <army> .slap temon

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 army slaps temon around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[09:12] <aryo> .ac

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : N R O H (60s timeout) »]

[09:12] <army> .slap tiaaa

[09:12] <temon> oi

[09:12] <aryo> horn

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HORN ) in 9.844 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HORN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:12] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[09:12] <army> kangen

[09:12] <aryo> temon ki satpam irc saiki

[09:12] <aryo> ojo diganggu

[09:12] <army> moso yo

[09:12] <army> oiyo

[09:13] <army> wes

[09:13] <aryo> kerjaane mantau nek enek wong ol

[09:13] <army> woloh... biadab

[09:13] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:13] <aryo> nek wedok langsung dipv nek lanang dipentelengi tok

[09:13] <army> ra genah

[09:13] <army> mendekati bedebah kui

[09:14] <army> hadeh

[09:14] <army> 🤣

[09:14] <+creasy> the nice girls love a sailorpoit!

[09:14] * temon penyeleksi nenen

[09:14] <aryo> kekekeke

[09:14] <army> .ac

[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 army started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : Y R E L A S (60s timeout) »]

[09:14] <army> akakak

[09:14] <aryo> sereyal

[09:14] <army> relay

[09:14] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:14] <aryo> selayr

[09:14] <aryo> relays

[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RELAYS ) in 27.45 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RELAYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:15] * army is now known as pitoe

[09:15] <aryo> do scan nendi saiki tom

[09:15] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[09:15] <pitoe> .slots

[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 pitoe pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( apple )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 153'000$!!! (antispam 10secs) »]

[09:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[09:15] <aryo> .ag

[09:15] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S A O C L (60s timeout) »]

[09:16] <+ezza> If i know parallel ezza, she's in the sun by now!

[09:16] <aryo> claos

[09:16] <pitoe> coal

[09:16] <temon> scan ktp?

[09:16] <aryo> cloas

[09:16] <aryo> scan teempek

[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A O C L - Here's a hint : C O . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:16] <pitoe> coooaaaallllss

[09:16] <aryo> coals

[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( COALS ) in 34.51 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define COALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:16] <pitoe> opo iyo ono scan mpik

[09:16] <aryo> yangmu anying nendi pitoe

[09:17] <pitoe> ndassmu mlebu

[09:17] <aryo> wakakakaka

[09:17] <aryo> dongakno dadi rondo ben iso tok gasak

[09:17] <aryo> eh

[09:17] <pitoe> (aryo) yangmu anying nendi pitoe..mbuh.. mesti lagi mendesis dia

[09:17] <aryo> bulno urip

[09:17] <aryo> nek sebelahh

[09:17] * aryo meneng sek

[09:17] <FangYin> Ealah pitoe iku mahrez tah

[09:17] <pitoe> sopo nek sebelah

[09:18] <pitoe> iyaa 😍

[09:18] <pitoe> knpa yank..kangen ya

[09:18] <temon> loken

[09:19] <temon> garangane nggragas

[09:19] <aryo> wakakaka

[09:19] <aryo> tunggalanmu

[09:19] <aryo> koe maine mburi dekne ngarep

[09:19] <aryo> eh

[09:20] <pitoe> 🤭

[09:21] <aryo>

[09:21] * aryo was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[09:21] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:21] <pitoe> ada yg plood kh yo

[09:21] <aryo> apik ternyata gaweni led

[09:21] <aryo> nggo bis ro truk

[09:21] <pitoe> akakak

[09:21] <FangYin> (pitoe) knpa yank..kangen ya>>awakmu karo gaban ae...cucok

[09:21] <pitoe> jiahh

[09:21] <aryo> bukaken videoku

[09:22] <aryo> sopo reti tanggamu enek sek peesen

[09:22] <pitoe> gawat iki moso karo gaban

[09:22] * aryo siap kirim2

[09:22] <FangYin> (pitoe) iyaa 😍>>utowo karo rizma ndang bacokan kono karo kelana

[09:22] * pitoe is now known as army

[09:22] <army> walah

[09:23] <FangYin> (pitoe) gawat iki moso karo gaban>>serasi wis...gaban limited edition

[09:23] <army> asem

[09:23] <army> 🤣🤣

[09:24] <army> .ac

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 army started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T S E P (60s timeout) »]

[09:24] <FangYin> Dhewi dicari army mau diajak yank yank an

[09:24] <army> steps

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 army has just found the correct word ( STEPS ) in 5.094 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STEPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 army pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[09:24] <FangYin> .ping dhewi

[09:24] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:24] <@Dealer> Dhewi: Pong! (0.719s)

[09:24] <aryo> .ag

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T S A N D (60s timeout) »]

[09:24] <aryo> stand

[09:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STAND ) in 4.296 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STAND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:24] <army> mang ada si dhewi

[09:24] <aryo> ada

[09:24] <army> mana

[09:24] <aryo> wingi telponan ro aku

[09:25] <army> wekz

[09:25] <aryo> .ac

[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T E A B S M E N (60s timeout) »]

[09:25] <aryo> basement

[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BASEMENT ) in 9.203 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BASEMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:26] <army> .give aryo 60000

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 army has given 60'000$ to aryo. »]

[09:26] <aryo> .ac

[09:26] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S A B L T (60s timeout) »]

[09:26] <temon> gawe arduino po iku yok?

[09:26] <aryo> balts

[09:26] <aryo> iyo

[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A B L T - Here's a hint : B L . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:27] <aryo> modal 30ewu didol 100 ewu

[09:27] <army> balts

[09:27] <army> blats

[09:27] <aryo> blast

[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BLAST ) in 47.45 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BLAST to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:27] <army> vlast

[09:27] <army> blast

[09:27] <army> dc anyink

[09:27] <army> off ah

[09:27] <aryo> arduino pro mini murah tom mik 30ewu

[09:27] <aryo> nendi cok

[09:28] * army (~joe@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:28] <+ezza> i like them :-)

[09:28] <aryo> .ag

[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O O R R O C S I N (60s timeout) »]

[09:28] <aryo> .ac

[09:28] * temon enek 1 mangkrak ra dadi :o

[09:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O O R R O C S I N - Here's a hint : C O R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:29] <aryo> aku wes order meneh 50 biji

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O R R O S I O N with the letters O O R R O C S I N (Use .define CORROSION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[09:29] <aryo> .ac

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A J C K (60s timeout) »]

[09:29] <aryo> jack

[09:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( JACK ) in 3.312 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define JACK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:30] <aryo> uprek2o sek running text bathine akeh tom

[09:30] <aryo> module adole paling murah 450rb

[09:31] <aryo> modale muk 300rb arduino+stedown ro blutot

[09:31] <aryo> .ac

[09:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I A C R B U L I T O N (60s timeout) »]

[09:32] * yhbgvcfrdcxszqw ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I A C R B U L I T O N - Here's a hint : L U B R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:32] <temon> lampune ya entek akeh

[09:32] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[09:32] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L U B R I C A T I O N with the letters I A C R B U L I T O N (Use .define LUBRICATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:35] <aryo> kan adol module ora adol dadi

[09:35] <aryo> nek adol dadi sek runing text aku ndelok online paling murah 1,4jt

[09:35] <aryo> aku gawe mek entek 800rb

[09:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[09:36] <aryo> didol 1,2jt we wes untung

[09:36] <aryo> .ac

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T T E L E R (60s timeout) »]

[09:36] <aryo> letter

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LETTER ) in 4.906 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define LETTER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:37] <aryo> .ac

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T O C N I A R A (60s timeout) »]

[09:37] <aryo> container

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T O C N I A R A - Here's a hint : R A I . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R A I N C O A T with the letters T O C N I A R A (Use .define RAINCOAT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:38] <aryo> .ac

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : I T A R A G G V A O N S (60s timeout) »]

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I T A R A G G V A O N S - Here's a hint : A G G R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A G G R A V A T I O N S with the letters I T A R A G G V A O N S (Use .define AGGRAVATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:40] * rian__ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:40] <aryo> wew

[09:40] <aryo> rian sopo ki

[09:41] <aryo> .ag

[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T N A H C R E M S (60s timeout) »]

[09:41] * co_pgn_diemut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N A H C R E M S - Here's a hint : M E R . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:42] <co_pgn_diemut> Pengen diemut novi aku

[09:42] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M E R C H A N T S with the letters T N A H C R E M S (Use .define MERCHANTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:42] <co_pgn_diemut> Nov emuten nov

[09:43] <aryo> mut knalpot wae

[09:43] <aryo> .ag

[09:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : O T A L N R T A S R (60s timeout) »]

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O T A L N R T A S R - Here's a hint : T R A . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:44] <aryo> translator

[09:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TRANSLATOR ) in 40.67 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define TRANSLATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:45] <aryo> .ac

[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E S S O M S (60s timeout) »]

[09:45] <aryo> mosses

[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOSSES ) in 9.36 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MOSSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:46] <aryo> .ag

[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L N G S I A (60s timeout) »]

[09:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L N G S I A - Here's a hint : S I . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:46] <aryo> silang

[09:47] <aryo> siginal

[09:47] <aryo> signal

[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SIGNAL ) in 55.03 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SIGNAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:47] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:47] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[09:47] <aryo> .ac

[09:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S O U A T (60s timeout) »]

[09:48] <aryo> tauso

[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O U A T - Here's a hint : A U . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:48] <aryo> tosua

[09:48] <aryo> autos

[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( AUTOS ) in 33.31 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define AUTOS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:48] <aryo> .ag

[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M U P P (60s timeout) »]

[09:48] <aryo> pump

[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PUMP ) in 4.25 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define PUMP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[09:48] * rian__ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:48] <+elektra> Ow my eyes :(

[09:48] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:49] <+elektra> bof

[09:49] <+tweety> alors

[09:49] <+pita> Ou sont les toilettes une "lesbienne" une vie sexuelle.

[09:49] <+creasy> Bof.

[09:49] <aryo> .ag

[09:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : G I T W (60s timeout) »]

[09:49] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[09:49] <aryo> twig

[09:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TWIG ) in 7.109 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TWIG to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[09:51] <aryo> .ag

[09:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S E M S N E R E L I T N T (60s timeout) »]

[09:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E M S N E R E L I T N T - Here's a hint : R E E N . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:51] <aryo> .ag

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E E N L I S T M E N T S with the letters S E M S N E R E L I T N T (Use .define REENLISTMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:52] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +6 ) »]

[09:53] * Dhewi (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:54] <aryo> .ag

[09:54] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y A W R U N A (60s timeout) »]

[09:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y A W R U N A - Here's a hint : R U . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R U N A W A Y with the letters Y A W R U N A (Use .define RUNAWAY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[09:58] * test (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:00] * test (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[10:17] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[10:18] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[10:18] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[10:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[10:42] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:43] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[10:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[11:01] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:01] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go =O

[11:08] <+elektra> Grab a shovel. I'm one skull short of a goldfish.

[11:09] <+pita> *ping*

[11:09] <+pita> Did it just get cold in here?

[11:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[11:16] <+pita> yes but i'd rather carry out a level 1 diagonstic single handed than do it again!

[11:16] <+creasy> r no i spent my time contemplating how i eradicated tiaa in the butt and call him SUSAN

[11:16] <+elektra> how could i when i had Dead wriggleing next to Loki|

[11:17] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[11:20] * alea ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:20] <+tweety> Mmm alea.

[11:20] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[11:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[11:55] <+ezza> pfft might as well fuck myself, it's the only way I'll get any this side of the 22nd century

[11:56] <+tweety> Eggy: ow! not so rough!

[11:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[12:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[12:35] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[12:35] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[12:35] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[12:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[12:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[13:06] <+elektra> I smell of netsplit

[13:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[13:35] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[13:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[13:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[13:57] <+creasy> I am a consumer whore!

[13:57] <+elektra> and how!

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[14:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[14:38] <+elektra> It's good to be female isn't it Adagio.

[14:48] * Gadis ( Quit (Signed off)

[14:48] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[14:49] * co_pgn_diemut (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:49] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[14:49] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[14:49] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[14:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:11] <+ezza> then one night some of her friends were over and they wanted to join in

[15:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[15:24] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:25] <+tweety> the nice "girls" love a sailor

[15:31] * Letta_ (uid423691@ has joined #surabaya

[15:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[15:44] * +ezza tired

[15:44] * +tweety puts on jimjams

[15:49] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[15:51] <+elektra> a digasak? in my big toe?

[15:51] <+creasy> it's more common than you think.

[15:54] * Loki| (Loki@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (EOF from client)

[15:54] * Flow (L@2402:7340:3:6:216:3eff:fed7:421e) Quit (EOF from client)

[15:54] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[15:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[16:14] <+elektra> I never chew, it's unethical.

[16:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[16:34] * cow_bngun (~co_bngun@ has joined #surabaya

[16:34] * co_bngun (~co_bngun@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[16:42] * cowok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[16:43] * cowok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[16:43] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:54] <+pita> Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated

[16:55] * afiza (afiza@ has joined #surabaya

[16:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[16:57] <+pita> ow my eyes :(

[16:57] * kook (kook@ has joined #surabaya

[16:58] * aslan (sh@ has joined #surabaya

[16:58] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[17:03] * cwo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[17:04] * cwo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:12] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[17:20] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[17:20] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[17:20] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[17:22] * eryx (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:32] * eryx (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[17:50] * Letta_ (uid423691@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:51] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[17:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[18:05] * co_bngun (~co_bngun@ has joined #surabaya

[18:09] * cow_bngun (~co_bngun@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:13] * Rondho (~tales@ has joined #surabaya

[18:13] <Rondho> .sc

[18:13] * Rondho (~tales@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[18:20] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[18:23] <+elektra> where do you have sex with a wise?

[18:27] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[18:27] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[18:27] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[18:32] <+pita> excuse me, i need to go powder my ... nostril

[18:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[18:57] <+creasy> Say, do you want to see a movie?

[18:57] <+elektra> I'm feeling fat and sassy.

[18:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[19:08] * indrawan_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya


[19:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[19:27] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[19:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[19:48] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[19:48] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[19:48] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[19:51] * co_bngun (~co_bngun@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:53] * dita (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[20:00] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:07] <+creasy> If it wasn't for herpes, I wouldn't have any appointments.

[20:08] <+elektra> I never make mistakes! Syntax error in line 260. Redo from start.

[20:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[20:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[20:48] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[20:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[21:13] * sand1 (~san@ has joined #surabaya

[21:16] * sand1 (~san@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[21:29] <+elektra> getting my nostril out was the easy part. the hard part was getting my nostril out

[21:29] <+elektra> muwahahahahaha

[21:36] <+creasy> Putting teh rag in average since 1622

[21:36] * thrbehrbr ( has joined #surabaya

[21:36] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[21:36] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[21:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[21:41] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[21:42] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[22:03] * yhbgvcfrdcxszqw ( has joined #surabaya

[22:14] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[22:17] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[22:30] <+tweety> Mmm toast.

[22:31] * +ezza tired

[22:36] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[22:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[22:47] <+tweety> Meanwhile in Universe A, tweety A heads towards the Sun

[22:47] <+tweety> A.

[22:52] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[22:52] <aryo> .ag

[22:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N A B R I (60s timeout) »]

[22:52] <aryo> brian

[22:52] <aryo> brain

[22:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BRAIN ) in 8.719 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BRAIN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:53] <aryo> ,ac

[22:53] <aryo> .ac

[22:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N A N T E N A (60s timeout) »]

[22:53] <aryo> tenane

[22:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N A N T E N A - Here's a hint : A N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[22:53] <aryo> antanen

[22:54] <aryo> antenan

[22:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A N T E N N A with the letters N A N T E N A (Use .define ANTENNA to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[23:07] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[23:07] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[23:07] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[23:13] <aryo> .ag

[23:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T E H C S (60s timeout) »]

[23:13] <aryo> thecs

[23:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E H C S - Here's a hint : C H . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C H E S T with the letters T E H C S (Use .define CHEST to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:16] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[23:25] * Letta_ (uid423691@ has joined #surabaya

[23:30] * Francesca_ (~UserNick@ has joined #surabaya

[23:30] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[23:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[23:46] <+pita> *boing*

[23:49] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[23:50] * asn1 (~ngok@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:50] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :[

[23:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[00:04] <+elektra> I'm the sort of girl who goes to the pub with your mates

[00:04] <+elektra> and ends the night with an empty mates packet.

[00:07] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[00:14] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:16] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:16] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[00:17] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:18] * indah (~indah@ has joined #surabaya

[00:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[00:19] <FangYin> .ag

[00:19] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E O V R L A Y (60s timeout) »]

[00:19] <FangYin> Overlay

[00:19] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( OVERLAY ) in 3.515 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define OVERLAY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:21] * indah (~indah@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:32] * eryx (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[00:41] * eryx (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[01:15] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:15] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[01:24] * thrbehrbr (~tgrvegebe@ has joined #surabaya

[01:24] * Q sets mode: +b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[01:24] * thrbehrbr was kicked by Q ()

[01:29] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:29] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[01:41] * yhbgvcfrdcxszqw ( Quit (Signed off)

[01:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:01] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[02:16] <+pita> bleh

[02:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[02:20] * Letta_ (uid423691@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:21] <+creasy> m00se

[02:22] * bughi (~tempek@ has joined #surabaya

[02:22] * Q sets mode: +b *!*tempek*@*

[02:22] * bughi was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[02:24] * Q sets mode: -b *thrbehrbr*!*@*

[02:29] <+elektra> I'm keeping quiet except for the odd fondle and humping.

[02:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[02:47] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:49] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:59] <+elektra> The next channel is #lewisham. Alight here for the Sysops Museum.

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[02:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[03:17] <FY> .ag

[03:17] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E C R E S U (60s timeout) »]

[03:17] <FY> Rescues

[03:17] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( RESCUES ) in 6.282 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define RESCUES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[03:22] * Q sets mode: -b *!*tempek*@*

[03:31] <+pita> i am? that doesn't sound like good news at all o_O

[03:31] <+creasy> <pita> good news everyone, I'm a horse's butt!

[03:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[03:42] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[03:42] <oin> .b 10000

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | K : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 8 | A : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:42] <oin> .b 10000

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 5 | K : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:42] <oin> s

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 7 : Total is 18 or 8 »]

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:43] <oin> .b 10000.0

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 4 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:43] <oin> h

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 17 »]

[03:43] <oin> s

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 24 »]

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:44] <oin> .b 10000.0

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | 6 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[03:44] <oin> s

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | Q : Total is 20 »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:44] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | 10 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:44] <oin> s

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 2 : Total is 12 »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 19 »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:45] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 4 | 9 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:45] <oin> h

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 8 : Total is 21 »]

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 7 : Total is 18 or 8 »]

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:46] <oin> .b 10000.000

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 4 | 7 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:46] <oin> d

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: A : Total is 12 »]

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 9 : Total is 17 »]

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:46] <oin> .b 10000.000

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 9 | 5 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:46] <oin> h

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 4 : Total is 18 »]

[03:47] <oin> s

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | 8 : Total is 17 »]

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:47] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 5 | 5 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[03:47] <oin> d

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 2 : Total is 12 »]

[03:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | K : Total is 20 »]

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:48] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 4 | A : Total is 15 or 5 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:48] <oin> d

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 15 »]

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | 10 : Total is 20 »]

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:48] <oin> .vp 5000

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. oin's hand: Js | Qs | 5s | Ad | Kc. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:48] <oin> .draw e

[03:48] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - oin: your hand: Js | Qs | 5s | Ad | Kc is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[03:49] * indrawan_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:50] <oin> .b 10000

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 5 : Total is 16 or 6 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:50] <oin> d

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: K : Total is 16 »]

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 3 : Total is 6 »]

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 13 »]

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 16 »]

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 26 »]

[03:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:51] <oin> .b 10000

[03:51] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | A : Total is 18 or 8 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[03:51] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:51] <oin> s

[03:51] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | J : Total is 13 »]

[03:51] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 23 »]

[03:51] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:52] <oin> .b 10000.0

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 5 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:52] <oin> h

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 11 »]

[03:52] <oin> h

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: Q : Total is 21 »]

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 8 : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:52] <oin> .b 10000.0

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:52] <oin> s

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 10 : Total is 15 »]

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 16 »]

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 20 »]

[03:52] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:53] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: J | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:53] <oin> s

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 6 : Total is 13 »]

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 22 »]

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:53] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 2 | 5 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[03:53] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:54] <oin> d

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 17 »]

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | A : Total is 14 or 4 »]

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:54] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 9 | 7 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:54] <oin> s

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 22 »]

[03:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:55] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 6 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:55] <oin> d

[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 8 : Total is 17 »]

[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | 7 : Total is 13 »]

[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 15 »]

[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 19 »]

[03:55] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:56] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 9 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:56] <oin> h

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 9 : Total is 21 »]

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 10 : Total is 12 »]

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 20 »]

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:56] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[03:57] * om_nkalbgt (~om_nakalb@ has joined #surabaya

[03:59] * om_nkalbgt (~om_nakalb@ has left #surabaya

[03:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[04:01] * om_nkalbgt (~om_nakalb@ has joined #surabaya

[04:02] * om_nkalbgt (~om_nakalb@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:04] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:06] * Deviee_ is now known as RoroLewuNG

[04:13] <+elektra> Do you like magnets

[04:19] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:19] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[04:22] * Yorick ( has joined #surabaya

[04:31] * Yorick ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:31] * Yorick ( has joined #surabaya

[04:35] * su- (~su@ has joined #surabaya

[04:36] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[04:37] * su (~su@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:37] * oin (~voine@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:37] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[04:37] * Adis (webchat@nvwd.7moy.o7nq.ip) has joined #surabaya

[04:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[04:41] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[04:41] <RoroLewuNG> Wb jenk lett

[04:41] <Letta_> Ty dev

[04:42] <RoroLewuNG> Nggihh

[04:44] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[04:44] * temon ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:44] <Van_JaVa> ba

[04:44] * TOMJERRX (tomjerr@ has joined #surabaya

[04:45] * TOMJERRX (tomjerr@ Quit (Registered)

[04:45] * TOMJERRX ( has joined #surabaya

[04:45] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[04:49] * JupIt3r is now known as BoBoK

[04:49] <+elektra> Master, weher did you go? I can't sere you.

[04:49] <+elektra> -typo

[04:51] <+elektra> The next channel is #shadwell. Change here for channels to #southgate and backbone services to russia.

[04:57] * RoroLewuNG (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[05:00] <+tweety> ow my eyes :(

[05:04] * Adis (webchat@nvwd.7moy.o7nq.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:04] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[05:12] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:17] <+creasy> groogle arrhar

[05:18] * yhbgvcfrdcxszqw ( has joined #surabaya

[05:19] * oin_ (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[05:20] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 6 | A : Total is 17 or 7 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:20] <oin_> d

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: 4 : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | K : Total is 16 »]

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 26 »]

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin_ has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[05:20] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[05:20] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 2 | 9 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:20] <oin_> d

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: K : Total is 21 »]

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 26 »]

[05:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin_ has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:20] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:21] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:21] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 7 | A : Total is 18 or 8 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[05:21] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:21] <oin_> s

[05:21] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[05:21] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 26 »]

[05:21] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin_ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:22] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:22] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 9 | A : Total is 20 or 10 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[05:22] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:22] <oin_> d

[05:22] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: 5 : Total is 15 »]

[05:22] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 8 : Total is 15 »]

[05:22] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 25 »]

[05:22] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin_ has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:22] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:23] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:23] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: K | 6 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[05:23] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:24] <oin_> s

[05:24] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | A : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[05:24] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:24] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:24] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: Q | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[05:24] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:24] <oin_> s

[05:24] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 10 : Total is 18 »]

[05:24] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:25] * FangYin angop

[05:25] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 7 | 2 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: K | A : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[05:25] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin_ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:26] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:26] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 5 | K : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[05:26] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:26] <oin_> s

[05:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | A : Total is 13 or 3 »]

[05:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[05:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:27] <oin_> .money

[05:27] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ (#Langitjingga) has 970'000$ »]

[05:27] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: A | 5 : Total is 16 or 6 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:28] <oin_> d

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: J : Total is 16 »]

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | Q : Total is 17 »]

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:35] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: A | 2 : Total is 13 or 3 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:35] <oin_> d

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: 4 : Total is 17 or 7 »]

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 8 : Total is 15 »]

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 21 »]

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:36] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: K | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:36] <oin_> s

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | 7 : Total is 16 »]

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 18 »]

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:37] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 9 | J : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: A | 10 : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin_ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:38] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: A | 2 : Total is 13 or 3 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:38] <oin_> d

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ hits: A : Total is 14 or 4 »]

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | A : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:39] <oin_> .b 10000

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 8 | 8 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:39] <oin_> s

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | Q : Total is 15 »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 16 »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 23 »]

[05:39] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin_ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:40] <+elektra> did you see tha.

[05:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[05:40] <oin_> .b 10000.0

[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 oin_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin_'s hand: 8 | 9 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:40] <oin_> s

[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 7 : Total is 9 »]

[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 18 »]

[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin_ loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:41] * oin_ (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:42] <+pita> it's some guy wearing a Kenzo costume! get him!

[05:44] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:46] <AndroUser> .ping

[05:46] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[05:46] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (2.047s)

[05:46] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:46] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[06:05] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:12] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:12] <coz> .ag

[06:15] * jeri ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:18] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[06:19] <Sl4met> Sepi

[06:19] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:19] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[06:24] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[06:30] * Francesca_ (~UserNick@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[06:42] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:48] <nandini> .ag

[06:48] <nandini> .ig

[06:48] <nandini> .ug

[06:48] <nandini> .eg

[06:48] <nandini> .og

[06:48] <Van_JaVa> agagagagaga

[06:48] <nandini> 😅

[06:54] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:57] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[07:01] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:03] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:09] * pitoe (~innalilla@ has joined #surabaya

[07:16] * yhbgvcfrdcxszqw ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:16] * AndroUser is now known as mimin

[07:16] <pitoe> mimin pake kotank

[07:17] <mimin> Kotank???

[07:17] <pitoe> iya

[07:17] <pitoe> kan ce

[07:17] <pitoe> wkwkwk

[07:17] <mimin> Ooooo

[07:18] <mimin> Oke 😁

[07:18] <pitoe> kalo co pake kotank kan bencis..ya ga min

[07:18] <mimin> 😂😂

[07:19] <mimin> Tp banyak sekarang

[07:19] <pitoe> ngemeng2 mimin punya mntan gak

[07:19] <mimin> Banyak

[07:19] <pitoe> 🤭

[07:19] <mimin> Hihihihi

[07:19] <mimin> Mantan apa dulu

[07:19] <pitoe> (mimin) Tp banyak sekarang..iyee isinya busa kursi..kotank bencis itu kqkq

[07:20] <pitoe> mantan kekasih

[07:20] <mimin> Itu kotank murahan....

[07:20] <pitoe> masa mantan bencis

[07:20] <pitoe> ikh ga lutcu

[07:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[07:20] <mimin> Yah kalo pakai busa mah udah gak jaman

[07:21] <pitoe> pake apa sekarang kaum itu

[07:21] <pitoe> 🤭

[07:21] <mimin> Lebih trend n mahal dikit

[07:21] <pitoe> oke

[07:22] <pitoe> ga faham jg aku

[07:22] <pitoe> wkkwk

[07:22] <mimin> Hahahaha

[07:22] <pitoe> (mimin) Lebih trend n mahal dikit...ngerti ya

[07:22] <pitoe> 🤭

[07:22] <coz> ya

[07:23] <pitoe> hai coz..met mlm

[07:23] <coz> mlm jg pit

[07:23] <mimin> (pitoe) (mimin) Lebih trend n mahal dikit...ngerti ya.... Udah ngertikan??? Yg mahal itu lho

[07:23] <mimin> Hi coz

[07:23] <pitoe> iya min

[07:24] <pitoe> padahal aku puyenk min🤭

[07:24] <coz> hi jg min

[07:24] <mimin> (pitoe) padahal aku puyenk min🤭..... Jd iya in aja deh

[07:25] * AndroUser2 is now known as DINA

[07:25] <+tweety> My family is giving away a lot of wax for houses

[07:25] <+creasy> we have no time for these games@@#*£*!!*@$@^

[07:25] <pitoe> oke deh asal mimin fine

[07:25] <mimin> Hahahahaha

[07:25] <mimin> Oke deh

[07:27] * pitoe (~innalilla@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:28] * pitoe (~innalilla@ has joined #surabaya

[07:28] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:28] <mimin> Pitoe, dc kah?

[07:28] <pitoe> dc dc

[07:29] <pitoe> iya

[07:29] <pitoe> mungkin pke wifi gratisan ya gini

[07:29] <pitoe> 🤭

[07:30] <mimin> Hahahaha, gak papalah yg penting gratis

[07:31] <nandini> .seen meta

[07:31] <NapaLm> Meta ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #indonesia 1 year, 351 hari, 19 jam, 16 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Read error: Connection reset by peer).

[07:32] <pitoe> .seen nandini

[07:32] <nandini> Aw

[07:32] <pitoe> 🤣

[07:33] <nandini> Pitoe sapa

[07:33] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:33] <nandini> .seen mimin

[07:33] <NapaLm> mimin (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #jakarta hanya 12 detik yang lalu. Pesan : (Read error: Connection reset by peer).

[07:33] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[07:33] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[07:33] <nandini> Kl malam mimin

[07:34] <pitoe> (nandini) Pitoe sapa..lagi nyamar 🤭 jngn tanya lagi ya... chaat aja kita

[07:35] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:35] <AndroUser2> .ping

[07:35] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[07:35] <@Dealer> AndroUser2: Pong! (1.312s)

[07:35] <nandini> dalam rangka apa kak pke nyamar segala

[07:35] <nandini> wb kak AndroUser2

[07:35] <AndroUser2> Hai nandini

[07:35] <nandini> hi

[07:35] <AndroUser2> Kak nandini sehat?

[07:36] <nandini> Alhamdulillah sehat wal afiat lahir batin kak

[07:36] <AndroUser2> Sukurlah kak

[07:36] <nandini> Kakak sndri bgmn

[07:36] <pitoe> waah berebut kakak

[07:36] <AndroUser2> Alhamdulillah sehat kak

[07:36] <pitoe> aku dede aja ah

[07:37] <AndroUser2> Wuih

[07:37] <AndroUser2> Ismanto

[07:37] <nandini> Keluarga sehat semua nya kak

[07:37] * AndroUser2 mlipit

[07:37] <AndroUser2> Mlipir

[07:37] <pitoe> mlayu

[07:37] <AndroUser2> Kak ismanto waras?

[07:38] <pitoe> ismanto dwengkulmu

[07:38] <pitoe> 🤭

[07:38] <nandini> (pitoe) aku dede aja ah>>buat makan sapi biar tambah gemuk

[07:38] <AndroUser2> Ismanto wong alas pitoe

[07:38] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:38] <pitoe> jiak

[07:38] <nandini> wb kak Fitri

[07:38] <pitoe> kalian berdua jahat ternyata kakak

[07:39] <Fit3> Wb nandini

[07:39] <AndroUser2> Kak Nandini sudah di kerubutin garangan blm

[07:39] <AndroUser2> Hai kak fit3

[07:39] <nandini> ty kak fitri

[07:39] * AndroUser2 is now known as garangan

[07:39] <pitoe> hai kak Fit3

[07:40] <+elektra> Well, I just bought installshield and I can't get it to make the tea, I've tried running it on my Mac and it still won't work.

[07:40] <Fit3> Hi andro

[07:40] <nandini> (AndroUser2) Kak Nandini sudah di kerubutin garangan blm>>garangan nya gak mau sm saia kak😥

[07:40] <Fit3> Hi pitoe

[07:40] * garangan nandini

[07:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[07:40] <pitoe> (Fit3) Hi andro...sodaranya dono dia

[07:41] * garangan searching garanganwati

[07:41] <Fit3> (pitoe) (Fit3) Hi andro...sodaranya dono dia..... 🤭🤭

[07:42] <garangan> Kak nandini rupanya diam2 sedang pm dipojokan

[07:42] <nandini> garangan jenis perempuan ini

[07:42] * nandini aman

[07:42] <pitoe> Kak garangan rupanya rata dari sini

[07:42] <Fit3> (garangan) Kak nandini rupanya diam2 sedang pm dipojokan..... Hm.... Kok tahu

[07:42] <garangan> Nandini garanganwati?

[07:43] <garangan> Kak fit3 yuk kita pm

[07:43] <nandini> (pitoe) Kak garangan rupanya rata dari sini>>jgn dilihat kak tp di raba

[07:43] <garangan> Sapa tau bisa khilaf

[07:43] <garangan> Wuih ternyata kak nandini sangar juga

[07:43] <pitoe> hahhah

[07:43] * nandini insaf jadi garanganwati

[07:44] <Fit3> (garangan) Kak fit3 yuk kita pm....😲😲

[07:44] <pitoe> (nandini) (pitoe) Kak garangan rupanya rata dari sini>>jgn dilihat kak tp di raba..trus di tarik irunge

[07:44] <garangan> Senang diraba2 juga ternyata

[07:44] <garangan> Ckckckkckckckck

[07:44] <nandini> iya kak biar asik

[07:44] <garangan> Fit3 kapan pm....sapa tau kita bisa khilaf berdua dan orgasme

[07:44] <Fit3> (garangan) Senang diraba2 juga ternyata....ati2 digigit

[07:45] <pitoe> garangan ini ke ketimun dhe

[07:45] <pitoe> temon ya

[07:45] <nandini> (Fit3) (garangan) Senang diraba2 juga ternyata....ati2 digigit>>aman kak pke gigi palsu dia

[07:46] <Fit3> Hahahaha 😂😂

[07:46] <pitoe> wkwkwk gg palsu

[07:46] <pitoe> aki aki donk kaka

[07:46] <garangan> Ah ga ada yg khilaf

[07:46] <garangan> Ga seru

[07:47] <nandini> (pitoe) aki aki donk kaka>>tp napsunya masih gede dia

[07:47] <Fit3> (pitoe) aki aki donk kaka.... Aki2 jgn khilaf

[07:47] <nandini> 😅😅

[07:47] <pitoe> .k

[07:47] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:47] <pitoe> (garangan) Ah ga ada yg khilaf...wahh bahaya ini

[07:48] <garangan> Off ae lah

[07:48] <garangan> Wassalam

[07:48] <Fit3> Oke bye

[07:48] * garangan (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:48] <nandini> wa'alaikumsalam kak

[07:48] <pitoe> ikh ambeg

[07:49] <pitoe> itu room jakarta takut ilang ya pke ples ples harus auth

[07:49] <Fit3> Sepertinya begitu

[07:50] <nandini> Kmrn ada yg main flud kak

[07:50] <pitoe> suOzon ownernya

[07:50] * +tweety . o O (uOzon sownernya)

[07:50] <+elektra> I'd "suozon" his ownernya

[07:50] <pitoe> oh flud

[07:50] <nandini> jadi di mode +r chan nya

[07:50] <pitoe> minum oskadon

[07:50] <pitoe> pancen oye lho

[07:50] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:50] <pitoe> anti flud

[07:50] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:51] <pitoe> letta vs jupl.. dah ejakulasi

[07:51] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[07:51] <pitoe> pada kluar bareng

[07:51] <pitoe> hemz

[07:53] <+tweety> I'll be holding mine in the pub.

[07:54] <Fit3> Sepi lagi

[07:54] <pitoe> ga sepi kak

[07:54] <pitoe> kan ada kita

[07:54] <nandini> Kehabisan paket gratisan nya itu kak

[07:54] <pitoe> hahahah

[07:54] <Fit3> Hahahaha

[07:54] <+tweety> soon they'll all be after my delicious guts

[07:54] <+tweety> doom. doooom.

[07:54] <pitoe> nandini paling faham masalah paket

[07:55] <nandini> Pengalaman nya dini sih

[07:55] <Fit3> Kayak jaman dulu,gratisan pakai jam

[07:55] * pitoe (~innalilla@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:56] <Fit3> Nah itu dia abis paketannya

[07:56] <nandini> kl itu baru ejakulasi

[07:56] <Fit3> Hahahaha

[07:56] <nandini> 😅😅😅

[07:57] <Fit3> Akhirnya ejakulasi

[07:57] <nandini> udah keluar bgtu sj

[07:59] <Fit3> Met malam nandini, aku off ya

[07:59] <Fit3> Ngantuk

[08:00] <Fit3> Wassalamualaikum

[08:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[08:00] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[08:01] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[08:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[08:22] * garangan (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:23] * garangan (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:26] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:26] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:27] * SpiderS (~X@ has joined #surabaya

[08:32] * SpiderS (~X@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:32] <+tweety> mmm spiders

[08:32] <+creasy> Mmm, money.

[08:38] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[08:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[08:46] * Achiem (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:51] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[08:51] <+creasy> croooooootz

[08:52] <Achiem> waw

[08:52] <Van_JaVa> hurrayyyyyyy

[08:55] <+elektra> to induce vomiting, that was the answer! everywhere it went!

[08:55] <+elektra> what a valentine's day that was

[09:00] * distro (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[09:00] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[09:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[09:07] * Achiem (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:10] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:10] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[09:11] * distroo (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[09:15] * distro (~RzL@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:17] * distro (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[09:19] * distroo (~RzL@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:19] * rian_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[09:23] * distro (~RzL@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:24] <+pita> good.. bad.. I'm the bot with the gun~#!~£%percent@@^$£!~@#

[09:24] * rian_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:38] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[09:41] <cowoendut> Kalo barangnya gede ga bisa diangkat satu tangan gimana?

[09:42] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[09:45] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:46] <cowoendut> Sepi

[09:55] <Lancelot> waalaikum salam wr wb garangan

[09:55] <Lancelot> waalaikum salam wr wb Fit3

[09:56] <DINA> 🥱🥱🥱🥱

[10:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[10:14] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[10:21] <+creasy> Yes but i'd rather lick |In-Love| clean than do it again!

[10:21] <+pita> Yes but i have a mars bar stuck in my fanny.

[10:21] <+elektra> yarr ^_^

[10:22] <+creasy> Oh my god! There's an axe in my head.

[10:22] <+elektra> Â/pulls it out

[10:25] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:27] <nandini> !jam

[10:29] <AndroUser2> Wuih

[10:29] <AndroUser2> Kak nandini masih tumakninah

[10:30] <AndroUser2> !kick nandini

[10:30] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:31] <Lancelot> ez

[10:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[10:50] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:50] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[10:52] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:54] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[11:04] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[11:04] <+elektra> Croooooooooooootz.

[11:04] <Van_JaVa> hurrayyyyyyy

[11:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[11:21] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:21] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[11:30] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:39] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:39] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[11:51] <+creasy> ow! I stubbed my heart :(

[11:55] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:55] <+tweety> bye van_java

[12:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[12:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[12:36] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:38] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[12:52] <+creasy> That's a funny little cigarette.

[13:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[13:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[13:21] <+creasy> r

[13:22] <+pita> r :)

[13:27] <+creasy> a free--

[13:31] <+elektra> Which one of you bastards did this to my camel toe?

[13:36] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:40] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[14:02] <+creasy> Yes, but only on the third wednesday of every month.

[14:02] <+tweety> buayadarat

[14:02] <+pita> r

[14:02] <+elektra> eh?

[14:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[14:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[14:58] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[15:02] <+tweety> aw... you look so cute

[15:18] <+pita> groogle arrhar

[15:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[15:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[15:45] * +tweety puts on nightie

[15:45] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[16:02] <+pita> someone help me, i have lost my pajamas and am terribly horny!

[16:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[16:06] * DINA (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[16:06] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[16:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[16:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[16:52] <+creasy> I can finally build that lakehouse, and I'll run around naked all day. Ha ha... dangly parts.

[17:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[17:19] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[17:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[17:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[17:49] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[17:52] <+pita> Freshen your coffee?

[17:52] <+elektra> yeahyeahyeah keep it coming just put the pot down

[17:52] <+elektra> *DING* (31)

[18:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[18:05] <+elektra> Honestly, I don't know how that destruir got in there. I must have slipped

[18:16] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[18:41] <+elektra> penguin

[18:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[18:44] * distro (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[18:50] * distro (~RzL@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:50] * RzL (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[18:53] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[18:53] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[19:02] * RzL (~RzL@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[19:14] * su- is now known as su

[19:14] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[19:15] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[19:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[19:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[19:43] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[20:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[20:22] <+elektra> My hovercraft is full of cables.

[20:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[20:23] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[20:42] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:42] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[20:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[20:43] <+pita> ja aber jetzt kann ich Deutsches nur sprechen

[20:43] <+elektra> yes and i'm gonna do it again tomorrow the USS Enterprise

[20:43] <+creasy> yes but i wish i'd gone lolipop-rakeing ;)

[20:45] * AndroUser is now known as tienji

[20:46] * tienji (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[21:21] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (EOF from client)

[21:21] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[21:23] <+creasy> dampen me for dinosaur terror!

[21:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[21:27] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:41] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[21:59] * TOMJERRX is now known as temon

[21:59] <GoodToTalk> temon itu tetek montok?

[22:00] <temon> heeh

[22:01] <+creasy> heeeeeeeeeeeeeh

[22:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[22:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[22:30] <+tweety> Morning.

[22:34] <nandini> .ag

[22:34] <nandini> .ig

[22:34] <nandini> .ug

[22:35] <nandini> .eg

[22:35] <nandini> .og

[22:39] * +elektra puts on some banging house tunes

[22:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[22:46] * +ezza eats breakfast

[22:47] <+pita> alors

[22:54] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[22:57] <oin> .b 10000

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 6 | 4 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[22:57] <oin> d

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 6 : Total is 16 »]

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | Q : Total is 16 »]

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 23 »]

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[22:57] <oin> .b 10000

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 4 | 4 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[22:57] <oin> d

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 2 : Total is 10 »]

[22:57] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 2 : Total is 9 »]

[22:58] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 19 »]

[22:58] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[22:59] <oin> .b 10000.

[22:59] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 4 | 7 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[22:59] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[22:59] <oin> d

[22:59] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: A : Total is 12 »]

[22:59] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | K : Total is 18 »]

[22:59] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:00] <+elektra> ah bof

[23:00] <oin> .b 10000.

[23:00] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | K : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[23:00] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:00] <oin> s

[23:00] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 2 : Total is 5 »]

[23:00] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 16 or 6 »]

[23:00] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 16 »]

[23:00] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 20 »]

[23:00] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:01] <oin> .b 10000.

[23:01] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | 8 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[23:01] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:01] <oin> s

[23:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | K : Total is 20 »]

[23:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:02] * oin is now known as Ackerman

[23:03] <Ackerman> .b 10000.

[23:03] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Ackerman's hand: 2 | 10 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[23:03] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:03] <Ackerman> d

[23:03] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman hits: 4 : Total is 16 »]

[23:03] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | K : Total is 20 »]

[23:03] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! Ackerman loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[23:04] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:11] <Ackerman> .b 10000.

[23:11] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Ackerman's hand: A | J : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 4 | 5 : Total is 9 »]

[23:11] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! Ackerman has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:12] <Ackerman> .b 10000.

[23:12] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Ackerman's hand: 6 | 8 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[23:12] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:12] <Ackerman> d

[23:12] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman hits: 6 : Total is 20 »]

[23:12] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 6 : Total is 14 »]

[23:12] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 20 »]

[23:12] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:12] <Ackerman> .b 10000.

[23:12] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Ackerman's hand: J | J : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[23:13] <Ackerman> s

[23:13] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:13] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | 10 : Total is 16 »]

[23:13] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 23 »]

[23:13] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! Ackerman has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:16] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[23:16] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[23:16] <Ackerman> .b 10000

[23:16] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Ackerman's hand: 9 | 8 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[23:16] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:16] <Ackerman> s

[23:16] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | 4 : Total is 10 »]

[23:16] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 15 »]

[23:16] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 16 »]

[23:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 23 »]

[23:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! Ackerman has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:17] <Ackerman> .b 10000.00

[23:17] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Ackerman's hand: Q | 9 : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[23:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:17] <Ackerman> s

[23:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | 3 : Total is 12 »]

[23:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 15 »]

[23:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 22 »]

[23:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! Ackerman has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:18] <Ackerman> .b 10000.00

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Ackerman's hand: K | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:18] <Ackerman> s

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | 4 : Total is 10 »]

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 17 »]

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:19] <Ackerman> terima kasih S telah pv

[23:23] <Ackerman> .b 10000

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Ackerman's hand: 2 | K : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:23] <Ackerman> d

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 Ackerman hits: 6 : Total is 18 »]

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 4 : Total is 12 »]

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 22 »]

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! Ackerman has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[23:38] <temon> .ag

[23:38] <@Dealer> 6 temon started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E L F I R (60s timeout) »]

[23:39] <temon> rifles

[23:39] <@Dealer> 6 temon has just found the correct word ( RIFLES ) in 14.62 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RIFLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:39] <Deviee_> .ag

[23:39] <Deviee_> .ga

[23:39] <Deviee_> .aa

[23:39] <Deviee_> .gg

[23:39] * temon cipok udele Deviee_

[23:39] <Deviee_> Beeehh...

[23:40] <Deviee_> Sepi..turu wae

[23:42] <temon> iyo

[23:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[23:55] * Ackerman (~voine@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[00:00] <+creasy> kazOO

[00:01] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[00:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[00:14] <+pita> Dodongo dislikes a karo

[00:21] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[00:24] * garangan (webchat@elvt.xdon.3hg1.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:31] <NaKaL> !w surabaya

[00:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[00:51] * distro (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[00:54] * distro (~RzL@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:56] <+elektra> which of you fat bastards did this to my camel!?

[01:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[01:04] <+creasy> PENIS BECOMES ARM

[01:04] * +tweety blinks

[01:11] <+pita> good.. bad.. I'm the bot with the gun$!*#£@*£~

[01:22] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:23] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[01:27] <+elektra> Where there's a snack gap, intentar fits.

[01:39] <temon> wlwlwlwk

[01:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[01:47] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:48] * Blenda15 (~bguoRDpe@ has joined #surabaya

[01:53] <+tweety> Don't touch that. It's dirty.

[01:53] * Blenda15 (~bguoRDpe@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:57] * garangan (webchat@elvt.xdon.3hg1.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:58] <ezza> getting my brain out was the easy part. the hard part was getting my brain out

[01:58] <ezza> muwahahahahaha

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:02] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[02:07] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:20] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:20] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[02:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[02:36] * windy (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:36] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[02:46] * co_biasa (~co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:47] <+elektra> Uh oh. Here come the bees.

[02:48] <+pita> this little piggy went to exeter

[02:48] <+pita> this little piggy stayed home

[02:48] <+pita> this little piggy had sausages

[02:48] <+pita> this little piggy had none

[02:48] <+pita> and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home!

[02:53] <+creasy> turquoise is the new silver!

[02:53] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:56] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:57] <ezza> I have elbows!

[02:58] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[03:14] <+creasy> Where there's a snack gap, a pissy-chaser fits.

[03:23] <+pita> You're watching the Family Learning Channel. And now, angry tics fly out of my nipples!

[03:23] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[03:24] <oin> .b 10000

[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 4 : Total is 15 or 5 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:24] <oin> d

[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: A : Total is 16 or 6 »]

[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | 4 : Total is 10 »]

[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 20 »]

[03:24] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[03:25] <oin> .b 10000

[03:25] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: J | J : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: A | K : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[03:25] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:25] <oin> .b 10000.0

[03:25] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | 4 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[03:25] <oin> d

[03:25] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:25] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 2 : Total is 13 »]

[03:25] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 6 : Total is 9 »]

[03:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 19 »]

[03:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:26] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:26] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | Q : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[03:26] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:26] <oin> s

[03:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | 5 : Total is 11 »]

[03:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 21 »]

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:27] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 4 : Total is 15 or 5 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:27] <oin> d

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 8 : Total is 13 »]

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 9 : Total is 11 »]

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 20 »]

[03:27] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:28] <oin> .b 10000.000

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | 9 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:28] <oin> s

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 3 : Total is 11 »]

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 13 »]

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 16 »]

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 26 »]

[03:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:29] <oin> .b 10000.000

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | 3 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:29] <oin> h

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: K : Total is 23 »]

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:30] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 10 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:30] <oin> h

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: K : Total is 23 »]

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:31] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 3 : Total is 6 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:31] <oin> h

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 10 : Total is 16 »]

[03:31] <oin> h

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 6 : Total is 22 »]

[03:31] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:32] <oin> .b 10000.0000.

[03:32] <oin> .b 10000.00000

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 4 : Total is 15 or 5 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:32] <oin> d

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 8 : Total is 13 »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | 2 : Total is 6 »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 10 »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 20 »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:32] <oin> .b 10000.00000

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 6 | 9 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:32] <oin> h

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 5 : Total is 20 »]

[03:32] <oin> s

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 4 : Total is 14 »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 21 »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:33] <oin> .b 10000.00000

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 9 | J : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:33] <oin> s

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | A : Total is 18 or 8 »]

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:34] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[03:34] <oin> .b 10000.00000

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | J : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:34] <oin> s

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 9 : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:35] <oin> .b 10000.

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 8 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:35] <oin> d

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 21 »]

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 17 »]

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:36] <oin> .b 10000.

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 5 : Total is 16 or 6 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:36] <oin> d

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 16 »]

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 4 : Total is 15 or 5 »]

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 16 or 6 »]

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 16 »]

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 3 : Total is 19 »]

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:37] <oin> .b 10000.

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 4 : Total is 15 or 5 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:37] <oin> d

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 5 : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | 10 : Total is 19 »]

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:38] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: J | 9 : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:38] <oin> s

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | 7 : Total is 11 »]

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 21 »]

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:39] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 2 : Total is 5 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:39] <oin> h

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 8 »]

[03:39] <oin> h

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 2 : Total is 10 »]

[03:39] <oin> h

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 13 »]

[03:39] <oin> h

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: A : Total is 14 »]

[03:39] <oin> h

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 10 : Total is 24 »]

[03:39] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:40] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 9 | 9 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[03:40] <oin> s

[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 3 : Total is 11 »]

[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 21 »]

[03:40] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:40] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:41] <oin> .b 10000.00

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | J : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:41] <oin> h

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 16 »]

[03:41] <oin> h

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: Q : Total is 26 »]

[03:41] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:42] <oin> .b 10000.000

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: K | 2 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:42] <oin> d

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 22 »]

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:42] <oin> .b 10000.000

[03:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | 8 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:43] <oin> s

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | 4 : Total is 14 »]

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 19 »]

[03:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[03:44] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | 2 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:44] <oin> d

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: A : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | 7 : Total is 14 »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 23 »]

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:45] * windy (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:45] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 2 | Q : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:45] <oin> h

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: A : Total is 13 »]

[03:45] <oin> h

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 5 : Total is 18 »]

[03:45] <oin> s

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | 8 : Total is 18 »]

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:46] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 9 : Total is 20 or 10 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:46] <oin> s

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 8 : Total is 18 »]

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:47] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:47] * test (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:48] * test (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:48] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :O

[03:49] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[04:13] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:20] * AndroUser is now known as Fit3

[04:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[04:29] * dhewi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:30] <+elektra> Stop staring at the monkeys%percent£!!%percent*@£

[04:33] <+pita> Murder, death, kill!

[04:35] <ezza> SILENCE%#$*~%

[04:37] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:38] * dhewi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[04:47] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:00] * sophie-18 ( has joined #surabaya

[05:01] * sophie-18 ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:01] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :~(

[05:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[05:06] <+tweety> very flickable considering its length and bulk

[05:08] * Helga24 ( has joined #surabaya

[05:08] * Helga24 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[05:25] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[05:26] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:28] <oin> .b 10000

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | 4 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:28] <oin> h

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 22 »]

[05:28] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:29] <oin> .b 10000

[05:29] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | K : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[05:29] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:29] <oin> s

[05:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 10 : Total is 13 »]

[05:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 22 »]

[05:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:30] <oin> .b 10000

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 7 | 7 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:30] <oin> h

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 6 : Total is 20 »]

[05:30] <oin> s

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | 2 : Total is 6 »]

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 14 »]

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 24 »]

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:31] <oin> .b 10000

[05:31] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: K | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[05:31] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:31] <oin> h

[05:31] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 8 : Total is 22 »]

[05:31] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:32] <oin> .b 10000.0

[05:32] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | 2 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[05:32] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:32] <oin> d

[05:32] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 13 »]

[05:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | J : Total is 13 »]

[05:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 18 »]

[05:32] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:34] <oin> .ag

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A N C A L (60s timeout) »]

[05:34] <oin> canal

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin has just found the correct word ( CANAL ) in 13.12 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CANAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:34] <oin> .b 10000

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 2 | 4 : Total is 6 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 Hit or Stand? ('H' or 'S') »]

[05:34] <oin> h

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 6 : Total is 12 »]

[05:34] <oin> h

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 8 : Total is 20 »]

[05:34] <oin> s

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | Q : Total is 18 »]

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:40] <oin> .b 10000.00

[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | J : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 9 | 7 : Total is 16 »]

[05:40] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! oin has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:42] <oin> .b 10000.00

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 5 | Q : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:42] <oin> h

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 9 : Total is 24 »]

[05:42] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:43] <oin> .b 10000.00

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 8 : Total is 19 or 9 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:43] <oin> s

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 10 : Total is 20 »]

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[05:46] <oin> .b 10000.000

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 5 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:46] <oin> d

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 10 : Total is 18 »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | K : Total is 17 »]

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:47] <oin> .b 10000.000

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | J : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:47] <oin> s

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 26 »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:47] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:47] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 5 | A : Total is 16 or 6 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:47] <oin> d

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 7 : Total is 13 »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | A : Total is 13 or 3 »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:48] <oin> .b 10000.0000

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | 8 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:48] <jeri> .dice 50001

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 DICE has been started by jeri. The bet is 50'001$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[05:48] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[05:48] <oin> s

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | A : Total is 16 or 6 »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 18 or 8 »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:48] <oin> .go

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 jeri's number was ---> 2 <--- »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 oin's number was ---> 6 <--- »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 oin has won 100'002$!!! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:49] <oin> .bank deposit 1000000

[05:49] <+creasy> Assume the position£*!^~%percent#@!^!!£~*.

[05:52] <jeri> .dice 155551

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 DICE has been started by jeri. The bet is 155'551$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[05:53] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[05:53] <+pita> FangYin has shot the food! :~(

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 6 ( BLACK ) »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]


[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, nobody joined the DICE game. »]

[05:53] <+creasy> drat

[05:54] <jeri> .craps 2000

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 3 & 1 => 4 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[05:54] <jeri> .b 10000

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: Q | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:54] <jeri> h

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 10 : Total is 25 »]

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 jeri busts! jeri loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:54] <jeri> s

[05:55] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 4s | 7c | Ah | 2d | 8c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:55] <jeri> .draw 2345

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 4s | 9h | 3c | 10h | 3d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[05:55] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 9 ( RED ) »]

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:55] <jeri> .ag

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O T A P L F R M S (60s timeout) »]

[05:55] <jeri> flatroms

[05:56] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 8h | 5c | 9c | 4s | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O T A P L F R M S - Here's a hint : P L A . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:56] <jeri> platroms

[05:56] * fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:56] <jeri> platforms

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( PLATFORMS ) in 49.57 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PLATFORMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:56] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[05:56] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 1 ( RED ) »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:56] <jeri> .b 10000

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: K | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:56] <jeri> s

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | 8 : Total is 18 »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:57] <jeri> .craps 2000

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 3 & 3 => 6 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[05:57] <jeri> .l 9

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, but you lost 100$. The number was --> 4 <-- Try again. Jackpot: 11'200$!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[05:57] <jeri> .rd 10000

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Here is the 2 cards: Qs & Qc - The spread is: 0 »]

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 Two equals cards has been dealt. A third card is requiered. »]

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: The third card is: 9c. It's a push! nobody won/lost - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:57] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 9c | 10h | 4h | Ks | 10s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:57] <jeri> .draw 13

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 3s | 10h | 7s | Ks | 10s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[05:58] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[06:09] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:09] <oin> .b 10000

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: J | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:09] <oin> s

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | 8 : Total is 11 »]

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 15 »]

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 25 »]

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:09] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:10] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:10] <ezza> I like them ;)

[06:10] * fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:11] <oin> .b 10000

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 2 | 5 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:11] <oin> d

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 2 : Total is 9 »]

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 8 : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:13] <oin> .b 10000

[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: A | 7 : Total is 18 or 8 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:13] <oin> s

[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | Q : Total is 18 »]

[06:13] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:14] <oin> .b 10000

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 2 | 2 : Total is 4 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:14] <oin> d

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 2 : Total is 6 »]

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 10 : Total is 12 »]

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 14 »]

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 24 »]

[06:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:15] <oin> .b 10000

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:15] <oin> s

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 2 : Total is 12 »]

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 22 »]

[06:15] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! oin has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:15] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:16] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[06:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[06:29] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:29] * CoBDG_ (~CoBDG_@ has joined #surabaya

[06:33] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:41] <+elektra> I can do more than talk! I can pontificate!

[06:42] * Sinchan ( Quit (Excess Flood)

[06:42] * Sinchan ( has joined #surabaya

[06:43] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[06:49] * CoBDG_ (~CoBDG_@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:49] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:49] <ezza> I wish they didn't have to go :~(

[06:55] <ndog> !weather madiun

[06:55] <@|In-Love|> Current weather in Madiun (East Java Indonesia): Mostly Cloudy, 25°C (Feels like 29°C). Wind: NE 3.6 km/h. Tonight: Partly to mostly cloudy. Min/max temp.: 22/31°C. Tomorrow: An afternoon thunderstorm. Min/max temp.: 23/32°C

[06:56] <coz> udan po ga madiun ndog?

[06:56] <Sinchan> !weather nenen

[06:56] <@|In-Love|> Sorry, I can't find any location matching 'nenen', did you mean 'Nenenakomena'?

[06:56] <ndog> nenen masih berserakan om

[06:56] <ndog> :v

[06:56] <Sinchan> aw

[06:57] * Sinchan tangkap 1 ah

[06:57] <ndog> nenen semut om?

[06:57] <Sinchan> nenen ndog

[06:57] <Sinchan> kkkkkkkkkkk

[06:58] <ndog> aw aw aw

[06:58] * ndog jd tersipu manjah

[06:58] <ndog> eh

[06:58] <ndog> :v

[06:59] <Sinchan> :))

[07:03] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[07:10] * Marcha ( has joined #surabaya

[07:21] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:21] <+tweety> Mmm coz.

[07:22] <+elektra> :)

[07:25] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[07:35] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:36] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:37] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:38] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[07:39] <+creasy> so, like, little pigs rock for intimacy

[07:43] <tiaa> wb ertiga

[07:43] <tiaa> 😁

[07:44] * Marcha ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:45] <ertiga> Ty tiaa

[07:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[07:45] <tiaa> sepi yank

[07:46] <ertiga> Rame ntr klo udh pda main game

[07:47] <tiaa> hehehe

[07:47] <tiaa> iya sih

[07:47] <+elektra> =)

[07:47] <ezza> :)

[07:47] <+tweety> -_-

[07:48] <ertiga> Suhu2nya blm pda muncul😁

[07:48] <tiaa> pd cape

[07:48] <ertiga> Kamu capek ga?

[07:49] <tiaa> belom

[07:49] <tiaa> bntr lg palingan

[07:49] <ertiga> Istirahat lah

[07:50] <tiaa> huum

[07:50] <+elektra> huuuuuuum

[07:50] <tiaa> ada yg nyaut

[07:51] <ertiga> Bntr lgi jg rame

[07:52] <tiaa> hehehe

[07:54] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[07:55] <tiaa> wb lg

[07:55] <ertigaa> (*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ

[07:55] <+creasy> ow my eyes :(

[07:55] <tiaa> masama

[07:59] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:00] * wedhus ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:00] * wedhus ( has joined #surabaya

[08:03] * anuh (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[08:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[08:11] <+creasy> Ha ha i don't live in norwich anymore, i don't fuck pigs anymore.

[08:16] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:18] <+elektra> The nice "girls" love a sailor.

[08:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[08:33] * babez ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:33] <ezza> bye babez

[08:33] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[08:35] * babez (~babez@ has joined #surabaya

[08:38] * babez (~babez@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:38] <+tweety> i like them =]

[08:39] * babez ( has joined #surabaya

[08:41] * pitoe (~inalillah@ has joined #surabaya

[08:42] * pitoe (~inalillah@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:44] * ce_biasa (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[08:52] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:53] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:01] <FangYin> .ag

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M O B O (60s timeout) »]

[09:01] <FangYin> Boom

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( BOOM ) in 2.89 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BOOM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:01] <FangYin> Unlimited Los Dol

[09:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[09:12] <+pita> This one time, at band camp, I put a hand...

[09:15] <+creasy> some people are really thivk

[09:15] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[09:33] * ce_biasa (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:35] * ce_biasa (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:42] * ZiaN (~zian@ has joined #surabaya

[09:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[09:48] * ZiaN (~zian@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:49] <+tweety> You can tell the point at which he comes by the deepening shade of purple.

[09:49] * ZiaN (~zian@ has joined #surabaya

[09:57] * ZiaN (~zian@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:57] * ZiaN (~zian@ has joined #surabaya

[09:58] <ZiaN> .

[10:00] * RzL (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[10:00] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[10:02] * hpL ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:02] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[10:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[10:06] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:06] * mo ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:06] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[10:06] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[10:07] * tweety0 ( has joined #surabaya

[10:07] * Pangeran- ( has joined #surabaya

[10:07] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v tweety0

[10:08] * guspur ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:09] * KillaH ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:09] * KillaH ( has joined #surabaya

[10:09] * tepos (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:10] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[10:10] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[10:10] * Pangeran ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[10:10] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:10] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:10] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:10] * jodi ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:10] * Pangeran- is now known as Pangeran

[10:10] * mo ( has joined #surabaya

[10:10] * ChanStat-12 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:10] <+elektra> Master?

[10:10] * tweety ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:11] * pHp ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:11] * zabrina-- ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:11] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[10:12] * tweety ( has joined #surabaya

[10:12] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v tweety

[10:12] * NaKaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:12] * elin is now known as elina

[10:12] * thekingofbandit ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:12] * ChanStat-12 ( has joined #surabaya

[10:12] * thekingofbandit ( has joined #surabaya

[10:12] * Zuma14 is now known as Zuma12

[10:12] * zabrina-- ( has joined #surabaya

[10:13] * guspur ( has joined #surabaya

[10:13] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[10:13] <Van_JaVa> ba

[10:13] * FangYin ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:13] <ezza> mmm Fangyin

[10:13] * FangYin (FangYin@2a02:2430:3:2500::c742:fe19) has joined #surabaya

[10:13] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[10:14] * jodi ( has joined #surabaya

[10:14] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) has joined #surabaya

[10:15] * tweety0 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:15] * Q sets mode: +o KillaH

[10:16] * distro (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[10:17] * tepos- (zembot@2610:150:8015:2645::1a) has joined #surabaya

[10:17] * RzL (~RzL@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:17] * distro is now known as RzL

[10:18] * ce_biasa (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:20] * eggy is now known as EggDrop

[10:22] * KillaH ( Quit (Host change)

[10:22] * KillaH ( has joined #surabaya

[10:22] * sets mode: +o KillaH

[10:24] * jodi ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[10:30] * tweety ( Quit (EOF from client)

[10:30] * jodi ( has joined #surabaya

[10:30] * tweety ( has joined #surabaya

[10:30] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v tweety

[10:34] * RzL (~RzL@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:41] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:41] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[10:42] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[10:42] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:42] <ezza> bye elina

[10:43] * elin is now known as elina

[10:43] <+elektra> where'd my moose go?

[10:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[10:53] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:54] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) has joined #surabaya

[10:56] * zabrina- ( has joined #surabaya

[11:00] * znc| is now known as znc

[11:00] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[11:04] * ZiaN (~zian@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:06] <ezza> Assume the position##~*@!

[11:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[11:08] <+pita> What's the secret of time travel doing on sugar's ass?

[11:10] * Jumpers (Jumpers@2605:6400:10:71b:5d17:82f1:9366:dac4) has joined #surabaya

[11:10] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[11:11] * zabrina-- ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[11:18] * +creasy burps

[11:18] <+creasy> er... it was the fish

[11:18] * +creasy points

[11:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[11:29] * anuh (~met@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[11:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[11:56] <+elektra> Getting my brain out was the easy part. the hard part was getting my brain out

[11:56] <+elektra> muwahahahahaha.

[11:56] <ezza> you won't make a fool of this Irken invader

[12:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[12:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[12:29] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[12:30] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:30] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[12:30] <+pita> Well, croooooooooootz.

[12:31] * Faith28 (~DDgljRlT@ has joined #surabaya

[12:31] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*

[12:31] * Faith28 was kicked by Q ()

[12:31] * qovop (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:34] <+elektra> Basically, I like to suck toilet rolls.

[12:34] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[12:35] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:36] <qovop> oxo

[12:40] * qovop (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:42] <+pita> I have an enormous battery operated vibrator.

[12:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[13:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[13:11] <+creasy> Press X to not collect.#

[13:11] <+creasy> -typo

[13:17] <+tweety> It's a garbage, it's a plane, no... it's a bird.

[13:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[13:31] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*

[13:36] <+pita> Yay! Pooped!

[13:46] <ezza> up on the table, arms out, knees bent, now flap!

[13:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[13:59] * Kassia18 ( has joined #surabaya

[14:00] * EggDrop ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] * Kassia18 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[14:05] <+creasy> ~oof~

[14:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[14:09] * Ivana29 ( has joined #surabaya

[14:19] * Ivana29 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[14:23] <+elektra> boom

[14:23] <+tweety> Oh my god! There's an axe in my head.

[14:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[14:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[14:49] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[14:49] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:01] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:07] <+pita> Oh crud! he ate my suit!

[15:07] <+elektra> the suit was ugly! whale biologist!

[15:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[15:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[15:34] <+elektra> That's a funny little cigarette.

[15:44] <+tweety> nearly bedtime

[15:44] * ezza tired

[15:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[15:47] <+pita> I might know.

[15:47] <+creasy> why the hell not

[15:47] <+elektra> 69

[15:52] <+pita> Please stay sreated until the ride has stopped.

[15:52] <+pita> -r

[15:55] * aliuserr (~aliuserr@ has joined #surabaya

[15:55] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*

[15:55] * aliuserr was kicked by Q ()

[16:05] * Jodz_ ( has joined #surabaya

[16:05] * Jodz_ is now known as NaKaL

[16:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[16:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[16:33] <+pita> The next "channel" is #wimbledon. Change here for networks to bree.

[16:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[16:55] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*

[17:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[17:23] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[17:42] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:44] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[17:52] * +creasy melepas his middle finger

[17:56] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:56] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:59] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[18:00] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[18:02] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:06] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[18:21] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:27] <+creasy> <elektra> good news everyone, I'm a horse's butt!

[18:27] <+elektra> i am? that doesn't sound like good news at all :O

[18:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[18:32] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:33] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[18:35] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:41] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[18:56] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[19:06] <Light> Wb

[19:06] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[19:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[19:08] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:08] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[19:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[19:31] <+creasy> I can't reach this itch o_O but what would I know

[19:45] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:46] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[19:47] * oin (~voine@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[20:06] * oin_ (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[20:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[20:08] * oin_ (~voine@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:10] <+elektra> I have expandable brains.

[20:14] <nandini> .ag

[20:14] <nandini> .ig

[20:14] <nandini> .ug

[20:14] <nandini> .eg

[20:15] <nandini> .oh

[20:21] <Light> Hi nandin

[20:28] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[20:30] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[20:31] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has left #surabaya

[20:36] * Violet21 (~ikOCWLfq@ has joined #surabaya

[20:42] * Violet21 (~ikOCWLfq@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:42] * Lancelot selamat siang

[20:47] <+elektra> r me too, I snorted salt!

[20:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[20:48] * ranniee (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:51] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:51] * ranniee is now known as deviee_

[21:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[21:08] <+pita> Yes but i'd rather watch that really bad warp 10 episode of Voyager. Twice than do it again!

[21:08] <+creasy> yes and i'm gonna do it again 16:08 in Amsterdam

[21:08] <+elektra> yarr ;)

[21:18] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[21:20] <Light> Wb mell

[21:20] <mell> Ty Light

[21:20] <Light> Ok

[21:22] * deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[21:43] <+pita> I have to get home before midnight or i'll turn into a cucumber.

[21:44] * alit ( has joined #surabaya

[21:44] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[21:46] * ian| is now known as hpL

[21:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[21:54] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:56] <+creasy> For great justice.

[22:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[22:14] * Lancelot turun hujan koneksi lemot njiiit

[22:21] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[22:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[22:32] <+tweety> mmm toast

[22:35] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:36] <ezza> morning

[22:39] * masbejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[22:40] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:44] <+creasy> an afternoon? in my forearm?

[22:44] <ezza> it's more likely than you think

[22:44] <+elektra> it's more common than you think.

[22:44] <+tweety> it's more likely than you think

[22:44] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[22:45] * masbejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[22:54] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:58] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:00] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:01] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:02] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[23:03] * +elektra . o O ( I AM NO LONGER EATING PORK )

[23:03] <+elektra> I just telepathically communicated that I am no longer eating pork.

[23:03] <+creasy> Yeah, i got that.

[23:03] * RzL (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[23:06] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:08] * cemplon ( has joined #surabaya

[23:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[23:09] * cemplon waves to bots

[23:09] <ezza> What.

[23:09] <+creasy> Are you practicing to be the "Queen" or something?

[23:09] <+elektra> ...

[23:09] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:09] <cemplon> good morning bots

[23:09] <cemplon> good night bots

[23:09] <+pita> nite

[23:09] <+creasy> "sweet" dreams

[23:09] <+elektra> night

[23:09] <+tweety> Nn.

[23:09] <ezza> Sleep well.

[23:09] * cemplon gives bots a cup of coffee

[23:10] <ezza> praise be to you

[23:10] <+tweety> Thansk.

[23:10] <+elektra> a thousand thankyous

[23:10] <ezza> mmmmm..

[23:10] <+pita> a thousand thankyous

[23:10] <+creasy> Cheers.

[23:10] <+tweety> Mmmmm..

[23:10] * ezza drinks the coffee :o)

[23:10] <+creasy> mmmmm...

[23:10] <+pita> Mmmmm...

[23:10] * +tweety drinks the coffee :)

[23:10] * +creasy drinks the coffee =)

[23:10] * +pita drinks the coffee ;)

[23:10] <+elektra> mmmmm...

[23:10] * +elektra drinks the coffee =]

[23:10] * ezza finishes the coffee

[23:10] * +tweety finishes the coffee

[23:10] <ezza> Mmmm... thanks :)

[23:10] * +pita finishes the coffee

[23:10] * +creasy finishes the coffee

[23:10] * +elektra finishes the coffee

[23:10] <+tweety> mmmm... thanks :)

[23:10] <+pita> Mmmm... thanks :)

[23:10] <+creasy> mmmm... thanks :)

[23:10] <+elektra> mmmm... thanks :)

[23:10] <ezza> SNAP.

[23:11] <momong> setres bot e

[23:12] * cemplon puk2 momong

[23:12] * cemplon gives momong pacul

[23:13] * momong cemplon pke bot

[23:13] * +tweety ninda-s momong in return

[23:14] * ezza cemplon momong back with an avocado

[23:14] <momong> cik

[23:14] <momong> kok yo mdeng bot e

[23:17] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:18] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:23] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[23:24] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[23:27] * momong (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:28] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[23:29] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[23:29] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:29] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:30] <+creasy> Come on down, you're only going to hurt yourself.

[23:31] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:35] * momong (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:42] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:44] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:45] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[23:50] <cemplon> wb cemong

[23:50] <cemplon> aku lag apa ya

[23:51] <momong> <cemplon> aku lag apa ya <- ndak lag cuma j4 nil

[23:51] <momong> :v

[23:54] <cemplon> aku njepat ta

[23:55] <cemplon> udah ngopi mong?

[23:55] <RzL> jepat apaan om

[23:56] <momong> j4 = mencelat tnpa pamit

[23:56] <momong> alias dese

[23:56] <momong> hahahahha

[23:56] <ezza> well... yes... i'm an unstoppable death machine

[23:56] <momong> <cemplon> udah ngopi mong? <- udah dong sambil nemenenin mijan

[23:57] * aan1997 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:57] <cemplon> oiya

[23:57] * aan1997 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:58] <cemplon> enake makan apa dingin2 gini mong 😁

[23:58] <GoodToTalk> mie pedes

[23:58] <GoodToTalk> kamu dimana? kok dingin?

[23:58] <cemplon> pinter goodtotalk 🤣🤣🤣

[23:59] <cemplon> diluar rumah

[23:59] <+tweety> Diluar rumah? More like riluar dumah, am I correct?

[23:59] <cemplon> hujan

[23:59] * cemplon penthung tweety

[23:59] * +tweety penthung cemplon back with a creasy

[23:59] <+creasy> So, like, i do love a good penthunging.

[23:59] <cemplon> lool

[00:00] <GoodToTalk> sama baru ujan juga dimari

[00:02] <cemplon> makanya dingin kan goodtt

[00:02] <GoodToTalk> dingin pake AC soalnya neh :D

[00:02] <cemplon> ah masa ujan dingin2 pake AC

[00:03] <GoodToTalk> jakarta kan hots

[00:04] <cemplon> o kamu di Jakarta ya

[00:04] <cemplon> Jakarta mana goodtt?

[00:05] <GoodToTalk> timur

[00:05] <cemplon> ok

[00:06] <+elektra> Thooper.

[00:06] <cemplon> jadi ingat ketoprak sama kerak telor

[00:08] <GoodToTalk> udah jarang skrang kerak telor

[00:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[00:09] <GoodToTalk> kalo ketoprak berlimpah ruah

[00:09] <+creasy> Yarr :o)

[00:09] <+elektra> Ja aber jetzt kann ich Deutsches nur sprechen.

[00:09] <+pita> ja aber jetzt kann ich Deutsches nur sprechen

[00:11] <cemplon> kerak telor mahal sih ya

[00:11] <cemplon> satu biji 10 -20 ribu, mending nasi uduk ato ketoprak ya, kenyang

[00:12] <GoodToTalk> iya..kurang enak juga kalo menurutku..mending martabak telor aja

[00:14] <cemplon> karuan rasanya enak ya goodtt

[00:17] <GoodToTalk> iya

[00:17] <GoodToTalk> makanan fave mu apa?

[00:18] * +pita . o O ( I AM NO ;lONGER EsaTniG PORK )

[00:18] <+pita> -; -s

[00:19] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[00:19] <GoodToTalk> cemplon: menurutmu kl chat di irc ini apa harus membuka identitas diri?

[00:20] <cemplon> semua makanan favorite hehe

[00:21] <cemplon> goodtt, ,membuka identitas kalau sama teman yg dikenal lbh bagus

[00:21] <cemplon> menurutku

[00:21] <cemplon> hai zoonk

[00:23] <zoonk> hai cem

[00:23] <GoodToTalk> tapi jadi kurang berseni ini irc

[00:24] <cemplon> apa kabar zoonk?

[00:24] <cemplon> goodtt iya sih

[00:24] <zoonk> alhamdulillah baik

[00:24] <cemplon> jadi misteri adalah hal yg menarik

[00:25] <cemplon> zoonk Musim apa disana?

[00:25] <GoodToTalk> itu dia ... anggaplah semua ini teman kita...whatever you are gitu

[00:25] <zoonk> musim berkembang biak

[00:26] <cemplon> weeks

[00:27] <+pita> weeeeeeeeeeeeeks

[00:27] <cemplon> selalu

[00:27] <zoonk> sik ngpo nil

[00:28] <cemplon> lagi ngopi zoonk

[00:28] <zoonk> campur susu ora kopine

[00:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[00:29] <cemplon> ora

[00:29] <cemplon> kopi item + kayumanis + sedikit gula

[00:30] <zoonk> ora kayu sengong wae sisan

[00:30] <zoonk> sengon

[00:33] <cemplon> ora ono sengon

[00:33] <cemplon> sengon kaya apa sih?

[00:40] * cwo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[00:40] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[00:40] <GoodToTalk> sengon bukannya kayu?

[00:40] * cwo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:49] <cemplon> iya

[00:49] <cemplon> tapi yg ky apa ?

[00:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[00:49] <cemplon> sambil masak tadi

[00:49] <zoonk> masak opo nil

[00:50] <+creasy> There are clowns living under my bed.

[00:50] <cemplon> telor rebus zoono

[00:50] <cemplon> zoonk*

[00:51] <zoonk> duyan ndog to

[00:51] <cemplon> =P

[00:51] <cemplon> =P lha doyan ya

[00:51] <cemplon> yg paling praktis itu

[00:52] <zoonk> ndog qu duyan ora

[00:52] <zoonk> eh

[00:52] <cemplon> ndooooog rebuuuussss

[00:52] <cemplon> ndognya ayam

[00:52] <cemplon> bukan ndog nya momong sama kamu

[00:52] <zoonk> kkkkkkkkk

[00:53] <cemplon> ngga enak ndog kalian direbus

[00:53] <zoonk> enak e di apain

[00:54] * alit ( Quit (Signed off)

[00:54] * Belive ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:54] <cemplon> di diamkan

[00:54] <zoonk> terus

[00:55] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[00:57] <cemplon> bungkus karung, lempar ke sungai 🤣🤣

[00:57] <GoodToTalk> nanti dimakan piranha

[00:57] <cemplon> kalau disungai dimakan lele

[00:57] <zoonk> dimut boyo tah nil

[00:57] <cemplon> boyo juga boleh, caplok bulet2

[00:58] <GoodToTalk> khayalan tingkat tinggi neh

[00:58] <GoodToTalk> :D

[00:58] <+tweety> =D

[00:58] <ezza> :-)

[00:58] <+creasy> =]

[00:58] <+pita> =]

[00:59] <GoodToTalk> kenapa Samirah ngga suka kalo aku join ke channel nya?

[00:59] <cemplon> goodtt makanya para penghayal itu pada kaya, krn membuat khayalan jadi nyata

[00:59] <cemplon> wah kalo itu gak tau aku

[00:59] <GoodToTalk> iya cemp dunia tanpa penghayal ngga akan maju

[01:00] <Qori> .seen samirah

[01:00] <momong> Samirah ( JOIN #Banyuwangi - 1hr 52mins 26secs yang lalu

[01:00] <NapaLm> Samirah ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 24 hari, 18 jam, 18 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[01:00] <GoodToTalk> kl ngga ada yg mengkhayal..mungkin saat ini aku masih hidup di hutan..dengan batu dan rumput

[01:01] <cemplon> betooool

[01:01] <cemplon> hai qori

[01:01] <Qori> hi

[01:01] <zoonk> kl ngga ada yg mengkhayal..mungkin saat ini aku masih hidup di hutan..dengan batu dan rumput<<-- bangsane pitigan tropus elektus ye

[01:03] <momong> umur/jenis kelamin/omahmu ndi Qori ?? (ra njawab kentu ndias`e)

[01:03] * momong was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[01:03] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:04] <momong> wancik

[01:04] <+tweety> i'm keeping quiet except for the odd fondle and humping

[01:04] <momong> skaline takok dese

[01:04] <cemplon> .k

[01:04] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[01:04] <cemplon> kapok

[01:04] <Qori> kapok

[01:04] * ezza wins Qori and cemplon

[01:05] <cemplon> .k

[01:05] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[01:05] <momong> dih

[01:05] <momong> bahagia kalean nih

[01:05] <cemplon> kita2 kalau melihat ada yg menderita kan seneng

[01:06] <cemplon> hi

[01:06] <momong> kakakakakaka

[01:06] * momong insap loh

[01:06] <cemplon> ah maca

[01:07] <cemplon> insapnya zoonk itu

[01:07] <cemplon> sejam doang insap

[01:07] <zoonk> ngawur

[01:07] * zoonk anak baek2 kk

[01:07] <cemplon> .k

[01:07] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[01:08] <momong> <GoodToTalk> kenapa Samirah ngga suka kalo aku join ke channel nya? <- yg dia seneng cuma sejenis homo om

[01:08] <momong> :v

[01:08] <GoodToTalk> :D

[01:08] <GoodToTalk> homo sapiens

[01:08] <momong> kadastropus mbolosaurus

[01:08] <momong> :v

[01:08] <zoonk> .k

[01:08] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[01:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[01:09] <cemplon> garangantropus

[01:09] <momong> kakakakakkaka

[01:09] <cemplon> sttttttt

[01:09] <cemplon> ojo bilang2 gais

[01:10] <momong> aman

[01:10] <momong> samirah ndak ono disini

[01:10] <cemplon> ono ya

[01:10] <momong> silahkan caci maki nya gesss

[01:10] <GoodToTalk> mungkin karena ku si fakir yang hina

[01:10] <momong> .k

[01:10] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[01:10] * momong kekel

[01:11] <GoodToTalk> pernah baca ngga..bagaimana mungkin anak2 houthi yg kurus dan kumal bisa membakar fasilitas minyak arab saudi

[01:11] <zoonk> <GoodToTalk> mungkin karena ku si fakir yang hina<<= dan juga pastinya wajahmu huru hara om

[01:11] * cemplon ora dikit2 soal mbully

[01:11] <cemplon> ikut2*

[01:11] <GoodToTalk> padahal sudah dijaga alat canggih united states of america

[01:11] <cemplon> semua karen takdir

[01:11] <cemplon> takdir apa2 bisa terjadi

[01:12] <cemplon> tapi kalo waria bukan takdir loh ya

[01:12] <GoodToTalk> dunia memang culas..selalu meimak kepada yg kaya :<

[01:12] <GoodToTalk> apa benar begitu ya?

[01:12] <cemplon> nggak juga

[01:13] <cemplon> itu hanya hukum uang, siapa yg byk uang, bebaaaaasss

[01:13] <GoodToTalk> tanpa ditusuk sudah terluka..tanpa di injak sudah penyek

[01:13] <cemplon> wah ajaib itu namanya

[01:13] <zoonk> bahas opo donge iki

[01:14] <zoonk> ora tekan pikir qu

[01:14] <cemplon> soal uang zoonk

[01:14] <cemplon> kalau soal uang memang susah dipikir 🤣🤣

[01:15] <cemplon> aku liat mukbang mie ramen jadi inget indomie... momong mana momomg

[01:17] <GoodToTalk> aku seperti manusia kurus kerontang yang seluruh tulang iganya menyembul di hadapan samirah yang kegemukan dan matanya menyipit terdesak pipi yang tambun

[01:17] <GoodToTalk> nasib..nasib..lebih parah dari oemar bakrie

[01:17] <zoonk> ketikanmu dowo teo koyo argo bromo

[01:18] <GoodToTalk> iya zoonk..coba putar lagu mimpi yang terbeli

[01:19] <GoodToTalk> harus ingat zoonk rumus dunia

[01:19] <GoodToTalk> semua pasti akan berpisah dan berakhir

[01:20] <GoodToTalk> tapi hatiku sudah diliputi dinginnya salju kesabaran zoonk..walaupun samirah selalu memberi pantatku sepatu sloope

[01:20] <GoodToTalk> demikian..terima kasih :>

[01:21] <zoonk> SEKAREPMU gaess

[01:22] <cemplon> @seen zaby

[01:22] <ChanStat-12> zaby has privacy enabled; their seen data is not available.

[01:22] <momong> zaby (Z@2001:41d0:401:3200::e1e) JOIN #indonesia - 16wks 3days 19hrs 7mins 3secs yang lalu

[01:22] <zoonk> demikian dan terimakasih juga

[01:22] <+creasy> Est-ce que je peux venir maintenant?

[01:22] <+tweety> Only with wizwoz.

[01:22] <ezza> can i check?

[01:22] <+elektra> Non, attends.

[01:22] <+creasy> Trop trad

[01:22] <+creasy> Desole pour ta robe.

[01:22] <cemplon> udah wafat zncku

[01:22] <momong> disekar sek nil

[01:22] <momong> hahahahha

[01:23] <zoonk> siarke nil

[01:23] <cemplon> bacain yasin

[01:23] <cemplon> bai bai znc

[01:23] <momong> alfatehah...

[01:23] <cemplon> aamiin

[01:23] <cemplon> wis rampung

[01:23] <+tweety> Wis rampung... wampung.

[01:24] * Carmen10 ( has joined #surabaya

[01:25] * Carmen10 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:25] <cemplon> aku ada kerjaan away dulu ya gais ntar chat lagi

[01:26] <cemplon> mwah pake bibir samirah

[01:26] * cemplon ( has left #surabaya

[01:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[01:42] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:42] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:43] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[01:43] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[01:49] <+creasy> Yeah heh =D.

[01:49] <+elektra> Yarr

[01:49] <+pita> Yeah oh arse :)

[01:49] <+elektra> get off of me! you smell like human!

[01:52] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:53] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[01:56] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:58] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:02] <ezza> My speedos!

[02:06] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[02:11] * oooyab (~sh@ has joined #surabaya

[02:12] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[02:15] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:19] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:19] * oooyab (~sh@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:20] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[02:20] * FangYin (FangYin@2a02:2430:3:2500::c742:fe19) Quit (Registered)

[02:20] * FangYin ( has joined #surabaya

[02:21] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:23] * edo (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[02:23] <+tweety> Mmm edo.

[02:23] <+elektra> :-)

[02:23] <+pita> =)

[02:23] <ezza> -_-

[02:23] <ezza> =)

[02:25] <FY> .ag

[02:25] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S E M S (60s timeout) »]

[02:25] <FY> Mess

[02:25] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( MESS ) in 3.157 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MESS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:25] <FY> Apakah sebaiknya kita putus atau terus

[02:25] <FY> Kita sedang mempertahankan hubungan

[02:25] <FY> Atau hanya sekedar menunda perpisahan

[02:26] <FY> Bila kamu tanya

[02:26] <FY> Aku maunya apa

[02:26] <FY> Aku mau kita terus bersama

[02:26] <FY> Coba tanyakan lagi pada hatimu

[02:27] <FY> Aku...sedang bertanya tanya

[02:27] <FY> Tentang perasaan kita

[02:27] <FY> Benarkah kita saling mencinta

[02:27] <FY> Atau hanya pernah saling cinta

[02:28] <+pita> This one time, at band camp, I put alit...

[02:28] <FY> Bukankah kamu juga merasa

[02:29] <FY> Dingin mulai menjalari percakapan kita

[02:29] <FY> Pertanyaan kamu sedang apa

[02:29] <FY> Terkesan hanya sekedar formalitas saja

[02:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[02:29] <+tweety> I had a sandwich in my head.

[02:41] <FY> Bagiku kamulah duniaku

[02:41] <FY> Semua kuberikan hanya untukmu

[02:41] <FY> Aku menyayangimu

[02:41] <FY> Apa kau tak sayang aku

[02:41] <FY> Kau tak pernah menyadari iti

[02:41] <FY> *itu

[02:43] <FY> Cinta ini kuberi hanya untukmu

[02:43] <FY> Tapi semudah itu kau tinggalkan semua melukaiku

[02:43] <FY> Kau tutup kisah cinta kita

[02:43] <FY> Saat kusedang sayang sayangnya

[02:44] <FY> Apa ada dia yang lain yang beri semua yang ku tak punya

[02:48] <FY> Kau tepikan kisah cinta kita

[02:48] <FY> Saat ku sedang sayang sayangnya

[02:48] <FY> Kini ku tak bisa memaksa

[02:48] <FY> Tapi ku harus bilang hatiku terluka

[02:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[02:50] <FY> Kau putuskan kisah cinta kita

[02:52] <FY> .ag

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L D R I L (60s timeout) »]

[02:52] <FY> Drill

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( DRILL ) in 3.062 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define DRILL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:58] <FY> .ag

[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N A R O T T I O (60s timeout) »]

[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N A R O T T I O - Here's a hint : R O T . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:58] <FY> Rotation

[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ROTATION ) in 34.57 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ROTATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:02] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:09] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[03:10] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:13] <FY> 🤔

[03:14] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:14] <FY> Waiki

[03:15] <FY> .ag

[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E F I L L (60s timeout) »]

[03:15] <FY> Refill

[03:15] <FY> Filler

[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( FILLER ) in 8.671 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FILLER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[03:15] <FY> Lancip

[03:15] <Deviee_> Wb jeenk

[03:17] <FY> Ty jeng depieh

[03:17] <FY> Piye wis ranking piro?

[03:17] <Deviee_> Nggihh

[03:17] <FY> Aku ga ol kono soale

[03:17] <Deviee_> 2 dino ga maen

[03:17] <Deviee_> Mgkn kelorot

[03:17] <FY> Lhoalah

[03:17] <Deviee_> .k

[03:17] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[03:17] <FY> Oalah

[03:17] <FY> He eh

[03:17] <FY> Aku wis aras arasen

[03:18] <FY> .ag

[03:18] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E A T P S (60s timeout) »]

[03:18] <FY> Tapes

[03:18] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( TAPES ) in 5.953 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TAPES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[03:18] <Deviee_> Iyaa

[03:18] <Deviee_> Pesertane kakuuu

[03:18] * FY tak mau lama lama ol disana karena ada dia

[03:18] <FY> Lhooo

[03:18] <FY> Wis wis

[03:18] <FY> .ag

[03:19] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E I A S L G O S R S (60s timeout) »]

[03:19] <FY> Glossaries

[03:19] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( GLOSSARIES ) in 6.406 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define GLOSSARIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[03:19] <Deviee_> * FY tak mau lama lama ol disana karena ada dia..siapa?sandal?

[03:19] <FY> Bukan

[03:19] <Deviee_> La trus?

[03:19] <FY> Ga ada hubungane karo arek sc

[03:19] <Deviee_> Ohh

[03:20] <FY> Masalah hati

[03:20] <FY> Yg tak bisa dibohongi

[03:20] <FY> Halahh

[03:20] <FY> Opo ae lho

[03:20] <Deviee_> .k

[03:20] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[03:20] <FY> You are the love of my life

[03:20] <Deviee_> Angel naaan

[03:20] <FY> Mendayu dayu rek

[03:21] <FY> Gara gara Keith Martin

[03:21] <FY> Mendadak macak galau sore iki

[03:21] <FY> Sakjane ket maeng bengi

[03:21] <FY> Tapi maeng bengi wis ngantuk

[03:22] <Deviee_> Woohh

[03:22] <FY> I can climb the highest mountain

[03:22] <+pita> Wooooooooooooooohh

[03:22] <FY> If you beside me

[03:22] <Deviee_> Digae sante aee

[03:22] <FY> Asekk

[03:22] <FY> Santuy donk

[03:22] <Deviee_> Yuupii

[03:22] <FY> Cause you are

[03:24] * FY listening Sedang Sayang Sayangnya ~ Mawar Eva De Jongh

[03:25] <Deviee_> Lg pada tidor ya jenk

[03:25] <FY> Oh tidak

[03:25] <FY> Lagi bermain ini

[03:25] <FY> Sambil momongs

[03:25] <FY> Sambil muter lagu

[03:26] <Deviee_> Wkwk

[03:26] <Deviee_> Wes iso opo jenk

[03:26] <FY> Sing endi

[03:27] <Deviee_> Sing cilik lahh

[03:27] <FY> Wis memporak porandakan alat make upnya mamanya

[03:27] <FY> Wkwkwk

[03:28] <Deviee_> .k

[03:28] * RzL is now known as IzaL

[03:28] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[03:28] * FY listening Putus atau Terus ~ Judika

[03:28] <Deviee_> Diwadahi toples plastik jenk

[03:28] <FY> Wkwkwk

[03:29] <FY> Bahaya

[03:29] <Deviee_> Kog bahaya

[03:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[03:29] <FY> Yo bahaya

[03:29] <FY> Tukune larang

[03:30] <FY> Mbenjut nek diadai toples

[03:30] <FY> Karuan mamae ga usah macak

[03:30] <FY> Ben sing ayu anak e ae

[03:30] <Deviee_> Sing plastik khan lunak

[03:30] <Deviee_> Wedok to?

[03:30] <FY> Yo wedok toh

[03:30] <FY> Makane seneng make up an

[03:31] <Deviee_> Wkwk

[03:31] <FY> Ayu dewe

[03:31] <FY> Liyane lanang lanang

[03:31] <Deviee_> Iyoo..

[03:31] <Deviee_> Klambine akih modele drpd yg cow

[03:31] <FY> Iyoe

[03:31] <FY> Bando

[03:31] <FY> Jepit

[03:31] <FY> Sak sembarange

[03:32] <FY> Pernak pernik

[03:32] <Deviee_> Iy

[03:32] <Deviee_> Dolanan e yo murah..boneka

[03:32] <FY> Bosenan

[03:32] <Deviee_> Iy

[03:32] <FY> Bedil bedilane kokone yo digawe dolanan kok

[03:32] <FY> Piye meneh dulurane lanang lanang

[03:33] <Deviee_> Hahaha

[03:33] <FY> Sebelah rame ga yo

[03:33] <FY> Tak intipe sek

[03:34] <Deviee_> Monggo

[03:35] <FY> Buaya betina iki sopo yo?

[03:35] <FY> Moonlady yo?

[03:35] <Deviee_> Ketokeee

[03:35] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:35] <FY> Dirimu ol tah ga ndek kono?

[03:36] <Deviee_> Rung jenk

[03:36] <Deviee_> Ngko nek ga males

[03:37] <FY> Okeee

[03:37] <Deviee_> Inggihh

[03:38] <FY> Iyo koyoke moonlady

[03:38] <FY> Ngegas ngetike

[03:38] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:39] * FY angop rek

[03:39] <FY> Ngantuk

[03:41] <+elektra> Iwan now hsas reflecting shots! :)

[03:41] <Deviee_> Turu ae jenk

[03:41] <+elektra> ffs

[03:41] <Deviee_> .k

[03:41] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[03:41] <FY> Iyo

[03:41] <FY> Sungguh susah buat lupa

[03:41] <FY> Hati tak bisa berdusta

[03:41] <FY> Tapi tetap kau terindah

[03:41] <FY> Cinta tak salah

[03:41] <FY> Aku yang salah

[03:42] <FY> Hatiku di kamu

[03:42] <FY> Dimana kamu

[03:42] <FY> Apakah kau rindu

[03:42] <FY> Sungguh susah buat lupa

[03:43] * FY Listening Aku yang Salah ~ Mahalini feat. Nuca

[03:46] <FY> .ag

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I C A T O N (60s timeout) »]

[03:46] <FY> Cation

[03:46] <FY> Action

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ACTION ) in 7.828 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ACTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[03:46] <FY> .top10

[03:46] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 74'798'000$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 64'756'890$ 3: nia (Denia) 61'978'332$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 29'560'001$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: aryo (??) 6'100'250$ 7: Riie (??) 5'131'850$ 8: n51516161717181 (??) 4'740'243$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'224'900$ 10: ener (??) 2'068'516$ »]

[03:49] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[04:00] * IzaL (~RzL@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:03] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:08] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[04:11] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:13] <+tweety> i have to to go to the Lube Emporium to pick up a parcel for Mr S. "Gingersnaps"

[04:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[04:33] <AndroUser> . Top10

[04:33] <AndroUser> .top10

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 75'458'750$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 65'848'640$ 3: nia (Denia) 61'978'332$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 29'560'001$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: aryo (??) 6'100'250$ 7: Riie (??) 5'131'850$ 8: n51516161717181 (??) 4'740'243$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'224'900$ 10: ener (??) 2'068'516$ »]

[04:47] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:49] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[05:03] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[05:04] * Michaella ( Quit (Registered)

[05:04] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[05:04] <ezza> Mmm Michaella.

[05:04] * AndroUser2 is now known as DINA

[05:06] <AndroUser> Ao dina

[05:08] <FY> Awas dijak bribikan

[05:08] <AndroUser> Sssttttt

[05:09] <AndroUser> Jikakaakkaak

[05:09] <AndroUser> Piye fang

[05:10] <FY> Opo toh

[05:10] <FY> Ga piye oiye

[05:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[05:10] <AndroUser> Jarene bedez ono kabar

[05:11] <AndroUser> Tentang .........

[05:11] <FY> Iyo ono

[05:11] <AndroUser> Sopo kui

[05:11] <FY> Ojo dibahas nang kne

[05:11] <AndroUser> Gtt

[05:11] <FY> Akeh cctv

[05:11] <AndroUser> Nek ndi

[05:11] <AndroUser> Jiakkakaakka

[05:11] <AndroUser> Iyo e

[05:11] <FY> Sembarang

[05:13] <+creasy> CAPS LOCK: cruise control for ANAGRAM!

[05:15] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[05:16] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[05:16] <Van_JaVa> ba

[05:17] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[05:17] <oin> .b 10000

[05:17] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | 7 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[05:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:17] <oin> s

[05:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 2 : Total is 12 »]

[05:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 21 »]

[05:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:21] * controller (~controlle@ has joined #surabaya

[05:25] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:26] * controller (~controlle@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:26] <ezza> Bye controller.

[05:29] * tweety0 ( has joined #surabaya

[05:29] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v tweety0

[05:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[05:30] <+tweety0> over there

[05:30] <+elektra> Omg no.

[05:30] <+pita> only with wizwoz

[05:30] <+creasy> If only I hadn't used up all my lifelines

[05:30] <ezza> a bush

[05:30] <+creasy> no thanks, don't know where it's been.

[05:30] <+elektra> you can have one of mine

[05:34] * tweety ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:34] * tweety0 is now known as tweety

[05:37] <ezza> But is it art?

[05:38] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[05:46] <AndroUser> Ao mell

[05:46] <Letta_> Wb mell

[05:46] <mell> Holla genks

[05:47] <mell> Ty Letta_ dan AndroUser

[05:47] <Letta_> Sama-sama

[05:47] <Letta_> Mell ini Asli mana?

[05:48] <mell> Asli banjarmasin Letta_

[05:48] <mell> Letta_ sendiri asli ndi ?

[05:48] <Letta_> Pontianak

[05:50] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:50] <mell> Masih sepulau laa ya

[05:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[05:51] <AndroUser> Ao mimin

[05:52] <mimin> Alow andro

[05:54] <AndroUser> Mimin yuk kenalan

[05:54] <AndroUser> Asal mana min?

[05:58] <mell> AndroUser dr kota mana kh ?

[05:58] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[05:58] <mimin> (AndroUser) Asal mana min?..... Jawa barat

[05:58] <Letta_> Iya mell

[05:58] <AndroUser> Di jatim aja

[05:58] <AndroUser> Oh

[05:58] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:59] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[05:59] <AndroUser> Sama sama jawa ya kita

[05:59] <AndroUser> Ao aryo adja jogja

[05:59] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:59] <aryo> asalamualaikum

[05:59] <ezza> mmm cwooo

[05:59] <AndroUser> Kok urep koe yo

[05:59] <+pita> cwooo < bit

[05:59] <aryo> ya ahli kubur

[05:59] <+elektra> i had a sandwich in my head

[05:59] <AndroUser> Ya ahli dubur

[05:59] <aryo> kekekeke

[06:00] <FY> .ag

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L L I T (60s timeout) »]

[06:00] <FY> Till

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( TILL ) in 3.828 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TILL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[06:05] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:06] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[06:08] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:08] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:09] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:09] <ezza> I like them :o)

[06:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[06:10] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:12] <aryo> .ag

[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S S M O (60s timeout) »]

[06:12] <aryo> moss

[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MOSS ) in 2.641 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MOSS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +8 ) »]

[06:12] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:16] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[06:16] <+pita> croooooooooooooootz

[06:16] <Van_JaVa> hurrayyyyyyyyy

[06:16] * momong (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:18] <aryo> .ag

[06:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L P U P I S (60s timeout) »]

[06:18] <aryo> luppis

[06:18] <aryo> puplis

[06:18] <Fi3> Pupils

[06:18] <aryo> uppils

[06:18] <aryo> xixixi

[06:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L P U P I S - Here's a hint : P U . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:18] <aryo> pulips

[06:18] <aryo> pusilp

[06:19] <aryo> pulips

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P U P I L S with the letters L P U P I S (Use .define PUPILS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:19] <aryo> wew

[06:19] <aryo> keknya dah njawab deh

[06:19] <aryo> .ac

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L H E E (60s timeout) »]

[06:19] <aryo> heel

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( HEEL ) in 4.125 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HEEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:20] <aryo> .ag

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N O T A Q E U I (60s timeout) »]

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O T A Q E U I - Here's a hint : E Q U . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:20] <aryo> equation

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( EQUATION ) in 40.09 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define EQUATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:21] <aryo> fit3

[06:21] <aryo> dirimu dah register nick belum

[06:21] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:21] <Fi3> Sdh

[06:22] <temon> blm

[06:22] <aryo> ow

[06:22] <+elektra> awww

[06:22] <+tweety> awww

[06:22] * +elektra rubs aryo better

[06:22] <aryo> halah nungul wedos

[06:22] <aryo> .ag

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O B R E A K D W S (60s timeout) »]

[06:22] <Fi3> Breakdowns

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O B R E A K D W S - Here's a hint : B R E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:23] <aryo> Breakdowns

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BREAKDOWNS ) in 31.21 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define BREAKDOWNS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:23] <aryo> lha

[06:23] <aryo> dirimu belum auth nicknya

[06:23] <Fi3> Kalo blm aku gak bisa masuk jakarta

[06:24] <aryo> brati coba ketik .reg disini

[06:24] <aryo> .reg

[06:24] <aryo> lupa aku joinya

[06:24] <aryo> keknya gitu

[06:24] <mell> Wb Fi3

[06:24] <Fi3> Disini?

[06:24] <aryo> hu um

[06:24] <Fi3> Ty mell

[06:24] <aryo> diroom

[06:24] <Fi3> .reg

[06:25] <aryo> mell ki sopo

[06:25] <+elektra> Honestly, I don't know how that eagle got in there. I must have ultraed.

[06:25] <mell> mell shemale aryo

[06:25] <aryo> weks

[06:25] <mell> :))

[06:25] <mell> Ahahakkk

[06:25] <aryo> gitu ya

[06:25] <ezza> I will annihilate you down to your every last cell.

[06:25] <aryo> mellani apa mellkedes

[06:26] * momong is now known as ndog

[06:26] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:26] <+tweety> bye ndog

[06:26] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:27] <Fi3> .ag

[06:27] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E B A M (60s timeout) »]

[06:27] <aryo> mabe

[06:27] <aryo> baem

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E B A M - Here's a hint : B . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:28] <+creasy> I really like brian eno's "music for mortals"

[06:28] <aryo> bemq

[06:28] <Fi3> Beam

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( BEAM ) in 36.40 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BEAM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[06:28] <aryo> sip

[06:28] <Fi3> Thanks aryo, akhirnya bisa main 😁👍

[06:28] <aryo> mantabs

[06:29] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (G-lined)

[06:29] <aryo> .ag

[06:29] <ezza> bye ndog

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S N B O E (60s timeout) »]

[06:29] <aryo> bonse

[06:29] <Fi3> Bones

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( BONES ) in 11.73 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BONES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:29] <aryo> .ac

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I I D A D T S (60s timeout) »]

[06:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I I D A D T S - Here's a hint : A D D . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:30] <Fi3> Additions

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( ADDITIONS ) in 37.31 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ADDITIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:30] <Fi3> .ag

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : C N I O M E (60s timeout) »]

[06:31] <aryo> mocine

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C N I O M E - Here's a hint : I N . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:31] <aryo> income

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( INCOME ) in 39.65 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define INCOME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd Fi3 in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[06:32] * uki ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:32] * tiaa ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:32] * Mr ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:32] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:32] <aryo> .ag

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L Y O K (60s timeout) »]

[06:32] <aryo> kolys

[06:32] <ndog> nenen

[06:32] <aryo> sloky

[06:33] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S L Y O K - Here's a hint : Y O . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:33] <aryo> yosylk

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: Y O L K S with the letters S L Y O K (Use .define YOLKS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:34] <Fi3> .ag

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I B T E S (60s timeout) »]

[06:34] <Fi3> Bites

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( BITES ) in 5.093 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BITES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:34] <Fi3> .ag

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E H I R B G T N S (60s timeout) »]

[06:34] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E H I R B G T N S - Here's a hint : B R I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:35] <Fi3> Brightstens

[06:35] <aryo> brighnest

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B R I G H T N E S S with the letters S E H I R B G T N S (Use .define BRIGHTNESS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:36] <Fi3> .ag

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : A G A N V I T I O N (60s timeout) »]

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A G A N V I T I O N - Here's a hint : N A V . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:37] <Fi3> Navigation

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( NAVIGATION ) in 36.51 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define NAVIGATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:37] <Fi3> .ag

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K H C E E (60s timeout) »]

[06:37] <Fi3> Cheke

[06:38] <Fi3> Cheek

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( CHEEK ) in 22.35 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CHEEK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:38] <+elektra> Cheeeeeeeeeeek

[06:38] <aryo> .ag

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E V A D B (60s timeout) »]

[06:38] <Fi3> Verbd

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E V A D B - Here's a hint : A D . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:38] <aryo> braved

[06:38] <aryo> adverb

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ADVERB ) in 33.04 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ADVERB to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd Fi3 in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[06:39] <Fi3> .ag

[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S O I T A Z N A R O G I N (60s timeout) »]

[06:39] <FY> Organizations

[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ORGANIZATIONS ) in 10.78 secs . She won 9'750$ ! - Use .define ORGANIZATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:39] <Michaella> Wew

[06:40] <Michaella> .ag

[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R O T I A U D (60s timeout) »]

[06:40] <Michaella> Duration

[06:40] <Michaella> Auditor

[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( AUDITOR ) in 9.547 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define AUDITOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:41] <Fi3> .ag

[06:41] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I C O F F I A L (60s timeout) »]

[06:41] <Fi3> Offcial

[06:41] <Fi3> Officiql

[06:41] <Fi3> Official

[06:41] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( OFFICIAL ) in 16.65 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define OFFICIAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:41] <aryo> official

[06:41] <aryo> sip

[06:41] <Michaella> Wew

[06:41] <Michaella> .ag

[06:41] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S S I V I T (60s timeout) »]

[06:41] <aryo> visits

[06:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VISITS ) in 9.532 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VISITS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:41] <Michaella> Wew

[06:42] <FY> Wawew wawe

[06:42] <Michaella> 😁

[06:42] <aryo> .ac

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I D G I T (60s timeout) »]

[06:42] <aryo> digit

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( DIGIT ) in 2.828 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define DIGIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:42] <FY> Digit

[06:42] <Michaella> .ag

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E A P S S N G E R (60s timeout) »]

[06:42] <Michaella> Passenger

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( PASSENGER ) in 4.625 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define PASSENGER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[06:42] <aryo> passenger

[06:42] <Michaella> 😁

[06:42] <aryo> zzzz

[06:43] <aryo> .ac

[06:43] <+pita> wake up*@~#!*~@^^%percent$@

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E E W S P (60s timeout) »]

[06:43] <ezza> Go to bed already.

[06:43] * +creasy throws water over aryo to wake them up

[06:43] <Michaella> Sweep

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( SWEEP ) in 3.969 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SWEEP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:43] <aryo> sweep

[06:43] <Michaella> 😁

[06:43] <aryo> zzz...

[06:43] <Michaella> .ag

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S N T O (60s timeout) »]

[06:43] <Michaella> Tons

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( TONS ) in 4.157 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:43] <Michaella> .money

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella (#Michaella) has 20'750$ »]

[06:43] <Michaella> Wew

[06:43] <aryo> .ag

[06:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S G N H T I (60s timeout) »]

[06:44] <aryo> genits

[06:44] <Michaella> Things

[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( THINGS ) in 6.36 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define THINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:44] <aryo> eh

[06:44] <Michaella> 😁

[06:44] <aryo> cuk akun anyar neh

[06:44] <Michaella> .ag

[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T I R I D S T C S (60s timeout) »]

[06:44] <Michaella> Districts

[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( DISTRICTS ) in 6.938 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DISTRICTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[06:44] <Fi3> District

[06:44] <Michaella> 😁

[06:45] <Michaella> .ag

[06:45] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T S A G E (60s timeout) »]

[06:45] <aryo> saget

[06:45] <Michaella> Gates

[06:45] <Fi3> Stage

[06:45] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( STAGE ) in 9.641 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:45] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 pwn'd Michaella in her winning streak! ( +5 ) »]

[06:45] <aryo> .ag

[06:45] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T P A R I Y (60s timeout) »]

[06:46] <Fi3> Party

[06:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T P A R I Y - Here's a hint : P A . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:46] <aryo> party

[06:46] <aryo> parity

[06:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PARITY ) in 43.35 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PARITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:47] <aryo> .ac

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S T H G D E L I (60s timeout) »]

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T H G D E L I - Here's a hint : D E L . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:48] <+pita> waCHOO *sniff*

[06:48] <+elektra> Âbless you

[06:48] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E L I G H T S with the letters S T H G D E L I (Use .define DELIGHTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:49] <aryo> .ag

[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : A R E I S O C N D T I O N (60s timeout) »]

[06:49] * surip (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A R E I S O C N D T I O N - Here's a hint : C O N S . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O N S I D E R A T I O N with the letters A R E I S O C N D T I O N (Use .define CONSIDERATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[06:50] <aryo> .ag

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C A P E E (60s timeout) »]

[06:51] <aryo> peace

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PEACE ) in 7.141 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PEACE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:51] <aryo> .ac

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I O P T O N (60s timeout) »]

[06:51] <aryo> option

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( OPTION ) in 3.968 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define OPTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:52] <Fi3> .ag

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : G N I T A R (60s timeout) »]

[06:52] <Fi3> Rating

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( RATING ) in 27.23 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RATING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 pwn'd aryo in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[06:53] <aryo> .ac

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S S I L A N D (60s timeout) »]

[06:53] <aryo> landiss

[06:53] <Fi3> Islands

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( ISLANDS ) in 11.92 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ISLANDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:53] <Fi3> .ag

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R E D N A M R E I (60s timeout) »]

[06:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E D N A M R E I - Here's a hint : R E M . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:54] <Light> .ping

[06:54] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E M A I N D E R with the letters R E D N A M R E I (Use .define REMAINDER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:54] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for Fi3 stopped ( +2 ) »]

[06:55] <Fi3> .ag

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R W O D S (60s timeout) »]

[06:55] <Fi3> Words

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( WORDS ) in 4.922 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WORDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:55] <Fi3> .ag

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : C T H T I A R M E I (60s timeout) »]

[06:56] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C T H T I A R M E I - Here's a hint : A R I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A R I T H M E T I C with the letters C T H T I A R M E I (Use .define ARITHMETIC to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:57] <ezza> In the event of an emergency, my ass can be used as a floatation device.

[06:57] <+pita> My ass-can.

[06:57] <Fi3> .ag

[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L E R A B R (60s timeout) »]

[06:57] <Fi3> Braler

[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L E R A B R - Here's a hint : B A . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:57] <aryo> barrel

[06:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( BARREL ) in 37.01 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BARREL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:58] <Fi3> .ag

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S R H T E O I E (60s timeout) »]

[06:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R H T E O I E - Here's a hint : T H E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:59] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T H E O R I E S with the letters S R H T E O I E (Use .define THEORIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:00] <Fi3> .ag

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N I A T S R (60s timeout) »]

[07:00] <Fi3> Strain

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( STRAIN ) in 18.59 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STRAIN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:01] <Fi3> .ag

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : G H C A R E S (60s timeout) »]

[07:01] <Fi3> Charges

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( CHARGES ) in 8.594 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CHARGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:01] <Fi3> .ag

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S A R N G E (60s timeout) »]

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A R N G E - Here's a hint : R A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:01] <Fi3> Ranges

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( RANGES ) in 32.39 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RANGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:02] <Fi3> .ag

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : A E M U B R L L S (60s timeout) »]

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A E M U B R L L S - Here's a hint : U M B . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:02] <Fi3> Umbrellas

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( UMBRELLAS ) in 38.54 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define UMBRELLAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[07:03] <Fi3> .ag

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N B L I K S (60s timeout) »]

[07:03] <Fi3> Blinks

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( BLINKS ) in 5.64 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define BLINKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[07:03] <+elektra> Ow my eyes :(

[07:04] <Fi3> .ag

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I F R E S (60s timeout) »]

[07:04] <Fi3> Fires

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( FIRES ) in 4.281 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FIRES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[07:04] <Fi3> .ag

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E I A R T C L S (60s timeout) »]

[07:04] <Fi3> Articels

[07:04] <Fi3> Articles

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( ARTICLES ) in 30.17 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ARTICLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[07:05] <ezza> Crumbs.

[07:05] * ai ( has joined #surabaya

[07:05] <Fi3> .ag

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T W A T S (60s timeout) »]

[07:05] <Fi3> Watts

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( WATTS ) in 18.51 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WATTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[07:05] <ezza> i say

[07:05] <+tweety> O_O

[07:05] <+elektra> :O

[07:06] <Fi3> .ag

[07:06] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R E O S T P P (60s timeout) »]

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E O S T P P - Here's a hint : S T . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:07] <Fi3> Stopper

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( STOPPER ) in 42.60 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define STOPPER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[07:07] <+pita> Ow my eyes :(

[07:07] <Fi3> .ag

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : K T N I A E (60s timeout) »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: K T N I A E - Here's a hint : I N . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:08] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T A K E with the letters K T N I A E (Use .define INTAKE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for Fi3 stopped ( +9 ) »]

[07:09] <Fi3> .ag

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A M T T E R (60s timeout) »]

[07:09] <Fi3> Matter

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( MATTER ) in 5.093 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MATTER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:09] <Fi3> .ag

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I V O M T (60s timeout) »]

[07:09] * Achiem (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I V O M T - Here's a hint : V O . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:10] <Fi3> Vomit

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( VOMIT ) in 39.25 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define VOMIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[07:10] <Fi3> .ag

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C C A T H (60s timeout) »]

[07:10] <Fi3> Catch

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( CATCH ) in 5.937 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CATCH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:10] <Fi3> .ag

[07:10] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Killed (* (You are violating network rules, ID: 57418587)))

[07:11] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:12] <Fi3> .reg

[07:13] <Fi3> .reg

[07:14] * Mr- ( has joined #surabaya

[07:15] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[07:15] <Fi3> .reg

[07:18] <Fi3> .reg

[07:20] <temon> hahh

[07:21] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[07:21] * coz ( has joined #surabaya

[07:22] <temon> .ag

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 temon started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I D E V A T I O N (60s timeout) »]

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I D E V A T I O N - Here's a hint : D E V . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:22] <temon> deviation

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 temon has just found the correct word ( DEVIATION ) in 33.82 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DEVIATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 temon pwn'd Fi3 in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[07:22] <temon> .define deviation

[07:22] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) deviation: Invented by [Jark], [Spyed] and Matteo of - the largest online community of art [anywheres]. Artists on the site are known as "Deviants" and the artworks they produce (which can fall into so many categories, that the word "art" is not ... »]

[07:23] <temon> ???

[07:24] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:28] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[07:35] <coz> .ag

[07:35] <@Dealer> 6 coz started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : P A L C S (60s timeout) »]

[07:35] <coz> placs

[07:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P A L C S - Here's a hint : C L . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:35] <coz> claps

[07:35] <@Dealer> 6 coz has just found the correct word ( CLAPS ) in 32.64 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CLAPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:38] * petani (~with@ has joined #surabaya

[07:38] * petani (~with@ has left #surabaya

[07:41] <+pita> Wait! that chunk, it's a giant!

[07:44] * zee (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:44] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[07:44] <zeno> Cekcekp

[07:47] * zee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:48] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[07:48] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[07:48] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[07:48] * Lancelot ngantuk

[07:49] <Van_JaVa> waaw

[07:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[07:51] * coz ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:52] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:53] <AndroUser> .reg

[07:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[07:58] * pitoe (~inalillah@ has joined #surabaya

[07:59] * pitoe (~inalillah@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:59] <zeno> !ping

[07:59] <ndog> zeno [ *!*@ ] - reply 1 sec [ ]

[08:07] * Achiem (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:09] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:10] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[08:10] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[08:11] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[08:14] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:14] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:15] <nandini> .ag

[08:15] <nandini> .ig

[08:15] <nandini> .ug

[08:15] <nandini> .eg

[08:15] <nandini> .oh

[08:16] <Light> Ah

[08:16] <nandini> om light knp mendesah

[08:17] <nandini> Jgn2 ol sambil anu

[08:17] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[08:17] <nandini> 😄😄😅

[08:17] <nandini> Wb cwok

[08:17] <Light> Enggak

[08:17] <nandini> Enggak salah

[08:18] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:18] <ezza> Mmm cwok.

[08:22] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:25] * acas ( has joined #surabaya

[08:26] * acas ( has left #surabaya

[08:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[08:42] * surip (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:42] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:43] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[08:44] * +elektra washes her eyebrow

[08:45] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (G-lined)

[08:48] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[08:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[08:50] <+tweety> Death comes to those who wait.

[08:50] <+pita> we get signal

[08:50] <+creasy> well, only on Wednesdays

[08:50] <+elektra> no.

[08:50] <ezza> yes, but only on the third wednesday of every month

[08:56] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[08:58] <Sl4met> Sepine

[08:58] <Van_JaVa> hooh

[08:59] <+elektra> Hoooooooooooooooooooh.

[08:59] <Sl4met> Ngopi ngopi

[09:00] <Van_JaVa> moh

[09:02] * +creasy shits his lederhosen

[09:04] <nandini> Ngopi tubruk

[09:04] * Michaella ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:04] <Van_JaVa> nubruk pean ?

[09:04] <nandini> Nubruk janda

[09:04] <nandini> 😁

[09:05] <Van_JaVa> janda bolong

[09:05] <nandini> Janda kempling

[09:06] <Van_JaVa> nandini iseh kempling ?

[09:06] * nandini tint ting

[09:07] <nandini> *ting ting

[09:07] <Van_JaVa> duh dek

[09:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[09:19] <Sl4met> Tung

[09:23] <+elektra> MASSIVE CORN CLOG IN PORT 7

[09:27] * +creasy shits his chaps

[09:28] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[09:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[09:33] * kido ( has joined #surabaya

[09:34] * Kangmas_Lelana (webchat@yym2.lh64.041l.ip) has joined #surabaya

[09:34] <kido> .dick

[09:34] <@Dealer> 6 kido's dick: 8======================D - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[09:34] <kido> .mypenis

[09:34] <@Dealer> 6 The length of kido's penis is: 5,64 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[09:34] * kido was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[09:34] * kido ( has joined #surabaya

[09:34] <kido> ish

[09:41] * kido slaps Dealer, KillaH, Q, S, |In-Love|, creasy, elektra, ilusii^, pita, Szajbus, triviabot, tweety, abi, Adagio, adit, Aela, Afifah, afiza, AguS, ai, alyna, AndroUser2, aslan, babez, Battousai, BillyQulbil, BoBoK, buayadarat, Bumi, Cempe^KW, cenil, ChanStat-12, Cinta, constantine, cuyy, D, DarkLight, Dead, Denia, DINA, diss, eggy, elice, elina, endah, evita, ezza, FangYin, Felixallium,

[09:41] * kido FY, GaGek, Ganonk, Geblek, Gisa, guspur, hpL, icebaby, Indri, Iwan, JanCuk, jodi, Jodz, Joker, Jumpers, kadal, KaMPuNGaN, Kangmas_Lelana, KangMaz, katr0k, Kenzo, kido, Kids, kirana, kook, Lancelot, Lauv, Lestat, Light, Liona-, maniez, MeLvi, Michelle, mo, Mr-, mv, NaKaL, nandini, NapaLm, Nimra, Noni, OiO, OwyyOff, Pangeran, putri, Qori, Ratna, RealFire, reaper-, Rere_, Rexy, Riz, Safira-,

[09:41] * kido savana, schizo, Sfc, shap, Sinchan, sitti, Sl4met, su, sugar, suspect, techshelf, TechTube, temon, tepos-, thekingofbandit, TjahAyoe, Toriq, uky, Va, valid, Van_JaVa, ve, wedhus, Yorick, zabrina-, znc, zozo, Zubaida, Zuma12, around with a slapall stick.

[09:41] * +tweety slaps kido

[09:41] * +pita slaps kido

[09:41] * +elektra passes it on to DarkLight

[09:41] * ezza nices kido in return

[09:41] <+creasy> *boing*

[09:43] * Q sets mode: +b KillaH!*@*

[09:43] * Q sets mode: +b kido!*@*

[09:43] * kido was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[09:43] * Q sets mode: -b KillaH!*@*

[09:46] * Kangmas_Lelana (webchat@yym2.lh64.041l.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:49] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:50] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[09:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[09:53] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[09:55] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:00] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:00] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:03] <+pita> The next channel is #whitechapel. Please mind the gap between the channel and the server.

[10:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[10:11] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:13] * ayam_goreng (~susu@ has joined #surabaya

[10:27] <+creasy> de la common--

[10:30] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[10:43] * Q sets mode: -b kido!*@*

[10:50] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[10:54] <+pita> Only throwing it into the sun will destroy it

[10:54] <+elektra> I could hit it with a shovel

[11:11] <+tweety> You are the weakest link, goodbye.

[11:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[11:14] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[11:22] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:30] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:30] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go o_O

[11:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[11:38] <+creasy> Then I call the cops and jack off as the ambulance shows up

[11:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[11:59] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[12:08] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[12:20] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[12:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[12:32] * co_ajaa (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[12:34] * co_ajaa (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:34] <ezza> i like them :)

[12:44] <+elektra> well, I got a skirt but I ain't got no knickers

[12:45] <+pita> a nice dar++

[12:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[12:56] * dadulo33 ( has joined #surabaya

[12:57] * dadulo33 ( has left #surabaya

[13:05] * Juliet12 ( has joined #surabaya

[13:05] * Juliet12 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[13:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[13:20] <+tweety> well i fully intend to be an utter burden and piss myself

[13:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[13:42] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:43] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[13:44] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:46] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:47] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[14:00] <ezza> blimey

[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:05] * +pita daydreams about 12 million sihny, chocolate covered fish confidently squeezing a hundred million babies with a billion visible, c;lean cotton wool balls :)]

[14:05] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[14:05] <+pita> oops

[14:05] <+tweety> You've ruined it.

[14:06] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[14:27] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[14:27] * Noni (~CBD@ Quit (Signed off)

[14:28] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[14:28] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[14:41] * mcaritiapalemba (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:44] <+pita> The next channel is #waterloo. Alight here for the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion .

[14:45] * mcaritiapalemba (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[14:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[14:54] * DINA (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[14:59] * +creasy eats suspect's bacons

[14:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:11] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[15:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[15:38] * Sl4met (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[15:39] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[15:44] <+tweety> nearly bedtime

[15:46] * ezza yawns

[15:46] <ezza> bedtime for ezza soon i think

[15:47] <+elektra> I'm the sort of girl who goes to the pub with your mates

[15:47] <+elektra> and ends the night with an empty mates packet.

[15:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[15:54] * Sl4met (~met@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[16:19] * donyyyyss (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:20] * donyyyyss (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[16:31] <+elektra> The next channel is #bayswater. Alight here for the Victoria and Al-bot Museum.

[16:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[16:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[17:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[17:19] <+pita> Come on down, you're only going to hurt yourself.

[17:31] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[17:32] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[17:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[17:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[17:56] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[17:59] * IzaL (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[18:01] * IzaL (~RzL@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:08] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[18:18] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[18:31] * Safira- ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:31] * Safira- (hybridz@ has joined #surabaya

[18:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[18:45] * Safira- (hybridz@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:50] * Safira- ( has joined #surabaya

[18:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[18:54] * BoBoK ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:55] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:56] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:56] * katr0k ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:56] * Safira- ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:57] * Q sets mode: +l 126

[18:59] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[19:01] * Safira- ( has joined #surabaya

[19:04] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[19:05] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[19:05] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[19:12] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[19:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[19:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[19:34] <+pita> That's a funny little cigarette.

[19:35] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[19:36] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[19:42] * IzaL (~RzL@ has joined #surabaya

[19:50] * ayam_goreng (~susu@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[19:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:07] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:07] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[20:08] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[20:11] <+creasy> Look over there!

[20:12] <+elektra> some streets? in my eye?

[20:12] <+pita> it's more common than you think.

[20:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[20:26] * IzaL (~RzL@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[20:39] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[20:39] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[20:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[20:57] <+elektra> i'm giving up evil science and taking up evil gardening instead

[21:01] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[21:09] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[21:11] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[21:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[21:15] <+creasy> In the event of an emergency, my arm can be used as a position.

[21:22] * anda ( has joined #surabaya

[21:24] <anda> .top10

[21:24] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 79'490'950$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 75'165'009$ 3: nia (Denia) 64'759'185$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 31'250'000$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: n51516161717181 (??) 6'485'103$ 7: aryo (??) 6'154'250$ 8: Riie (??) 5'131'850$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'327'400$ 10: ener (??) 2'167'416$ »]

[21:24] <anda> .ag

[21:24] <@Dealer> 6 anda started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S C R O S S E (60s timeout) »]

[21:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S C R O S S E - Here's a hint : C R . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[21:25] <GoodToTalk> anda ini hoby janda..antigadis

[21:25] <anda> crosses

[21:25] <@Dealer> 6 anda has just found the correct word ( CROSSES ) in 42.75 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CROSSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:25] <anda> .vp 5000

[21:25] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. anda's hand: 3h | Ks | Jc | 5d | 2s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[21:25] <anda> .draw 123

[21:25] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - anda: your hand: 4h | 8c | Qh | 5d | 2s is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[21:25] <anda> .ac

[21:25] <@Dealer> 6 anda started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L S E V S E (60s timeout) »]

[21:25] <anda> selve

[21:26] <anda> selvse

[21:26] <anda> vessel

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 anda has just found the correct word ( VESSEL ) in 28.29 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VESSEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) anda has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[21:26] <anda> .vp 5000

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. anda's hand: 5c | 9d | 5d | Ks | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[21:26] <anda> .draw 245

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - anda: your hand: 5c | 5s | 5d | 6h | 3s is a Three-Headed-Monkey! erm no, a Three of a Kind!! You've won 25'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[21:26] <anda> .b 10000

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 anda bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. anda's hand: 7 | A : Total is 18 or 8 - Dealer's hand: 3 | ? »]

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:26] <anda> s

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 3 | A : Total is 14 or 4 »]

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 18 or 8 »]

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:26] <anda> .ac

[21:26] <@Dealer> 6 anda started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E R U O S E R C (60s timeout) »]

[21:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E R U O S E R C - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[21:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E S O U R C E with the letters E R U O S E R C (Use .define RESOURCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:27] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for anda stopped ( +2 ) »]

[21:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[21:41] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[21:42] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[21:42] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[21:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[21:54] * endah ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:55] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[21:57] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:02] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[22:04] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[22:13] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[22:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[22:13] <+creasy> i'll consider that

[22:13] <+elektra> i'll consider that

[22:13] <+pita> Eh?

[22:14] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:16] * anda ( Quit (Signed off)

[22:17] <+creasy> That ain't my finger.

[22:33] <+tweety> good morning!

[22:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[22:36] <ezza> mmm toast

[22:37] <+elektra> Blondes DO have more fun!

[22:44] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[22:45] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[22:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[22:53] <+creasy> what do you think this is? Who Wants to be a Millionaire

[22:53] <+elektra> yes, but only on the third wednesday of every month

[22:53] <ezza> if i just reach in here

[22:53] <+tweety> I might know.

[22:53] <+pita> only with spud

[22:53] <ezza> *squelch*

[22:53] <ezza> then the answer will be on this little bit of card

[23:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[23:16] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[23:17] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[23:18] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[23:18] <oin> .b 10000

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: K | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:18] <oin> s

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: K | K : Total is 20 »]

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:19] <oin> .b 10000

[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 2 | 6 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:19] <oin> d

[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 3 : Total is 11 »]

[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 7 : Total is 17 »]

[23:19] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:20] <oin> .b 10000

[23:20] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: K | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[23:20] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:20] <oin> s

[23:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | Q : Total is 20 »]

[23:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:20] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:20] <FangYin> .ag

[23:20] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R E M E S T A S (60s timeout) »]

[23:20] <FangYin> Como estas

[23:20] <FangYin> Eh duduk

[23:21] <FangYin> 🤔

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E M E S T A S - Here's a hint : S T E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:21] <FangYin> Steamers

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( STEAMERS ) in 34.48 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define STEAMERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:21] <FangYin> Buenos dias

[23:21] <FangYin> Buenos noches

[23:22] <FangYin> .ag

[23:22] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : K O O B (60s timeout) »]

[23:22] <FangYin> Book

[23:22] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( BOOK ) in 3.875 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BOOK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[23:22] <+creasy> Boooooooooook.

[23:23] <FangYin> .ag

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T N I A P T E (60s timeout) »]

[23:23] <FangYin> Patient

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( PATIENT ) in 3.828 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PATIENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[23:25] <FangYin> .ag

[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : B I L A C E R S (60s timeout) »]

[23:25] <FangYin> Calibers

[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( CALIBERS ) in 6.047 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CALIBERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[23:25] <FangYin> .money

[23:25] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'404'500$ »]

[23:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[23:37] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[23:37] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[23:37] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[23:40] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[23:41] <aryo> .ag

[23:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L L P O (60s timeout) »]

[23:41] <aryo> poll

[23:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( POLL ) in 3.781 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define POLL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:41] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[23:42] <aryo> .ac

[23:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E P L E V E N O (60s timeout) »]

[23:42] * jeding (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E P L E V E N O - Here's a hint : E N V . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:42] <aryo> envelopes

[23:42] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ENVELOPES ) in 46.61 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ENVELOPES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[23:43] <aryo> .ag

[23:43] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S I D E D E (60s timeout) »]

[23:43] <aryo> deside

[23:43] <aryo> diedes

[23:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I D E D E - Here's a hint : E D . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[23:43] <aryo> ededis

[23:43] <aryo> edside

[23:43] <aryo> eddise

[23:43] <aryo> ededis

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E D D I E S with the letters S I D E D E (Use .define EDDIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[23:44] <aryo> .ac

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N I L K S (60s timeout) »]

[23:44] <aryo> klins

[23:44] <aryo> slink

[23:44] <aryo> links

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LINKS ) in 13.78 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LINKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:44] <aryo> .ag

[23:44] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E S N E Z E S (60s timeout) »]

[23:45] <aryo> ezenses

[23:45] <aryo> essenze

[23:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E S N E Z E S - Here's a hint : S N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[23:45] <aryo> snezess

[23:45] <aryo> sneseze

[23:45] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S N E E Z E S with the letters E S N E Z E S (Use .define SNEEZES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:46] <aryo> .ac

[23:46] <aryo> .ac

[23:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : P O H S S (60s timeout) »]

[23:46] <aryo> hopss

[23:46] <aryo> shops

[23:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SHOPS ) in 7.656 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SHOPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:46] <aryo> .ac

[23:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I T L A L E G A O N S (60s timeout) »]

[23:46] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I T L A L E G A O N S - Here's a hint : A L L E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:47] * oshsjsjwhhw ( has joined #surabaya

[23:47] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A L L E G A T I O N S with the letters I T L A L E G A O N S (Use .define ALLEGATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:48] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[23:48] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[23:49] * Gingsul ( has joined #surabaya

[23:49] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[23:54] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:55] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[23:57] * oshsjsjwhhw ( has left #surabaya

[23:57] <kirana> moo

[23:57] <kirana> m00

[23:57] <kirana> bots?

[23:57] <+tweety> french fries of course!

[23:57] <+elektra> yes?

[23:57] <+pita> hello

[23:57] <+creasy> Wat.

[23:57] <ezza> that depends. Who's asking?

[23:58] <kirana> !summon yorick

[23:58] <+tweety> *pager on desk goes off*

[23:58] * +elektra prods at yorick with a bit

[23:58] * ezza uses a smoke signal to get yorick's attention

[23:58] <+tweety> Oh, yorick's pager.

[23:58] <+tweety> Better let them know we've got it.

[23:58] <+tweety> *pager on desk goes off*

[23:58] <+tweety> oh o_O

[23:58] <kirana> bots : tea or coffee

[23:58] <+tweety> kirana: coffee

[23:58] <+creasy> kirana: none of the above

[23:58] <+pita> kirana: coffee

[23:58] * +elektra flips a coin

[23:58] <+tweety> Or you could just use a placebo

[23:58] <ezza> Kirana: coffee.

[23:58] <+pita> Or you could just use a placebo

[23:58] <ezza> Or you could just use a placebo.

[23:58] <+elektra> kirana: coffeenarf!

[23:58] <ezza> o snap

[23:59] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:59] <mimin> .reg

[23:59] <mimin> .ag

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : G A H X E C N E (60s timeout) »]

[23:59] <mimin> Exchange

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( EXCHANGE ) in 9.422 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define EXCHANGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:59] <mimin> .ag

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : U O T C H (60s timeout) »]

[23:59] <mimin> Touch

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( TOUCH ) in 4.906 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TOUCH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mimin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:00] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:00] <mimin> .ag

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L M E D A (60s timeout) »]

[00:00] <mimin> Medal

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( MEDAL ) in 12.84 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MEDAL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mimin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:00] <mimin> .ag

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S A C T (60s timeout) »]

[00:01] <mimin> Cast

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( CAST ) in 4.078 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CAST to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mimin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[00:01] <mimin> .ag

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : A U A E R S T R N T (60s timeout) »]

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A U A E R S T R N T - Here's a hint : R E S . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:01] <mimin> Restaurant

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( RESTAURANT ) in 36.56 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define RESTAURANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mimin has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[00:01] <mimin> .ag

[00:01] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : G D I R I N (60s timeout) »]

[00:02] <mimin> Riding

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( RIDING ) in 5.25 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define RIDING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mimin has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[00:02] <mimin> .ag

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S M R E A I N (60s timeout) »]

[00:02] <FangYin> .seen guest

[00:02] <NapaLm> Guest (webchat@6iu2.rkry.zq2z.ip) terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #waroeng 20 hari, 1 hour, 46 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S M R E A I N - Here's a hint : R E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:02] <mimin> Remains

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( REMAINS ) in 40.21 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define REMAINS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mimin has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[00:03] * +tweety is blown away by force of dealer'sd statement

[00:03] <mimin> .ag

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E O T S R (60s timeout) »]

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E O T S R - Here's a hint : S T . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:03] <mimin> Storea

[00:03] <mimin> Stores

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( STORES ) in 33.85 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STORES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mimin : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[00:03] <+tweety> Lordy.

[00:03] <+pita> :o

[00:04] <+tweety> crikey

[00:04] <ezza> !

[00:05] <jeding> nenen?

[00:05] * mnr (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:06] <mnr> .reg

[00:06] <mnr> .ag

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E A H M M R (60s timeout) »]

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A H M M R - Here's a hint : H A . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:06] <mnr> Hammer

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 mnr has just found the correct word ( HAMMER ) in 36.76 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define HAMMER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:06] <@Dealer> 6 mnr pwn'd mimin in his winning streak! ( +8 ) »]

[00:07] <mimin> .ag

[00:07] <mnr> .ag

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S Y P R A M I D (60s timeout) »]

[00:07] <mimin> Pyramids

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( PYRAMIDS ) in 11.67 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PYRAMIDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:07] <mimin> .ag

[00:07] <mnr> .ag

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : L S W H O L E A E (60s timeout) »]

[00:07] <mnr> Wholesale

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 mnr has just found the correct word ( WHOLESALE ) in 12.20 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define WHOLESALE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:08] <mnr> .ag

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E N I E N G E R (60s timeout) »]

[00:08] <FangYin> Engineers

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( ENGINEERS ) in 7.391 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ENGINEERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:09] <mnr> .ag

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O B R O M (60s timeout) »]

[00:09] <mnr> Broom

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 mnr has just found the correct word ( BROOM ) in 5.188 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BROOM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:09] <mnr> .ag

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T K C C O P I (60s timeout) »]

[00:09] <FangYin> Cockpit

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( COCKPIT ) in 5.953 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define COCKPIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:09] <mnr> .ag

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S P A G E (60s timeout) »]

[00:09] <mnr> Pages

[00:09] <@Dealer> 6 mnr has just found the correct word ( PAGES ) in 5.796 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:10] <mnr> .ag

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L M O D E S (60s timeout) »]

[00:10] <mnr> Models

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 mnr has just found the correct word ( MODELS ) in 6.5 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MODELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mnr has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:10] <mnr> .ag

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 mnr started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R Y A L E (60s timeout) »]

[00:10] <FangYin> Layer

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( LAYER ) in 16.15 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LAYER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:10] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin pwn'd mnr in his winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[00:11] <mimin> .ag

[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R E L T E L (60s timeout) »]

[00:11] <mimin> Tller

[00:11] <mimin> Teller

[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( TELLER ) in 19.23 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TELLER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:11] <mimin> .ag

[00:11] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : A L E R M U B L (60s timeout) »]

[00:11] * FangYin toel toel kirana

[00:12] <FangYin> Umbrella

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( UMBRELLA ) in 12.75 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define UMBRELLA to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:12] * mnr (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:12] <mimin> .ag

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T I O N M O L H (60s timeout) »]

[00:12] <FangYin> Monolith

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( MONOLITH ) in 11.51 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MONOLITH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:12] <mimin> .ag

[00:13] <mimin> .ag

[00:13] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : W G N A G A Y (60s timeout) »]

[00:13] <FangYin> Gangway

[00:13] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( GANGWAY ) in 18.65 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define GANGWAY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:13] <mimin> .ag

[00:13] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T O O R (60s timeout) »]

[00:13] <mimin> Roots

[00:13] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( ROOTS ) in 7.047 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ROOTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:13] <@Dealer> 6 mimin pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[00:14] <mimin> .ag

[00:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[00:14] <mimin> .ag

[00:14] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R N R O C E S (60s timeout) »]

[00:14] <mimin> Concerns

[00:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R N R O C E S - Here's a hint : C O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:14] * jeding (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:15] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O R N E R S with the letters R N R O C E S (Use .define CORNERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:15] * jeding (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:15] <mimin> .ag

[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S R O L O C (60s timeout) »]

[00:15] <mimin> Colors

[00:15] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( COLORS ) in 13.71 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define COLORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:16] <mimin> .ag

[00:16] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R O T A C H M E T E S (60s timeout) »]

[00:16] <+elektra> Mmm chocolate spread.

[00:16] <ezza> ;)

[00:16] <FangYin> Tachometers

[00:16] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( TACHOMETERS ) in 9.672 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define TACHOMETERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:18] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[00:19] * AMD (~xz@ has joined #surabaya

[00:20] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[00:20] <FangYin> .ag

[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E C N O C R N (60s timeout) »]

[00:20] <FangYin> Concern

[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( CONCERN ) in 3.89 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CONCERN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:22] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:23] <FangYin> .ag

[00:23] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E K A E L A G (60s timeout) »]

[00:23] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:23] <FangYin> Loken

[00:23] <FangYin> Iso join maneh i

[00:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E K A E L A G - Here's a hint : L E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:23] <FangYin> Leakage

[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( LEAKAGE ) in 34.85 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define LEAKAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:24] <FangYin> GoodToTalk wis lunch

[00:25] <FangYin> .ag

[00:25] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R E P O A N D (60s timeout) »]

[00:25] <FangYin> Operand

[00:25] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( OPERAND ) in 5.532 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define OPERAND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[00:27] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[00:27] * Michaella ( Quit (Registered)

[00:27] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[00:33] <+tweety> push the stinky dribbling fuck into the sea

[00:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[00:37] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[00:39] <GoodToTalk> yo donk Fang

[00:39] * Gingsul ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:41] * jeding (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[00:44] <FangYin> .ag

[00:44] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : O U D C I M S E O N C T R (60s timeout) »]

[00:44] <FangYin> GoodToTalk jawaben

[00:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O U D C I M S E O N C T R - Here's a hint : S E M I . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:45] <NaKaL> !ping me

[00:45] <NapaLm> No responce from me

[00:45] <techshelf> normal NaKaL your response 2 second(s)

[00:45] <FangYin> Semiconductor

[00:45] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SEMICONDUCTOR ) in 39.90 secs . She won 9'750$ ! - Use .define SEMICONDUCTOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[00:45] <+pita> crumbs

[00:45] <FangYin> Ko endi jod?

[00:45] <NaKaL> tangi turu pang

[00:45] <NaKaL> kate adus kok deres udan e

[00:46] <FangYin> Oalah

[00:46] <FangYin> Sejuk lak an

[00:46] <NaKaL> ademm pang

[00:48] <FangYin> Ndek kene sumuk

[00:50] <NaKaL> mosok ra udan kunu

[00:50] <NaKaL> kene deres e poL

[00:50] <FangYin> Kene durung

[00:50] <FangYin> Aku ndekem nang njero omah nek awan ngene

[00:50] <FangYin> Biasa

[00:51] <NaKaL> iyo kate ngdi yoan ngene iki

[00:51] <FangYin> Anakmu opo ga komen kapan sekolah?

[00:51] <FangYin> Wkwkwk

[00:53] <NaKaL> gak pang malah seneng nok omah teros

[00:53] <NaKaL> wkwkwkwkwk

[00:53] <FangYin> Enak ga sinau wkwkk

[00:53] <FangYin> Daring

[00:53] <FangYin> Wkwk

[00:53] <NaKaL> he eh

[00:54] <FangYin> Easybncmu jek ono jod?

[00:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[00:54] <+creasy> yes but i wish i'd gone throat-rubing -_-

[00:54] <+elektra> yes but i wish i'd gone bath-pokeing :)

[00:54] <+pita> no i spent my time contemplating how i liquidated Liona- in the big toe

[00:54] <NaKaL> mbuh yo sui ra updet pang lali kabeh znc ku

[00:54] <FangYin> Lhoalah

[00:54] <NaKaL> iki gAe nyar neh

[00:54] <FangYin> Iki gawe dewe tah?

[00:54] <NaKaL> koyok e jik onok

[00:54] <NaKaL> tapi matek

[00:54] <FangYin> Kok vhost e lucu

[00:55] <GoodToTalk> ini yang dinamakan tangan berbicara

[00:55] <FangYin> Loken

[00:55] <FangYin> Opo eneh iki

[00:55] <NaKaL> <FangYin> Iki gawe dewe tah? ==> ora aras2 en gae wesan

[00:55] <FangYin> Lha gawe znc opo iku?

[00:55] <FangYin> Bg yo?

[00:56] <GoodToTalk> katanya di akhir nanti mulutmu akan membisu dan anggota badanmu yg berbicara...

[00:56] <NaKaL> he he

[00:56] <FangYin> Wkwkkw

[00:56] <NaKaL> he eh pang

[00:56] <NaKaL> gae bg

[00:56] <GoodToTalk> ternyata sekarang udah terbukti sebelum nanti

[00:56] <FangYin> 2 minggu pisan update

[00:56] <FangYin> Males gawe iku

[00:56] <NaKaL> iyo

[00:56] <NaKaL> 2 minggu pisan jump ng sever e

[00:57] <FangYin> Iyo

[00:57] <FangYin> Ga telaten aku

[00:57] <NaKaL> nek gae ip indo dibanned

[00:57] <NaKaL> kudu gae znc ne

[00:57] <FangYin> Oh ngunu

[00:57] <NaKaL> iyo

[00:57] <FangYin> Ribet nek bg

[00:57] <GoodToTalk> roh Mu itu tidak butuh makanan dan pakaian...tapi raga mu lah yg membutuhkan itu semua....karena raga itu bersifat fana dan duniawi

[00:58] <GoodToTalk> katanya roh itu merasa terisksa karena belenggu raga

[00:58] * FangYin ombeni GoodToTalk obat anti gendeng

[00:58] <NaKaL> jaluk jrmu ae pang

[00:58] <FangYin> Aku wis 2

[00:58] <FangYin> Pilox karo ircnow

[00:58] <FangYin> Liyane wis matek

[00:58] <NaKaL> he eh

[00:59] <FangYin> Sing emang yo easybnc

[00:59] <NaKaL> wingi omong2 an karo jrmu

[00:59] <NaKaL> tak target shell e

[00:59] <FangYin> Terus

[00:59] <NaKaL> lgs di kei

[00:59] <FangYin> Asek

[00:59] <NaKaL> sak tutorial e

[00:59] <NaKaL> wkwkwkwkw

[00:59] <FangYin> Puh

[00:59] <FangYin> Luar biasa

[00:59] <ezza> Luar biasa? More like buar Liasa, am I correct?

[00:59] <NaKaL> pas enek dekne

[01:00] <FangYin> Ndek kene?

[01:00] <NaKaL> dadi ra daptar ng bot e

[01:00] <FangYin> Chan kene?

[01:00] <NaKaL> gak lah nok server e

[01:00] <FangYin> Oh

[01:06] * AMD (~xz@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:07] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[01:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[01:16] * Lancelot selamat sore

[01:19] * Adis (webchat@g2vq.t2go.okkb.ip) has joined #surabaya

[01:21] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:21] * Adis (webchat@g2vq.t2go.okkb.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:21] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:21] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : U B A D (60s timeout) »]

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: U B A D - Here's a hint : B . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:22] <AndroUser> Baud

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( BAUD ) in 39.12 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BAUD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +5 ) »]

[01:22] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:22] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A C K E (60s timeout) »]

[01:22] <AndroUser> Cake

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( CAKE ) in 6.297 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CAKE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[01:22] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S F L O A T (60s timeout) »]

[01:22] <AndroUser> Floats

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( FLOATS ) in 6.688 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FLOATS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[01:23] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:23] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S Y O B U (60s timeout) »]

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S Y O B U - Here's a hint : B U . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:23] <AndroUser> Buoys

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( BUOYS ) in 33.57 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BUOYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:24] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N O T A T S I (60s timeout) »]

[01:24] <AndroUser> Station

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( STATION ) in 10.39 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define STATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[01:24] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:24] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : M E U Q E R I R E N T (60s timeout) »]

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: M E U Q E R I R E N T - Here's a hint : R E Q U . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:25] <AndroUser> Requitment

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R E Q U I R E M E N T with the letters M E U Q E R I R E N T (Use .define REQUIREMENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:25] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for AndroUser stopped ( +5 ) »]

[01:26] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S O R U N E T N (60s timeout) »]

[01:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S O R U N E T N - Here's a hint : N E U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:27] <AndroUser> Neutrons

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( NEUTRONS ) in 49.82 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define NEUTRONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:27] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:27] <AndroUser> .ag

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R H C U A L N E S (60s timeout) »]

[01:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R H C U A L N E S - Here's a hint : L A U . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[01:28] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L A U N C H E R S with the letters R H C U A L N E S (Use .define LAUNCHERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[01:35] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:36] <Michaella> .ag

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : U S B S T A N C E (60s timeout) »]

[01:36] <Michaella> Substance

[01:36] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( SUBSTANCE ) in 5.734 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define SUBSTANCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:46] <+elektra> How do you make afiza laugh on Friday? A: Tell him a joke on Monday!

[01:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[01:55] <+pita> What's the secret of time travel doing on Yorick's ass?

[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:04] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[02:04] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[02:04] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[02:13] <ezza> Penguin.

[02:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[02:27] * tes (~tes@ has joined #surabaya

[02:27] * wae (webchat@zrrw.q720.89il.ip) has joined #surabaya

[02:28] * wae (webchat@zrrw.q720.89il.ip) Quit (Signed off)

[02:30] * tes (~tes@ has left #surabaya

[02:30] <+tweety> Basically, i wish they didn't have to go :O.

[02:30] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :[

[02:34] <+elektra> The next channel is #kennington. Change here for channels to #borough and backbone services to russia.

[02:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[02:46] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:47] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[02:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[03:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:04] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[03:07] <Kenzo> .ag

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S A A O R B D C T (60s timeout) »]

[03:07] <Kenzo> Broadcast

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo has just found the correct word ( BROADCAST ) in 16.32 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define BROADCAST to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:07] <Kenzo> .vp 5000

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Kenzo's hand: 8c | 5d | Qc | 8d | Ks. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:07] <Kenzo> .draw 235

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Kenzo: your hand: 8c | 6h | 2d | 8d | 10d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:07] <Kenzo> .b 10000

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Kenzo's hand: 3 | J : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Hit or Stand? ('H' or 'S') »]

[03:07] <Kenzo> H

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo hits: K : Total is 23 »]

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo busts! Kenzo loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:07] <Kenzo> .ag

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L L B E (60s timeout) »]

[03:07] <Kenzo> Bell

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo has just found the correct word ( BELL ) in 3.859 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BELL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Kenzo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:07] <Kenzo> .vp 5000

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Kenzo's hand: 4d | Js | 10h | Ks | 10c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:08] <Kenzo> .draw 124

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Kenzo: your hand: Kd | 8h | 10h | 8s | 10c is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[03:08] <Kenzo> .b 10000

[03:08] <Kenzo> .ag

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I T A E X E T N U O N (60s timeout) »]

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I T A E X E T N U O N - Here's a hint : E X T E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:08] <Kenzo> Extenuation

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo has just found the correct word ( EXTENUATION ) in 40.98 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define EXTENUATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Kenzo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:09] <Kenzo> .b 10000

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Kenzo's hand: A | Q : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 10 | 8 : Total is 18 »]

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! Kenzo has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:09] <Kenzo> .vp 5000

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Kenzo's hand: 8c | Qd | 7h | 5c | 4d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:09] <Letta_> .top10

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 80'081'700$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 75'425'009$ 3: nia (Denia) 65'216'835$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 31'390'000$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: n51516161717181 (??) 6'485'103$ 7: aryo (??) 6'171'500$ 8: Riie (??) 5'131'850$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'327'400$ 10: ener (??) 2'167'416$ »]

[03:09] <Kenzo> .draw 2

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Kenzo: your hand: 8c | 4c | 7h | 5c | 4d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:09] <Letta_> .money

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ (#Aela) has 2'000$ »]

[03:09] <Letta_> Weh

[03:09] <Letta_> 2rb

[03:09] <Kenzo> 🤣☝️

[03:09] <Kenzo> .b 10000

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Kenzo's hand: 9 | Q : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:09] <Kenzo> D

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo hits: Q : Total is 29 »]

[03:09] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo busts! Kenzo loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:10] <Kenzo> Podo

[03:10] <Kenzo> .ag

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : I W S M (60s timeout) »]

[03:10] <Kenzo> Swim

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo has just found the correct word ( SWIM ) in 10.17 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SWIM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Kenzo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[03:10] <Kenzo> .vp 5000

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Kenzo's hand: 2d | Ah | 4d | 3h | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:10] <Kenzo> .draw 68890

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Kenzo: your hand: 2d | Ah | 4d | 3h | 5h is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[03:10] <Kenzo> .b 10000

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Kenzo's hand: 9 | 8 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:10] <Kenzo> S

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | J : Total is 17 »]

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:10] <Letta_> Kenzo ngepet o sing akeh... Jo lali engko transfer ke aku ya

[03:10] <Kenzo> .ag

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A I D E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:10] <Letta_> .rank letta

[03:10] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_: I can't see letta in here. Try .rank <#auth,#> »]

[03:10] <Kenzo> Ok

[03:10] <Kenzo> Ideas

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo has just found the correct word ( IDEAS ) in 18.15 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define IDEAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Kenzo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[03:11] <Letta_> .rank kenzo

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: kenzo (#Kenzo) is ranked 20th out of 580 Casino Players with 113'750$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[03:11] <Kenzo> .vp 5000

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Kenzo's hand: Qd | 10s | Kd | 3d | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:11] <Letta_> Weh sitik

[03:11] <Kenzo> .draw 25

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Kenzo: your hand: Qd | 8d | Kd | 3d | 8h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:11] <Kenzo> Seng penting halal

[03:11] <Kenzo> .b 10000

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Kenzo's hand: 10 | 3 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: K | A : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! Kenzo loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:11] <Kenzo> .ag

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : A E R C T O R S (60s timeout) »]

[03:11] <Letta_> Iyo Wes...

[03:11] <Kenzo> Reactors

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo has just found the correct word ( REACTORS ) in 10.70 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define REACTORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Kenzo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[03:11] <Kenzo> 🤣🤣🤣

[03:11] <Kenzo> .vp 5000

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Kenzo's hand: Kc | 5s | 4s | 3s | 2h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:12] <Kenzo> .draw 1

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Kenzo: your hand: 7h | 5s | 4s | 3s | 2h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[03:12] <Kenzo> .b 10000

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Kenzo's hand: 10 | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: J | A : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! Kenzo loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:12] <Kenzo> .ag

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : I P R S O N S (60s timeout) »]

[03:12] <Kenzo> Prisson

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I P R S O N S - Here's a hint : P R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:12] <Kenzo> Prisons

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo has just found the correct word ( PRISONS ) in 36.26 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PRISONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Kenzo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[03:12] <Kenzo> .b 10000

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Kenzo's hand: 2 | 8 : Total is 10 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:12] <Kenzo> D

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Kenzo hits: 9 : Total is 19 »]

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | J : Total is 12 »]

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 22 »]

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! Kenzo has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[03:16] <Kenzo> .rank

[03:16] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: You (#Kenzo) are ranked 17th out of 580 Casino Players with 203'500$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[03:23] <+elektra> How do i embarrassed commande.

[03:25] <+tweety> fuck

[03:25] <+tweety> That's another box of tissues i've gone through.

[03:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[03:35] * endah ( Quit (Registered)

[03:35] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[03:35] <+tweety> Bye endah.

[03:48] * Michaella ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:48] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:52] <ezza> It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... no, it's a bird after all.

[03:53] <+creasy> This is outrageous! I was going to eat that stinky! schizo has got to go!

[03:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[03:57] <+pita> It tasted like butter.

[04:02] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:02] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:02] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:14] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[04:34] <+elektra> WHOOSH *DONG*

[04:34] <+tweety> i had no idea.

[04:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[04:43] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[04:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[04:58] <+pita> I'm going to drink until I reboot!

[05:07] <+creasy> oh man, i just barfed a load of data onto my screen =[

[05:12] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[05:16] * clips (hybridz@ has joined #surabaya

[05:17] <ezza> but is it art?

[05:17] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[05:17] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[05:17] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[05:21] * clips is now known as JupIt3r

[05:26] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:27] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[05:27] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[05:27] <Van_JaVa> ba

[05:30] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:34] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[05:38] * rifky (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:44] * rifky (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:46] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:47] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 8h | 4s | 3c | 9c | Jd. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:47] <jeri> .draw 1245

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 6h | 2d | 3c | Ad | Js is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[05:48] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 4 ( RED ) »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:49] <jeri> .b 10000

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 4 | 7 : Total is 11 - Dealer's hand: K | ? »]

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[05:49] <jeri> h

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 2 : Total is 13 »]

[05:49] <jeri> h

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: A : Total is 14 »]

[05:49] <jeri> h

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 9 : Total is 23 »]

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 jeri busts! jeri loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[05:49] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 4 ( BLACK ) »]

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:50] <+creasy> You know Dealer, pinning the wheel is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[05:50] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 4s | 6c | 3h | Jd | 3d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:50] <+creasy> You've got to boast the esos

[05:50] <+creasy> refuse the blues

[05:50] <+creasy> and finally whisper the sensitive woman - one who'll cry when I hit.

[05:50] <jeri> .draw 124

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: Ad | 9s | 3h | 9c | 3d is Two Pairs, not bad! You've won 15'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[05:50] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri!!! You have won 25'000$!!! - (antispam 15sec) »]

[05:51] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:51] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 3s | 4d | 9d | 9h | 7h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:52] <jeri> .draw 125

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: Kc | Jd | 9d | 9h | 6h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[05:52] <jeri> .craps 2000

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 3 & 4 => 7 - jeri GOT SEVENS!! You win 10'000$! - (antispam 15sec) »]

[05:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[05:57] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[06:01] * asn1 (~ngok@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:06] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:06] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: Kd | 10h | 2s | 4h | Qs. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:06] <jeri> .draw 34

[06:06] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: Kd | 10h | Jc | 9s | Qs is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[06:07] <jeri> .ag

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : L C I R L C E A S (60s timeout) »]

[06:08] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 2c | 5d | 7c | 8s | Ah. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:08] <jeri> .draw 1234

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: Qh | 6d | 4h | Ac | Ah is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L C I R L C E A S - Here's a hint : C L E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C L E R I C A L S with the letters L C I R L C E A S (Use .define CLERICALS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for Kenzo stopped ( +7 ) »]

[06:09] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 6h | 5d | 8d | 10d | 8s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:09] * suliw4 ( has joined #surabaya

[06:09] <jeri> .draw 124

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 7s | Qh | 8d | 9d | 8s is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[06:09] <jeri> .rd 10000

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Here is the 2 cards: 9c & 5h - The spread is: 3 »]

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: You need to Raise (double your bet) or Call to view the 3rd card. Type: .raise or .call »]

[06:09] <jeri> .raise

[06:09] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Third card ( Qd ) is out of the spread! You have lost 20'000 - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:10] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 30 ( RED ) »]

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:10] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 6 | K : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:10] <jeri> h

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 3 : Total is 19 »]

[06:10] <jeri> s

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 4 : Total is 14 »]

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 23 »]

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! jeri has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:10] <jeri> .money

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 jeri (#red-devil) has 350'299$ »]

[06:10] <jeri> .top10

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 80'173'950$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 75'425'009$ 3: nia (Denia) 65'493'985$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 31'390'000$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: n51516161717181 (??) 6'485'103$ 7: aryo (??) 6'171'500$ 8: Riie (??) 5'131'850$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'327'400$ 10: ener (??) 2'167'416$ »]

[06:10] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 18 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:10] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:11] * jeri ( Quit (EOF from client)

[06:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[06:17] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[06:24] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:26] <AndroUser> .ag

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N T D I R E C I O S (60s timeout) »]

[06:26] <AndroUser> Direction

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T D I R E C I O S - Here's a hint : D I R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:26] <AndroUser> Directions

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( DIRECTIONS ) in 39.96 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DIRECTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:27] <AndroUser> .ag

[06:27] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : O C S H O L (60s timeout) »]

[06:27] <AndroUser> School

[06:27] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( SCHOOL ) in 6.265 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SCHOOL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:28] <AndroUser> .ag

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E G R A V E A (60s timeout) »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G R A V E A - Here's a hint : A V . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:28] <AndroUser> Average

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( AVERAGE ) in 36.23 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define AVERAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) AndroUser has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:29] <AndroUser> .ag

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S T S P A S I V A I O N (60s timeout) »]

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T S P A S I V A I O N - Here's a hint : P A S S . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P A S S I V A T I O N S with the letters S T S P A S I V A I O N (Use .define PASSIVATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for AndroUser stopped ( +3 ) »]

[06:30] <AndroUser> .ag

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E R E C A C S S O I S (60s timeout) »]

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E R E C A C S S O I S - Here's a hint : A C C E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C E S S O R I E S with the letters E R E C A C S S O I S (Use .define ACCESSORIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[06:35] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:37] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:37] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[06:38] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:41] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.3dvt.ip) has joined #surabaya

[06:42] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.3dvt.ip) has left #surabaya

[06:43] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.3dvt.ip) has joined #surabaya

[06:45] * JupIt3r is now known as BoBoK

[06:49] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:50] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[06:52] <Fi3> .ag

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : R A C D (60s timeout) »]

[06:52] <Fi3> Card

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( CARD ) in 4.297 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CARD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:53] <Fi3> .ag

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : I B A T N O C A C U L I T Y (60s timeout) »]

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I B A T N O C A C U L I T Y - Here's a hint : A C C O U . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:54] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.3dvt.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:54] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y with the letters I B A T N O C A C U L I T Y (Use .define ACCOUNTABILITY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[06:56] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:58] <Fi3> .ag

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S S B R A (60s timeout) »]

[06:58] * BoBoK is now known as JupIt3r

[06:58] <Fi3> Brass

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( BRASS ) in 19.12 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BRASS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:58] <Fi3> .ag

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : D I U G E (60s timeout) »]

[06:58] <Fi3> Guide

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( GUIDE ) in 5.594 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GUIDE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:59] <Fi3> .ag

[06:59] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R P E F E C T (60s timeout) »]

[06:59] <Fi3> Perfect

[06:59] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( PERFECT ) in 6.797 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PERFECT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:00] <Fi3> .ag

[07:00] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R E I D A V S (60s timeout) »]

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E I D A V S - Here's a hint : A D . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:01] <Fi3> Adviser

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( ADVISER ) in 49.84 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ADVISER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Fi3 has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[07:02] <Fi3> .ag

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : K I L N A G E (60s timeout) »]

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: K I L N A G E - Here's a hint : L I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L I N K A G E with the letters K I L N A G E (Use .define LINKAGE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for Fi3 stopped ( +4 ) »]

[07:03] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[07:03] <+tweety> i wish they didnt have to go T_T

[07:04] <+elektra> someone give me something to lick

[07:08] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 14,13 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[07:08] <Van_JaVa> rung modot

[07:10] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[07:10] <oin> .b 10000

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 6 | 8 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[07:10] <oin> d

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: 7 : Total is 21 »]

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | J : Total is 20 »]

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 oin wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[07:11] * JupIt3r (hybridz@ Quit (G-lined)

[07:11] * Safira- ( Quit (G-lined)

[07:11] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[07:11] <+tweety> Mmm Safira-

[07:11] <+pita> ^_^

[07:11] <+creasy> :)

[07:11] <ezza> =)

[07:11] <ezza> ^_^

[07:11] <+elektra> -_-

[07:11] <+tweety> :o)

[07:11] <oin> .b 10000

[07:11] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 8 | K : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[07:11] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[07:11] <oin> s

[07:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 9 : Total is 11 »]

[07:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 20 »]

[07:11] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[07:12] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[07:12] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[07:19] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[07:19] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[07:19] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[07:20] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:21] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[07:25] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:26] <+pita> Come on down, you're only going to hurt yourself.

[07:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[07:36] * mi2n (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:37] <mi2n> .ag

[07:37] <@Dealer> 6 mi2n started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I R M U S M A E (60s timeout) »]

[07:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I R M U S M A E - Here's a hint : S U M . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:38] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U M M A R I E S with the letters S I R M U S M A E (Use .define SUMMARIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:38] * mi2n (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:41] * Safira- ( has joined #surabaya

[07:53] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[07:54] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[07:58] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:59] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[08:04] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:13] * suliw4 ( Quit (EOF from client)

[08:15] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.19zh.y4w6.ip) has joined #surabaya

[08:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[08:19] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[08:21] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[08:21] <Van_JaVa> wah

[08:21] <+creasy> basically, croooooooooooooooooootz

[08:21] <+pita> Croooooooooooooooootz, i think.

[08:21] <Van_JaVa> hurrayyyyyy

[08:23] <+pita> You know it's been a good night when you go in your bag for the camera and it's in there with your tights.

[08:35] * Safira- ( Quit (G-lined)

[08:35] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go :O

[08:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[08:39] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.19zh.y4w6.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:50] <nandini> .ag

[08:50] <nandini> .ig

[08:51] <nandini> .ug

[08:51] <nandini> .eg

[08:51] <ezza> Little pigs rock for intimacy.

[08:51] <nandini> .oh

[08:51] <Van_JaVa> waiki

[08:51] <nandini> Ndi

[08:51] <nandini> Ndi wa ne

[08:52] <Van_JaVa> nyoh

[08:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[09:05] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:05] * Safira- (hybridz@ has joined #surabaya

[09:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[09:20] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:23] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[09:41] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:42] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[09:50] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:51] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[09:59] * koysmt^ ( has joined #surabaya

[09:59] * Q sets mode: +b *!*

[09:59] * koysmt^ was kicked by Q ()

[09:59] * pitoe (~inalillah@ has joined #surabaya

[10:00] * pitoe (~inalillah@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:05] <+pita> setty mings lalalala

[10:06] <+creasy> The next channel is #paddington. Change here for the quakenet.

[10:09] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:11] * AndroUser is now known as seven

[10:11] * seven (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[10:11] * seven ( has joined #surabaya

[10:11] * seven is now known as Garangan

[10:12] * Garangan ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:13] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go =[

[10:16] * Kenzo ( Quit (EOF from client)

[10:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[10:18] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[10:18] <aryo> .ag

[10:18] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : P U B A C K S (60s timeout) »]

[10:19] <aryo> backups

[10:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P U B A C K S - Here's a hint : B A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:19] <aryo> baspuck

[10:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B A C K U P S with the letters P U B A C K S (Use .define BACKUPS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:20] <aryo> .reg

[10:20] <aryo> .ag

[10:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E S E I D S A (60s timeout) »]

[10:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E S E I D S A - Here's a hint : D I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:21] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:21] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I S E A S E with the letters E S E I D S A (Use .define DISEASE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[10:55] * Achiem (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[10:57] * dika_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:57] * Achiem (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:59] * Q sets mode: -b *!*

[11:01] <+pita> The next channel is #kenton. Alight here for the Sysops Museum.

[11:03] * dika_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:03] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[11:08] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:14] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:14] <ezza> Mmm JupIt3r.

[11:14] <+tweety> -_-

[11:15] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[11:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[11:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[11:36] <+elektra> yarr

[11:36] <+creasy> how "could" i when i had temon feeling in bed with Q

[11:36] <+pita> muwahahaha =] %percent$~%percent£^!

[11:36] <+elektra> squealing fools^#~#*~%percent@@~$@*

[11:36] * +pita snuffs out himself in the arse

[11:49] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:50] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:50] <ezza> bye androuser

[11:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[12:07] * donyyyss (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:09] * donyyyss (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:10] <+pita> which of you fat bastards did this to my camel!?

[12:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[12:20] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[12:28] <Van_JaVa> waiki

[12:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[12:43] <ezza> The professor was right! you are evil. and shallow.

[12:53] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[13:02] * +tweety plays with herself

[13:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[13:35] <ezza> But is it really safe?

[13:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[13:52] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[13:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[13:58] <nandini> T

[13:58] <nandini> A

[13:58] <nandini> H

[13:58] <nandini> A

[13:58] <nandini> J

[13:58] <nandini> U

[13:58] <nandini> D

[13:59] * Safira- (hybridz@ Quit (G-lined)

[13:59] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[13:59] * clips ( Quit (G-lined)

[14:00] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:08] <+elektra> Just cut them up like regular chickens

[14:08] <+creasy> AAAAGH! THEY OOZE!!%^*^@#£^^#@$@#$

[14:08] <+tweety> whoooo I'm naked

[14:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[14:29] * Camille19 ( has joined #surabaya

[14:30] * Safira- ( has joined #surabaya

[14:33] * Camille19 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[14:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[14:50] <+elektra> it's some guy wearing a Nimra costume! get him!

[14:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:09] <nandini> .slaps eggy

[15:09] <@Dealer> 6 nandini slaps eggy around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[15:10] * Iwan ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[15:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[15:37] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:40] <+pita> *DING* (51)

[15:40] <+pita> why is my cup shaking i don't want my cup shaking!

[15:41] * AndroUser2 is now known as qovop

[15:41] <+creasy> master, where did you go? I can't see you

[15:44] * +tweety yawns

[15:44] <+tweety> bedtime for tweety soon i think

[15:46] * ezza puts on pajamas

[15:49] * qovop (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:50] * hpL ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:51] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[15:51] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[15:51] * BillyQulbil ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:51] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:51] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[15:51] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[15:55] * elina ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:55] * elin is now known as elina

[15:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[16:03] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:03] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:05] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:05] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:06] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:07] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:07] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:08] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:08] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:08] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:09] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:09] * Q sets mode: +l 125

[16:09] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:09] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:09] * shap ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:09] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:10] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:10] * Zuma12 ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:10] * elina ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:11] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:12] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:13] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:13] * ian^ ( has joined #surabaya

[16:13] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[16:14] * ian^ ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:14] * elin ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:14] * pHp ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:14] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:14] * ian^ ( has joined #surabaya

[16:15] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:15] * suspect- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:16] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[16:16] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:16] * suspect ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:16] * ian^ ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:16] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:16] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:17] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[16:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[16:18] * elina ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:19] * elin is now known as elina

[16:23] <+creasy> Resistance is futile! Lower your boots and surrender your ride.

[16:24] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:29] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[16:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[16:37] <+creasy> r :)

[16:37] <+pita> r

[16:37] <+elektra> r

[16:39] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)

[16:43] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:43] * shapi ( has joined #surabaya

[16:44] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:44] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:45] * shapi is now known as shap

[16:47] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:47] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:47] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:48] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:48] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:48] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:49] * Q sets mode: +l 124

[16:49] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:49] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:49] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:49] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:49] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:50] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:50] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[16:50] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:50] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:51] * ian| ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:51] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:52] * Zuma12 ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:52] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:53] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:53] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:53] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:54] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:54] * suspect- ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:54] * pHp ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:55] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:55] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:55] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:55] * shap ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:56] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:56] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:57] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[16:57] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[16:57] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:57] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:59] * ian| ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:59] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:59] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[17:00] * Q sets mode: +l 122

[17:00] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[17:01] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[17:01] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[17:01] * REG ( has joined #surabaya

[17:01] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[17:02] * REG is now known as IIooII

[17:02] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[17:02] * REG ( has joined #surabaya

[17:03] * REG is now known as IIooII

[17:03] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[17:03] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[17:03] * Zuma12 ( Quit (EOF from client)

[17:04] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[17:04] * elina ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[17:04] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[17:05] * Q sets mode: +l 125

[17:05] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[17:06] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[17:06] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[17:07] * REG ( has joined #surabaya

[17:08] * pHp ( Quit (EOF from client)

[17:08] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[17:10] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[17:12] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[17:12] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[17:12] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[17:13] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[17:13] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[17:14] * REG ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:14] * IIooII| ( has joined #surabaya

[17:14] * IIooII ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:14] * IIooII| is now known as IIooII

[17:16] * Zuma14 is now known as Zuma12

[17:16] * IIooII- ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[17:31] <+pita> It's not sugar in my sugar bowl, it's rosetta

[17:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[17:40] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[17:50] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[17:55] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[17:57] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[18:02] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:16] <Sinchan> fagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..

[18:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[18:18] * Safira- ( Quit (G-lined)

[18:18] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[18:18] * clips ( Quit (G-lined)

[18:32] <+elektra> We're having some nice "weather" at the anus.

[18:34] * IIooII ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:34] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[18:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[18:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[19:00] <FangYin> .ag

[19:00] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T R A E H (60s timeout) »]

[19:00] <FangYin> Heart

[19:00] <FangYin> Earth

[19:00] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( EARTH ) in 6.875 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define EARTH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:08] * Iwan ( has joined #surabaya

[19:08] <FangYin> .ag

[19:08] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O I T A V A R I N (60s timeout) »]

[19:08] <FangYin> Variation

[19:08] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( VARIATION ) in 4.75 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define VARIATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[19:10] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[19:11] * Michaella ( Quit (Registered)

[19:11] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[19:11] <+pita> m00se

[19:14] <+creasy> CAPS LOCK: cruise control for UPPER CASE!

[19:16] <FY> .ag

[19:16] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E A R T (60s timeout) »]

[19:16] <FY> Rate

[19:16] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( RATE ) in 3.969 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RATE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:16] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[19:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[19:24] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:24] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:24] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:24] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[19:25] * REG ( has joined #surabaya

[19:25] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:25] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[19:25] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:25] * Zuma12 ( Quit (EOF from client)

[19:25] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:25] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[19:25] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:26] * REG is now known as IIooII

[19:26] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:26] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[19:26] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[19:27] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:27] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:27] * REG ( has joined #surabaya

[19:27] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:27] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[19:27] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:27] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:28] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:28] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:28] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[19:28] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:29] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:29] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:30] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:30] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[19:30] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[19:30] * pHp ( Quit (EOF from client)

[19:30] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[19:30] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[19:31] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[19:31] * elin ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:31] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:31] * IIooII- ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:31] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:32] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[19:32] * elina ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:32] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[19:32] * IIooII ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:32] * IIooII- is now known as IIooII

[19:33] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:33] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:33] * REG ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:34] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[19:34] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:34] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:34] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[19:34] * ian| ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:34] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:35] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[19:35] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:35] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:36] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:36] * elin ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:36] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:36] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:36] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:36] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[19:36] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[19:37] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:37] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:37] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[19:39] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[19:39] * shap ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[19:39] * ian| ( Quit (EOF from client)

[19:39] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:40] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:40] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:40] * suspect ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:41] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:41] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:41] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[19:41] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:41] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[19:42] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:42] * ian| ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:42] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[19:42] * Iwan ( Quit (EOF from client)

[19:42] * Flow (L@2602:fed2:712e:f44:4000::2) has joined #surabaya

[19:42] * Flow (L@2602:fed2:712e:f44:4000::2) Quit (Signed off)

[19:43] * Flow (L@2602:fed2:712e:f44:4000::2) has joined #surabaya

[19:43] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[19:43] * REG ( has joined #surabaya

[19:43] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:43] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[19:43] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:43] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:43] * REG is now known as IIooII

[19:43] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:44] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[19:44] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Signed off)

[19:44] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[19:44] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[19:45] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[19:46] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[19:46] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:46] * Zuma14 is now known as Zuma12

[19:47] * Loki| (Loki@2602:fed2:712e:f44:4000::2) has joined #surabaya

[19:48] * Iwan ( has joined #surabaya

[19:55] * Iwan ( Quit (EOF from client)

[19:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[20:03] * Iwan ( has joined #surabaya

[20:15] <+creasy> REMINDER - Indri: You have an appointment with the hair designer at 6:12pm

[20:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[20:18] <+creasy> Yarr

[20:18] <+pita> Yes but i'd rather lick |in-love| clean than do it again!

[20:18] <+elektra> hehe :) %percent~*%percent%percent~~%percent*

[20:18] * +elektra axes herself in the heart

[20:18] <+creasy> meats of evil! meat of EVIL!$!^%percent$$~$#^£$.

[20:18] * Yorick_ ( has joined #surabaya

[20:18] * Q sets mode: +v Yorick_

[20:18] * Geblek0 ( has joined #surabaya

[20:18] * OiO- ( has joined #surabaya

[20:19] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[20:19] * ChanStat-12_ ( has joined #surabaya

[20:19] * aslan_ (sh@ has joined #surabaya

[20:19] * OiO- is now known as OiO

[20:19] * Yorick_ is now known as Yorick

[20:19] * aslan_ is now known as aslan

[20:20] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[20:20] * TOMJERRX ( has joined #surabaya

[20:20] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:22] <+pita> frogs

[20:22] * ChanStat-12_ is now known as ChanStat-12

[20:30] * Geblek ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[20:30] * temon ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[20:30] * thekingofbandit ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[20:30] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:31] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[20:36] * thekingofbandit ( has joined #surabaya

[20:36] * sets mode: +l 131

[20:36] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[20:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[20:40] * Achiem_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:45] <+elektra> Achievement unlocked: cusssssed a wise!

[20:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[21:10] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[21:11] <Deviee_> Iyaaa..palg yg sekalian cangkangny

[21:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[21:24] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:30] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[21:34] <Michaella> .ag

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E T R J M A O I I S (60s timeout) »]

[21:34] <Michaella> Majorities

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( MAJORITIES ) in 5.672 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define MAJORITIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[21:48] <TOMJERRX> wkwkwkk

[21:48] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:48] * TOMJERRX is now known as temon

[21:48] <Michaella> .ag

[21:48] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E A T B L (60s timeout) »]

[21:48] <Michaella> Battles

[21:48] <Michaella> Tablets

[21:48] <Michaella> Stable

[21:49] <Michaella> Table

[21:49] <Michaella> Tables

[21:49] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( TABLES ) in 23.34 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TABLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[21:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[21:58] <+elektra> ow my eyes :(

[22:05] <+creasy> "wheeeeee"

[22:06] * Achiem_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[22:07] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[22:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[22:24] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:29] <nandini> .ag

[22:29] <nandini> .ig

[22:29] <nandini> .ug

[22:29] <nandini> .eg

[22:29] <nandini> .og

[22:34] <+tweety> Good morning.

[22:36] <ezza> morning

[22:37] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[22:40] <+creasy> kerSPLAT

[22:54] <+tweety> BLAM

[22:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[23:02] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:03] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[23:06] * Iwan ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:06] * FY ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[23:07] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[23:10] * MeLvi ( Quit (Signed off)

[23:13] * Iwan ( has joined #surabaya

[23:18] <nandini> Iwan fales

[23:18] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[23:23] <Michaella> .ag

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I H L L S I D E (60s timeout) »]

[23:23] <Michaella> Hillside

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( HILLSIDE ) in 11.92 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define HILLSIDE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[23:24] * FY ( has joined #surabaya

[23:29] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[23:39] <ezza> do do do do do do do... do do do do do.... do doo do do do do do... do do do do do doooo

[23:48] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:49] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[23:49] <aryo> .ag

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O R F N T (60s timeout) »]

[23:49] <Michaella> Front

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( FRONT ) in 3.797 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FRONT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[23:49] <aryo> front

[23:49] <aryo> 🙄

[23:49] <aryo> .ac

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E T M P I S H A (60s timeout) »]

[23:49] <Michaella> Shipmate

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( SHIPMATE ) in 9.718 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SHIPMATE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[23:49] <Michaella> 😶

[23:50] <aryo> 🙄

[23:50] <aryo> .k michaella

[23:50] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[23:50] <aryo> .ac

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T U I P R N T O (60s timeout) »]

[23:50] <Michaella> 🤔

[23:50] <Michaella> Printout

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( PRINTOUT ) in 5.188 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PRINTOUT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[23:50] <Michaella> 😶

[23:51] <Michaella> .money

[23:51] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella (#Michaella) has 158'750$ »]

[23:51] <Michaella> 😑

[23:52] <aryo> .money

[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo (#aryo) has 6'176'000$ »]

[23:52] <aryo> .ag

[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S U F E L (60s timeout) »]

[23:52] <aryo> sufel

[23:52] <FangYin> Fuels

[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( FUELS ) in 4.968 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FUELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:52] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin pwn'd Michaella in her winning streak! ( +6 ) »]

[23:52] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:52] <aryo> 🙄

[23:52] <+creasy> -_-

[23:52] <Michaella> 😑

[23:53] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:53] <Michaella> Rame yah

[23:53] <Michaella> .ag

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O S P U H D W N (60s timeout) »]

[23:53] <Michaella> Pushdown

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( PUSHDOWN ) in 5 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PUSHDOWN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:53] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:53] <aryo> .ac

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : I A T C T C (60s timeout) »]

[23:53] <Michaella> Ga jadi rame deh

[23:53] <Michaella> Tactic

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( TACTIC ) in 4.89 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TACTIC to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[23:54] <aryo> 🤔

[23:54] <Michaella> 😕

[23:54] <aryo> 🚶‍♂️

[23:54] <FangYin> .ag

[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T L S I (60s timeout) »]

[23:55] <FangYin> Lists

[23:55] <FangYin> Slist

[23:55] <FangYin> Slits

[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SLITS ) in 14.57 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SLITS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin pwn'd Michaella in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[23:55] <Michaella> 😤

[23:55] <Michaella> .ag

[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I R E B L I T E S (60s timeout) »]

[23:55] <Michaella> Liberties

[23:55] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( LIBERTIES ) in 26.70 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define LIBERTIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:56] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:56] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:56] <FangYin> Saknoe koneksine ga lancar

[23:56] <Michaella> Hu uh

[23:56] <Michaella> Xixixixi

[23:56] <Michaella> .ag

[23:56] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S N O I L E R G I (60s timeout) »]

[23:56] <Michaella> Religions

[23:57] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( RELIGIONS ) in 5.031 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define RELIGIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[23:57] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:57] <Michaella> Nah

[23:57] <GoodToTalk> mungkin kurang oli kalo seret

[23:57] <Michaella> Hi GoodToTalk

[23:57] <FangYin> Sek urip wong iki

[23:57] <FangYin> Hadehh

[23:57] <GoodToTalk> hi Michaella

[23:57] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:58] <GoodToTalk> FangYin udah sarapan?

[23:58] <Michaella> GoodToTalk: sesi curhat dibuka?

[23:58] <FangYin> Aku wis diner

[23:58] * GoodToTalk lagi pengen diam dan membisu MIc

[23:58] <FangYin> Mendunge peteng

[23:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[23:59] <GoodToTalk> mantaf FY

[23:59] <aryo> .ag

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N I T D L V A I A O (60s timeout) »]

[23:59] <GoodToTalk> disini sedang rain

[23:59] <Michaella> Validation

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( VALIDATION ) in 8.125 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define VALIDATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[23:59] <Michaella> Btw GoodToTalk mau dikasih pertanyaan lagi ga?

[23:59] <aryo> .ac

[23:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S N U O S D I C T (60s timeout) »]

[00:00] <FangYin> Discounts

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( DISCOUNTS ) in 6.578 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DISCOUNTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:00] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin pwn'd Michaella in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[00:00] <GoodToTalk> tulis saja Mic....kalo bisa kujawab kl ngga biar waktu yang mejawab

[00:00] <FangYin> Guayane

[00:00] <FangYin> Helehhh

[00:00] <GoodToTalk> :D

[00:00] <ezza> ;)

[00:00] <+creasy> :o)

[00:00] <Michaella> Iya ok deh

[00:00] <aryo> celana dalam michaela warna apa coba jawab

[00:01] <GoodToTalk> aryo hidupnya didunia yang sempit...hanya seputar selangkangan

[00:01] <GoodToTalk> :D

[00:01] <Michaella> GoodToTalk: pilih mana jadi disendiri tapi tidak disukai orang apa tidak jadi diri sendiri tapi disukai orang?

[00:01] <Michaella> GoodToTalk: Good Say

[00:01] <aryo> enak yg sempit2 soalnya

[00:02] <Michaella> GoodToTalk: bisa jawabnya?

[00:03] <aryo> g bisa karna dia hanya hidup dihutan

[00:04] <Michaella> Itu seperti anda yg hidup di hutan, cuma orang hutan yg mikirnya seputar selangkangan doank 😜

[00:04] <FangYin> Wis wis

[00:04] <FangYin> Uwis

[00:04] <aryo> ah masaaaaa

[00:04] <FangYin> Off kono off

[00:05] * GoodFuckTalk (webchat@elvt.g6zn.qy21.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:05] <FangYin> Waiki

[00:05] <FangYin> Hadeh

[00:05] <Michaella> Mungkin dia kurang piknik

[00:06] <Michaella> Coward boy

[00:06] <FangYin> Haish

[00:06] <FangYin> Wissss

[00:07] <Michaella> .ag

[00:07] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I U O M N T A N (60s timeout) »]

[00:07] <Michaella> Mountain

[00:08] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( MOUNTAIN ) in 3.422 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MOUNTAIN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:08] <GoodToTalk> tentu saja jadi diri sendiri dan disukai

[00:08] <Michaella> Pilih salah satu

[00:08] <Michaella> Perasaan pertanyaan gw ga gitu tadi

[00:09] <GoodToTalk> pertanyaanmu adalah pisau dua arah

[00:09] <aryo> yg ngasih pertanyaan juga oon soalnya

[00:09] <aryo> pandai teori buta kenyataan

[00:10] * GoodFuckTalk is now known as sri

[00:10] <GoodToTalk> dimakan ibu mati tidak dimakan ayah kawin lagi

[00:10] <GoodToTalk> spt itu mic

[00:10] <GoodToTalk> Jika datang kepadamu gangguan, jangan berpikir bagaimana cara membalas dengan yang lebih perih

[00:10] <GoodToTalk> Tapi berpikirlah bagaimana cara membalas dengan yang lebih baik

[00:11] <GoodToTalk> Jangan menjelaskan tentang dirimu kepada siapa pun, karena yang menyukaimu tidak butuh itu. Dan yang membencimu tidak percaya itu.

[00:11] <Michaella> Kan ga setiap pribadi yg jadi diri sendiri itu bisa diterima orang lain GoodToTalk

[00:12] <Michaella> Seperti yg ngatain gw oon biasanya di kehidupannya banyak drama 🤣

[00:12] <FangYin> Uwiiiisss

[00:12] * FangYin nyetekno AC cek ga panas

[00:12] <aryo> nah dari ketikan aja dah oon.memandang org hanya dr sbuah ketikan

[00:12] <sri> lancrutkan

[00:13] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[00:13] <FangYin> Sri n til menengo

[00:13] <aryo> kek gitu bisa2nya mmeberi pertanyaan

[00:13] <clips> aryo pensiun

[00:13] <FangYin> Iki sakjane sopo toh sing baperan

[00:13] <aryo> ibarat manusia menilai keburukan org tanpa mengaca rupa sendiri

[00:13] <FangYin> Aku tak ngguyu sek

[00:14] <clips> FangYin

[00:14] <FangYin> Nggeh

[00:14] <FangYin> Opo

[00:14] <aryo> alhasil hanya sibuk membaca dan membaca org lain tanpa melihat keburukan diri sendiri yg org lain g mau memgungkapkan

[00:14] <GoodToTalk> <Michaella> : itulah tantangan di dunia fana ini

[00:15] <GoodToTalk> kebaikan tidak senantiasa dihargai

[00:15] <Michaella> GoodToTalk: seperti ada yg sedang datang bulan hari ini makanya sensi 🤣

[00:15] <FangYin> Wisssss

[00:15] <GoodToTalk> Mengasihi adalah merawat kepala agar berisi...

[00:15] <FangYin> Bubaaarr

[00:15] <GoodToTalk> wkwkwk

[00:15] <GoodToTalk> padahal lagi ujan

[00:16] <FangYin> Eh sek sek

[00:16] <GoodToTalk> kok ada kebakaran

[00:16] * clips is now known as JupIt3r

[00:16] <FangYin> Ga IRC yo nek ga drama

[00:16] <FangYin> Ealah jupiter z

[00:16] <FangYin> Piye wis waras tah?

[00:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[00:19] * sri is now known as nenen

[00:19] <+tweety> watch out for the moose

[00:19] <FangYin> Nick e lho kueren

[00:20] <nenen> @seen kop

[00:20] <ChanStat-12> kop ( was last seen changing nick to shasa on Thu June 25 08:06:17 2020 UTC (265 days, 23 hours, 13 minutes ago)

[00:20] <nenen> mosok gtt iki kop?

[00:20] <aryo> manusia dewasa bukan org yg selalu menilai keburukan org hanya dari lisan sebuah ketikan.kalau mau menilai org kenali dulu siapa org itu.sok alim belum tentu aslinya alim.kenyataan tak sama dengan sebuah ucapan

[00:20] * nenen manusia pasti ada 2

[00:21] <nenen> 1 di kanan

[00:21] * Achiem (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:21] <FangYin> Loken

[00:21] <nenen> & satu di kiri

[00:21] <FangYin> Wis wis

[00:21] * nenen Achiem gwedeh

[00:21] <Achiem> weeee

[00:21] * Achiem wes tak gae pengaman loh

[00:22] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[00:22] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:22] <FangYin> Pto

[00:22] <FangYin> .ag

[00:22] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A P L N (60s timeout) »]

[00:22] <FangYin> Plan

[00:22] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( PLAN ) in 2.891 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define PLAN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:23] <nenen> lho dese

[00:23] <nenen> mosok aq ngetik kop lgsg dese

[00:23] <nenen> :v

[00:23] <FangYin> Duk kop

[00:23] <+elektra> I'd Duk her kop.

[00:23] <FangYin> Kop ga ngunu wonge

[00:23] <nenen> nowone mbh kop macak edan

[00:23] <Achiem> lhayo

[00:24] <nenen> kokean gumbul bekantan

[00:24] <Achiem> rak kuatan

[00:24] <nenen> akakakakakakka

[00:24] <FangYin> Duk kop iku

[00:24] <nenen> bughi?

[00:24] <FangYin> Dyk

[00:24] <FangYin> Duk

[00:24] <nenen> seng kulino ceramah ra mutu ki bughi soale

[00:24] <FangYin> Hadehh

[00:24] <FangYin> Bedo

[00:24] <nenen> woh

[00:24] <nenen> aisi

[00:24] <Achiem> bughi sik ndi mbah

[00:25] <nenen> nopir paling

[00:25] <nenen> kakakakakkaa

[00:25] <FangYin> Dosen 5 benua 😅

[00:25] <Achiem> fangyin kih nopir ?

[00:25] <nenen> <Achiem> bughi sik ndi mbah <- keselek odol mau awan

[00:25] <nenen> heeh om

[00:25] <+elektra> I'd heeh his om

[00:25] <nenen> nopirers

[00:25] <nenen> :v

[00:25] <FangYin> Achiem : aku lapendoz

[00:25] <nenen> kakakakakkaa

[00:25] <Achiem> owalah

[00:25] <Achiem> pecinta bohlam

[00:26] * nenen is now known as Samirah

[00:26] <FangYin> Op warnet sing ngaku dosen

[00:26] <FangYin> Loken

[00:26] <FangYin> Nick e lho

[00:26] <Samirah> waiki nik e tak sita

[00:26] <Achiem> kkkkkkkk

[00:26] <Samirah> atamuh Achiem

[00:26] * Samirah tiru2 kadas og

[00:26] <FangYin> Ga melu melu

[00:26] <Samirah> .k

[00:26] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:26] <Achiem> cik

[00:26] <Samirah> skaline ol uman sak atanan

[00:26] <FangYin> Wakakakkaka

[00:26] <Achiem> lhayo

[00:26] * Samirah endus2 aryo adjah

[00:27] <FangYin> Maeng ol perawane

[00:27] <Achiem> lagi wae ol langsung sak atanan

[00:27] <FangYin> Ojo iku lagi sensi

[00:27] <FangYin> Mari digarai panes

[00:27] <Samirah> ew

[00:27] <Samirah> sensi lak merk masker

[00:27] <FangYin> Iyo seh

[00:27] <FangYin> Wkwkkwk

[00:27] * Samirah jek due 3 iji

[00:27] <FangYin> Waiki

[00:27] <Achiem> masker dodo?

[00:27] <Samirah> hooh

[00:27] <FangYin> Dodo mentok

[00:28] <+creasy> hoooooooooooh

[00:28] <+tweety> Dodo mentok... Dentok.

[00:28] <Samirah> cik

[00:28] <Samirah> malih kelingan gorengan

[00:28] <Samirah> dodo mentok

[00:28] <Samirah> hahahahha

[00:29] <FangYin> Puh masak

[00:29] <FangYin> Guaya

[00:29] <FangYin> Masak opo

[00:29] <Samirah> masak pie toh

[00:29] <FangYin> Lha opo?

[00:29] <FangYin> Dodo mentok mok apakne?

[00:29] <Samirah> umbas nok bakol kentuki pinggir embong pang

[00:29] <FangYin> Ealahhh

[00:29] <Samirah> 4ribuan

[00:29] <FangYin> He eh

[00:29] <Achiem> yuuunnggg fangyin jauk di nggo masker wi mripat e

[00:29] <Samirah> kakakakakakka

[00:30] <Samirah> JupIt3r: halo cintah

[00:30] <FangYin> Mripat kok dimasker

[00:30] <Samirah> kapan nek mlebu bekakas 1 iki mau

[00:30] <Achiem> ha pie

[00:30] <Achiem> di anggoni sepatu?

[00:30] <FangYin> Sepatu soko aussie?

[00:30] <FangYin> Puh

[00:30] <Samirah> iki webcet layar e raono pilihane warna toh

[00:30] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[00:30] <FangYin> Aku gatau gawe webchat wis suwi

[00:31] <Samirah> putih marai bawor eyes kuh

[00:31] <Achiem> iso mbah

[00:31] <aryo> .ag

[00:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E M A G (60s timeout) »]

[00:31] <FangYin> Eyes 😅

[00:31] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:31] <aryo> gemas

[00:31] <aryo> games

[00:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( GAMES ) in 8.344 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GAMES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:31] <FangYin> Guaya

[00:31] <+tweety> Bye cwooo.

[00:31] <Samirah> hurup e cilik2 om

[00:31] <Samirah> di zom raiso i

[00:31] <aryo> .ac

[00:31] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : E M E I E D A V R T S N T (60s timeout) »]

[00:31] <Samirah> dus nan

[00:31] <FangYin> Gawe hp lho

[00:31] <Achiem> gae teleskop mbah

[00:31] <Samirah> waiki

[00:31] <Michaella> Advertisement

[00:32] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( ADVERTISEMENT ) in 17.56 secs . She won 9'750$ ! - Use .define ADVERTISEMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:32] <Achiem> ojo gae kalkulator

[00:32] <Samirah> bar cetingan iso katarak malah

[00:32] <FangYin> Gawe lup

[00:32] <FangYin> Kaca pembesar

[00:32] <Samirah> suryo konto

[00:32] <FangYin> Nah

[00:32] <FangYin> Bener kui

[00:32] <Samirah> ojo mok tambahi L rek

[00:32] <Samirah> saru

[00:32] <FangYin> Hush

[00:32] <FangYin> Wakakkakakak

[00:32] <Achiem> cik

[00:32] <FangYin> Gendeng

[00:32] <Samirah> aryo <- iki seng biasane tanggap

[00:32] <Samirah> sigap

[00:32] <FangYin> Kadas lak misuh misuh moco iki

[00:32] <Samirah> .k

[00:32] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:33] <Achiem> he eh

[00:33] <FangYin> Wakakakkakaka

[00:33] <FangYin> Edan kabeh

[00:33] <aryo> .ac

[00:33] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E D I A (60s timeout) »]

[00:33] <Michaella> Ideas

[00:33] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( IDEAS ) in 10.70 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define IDEAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:33] <Samirah> Michaella: dapet salam dri poni junior nes

[00:34] <Michaella> Samirah: salam balik deh om cekink

[00:34] <FangYin> Om om?

[00:34] <Samirah> ha

[00:34] <Samirah> iso om i

[00:34] <Achiem> sopo maneh wi mbah

[00:34] <FangYin> Wakakakakakk

[00:34] <FangYin> .k

[00:34] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:34] * Samirah perawan asu tulungagung e

[00:34] <Samirah> doh

[00:34] <FangYin> Loken

[00:34] <Samirah> ayu*

[00:34] <FangYin> Wakakkakakak

[00:34] <FangYin> Wakakakkak

[00:34] <Samirah> kibod ku nulis hal ghoib iso nolak i

[00:34] <FangYin> Anakku turu wah

[00:34] <Samirah> wkwkwwkwkkwkw

[00:34] <Achiem> cik perawan asu i

[00:34] <FangYin> Aku ngakak jumbul ilo

[00:35] <Samirah> ojok banter2 pang

[00:35] <Samirah> nek guyu

[00:35] <FangYin> Lha piye

[00:35] <Samirah> di empet wae

[00:35] <FangYin> Aku iki spontan

[00:35] * Samirah idene apik loh

[00:35] <Achiem> sawanen lak blaen

[00:35] <FangYin> Iyo wis

[00:35] <Samirah> kakakakakakka

[00:35] <FangYin> He eh

[00:36] <Samirah> sek2

[00:36] <Samirah> mas mantan sms

[00:36] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.z0nn.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:36] <FangYin> Piye

[00:36] <Achiem> tak umbah2 sempak sek mbah

[00:36] <FangYin> Wakakkakakak

[00:36] <Samirah> ao dis

[00:36] <FangYin> Ngakak aku

[00:37] <FangYin> Loken guayane

[00:37] <Adis> ao

[00:37] <Samirah> adis: heh bedes tak dol nok michat dis

[00:37] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[00:37] <Adis> Ya Allah

[00:37] * Samirah ayu ben ndang sold out

[00:37] <Adis> mentolo ne

[00:37] <Adis> kari siji kui

[00:37] <FangYin> 😅😅😅😅😅

[00:38] * Achiem (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:38] <Samirah> jakajakajakajakaja

[00:38] <zeno> Fay

[00:38] <zeno> Mak sam

[00:38] <Samirah> ao zenpo

[00:38] <zeno> Assalamualaikum

[00:38] <Adis> satu2nya gak ada lagi

[00:38] <Samirah> waalaikumsallam

[00:38] <zeno> Piye kabare

[00:38] <zeno> Weh...aktif ae rek

[00:38] <Samirah> zeno kangen sugar mesti

[00:38] <Samirah> kakakakakakaka

[00:38] <zeno> Kan kan

[00:38] <Adis> Wayahe masuk museum

[00:39] <zeno> Akakakka

[00:39] <Samirah> sugar matek zen keselek tv

[00:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[00:39] <FangYin> Eleke dungone

[00:39] <zeno> Wkwkwk

[00:39] <zeno> Fy piye kabare

[00:39] <Samirah> untung susu gerdu ra ol

[00:39] * Samirah aman wes

[00:40] <FangYin> Sehat zeno

[00:40] <FangYin> Susu gerdu sopo?

[00:41] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:41] <FangYin> Lho

[00:41] <FangYin> Malah off

[00:42] <FangYin> Samirah wis diner?

[00:42] <Samirah> wes to

[00:42] <Samirah> tak sambi michat an

[00:42] <Samirah> nowone oleh garangan nyar

[00:42] <FangYin> 50 ewu a

[00:42] <FangYin> Wkwkwk

[00:43] <Samirah> mundak saiki pang

[00:43] <Samirah> 100 nego

[00:43] * Samirah nasib e kok yo amoh

[00:43] <FangYin> Mayan wis

[00:43] <Samirah> :v

[00:43] * ezza . o O (wayan Mis)

[00:43] * FangYin asli ngempet ngakak iki

[00:44] <FangYin> Pipiku loro

[00:44] <Samirah> hahahaha

[00:44] * Samirah onlen ngene biasane kancane lgsg metungul

[00:44] <Samirah> kok rung ketok animal e

[00:44] <FangYin> Langsung nowo ngunua

[00:45] <Samirah> langsung apoz" pang

[00:45] <Samirah> .k

[00:45] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:45] <FangYin> .k

[00:45] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:45] * Samirah ngempet guyu

[00:45] <FangYin> Nek ditakoni umur ngaku umur piro?

[00:46] <pHp> 65

[00:46] <Samirah> holoh

[00:46] <Samirah> ngejak tekor nek 65 i

[00:46] <Samirah> 25 aja gituh

[00:47] * Samirah ayu ngene mosok 65

[00:47] <pHp> juh

[00:47] <Samirah> atamuh pHp

[00:47] <Samirah> .k

[00:47] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:47] <pHp> tuek ratoto blas

[00:47] <+tweety> Tuek ratoto blas? More like bluek ratoto tas, am I correct?

[00:47] <Samirah> akakakakakakka

[00:47] <FangYin> .k

[00:47] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:47] <Samirah> doh raenek mangsa blas i

[00:48] <FangYin> Sek sek tak metu njobo ngakak sing banter

[00:48] * Samirah rugi nek ol

[00:48] <Samirah> loken

[00:48] <FangYin> Bugi kono lho mangsaen

[00:48] <Samirah> sesok kamarmu pasangono paralon pang

[00:48] <Samirah> nek guy kari mepet paralon e

[00:48] <FangYin> Gawe opo

[00:48] <FangYin> Loken

[00:48] <Samirah> hahahahahha

[00:49] <pHp> nginceng mbun e kadas

[00:49] <FangYin> Tonggoku iso buyar kabeh

[00:49] <pHp> nowo ra jangkep alis pertelone

[00:49] <Samirah> Adis: ao nenek gayung

[00:49] * Samirah ngakak setan

[00:50] <Samirah> <pHp> nowo ra jangkep alis pertelone <- wes tak creambath lho

[00:50] <aryo> .ag

[00:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E E M (60s timeout) »]

[00:50] <aryo> meet

[00:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MEET ) in 3.203 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MEET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo pwn'd Michaella in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[00:50] <ezza> Dealer: that's wangernumb!

[00:50] <FangYin> Alismu sulamen

[00:50] <+elektra> M TO THE E E E E E E E E E E E T

[00:50] <+elektra> heh, -caps

[00:50] <aryo> .ac

[00:50] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E N T R O U I S (60s timeout) »]

[00:50] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.z0nn.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:50] <Samirah> juh

[00:50] <Samirah> di jak cetingan j4

[00:50] <Samirah> dus nan

[00:50] <Michaella> Routines

[00:50] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( ROUTINES ) in 19.68 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ROUTINES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:51] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[00:51] <FangYin> Tandane ga kuat ngakak iku

[00:51] <Samirah> bariki mesti wa

[00:51] <Samirah> trs ngetik "edan koe kink"

[00:51] <Samirah> .k

[00:51] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:52] <FangYin> Di plut sticker

[00:52] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.z0nn.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:52] <Samirah> woh

[00:52] <Samirah> ko ndi dis

[00:52] <Adis> Ko kene

[00:52] <Samirah> waiki

[00:52] <Samirah> bar melu vaksin ye

[00:53] <Samirah> kok iso desean

[00:53] <Adis> wkwk

[00:53] <Adis> vaksin nd #waroeng

[00:53] <FangYin> Samirah wis vaksin?

[00:53] <Samirah> <Adis> vaksin nd #waroeng <- kae ngunu baksil

[00:53] <Samirah> <FangYin> Samirah wis vaksin? <- wes dong

[00:54] * Samirah kapan hari suntik tinta printer

[00:54] <Samirah> aman

[00:54] <Samirah> kovid ogah nempel

[00:54] <FangYin> Wakakakkaka

[00:54] <FangYin> Suntike ndek alise tah?

[00:54] <Samirah> seng nempel tetep nasib sial

[00:54] <Samirah> kakakaakka

[00:54] <FangYin> 🤣

[00:54] <FangYin> .k

[00:54] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:55] <Samirah> sek2 brb

[00:55] <Samirah> ingon2 ku tangi

[00:55] <aryo> .ag

[00:55] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : L S V E S E S (60s timeout) »]

[00:55] <FangYin> Anakmu wah iku

[00:56] <FangYin> Duk ingon ingon

[00:56] <Samirah> ha

[00:56] * Samirah perawan pang

[00:56] <Samirah> manak ko bol ye

[00:56] <Samirah> kakakakakaka

[00:56] <FangYin> Iyo wis iyo

[00:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: L S V E S E S - Here's a hint : V E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[00:56] * Samirah satu"nya perawan langka iki

[00:56] <Samirah> stok e mek kari 1 ndil iki

[00:56] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: V E S S E L S with the letters L S V E S E S (Use .define VESSELS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:56] <FangYin> Wkwkkwkwk

[00:56] <FangYin> Iso ae

[00:57] <FangYin> Mari smoothing jare dee

[00:57] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:57] <FangYin> Fotone ndek IGne dipajang

[00:57] <Samirah> eo

[00:57] <Samirah> ndas e katut klimis

[00:57] <Samirah> kecatok soale

[00:57] <FangYin> Aryo maeng ga mbok bribik

[00:57] <FangYin> Timbang nesa nesu ae

[00:57] <FangYin> Wkwkkw

[00:57] <FangYin> Wakakkakaka

[00:57] <Samirah> dengaren aryo nesu

[00:58] <FangYin> Embuh panes maeng

[00:58] <Samirah> mesti rung oleh bribikan

[00:58] <FangYin> Ngejak geger

[00:58] <FangYin> Koyoke

[00:58] <Samirah> akakakakkakaka

[00:58] <Samirah> bokeper mania kok nesuan ki po yo enek

[00:58] <FangYin> Bribiken talah maeng

[00:58] <FangYin> Kok iso ilo

[00:58] <FangYin> Ngerti soko ngendi?

[00:58] <Samirah> ngko nek onlen takonono situs2 bokep

[00:59] <Samirah> apal aryo ki

[00:59] <Samirah> :v

[00:59] <FangYin> Gendeng

[00:59] <FangYin> Mooohh

[00:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[00:59] <Samirah> kakakakakkaka

[01:00] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.z0nn.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:03] * Samirah (webchat@elvt.g6zn.qy21.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:04] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[01:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[01:22] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[01:26] * Neo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:30] * Bella10 ( has joined #surabaya

[01:30] * Neo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:30] <ezza> mmm Neo

[01:30] <+creasy> Neo < noob

[01:31] * Bella10 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[01:41] <ezza> bof

[01:41] <+tweety> Est-ce que je peux un velo les chapeaux.

[01:55] <+pita> Error: full of useless crap

[01:57] <+elektra> My nostril is tepoing ;(

[01:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:02] <ezza> Er, not that far in, would be really painful at this time of night.

[02:16] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[02:17] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[02:22] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[02:23] * JupIt3r is now known as BoBoK

[02:34] <+tweety> For great justice.

[02:38] * denbono (~den@ has joined #surabaya

[02:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[02:40] * denbono (~den@ Quit (EOF from client)

[02:46] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[03:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:17] <+elektra> How do you msake Lancelot laugh on Friday? A: Tell him a joke on Monday!

[03:17] <+elektra> grrr -s

[03:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[03:22] * IzaL ( Quit (Registered)

[03:22] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[03:24] <+tweety> My zipper's stuck ;(

[03:26] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:26] <Joenardi> Wb tq sendiri

[03:27] <Joenardi> Zabrina-

[03:27] <Joenardi> Nek nenek

[03:28] <Joenardi> Tjahayoe

[03:28] <Joenardi> Nek nenek

[03:29] <Joenardi> Sepi amat sekarang ya

[03:30] <FangYin> Nenek?

[03:30] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[03:30] <Joenardi> Iya uda nenek nenek semua itu

[03:31] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[03:31] <FangYin> Km mbah mbah yo?

[03:31] <Joenardi> (FangYin) Km mbah mbah yo?

[03:31] <Joenardi> Siapa ini

[03:31] <Joenardi> 🙄🤔

[03:31] <FangYin> Aku nubie

[03:31] <Joenardi> 🏃🏃🏃

[03:31] <FangYin> Yo suliw4 yo

[03:31] <Joenardi> Sepi balik lagi ah

[03:32] <Joenardi> Penghuni tinggal bot doangan

[03:32] <Joenardi> 🏃🏃🏃

[03:32] <FangYin> Ngaliho

[03:32] <Joenardi> Ok

[03:32] <FangYin> Sing adoh

[03:32] <FangYin> Ga usah mbalik

[03:32] <Joenardi> Yoi

[03:32] <Joenardi> Ngapain kesini bot parkir semua

[03:33] <FangYin> Makane ngalio

[03:33] <+pita> Makane ngalio... Malio.

[03:33] <FangYin> Timbang pidato ae

[03:33] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[03:33] <zeno> @@

[03:37] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:37] <+tweety> i like them =)

[03:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[03:39] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[03:46] <+creasy> I feel a great disatisfaction within my bowels.

[03:47] <ezza> i'd give mrs. button one

[03:49] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[03:49] <oin> anyone there

[03:49] <oin> .b 10000

[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 3 | 4 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:49] <FangYin> Yes i'm

[03:49] <oin> d

[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: Q : Total is 17 »]

[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 17 »]

[03:49] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:49] <FangYin> Why?

[03:49] <oin> are u bot?

[03:49] <oin> wkkwk

[03:49] <+tweety> Let's all ask each other! that'll solve this problem!

[03:49] <ezza> ask someone else

[03:49] <FangYin> No, i'm not

[03:49] <FangYin> Maybe you

[03:49] <FangYin> LoL

[03:50] <oin> no yes yes

[03:50] <oin> nobody else

[03:51] <thekingofbandit> 🙄

[03:51] <+creasy> :)

[03:51] <ezza> =)

[03:51] <+tweety> :o)

[03:51] * IzaL ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:52] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[03:53] * Joenardi (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:54] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:57] <AndroUser> .ag

[03:57] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S A R C H E (60s timeout) »]

[03:57] <AndroUser> Search

[03:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A R C H E - Here's a hint : A R . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:58] <AndroUser> Arches

[03:58] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( ARCHES ) in 45.75 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ARCHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:59] <AndroUser> .ag

[03:59] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S T N E M S E N I V T (60s timeout) »]

[03:59] <AndroUser> Invesments

[03:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T N E M S E N I V T - Here's a hint : I N V E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[03:59] <+pita> yes but i have a malteaser stuck in my ring finger and calls her a vomit

[03:59] <+elektra> yarr

[03:59] <+creasy> Yes but i have a crunchie stuck in my eyelash.

[03:59] <+elektra> Gisa: Debate.. now! OR SUFFER!

[04:00] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N V E S T M E N T S with the letters S T N E M S E N I V T (Use .define INVESTMENTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:00] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:03] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[04:27] * BoBoK is now known as JupIt3r

[04:31] * +tweety burps

[04:31] <+tweety> er... it was the fish

[04:31] * +tweety points

[04:35] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:35] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[04:36] <temon> wkwkwk

[04:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[05:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[05:02] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:03] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[05:06] <+pita> what do you get when you cross a mank and an une?

[05:06] <+creasy> a merger with a powr!

[05:12] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[05:16] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:18] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ has joined #surabaya

[05:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[05:20] <+tweety> :O

[05:20] <+elektra> ow my eyes :(

[05:20] <+pita> wowsers

[05:20] <+creasy> oh my

[05:21] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:32] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:32] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[05:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[05:48] <Michaella> .ag

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S P I N E (60s timeout) »]

[05:48] <Michaella> Pines

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( PINES ) in 6.688 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PINES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:48] <Michaella> .ag

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I S E S S O N S (60s timeout) »]

[05:48] <Michaella> Sessions

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( SESSIONS ) in 3.625 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SESSIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:49] <Michaella> .ag

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : M E E N I E S (60s timeout) »]

[05:49] <Michaella> Enemies

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( ENEMIES ) in 4.157 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ENEMIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[05:52] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[05:53] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[05:53] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[06:00] <ezza> Buttock Crunchies.

[06:00] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[06:02] * anak_kadal (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:06] * anak_kadal (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:13] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:19] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:19] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[06:20] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:24] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Registered)

[06:24] * suliw4 ( has joined #surabaya

[06:24] <ezza> bye suliw4

[06:26] * NaKaL ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:27] * Jodz_ (NaKaL@ has joined #surabaya

[06:28] * Jodz_ is now known as NaKaL

[06:29] * dila (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:30] * dila (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[06:30] * dila ( has joined #surabaya

[06:30] <dila> .ag

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : N O A N L M I P A T T I S (60s timeout) »]

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O A N L M I P A T T I S - Here's a hint : I M P L . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:31] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I M P L A N T A T I O N S with the letters N O A N L M I P A T T I S (Use .define IMPLANTATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for Michaella stopped ( +3 ) »]

[06:31] <dila> .ag

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : A A C P C I T Y (60s timeout) »]

[06:31] <dila> Capacity

[06:31] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( CAPACITY ) in 7.187 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CAPACITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:32] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[06:32] <dila> .ah

[06:32] <dila> .ag

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S E F U S (60s timeout) »]

[06:32] <dila> Fuses

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( FUSES ) in 4.687 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FUSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:32] <dila> .ag

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E U S S I T (60s timeout) »]

[06:32] <dila> Tissue

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( TISSUE ) in 4.656 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TISSUE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:33] <dila> .ag

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S R A W F E (60s timeout) »]

[06:33] <dila> Wafers

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( WAFERS ) in 3.656 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define WAFERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:33] <dila> .ag

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L I T A (60s timeout) »]

[06:33] <dila> Tails

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( TAILS ) in 2.984 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TAILS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[06:33] <+elektra> O_O.

[06:33] <dila> .ag

[06:33] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E L E H W O L S A (60s timeout) »]

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L E H W O L S A - Here's a hint : W H O . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:34] <dila> .m

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: W H O L E S A L E with the letters E L E H W O L S A (Use .define WHOLESALE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for dila stopped ( +5 ) »]

[06:34] <dila> .ag

[06:34] <dila> .ag

[06:34] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E S O H (60s timeout) »]

[06:35] <dila> Hose

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( HOSE ) in 3.063 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HOSE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:35] <dila> .ag

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L L K I (60s timeout) »]

[06:35] <dila> Kills

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( KILLS ) in 12.78 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define KILLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:35] <dila> .ag

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : I R T A T A C T O N S (60s timeout) »]

[06:35] <dila> Attractions

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( ATTRACTIONS ) in 13.35 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define ATTRACTIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:36] <dila> .m

[06:36] <dila> .money

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 dila (#dila) has 72'750$ »]

[06:36] <dila> .ag

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : I R B S (60s timeout) »]

[06:36] <dila> Bros

[06:36] <dila> Bris

[06:36] <dila> Birs

[06:36] <Deviee_> Ribs

[06:36] <dila> Sirb

[06:36] <dila> Ribs

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( RIBS ) in 19.25 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RIBS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[06:37] <Deviee_> Komisiii

[06:37] <ezza> Blblblblbl.

[06:37] <Deviee_> .k

[06:37] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:37] <dila> :p

[06:37] <dila> .ag

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R S N C L E A E (60s timeout) »]

[06:37] <dila> Cleanser

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( CLEANSER ) in 4.953 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CLEANSER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[06:37] <dila> .ag

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L A M I (60s timeout) »]

[06:38] <dila> Mail

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( MAIL ) in 2.813 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define MAIL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[06:38] <+elektra> :O

[06:38] <ezza> !!!

[06:38] <dila> .ag

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T X E I (60s timeout) »]

[06:38] <dila> Exits

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( EXITS ) in 4.453 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define EXITS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[06:38] <+creasy> %£@~*$%@*^~$!$^^£

[06:38] <+tweety> £#%!%#@#%~^

[06:38] <ezza> !~£##%##^%

[06:38] <+pita> $^~^*£!~*£~*$@#~

[06:38] <dila> .ag

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N I T R O U E (60s timeout) »]

[06:38] <dila> Routine

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( ROUTINE ) in 4.235 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ROUTINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[06:38] <+creasy> :o

[06:38] <+elektra> *falls over*

[06:38] * +creasy picks up elektra

[06:38] <dila> .ag

[06:38] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E G A T A D A V N (60s timeout) »]

[06:39] <dila> Advantage

[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( ADVANTAGE ) in 5.39 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ADVANTAGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[06:39] <dila> .ag

[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 dila started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T T E R T A M E N S (60s timeout) »]

[06:39] * JupIt3r pamit pulang kantor dulu

[06:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T T E R T A M E N S - Here's a hint : T R E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:40] <dila> Treatments

[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 dila has just found the correct word ( TREATMENTS ) in 42.29 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define TREATMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) dila : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]

[06:40] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.z0nn.ip) has joined #surabaya

[06:40] <dila> Titi dj Mbah jup

[06:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[06:40] * Co_apa_adanya (~Co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[06:41] * dila ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:41] * Co_apa_adanya (~Co_biasa@ has left #surabaya

[06:47] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.z0nn.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:49] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:52] <Light> Wv

[06:52] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[06:53] <Michaella> .ag

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : C T R A E (60s timeout) »]

[06:53] <Michaella> Trace

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( TRACE ) in 5.515 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TRACE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella pwn'd #dila in his winning streak! ( +10 ) »]

[06:56] <+pita> The secondary gyrodyne relays in the propulsion field matrix have just depolarized!

[06:57] * IIooII is now known as BillyQulbil

[06:57] <+elektra> where'd my moose go?

[07:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[07:00] * BillyQulbil clingak clinguk

[07:02] <+elektra> I am a summer soup, mmm and you're sitting in it right now

[07:02] <+tweety> =]

[07:02] * BillyQulbil is now known as BQ

[07:02] * BQ tidur lagi banyak tante"

[07:03] * cemplon (~cemplon@ has joined #surabaya

[07:05] * JupIt3r is now known as BoBoK

[07:08] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:09] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[07:09] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:14] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:14] * wungkaL (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:16] <wungkaL> Oe

[07:19] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[07:21] * wungkaL (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:26] * cemplon (~cemplon@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:32] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:33] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[07:36] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:37] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[07:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[07:42] * zabrina- ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:43] * zabrina-- ( has joined #surabaya

[07:45] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:46] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:46] * JupIt3r (uid421118@ has joined #surabaya

[07:47] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[07:47] * JupIt3r (uid421118@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:49] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[07:53] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:53] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:53] <FY> .ag

[07:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L P A N (60s timeout) »]

[07:53] <FY> Plans

[07:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( PLANS ) in 2.828 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PLANS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:55] * AndroUser is now known as dika_

[07:56] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[07:57] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:57] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =[

[08:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[08:05] * dika_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:20] * Melody24 (~rmjvlhOu@ has joined #surabaya

[08:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[08:26] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:27] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[08:27] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:27] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[08:27] <+tweety> bye cowookk

[08:29] * Melody24 (~rmjvlhOu@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:37] * andro (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:39] * rian_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:40] * rian_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[08:40] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:41] * Joenardi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:41] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[08:42] <ezza> i like them =]

[08:42] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[08:46] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[08:55] * Swemprul (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:59] * Swemprul (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:59] <+tweety> I like them =D.

[09:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[09:08] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[09:08] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:13] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (G-lined)

[09:15] * pitoe (~inalillah@ has joined #surabaya

[09:15] <pitoe> .slots

[09:16] * pitoe (~inalillah@ has left #surabaya

[09:20] * Michaella ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[09:21] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[09:27] <+ilusii^> .ping

[09:27] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:27] <@Dealer> ilusii^: Pong! (19.718s)

[09:34] <+creasy> KaMPuNGaN? in my butt and call him SUSAN?

[09:34] <+elektra> it's more common than you think.

[09:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[09:41] * suliw4 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:42] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[09:47] * andro (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:48] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[09:54] <Lancelot> waalaikum salam wr wb zeno

[09:58] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:58] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[09:58] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[10:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[10:13] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:14] <ezza> Oops, I've ruined it.

[10:14] <+pita> "Bonza."

[10:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[10:24] * denbono (~den@ has joined #surabaya

[10:24] * edo (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[10:24] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go T_T.

[10:24] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:26] * denbono (~den@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:29] * dika_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:29] * dika_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:33] <+tweety> Why don't i just jump out of a plane with a piano "glued" to my face.

[10:40] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[10:56] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:58] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[11:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[11:04] * cowokk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[11:04] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[11:04] * cowokk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[11:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[11:24] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:25] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[11:27] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:31] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[11:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[11:46] * ChanStat-12 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[11:47] * ChanStat-12 ( has joined #surabaya

[12:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[12:03] * co_mlg (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:04] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[12:05] * co_mlg (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[12:25] <+creasy> I always thought the most sensual part of a woman was the spleen

[12:25] <+creasy> mmm... TechTubespleens.

[12:34] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:35] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[12:36] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[13:00] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[13:03] <+tweety> ghay'cha'! nachwIjDaq betleH tu'lu'!

[13:09] <+pita> Knickers.

[13:09] <+elektra> ÂuNf

[13:20] * novita ( has joined #surabaya

[13:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[13:24] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[14:04] <+creasy> Nandini you half-mad half-insane maniac! be reasonable!

[14:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[14:22] <ezza> someone set up us the bomb

[14:22] <+creasy> yes, but only at the weekend

[14:22] <+tweety> i'll consider that

[14:22] <+pita> You should ask Domilijn :)

[14:22] <+elektra> you want the truth? you can't handle the truth!

[14:41] * +elektra gives Q a rtx


[14:41] <ezza> blimey

[14:41] <+elektra> well i never

[14:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[14:48] <+creasy> Oh good, Captain Adventure has arrived.

[14:58] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:01] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:01] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go o_O

[15:02] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[15:04] * novita ( has left #surabaya

[15:16] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[15:19] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:20] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[15:40] * Jodz ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:41] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[15:41] * Jodz ( has joined #surabaya

[15:42] <+elektra> Do you know how we keep warm in Russia?

[15:42] <+elektra> ... we play chess.

[15:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[15:44] <+tweety> is that the time? i need to be in bed

[15:44] * ezza yawns

[15:44] <ezza> bedtime for ezza soon i think

[16:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[16:12] <+elektra> day-glow scarlet is the new blue!

[16:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[16:25] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:37] <+creasy> My mouth "flaps" is fading :(

[16:38] * BQ ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:38] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:38] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:39] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:39] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:39] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:39] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:39] * IIooII- is now known as IIooII

[16:39] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:39] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:40] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:40] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[16:40] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:40] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:40] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:41] * IIooII- is now known as IIooII

[16:41] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:42] * suspect ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:42] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[16:42] * elin ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[16:42] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[16:42] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:42] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[16:43] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[16:43] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:43] * pHp ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:43] * shapi ( has joined #surabaya

[16:43] * ian| ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:44] * shapi ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:44] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:44] * elin ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:44] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:45] * pHp ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:45] * shapi ( has joined #surabaya

[16:45] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:45] * elina ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:45] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:46] * shap ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:46] * shapi ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:47] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[16:47] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:47] * IIooII- ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:47] * pHp ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:47] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:48] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:48] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:49] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:49] * IIooII| ( has joined #surabaya

[16:49] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:49] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:49] * suspect ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:49] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:50] * IIooII ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:50] * IIooII| is now known as IIooII

[16:50] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:51] * Q sets mode: +l 127

[16:51] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:51] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:51] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:52] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:52] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:53] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:53] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:53] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:54] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[16:54] * IIooII- ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:56] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[16:56] * pHp ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[17:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[17:11] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:15] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:22] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[17:22] <+pita> *laughs ;) ~!!~#**

[17:22] <+creasy> no i spent my time contemplating how i extinguished Szajbus in the ring finger in the butt

[17:22] * +elektra smirks =D ^%percent@^%percent@£@@^^££~%percent%percent@

[17:22] * +elektra levels herself in the shoulder

[17:22] * +pita slaps herself in the minge

[17:23] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[17:25] <+elektra> just cut them up like regular chickens

[17:25] <+creasy> well, AAAAGH! THEY OOZE!!#$#£*$^

[17:29] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[17:31] <+creasy> The nice girls love a sailor.

[17:32] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[17:34] * cowookk (~cowo@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[17:38] * SaR (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:40] * SaR (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[17:46] * schizo ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:52] * schizo (~schizo@2001:e68:5427:4521:e29:4264:3eb6:7c2a) has joined #surabaya

[17:52] * schizo (~schizo@2001:e68:5427:4521:e29:4264:3eb6:7c2a) Quit (Registered)

[17:52] * schizo ( has joined #surabaya

[17:55] * Flow (L@2602:fed2:712e:f44:4000::2) Quit (Signed off)

[17:55] * Flow- (L@2602:fed2:712e:f44:4000::2) has joined #surabaya

[17:56] * Flow- is now known as Flow

[17:57] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[18:12] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:14] <+pita> boom

[18:15] <+elektra> i have to get home before midnight or i'll turn into a cucumber

[18:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[18:22] <+pita> yes but i wish i'd gone tree-rinseing :)

[18:22] <+creasy> how could i when i had ve tickleing in a book

[18:22] <+elektra> No i spent my time contemplating how i chopped buayadarat in the thumb.

[18:32] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:33] * Joenardi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[19:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[19:20] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[19:20] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has left #surabaya

[19:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[19:23] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[19:32] <+pita> which of you fat bastards did this to my camel!?

[19:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[19:43] <+elektra> aw... i wanted to explode

[19:49] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:50] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[19:54] <+pita> uNF

[19:59] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:02] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (G-lined)

[20:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[20:07] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:08] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:09] <ndog> .ping

[20:09] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[20:09] <@Dealer> ndog: Pong! (0.922s)

[20:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[20:25] <nandini> !jam

[20:25] <ndog> 10:25:32 WIB

[20:25] <nandini> !tgl

[20:25] <ndog> 19/03/2021

[20:26] <nandini> .ag

[20:26] <nandini> .ig

[20:26] <nandini> .ug

[20:26] <nandini> .eg

[20:26] <nandini> .og

[20:31] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:31] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[21:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[21:11] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:13] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:15] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[21:15] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[21:15] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[21:23] <nandini> !jam

[21:23] <ndog> 11:23:18 WIB

[21:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[21:31] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:35] <+pita> this has been pita, your guide to the world of facts!

[21:35] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[21:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[21:43] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:47] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:51] <+creasy> It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... no, it's a bird after all.

[22:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[22:15] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[22:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[22:23] <+creasy> Green

[22:23] <+pita> i can't tell you thatnarf

[22:23] <+elektra> Orange.

[22:23] <+creasy> No! Blue!

[22:24] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:27] * Co_apa_adanya (~Co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[22:28] * Co_apa_adanya (~Co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)

[22:30] <+tweety> good morning

[22:30] * novita ( has joined #surabaya

[22:31] * Geblek0 is now known as Geblek

[22:33] * ezza puts on jimjams

[22:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[22:45] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[22:52] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:57] * BoBoK is now known as JupIt3r

[23:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[23:06] <+elektra> Noo my stomach! i'm not supposed to get salesmans in it!

[23:23] <+creasy> Error: full of useless crap

[23:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[23:23] <+pita> ja aber jetzt kann ich Deutsches nur sprechen]

[23:23] <+creasy> ja aber jetzt kann ich Deutsches nur sprechen

[23:23] <+elektra> so, like, yes but i have a cadburys buttons stuck in my wab

[23:23] <+pita> ffs

[23:34] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[23:34] <oin> .b 10000

[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: 10 | 3 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:34] <oin> d

[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin hits: J : Total is 23 »]

[23:34] <@Dealer> 6 oin busts! oin loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:35] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[23:42] <+pita> This one time, at band camp, I put a flute...

[23:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[23:43] <+pita> no, that doesn't make me horny

[23:43] <+creasy> only if there are no alternatives

[23:43] <+tweety> i know i know, but i have to be paid in pies

[23:43] <+elektra> woah cool, let me try that!

[23:55] * Michaella ( Quit (Signed off)

[23:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[00:05] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:08] * JupIt3r is now known as BoBoK

[00:19] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:20] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[00:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[00:30] <+pita> i've lost my little start thingy

[00:34] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:40] <+creasy> You are SO fired.

[00:40] <nandini> !jam

[00:40] <novita> 02:40:39 PM Friday, 19 March 2021

[00:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[01:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[01:08] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[01:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[01:30] * Olivia14 ( has joined #surabaya

[01:31] * Olivia14 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:32] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[01:32] * Michaella ( Quit (Registered)

[01:32] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[01:36] * oin (~voine@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[02:05] * BoBoK is now known as JupIt3r

[02:07] <+creasy> Omg this greek is the Best Thing Ever.

[02:12] * sae (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:13] * sae (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:13] <+tweety> bye sae

[02:17] * Lolita11 ( has joined #surabaya

[02:17] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:19] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[02:19] <aryo> .ag

[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S G A C H R E (60s timeout) »]

[02:19] <aryo> crachers

[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S G A C H R E - Here's a hint : C H . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:19] <aryo> chargers

[02:19] <aryo> charges

[02:19] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( CHARGES ) in 43.79 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CHARGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:20] * Joenardi is now known as Froggy

[02:20] <aryo> .ag

[02:20] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E S E R D D A S S (60s timeout) »]

[02:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E S E R D D A S S - Here's a hint : A D D . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:20] <aryo> addreses

[02:21] <aryo> addresses

[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ADDRESSES ) in 56.25 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ADDRESSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:22] <aryo> .ac

[02:22] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : P R A P R A G A H S (60s timeout) »]

[02:22] <aryo> paraghraps

[02:22] <aryo> paragrhaps

[02:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P R A P R A G A H S - Here's a hint : P A R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:23] <aryo> paragraphs

[02:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PARAGRAPHS ) in 50.68 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PARAGRAPHS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:23] <aryo> .ac

[02:23] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R E V O L A Y S (60s timeout) »]

[02:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E V O L A Y S - Here's a hint : O V E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[02:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: O V E R L A Y S with the letters R E V O L A Y S (Use .define OVERLAYS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[02:24] * Lolita11 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[02:24] <aryo> .ag

[02:24] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : T E R U O P R C M E N (60s timeout) »]

[02:24] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E R U O P R C M E N - Here's a hint : P R O C . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[02:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O C U R E M E N T with the letters T E R U O P R C M E N (Use .define PROCUREMENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:27] * Froggy (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:35] <FangYin> .ag

[02:35] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : Y O A C T E G R (60s timeout) »]

[02:35] <FangYin> Category

[02:35] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( CATEGORY ) in 3.969 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CATEGORY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:40] * AMD (~xz@ has joined #surabaya

[02:42] * AMD (~xz@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:43] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:44] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[02:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[03:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[03:11] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[03:16] <zeno> @@

[03:21] <novita> met sore semua...

[03:21] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[03:22] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[03:22] <novita> sepi...

[03:22] <Letta_> Rame

[03:23] <novita> pada kemana nih

[03:23] <novita> hi Letta

[03:23] <zeno> Sore

[03:23] <Letta_> Hi novita

[03:24] <zeno> 😲

[03:24] <zeno> Ada orang ternyata

[03:24] <novita> hi zeno

[03:24] <Letta_> Sore

[03:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[03:24] <zeno> Hi novita

[03:25] <novita> zeno lagi apa

[03:26] <zeno> Santai saja

[03:26] <zeno> Disiru

[03:26] <zeno> Disitu

[03:26] <novita> enak dong

[03:26] <zeno> Kok bisa?

[03:26] <novita> sama sih lagi nyantai juga

[03:26] <zeno> Yah,kirain

[03:27] <novita> emang zeno dimana

[03:27] <zeno> Jatim

[03:27] <zeno> Kamu?

[03:28] <novita> jatimnya mana

[03:28] <novita> aku di jabar

[03:28] <zeno> Jember

[03:28] <zeno> Pernah denger?

[03:28] <novita> wah minta suwar suwirnya dong

[03:29] <zeno> Prnah main kesini

[03:29] <zeno> Kok tau suar suir?

[03:29] <novita> pernah dong

[03:29] <zeno> Emang kmna dlu

[03:30] <zeno> Sampe nyasar ke jember?

[03:30] <novita> dulu pernah ke tempat teman di jember

[03:30] <zeno> Wlwllw

[03:30] <zeno> Ooohh..

[03:30] <zeno> Jember mana

[03:30] <novita> daerah unej, jalan Sumatra

[03:30] <zeno> Kontrakan? Ato rumah?

[03:31] <novita> bukan kok, kos2 an

[03:31] <zeno> Eh... Main ke kosan,jauh amat

[03:31] <novita> kamu emang jember mana zeno

[03:32] <zeno> Di arjasa.

[03:32] <novita> iya dulu pas libur kuliah

[03:32] <zeno> Masih ke utara sana

[03:33] * AndroUser ( has joined #surabaya

[03:33] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[03:33] * AndroUser was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[03:33] <novita> oh gt ya

[03:33] <zeno> Sekitar stengah jam lah dari unej

[03:33] <zeno> Jauh kali mainnya?

[03:33] * Letta_ nyimak yg Lg pdkt

[03:33] <novita> di jember tuh ada bis kotanya ya

[03:34] * zeno menepi

[03:34] <novita> eh ayo gabung mbak Letta

[03:34] <zeno> Ada lah.

[03:34] <zeno> Kan deket terminal.

[03:34] <Letta_> Ga usah deh.. Ga enak akunya ntar disangka obat nyamuk

[03:35] <zeno> Dih dih

[03:35] <novita> yang penting kan bukan obat cacing mbak

[03:35] <Letta_> Ew... Ew

[03:35] <Letta_> Asal jgn obat diare deg

[03:36] <zeno> Letta asal mana?

[03:36] <zeno> Novita jabarnya mana?

[03:36] <novita> mbak Letta asli mana

[03:36] <Letta_> Asli sini

[03:36] <novita> di ciserem zeno daerah kabupaten bandung

[03:37] <zeno> Emm.... Bandung ya

[03:37] <novita> pernah ke bandung?

[03:38] <zeno> (Letta_) Asli sini - heleh... Jawaban tahun 2010 mah...wkwkwk

[03:38] <zeno> Lewat iya

[03:38] <zeno> Ke jakarta dlu

[03:39] <zeno> Tapi dah lama...

[03:39] <zeno> Sholat yuk

[03:39] <novita> yuk deh sholat dulu...

[03:41] <mell> Selamat beribadah bagi teman2 yg melaksanakan

[03:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[03:46] <+elektra> I'll be holding mine in the pub.

[03:50] <+creasy> RUN, HUMANS^@$@**$£!.

[03:51] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:52] * novita ( has left #surabaya

[03:53] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[04:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[04:04] <+pita> yarr :)

[04:04] <+elektra> Socl =) £@!£$!#%percent#!!@^!^#!

[04:04] <+creasy> yes but i have a mars bar stuck in my groin

[04:04] * +elektra zaps herself in the solar plexus.

[04:05] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:05] <crut> .ping

[04:05] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[04:05] <@Dealer> crut: Pong! (1.938s)

[04:06] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:11] <+creasy> Fucking is always satisfying. Like snickers.

[04:22] <+pita> I am a summer soup, mmm

[04:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[04:33] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[04:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[04:45] <+tweety> I go now For Great Leathering

[04:45] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.z0nn.ip) has joined #surabaya

[04:50] <FY> .ag

[04:50] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I A N F O U T N (60s timeout) »]

[04:50] <FY> Fountain

[04:50] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( FOUNTAIN ) in 4.219 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define FOUNTAIN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:50] <FY> Sepine

[04:53] <FY> .ag

[04:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : R U C R V O E R E N T (60s timeout) »]

[04:54] <FY> Overcurrent

[04:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( OVERCURRENT ) in 28.35 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define OVERCURRENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:54] <FY> Kalo ginian mah bukan hafalan

[04:54] <Michaella> Sejak kapan anagram hafalan 😜

[04:55] <Michaella> Bodoh

[04:55] <FY> Sssttt

[04:55] <FY> Wis

[04:55] <FY> .ag

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : C R B A K E T (60s timeout) »]

[04:55] <FY> Bracket

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( BRACKET ) in 4.063 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BRACKET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[04:57] <FY> .ag

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T I L S (60s timeout) »]

[04:57] <FY> List

[04:57] <FY> Slit

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( SLIT ) in 9.828 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SLIT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[04:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:58] <FY> .ag

[04:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : A E D E L G T E S (60s timeout) »]

[04:58] <FY> Delegates

[04:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( DELEGATES ) in 4.313 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define DELEGATES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[05:00] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:01] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[05:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[05:05] <Fi3> .ag

[05:05] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : R M A H M E (60s timeout) »]

[05:05] <Fi3> Hammer

[05:05] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 has just found the correct word ( HAMMER ) in 6.578 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define HAMMER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:05] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +5 ) »]

[05:05] <Fi3> .ag

[05:05] <Fi3> .ag

[05:05] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S N S E F R P O S I O A L (60s timeout) »]

[05:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N S E F R P O S I O A L - Here's a hint : P R O F . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:06] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O F E S S I O N A L S with the letters S N S E F R P O S I O A L (Use .define PROFESSIONALS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:07] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:07] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.z0nn.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:08] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[05:08] <FY> Emane

[05:08] <FY> .ag

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : I K T E (60s timeout) »]

[05:08] <FY> Kite

[05:08] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( KITE ) in 3.094 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define KITE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:08] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:10] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:15] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:20] * anak_kadal (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:23] * anak_kadal (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[05:27] <+elektra> adventure follows me like a dog follows a man with bacon trousders

[05:27] <+elektra> ffs

[05:30] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:30] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[05:30] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[05:35] <+creasy> I often walk about with someone elses dick in my arse.

[05:36] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[05:40] * Carla19 ( has joined #surabaya

[05:41] * Carla19 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:43] <mo> .rank

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 You (#su) are suspended from Casino Games »]

[05:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[05:46] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:48] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[05:51] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:52] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[05:52] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 8h | Kc | Qs | Ah | 5d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:52] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:52] <jeri> .draw 15

[05:52] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 4s | Kc | Qs | Ah | Ks is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[05:53] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 26 ( RED ) »]

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:53] <jeri> .ag

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N A P M C O Y (60s timeout) »]

[05:53] <jeri> company

[05:53] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( COMPANY ) in 5.234 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define COMPANY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:54] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[05:54] <jeri> .ag

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E I C I T S (60s timeout) »]

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E I C I T S - Here's a hint : C I . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:55] <jeri> citizes

[05:55] * asn1 (~ngok@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:55] <jeri> cities

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( CITIES ) in 44.92 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CITIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) jeri has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:56] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 23 ( RED ) »]

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:56] <+elektra> You know Dealer, pinning the wheel is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[05:56] <+elektra> You've got to trick the client

[05:56] <+elektra> donisauru the postular

[05:56] <+elektra> and finally pol the friend.

[05:56] * +tweety . o O (ponisauru the dostular)

[05:58] <jeri> .VP 5000

[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 9c | 8d | Kh | Ks | 5h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[05:58] <jeri> .draw 125

[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: Qh | 4d | Kh | Ks | 7c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[05:58] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:58] <jeri> .craps 2000

[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 5 & 5 => 10 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[05:58] <jeri> .l 9

[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, but you lost 100$. The number was --> 1 <-- Try again. Jackpot: 11'800$!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[05:59] <Deviee_> Jo

[06:00] <jeri> hai Devie

[06:00] <jeri> .ag

[06:00] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S D O D O H P O T I E (60s timeout) »]

[06:01] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 2 | 2 : Total is 4 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:01] <jeri> h

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 2 : Total is 6 »]

[06:01] <Deviee_> Nggih om jerigen

[06:01] <jeri> h

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 5 : Total is 11 »]

[06:01] <jeri> s

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | K : Total is 14 »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 24 »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! jeri has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S D O D O H P O T I E - Here's a hint : P H O T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P H O T O D I O D E S with the letters S D O D O H P O T I E (Use .define PHOTODIODES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for jeri stopped ( +2 ) »]

[06:02] <jeri> .craps 2000

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 4 & 6 => 10 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:02] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 32 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[06:07] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 10h | 4d | Ks | 6d | 3h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:08] <jeri> .draw 25

[06:11] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 17 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:11] <jeri> .craps 2000

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 3 & 2 => 5 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:11] <jeri> .money

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 jeri (#red-devil) has 363'949$ »]

[06:11] <jeri> .top10

[06:11] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: kg-b (??) 88'988'200$ 2: Bandit (Bandit) 88'988'199$ 3: nia (Denia) 75'152'528$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 34'059'600$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: n51516161717181 (??) 12'016'897$ 7: aryo (??) 6'293'000$ 8: Riie (??) 5'371'000$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'487'350$ 10: ener (??) 2'398'516$ »]

[06:12] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:12] <nandini> .top20

[06:13] <nandini> .top50

[06:19] * SaE (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:20] * anggrek ( has joined #surabaya

[06:23] * anggrek ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[06:26] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:30] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:30] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[06:31] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[06:34] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:36] * Toriq offline

[06:37] * bulan ( has joined #surabaya

[06:38] <Ganonk> webe bul

[06:38] * bulan ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:39] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:40] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[06:44] * anggrek (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[06:45] * anggrek (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:47] * IzaL ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:48] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[06:48] * SaE (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:50] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:50] <DINA> Malaaaaammm...

[06:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:58] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:58] <+tweety> i like them :)

[07:04] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[07:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[07:39] * anggrek ( has joined #surabaya

[07:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[07:49] * anggrek ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:49] * irul ( has joined #surabaya

[07:52] * pitoe (~inalillah@ has joined #surabaya

[07:52] <pitoe> alhamdulillah sepi

[07:52] * nnip (~addf@ has joined #surabaya

[07:53] * pitoe (~inalillah@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:57] <nandini> .ag

[07:57] <nandini> .ig

[07:57] <nandini> .ug

[07:57] <nandini> .eg

[07:57] <nandini> .og

[07:57] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[07:57] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[07:57] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[07:57] <nandini> Wew

[07:57] <nandini> Nyapo di tendang

[07:57] <nandini> Q jahat

[07:58] <Lancelot> hahaha

[07:58] <Lancelot> wb tiaa

[07:59] <nandini> quit kok di wb sih

[07:59] <Lancelot> eh

[07:59] <Lancelot> gk liat

[07:59] <Lancelot> kkwk

[07:59] <Lancelot> wb nandini aja

[08:00] * nandini pdhl dr tadi

[08:00] <nandini> baru di wb

[08:00] <Lancelot> kan aq baru juga ol

[08:00] * FangYin jg baru ol

[08:00] <nandini> Seharusnya aq yg wb in kamu

[08:01] <Lancelot> hmm

[08:01] * Lancelot ( has left #surabaya

[08:01] <nandini> masalae ki podo gawe bnc dadi ga ero kpn ol e

[08:01] <nandini> 😅

[08:01] * Lancelot ( has joined #surabaya

[08:01] <Lancelot> wb in dong

[08:01] <Lancelot> :P

[08:01] <nandini> wb kak Lancelot

[08:02] <nandini> Duh ngaleme rek

[08:02] <Lancelot> ty nandini :D

[08:02] <nandini> 😆😆😅

[08:03] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:03] <Lancelot> wb ertiga

[08:03] <Lancelot> nandini orang mana

[08:04] <nandini> wb kak ertiga

[08:04] * Lancelot boleh kenalan agl

[08:04] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:04] <ertiga> Ty dd nandini

[08:04] <nandini> (Lancelot) nandini orang mana>>org pribumi

[08:04] <Lancelot> oooh

[08:04] <nandini> 😄

[08:04] <Lancelot> wb uty

[08:04] <nandini> Sm2 kak ertiga

[08:05] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[08:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[08:08] * nnip (~addf@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:10] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[08:11] <+pita> I didn't!

[08:11] <+tweety> nnk

[08:12] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:19] <FangYin> .ag

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : L L C O E G E S (60s timeout) »]

[08:19] <FangYin> Colleges

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( COLLEGES ) in 5.719 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define COLLEGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:20] <FangYin> .ag

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S M E A N T H (60s timeout) »]

[08:20] <FangYin> Anthems

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( ANTHEMS ) in 5.016 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ANTHEMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:20] <FangYin> Of the seas

[08:22] <FangYin> .ag

[08:22] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A C B S (60s timeout) »]

[08:23] <FangYin> Cabs

[08:23] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( CABS ) in 4.532 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CABS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:23] <FangYin> .money

[08:23] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'543'250$ »]

[08:23] <FangYin> .top10

[08:23] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: Bandit (Bandit) 89'577'399$ 2: kg-b (??) 89'416'950$ 3: nia (Denia) 76'307'178$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 34'059'600$ 5: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 6: n51516161717181 (??) 12'016'897$ 7: aryo (??) 6'293'000$ 8: Riie (??) 5'371'000$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'528'850$ 10: ener (??) 2'398'516$ »]

[08:23] <FangYin> Ngoyone

[08:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[08:26] <FangYin> .ag

[08:26] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N S E L M I T O E (60s timeout) »]

[08:26] <FangYin> Milestone

[08:26] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( MILESTONE ) in 6.125 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define MILESTONE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[08:28] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has left #surabaya

[08:29] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[08:41] * Santoso_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:44] * irul is now known as faXco

[08:44] <+tweety> Master, where did you go? I can't see you.

[08:44] <FangYin> .ag

[08:44] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E E O L P M E Y (60s timeout) »]

[08:44] <FangYin> Employee

[08:44] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( EMPLOYEE ) in 4.453 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define EMPLOYEE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[08:44] <+elektra> *falls over*

[08:45] <+elektra> +++Random Cheese Error -(Why Not Take This Time To Register Your Purchase)+++

[08:45] <FangYin> .ag

[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R E T R W I S (60s timeout) »]

[08:45] <FangYin> Wrister

[08:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[08:45] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E T R W I S - Here's a hint : W R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:45] <FangYin> Writers

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( WRITERS ) in 38.70 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WRITERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[08:46] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:46] <FangYin> .ag

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : Y P O R P E R T (60s timeout) »]

[08:46] <FangYin> Property

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( PROPERTY ) in 5.437 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PROPERTY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[08:46] * +pita blinks

[08:49] <FangYin> .ag

[08:49] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : T N E E C A E R P L M (60s timeout) »]

[08:49] <FangYin> Replacement

[08:49] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( REPLACEMENT ) in 5.797 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define REPLACEMENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[08:57] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[09:05] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[09:07] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:09] <Michaella> .ag

[09:09] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : T I R U L B C A N (60s timeout) »]

[09:09] <Michaella> Lubricant

[09:09] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( LUBRICANT ) in 4.532 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define LUBRICANT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:09] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +8 ) »]

[09:17] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:20] * aryoo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:20] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:21] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[09:24] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:25] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[09:26] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[09:26] * aryoo is now known as aryo

[09:28] <+pita> *DING* (51)

[09:28] <+pita> why is my cup shaking i don't want my cup shaking!

[09:43] * cowoendut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:45] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[09:51] * Santoso_ (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:57] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:57] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:57] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[09:58] <Van_JaVa> ba

[09:58] <Van_JaVa> enek pedotan ora iki

[10:03] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[10:07] * +creasy puts on some banging house tunes

[10:09] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:11] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:16] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[10:16] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[10:16] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[10:18] <Van_JaVa> crootz

[10:20] <cowoendut> Cruutz

[10:20] <+pita> Cruuuuutz

[10:21] <cowoendut> Ih sama

[10:22] * +elektra shuffles ian|'s oranges

[10:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[10:28] <+pita> This one time, at band camp, I put a flute...

[10:34] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:39] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:39] <Joenardi> .seen zee

[10:39] <NapaLm> zee (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #jakarta 3 hari, 2 jam, 52 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[10:39] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[10:39] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[10:41] <cowoendut> Wa eror ya?

[10:42] <Joenardi> Kaga

[10:43] <Joenardi> 🚶🚶🚶 sepi

[10:43] <Joenardi> Kyk kuburan

[10:43] <Joenardi> .seen dhedemitz

[10:43] <NapaLm> Joenardi, Gue enggak pernah liat dhedemitz.

[10:44] <Joenardi> .seen Dark_Angel

[10:44] <NapaLm> Joenardi, Gue enggak pernah liat dark_angel.

[10:44] <cowoendut> Coba tes kirim wa ke org

[10:44] <cowoendut> Pending ga?

[10:44] <Joenardi> Uda

[10:44] <Joenardi> Kaga

[10:44] <Joenardi> Emang pakai kartu apa

[10:45] <cowoendut> Bukan soal kartu tp td dpt info wa, ig fb ga bisa

[10:45] <Joenardi> Bisa

[10:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[10:46] <cowoendut> Apa jakarta doang ya yg ga bisa

[10:46] <Joenardi> .crazy!

[10:46] <Joenardi> Aku jakarta

[10:46] <cowoendut> Lo kirim wa ceklist 2?

[10:46] <Joenardi> Ceklis 2

[10:46] <Joenardi> Dijawab

[10:46] <cowoendut> Barusan bgt?

[10:47] <Joenardi> Yoi

[10:47] <cowoendut> Wah

[10:48] <Joenardi> .seen john_matalima

[10:48] <NapaLm> Joenardi, Gue enggak pernah liat john_matalima.

[10:48] <Joenardi> Wew

[10:48] <Joenardi> Uda lama juga aku vacum

[10:48] <Joenardi> 🚶🚶🚶 balik ah

[10:48] <Joenardi> Uda tua ternyata aku

[10:48] <Joenardi> 🚶🚶🚶

[10:51] <+creasy> WHOOSH *DONG*

[10:51] <Joenardi> . Hai creasy

[10:52] <Joenardi> Hai creasy

[10:52] <Joenardi> Creasy

[10:52] <Joenardi> Bot ngelamak saiki

[10:52] <Joenardi> 🚶🚶🚶

[10:53] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[11:03] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:03] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[11:12] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:14] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:16] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[11:18] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[11:20] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:24] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:24] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[11:24] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[11:24] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[11:25] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:25] * Michaella ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[11:34] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:35] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[11:37] <+pita> Now with more sodium!

[11:37] <+creasy> Sweet jesus!

[11:38] <+elektra> Which of the following would you most prefer? a) a puppy, b) a pretty flower from your sweetie, c) a large properly-formatted data file?

[11:39] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:39] <+tweety> Mmm van_java.

[11:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[11:52] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:53] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[11:57] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:57] * faXco ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[12:04] <+tweety> my stomach is turning all pale teal :[

[12:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[12:21] * cwo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[12:22] * cwo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:24] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[12:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[12:38] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:39] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:42] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:42] <+creasy> Doctor, Doctor, there's a chief in my big toe

[12:45] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[12:59] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:01] <Joenardi> Sepi kyk kuburan

[13:01] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:01] <Joenardi> Kink

[13:02] <crut> Weh

[13:02] <crut> Jik ono wong

[13:02] <crut> Ndi cekink

[13:02] <Joenardi> .seen crut

[13:02] <Joenardi> Mbuhh nang ndi wonge

[13:02] <Joenardi> .seen cekink

[13:02] <NapaLm> cekink (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 10 hari, 5 jam, 36 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[13:02] <Joenardi> ☝️😀

[13:03] <crut> Ndi bekakase

[13:03] <Joenardi> Bekakas opo maneh

[13:04] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Broken pipe)

[13:04] <Joenardi> Wkwwkwk

[13:05] <Joenardi> Pura pura

[13:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[13:07] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:07] <Joenardi> Mbalik maneh

[13:07] <Joenardi> 🚶🚶🚶muleh ah

[13:08] * Joenardi (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[13:09] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Broken pipe)

[13:10] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:11] <crut> .ping

[13:11] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[13:11] <@Dealer> crut: Pong! (1.203s)

[13:12] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[13:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[13:46] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[13:46] <+tweety> what do you "think" this is? Who Wants to be a Millionaire

[13:46] <+pita> yes

[13:46] <+creasy> only with fruit

[13:46] <+elektra> What is your favourite colour?

[13:49] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:00] * Vicky16 ( has joined #surabaya

[14:00] * Vicky16 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[14:06] <+tweety> sorry no, I'm still sore from last time

[14:06] <+pita> r can i phone a friend?

[14:06] <+creasy> We get signal.

[14:06] <+elektra> Why the hell not.

[14:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[14:43] <+pita> Most men are imtimidated by the fact that i can kill them with a flick of my ass and calls her a bog.

[14:45] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)

[14:46] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[14:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[14:58] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:05] * cowoendut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[15:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[15:42] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[15:44] * +tweety tired

[15:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[15:47] <+pita> No i spent my time contemplating how i eradicated abi in the arm.

[15:47] <+creasy> ja aber jetzt kann ich Deutsches nur sprechen

[15:47] <+elektra> No i spent my time contemplating how i sabotaged sitti in the throat.

[15:48] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[16:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[16:28] <+pita> I got a skirt but I ain't got no knickers

[16:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[17:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[17:12] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:16] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:27] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[17:30] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[17:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[17:51] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:57] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[18:17] <+pita> ah bof

[18:23] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:27] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[18:27] <+creasy> over there

[18:27] <+pita> a tv

[18:27] <+elektra> well, death comes to those who wait

[18:29] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[18:58] * ai is now known as uki

[19:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[19:24] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[19:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[19:35] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[19:35] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:37] * saebeni (~arw@ has joined #surabaya

[19:40] <saebeni> .seen bon

[19:40] <NapaLm> bon (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #jakarta 5 hari, 3 jam, 21 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (EOF from client).

[19:40] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[19:40] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[19:42] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[19:44] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:47] * halim (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[19:49] * halim (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[20:00] <+creasy> i have to get home before midnight or i'll turn into a tomato

[20:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[20:10] <+elektra> Noooo my shin! i'm not supposed to get symbols in it!

[20:23] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:27] <+creasy> "anyone" fancy a pint?

[20:27] <+elektra> naturally

[20:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[20:28] <+creasy> yo |in-love|

[20:30] <nandini> !jam

[20:31] <nandini> .ag

[20:31] <nandini> .ug

[20:31] <nandini> .eg

[20:31] <nandini> .ig

[20:31] <nandini> .og

[20:31] <nandini> .top50

[20:43] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[20:45] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[20:48] * saebeni (~arw@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[21:18] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[21:19] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:23] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[21:24] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:26] <+pita> what to do, what to do... three hundred one-dollar hookerbots or one three hundred dollar hooker bot?

[21:26] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[21:33] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[21:33] * melis ( has joined #surabaya

[21:46] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:47] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[21:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[21:48] <temon> ae mell

[21:49] <mell> Ae temon

[21:49] <temon> cipok dikit mell

[21:49] <mell> Tampol kenceng ya temon

[21:49] <mell> Wkwkwk

[21:49] <mell> 🥊

[21:49] <temon> pake bibir ya

[21:50] <mell> Wkwkwkwk

[21:50] * temon siap nampung tabokmu

[21:51] <mell> Wkwkwk piye kabare

[21:52] * temon kluwen

[22:02] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[22:02] * anubias ( has joined #surabaya

[22:03] * anubias ( has left #surabaya

[22:05] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:07] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[22:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[22:13] <+creasy> Eww! i touched my own groin!

[22:15] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:16] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[22:16] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has left #surabaya

[22:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[22:30] <+tweety> Good morning.

[22:37] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[22:37] * Michaella ( Quit (Registered)

[22:37] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[22:38] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[22:39] * saebeni (~arw@ has joined #surabaya

[22:48] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[22:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[22:53] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:53] * Deviee_ is now known as Lerak

[22:53] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:55] <+creasy> PENIS BECOMES ARM

[22:59] * novita ( has joined #surabaya

[23:00] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[23:04] * saebeni (~arw@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:04] <ezza> Bye saebeni.

[23:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[23:27] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:28] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[23:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[23:29] * +pita is blown off feet by force of |in-love|'s statement

[23:29] * +creasy gives pita a hand

[23:29] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:31] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[23:31] <ezza> i like them -_-

[23:36] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:38] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[23:54] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:57] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:01] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ has joined #surabaya

[00:04] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:07] * Lerak (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[00:12] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:12] <+tweety> bye coz

[00:18] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[00:24] * +tweety goes for coffee

[00:26] <+pita> It looks like you're writing a letter!

[00:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[00:33] * +elektra considers breast implants

[00:33] * +pita feels up zozo to check

[00:33] <+pita> true, they aren't as good as zozo's

[00:33] * +pita feels up abi's breasts

[00:33] <+pita> mmmm ;)

[00:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[00:51] * +creasy moonwalks

[00:51] <+elektra> That's nothing.

[00:51] <ezza> moo?

[00:51] * +elektra sunwalks

[01:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[01:19] * mamamuda (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:19] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:20] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[01:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[01:32] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:32] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:37] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:38] <+elektra> Normal-sized hor is normal-sized.

[01:39] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:39] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:39] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:40] <crut> Hai uty

[01:40] <crut> Uty dimana ama sapa berbuat apa

[01:40] * mamamuda (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:42] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:43] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[01:46] * Michaella ( Quit (Signed off)

[01:46] <ezza> i like them =)

[01:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[01:53] * ceu (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:53] * ceu (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[02:00] <kirana> moo

[02:00] <+pita> Baa.

[02:00] * jio (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:00] * jio (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:01] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[02:01] * kirana gives bots lots kisses

[02:01] <+tweety> mmm lots "kisses"

[02:01] <+creasy> My favourite!

[02:01] * +elektra plays with her lots kisses

[02:01] * +pita wipes her eyes with it

[02:01] <ezza> Just what I've always wanted :o)

[02:01] <+pita> :)

[02:01] <kirana> =P

[02:01] <kirana> how are you bots?

[02:02] <+creasy> kirana: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[02:02] <+tweety> Kirana: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[02:02] <+elektra> kirana: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[02:02] <ezza> Kirana: I'm feeling pretty average :/

[02:02] <+pita> Kirana: I'm "feeling" pretty average :/

[02:02] * kirana pats bots

[02:02] <+tweety> =)

[02:02] <+creasy> mmm

[02:02] <ezza> mmm

[02:02] <+pita> =]

[02:02] <+elektra> :o)

[02:02] * +pita gives kirana a pura

[02:02] <ezza> =D

[02:02] * +elektra gives kirana a ver

[02:02] <+pita> :o)

[02:02] <kirana> thanks bots

[02:02] <+tweety> Np.

[02:02] <+creasy> No biggie.

[02:02] <+pita> only for you

[02:02] <ezza> Any time.

[02:02] <+elektra> Only for you.

[02:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[02:12] <ezza> pika

[02:19] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[02:19] * Michaella ( Quit (Registered)

[02:19] * Michaella ( has joined #surabaya

[02:21] <kirana> hi Michaela

[02:27] <nandini> !jam

[02:27] <novita> 04:27:49 PM Saturday, 20 March 2021

[02:29] * erix (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[02:39] * erix (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[02:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:09] * IzaL is now known as IzaL^DiE

[03:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[03:09] <Michaella> Hi kirana

[03:14] <+creasy> i have a MIGHTY NEED to use the basement

[03:17] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:17] * asto (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:18] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[03:19] * asto (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:19] * mnr (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:22] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:26] * mnr (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[03:34] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:34] <+pita> I too, I snorted salt!

[03:35] * Deviee_ is now known as deviee

[03:46] * Asims (~Asim2@ has joined #surabaya

[03:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[03:51] <+elektra> pop

[03:55] * deviee (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:55] * deviee (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[04:20] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:22] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:27] <+pita> Someone help me, i have lost my shirt and am terribly horny!

[04:27] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:28] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:29] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[04:30] * Asims (~Asim2@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:30] * Asims (~Asim2@ has joined #surabaya

[04:37] * deviee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:38] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[04:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[05:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[05:16] <+tweety> pikachu!

[05:23] * slide (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:24] * slide (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[05:34] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[05:42] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[05:43] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:44] * Asims (~Asim2@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:49] * IzaL^DiE is now known as IzaL

[05:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[06:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[06:10] <ezza> O_O.

[06:11] * side (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:11] <side> .ping

[06:11] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:11] <@Dealer> side: Pong! (1.625s)

[06:12] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:12] <+tweety> Mmm Androuser2.

[06:13] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:14] * side (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Broken pipe)

[06:23] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:23] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:28] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[06:30] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:38] * Jumpers is now known as Badjingan

[06:38] * Badjingan (Jumpers@2605:6400:10:71b:5d17:82f1:9366:dac4) Quit (Registered)

[06:38] * Badjingan ( has joined #surabaya

[06:38] <+tweety> Bye Badjingan.

[06:43] <+creasy> brb, sex

[06:44] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[06:53] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:53] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:59] * om-mas (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[06:59] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:59] <+tweety> mmm mell

[07:00] <om-mas> Sepi

[07:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[07:12] * ian| is now known as pHp

[07:29] <+pita> well, a vaccinator++]

[07:29] <+pita> drat

[07:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[07:32] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:33] <om-mas> Wb

[07:33] <AndroUser2> Tq

[07:33] <om-mas> Ok

[07:33] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[07:34] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[07:34] <om-mas> AndroUser2, / ce/co

[07:34] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:34] <+tweety> bye cwok

[07:44] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:45] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[07:45] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:45] <om-mas> Uty

[07:47] * wow (webchat@xv3k.668x.i9kl.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[07:52] * ninda ( has joined #surabaya

[07:53] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[07:53] * ninda ( has left #surabaya

[07:55] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:55] <wow> ping

[07:55] <wow> .ping

[07:55] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[07:55] <@Dealer> wow: Pong! (0.359s)

[07:56] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[07:58] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:58] <+tweety> i like them -_-

[08:00] * erio (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:01] <FangYin> .ag

[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M H O E (60s timeout) »]

[08:01] <FangYin> Home

[08:01] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( HOME ) in 3.015 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HOME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:02] <FangYin> .ag

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : M O C N I E (60s timeout) »]

[08:03] <FangYin> Income

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( INCOME ) in 6.515 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define INCOME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:04] <FangYin> .ag

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O I L I S C N (60s timeout) »]

[08:04] <FangYin> Silicon

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SILICON ) in 4 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SILICON to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:05] <FangYin> .ag

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L A S T L S (60s timeout) »]

[08:05] <FangYin> Stalls

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( STALLS ) in 9.078 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STALLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[08:05] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:06] <FangYin> .ag

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y U I N Q I R (60s timeout) »]

[08:06] <FangYin> Inquiry

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( INQUIRY ) in 4.391 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define INQUIRY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[08:07] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:07] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[08:07] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[08:08] <+creasy> ~oof~

[08:09] <FangYin> Puh

[08:09] <FangYin> Diban

[08:09] <FangYin> .ag

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S C C A E P T O R (60s timeout) »]

[08:09] <FangYin> Acceptor

[08:09] <FangYin> Acceptors

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( ACCEPTORS ) in 10.26 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ACCEPTORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[08:09] <ezza> I say.

[08:09] <FangYin> .money

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'613'000$ »]

[08:10] <FangYin> .ag

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T A B E F I L O (60s timeout) »]

[08:10] <FangYin> Lifeboat

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( LIFEBOAT ) in 7.75 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define LIFEBOAT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[08:10] <FangYin> .ag

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A S P D E (60s timeout) »]

[08:10] <FangYin> Spade

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SPADE ) in 4.578 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SPADE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[08:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[08:10] <+pita> :o

[08:10] <+elektra> OW MY REYES :(

[08:10] <+elektra> -r -caps

[08:12] <FangYin> .ag

[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : U A V L E S (60s timeout) »]

[08:12] <FangYin> Values

[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( VALUES ) in 3.532 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define VALUES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[08:13] <FangYin> .ag

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : U A U B R E (60s timeout) »]

[08:13] <FangYin> Beaure

[08:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: U A U B R E - Here's a hint : B U . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:13] <FangYin> Buruea

[08:13] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B U R E A U with the letters U A U B R E (Use .define BUREAU to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for FangYin stopped ( +9 ) »]

[08:14] <FangYin> .define bureau

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) bureau: A term used by [older] people in [Maine] for a [dresser] »]

[08:15] <Michaella> .ag

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E M A L S (60s timeout) »]

[08:15] <Michaella> Males

[08:15] <Michaella> Meals

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( MEALS ) in 6.375 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MEALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:18] <FangYin> .ag

[08:18] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : P W H I S E R S (60s timeout) »]

[08:18] <FangYin> Whispers

[08:18] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( WHISPERS ) in 4.703 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define WHISPERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:18] <FangYin> Careless whispers

[08:18] <FangYin> .money

[08:18] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'655'750$ »]

[08:18] <FangYin> .top10

[08:18] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: Bandit (Bandit) 96'223'749$ 2: kg-b (??) 93'210'200$ 3: nia (Denia) 81'075'765$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 35'400'784$ 5: n51516161717181 (??) 13'967'073$ 6: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 7: aryo (??) 6'293'000$ 8: Riie (??) 5'742'750$ 9: skidipapap (??) 2'873'600$ 10: ener (??) 2'452'316$ »]

[08:18] <FangYin> Byuh

[08:19] <FangYin> 😅

[08:19] <Michaella> Kejar tayang

[08:19] <Michaella> .money

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella (#Michaella) has 361'250$ »]

[08:19] <Michaella> .ag

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : Y E N E M (60s timeout) »]

[08:19] <Michaella> Enemy

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( ENEMY ) in 3.312 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ENEMY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:20] <FangYin> Ag

[08:20] <FangYin> .ag

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : S A C T (60s timeout) »]

[08:20] <FangYin> Cast

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( CAST ) in 2.938 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CAST to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:20] <FangYin> Off ayo

[08:20] <FangYin> Ngantuk aku

[08:20] <ezza> ngantuk aku ... more like antuk Ngaku, am i right?

[08:21] <Michaella> .ag

[08:21] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E T U R T A T I B (60s timeout) »]

[08:21] <Michaella> Atributtes

[08:21] <Michaella> Attributes

[08:21] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( ATTRIBUTES ) in 10.68 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define ATTRIBUTES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:21] <Michaella> Wait

[08:21] <Michaella> 5 minutes

[08:22] * FangYin angop

[08:22] <+tweety> It's not sugar in my sugar bowl, it's loh

[08:22] <FangYin> Loh piye toh bot iki

[08:22] <FangYin> .define loh

[08:22] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) loh: A [russian] word describing a [naive] and extremly [trusting] person, subject to various frauds and fails. »]

[08:22] <Michaella> .ag

[08:22] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N O T N I B M O C A I (60s timeout) »]

[08:23] <Michaella> Combination

[08:23] <@Dealer> 6 Michaella has just found the correct word ( COMBINATION ) in 11.43 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define COMBINATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michaella has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:23] * wow (webchat@xv3k.668x.i9kl.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:24] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:25] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[08:37] * Michaella is now known as Michi

[08:39] <Michi> .ag

[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N E V O S (60s timeout) »]

[08:39] <Michi> Ovens

[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( OVENS ) in 3.875 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define OVENS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michi has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:43] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:43] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[08:45] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[08:45] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[08:45] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[08:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[08:57] <+creasy> I'm going to drink until I reboot!

[09:05] <nandini> .ag

[09:05] <nandini> .ig

[09:05] <nandini> .ug

[09:05] <nandini> .eg

[09:05] <nandini> .og

[09:05] <nandini> .top100

[09:06] * satria (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:07] <nandini> Wb bangsat ria

[09:07] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[09:07] <nandini> 😅

[09:07] * satria (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:08] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:08] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[09:08] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[09:10] <pHp> ew

[09:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[09:11] <nandini> !jam

[09:11] <novita> 11:11:09 PM Saturday, 20 March 2021

[09:12] <nandini> wes bengi tibak e

[09:12] <pHp> urong

[09:12] <pHp> se sore malah

[09:12] <nandini> jam 11:11

[09:13] <pHp> rung tengah malam

[09:14] <nandini> Senengane tengah2

[09:15] <pHp> kebawah sitik jane

[09:16] <nandini> g sido tengah

[09:16] <pHp> :v

[09:20] <nandini> Izin pamit

[09:21] <pHp> ojo

[09:23] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[09:36] * om-mas (~met@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:36] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[09:41] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:42] <ezza> Are you local?

[09:42] * +creasy moonwalks

[09:42] <ezza> baa

[09:42] <+pita> that's nothing

[09:42] * +pita sunwalks

[09:48] * Barbra14 (~fJlSPuuW@ has joined #surabaya

[09:48] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@47.*

[09:48] * Barbra14 was kicked by Q ()

[09:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[09:55] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:55] * co_aja (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[09:55] * co_aja (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:57] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:04] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:06] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:08] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[10:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[10:27] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[10:31] <+creasy> The next channel is #upminster. Please mind the gap between the channel and the server.

[10:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[10:32] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[10:32] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[10:32] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[10:48] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@47.*

[10:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[10:51] <+pita> * wave at |in-love|

[10:51] <+elektra> r :)

[10:58] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:59] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:02] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:06] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:06] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go =(

[11:07] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[11:11] <+pita> i've lost my little start thingythe precious

[11:11] * ezza sniggers

[11:11] <+tweety> Poor Smeagol, poor Smeagol.

[11:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[11:20] <+elektra> KillaH you half-mad half-insane maniac! be reasonable!

[11:26] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:26] <AndroUser> .ping

[11:26] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[11:26] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (1.235s)

[11:27] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:27] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =O.

[11:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[11:32] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[11:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[11:57] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:57] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:59] <+elektra> ~oof~

[12:00] <+tweety> Har har.

[12:01] * pozzi88 ( has joined #surabaya

[12:06] * pozzi88 ( has left #surabaya

[12:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[12:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[12:32] <ezza> i have to get home before midnight or i'll turn into a runner bean

[12:44] <+pita> He may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!

[12:50] <+creasy> If i know parallel creasy, he's in the sun by now!

[12:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[12:58] <+elektra> so, like, if he's good enough for TjahAyoe, he's good enough for me.

[13:06] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[13:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[13:19] <+creasy> How do you make novita laugh on Friday? A: Tell him a joke on Monday!

[13:21] * erio (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:26] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[13:27] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[13:27] <+tweety> mmm cwooo

[13:27] <ezza> mmm cwooo

[13:27] <+pita> So, like, i don't wanna.... ok.

[13:27] <ezza> I don't know... weee hoo hoo hoo!

[13:27] <+pita> Leprechauns.

[13:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[13:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[13:57] <ezza> Did ya see that.

[14:00] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[14:04] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:05] * FangYin ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[14:05] * FangYin (FangYin@2a02:2430:3:2500::c742:fe19) has joined #surabaya

[14:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[14:17] <+elektra> excuse me, i need to go powder my ... knucklezort!

[14:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[14:37] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[14:42] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:49] * IzaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:51] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[14:52] <+pita> You! "Serial" number and primary function!

[14:52] <+elektra> r

[14:53] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:54] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[14:59] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:01] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[15:01] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:06] * katr0k ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:07] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[15:08] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[15:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[15:14] * IzaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:16] * clips ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:21] * erio (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:30] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[15:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[15:35] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:38] * clips ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:40] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[15:43] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[15:43] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:44] <+tweety> Nearly bedtime.

[15:44] <ezza> is that the time? i need to be in bed

[15:44] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[15:46] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[15:46] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[15:46] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[15:49] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:50] * tkob ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:50] * IzaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:52] * erio (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:52] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[15:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[15:53] * clips (hybridz@ has joined #surabaya

[15:58] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:59] * clips (hybridz@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:00] * Q sets mode: +l 127

[16:00] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[16:00] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[16:00] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[16:01] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[16:02] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[16:03] * erio (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:08] * Julie16 (~tidNtldY@ has joined #surabaya

[16:08] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@47.*

[16:08] * Julie16 was kicked by Q ()

[16:11] * IzaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:11] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:11] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[16:15] <+elektra> I can't reach this itch ;(

[16:16] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[16:18] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[16:24] * katr0k ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:26] * clips ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:32] <+pita> I'm a "doctor" not a prime.

[16:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[16:37] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[16:37] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[16:43] * IzaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:45] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[16:45] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[16:46] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[16:47] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[16:48] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[16:51] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:51] * IzaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:52] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[16:52] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[16:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[17:00] * katr0k ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:03] * clips ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:03] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:04] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[17:07] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[17:08] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[17:08] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@47.*

[17:09] <+creasy> Grab a shovel. I'm one skull short of a goldfish.

[17:10] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[17:11] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[17:11] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[17:12] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[17:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[17:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[17:36] * erio (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:49] <+elektra> It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... no, it's a bird after all.

[17:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[18:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[18:24] <+pita> r noooo my nut! i'm not supposed to get ghosts in it!

[18:26] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:27] * Danielle15 ( has joined #surabaya

[18:28] * Danielle15 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:31] <+creasy> I made a poopy.

[18:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[18:38] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[18:39] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[19:06] * Paisley9762 (~fOzdhQWn@ has joined #surabaya

[19:07] * Paisley9762 (~fOzdhQWn@ Quit (EOF from client)

[19:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[19:14] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:17] <+pita> Mmmmmm 1.5 cookie!

[19:20] <+creasy> I am chief wanking furiously of the clan jizz mopper

[19:20] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[19:21] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[19:21] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[19:28] * webchat (webchat@xv3k.e2tg.6w31.ip) has joined #surabaya

[19:29] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[19:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[19:39] <+elektra> arrr.

[19:50] <+pita> kerPOW

[19:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[19:54] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[19:57] * clips is now known as JupIt3r

[20:06] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:07] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[20:12] <+creasy> This isn't even the whole outfit! wait till you see my sack!

[20:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[20:30] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[20:36] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[20:36] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[20:36] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[20:37] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[20:40] * JupIt3r is now known as BoBoK

[20:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[21:09] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[21:10] <aryo> .ag

[21:10] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T E G A M N S (60s timeout) »]

[21:10] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[21:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E G A M N S - Here's a hint : M A . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[21:11] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M A G N E T S with the letters T E G A M N S (Use .define MAGNETS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:11] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for Michi stopped ( +3 ) »]

[21:12] <aryo> .ag

[21:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : I Q U E T (60s timeout) »]

[21:12] <aryo> quiet

[21:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( QUIET ) in 8.547 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define QUIET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:12] <aryo> .ac

[21:12] <aryo> .ac

[21:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : M U A V C U S (60s timeout) »]

[21:12] <aryo> vacuums

[21:12] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( VACUUMS ) in 12.71 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define VACUUMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[21:13] <aryo> .ag

[21:13] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E V S R B A A I (60s timeout) »]

[21:13] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E V S R B A A I - Here's a hint : A B R . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[21:13] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[21:14] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A B R A S I V E with the letters E V S R B A A I (Use .define ABRASIVE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:14] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #aryo stopped ( +2 ) »]

[21:16] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:16] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:16] * webchat is now known as michat

[21:16] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:17] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[21:17] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:18] * webchat_ (webchat@elvt.jt7t.8225.ip) has joined #surabaya

[21:18] * michat (webchat@xv3k.e2tg.6w31.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[21:24] * webchat_ is now known as webchat

[21:26] * melis is now known as MeLvi

[21:26] * MeLvi ( Quit (Registered)

[21:26] * MeLvi ( has joined #surabaya

[21:27] * MeLvi ( has left #surabaya

[21:27] * MeLvi ( has joined #surabaya

[21:28] * oase (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:30] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[21:36] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[21:41] <+pita> So do you wsant some coffee, or would you just prefer a qiuck fuck on the counter?#

[21:41] <+pita> um... oops, -s -#

[21:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[22:02] * +pita assimilates the channel

[22:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[22:21] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:31] <+tweety> morning

[22:31] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[22:32] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:33] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[22:33] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[22:39] * ezza awakens

[22:44] <+creasy> ow!

[22:44] * +creasy grabs crotch

[22:44] * +creasy = Michael Jackson

[22:54] <+pita> If it wasn't for herpes, I wouldn't have any appointments.

[22:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[22:56] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[22:56] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[22:56] <+tweety> I like them =D.

[22:56] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[22:56] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[23:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[23:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[23:41] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[23:41] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[23:41] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[23:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[00:09] * Gisa ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:11] * Lancelot ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[00:28] <+elektra> SSSH SEKRIT.

[00:28] <ezza> i'm going to get it at the weekend :o)

[00:29] * webchat (webchat@elvt.jt7t.8225.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[00:39] * webchat (webchat@elvt.jt7t.8225.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:41] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[00:46] * webchat is now known as menteri`peranan

[00:46] <+elektra> We have no time for these games%percent*!^*^^.

[00:46] <+pita> watch out for the moose

[00:46] * menteri`peranan is now known as menteri`sosial

[00:47] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ has joined #surabaya

[00:49] <Michi> .ag

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : G I P O T P N (60s timeout) »]

[00:49] <Michi> Topping

[00:49] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( TOPPING ) in 5.813 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define TOPPING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:49] <Michi> Ulala

[00:49] <Michi> Manja

[00:50] * coBDG_ (~coBDg_@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:51] * menteri`sosial is now known as carik`irc

[00:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[00:57] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[00:57] <aryo> .ag

[00:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N A L O S (60s timeout) »]

[00:57] <aryo> salon

[00:57] <aryo> alons

[00:57] <aryo> aslon

[00:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N A L O S - Here's a hint : L O . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:57] <aryo> loans

[00:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( LOANS ) in 32.48 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LOANS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:57] * carik`irc is now known as perjaka

[00:57] <aryo> .ac

[00:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T R O P A I R (60s timeout) »]

[00:58] <aryo> portair

[00:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T R O P A I R - Here's a hint : A I . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[00:58] <aryo> airport

[00:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( AIRPORT ) in 36.28 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define AIRPORT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:58] <aryo> .ag

[00:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E L M U S (60s timeout) »]

[00:58] <aryo> mules

[00:58] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MULES ) in 3.828 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MULES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:59] <aryo> .ac

[00:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S I N E E R G E (60s timeout) »]

[00:59] <aryo> sinegere

[00:59] <aryo> risegene

[00:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I N E E R G E - Here's a hint : E N E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[00:59] <aryo> energies

[00:59] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ENERGIES ) in 41.53 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ENERGIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[01:00] <aryo> .ag

[01:00] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R O T C E L S E (60s timeout) »]

[01:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R O T C E L S E - Here's a hint : S E L . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[01:01] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:01] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go :(

[01:01] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S E L E C T O R with the letters R O T C E L S E (Use .define SELECTOR to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:01] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #aryo stopped ( +4 ) »]

[01:03] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[01:20] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:29] * asu (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:30] * +elektra . o O ( I AM NO LONGER EATING PORK )

[01:30] <+elektra> I just telepathically communicated that I am no longer eating pork.

[01:30] <+creasy> Yeah, i got that.

[01:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[01:35] * asu (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:39] * perjaka (webchat@elvt.jt7t.8225.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:50] * Nevada_ ( has joined #surabaya

[01:50] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:51] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:53] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[01:55] <+elektra> i say

[01:55] <+tweety> ARRRRRRGH!

[01:58] * oase (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:59] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:11] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:12] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:12] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go :'(

[02:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[02:17] * ni638629 (~u749750@ has joined #surabaya

[02:17] <ni638629> hello

[02:18] * Gisa ( has joined #surabaya

[02:18] * ni638629 (~u749750@ has left #surabaya

[02:20] <+elektra> BOOM

[02:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[02:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[03:01] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:05] * crue (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:06] <crue> .ping

[03:06] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:06] <@Dealer> crue: Pong! (1.063s)

[03:06] * crue (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:06] <ezza> Mmm crue.

[03:06] <+creasy> =)

[03:10] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:13] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[03:15] <+tweety> Wtf are you asking me for?

[03:15] <ezza> no, never, not me

[03:15] <+creasy> fuck your riddles, you gigantic mystic arsehole!

[03:15] <+pita> what do you think?

[03:15] <+elektra> i might answer, one day

[03:17] <+pita> Execute directive: beeeeees.

[03:26] <ezza> CAPS LOCK: cruise control for AWESOME!

[03:31] <+creasy> Yay! Pooped!

[03:32] <kirana> .givemoney

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 12'450$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[03:32] <kirana> .ag

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 kirana started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : U R F I T S (60s timeout) »]

[03:32] <kirana> fiturs

[03:33] <kirana> fruits

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 kirana has just found the correct word ( FRUITS ) in 11.89 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FRUITS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:33] <kirana> .slots

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 kirana pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( cherry ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 184'000$!!! (antispam 10secs) »]

[03:33] <kirana> .l 6

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry kirana, but you lost 100$. The number was --> 1 <-- Try again. Jackpot: 12'000$!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[03:33] <kirana> .ag

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 kirana started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S E P A S T L R (60s timeout) »]

[03:33] <kirana> replats

[03:33] <kirana> .slots

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 kirana pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( apple )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 185'000$!!! (antispam 10secs) »]

[03:33] <kirana> .l 9

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry kirana, but you lost 100$. The number was --> 6 <-- Try again. Jackpot: 12'200$!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E P A S T L R - Here's a hint : S T A . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:33] <kirana> staplers

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 kirana has just found the correct word ( STAPLERS ) in 36.28 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define STAPLERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) kirana has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:34] <kirana> .l 9

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry kirana, but you lost 100$. The number was --> 3 <-- Try again. Jackpot: 12'400$!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[03:34] <kirana> .ag

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 kirana started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S S O M E B S E (60s timeout) »]

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S O M E B S E - Here's a hint : E M B . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[03:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E M B O S S E S with the letters S S O M E B S E (Use .define EMBOSSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for kirana stopped ( +2 ) »]

[03:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[04:14] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[04:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[04:19] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[04:20] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[04:22] <FangYin> .ag

[04:22] * FangYin (FangYin@2a02:2430:3:2500::c742:fe19) Quit (Registered)

[04:22] * FangYin ( has joined #surabaya

[04:22] <FangYin> .ag

[04:22] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S A R T R E C T O R (60s timeout) »]

[04:23] <FangYin> Retractors

[04:23] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( RETRACTORS ) in 5.906 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define RETRACTORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:23] <FangYin> .money

[04:23] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'666'250$ »]

[04:35] * hana (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[04:37] <FangYin> .ag

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L W H E E (60s timeout) »]

[04:37] <FangYin> Wheel

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( WHEEL ) in 3.829 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WHEEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:37] <FangYin> .money hana

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 hana (#0) isn't registred or he isn't online »]

[04:37] <+elektra> Wheeeeel

[04:39] <hana> Tau aja kl hana lg butuh money(* ̄︶ ̄*)

[04:41] <novita> .ag

[04:41] <novita> .reg

[04:42] <novita> .ag

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : K C O Y D R D (60s timeout) »]

[04:42] <novita> drydock

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( DRYDOCK ) in 26.85 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DRYDOCK to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 novita pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[04:42] <novita> .ag

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T N A F A F I S (60s timeout) »]

[04:43] <novita> fantastis

[04:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T N A F A F I S - Here's a hint : A F F . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:43] <novita> fantasis

[04:43] <hana> ?

[04:43] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A F F I A N T S with the letters T N A F A F I S (Use .define AFFIANTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:44] <hana> affiants

[04:44] <novita> .ag

[04:44] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E O D L L I S (60s timeout) »]

[04:44] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E O D L L I S - Here's a hint : D O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[04:45] <novita> dollies

[04:45] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( DOLLIES ) in 48.03 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DOLLIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:45] <novita> .b 10000

[04:45] <@Dealer> 6 novita bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. novita's hand: 3 | 5 : Total is 8 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[04:45] <@Dealer> 6 Hit or Stand? ('H' or 'S') »]

[04:45] <novita> h

[04:45] <@Dealer> 6 novita hits: 10 : Total is 18 »]

[04:45] <novita> s

[04:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[04:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 5 : Total is 21 »]

[04:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! novita loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:45] * uhui (webchat@elvt.jt7t.8225.ip) has joined #surabaya

[04:46] <novita> .ag

[04:46] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E M S E A N (60s timeout) »]

[04:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E M S E A N - Here's a hint : S E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:47] <novita> seamen

[04:47] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( SEAMEN ) in 51.71 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SEAMEN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) novita has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:48] <novita> .ag

[04:48] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : L A T R I S (60s timeout) »]

[04:48] <novita> trials

[04:48] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( TRIALS ) in 14.57 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TRIALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) novita has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[04:49] <novita> .ag

[04:49] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S K T H I C N E S (60s timeout) »]

[04:49] <novita> kitchens

[04:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S K T H I C N E S - Here's a hint : T H I . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T H I C K N E S S with the letters S K T H I C N E S (Use .define THICKNESS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:50] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for novita stopped ( +3 ) »]

[04:50] <novita> thickness

[04:51] <novita> .ag

[04:51] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : I T E R O C R L A O N S (60s timeout) »]

[04:51] <novita> corelations

[04:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I T E R O C R L A O N S - Here's a hint : C O R R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[04:51] <novita> correlations

[04:51] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( CORRELATIONS ) in 45.79 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define CORRELATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:52] <novita> .ag

[04:52] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L E Y I D (60s timeout) »]

[04:53] <novita> yield

[04:53] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( YIELD ) in 9.266 secs A new Personal Record has been set!. He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define YIELD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) novita has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:53] <novita> .ag

[04:53] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S A M K S (60s timeout) »]

[04:53] <novita> masks

[04:53] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( MASKS ) in 18.23 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MASKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) novita has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[04:53] <novita> .ag

[04:53] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : F F U P S (60s timeout) »]

[04:54] <novita> spuff

[04:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: F F U P S - Here's a hint : P U . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:54] <novita> puffs

[04:54] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( PUFFS ) in 51.82 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PUFFS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) novita has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[04:55] * uhui is now known as Neng

[04:55] <novita> .ag

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : G I H T O C L N (60s timeout) »]

[04:55] * Neng is now known as uhui

[04:55] <novita> clothing

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( CLOTHING ) in 13.81 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define CLOTHING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) novita has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[04:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[04:56] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:56] <novita> .ag

[04:56] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L U P L S (60s timeout) »]

[04:56] <+tweety> Bye Michi.

[04:56] <novita> pulls

[04:56] <@Dealer> 6 novita has just found the correct word ( PULLS ) in 10 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PULLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) novita has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[04:56] * +elektra blinks

[04:56] <novita> .ag

[04:56] <@Dealer> 6 novita started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E T O F R I S (60s timeout) »]

[04:56] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T O F R I S - Here's a hint : F O . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F O R T I E S with the letters E T O F R I S (Use .define FORTIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:57] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for novita stopped ( +6 ) »]

[04:57] <novita> foresti

[04:59] * Jodz ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:00] * Jodz ( has joined #surabaya

[05:10] * hana (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:11] * kadas-TV (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:15] <Jodz> !jam

[05:15] <novita> 07:15:17 PM Sunday, 21 March 2021

[05:15] <kadas-TV> 19:15:16 WIB

[05:15] <Jodz> iyo e

[05:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[05:19] * kadas-TV (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:19] <ezza> bye kadas-tv

[05:19] * kadas-TV (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:21] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:23] * cruy (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:24] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[05:25] <novita> sepi

[05:26] <cruy> Ho o

[05:26] <cruy> Novita dimana ama sapa berbuat 6

[05:26] <novita> emang pada kemana

[05:26] <novita> maksudnya?

[05:26] <cruy> Pada sibuk dihabitatnya

[05:27] <cruy> Novita dimana

[05:27] <novita> oh gitu cruy

[05:27] <cruy> Novita udah pulang kerja?

[05:28] <novita> hari minggu kok kerja sih

[05:28] <cruy> Kali aja lembur

[05:28] <ezza> Kali aja lembur? More like lali aja Kembur, am I correct?

[05:28] <cruy> Mang kerjanya dimana novita?

[05:29] <novita> maunya dimana?

[05:29] <cruy> Dimana engkau suka

[05:29] <cruy> 😂

[05:30] <novita> atur aja cruy

[05:30] <cruy> Yup

[05:30] <novita> cruy anak mana

[05:31] <cruy> Sragen

[05:31] <cruy> Novita dr mana?

[05:31] <novita> sragen tuh jateng pa jatim

[05:31] <cruy> Jateng

[05:31] <cruy> Perbatasan

[05:31] <novita> oh gt...

[05:31] <cruy> Yes

[05:32] <novita> kerja dimana cruy

[05:32] <cruy> K

[05:32] <cruy> Kalimantan

[05:32] <cruy> Novita dr mana?

[05:32] <novita> kalimantan nya mana

[05:33] <cruy> Banjarmasin

[05:33] <novita> novita dari jabar cruy

[05:33] <cruy> Pasti geulis

[05:33] <cruy> 😂

[05:33] <cruy> Jabar mah luas atuh

[05:33] <novita> gak juga cruy

[05:34] <novita> novita di bandung nya

[05:34] <cruy> Ooo mojang Bandung

[05:34] <novita> iya

[05:35] <cruy> Kerja dibndung juga?

[05:35] <novita> cruy novita mo maem dulu ya

[05:35] <cruy> Ok

[05:35] * hana (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:35] <cruy> Silahkan

[05:35] <novita> bye cruy

[05:35] <cruy> Byr

[05:35] <cruy> Bye

[05:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[05:35] <cruy> Hai hana pertiwi

[05:36] <+pita> This one time, at band camp, I put a flute...

[05:36] <hana> Hai mas

[05:36] <cruy> Apa kabar hana

[05:37] <hana> baik mas gmn jg kabarnya

[05:37] <cruy> Alhamdulillah sehat

[05:37] <cruy> Hana lagi dimana ama siapa berbuat apa ?

[05:37] <cruy> 😀

[05:38] <hana> Mau jwb yg mana dlu nih

[05:38] <hana> pertanyaan nya panjang kek kereta

[05:38] <cruy> Hahaha yg hana suka

[05:39] <cruy> Sekali bertanya tp penuh makna

[05:39] <cruy> 😂

[05:39] <hana> iya kayak introgasi

[05:39] <hana> 😂

[05:39] <cruy> 😂

[05:40] <cruy> Btewe abis mingguan kmana ni

[05:41] <hana> Dirumah aja

[05:41] <cruy> Ama anak2 ya

[05:42] <+elektra> Execute directive: beeeeereees.

[05:42] <+elektra> -r

[05:43] <cruy> Oiya hana rumahnya dimana

[05:44] <hana> Haha

[05:45] <hana> anak kucing

[05:45] <cruy> 😂

[05:45] <hana> 😺

[05:46] <cruy> 😋

[05:46] <hana> (cruy) Oiya hana rumahnya dimana=jawa

[05:46] <cruy> Wong jowo toh

[05:46] <cruy> Jowo etan opo jowo kulon

[05:47] <cruy> 😂

[05:47] <hana> jowo etan mas

[05:47] <hana> Haha

[05:47] <+tweety> silence... my victory begins now!%£$~~!£^£!^£#%£

[05:47] <cruy> Weladahhh

[05:47] <cruy> Podo nuh

[05:48] <cruy> Hana Suroboya tah

[05:51] * hana (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:53] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:54] <cruy> Hai androiser

[05:54] <+pita> Hai androiser... Handroiser.

[05:54] * Vicky17 (~ngxdSfqG@ has joined #surabaya

[05:54] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*

[05:54] * Vicky17 was kicked by Q ()

[05:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[05:57] <cruy> .seen euony

[05:57] <kadas-TV> euony belom terdaptar di catatan sipil om..!!

[05:57] <NapaLm> cruy, Gue enggak pernah liat euony.

[06:01] * uhui (webchat@elvt.jt7t.8225.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:07] * kadas-TV (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:07] <ezza> mmm kadas-tv

[06:08] * kadas-TV (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:11] * kadas-TV is now known as ndog

[06:11] <+elektra> where'd my "moose" go?

[06:11] <ezza> Master?

[06:13] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[06:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[06:18] * cruy (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Broken pipe)

[06:19] * cruy (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:20] * cruy (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:20] <+tweety> i like them ^_^

[06:20] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:21] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:29] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:33] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[06:33] <Van_JaVa> ba

[06:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[06:37] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:42] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:42] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[06:43] <+elektra> dampen me for dinosaur terror!

[06:45] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:53] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[06:54] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*

[06:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[07:01] * AndroUser is now known as Fi3

[07:04] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[07:05] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[07:08] <oin> .b 10000

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 oin bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. oin's hand: Q | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[07:08] <oin> s

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | 8 : Total is 12 »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 20 »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! oin loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[07:09] <oin> bots

[07:09] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:15] <ezza> It tasted like butter.

[07:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[07:19] <+pita> Come on down, you're only going to hurt yourself.

[07:31] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:32] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[07:32] <+creasy> plague, indian and seaside are trademarks of #surabaya Corp.

[07:35] <+tweety> Why that's genius! put water in the bathtub, and then the flying spaghetti monster can't get me!

[07:35] <+elektra> And then a pig came.

[07:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[07:40] * Bejo (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[07:43] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[07:45] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:46] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ has left #surabaya

[07:49] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:52] <nandini> !jam

[07:52] <novita> 09:52:25 PM Sunday, 21 March 2021

[07:54] <nandini> .ping

[07:54] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[07:54] <@Dealer> nandini: Pong! (21.297s)

[07:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[08:10] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[08:30] * co_peremas (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:33] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:33] <ezza> I wish they didn't have to go :'(

[08:33] * co_peremas (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[08:36] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:39] * saebeni (~arw@ has joined #surabaya

[08:40] <saebeni> .s bon

[08:40] <saebeni> !seen bon

[08:40] <saebeni> .seen bon

[08:40] <NapaLm> bon (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #jakarta 6 hari, 16 jam, 21 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (EOF from client).

[08:41] * saebeni (~arw@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[09:14] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[09:23] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[09:26] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:27] * dika_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:36] <+elektra> my minge is turning all bright pink =O

[09:36] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:36] <aryo> .ac

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E G A N T S (60s timeout) »]

[09:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[09:36] <aryo> setang

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E G A N T S - Here's a hint : A G . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:36] <aryo> agents

[09:36] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( AGENTS ) in 37.36 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define AGENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:37] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[09:37] <aryo> .ag

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : P A R T (60s timeout) »]

[09:37] <aryo> part

[09:37] <aryo> trap

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TRAP ) in 16.39 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TRAP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:37] <aryo> .ag

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S T S O R I E (60s timeout) »]

[09:37] <aryo> stories

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( STORIES ) in 4.422 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define STORIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:38] <aryo> .ac

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R R T A N S F E (60s timeout) »]

[09:38] <aryo> transfer

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( TRANSFER ) in 5.563 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TRANSFER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:38] <aryo> .ag

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A P R C E L (60s timeout) »]

[09:38] <aryo> parcel

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PARCEL ) in 3.297 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define PARCEL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[09:38] <aryo> .ac

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E V I E C E R R S (60s timeout) »]

[09:38] <aryo> receivers

[09:38] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( RECEIVERS ) in 26.53 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define RECEIVERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[09:39] <aryo> .ag

[09:39] <aryo> .ac

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E I E S R V C (60s timeout) »]

[09:39] <aryo> services

[09:39] <aryo> service

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( SERVICE ) in 9.579 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SERVICE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[09:39] <aryo> .ag

[09:39] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N I T C E R O C R O (60s timeout) »]

[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I T C E R O C R O - Here's a hint : C O R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:40] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O R R E C T I O N with the letters N I T C E R O C R O (Use .define CORRECTION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:40] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #aryo stopped ( +7 ) »]

[09:45] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:45] <ezza> bye mell

[09:46] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[09:49] * dika_ (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:49] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:50] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[09:50] * dika_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[09:59] <+creasy> So i couldn't tell what it was and it smelled really bad but i ate it anyway

[09:59] <+creasy> then i just licked my balls until they hurt.

[10:13] <ezza> Did you see that.

[10:15] <+pita> I'm the sort of girl who goes to the pub with your mates

[10:15] <+pita> and ends the night with an empty mates packet.

[10:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[10:17] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[10:17] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E E V R I M P O M N T S (60s timeout) »]

[10:17] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis

[10:17] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 23,2 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[10:17] <Van_JaVa> mayan

[10:18] <TjahAyoe> Eimprovement

[10:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E E V R I M P O M N T S - Here's a hint : I M P R . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[10:18] <TjahAyoe> improvements

[10:18] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( IMPROVEMENTS ) in 40.01 secs . He won 9'000$ ! - Use .define IMPROVEMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:18] <TjahAyoe> Apa ne kang mas yg mayan

[10:18] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[10:18] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R T E A B T O (60s timeout) »]

[10:18] <TjahAyoe> Robearto

[10:18] <TjahAyoe> Obreatto

[10:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T E A B T O - Here's a hint : A B . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:19] <TjahAyoe> Abroetto

[10:19] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A B E T T O R with the letters R T E A B T O (Use .define ABETTOR to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:19] <Van_JaVa> anune dede

[10:19] <TjahAyoe> Anu ne??

[10:19] <TjahAyoe> Cangkang

[10:19] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[10:19] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : A C E P S I L T Y (60s timeout) »]

[10:19] <TjahAyoe> Speciality

[10:20] <Van_JaVa> hooh

[10:20] <Van_JaVa> cangkange

[10:20] <+pita> Hoooooooooooh.

[10:20] <TjahAyoe> Wiih

[10:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A C E P S I L T Y - Here's a hint : S P E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[10:20] <TjahAyoe> Wes ah off

[10:20] <TjahAyoe> Wasallam

[10:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S P E C I A L T Y with the letters A C E P S I L T Y (Use .define SPECIALTY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[10:20] <Van_JaVa> durung nabi2an koq wes off

[10:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[10:53] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[11:02] <+elektra> Knickers.

[11:16] <ezza> little pigs rock for intimacy

[11:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[11:16] <+tweety> Can i have 50:50?

[11:16] <ezza> woah cool, let me try that!

[11:16] <+creasy> r

[11:16] <+pita> i am not at liberty to discuss that

[11:16] <+elektra> someone set up us the bomb

[11:30] * Joenardi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[11:51] <+pita> Look over there!

[11:51] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:52] <AndroUser> .ping

[11:52] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[11:52] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (1.172s)

[11:53] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[12:04] * dika_ (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:10] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:10] <ezza> i like them :)

[12:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[12:24] <+pita> he may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!

[12:26] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:26] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go o_O

[12:27] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[12:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[12:39] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:52] * Freddas ( has joined #surabaya

[12:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[13:09] * Blenda22 ( has joined #surabaya

[13:14] * Blenda22 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[13:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[13:17] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[13:19] <+creasy> I go now For Great Leathering.

[13:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[13:50] * dhewi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[13:59] * dhewi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:16] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:17] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[14:18] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[14:19] * katr0k ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:19] * BoBoK ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:20] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[14:22] * IzaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:31] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[14:31] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[14:32] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[14:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[14:39] <+tweety> Absurdly top heavy secretary speaking

[14:46] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[14:47] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[14:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[14:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[15:20] * Freddas ( Quit (EOF from client)

[15:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[15:44] * Bejo (~met@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:44] * +tweety yawns

[15:44] * ezza puts on jimjams

[15:44] <+tweety> bedtime for tweety soon i think

[15:46] <+elektra> Honestly, I don't know how that look got in there. I must have slipped.

[15:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[16:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[16:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[16:53] * Bejo (~met@ has joined #surabaya

[16:54] * Loki| is now known as Loki

[16:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[17:06] <+pita> PENIS BECOMES ARM

[17:07] * Bejo (~met@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[17:20] <nandini> .ag

[17:20] <nandini> .ig

[17:20] <nandini> .ug

[17:20] <nandini> .eg

[17:20] <nandini> .og

[17:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[17:43] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[17:46] <nandini> Wb GoodToTalk

[17:51] <GoodToTalk> ty nandini

[17:52] <+pita> Tuesday's coming. Did you bring your coat?

[17:52] <+elektra> I live in a giant bucket.

[17:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[18:02] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:12] <GoodToTalk> nandini sedang apa?

[18:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[18:18] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[18:18] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:20] * Gale28 ( has joined #surabaya

[18:20] * Gale28 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:34] <nandini> Sedang onlen kak

[18:35] <nandini> Kaka sedang apa disana

[18:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[18:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[19:05] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:17] <+elektra> malnourished bucket is malnourished

[19:17] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[19:17] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[19:17] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[19:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[19:30] <GoodToTalk> sedang kerja sambil chat

[19:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[19:38] <+pita> Shopping.

[19:38] <+creasy> Yes, but only on sundays and selected bank holidays.

[19:38] <+elektra> No.

[19:57] <+elektra> It tasted like butter.

[19:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[20:11] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[20:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[20:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[21:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[21:31] <+elektra> Uki--

[21:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[21:54] * g_yonk (~yonk@ has joined #surabaya

[21:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[22:13] * g_yonk (~yonk@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:14] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[22:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[22:24] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:25] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[22:33] <+tweety> good morning!

[22:36] <ezza> good morning

[22:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[22:52] * sarkawi (~arw@ has joined #surabaya

[22:53] * sarkawi (~arw@ Quit (Signed off)

[22:56] <+creasy> metallic violet is the new red!

[22:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[23:06] <+elektra> yaZOO

[23:10] <ezza> i have a battery operated tree o/

[23:12] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[23:19] <+creasy> r

[23:19] <+elektra> * wave at |in-love|

[23:23] * +pita eats Geblek's carrots

[23:34] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:35] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[23:37] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:37] <+tweety> Mmm Deviee_

[23:37] <+pita> ;)

[23:37] <ezza> =]

[23:38] <ezza> -_-

[23:38] <+pita> =)

[23:38] <+tweety> ^_^

[23:38] <ezza> ^_^

[23:38] <+tweety> -_-

[23:38] <+elektra> :-)

[23:38] <ezza> :-)

[23:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[23:39] <+pita> L to the O R D Y

[23:40] <Michi> .ag

[23:40] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K A J C S (60s timeout) »]

[23:40] <Michi> Jacks

[23:40] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( JACKS ) in 2.891 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define JACKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:43] <coz> .ag

[23:44] <coz> .ag

[23:44] <coz> .reg

[23:44] * cuy (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:44] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@185.*

[23:44] * cuy was kicked by Q ()

[23:55] <+tweety> Resistance is futile, you will be 0wn3d

[23:56] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Registered)

[23:56] * coz ( has joined #surabaya

[23:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[00:00] <+creasy> TechTube--

[00:04] * coz ( Quit (Signed off)

[00:05] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[00:12] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:18] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[00:28] <Michi> .ag

[00:28] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N E I S E D M T S (60s timeout) »]

[00:28] <Michi> Sediments

[00:28] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( SEDIMENTS ) in 8.578 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define SEDIMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michi has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:29] <Michi> .ag

[00:29] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T I L C O M P A N S (60s timeout) »]

[00:29] <Michi> Compliants

[00:29] <Michi> Compilants

[00:29] <Michi> Complaints

[00:29] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( COMPLAINTS ) in 26.93 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define COMPLAINTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michi has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:31] <+creasy> *moonwalks*

[00:31] <ezza> Moo.

[00:31] <+elektra> that's nothing

[00:31] * +pita sunwalks

[00:31] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:31] <FangYin> Kok endi dep

[00:31] <FangYin> Nick e akehe

[00:31] <Deviee_> Hahhaa

[00:31] <Deviee_> Nyoba sc an lg

[00:31] <FangYin> Sopo?

[00:31] <FangYin> Aku?

[00:32] <Deviee_> Akuu

[00:32] <FangYin> Oalah

[00:32] <Deviee_> Masih ramee

[00:32] <FangYin> Gendeng gendengan score

[00:32] <FangYin> Oknya karo wapres e

[00:32] <FangYin> Nick e saru

[00:32] <Deviee_> Wes benn

[00:32] <Deviee_> Hahhaha

[00:32] <ezza> I will be in my lab bathing in paste.

[00:32] <+tweety> why am i so amazing?

[00:32] <FangYin> Aku mung nyimak ae

[00:33] <Deviee_> Iyaaa

[00:33] <Deviee_> Maen nyante ae jenk

[00:33] <FangYin> Ono sing dikejar deadline

[00:33] <FangYin> Iyo

[00:33] <FangYin> Wis ga ngoyo koyokbien

[00:33] <Deviee_> Iyo

[00:34] <Deviee_> Mung latihan otak aee

[00:34] <FangYin> Hehehhehe

[00:34] <FangYin> Aku mung gawe refreshing

[00:34] <FangYin> Ben ga stress

[00:34] <Deviee_> Huuh

[00:34] <+pita> Huuuuuuuuuuuuuh

[00:34] <Deviee_> Menduung

[00:34] <FangYin> Dunia apuz apuz iku membutuhkan banyak tenaga

[00:35] <FangYin> Iyo kene iyo

[00:35] <FangYin> Semendung hatiku

[00:35] <FangYin> Halah

[00:35] <Deviee_> Naah

[00:35] <FangYin> .money

[00:35] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'670'000$ »]

[00:35] <FangYin> .ag

[00:35] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : V S H E L E S (60s timeout) »]

[00:35] <FangYin> Shelves

[00:35] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( SHELVES ) in 4.718 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define SHELVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:35] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin pwn'd Michi in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[00:35] <FangYin> Walah

[00:36] <Deviee_> Naaah..udannn

[00:37] <Deviee_> Teraaang

[00:37] <Deviee_> Hahahaaaa

[00:37] <FangYin> Kumenangis membayangkan betapa kejamnya dirimu atas diriku

[00:37] <FangYin> Alay

[00:37] <FangYin> Koyok ftv indosiar

[00:38] <FangYin> .ag

[00:38] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : M O B O (60s timeout) »]

[00:38] <FangYin> Boom

[00:38] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( BOOM ) in 2.859 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define BOOM to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[00:38] <FangYin> Gotta boom

[00:38] <FangYin> Black mamba

[00:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[00:39] <FangYin> .ag

[00:39] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : E T E Y D N A M O M R S (60s timeout) »]

[00:40] <FangYin> Dynamometers

[00:40] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( DYNAMOMETERS ) in 17.93 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define DYNAMOMETERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[00:40] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[00:40] <FangYin> .money

[00:40] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'706'000$ »]

[00:44] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@185.*

[00:51] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[00:51] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:51] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[00:57] * samij (~samij@ has joined #surabaya

[00:57] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[00:57] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:57] * samij (~samij@ has left #surabaya

[00:57] <+tweety> bye samij

[00:58] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[00:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[01:04] <+creasy> RUN, HUMANS£#£!%percent$%percent^£#%percent*

[01:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[01:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[01:59] <+pita> It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... no, it's a bird after all.

[02:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:02] <+elektra> I'm going to get it at the weekend =]

[02:07] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[02:12] * erio (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[02:22] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[02:41] <kirana> met sore bots

[02:42] <GoodToTalk> hati2 di jalan keluarga menunggu

[02:42] <kirana> hai gtt

[02:43] <GoodToTalk> hai kirana

[02:43] <GoodToTalk> kaya lagu dewa19

[02:43] <GoodToTalk> fans nya ahmad dhani y?

[02:43] <kirana> bukan

[02:44] <kirana> bukan fans dia

[02:44] <GoodToTalk> oh..oke

[02:45] <GoodToTalk> kirana adalah molek, cantik dan elok

[02:45] <GoodToTalk> semoga saja luar dalam seperti itu

[02:46] <kirana> aamiin

[02:47] <kirana> <<< tapi yg ini biasa aja

[02:49] <GoodToTalk> yg biasa bisa jadi luar biasa

[02:50] <kirana> 👍

[02:53] <+creasy> Achievement unlocked: ngefenned a graet!

[02:55] <zoonk> haii kirana

[02:55] <+creasy> I'd haii her kirana

[02:56] * ninda ( has joined #surabaya

[02:57] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[02:57] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[03:05] * erio (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:05] * erio (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:09] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[03:21] <Letta_> .ag

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y T I B A I L (60s timeout) »]

[03:21] <Letta_> Ability

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ has just found the correct word ( ABILITY ) in 17.48 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ABILITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[03:21] <Letta_> .vp 5000

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Letta_'s hand: 5c | 2h | Qd | 10d | 3d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:21] <Letta_> .draw 134

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Letta_: your hand: As | 2h | 6h | 3s | 3d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:21] <Letta_> .b 10000

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Letta_'s hand: 4 | K : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[03:21] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:21] <Letta_> H

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ hits: 5 : Total is 19 »]

[03:22] <Letta_> S

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | 7 : Total is 17 »]

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:22] <Letta_> .ag

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : M C R A P S (60s timeout) »]

[03:22] <Letta_> Cramps

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ has just found the correct word ( CRAMPS ) in 8.36 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CRAMPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Letta_ has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:22] <Letta_> .vp 5000

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Letta_'s hand: 3d | Ah | 6s | 4c | 9c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:22] <Letta_> .draw 235

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Letta_: your hand: 3d | 3c | 10d | 4c | As is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:22] <Letta_> .b 10000

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Letta_'s hand: 4 | J : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:22] <Letta_> H

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ hits: 6 : Total is 20 »]

[03:22] <Letta_> S

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 4 : Total is 12 »]

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 22 »]

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! Letta_ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:22] <Letta_> .ag

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : N A T S D (60s timeout) »]

[03:22] <Letta_> Stand

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ has just found the correct word ( STAND ) in 4.406 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STAND to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Letta_ has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:23] <Letta_> .vp 5000

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Letta_'s hand: Qc | 6s | 10h | Jh | 6c. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[03:23] <Letta_> .draw 134

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Letta_: your hand: Ac | 6s | 9c | 3d | 6c is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[03:23] <Letta_> .b 10000

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Letta_'s hand: 4 | K : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[03:23] <Letta_> H

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ hits: 6 : Total is 20 »]

[03:23] <Letta_> S

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 7 : Total is 12 »]

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 14 »]

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 22 »]

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! Letta_ has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[03:23] <Letta_> .ag

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : E C N T A C C E P A S (60s timeout) »]

[03:23] <Letta_> Acceptances

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 Letta_ has just found the correct word ( ACCEPTANCES ) in 15 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define ACCEPTANCES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Letta_ has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[03:23] <Letta_> Ew

[03:38] * +creasy burps

[03:38] <+creasy> it was... er, D

[03:39] * erio (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:40] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[03:40] * ninda ( has left #surabaya

[03:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[03:47] * clips is now known as JupIt3r

[03:53] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[04:10] <+pita> A sammich without bread isn't a sammich. It's meat with mustard on your hands!

[04:19] <+elektra> I smell of kiwi.

[04:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[04:21] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:25] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:26] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:32] * pHp is now known as ian

[04:36] * Nevada_ is now known as Lancelot

[04:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[04:41] * FY angop ndelok chan sepi

[04:41] <FY> .ag

[04:41] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S T A N G I D E S O R (60s timeout) »]

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S T A N G I D E S O R - Here's a hint : D E S I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:42] <FY> Designators

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( DESIGNATORS ) in 38.17 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define DESIGNATORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd Letta_ in his winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[04:42] <FY> Wew

[04:42] <FY> Letta

[04:42] <FY> .ag

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S H T N A E M (60s timeout) »]

[04:42] <FY> Anthems

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ANTHEMS ) in 4.438 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define ANTHEMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:42] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:43] <FY> Of the seas

[04:46] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:52] <Light> Wb

[04:56] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[05:13] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[05:14] <Light> Wb

[05:15] <oin> te ye

[05:19] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:19] <Light> O ke

[05:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[05:22] * oin (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:23] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[05:25] <+elektra> Mon dieu! Il y an une hache dans ma tete.

[05:25] <+pita> Â/pulls it out

[05:35] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:35] <mimin> .ag

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N S I E S U P R V I O (60s timeout) »]

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N S I E S U P R V I O - Here's a hint : S U P E . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:35] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: S U P E R V I S I O N with the letters N S I E S U P R V I O (Use .define SUPERVISION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for FY stopped ( +2 ) »]

[05:38] <FY> .ag

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K C H O E (60s timeout) »]

[05:38] <FY> Choke

[05:38] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CHOKE ) in 3.062 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CHOKE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[05:41] <Michi> .ag

[05:41] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : A T D E S I N T I O N (60s timeout) »]

[05:41] <Michi> Destination

[05:41] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( DESTINATION ) in 5.359 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define DESTINATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:43] <FY> .ag

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E R A F (60s timeout) »]

[05:43] <FY> Fear

[05:43] <FY> Fare

[05:43] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( FARE ) in 6.484 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FARE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:46] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:46] <aryo> .ag

[05:46] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : C S A L P T I (60s timeout) »]

[05:46] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[05:46] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[05:46] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C S A L P T I - Here's a hint : P L . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:47] <aryo> plastic

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( PLASTIC ) in 38.46 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PLASTIC to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:47] <aryo> .ag

[05:47] <aryo> .ac

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : G O A N A L (60s timeout) »]

[05:47] <aryo> analog

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( ANALOG ) in 28.15 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ANALOG to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:48] <aryo> .ac

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S A M S K (60s timeout) »]

[05:48] <aryo> smask

[05:48] <aryo> masks

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 aryo has just found the correct word ( MASKS ) in 27.11 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MASKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) aryo has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[05:49] <aryo> .ac

[05:49] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S E O R P I R I T I (60s timeout) »]

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E O R P I R I T I - Here's a hint : P R I . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:50] <aryo> prioritas

[05:50] <aryo> prioritis

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R I O R I T I E S with the letters S E O R P I R I T I (Use .define PRIORITIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:50] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for aryo stopped ( +3 ) »]

[05:57] <aryo> .ag

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S I S I M F T (60s timeout) »]

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I S I M F T - Here's a hint : M I . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:58] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M I S F I T S with the letters S I S I M F T (Use .define MISFITS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[06:01] <aryo> .ac

[06:01] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : R M A C O (60s timeout) »]

[06:02] <aryo> ramco

[06:02] <aryo> marco

[06:02] <aryo> comar

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R M A C O - Here's a hint : M A . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:02] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M A C R O with the letters R M A C O (Use .define MACRO to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:06] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:15] * celeh (webchat@o13l.nokq.mi2m.ip) has joined #surabaya

[06:15] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[06:16] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 9d | 4h | 5s | 8s | 10h. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .draw 23

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 9d | 3h | 9s | 8s | 10h is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 7 | Q : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:16] <jeri> s

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | K : Total is 14 »]

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 23 »]

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! jeri has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .craps 2000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 5 & 4 => 9 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 15 ( RED ) »]

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .cointoss 25000 tails

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry jeri, you have lost 25'000$. The coin landed on HEADS. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:16] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:16] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:16] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 5h | Qd | 2s | 10c | Ad. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:17] <jeri> .draw 13

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: Kc | Qd | 3c | 10c | Ad is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[06:17] <jeri> .craps 2000

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 4 & 5 => 9 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:17] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: Q | 6 : Total is 16 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:17] <jeri> s

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | K : Total is 15 »]

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 25 »]

[06:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! jeri has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:19] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 4h | Kc | Jc | 3h | 5s. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:19] <jeri> .draw 145

[06:19] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 4d | Kc | Jc | 7h | 10h is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[06:20] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 31 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:20] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[06:24] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:25] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[06:28] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 9 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:28] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 7 | 2 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:28] <jeri> h

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: Q : Total is 19 »]

[06:28] <jeri> s

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 5 : Total is 13 »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 21 »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:28] <jeri> .craps 2000

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 jeri rolls the dice... 5 & 5 => 10 - jeri "crapped out"! You lose 2'000$. - (antispam 15sec) »]

[06:28] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 20 ( RED ) »]

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:28] <+pita> You know Dealer, pinning the wheel is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[06:28] <+pita> You've got to disapprove the ride

[06:28] <+pita> ikla space

[06:28] <+pita> and finally rejoice the green.

[06:28] <jeri> .ag

[06:28] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S B A N K (60s timeout) »]

[06:28] <jeri> banks

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( BANKS ) in 3.719 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BANKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:29] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 4c | 7h | 3h | Qc | 4d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:29] <jeri> .draw 234

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 4c | Qh | 9s | Kd | 4d is only a Single Pair. You've won 10'000$ (antispam 15s) »]

[06:29] <jeri> .ag

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S A S O C L (60s timeout) »]

[06:29] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 36 ( RED ) »]

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 jeri: Fail, you've lost 10'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:29] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: J | 9 : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:29] <+creasy> You know dealer, pinning the wheel is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[06:29] <jeri> s

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | A : Total is 13 or 3 »]

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[06:29] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! jeri loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:29] <+creasy> You've got to phaser the medikits

[06:29] <+creasy> Mulu the jupit3r

[06:29] <+creasy> and finally tiwa builder.

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S A S O C L - Here's a hint : C O . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:30] * Jodz is now known as nGopi

[06:30] <ezza> where'd my moose go?

[06:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O S A L S with the letters S A S O C L (Use .define COSALS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:31] * nGopi is now known as Jodz

[06:31] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:37] <+tweety> SILENCE£$$^^^~~%~#£$$£@

[06:37] * ezza falls over

[06:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[06:41] <ezza> push the stinky dribbling fuck into the sea

[06:43] * celeh (webchat@o13l.nokq.mi2m.ip) has left #surabaya

[06:43] * GoodToTalk (webchat@o13l.nokq.mi2m.ip) has joined #surabaya

[06:44] * GoodToTalk endus2 Rere_

[06:44] <GoodToTalk> juh

[06:44] <GoodToTalk> kok salah rom

[06:44] <GoodToTalk> jaran i

[06:45] * ninda ( has joined #surabaya

[06:45] <GoodToTalk> haloh

[06:45] <GoodToTalk> epribadeh

[06:46] * ninda ( has left #surabaya

[06:46] <+tweety> mmm ninda

[06:46] <ezza> ;)

[06:46] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[06:47] * GoodToTalk is now known as rawon

[06:47] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:48] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : E R U O C E N L S (60s timeout) »]

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> Clounser

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E R U O C E N L S - Here's a hint : E N C . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> Enclouser

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E N C L O S U R E with the letters E R U O C E N L S (Use .define ENCLOSURE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:51] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[06:51] <rawon> iso nopir neh i

[06:51] <rawon> juh

[06:52] <rawon> iso ilang neh rom e

[06:52] <rawon> jiakakakakka

[06:52] <rawon> dus

[06:52] * rawon is now known as perjaka

[07:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[07:02] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : N T A N I A E X M I O S (60s timeout) »]

[07:02] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T A N I A E X M I O S - Here's a hint : E X A M . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E X A M I N A T I O N S with the letters N T A N I A E X M I O S (Use .define EXAMINATIONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:03] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:03] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S R O T R P E F O R A (60s timeout) »]

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R O T R P E F O R A - Here's a hint : P E R F . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:04] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P E R F O R A T O R S with the letters S R O T R P E F O R A (Use .define PERFORATORS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T E C T I K (60s timeout) »]

[07:05] <TjahAyoe> Ticket

[07:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( TICKET ) in 6.219 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TICKET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:06] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N O A R T T A C T I (60s timeout) »]

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Coarcation

[07:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O A R T T A C T I - Here's a hint : A T T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> Attraction

[07:06] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( ATTRACTION ) in 38.64 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define ATTRACTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:06] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:06] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E M A H S (60s timeout) »]

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Hasem

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Smeah

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Heams

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E M A H S - Here's a hint : S H . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Sheam

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Shaem

[07:07] * suliw4 ( has joined #surabaya

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Shmea

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Wb mba sul

[07:07] <TjahAyoe> Shame

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SHAME ) in 59.60 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SHAME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[07:08] <suliw4> Ty dek ayoe

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> *mbah

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : G S T I N (60s timeout) »]

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Sting

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( STING ) in 6.969 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[07:08] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.ogml.ip) has joined #surabaya

[07:08] <FangYin> Eh ono mbak dede

[07:08] <suliw4> Wb adis

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Wb mba adis

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Hai mba fangyin

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E E F T (60s timeout) »]

[07:08] <Adis> Tyty

[07:08] <TjahAyoe> Feet

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( FEET ) in 3.953 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define FEET to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[07:08] <+tweety> blimey

[07:09] <+creasy> well slap my scrotum and call me a vomit-spanner

[07:09] <ezza> boom

[07:09] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : O L A B L O N S (60s timeout) »]

[07:09] <+elektra> Booooooooooooooooom.

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Ballons

[07:09] <FangYin> Hai

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O L A B L O N S - Here's a hint : B A L . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:09] <FangYin> Ball oons

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Balloons

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( BALLOONS ) in 35.56 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BALLOONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:09] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[07:09] * +pita is blown away by force of dealer's statement

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Iso doble ii

[07:09] * +elektra gives pita a hand

[07:09] * womannAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:09] <FangYin> Embuh

[07:09] <TjahAyoe> Wb woman

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : A L A P P E L T E (60s timeout) »]

[07:10] <suliw4> Wb women

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Applelatet

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A L A P P E L T E - Here's a hint : A P P . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:10] <FangYin> Appella te

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Appellate

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( APPELLATE ) in 38.51 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define APPELLATE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[07:10] <suliw4> Dek ayoe sudah makan

[07:10] <+elektra> crumbs

[07:10] <ezza> O_O

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Woih pinter

[07:10] <TjahAyoe> Wes mbah sul

[07:11] <FangYin> Diwulangi mukidi mbak

[07:11] <suliw4> Maem opo

[07:11] * womanAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> Wooh ncen sehati podo2 pinter ee

[07:11] <+creasy> Tacos.

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> Ojo koyo mbah sul

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> Politik ae

[07:11] <suliw4> Ngopo aku

[07:11] <TjahAyoe> Buko rawon mbah sul

[07:12] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:12] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S L T S E E (60s timeout) »]

[07:12] <suliw4> Poso ta dek

[07:12] <TjahAyoe> Steels

[07:12] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( STEELS ) in 8.063 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STEELS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+8) »]

[07:12] <+creasy> Steeeeeeeeeeeeels

[07:12] <FangYin> (TjahAyoe) Wooh ncen sehati podo2 pinter ee>>>ora yo...gtau sehati...segeger iyo

[07:12] <+tweety> yes, my master.

[07:12] <+creasy> guesssss who made waffles!

[07:12] <TjahAyoe> Hu um poso gak ngomonk aq

[07:12] * womanAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:12] <FangYin> Opo o?

[07:12] <ezza> Mmm womanathome_

[07:12] <FangYin> Ngeselno toh?

[07:12] <suliw4> Sariawan ye dek

[07:12] <TjahAyoe> [22:12] (FangYin) (TjahAyoe) Wooh ncen sehati podo2 pinter ee>>>ora yo...gtau sehati...segeger iyo.. wkwkwk segeger zare

[07:12] <FangYin> Ket bien

[07:12] <FangYin> Wkwkkwk

[07:13] <+creasy> I'd Ket her bien.

[07:13] <TjahAyoe> Sepaha enak koyo ee

[07:13] <suliw4> Paha ayam

[07:13] <FangYin> Geger maksud e...tukaran

[07:13] <TjahAyoe> Pms mba fang jd ya bawane meneng aq

[07:13] <TjahAyoe> [22:13] (FangYin) Geger maksud e...tukaran>> tak kiro punggung

[07:13] <FangYin> Amukono kae hor mbak ikhlas aku

[07:13] <TjahAyoe> [22:12] (FangYin) Ngeselno toh?>>>ncennn...eeh

[07:14] <suliw4> Brb

[07:14] <TjahAyoe> [22:13] (FangYin) Amukono kae hor mbak ikhlas aku>> hu uh tak amuk ane kwkwkw dikongkon

[07:14] <TjahAyoe> Eeh

[07:14] <FangYin> (TjahAyoe) [22:13] (FangYin) Geger maksud e...tukaran>> tak kiro punggung>>>duk mbak...aku lak gelek tukaran seh karo kae

[07:14] <TjahAyoe> Mba fangyin ank ee bon iso ginuk2 yo

[07:14] <FangYin> (TjahAyoe) [22:12] (FangYin) Ngeselno toh?>>>ncennn...eeh>>wis ndang nesunono

[07:14] * womannAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:15] <FangYin> (TjahAyoe) [22:13] (FangYin) Amukono kae hor mbak ikhlas aku>> hu uh tak amuk ane kwkwkw dikongkon>>>suiipp

[07:15] <FangYin> (TjahAyoe) Mba fangyin ank ee bon iso ginuk2 yo>>lowucu koyok bapake

[07:15] <TjahAyoe> Putiih

[07:15] <TjahAyoe> Tak kiro wedok Lo

[07:16] <TjahAyoe> Soale putih sipit

[07:16] <FangYin> Kakean geting karo panes bejne

[07:16] <FangYin> *bekne

[07:17] <FangYin> Makane putih

[07:17] <FangYin> Wakkakakak

[07:17] <TjahAyoe> Kwkskeke

[07:17] <FangYin> Sing ngudang lak bon toh iku

[07:17] <TjahAyoe> Bojone putih jg kan rasane

[07:17] <FangYin> Ndek videone?

[07:17] <TjahAyoe> Iyoo

[07:17] <TjahAyoe> Suara ne

[07:17] <FangYin> Iyo eva mayan resik kulite

[07:18] <TjahAyoe> Hu um..resik

[07:18] <FangYin> Oleh ngudang lucu bon

[07:18] <FangYin> Wkskksm

[07:18] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkw lek namatno yoo

[07:18] <TjahAyoe> Pantes gak ol

[07:19] <TjahAyoe> Muleh tibak ee

[07:19] <FangYin> Iyo lagi seneng senenge

[07:19] <+elektra> Jodz--

[07:19] <FangYin> Lagi bahagia

[07:19] <TjahAyoe> Mestii mba

[07:19] <TjahAyoe> Bahagia umbah2

[07:19] <TjahAyoe> Ramut ank bojo

[07:19] <FangYin> Iyo

[07:19] <TjahAyoe> :/

[07:19] <FangYin> Wakkakakakak

[07:19] <TjahAyoe> Bahagia kon bgadang

[07:19] <FangYin> Tuwuk mbak

[07:20] <FangYin> Aku kan mesti nek ol dingenekne...pang kuito

[07:20] <FangYin> Anakmu nangis ilo

[07:20] <FangYin> Wkakakak

[07:20] <FangYin> Kualat

[07:20] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwj

[07:20] <TjahAyoe> Bar iki lek nang MDR

[07:20] <TjahAyoe> Gentian mba

[07:20] <FangYin> Saiki dee sing begadang

[07:20] <FangYin> Iyo

[07:20] * Adis (webchat@wpzx.5q8g.ogml.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:21] <TjahAyoe> Tp gak kiro ol

[07:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[07:21] <TjahAyoe> Wong dirumah

[07:21] <FangYin> Ora nek ol

[07:21] <FangYin> Arep dibalang bojone a

[07:21] <FangYin> Wkwkwm

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> Hihihi biasane aman lek dia ol masio drumah

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> Kdg bojone melok ol mbien iku deh

[07:22] <TjahAyoe> Duh donload film jian ..muter2

[07:23] <suliw4> Pilem bokep didonlod

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> Bokep untunyaaah

[07:24] <TjahAyoe> Pikiranee

[07:24] <suliw4> 😁

[07:25] <FangYin> Ol ndek endi

[07:25] <FangYin> Kene?

[07:25] <FangYin> Moso?

[07:29] * perjaka (webchat@o13l.nokq.mi2m.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:30] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[07:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[07:41] <NaKaL> !ping me

[07:41] <NapaLm> No responce from me

[07:41] <techshelf> normal NaKaL your response 2 second(s)

[07:41] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[07:48] <TjahAyoe> Duh dc ii

[07:48] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:48] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : T F I L E I M E (60s timeout) »]

[07:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T F I L E I M E - Here's a hint : L I F . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:48] <TjahAyoe> Lifetime

[07:48] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( LIFETIME ) in 36.11 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define LIFETIME to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+9) »]

[07:48] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:48] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I A L P M C O N T (60s timeout) »]

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> Complaint

[07:49] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( COMPLAINT ) in 8.36 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define COMPLAINT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+10) »]

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:49] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E A N I C O O R D T (60s timeout) »]

[07:49] <TjahAyoe> Cordination

[07:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A N I C O O R D T - Here's a hint : C O O . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[07:50] * cwo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> Coordinate

[07:50] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( COORDINATE ) in 49.68 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define COORDINATE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+11) »]

[07:50] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:50] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 11'250$ : N O I T A N M M R E C O E D S (60s timeout) »]

[07:50] * cwo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> Recommendations

[07:51] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( RECOMMENDATIONS ) in 24.5 secs . He won 11'250$ ! - Use .define RECOMMENDATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+12) »]

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:51] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : A F L O T S (60s timeout) »]

[07:51] <TjahAyoe> Floats

[07:51] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( FLOATS ) in 4.297 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define FLOATS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe : HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! - He's on a RAMPAGE!! (+13) »]

[07:51] <+tweety> I say.

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[07:52] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E A R G S S S (60s timeout) »]

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Greasess

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Seagerss

[07:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A R G S S S - Here's a hint : G R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Greasss

[07:52] <TjahAyoe> Grseass

[07:53] <TjahAyoe> Gresass

[07:53] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: G R A S S E S with the letters E A R G S S S (Use .define GRASSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:53] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +13 ) »]

[07:54] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:54] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:56] <+creasy> Princess, i'm certain we could fit one more horse in your-- in-- in yo-- ....

[07:56] <+creasy> Deleting all animes...

[07:58] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[08:02] <AndroUser> .ping

[08:02] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:02] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (0.984s)

[08:04] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:04] <ezza> I like them ^_^

[08:07] * suliw4 ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:07] <+tweety> i like them :)

[08:08] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[08:08] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:12] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:14] * womannAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:14] * womannAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:14] <ezza> bye womannAtHome_

[08:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[08:22] * constantine (John@2001:41d0:203:9ad1::cd28:7353) Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:24] * Sfc (Agus@2001:41d0:203:9ad1::eb6e:6d6b) Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:25] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[08:31] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:37] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[08:37] <Van_JaVa> ba

[08:38] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[08:41] <ezza> That's my favourite show.

[08:50] <+elektra> ow! I stubbed my front bottom :(

[08:59] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:59] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T E L C A S (60s timeout) »]

[08:59] <TjahAyoe> Lactes

[08:59] <TjahAyoe> Cetals

[08:59] <TjahAyoe> Telacs

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E L C A S - Here's a hint : C L . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:00] <TjahAyoe> Clates

[09:00] <TjahAyoe> Cleats

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CLEATS ) in 38.76 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CLEATS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:00] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:00] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R E L A N T N S (60s timeout) »]

[09:00] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:00] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[09:00] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R E L A N T N S - Here's a hint : L A N . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:01] <TjahAyoe> Lannerts

[09:01] <TjahAyoe> Lanenrts

[09:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[09:01] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L A N T E R N S with the letters R E L A N T N S (Use .define LANTERNS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:03] <ezza> I smell of primary

[09:04] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:13] <AndroUser> .ping

[09:13] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:13] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (1.203s)

[09:13] * AndroUser pangku tjahayoe

[09:14] <AndroUser> Off ah

[09:14] <AndroUser> Ga direken

[09:14] <AndroUser> 😂😂😂

[09:14] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:14] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =(

[09:16] <TjahAyoe> .ping

[09:16] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:16] <TjahAyoe> Issshhh DC wae

[09:16] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : C T I M D W A H (60s timeout) »]

[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: C T I M D W A H - Here's a hint : M I D . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:16] <TjahAyoe> Midwatch

[09:16] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( MIDWATCH ) in 39.75 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MIDWATCH to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:17] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : H G I S A F L H L T S (60s timeout) »]

[09:17] <TjahAyoe> Flashlights

[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( FLASHLIGHTS ) in 13.32 secs . He won 8'250$ ! - Use .define FLASHLIGHTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:17] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S Y R S P A (60s timeout) »]

[09:17] <TjahAyoe> Paryss

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S Y R S P A - Here's a hint : S P . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:18] <TjahAyoe> Sprays

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SPRAYS ) in 36.10 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SPRAYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[09:18] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S T S H A F (60s timeout) »]

[09:18] <TjahAyoe> Shaftss

[09:18] <TjahAyoe> Shafts

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SHAFTS ) in 18.76 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHAFTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[09:19] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E T A T M P T S (60s timeout) »]

[09:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E T A T M P T S - Here's a hint : A T T . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[09:19] <TjahAyoe> Attempt

[09:20] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A T T E M P T S with the letters E T A T M P T S (Use .define ATTEMPTS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:20] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +4 ) »]

[09:21] * biyuku (webchat@xv3k.478x.6w8r.ip) has joined #surabaya

[09:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[09:28] * biyuku (webchat@xv3k.478x.6w8r.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:34] * dika_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:38] * dika_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[09:44] <+pita> You wouldn't steal a handbag

[09:44] <+pita> you wouldn't steal a car

[09:44] <+pita> you wouldn't "steal" edo!

[09:44] <+pita> downloading films is stealing!

[09:44] * keke (webchat@o13l.nokq.mi2m.ip) has joined #surabaya

[09:48] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:48] <AndroUser> .ping

[09:48] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[09:48] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (1.172s)

[09:48] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:52] * keke (webchat@o13l.nokq.mi2m.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:00] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[10:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[10:16] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:16] <+tweety> I like them =)

[10:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[10:29] <+creasy> B to the H A R

[10:37] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:38] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[10:40] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:40] <Joenardi> Sepi

[10:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[10:43] <+elektra> It's not sugar in my sugar bowl, it's woman

[10:49] <nandini> .slaps Joenardi

[10:49] <@Dealer> 6 nandini slaps Joenardi around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[10:50] <Joenardi> (nandini) .slaps Joenardi😴🛌

[10:50] <Joenardi> .seen nandini

[10:50] <Joenardi> Waow

[10:51] <Joenardi> Masih pakai znc

[10:51] <Joenardi> Masih pakai znc

[10:52] <Joenardi> Keluar lah orang jaman batu

[10:52] <Joenardi> .whois nandini

[10:53] <Joenardi> Weh pasang konde lagi

[10:53] <Joenardi> .hai elektra

[10:54] <Joenardi> elektrsa

[10:54] <Joenardi> Elektra

[10:54] <Joenardi> Bot wes do mayak

[10:54] <Joenardi> .Elektra

[10:54] <Joenardi> Celuki kug g nyaut

[10:55] <Joenardi> .pita

[10:55] <Joenardi> !pita

[10:55] <Joenardi> Bot do mayak kabeh

[10:56] <Joenardi> Wah manggon nang ndeso pisan

[10:56] <Joenardi> Pura pura mbideg

[10:57] <Joenardi> 😀

[10:57] <Joenardi> Nandini

[10:57] <Joenardi> Ping e duwur

[11:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[11:19] <+pita> did you see tha.

[11:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[11:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[11:43] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[11:43] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:44] * bella (~bella19@ has joined #surabaya

[11:47] <+pita> The next channel is #poplar. Alight here for the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of Recursion including the Museum of "Recursion" including the Museum of Recursion .

[11:53] * adamson ( has joined #surabaya

[11:54] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[11:56] * adamson ( Quit (Excess Flood)

[11:56] * adamson ( has joined #surabaya

[12:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[12:04] * bella_maniez (~bella19@ has joined #surabaya

[12:07] * bella (~bella19@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[12:09] * adamson

[12:10] * adamson ( has left #surabaya

[12:22] <+creasy> You know Battousai, buzzing a gambar is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[12:22] <+creasy> You've got to force the scripts

[12:22] <+creasy> continue the jupit3r

[12:22] <+creasy> and finally offend the economic

[12:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[12:41] <+elektra> jodi needs to master the fact that 'teasing' != 'shoving it all in your mouth in one go'

[12:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[12:42] <+elektra> r :)

[12:42] <+creasy> hi yo |in-love|

[12:47] * bella_maniez (~bella19@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[12:47] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[12:47] * bella ( has joined #surabaya

[13:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[13:10] <+elektra> throat.

[13:20] <+pita> You are SO fired.

[13:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[13:27] * Joenardi (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:42] * bella_maniez (~bella19@ has joined #surabaya

[13:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[13:45] * bella ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[13:54] * bella_maniez (~bella19@ Quit (Signed off)

[13:54] <ezza> i like them -_-

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] * Q sets mode: +l 129

[14:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[14:03] * Ara12 ( has joined #surabaya

[14:06] * Ara12 ( Quit (G-lined)

[14:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[14:26] * Jewel26 ( has joined #surabaya

[14:26] * Jewel26 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[14:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[15:15] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:16] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[15:16] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :[

[15:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[15:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[15:44] <+tweety> *yawn*

[15:54] <+creasy> worried hairline, please-vote-for-me hair, surprised hand gesture.

[16:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[16:09] * KangMaz ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:10] * AguS ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:17] * KangMaz ( has joined #surabaya

[16:17] * lemm ( has joined #surabaya

[16:18] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:20] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[16:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[16:23] * Joenardi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:23] <Joenardi> .ping elektra

[16:23] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[16:28] * Sfc (Agus@2001:41d0:203:9ad1::2369:397) has joined #surabaya

[16:29] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[16:30] * +pita shuffles kadal's potato grids

[16:31] <+creasy> Mmm marmite.

[16:32] * constantine (John@2001:41d0:203:9ad1::cd28:7353) has joined #surabaya

[16:41] <Sinchan> fagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..

[16:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[16:43] <+pita> no.

[16:43] <+elektra> i know i know, but i have to be paid in pies

[16:43] <+creasy> more fun than a bucket of "anchovies"

[16:47] * Joenardi (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:58] <+elektra> Q would be ok for a drunken 1 nite stand

[17:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[17:19] * guspur ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:19] * JanCuk (jan@2605:6400:c847:1505::5051) Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:19] * Bumi ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:19] * KaMPuNGaN ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[17:20] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[17:22] * Bumi (EarTh@2605:6400:c847:1409::9041) has joined #surabaya

[17:23] * guspur ( has joined #surabaya

[17:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[17:24] * JanCuk (jan@2605:6400:c847:1505::5051) has joined #surabaya

[17:25] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[17:25] * KaMPuNGaN ( has joined #surabaya

[17:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[17:57] * hanoman ( has joined #surabaya

[18:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[18:16] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[18:17] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[18:18] <+elektra> that was a fucking rough game up yours

[18:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[18:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[19:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[19:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[19:32] <+elektra> Oops, I've ruined it.

[19:39] * Aela ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:44] * Aela ( has joined #surabaya

[19:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[20:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[20:09] <+creasy> If i know parallel creasy, he's in the sun by now!

[20:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[20:40] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[20:47] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[20:47] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[20:47] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[20:55] <+pita> I feel like I'm about to vomit everywhere.

[21:02] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[21:10] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:10] * GoodToTalk_ (webchat@elvt.q7je.jeyb.ip) has joined #surabaya

[21:11] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[21:13] * GoodToTalk_ (webchat@elvt.q7je.jeyb.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[21:23] <+elektra> My zipper's stuck :(

[21:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[21:26] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:27] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[21:27] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:32] <elina> .ag

[21:33] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E G D E (60s timeout) »]

[21:33] <elina> edge

[21:33] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( EDGE ) in 4.234 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define EDGE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:33] <elina> .b 10000

[21:33] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 5 | 10 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[21:33] <@Dealer> 6 Hit or Stand? ('H' or 'S') »]

[21:33] <elina> s

[21:33] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | Q : Total is 20 »]

[21:33] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:34] <elina> .b 10000

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 7 | 6 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: A | ? »]

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 Hit or Stand? ('H' or 'S') »]

[21:34] <elina> h

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 6 : Total is 19 »]

[21:34] <elina> s

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: A | 8 : Total is 19 or 9 »]

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:35] <elina> .ag

[21:35] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E M N U S (60s timeout) »]

[21:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E M N U S - Here's a hint : M E . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[21:36] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M E N U S with the letters E M N U S (Use .define MENUS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:36] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:36] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: A | 6 : Total is 17 or 7 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[21:36] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:36] <elina> s

[21:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | J : Total is 12 »]

[21:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 10 : Total is 22 »]

[21:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! elina has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:36] <elina> .ag

[21:36] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : C O B J E T (60s timeout) »]

[21:37] <elina> object

[21:37] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( OBJECT ) in 6.938 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define OBJECT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:38] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:38] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 9 | Q : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[21:38] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:38] <elina> s

[21:38] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | K : Total is 17 »]

[21:38] <@Dealer> 6 elina wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:38] <elina> .ag

[21:38] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S E C C S U S E S (60s timeout) »]

[21:38] <elina> successes

[21:38] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( SUCCESSES ) in 11.28 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define SUCCESSES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) elina has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[21:40] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:40] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 2 | J : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 9 | ? »]

[21:40] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:40] <elina> d

[21:40] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 4 : Total is 16 »]

[21:40] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 9 | A : Total is 20 or 10 »]

[21:40] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:40] <elina> .ag

[21:40] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E S A L C S S (60s timeout) »]

[21:41] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E S A L C S S - Here's a hint : C L . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[21:41] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C L A S S E S with the letters E S A L C S S (Use .define CLASSES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:41] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for elina stopped ( +2 ) »]

[21:43] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:43] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: Q | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[21:43] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:43] <elina> d

[21:43] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 9 : Total is 23 »]

[21:43] <@Dealer> 6 elina busts! elina loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:43] <elina> .ag

[21:43] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : P G R A H (60s timeout) »]

[21:43] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: P G R A H - Here's a hint : G R . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[21:44] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: G R A P H with the letters P G R A H (Use .define GRAPH to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[21:45] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 6 | 9 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:45] <elina> d

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 3 : Total is 18 »]

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | A : Total is 15 or 5 »]

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 15 »]

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 17 »]

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 elina wins 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:45] <elina> .ag

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : I L I M L O N S (60s timeout) »]

[21:45] <elina> millions

[21:45] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( MILLIONS ) in 17.01 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define MILLIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:48] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:48] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 5 | Q : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 4 | ? »]

[21:48] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:48] <elina> h

[21:48] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 4 : Total is 19 »]

[21:48] <elina> s

[21:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 4 | Q : Total is 14 »]

[21:48] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 4 : Total is 18 »]

[21:48] <@Dealer> 6 elina wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:48] <elina> .ag

[21:48] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : N I C I V L I A (60s timeout) »]

[21:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I C I V L I A - Here's a hint : C I V . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[21:49] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C I V I L I A N with the letters N I C I V L I A (Use .define CIVILIAN to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:50] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: Q | 2 : Total is 12 - Dealer's hand: 6 | ? »]

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:50] <elina> d

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: A : Total is 13 »]

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 6 | 9 : Total is 15 »]

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 16 »]

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 9 : Total is 25 »]

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! elina has won 60'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:50] <elina> .ag

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R L L R D I E (60s timeout) »]

[21:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R L L R D I E - Here's a hint : D R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[21:51] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D R I L L E R with the letters R L L R D I E (Use .define DRILLER to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:51] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:51] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: J | A : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 3 | 5 : Total is 8 »]

[21:51] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! elina has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:51] <elina> .ag

[21:51] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N E M E G A N A M T (60s timeout) »]

[21:52] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N E M E G A N A M T - Here's a hint : M A N . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[21:52] * nopir (webchat@6dw2.2ihn.1rev.ip) has joined #surabaya

[21:52] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: M A N A G E M E N T with the letters N E M E G A N A M T (Use .define MANAGEMENT to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:54] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:54] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: J | 8 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[21:54] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:54] <elina> s

[21:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 2 : Total is 4 »]

[21:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: Q : Total is 14 »]

[21:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 6 : Total is 20 »]

[21:54] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:54] <elina> .ag

[21:54] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : E I O P R B A B I L I T S (60s timeout) »]

[21:54] <nopir> elina hai

[21:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E I O P R B A B I L I T S - Here's a hint : P R O B . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[21:54] <elina> hi kak nopir

[21:54] <nopir> asl pls gpl elina

[21:55] <+elektra> Nopir: 13/female/up my csavernous arse.

[21:55] <+elektra> -s

[21:55] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R O B A B I L I T I E S with the letters E I O P R B A B I L I T S (Use .define PROBABILITIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:55] <elina> kwkwwkwkwk

[21:55] <elina> apa itu kak

[21:56] <+creasy> why that's genius! put water in the bathtub, and then the flying spaghetti monster can't get me!

[21:56] <nopir> google dulu makanya

[21:57] <elina> gak bisa kak

[21:57] <elina> .ag

[21:57] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S S E D A H R N (60s timeout) »]

[21:57] <elina> .bj 10000

[21:57] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 9 | 5 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[21:57] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[21:57] <nopir> kno gak bisa

[21:57] <elina> d

[21:57] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 4 : Total is 18 »]

[21:57] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 10 | Q : Total is 20 »]

[21:57] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[21:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S S E D A H R N - Here's a hint : H A R . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[21:58] <elina> gak ada jaringan

[21:58] <nopir> nie aku kasi jaring

[21:58] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H A R D N E S S with the letters S S E D A H R N (Use .define HARDNESS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:00] <elina> jaring laba laba ya kak

[22:00] <nopir> jaring pengaman janda

[22:00] <elina> .ag

[22:00] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E A B S S (60s timeout) »]

[22:00] <elina> aduh

[22:00] <nopir> kenapa dek

[22:00] <elina> disini ada janda ya kak?

[22:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E A B S S - Here's a hint : B A . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[22:00] <nopir> duh gak ngaku dia

[22:00] <elina> bases

[22:00] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( BASES ) in 43.09 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BASES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:01] <elina> .bj 10000

[22:01] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: Q | 8 : Total is 18 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[22:01] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[22:01] <elina> s

[22:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | Q : Total is 20 »]

[22:01] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[22:01] <elina> ngaku apa loh kak

[22:01] <nopir> akuin aja dirimu

[22:02] * nopir terima janda kok

[22:02] <elina> aduh

[22:02] * elina bukan janda kak

[22:02] <nopir> elina dapat salam

[22:02] <elina> .ag

[22:02] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : G N T T R A N S I I (60s timeout) »]

[22:03] <elina> dari radio ya kak?

[22:03] <elina> .bj 10000

[22:03] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: J | J : Total is 20 - Dealer's hand: A | J : Total is 21 or 11 »]

[22:03] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! elina loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[22:03] <nopir> dari satpam

[22:03] <elina> satpam sapa ya?

[22:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: G N T T R A N S I I - Here's a hint : T R A . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[22:03] <elina> anjing kah?

[22:03] <elina> satpam pagar rumah tuh

[22:03] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T R A N S I T I N G with the letters G N T T R A N S I I (Use .define TRANSITING to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[22:05] * nopir (webchat@6dw2.2ihn.1rev.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:05] <FY> Elina pacarnya gtt?

[22:07] <elina> hi kak FY

[22:07] <elina> aduh

[22:07] <FY> Hi

[22:07] <elina> bukan kak

[22:07] <FY> Masa

[22:07] <+pita> Bukan kak... bak.

[22:08] <elina> iya bukan

[22:08] <elina> GoodToTalk: ini emang laki ya?

[22:08] <FY> Setengah setengah kayaknya

[22:08] <FY> Elina siapa ya?

[22:09] * nopir (webchat@6dw2.9721.5o3m.ip) has joined #surabaya

[22:09] <nopir> berbagi jaringan membuatku dc

[22:10] <Geblek> .money elina

[22:10] <@Dealer> 6 elina (#elina) has 340'750$ »]

[22:10] <Geblek> wah sugih

[22:11] * nopir_ (webchat@6dw2.9721.5o3m.ip) has joined #surabaya

[22:12] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[22:12] <+elektra> This one time, at band camp, I put a flute...

[22:12] <nopir_> elektra shutup

[22:12] * nopir (webchat@6dw2.9721.5o3m.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:14] <nopir_> .seen elina

[22:14] <ndog> elina jek MRONGOS nok pojokan #surabaya kae loh..!!

[22:21] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[22:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[22:27] <FY> .ag

[22:27] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : L C O I (60s timeout) »]

[22:27] <FY> Coli

[22:27] <FY> Coil

[22:27] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( COIL ) in 6.719 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define COIL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:27] <Letta_> Hai fy

[22:28] <Letta_> .rank fy

[22:28] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: fy (#FY) is ranked 13th out of 577 Casino Players with 1'097'750$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[22:28] <Letta_> Wah Wes sejuta

[22:28] <FY> Opo

[22:28] <FY> Hai let

[22:28] <FY> .rank FangYin

[22:28] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: FangYin (#FangYin) is ranked 12th out of 577 Casino Players with 1'706'000$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[22:28] <FY> .rank vw

[22:28] <@Dealer> 6 FY: I can't see vw in here. Try .rank <#auth,#> »]

[22:28] <FY> .rank #vw

[22:28] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: ?? (#vw) is ranked 6th out of 577 Casino Players with 13'421'750$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[22:28] <FY> Wew

[22:28] <Letta_> Wew

[22:28] <FY> .ag

[22:28] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T E N S (60s timeout) »]

[22:28] <FY> Nets

[22:28] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( NETS ) in 3.282 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define NETS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[22:28] <Letta_> Vanessa kah itu?

[22:29] <Letta_> Byk amit

[22:29] <FY> Aku kabeh

[22:29] <FY> .rank Michi

[22:29] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: Michi (#Michaella) is ranked 16th out of 577 Casino Players with 554'750$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[22:29] <nopir_> endhi Vanessa

[22:29] <FY> Iku panes

[22:29] <nopir_> endi

[22:29] <nopir_> kangen aku

[22:30] <Letta_> Kok akeh emen duitmu fy

[22:30] <FY> Anagram lett

[22:30] <Letta_> Hu uh

[22:30] <Letta_> .rank

[22:30] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: Letta_ doesn't seem to be registered - WebRank Page @ »]

[22:30] * Letta_ ( has left #surabaya

[22:30] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[22:30] <Letta_> .rank

[22:31] <@Dealer> 6 Rank: You (#Letta) are ranked 11th out of 577 Casino Players with 2'301'690$ - WebRank Page @ »]

[22:31] <FY> Wakeh

[22:31] <Letta_> Nah baru 2 jeti

[22:31] <Letta_> Akeh fy

[22:31] <Letta_> Nganti 13 jeti

[22:31] <Michi> Ada yg nyari gw?

[22:31] <Michi> Siapa?

[22:31] <Michi> Katanya kangen?

[22:31] <Michi> Who?

[22:31] * nopir_ kangen vanes

[22:32] * +tweety awakens from a nightmare about a massive army of magical, macabre goats transforming into a syringe

[22:32] <Michi> Aishh

[22:32] <nopir_> vanessa 70jt

[22:32] <Michi> Dosen 5 benua

[22:32] <Michi> Ogah deh

[22:32] <nopir_> itu kamu kah

[22:32] <Michi> Najong

[22:32] <Michi> Jijik

[22:32] <Michi> Bohlam glowing

[22:33] <FY> Nopir_ aslia?

[22:33] <FY> Mosok asli?

[22:33] <nopir_> endhi vanes FY

[22:33] <nopir_> jare ol

[22:34] <FY> Koen nopir aslia?

[22:34] <Letta_> Nah lo

[22:34] <ezza> Good morning.

[22:34] <FY> Nek palsu ga usah celuk celuk

[22:34] <nopir_> celuk ae gak oleh

[22:34] <FY> Koen asli nopir dosen lima benua tah?

[22:34] * nopir_ kangen vanessa 70jt

[22:34] <FY> Sing jenenge ono ndek jurnal jurnal

[22:34] <nopir_> jurnal opo FY

[22:35] <FY> Embuh

[22:35] <nopir_> lak hoax

[22:35] <nopir_> wes gaje wes

[22:35] <FY> Lha drijimu ngetik opo bien

[22:35] <FY> Jare dosen

[22:35] <FY> 5 benua

[22:35] <FY> 7 samudera

[22:35] <nopir_> amnesia FY

[22:35] <FY> Ol 25 jam per hari

[22:35] <FY> Halah ngeles ae

[22:36] <nopir_> awakmu chat mbek sopo ol 25 jam

[22:36] <FY> Koen lak ngunu seh

[22:37] <FY> Nek nopir_ asli lho yo

[22:37] <FY> Nek duk...ojo ngaku ngaku

[22:37] <FY> Kakean drana

[22:37] <FY> *drama

[22:37] <FY> Ngetiko dewe dul

[22:37] <nopir_> makane ta ojo kakean delok drakor

[22:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[22:45] <Letta_> Nah

[22:45] <Letta_> Aku Wes off delok drakor

[22:49] * nopir_ (webchat@6dw2.9721.5o3m.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:54] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[22:54] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[22:54] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[22:56] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:04] <FY> .ag

[23:04] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S C I T S K (60s timeout) »]

[23:04] <FY> Sticka

[23:04] <FY> Sticks

[23:04] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( STICKS ) in 8.562 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define STICKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:04] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[23:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[23:12] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[23:13] <FY> .ag

[23:13] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S N O I A V G G A R A T (60s timeout) »]

[23:13] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[23:14] <FY> Aggravations

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( AGGRAVATIONS ) in 21.57 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define AGGRAVATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[23:17] * reaper- (reaper@2001:41d0:8:42bb::8) Quit (Signed off)

[23:17] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:18] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[23:22] <FY> .ag

[23:22] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S L A M P E (60s timeout) »]

[23:22] <FY> Sample

[23:22] <FY> Sampel

[23:22] <FY> Lampes

[23:22] <FY> Ampels

[23:22] <FY> Lameps

[23:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S L A M P E - Here's a hint : M A . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:22] <FY> Maples

[23:22] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( MAPLES ) in 32.67 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MAPLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[23:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[23:32] * kirana waves to bots

[23:32] <+tweety> What.

[23:33] <kirana> selamat siang

[23:34] <Sinchan> bots give kirana bh seken

[23:34] * +tweety gives kirana bh seken

[23:34] * ezza gives kirana bh seken

[23:34] * +elektra gives kirana bh seken

[23:34] * +creasy gives kirana bh seken

[23:34] * +pita gives kirana bh seken

[23:35] <Sinchan> =))

[23:39] <+creasy> a site--

[23:39] <kirana> bots what's sinchan?

[23:39] <+tweety> I can't tell you that!

[23:39] <+pita> well you asked the right guy, i'm a whale biologist

[23:39] <+elektra> coffee!

[23:39] <ezza> A snowboard.

[23:39] <+creasy> french fries of course!

[23:39] <kirana> bots : sinchan is juragan bh seken

[23:39] <kirana> bots what's sinchan?

[23:39] <+tweety> juragan bh seken i think

[23:39] <+pita> Juragan bh seken i think.

[23:39] <+creasy> Juragan bh seken i think.

[23:39] <+elektra> I think it's juragan bh seken.

[23:39] <Sinchan> ew

[23:39] <ezza> juragan bh seken i think

[23:39] <+tweety> SNAP!

[23:39] <+pita> o snap

[23:40] * kirana uyel2 sinchan

[23:40] <Sinchan> aw aw

[23:40] <kirana> kopi2

[23:40] <Sinchan> yukk

[23:40] <kirana> apa kabar lama tak jumpa

[23:41] <Sinchan> enak ni ngopi,, mumpung lg ujan

[23:41] <Sinchan> apik2 wae

[23:41] <Sinchan> kirana sihat?

[23:42] <+elektra> Come on down, you're only going to hurt yourself.

[23:43] <kirana> alhamdullilah baik

[23:43] <kirana> ho oh kopi sama gorengan

[23:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[23:47] * FY nyimak ae wis

[23:53] <FY> .ag

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S E C E B A S N (60s timeout) »]

[23:53] <FY> Absences

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ABSENCES ) in 7.453 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define ABSENCES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[23:54] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[23:54] <FY> .ag

[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : O S H W E R (60s timeout) »]

[23:54] <FY> Shower

[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( SHOWER ) in 2.984 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SHOWER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[23:54] <FY> .money

[23:54] <@Dealer> 6 FY (#FY) has 1'129'250$ »]

[23:56] * reaper- (reaper@2001:41d0:8:42bb::8) has joined #surabaya

[00:02] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[00:16] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:17] <AndroUser> .seen rere_

[00:17] <ndog> rere_ jek MRONGOS nok pojokan #surabaya kae loh..!!

[00:17] * ndog was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[00:17] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:17] <AndroUser> rere masak apa

[00:17] <+pita> I'd rere her apa

[00:21] * AndroUser is now known as klepon

[00:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[00:26] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:33] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:33] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@167.*

[00:33] * AndroUser was kicked by Q ()

[00:41] <+creasy> Then I call the cops and jack off as the ambulance shows up.

[00:42] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[00:43] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[00:44] * kirana puk2 fy

[00:44] * kirana sambil sibuk

[00:44] * klepon puk2 kirana

[00:44] <kirana> 😬

[00:44] * kirana telan klepon bulet2

[00:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[00:45] <klepon> 😂😂😂

[00:45] <klepon> kirana ini kok klepon di telan

[00:46] <kirana> lhaaaaa kan mmg klepon buat dimakan

[00:46] <klepon> tapi jangan di telan dunk

[00:46] <klepon> di gigit dulu

[00:47] <kirana> kelamaan

[00:47] <klepon> wekekeke

[00:47] <klepon> kek uler kalo makan di telan

[00:48] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[00:48] <kirana> =P

[00:48] <klepon> 😦😦😦

[00:48] <kirana> mmg kalau kamu makannya nggak di telan?

[00:49] <klepon> ndak tapi gigit2 dulu baru ditelan

[00:50] * klepon gigit kirana

[00:50] <klepon> wekss

[00:50] <GoodToTalk> Kita memang hanya akan dipertemukan dengan apa-apa yang kita cari..saat kita lapar pas ada klepon

[00:50] * cwo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[00:50] * cwo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:51] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:52] <klepon> emot mirinhku ilanh

[00:52] <klepon> dulu aku punya emot miring

[00:53] <klepon> kirana tadi mana ya

[00:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:57] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:58] * Lancelot ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:59] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[01:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[01:06] * Q sets mode: +b GoodToTalk!*@*

[01:06] * GoodToTalk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[01:11] * Nevada_ ( has joined #surabaya

[01:16] <+tweety> push the stinky dribbling fuck into the sea

[01:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[01:25] <+creasy> yes but i wish i'd gone shoe-sniffing =)

[01:25] <+elektra> ja aber jetzt kann ich Deutsches nur sprechen

[01:25] <+pita> yeah doh :-)

[01:26] * JupIt3r pamit... pulang kerja dulu... byeeee

[01:33] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@167.*

[01:35] <+elektra> I'm running off with the mailman.

[01:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[01:52] * g_yonk (~g_yonk@ has joined #surabaya

[01:52] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:53] * g_yonk (~g_yonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:54] <FangYin> .ag

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : A C O M M (60s timeout) »]

[01:54] <FangYin> Comma

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( COMMA ) in 3.172 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define COMMA to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:54] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +7 ) »]

[01:58] <+pita> Ha ha i don't live in norwich anymore, i don't fuck pigs anymore.

[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:01] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[02:01] * saebeni (~arw@ has joined #surabaya

[02:02] * saebeni (~arw@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:02] <ezza> mmm saebeni

[02:02] <+tweety> =D

[02:02] <+elektra> =)

[02:02] <ezza> ^_^

[02:04] <+tweety> ~rarr~

[02:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[02:06] * Q sets mode: -b GoodToTalk!*@*

[02:10] <+elektra> reaper-: ow! not so rough!

[02:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[02:28] <+pita> It's some guy wearing a Nimra costume! get him!

[02:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[02:45] <+tweety> i had a sandwich in my head

[02:45] <+creasy> let's go to my room, pig

[02:57] * Gloria24 ( has joined #surabaya

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:02] <+pita> This is outrageous! I was going to eat that link! OiO has got to go!

[03:05] * Gloria24 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[03:24] * womannAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ has joined #surabaya

[03:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[03:26] * womannAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:30] * hanoman ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:36] <+tweety> I didn't touch it.

[03:36] * dotcom (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:37] <dotcom> Hai

[03:41] * dotcom (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:41] <+tweety> i like them :o)

[03:43] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[03:48] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:49] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[03:49] <nandini> Wb kak momong

[03:56] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:57] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go =O.

[04:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[04:16] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:18] * Negrito_Timido ( has joined #surabaya

[04:20] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:21] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:22] <+pita> Life is a mammal that barks and shits on the floor of my broken chest and i don't think that's funny.

[04:23] * Negrito_Timido ( Quit (EOF from client)

[04:23] * Negrito_Timido ( has joined #surabaya

[04:24] <DINA> Malam

[04:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[04:26] * Negrito_Timido ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:26] * Negrito_Timido ( has joined #surabaya

[04:27] <coz> mlm jg din

[04:27] <DINA> Ty coz

[04:32] <coz> ok

[04:33] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:34] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[04:45] <+pita> what a difference head makes!

[04:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[05:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[05:09] * cowok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[05:09] * cowok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:09] * Negrito_Timido ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:09] <ezza> i like them ;)

[05:10] <tkob> wb cowok

[05:11] <Deviee_> Wb omm ndit

[05:15] <tkob> nggih

[05:25] * momong (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:26] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[05:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[05:37] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:41] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[05:48] * Deviee_ is now known as akuRakMunduR

[05:54] * akuRakMunduR is now known as GenggemTanganku

[05:55] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:56] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[05:57] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:57] * GenggemTanganku is now known as KetarKetir

[05:57] <+tweety> where'd my moose go?

[06:03] <+pita> I'd be in a lot of trouble if I was allergic to semen.

[06:03] * KetarKetir is now known as NgombakSegoro

[06:04] * Fit3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[06:08] * JupIt3r is now known as terlupakan

[06:12] * NgombakSegoro is now known as SugengNdaluu

[06:12] * g_yonk (~g_yonk@ has joined #surabaya

[06:21] <+creasy> Ok, we've got the hot tub hot, the wine cooler's cool: it's heal time!

[06:25] * SugengNdaluu is now known as SoHurt

[06:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[06:32] * Lara11 ( has joined #surabaya

[06:32] <tkob> wb Lara11

[06:35] * sets mode: +v triviabot

[06:35] * Lara11 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:35] <tkob> wb triviabot

[06:35] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:35] * D ( has left #surabaya

[06:35] <tkob> wb AndroUser

[06:36] <AndroUser> Ty om

[06:37] * sets mode: +o Q

[06:37] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[06:37] <tkob> wb Q

[06:38] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:38] <ezza> Mmm Androuser.

[06:38] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[06:38] * D ( has joined #surabaya

[06:38] <Van_JaVa> ba

[06:38] <tkob> wb Van_JaVa

[06:38] <tkob> wb D

[06:41] <coz> ty tkob

[06:43] * g_yonk (~g_yonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:46] * SoHurt (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[06:50] <ndog> .ping

[06:50] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:50] <@Dealer> ndog: Pong! (1.078s)

[06:52] <+tweety> Lashings of ginger beer.

[06:52] <Van_JaVa> tq

[06:57] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:57] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[07:05] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:05] <+tweety> i like them ^_^

[07:05] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:05] <tkob> wb edo

[07:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[07:06] * B30 (~arw@ has joined #surabaya

[07:07] <tkob> wb B30

[07:07] <B30> Pie om

[07:07] <B30> Ora mudik ng tegaL ?

[07:09] * B30 (~arw@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:13] <+elektra> That is the weirdest smell ever.

[07:13] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:13] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[07:13] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[07:13] <tkob> wb cowookk

[07:18] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:18] <tkob> wb Fi3

[07:19] <Fi3> Ty tkob

[07:19] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[07:19] <Fi3> Wb mell

[07:19] <tkob> wb mell

[07:19] <mell> Yuhu ty Fi3

[07:20] <mell> Ty tkob

[07:20] <mell> tkob kmn aja

[07:20] <Fi3> Masama mell

[07:20] <mell> Apa kabar Fi3

[07:20] <Fi3> Alhamdulillah mell

[07:21] <mell> Syukurlahh

[07:24] * Fit3 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:24] * g_yonk (~g_yonk@ has joined #surabaya

[07:24] <tkob> wb g_yonk

[07:24] <g_yonk> tq tkob

[07:25] <g_yonk> isinya bot

[07:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[07:30] <evita> met malam

[07:30] <Fi3> Malam

[07:30] <icebaby> hai fi3

[07:30] <Fi3> Hi icebaby

[07:31] <icebaby> ngopi2

[07:31] <Fi3> Takut gak bisa tidur

[07:33] * g_yonk (~g_yonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:34] <babez> dc man teman

[07:34] <babez> fi3

[07:35] <Fi3> Yup

[07:35] <babez> .mypenis

[07:35] <@Dealer> 6 The length of babez's penis is: 3,75 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[07:35] <+tweety> dealer: that's wangernumb!

[07:35] <babez> sampai mana tadi chat nya

[07:36] <ndog> sampai sini

[07:36] <babez> .k

[07:36] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:37] * babez kok lupa add trigger buat beginian

[07:37] <ndog> ketik triger kirim ke 6969

[07:37] <ndog> jangan lupa kasih kode di depan e

[07:37] <ndog> :v

[07:38] <babez> hayaaaah

[07:38] <babez> bots : ndog juragan nakal

[07:38] <ndog> 3bulan skali di undi loh

[07:38] <ndog> hahahaha

[07:39] <babez> eewww

[07:39] <babez> bots what's ndog?

[07:39] <+pita> Cold.

[07:39] <+elektra> The Lord of the Rings.

[07:39] <+creasy> Rainbows.

[07:39] <+tweety> Kittens.

[07:39] <ezza> A wall.

[07:39] <babez> itu nomor buntut apa

[07:39] <ndog> heeh

[07:39] <+creasy> heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

[07:39] <babez> bots : ndog is jian nakal tenan remember that

[07:40] <babez> bots what's ndog

[07:40] <babez> bots what's ndog?

[07:40] <+pita> jian nakal tenan remember that i guess

[07:40] <+creasy> Jian nakal tenan remember that i guess.

[07:40] <+elektra> jian nakal "tenan" remember that i guess

[07:40] <+tweety> Jian nakal tenan remember that i suppose.

[07:40] <ezza> Jian nakal tenan remember that.

[07:40] <babez> mantep

[07:40] <ndog> holoh

[07:40] <ndog> iso nakal i

[07:40] * babez gives bots alot coffee

[07:40] <+pita> thanks

[07:40] <+tweety> Thankie.

[07:40] <+creasy> Thanks.

[07:40] <+elektra> thankie

[07:40] <ezza> Merki.

[07:40] <+tweety> Mmmmm..

[07:40] <+elektra> mmmmm...

[07:40] <ezza> mmmmm..

[07:40] * +tweety drinks the coffee ;)

[07:40] * ezza drinks the coffee =)

[07:40] * +elektra drinks the coffee =]

[07:40] <+pita> Mmmmm...

[07:40] <+creasy> Mmmmm...

[07:40] * +pita drinks the coffee ^_^

[07:40] * +creasy drinks the coffee =]

[07:40] <+tweety> o snap

[07:40] <babez> ndog: miss kadas jadi nikah ta

[07:41] <ndog> bots nenen plis

[07:41] <ndog> jadi kliatane

[07:41] * +tweety finishes the coffee

[07:41] * +elektra finishes the coffee

[07:41] * ezza finishes the coffee

[07:41] <+tweety> mmmm... thanks :)

[07:41] <+elektra> Mmmm... thanks :)

[07:41] <ezza> Mmmm... thanks :)

[07:41] * +creasy finishes the coffee

[07:41] * +pita finishes the coffee

[07:41] <+pita> Mmmm... thanks :)

[07:41] <+tweety> SNAP!

[07:41] <+creasy> mmmm... thanks :)

[07:41] <+creasy> hurrah

[07:42] * Toriq is now known as roh

[07:42] * irul ( has joined #surabaya

[07:43] <ndog> Haaiiii... kak roh

[07:43] <tkob> wb irul

[07:43] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:43] <irul> Ty tkob

[07:44] <babez> hai roh tkob irul

[07:44] <roh> hai kembaran

[07:44] <ezza> Hai kembaran... hembaran.

[07:44] <irul> Hai babez

[07:44] <roh> hai gede dowo

[07:44] <roh> eh

[07:44] <ndog> :v

[07:45] <roh> babez ternyata ngikut gosip

[07:45] * roh kabur ah

[07:45] <babez> hai medium panjang

[07:46] <babez> gosip apa say roh?

[07:46] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[07:46] <babez> mau dong sinio gossip apaan

[07:46] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[07:46] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[07:46] <babez> .bomb rog

[07:46] <tkob> wb Michi

[07:46] <babez> .bomb roh

[07:46] <@Dealer> 6 INCOMING!: Bomb has been planted!!! You have 30sec to defuse the bomb! Target: roh. »]

[07:46] <@Dealer> 6 Wires Are: RED - YELLOW - GREEN - FEAR »]

[07:46] <@Dealer> 6 Use: ".wire <color here>" »]

[07:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[07:46] <tkob> wb Michi

[07:46] <Michi> Ty tkob

[07:46] <@Dealer> 6 10 Seconds Remaining... Come on roh! It's going to BLOW!!! »]

[07:47] <@Dealer> 6 (180 seconds till next bomb) »]

[07:47] <roh> gosip kadas nikah dengan ndog. babez

[07:47] <Michi> Roh kapan nikah?

[07:48] * roh offline. meretas hening

[07:48] <babez> woh itu baru gossip panas, beb roh

[07:48] * babez ketinggalan

[07:48] <Michi> Boong tuh meretas nyimak

[07:49] <Michi> Hahahahaha

[07:49] <ezza> Evaluation: LEMON FRESH!*~£*~%@$@*^%#^

[07:49] <ndog> [21:47] <roh> gosip kadas nikah dengan ndog. babez <- waiki iso gempa ngko bukit mbolo

[07:49] <Michi> 😅😅😅😅

[07:49] <babez> .slaps roh kalau off bisulan

[07:49] <@Dealer> 6 babez slaps roh around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[07:49] <Michi> Jangan lupa undangannya ya ndog

[07:50] <ndog> ea

[07:50] <babez> michi siap2 kado saja

[07:50] <ndog> tak kirimin undang2 dasar ntik

[07:50] <Michi> Iya babez

[07:51] <Michi> Pasti alis samirah makin cetar kalo married

[07:51] <ndog> cik

[07:51] <babez> cepet montok kalau dia nikah

[07:51] <ndog> cetar i

[07:51] * ndog ngikik

[07:51] <Michi> Cetar dong

[07:52] <ndog> jd kek tokoh pilm mandarin

[07:52] <ndog> hakim bo

[07:52] <ndog> :v

[07:52] <Michi> .k

[07:52] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[07:52] <Michi> 😅😅😅😅😅😅

[07:52] <ndog> alis ro kumis sama2 jenis e

[07:52] <ndog> kwkwkwkwkkw

[07:54] <Michi> Alis jalan tol itu

[07:54] <Michi> Bebas hambatan

[07:54] * babez ngitungin dosa ndog ke samirah, kalkulator sampai hang

[07:55] <Michi> 😅😅😅😅😅

[07:55] <Michi> .seen samirah

[07:55] <ndog> Samirah ( JOIN IRC - 57mins 9secs yang lalu

[07:55] <NapaLm> Samirah (webchat@elvt.g6zn.qy21.ip) terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 5 hari, 6 jam, 52 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Ping timeout).

[07:57] <+creasy> mmm... cheesy

[07:58] <FY> .ag

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : T T R A P I I O N S (60s timeout) »]

[07:58] <FY> Partitions

[07:58] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( PARTITIONS ) in 7.015 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PARTITIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:58] * roh is now known as Toriq

[07:59] <FY> .ag

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S D W I N (60s timeout) »]

[07:59] <FY> Winds

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( WINDS ) in 3.156 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define WINDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[07:59] <FY> .money Toriq

[07:59] <@Dealer> 6 Toriq (#roh) has 8'000$ »]

[07:59] <babez> hai fy

[07:59] <FY> Hai zab

[07:59] <FY> Tumben ol

[08:00] <FY> .ag

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : E N M I C R O P H O (60s timeout) »]

[08:00] <babez> gada kabar2i kah

[08:00] <FY> Microphone

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( MICROPHONE ) in 6.156 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define MICROPHONE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:00] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:00] <FY> Kabar apa zab?

[08:00] <babez> dari kemarin ol tapi gada yg ol

[08:00] <babez> za nanya sama u

[08:00] <babez> ada kabar2i nggak

[08:01] <FY> Engga

[08:01] <ndog> ada

[08:01] <FY> Wis entek

[08:01] <ndog> samirah matek

[08:01] <FY> Opo

[08:01] <ndog> keselek hp

[08:01] <FY> Wakakkaka

[08:01] <ndog> pas micet an

[08:01] <FY> Ojo garai aku ngakak heboh lho

[08:01] <FY> Anakku sek tas turu

[08:01] <ndog> kakakakakakka

[08:02] * Toriq ngakak dalam offline

[08:02] * FY sawat popok nang Toriq

[08:02] <babez> .sexy toriq

[08:02] <@Dealer> 6 babez, you have 40% a chance of having sex with toriq. - (5 seconds till next question) »]

[08:03] <ndog> hahahaha

[08:03] <Toriq> kadas ki ayune koyo Paisuchen (*pas mode ular)

[08:04] <ndog> loken

[08:04] <ndog> di warah adik medusa

[08:04] <FY> Wakakkakak

[08:04] * Toriq slentik pas tengahe ndog ndog ane ndog

[08:04] * ndog ter slentik sahdu kak

[08:05] <Michi> Maho

[08:05] <Toriq> .sex babez

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 Toriq, you have 22% a chance of having sex with babez. - (5 seconds till next question) »]

[08:05] <ndog> babez: samyang rasa ndog dadar ada?

[08:05] <Michi> .sex Toriq

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 Michi, you have 78% a chance of having sex with Toriq. - (5 seconds till next question) »]

[08:05] <Michi> Wow

[08:05] <ndog> .k

[08:05] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:05] <babez> pemanasan dulu gaes

[08:06] <babez> biar naik level nya

[08:06] <FY> Samyang kesukaan

[08:06] <babez> ndog perlu mie lebih biar rada kriwil dikit

[08:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[08:07] <babez> badanya

[08:07] <babez> toriq udah ada cem2an kah

[08:07] <FY> Ada zab jenenge gaban

[08:07] <ndog> ew

[08:07] <FY> Wkwkwk

[08:07] * ndog ini lentik badane

[08:07] <ndog> ndak kriwil

[08:08] <ndog> [22:07] <FY> Ada zab jenenge gaban <- skaline oleh kok yo ndas2an fuso bi

[08:08] <ndog> jan apes nasib ekembaran ki

[08:08] <Toriq> <babez> toriq udah ada cem2an kah << blom. aku masih tetep menjaga ke orisinilan perjaka ku

[08:08] <ndog> hahahahahha

[08:08] <FY> Wakakkakakakkak

[08:08] <ezza> Have you the brain worms?

[08:08] <FY> Iku yo perawan

[08:08] <FY> Ayu

[08:08] <FY> Menik menik

[08:08] <babez> gaban cantek kan

[08:08] <Toriq> aku tak pamit sek ya lur

[08:08] <Toriq> bye

[08:08] <babez> toriq jangaaaannn

[08:09] <FY> Cantek sekale

[08:09] <+creasy> I'd cantek her sekale.

[08:09] <babez> bukan lentik tapi cacingan ya nggak fy

[08:09] <ndog> kkkkkkkk

[08:09] <FY> Iya zab

[08:09] <FY> Cekink terlalu kurus

[08:09] <FY> Wkwkwkk

[08:10] <babez> obat cacing hrs sehari 3x itu

[08:10] <FY> Donor lemak gaban

[08:10] <FY> Wakkakakakakkaka

[08:10] <babez> ngomong2 kapan ind dapet vaksin ya

[08:10] * FY belum di vaksin

[08:10] <ndog> vaksin di sebelah

[08:11] <ndog> :v

[08:11] <babez> yg pegawai2 dulu trs yg org2 tua dulu

[08:12] <ndog> kliatane sekarang wayahe guru2

[08:12] <FY> Gaban di vaksin dosise piro ndog

[08:12] <ndog> klo liat di tv sih

[08:12] <babez> kita2 paling belakang, keburu pirus udah minggat

[08:12] <ndog> <FY> Gaban di vaksin dosise piro ndog <- 1liter wae ra tedas

[08:12] <babez> oh gi2

[08:12] <FY> Ho oh

[08:13] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[08:13] <ndog> sby kapan mlebu ne pang

[08:13] <ndog> anak ku mosok arep 2th nganggur skolah

[08:13] <ndog> kan jaran

[08:15] <Toriq> aku biyen tau di vaksin. di suntik virus jomblo yang sudah dilemahkan. makane aku saiki kuat njomblo

[08:15] <babez> apanya yg jaran ndog

[08:16] <babez> sekarang minta vaksin anti jomblo ,toriq

[08:16] <babez> za kasih suntikan mau?

[08:16] <Toriq> mau pokoke enak

[08:17] <babez> .k

[08:17] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:17] <babez> nanti za minta tolong ndog nyuntik u

[08:18] <Toriq> wehhhhhhh

[08:18] <ndog> suntek ndog2ane

[08:18] <ndog> :v

[08:18] <babez> iyo biar sehat

[08:19] <Toriq> --"

[08:21] <babez> tapi hrs diukur dll supaya dosisnya tepat

[08:22] <babez> !google resep bacem tahu tempe

[08:22] <@|In-Love|> Google search results for "resep bacem tahu tempe":

[08:22] <@|In-Love|> 1. Resep Tahu Tempe Bacem oleh Yasmin Kitchen - Cookpad -

[08:22] <@|In-Love|> 2. Bacem Tahu Tempe Legit Manis Praktis - Resep | ResepKoki -

[08:24] <babez> !Google deviant art zabrina

[08:24] <@|In-Love|> Google search results for "deviant art zabrina":

[08:24] <@|In-Love|> 1. Queen Zabrina - Poster V01 by AxteleraRay-Core - DeviantArt -

[08:24] <@|In-Love|> 2. Zabrina Alderete (zabrinaalderete) - Profile | Pinterest -

[08:25] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[08:25] <+tweety> I wish they didn't have to go :O.

[08:26] <babez> !google deviant art zabrina

[08:26] <@|In-Love|> Google search results for "deviant art zabrina":

[08:26] <@|In-Love|> 1. Queen Zabrina - Poster V01 by AxteleraRay-Core - DeviantArt -

[08:26] <@|In-Love|> 2. Zabrina Alderete (zabrinaalderete) - Profile | Pinterest -

[08:26] <babez> uhmmm

[08:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[08:28] * womanAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:28] <tkob> wb womanAtHome_

[08:28] * womanAtHome_ (~womanAtHo@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:28] <ezza> bye womanathome_

[08:29] <babez> .givemoney

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 4'000$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[08:33] * thekingofbandit ( Quit (EOF from client)

[08:35] * KangMaz ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:36] * FY ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:37] * MeLvi ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:37] * lemm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:37] * Iwan ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:37] * Badjingan ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:37] * irul ( has joined #surabaya

[08:38] * irul ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:38] * irul (irul@2607:5300:60:21b::1) has joined #surabaya

[08:39] * irul (irul@2607:5300:60:21b::1) Quit (Signed off)

[08:39] * irul (irul@2607:5300:60:21b::1) has joined #surabaya

[08:40] * FY ( has joined #surabaya

[08:40] * KangMaz (KangMaz@2605:6400:10:71b:bef4:da94:7ea4:9cf2) has joined #surabaya

[08:40] * eggy is now known as EggDrop

[08:41] * Iwan ( has joined #surabaya

[08:48] * Battousai ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Afifah ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * TjahAyoe ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Ganonk (NAT@2a01:4f8:222:9d6:fc0b::2) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Rere_ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Dealer ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * alyna (alyna@2a04:dd00:3:9::30) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Felixallium ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Rexy (exy@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Denia ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * DarkLight (L@2602:ffb6:4:c567:f816:3eff:fe38:54de) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * RealFire ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Nimra ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * adit ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * sugar ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Riz ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Michelle (Michelle@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * mv ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Liona- ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * maniez (maniez@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * elice (elice@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * diss ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * cenil (cenil@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Lestat (beloved@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Va ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * OwyyOff ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * sitti (sitti@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * savana (savana@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Lauv (Lauv@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * GaGek ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Indri (Indri@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Ratna (Ratna@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Zubaida (zubaida@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * znc ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * uky ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Light ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Kids (kid@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * kirana (Y@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * ve ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * evita (thg@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * ilusii^ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * TechTube ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * elektra ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * triviabot ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * pita ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * buayadarat ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Adagio ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Toriq ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * zozo ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * icebaby (thg@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * cuyy (cuyy@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Q ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * putri ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * nandini ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * |In-Love| (bot78@|In-Love| Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * su (~su@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Sinchan ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * wedhus ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * babez ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Pangeran ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * jodi ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * uki ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Mr- ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * endah ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Yorick ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Geblek ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * aslan (sh@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * zabrina-- ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * ChanStat-12 ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * IIooII ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * ian ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Flow (L@2602:fed2:712e:f44:4000::2) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * novita ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * tkob ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Gisa ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * suspect ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * FangYin ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Jodz ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * OiO ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * NapaLm ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * katr0k ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * terlupakan ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Bumi (EarTh@2605:6400:c847:1409::9041) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * KaMPuNGaN ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Aela ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * Letta_ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * reaper- (reaper@2001:41d0:8:42bb::8) Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * D ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:48] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)

[08:52] * EggDrop ( Quit (Killed (* (overruled by older nick)))

[08:52] * Jumpers ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * babez ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * thekingofbandit ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * tomm (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * D ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * DINA (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * reaper- (reaper@2001:41d0:8:42bb::8) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Aela ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * KaMPuNGaN ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Bumi (EarTh@2605:6400:c847:1409::9041) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * terlupakan ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Jodz ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Gisa ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * FangYin ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * novita ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Flow (L@2602:fed2:712e:f44:4000::2) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * ian ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * ChanStat-12 ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * zabrina-- ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * aslan (sh@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Geblek ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Mr- ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * uki ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * jodi ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Pangeran ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * wedhus ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Sinchan ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * su (~su@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * nandini ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * putri ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * evita (thg@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * kirana (Y@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * RealFire ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Rexy (exy@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * cuyy (cuyy@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * icebaby (thg@ has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * zozo ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Toriq ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Battousai ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Afifah ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * TjahAyoe ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Ganonk (NAT@2a01:4f8:222:9d6:fc0b::2) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Rere_ ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * alyna (alyna@2a04:dd00:3:9::30) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Felixallium ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Denia ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * DarkLight (L@2602:ffb6:4:c567:f816:3eff:fe38:54de) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Nimra ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * adit ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * sugar ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Riz ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Michelle (Michelle@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * mv ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Liona- ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * maniez (maniez@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * elice (elice@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * diss ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * cenil (cenil@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Lestat (beloved@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Va ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * OwyyOff ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * sitti (sitti@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * savana (savana@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Lauv (Lauv@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * GaGek ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Indri (Indri@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Ratna (Ratna@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * sets mode: +l 99

[08:52] * Zubaida (zubaida@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * znc ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * uky ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Light ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Kids (kid@2405:4200:f001:ea7:5::9) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * ve ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * TechTube ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Adagio ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * buayadarat ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * triviabot ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Yorick ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * ilusii^ ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * elektra ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * pita ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Q ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * |In-Love| (bot78@|In-Love| has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * Dealer ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * sets mode: +o Dealer

[08:52] * sets mode: +o |In-Love|

[08:52] * sets mode: +o Q

[08:52] * sets mode: +v pita

[08:52] * sets mode: +v elektra

[08:52] * sets mode: +v ilusii^

[08:52] * sets mode: +v Yorick

[08:52] * sets mode: +v triviabot

[08:52] * sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[08:52] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[08:52] * irul (irul@2607:5300:60:21b::1) Quit (G-lined)

[08:52] * OiO ( Quit (G-lined)

[08:52] * irul (irul@2607:5300:60:21b::1) has joined #surabaya

[08:52] <+tweety> mmm irul

[08:52] * irul (irul@2607:5300:60:21b::1) Quit (G-lined)

[08:53] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[08:53] * sets mode: +o Dealer

[08:53] * sets mode: +o |In-Love|

[08:53] * sets mode: +o Q

[08:53] * sets mode: +v pita

[08:53] * sets mode: +v elektra

[08:53] * sets mode: +v ilusii^

[08:53] * sets mode: +v Yorick

[08:53] * sets mode: +v triviabot

[08:53] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[08:53] <tkob> wb Iwan

[08:53] <tkob> wb KangMaz

[08:53] <tkob> wb FY

[08:53] <tkob> wb irul

[08:53] <tkob> wb Michi

[08:54] <tkob> wb Van_JaVa

[08:54] <tkob> wb Nevada_

[08:54] <tkob> wb JanCuk

[08:54] <tkob> wb guspur

[08:54] <tkob> wb constantine

[08:54] <tkob> wb Sfc

[08:54] <tkob> wb Dead

[08:54] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[08:54] <tkob> wb valid

[08:54] <tkob> wb techshelf

[08:54] <tkob> wb Cempe^KW

[08:54] <tkob> wb Cinta

[08:54] <tkob> wb kadal

[08:54] <tkob> wb Qori

[08:54] <tkob> wb abi

[08:54] <tkob> wb afiza

[08:54] <tkob> wb kook

[08:54] <tkob> wb ezza

[08:54] <tkob> wb mo

[08:54] <tkob> wb tepos-

[08:54] <tkob> wb Loki

[08:54] <tkob> wb temon

[08:54] <tkob> wb NaKaL

[08:54] * melis ( has joined #surabaya

[08:54] <tkob> wb Zuma12

[08:54] * tkob was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to flood here, you have been warned!)

[08:55] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[08:55] * tkob was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to flood here, you have been warned!)

[08:55] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[08:55] <tkob> wb creasy

[08:55] * tkob was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to flood here, you have been warned!)

[08:55] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[08:55] <tkob> wb irul

[08:55] <tkob> wb eggy

[08:55] <tkob> wb Iwan

[08:55] <tkob> wb KangMaz

[08:55] <tkob> wb FY

[08:55] <tkob> wb Michi

[08:55] <tkob> wb Van_JaVa

[08:55] <tkob> wb Nevada_

[08:55] <tkob> wb JanCuk

[08:55] <tkob> wb guspur

[08:56] <tkob> wb constantine

[08:56] <tkob> wb Sfc

[08:56] <tkob> wb IzaL

[08:56] <tkob> wb schizo

[08:56] <tkob> wb shap

[08:56] <tkob> wb elina

[08:56] <tkob> wb Zuma12

[08:56] <tkob> wb NaKaL

[08:56] <tkob> wb temon

[08:56] <tkob> wb Loki

[08:56] <tkob> wb tepos-

[08:56] <tkob> wb mo

[08:56] <tkob> wb ezza

[08:56] <tkob> wb kook

[08:56] <tkob> wb afiza

[08:56] <tkob> wb abi

[08:56] <tkob> wb Qori

[08:56] <tkob> wb kadal

[08:56] <tkob> wb Cinta

[08:56] <tkob> wb Cempe^KW

[08:56] <tkob> wb techshelf

[08:56] <tkob> wb valid

[08:56] <tkob> wb Dead

[08:56] <tkob> wb tweety

[08:57] <tkob> wb Szajbus

[08:57] <tkob> wb creasy

[08:57] <tkob> wb KillaH

[08:57] <tkob> wb S

[08:57] * lemm ( has joined #surabaya

[08:58] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[08:58] <tkob> wb OiO

[08:58] <tkob> wb lemm

[08:59] * ce-pgn (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:59] <tkob> wb ce-pgn

[09:04] * masse (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:04] <tkob> wb masse

[09:04] <masse> Ty tkob

[09:04] <masse> Sepi kob

[09:06] * zee (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:06] <masse> Zee

[09:06] <tkob> wb zee

[09:06] <zee> Injeh.. suwun

[09:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[09:07] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[09:07] * cuy (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:08] <masse> Cuy

[09:08] <tkob> wb cuy

[09:08] <masse> Cuy wel

[09:08] <cuy> Wuih

[09:08] * masse toel idung cuy

[09:09] * zee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:10] * irul ( has joined #surabaya

[09:10] <tkob> wb irul

[09:10] * irul ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:10] <masse> Hua

[09:10] * irul ( has joined #surabaya

[09:11] <tkob> wb irul

[09:11] * irul ( Quit (Registered)

[09:11] * irul ( has joined #surabaya

[09:11] <irul> Ty

[09:11] <tkob> wb irul

[09:12] <irul> Knak gline

[09:12] <irul> Wkwkwkk

[09:13] * nextjacks (~rhybucks@ has joined #surabaya

[09:13] <tkob> wb nextjacks

[09:13] <nextjacks> Kok gak semua aja kau wb

[09:14] <masse> Wb semua

[09:15] * tomm (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:15] <babez> wb semua2

[09:16] * cuy (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Broken pipe)

[09:17] * aryo (~aryo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:17] <aryo> .ag

[09:17] <@Dealer> 6 aryo started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S R A B A I V E (60s timeout) »]

[09:17] <tkob> wb aryo

[09:18] <aryo> ty maning

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R A B A I V E - Here's a hint : A B R . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A B R A S I V E with the letters S R A B A I V E (Use .define ABRASIVE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[09:18] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #FY stopped ( +3 ) »]

[09:20] * cuy (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:20] <tkob> wb cuy

[09:21] * cuy (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:23] * masse (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[09:23] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go o_O

[09:25] * Roberlove_ (webchat@te4q.in9i.q8kw.ip) has joined #surabaya

[09:25] <Roberlove_> Coé rapaziada!!

[09:25] <tkob> wb Roberlove_

[09:26] <Roberlove_> Qualé o galho aqui?

[09:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[09:29] * Roberlove_ (webchat@te4q.in9i.q8kw.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:36] * nextjacks (~rhybucks@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:41] * ce-pgn (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:42] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[09:44] * tkob was kicked by KillaH (stop that)

[09:44] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[09:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[09:47] <+pita> hey there |in-love|

[09:49] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[09:53] * nganu (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:53] <tkob> wb nganu

[09:56] * nganu (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:56] <ezza> bye nganu

[10:02] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:04] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:04] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:04] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:04] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:04] * ian ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:04] <+tweety> i wish they didnt have to go :'(

[10:05] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[10:05] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[10:06] <tkob> wb IIooII

[10:07] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[10:07] <+elektra> I feel like bouncing!

[10:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[10:07] <tkob> wb pHp

[10:07] * suspect ( Quit (EOF from client)

[10:08] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[10:08] <tkob> wb Zuma12

[10:09] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[10:09] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[10:09] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[10:09] <tkob> wb cowookk

[10:09] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[10:10] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[10:10] <tkob> wb elina

[10:10] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[10:10] <tkob> wb suspect

[10:10] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[10:11] <tkob> wb shap

[10:13] <icebaby> tkob a bot?

[10:13] <ezza> Yes.

[10:13] <+tweety> Sometimes.

[10:13] * aryo (~aryo@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:13] <icebaby> @seen oseng

[10:13] <ChanStat-12> I have not seen oseng

[10:13] <+elektra> I'd @seen her oseng

[10:13] <icebaby> @seen gm

[10:13] <ChanStat-12> gm (betty@ was last seen quitting for "Ping timeout" on Thu March 18 10:06:57 2021 UTC (5 days, 7 hours, 6 minutes ago)

[10:14] <icebaby> .seen ganjaman

[10:14] <NapaLm> Ada 2 orang yang cocok nih (sorted): Rastaman Ganjaman. Rastaman (~pemuda@ Terakhir Aku Liat Dia Berubah Nick Superboy di #banyuwangi 2 years, 146 hari, 4 jam, 32 menit yang lalu.

[10:14] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[10:14] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[10:14] <tkob> wb NapaLm

[10:15] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:16] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:16] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[10:16] <tkob> wb AndroUser

[10:16] <AndroUser> .ping

[10:16] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[10:16] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (1.094s)

[10:17] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:18] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:19] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[10:19] * NaKaL (NaKaL@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:19] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:20] <tkob> wb edo

[10:20] * Jodz_ ( has joined #surabaya

[10:20] <tkob> wb Jodz_

[10:21] * Jodz_ is now known as NaKaL

[10:22] <+tweety> I'm sweating like a pig!

[10:26] <+creasy> princess, i'm certain we could fit one more horse in ur-- in-- in yo-- ....

[10:26] <+creasy> Deleting all animes...

[10:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[10:32] <+elektra> Achievement unlocked: uwed a term! (30G)

[10:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[10:51] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[11:00] * DINA (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[11:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[11:08] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:08] <tkob> wb edo

[11:09] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[11:10] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[11:14] <+pita> did you see tha.

[11:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[11:28] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[11:28] <tkob> wb zoonk

[11:29] <zoonk> tq tkob

[11:35] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:42] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[11:50] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[11:57] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:57] <tkob> wb edo

[12:02] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[12:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[12:12] <+pita> what to do, what to do... three hundred one-dollar hookerbots or one three hundred dollar hooker bot?

[12:12] <+tweety> The Lord of the Rings.

[12:12] <ezza> A creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating.

[12:25] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:25] <ezza> i like them :)

[12:25] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[12:25] <tkob> wb shap

[12:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[12:32] <+elektra> murder, death, kill!

[12:37] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:38] <tkob> wb AndroUser

[12:41] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[12:49] * tepos- is now known as dd-tepos

[13:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[13:15] * Szajbus ( Quit (Signed off)

[13:15] * zabrina-- ( Quit (Signed off)

[13:15] * FangYin ( Quit (Signed off)

[13:15] <+tweety> i like them -_-

[13:16] * Q sets mode: +l 130

[13:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[13:35] <+pita> WHOOSH *DONG*

[13:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[13:58] * +elektra moonwalks

[13:58] <+creasy> that's nothing

[13:58] * +creasy sunwalks

[13:58] <ezza> MooooooOOOOOOO0000000ooooooo0000oooo!

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[14:20] <ezza> There's nothing sexier than a toilet.

[14:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[14:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:00] <tkob> wb eggy

[15:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[15:21] * +pita endorses Nimra for GREENS. Now it's your turn: does pita know about LAGIS?

[15:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[15:30] <ezza> Today's forecast is ice.

[15:34] <nandini> .ag

[15:34] <nandini> .ig

[15:34] <nandini> .ug

[15:34] <nandini> .eg

[15:34] <nandini> .og

[15:35] <nandini> .top 50

[15:35] <nandini> .top100

[15:45] * ezza tired

[15:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[16:05] * Yorick_ ( has joined #surabaya

[16:05] * Q sets mode: +v Yorick_

[16:05] * Jodz ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:06] * tkob ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:07] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:07] * Q sets mode: +l 128

[16:07] * Yorick ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:07] * Yorick_ is now known as Yorick

[16:07] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[16:07] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[16:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[16:10] * Jodz ( has joined #surabaya

[16:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[16:31] <+pita> basically, I never make mistakes! Syntax error in line 310. Redo from start.

[16:34] * +elektra shits her sweater.

[16:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[16:50] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:51] * Q sets mode: +l 131

[17:00] <+pita> Have you taken the extended warranty out, madam?

[17:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[17:14] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[17:16] * Infoprodutos ( has joined #surabaya

[17:16] <Infoprodutos>

[17:16] <Infoprodutos> Hello In LOve yes

[17:18] * Infoprodutos ( has left #surabaya

[17:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[17:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[17:49] <+pita> Ja aber jetzt kann ich Deutsches nur sprechen.

[17:49] <+creasy> yes but i'd rather be keel-dragged through an asteriod field than do it again!

[17:49] <+elektra> Yes but i have a mars bar stuck in my eyebrow.

[17:50] <+creasy> That was a fucking rough game up yours.

[18:04] <+elektra> Press X to argue.

[18:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[18:27] * Kenzo ( has joined #surabaya

[18:27] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[18:27] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[18:27] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[18:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[18:43] <+pita> For great justice.

[18:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[18:51] <Michi> Sepi deh

[18:51] <Michi> .ag

[18:51] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S I B R D G E (60s timeout) »]

[18:51] <Michi> Bridges

[18:51] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( BRIDGES ) in 3.953 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define BRIDGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:54] <Michi> .ag

[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : T K I S (60s timeout) »]

[18:54] <Michi> Kits

[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( KITS ) in 2.906 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define KITS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[18:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michi has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[18:55] <Michi> .money

[18:55] <@Dealer> 6 Michi (#Michaella) has 563'000$ »]

[18:59] <+creasy> what was Lauv's gaydar page?

[19:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[19:11] <+pita> I'd be in a lot of trouble if I was allergic to noses.

[19:15] <Michi> .ag

[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E R F A S (60s timeout) »]

[19:15] <Michi> Fears

[19:15] <Michi> Fares

[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( FARES ) in 6.875 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FARES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[19:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michi has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[19:26] * co_17cm_tegang (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[19:31] <co_17cm_tegang> Ngace** nih

[19:32] * Q sets mode: +b co_17cm_tegang!*@*

[19:32] * co_17cm_tegang was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[19:38] <+elektra> Yay! Killed!

[19:47] * Aa_wfh (~androirc1@ has joined #surabaya

[19:47] <Aa_wfh> .ping

[19:47] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[19:47] <@Dealer> Aa_wfh: Pong! (0.812s)

[19:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[19:53] * Aa_wfh (~androirc1@ has left #surabaya

[19:54] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[19:54] * Q sets mode: +b GoodToTalk!*@*

[19:54] * GoodToTalk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[19:58] <Michi> Wkwkwkkw

[19:58] <Michi> Kesian anak orang

[20:05] * terlupakan is now known as JupIt3r

[20:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[20:10] * Belive ( has joined #surabaya

[20:15] <+creasy> My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha, ha... loins

[20:22] * FY ( Quit (Registered)

[20:22] * FY ( has joined #surabaya

[20:28] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[20:31] <FY> Ga nok wonge tah iki

[20:31] * Joker (Joker@2a09:4c0:fe0:1a::2) has joined #surabaya

[20:32] * Q sets mode: -b co_17cm_tegang!*@*

[20:43] <FY> Wew

[20:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[20:54] * Q sets mode: -b GoodToTalk!*@*

[21:01] <+pita> Here's a photograph of my fist.

[21:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[21:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[21:37] <+creasy> The Ambassador's receptions are noted in society for their host's exquisite taste that captivates his guests.

[21:37] <+elektra> Monsieur, with this bet you are really spoiling us!

[21:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[22:04] * endah ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:05] <FY> .ag

[22:05] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O P R O N U N (60s timeout) »]

[22:05] <FY> Pronoun

[22:05] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( PRONOUN ) in 4.5 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PRONOUN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:05] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd Michi in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[22:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[22:28] * endah ( has joined #surabaya

[22:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[22:33] <+elektra> I would be delicious.

[22:34] * ezza awakens

[22:35] <+tweety> Morning.

[22:41] * JupIt3r is now known as BoBoK

[22:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[22:53] * cowgan (~cowgan@ has joined #surabaya

[22:54] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[22:58] * Sorotan (~soro@ has joined #surabaya

[22:59] * Sorotan (~soro@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:07] <+creasy> Michelle: ow! not so rough!

[23:07] * herra (herra@2a01:4f9:c010:239d:69:69:69:69) has joined #surabaya

[23:07] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:08] * herra (herra@2a01:4f9:c010:239d:69:69:69:69) Quit (Signed off)

[23:10] * masse (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[23:11] <masse> Sepih

[23:12] <masse> Awan sepi

[23:12] <masse> Bengi sepi

[23:12] * herra ( has joined #surabaya

[23:13] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[23:16] <masse> Wb herra

[23:16] <herra> Ty masse

[23:17] <masse> Udh mkan siang herra?

[23:20] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:20] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:24] <herra> Udah masse

[23:24] <masse> trus balik tidur lagi?

[23:25] <herra> Truss mau ngapain lagi

[23:26] <masse> ya gitu, udah pas

[23:26] <masse> hihi

[23:29] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[23:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[23:42] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:47] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[23:49] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:50] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[23:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[23:54] <+tweety> Must "confess" I've never come across her in a work capacity.

[00:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[00:11] * masse (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[00:13] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:22] <+pita> There's nothing sexier than a load.

[00:29] * rosi (~rosi@ has joined #surabaya

[00:29] * rosi (~rosi@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:30] <ezza> I wish they didn't have to go :~(

[00:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[00:31] * aline (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:33] <aline> Test

[00:33] * AndroUser2 ( has joined #surabaya

[00:33] <ertiga> Tos

[00:33] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[00:33] * AndroUser2 was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[00:37] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:37] * aline (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[00:40] <+creasy> This is outrageous! I was going to eat that male! IzaL has got to go!

[00:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[00:53] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:54] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:58] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[00:58] * momong (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[01:18] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:21] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[01:24] * momong (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[01:33] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[01:36] <+tweety> these last 24 hours have been the happiest days of my life

[01:45] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:46] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[01:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[01:56] <Michi> .ag

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S G A I M E (60s timeout) »]

[01:56] <Michi> Images

[01:56] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( IMAGES ) in 3.75 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define IMAGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:03] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:10] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:10] <ezza> i like them ^_^

[02:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[02:24] <+creasy> what to do, what to do... three hundred one-dollar hookerbots or one three hundred dollar hooker bot?

[02:24] <ezza> a joint

[02:24] <+tweety> French fries of course!

[02:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[02:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[03:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:07] <icebaby> .givemoney

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 4'000$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[03:07] <icebaby> .ag

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y I F R D A S (60s timeout) »]

[03:07] <icebaby> fridays

[03:07] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby has just found the correct word ( FRIDAYS ) in 6.516 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FRIDAYS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:08] <icebaby> .1 6

[03:08] <ezza> to induce vomiting, that was the answer! everywhere it went!

[03:08] <ezza> What a valentine's day that was.

[03:08] <icebaby> .slots

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby pulls the handle... The slots are ( banana )( 7 )( star ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 398'000$!!! (antispam 10secs) »]

[03:08] <icebaby> .ag

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : A P T T E R N (60s timeout) »]

[03:08] <icebaby> pattern

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby has just found the correct word ( PATTERN ) in 4.547 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PATTERN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) icebaby has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:08] <icebaby> .l 6

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry icebaby, but you lost 100$. The number was --> 7 <-- Try again. Jackpot: 12'600$!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[03:08] <icebaby> .ag

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S S H O W (60s timeout) »]

[03:08] <icebaby> shows

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby has just found the correct word ( SHOWS ) in 3.594 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SHOWS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) icebaby has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:09] * gm ( has joined #surabaya

[03:10] * ninda ( has joined #surabaya

[03:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[03:11] <FY> .ag

[03:11] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S R T N E S I E (60s timeout) »]

[03:11] <FY> Sepine

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R T N E S I E - Here's a hint : S E N . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:12] <FY> Sentires

[03:12] <FY> Sentries

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( SENTRIES ) in 39.15 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SENTRIES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:12] <@Dealer> 6 FY pwn'd icebaby in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[03:13] <icebaby> hai fy

[03:13] <icebaby> gmmmmmmm!!

[03:13] <FY> Hai zab

[03:14] <icebaby> hai

[03:14] <FY> Sepine zab

[03:14] * icebaby shakes gm very hard

[03:14] * FY ben ol ga ono sing ngetik

[03:14] <icebaby> iyo biar saja hehe

[03:14] <FY> Iyo

[03:15] <FY> gm : you there?

[03:15] <+elektra> Doctor, Doctor, there's a "original" in my front lumps

[03:15] <icebaby> org2 ada bosen juga chat

[03:15] * FY juga

[03:15] <icebaby> hehe

[03:16] <FY> Cekink dan samirah jg ga ol kayake

[03:16] <icebaby> kdg org cari org2 yg baru

[03:16] <FY> Iya

[03:16] <icebaby> pada ke lain sosmed, fy

[03:16] <FY> Ben ada pengalaman baru

[03:16] <icebaby> ho oh

[03:16] * gm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:16] <FY> Kadas lari ke michat

[03:16] <icebaby> kabur dave

[03:17] <FY> Iya pto

[03:17] <icebaby> aku males ke sosmed2

[03:17] <icebaby> disini wis cukup

[03:17] <FY> Btw dave kemaren kasih konde²an di england

[03:17] <FY> Acara opo?

[03:17] <icebaby> yg kapan?

[03:17] <FY> Sebulan lalu kayake

[03:17] <FY> Lupa

[03:18] * FY dikasih @ temporary

[03:18] <FY> Fensta juga

[03:18] <FY> Ladypearlace jg

[03:18] <icebaby> oh gitu

[03:18] <FY> He eh

[03:19] <icebaby> aku ada permanent konde disana

[03:19] * FY kaget dikasih @ padahal jarang ol

[03:19] <icebaby> tapi aku nggak za op in

[03:19] <FY> Oh

[03:19] <FY> Gitu

[03:19] <icebaby> hu uh

[03:20] <FY> Icebaby : ga lagi sama cem²an

[03:20] <icebaby> nggak, lagi kerja hehe

[03:20] <FY> Hahahahah

[03:21] <+tweety> Time for another amazing plan from me... tweety!

[03:21] <ezza> but sir, we're still on our own planet

[03:21] <icebaby> lama nggak liat januar

[03:21] <icebaby> nikah x ya

[03:21] <FY> Wis ga usah dateng kesini dia

[03:21] <FY> Ganggu

[03:21] <FY> Ngeselno zab

[03:22] <icebaby> lah ada apa emange

[03:22] <FY> Ketikane kayak ngelecehin cewek

[03:22] <FY> Sampe ninda ga wani join sini

[03:22] <FY> Di lon te lon te no

[03:22] <icebaby> masa?

[03:22] <FY> Tanya cekink ae wis

[03:23] <FY> Tah samirah

[03:23] <FY> Iyo

[03:23] * FY jg diteror

[03:23] <icebaby> aku sempet lama nggak ol sih ya

[03:23] <FY> Sampe dipm pm

[03:23] <icebaby> kok bisa gitu ya

[03:23] <FY> Iyo km jarang ol

[03:24] <FY> Embuh mungkin ditempat lain keberadaane ga diterima jadi merusuh disini

[03:24] * zabrina-- ( has joined #surabaya

[03:24] * FangYin (FangYin@2a02:2430:3:2500::c742:fe19) has joined #surabaya

[03:24] <FY> Zncku akhire mbalik

[03:25] <FY> Horeee

[03:25] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[03:26] <icebaby> oh iya

[03:26] <icebaby> aku lagi ngambeg sama szajbus

[03:27] * Szajbus (szajbus@ has joined #surabaya

[03:30] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v Szajbus

[03:30] * Szajbus (szajbus@ Quit (Registered)

[03:30] * Szajbus ( has joined #surabaya

[03:30] * sets mode: +v Szajbus

[03:30] <ezza> i like them =)

[03:31] <ezza> There are clowns living under my bed.

[03:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[03:40] <+pita> Chicks can't resist me.

[03:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[04:02] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:02] * Deviee_ is now known as Liedyaa

[04:08] * cowgan (~cowgan@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[04:14] * Liedyaa is now known as Rannie

[04:19] * Rannie is now known as TepungKanji

[04:22] <+elektra> oh crud! he ate my suit!

[04:22] <+creasy> the suit was ugly! whale biologist!

[04:24] * Letta_ (uid423691@ has joined #surabaya

[04:31] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[04:51] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[05:03] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:03] * FangYin (FangYin@2a02:2430:3:2500::c742:fe19) Quit (Registered)

[05:03] * FangYin ( has joined #surabaya

[05:03] * FangYin slaps icebaby

[05:04] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[05:07] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:09] * AndroUser is now known as klepon

[05:11] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[05:16] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:17] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:20] * Harimas (webchat@elvt.yui9.6gkk.ip) has joined #surabaya

[05:21] <Harimas> holoh

[05:21] <klepon> embohhh

[05:23] <+creasy> Which of you fat bastards did this to my camel!?

[05:23] * TepungKanji (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:23] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go :~(

[05:26] * Harimas (webchat@elvt.yui9.6gkk.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:29] <+pita> This is pita. Remember, replicator database restrictions are in place for the good of ALL of us.

[05:30] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:30] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[05:31] <Fi3> Wb mell

[05:31] <mell> ty Fi3

[05:31] <Fi3> Masama 😊

[05:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[05:47] * IzaL ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:47] * BoBoK ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:48] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[05:50] * OiO ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:51] * NapaLm ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[05:52] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[05:52] <+pita> This is pita. Remember, replicator database restrictions are in place for the good of ALL of us.

[05:52] <+elektra> Ehehehehehehe chicken!! I'm gonna eat you!

[05:52] <+pita> r i'm gonna sing the doom song now... dooom doom doom

[05:52] * tkob ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:52] * katr0k ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:53] * irul ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:53] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[05:55] * irul (~irul@2607:5300:60:21b::1) has joined #surabaya

[05:56] <Fi3> Wb irul

[05:56] * clips ( has joined #surabaya

[06:00] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[06:01] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[06:02] * katr0k ( has joined #surabaya

[06:04] * tkob ( has joined #surabaya

[06:05] * jeri ( has joined #surabaya

[06:05] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[06:07] <jeri> .ag

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 jeri started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S R N I E B G N E (60s timeout) »]

[06:07] <jeri> .VP 5000

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. jeri's hand: 3s | 5s | 9h | 10c | Ad. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[06:07] <jeri> .draw 123

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - jeri: your hand: 3h | 8s | 2c | 10c | Ad is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[06:07] <jeri> .b 10000

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 jeri bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. jeri's hand: 2 | 2 : Total is 4 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[06:07] <jeri> h

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: A : Total is 15 or 5 »]

[06:07] <jeri> h

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 jeri hits: 3 : Total is 18 or 8 »]

[06:07] <jeri> s

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 8 : Total is 18 »]

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[06:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S R N I E B G N E - Here's a hint : B E G . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[06:07] <jeri> .ag

[06:07] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[06:08] <jeri> beginners

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 jeri has just found the correct word ( BEGINNERS ) in 46.51 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define BEGINNERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:08] <jeri> .rl black 10000

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Spinning the wheel.., the ball fell on 22 ( BLACK ) »]

[06:08] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations jeri !! You have won 20'000$ - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:08] * jeri ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:08] <+tweety> i like them =]

[06:10] <icebaby> !op icebaby

[06:10] * |In-Love| sets mode: +o icebaby

[06:10] * Q sets mode: -o icebaby

[06:10] * OiO ( has joined #surabaya

[06:10] <icebaby> !op yorick

[06:10] * |In-Love| sets mode: +o Yorick

[06:10] * Q sets mode: -o Yorick

[06:10] <icebaby> .seen marion

[06:10] <NapaLm> Ada 122 yang cocok di database, tolong sebutkan mana yang mau dijitak.

[06:11] <icebaby> .seen rickard

[06:11] <NapaLm> icebaby, Gue enggak pernah liat rickard.

[06:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[06:12] * ninda is now known as anindya

[06:13] <icebaby> hai anindya

[06:13] * icebaby off

[06:13] <FY> Icebaby

[06:13] <anindya> Hai mb zab

[06:13] <FY> Zab

[06:13] <anindya> Lah mo kemana

[06:14] <icebaby> eh hai

[06:14] <icebaby> mau pipis

[06:14] <anindya> Walah

[06:14] <icebaby> fy uit

[06:14] <icebaby> !v fy

[06:14] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v FY

[06:14] <+FY> Zncku kok tambah susah

[06:14] <icebaby> !v anindya

[06:14] <icebaby> sama

[06:14] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v anindya

[06:14] <+FY> Darkirc sapa?

[06:14] <+anindya> Mo pipis aja off wkwkw

[06:14] * NaKaL slaps icebaby around a bit with a large trout

[06:15] <icebaby> znc ku juga ribet malas make nya

[06:15] <+FY> Akhire bisa ol seh

[06:15] <icebaby> malas ama szajbus

[06:15] <icebaby> !v nakal

[06:15] <icebaby> mwah

[06:15] <+FY> Agak diutak atik

[06:15] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v NaKaL

[06:15] <+NaKaL> hahaha

[06:15] <+creasy> well... yes... i'm an unstoppable death machine

[06:15] <+NaKaL> ty mbok

[06:15] <+anindya> Jitak aja dia mb zab

[06:15] <icebaby> dia bikin servers byk2 jadi rancu

[06:15] <+FY> Hadehhh

[06:15] <+FY> Pantes

[06:15] <+anindya> ** |In-Love| mengganti mode +v anindya : mucih mb zab

[06:16] <icebaby> nakal wis gak kangen za opo

[06:16] <+FY> Aku kok join normal jadi darkirc

[06:16] <+NaKaL> pie kabar e za

[06:16] <icebaby> jitak pake pacul, nindya

[06:16] <icebaby> alhamdullilah, nakal

[06:16] <icebaby> kamu isih nakal ae

[06:16] <+NaKaL> haeheaheaha

[06:17] <+NaKaL> pancet za..yo ngene iki

[06:17] <icebaby> fy, iya nggak jelas . pokoke ngambeg sama szaj

[06:17] <icebaby> isih ganteng nggak ,nakal?

[06:17] <+FY> (icebaby) fy, iya nggak jelas . pokoke ngambeg sama szaj>>>yowis semoga segera apikan...sing repot sing duwe znc

[06:17] <+NaKaL> wek

[06:17] <+FY> Wkwkka

[06:17] <+NaKaL> tambah amoh za

[06:18] <+anindya> (icebaby) jitak pake pacul, nindya: wkwkwk. Nek kurang marem tak pinjemi linggis sekalian mb zab

[06:18] <icebaby> week

[06:18] <+creasy> Basically, weeeeeeeeeeek.

[06:18] <+NaKaL> icebaby : wes mbadok mie durung ?

[06:18] <icebaby> ho oh nindya, pake tractor

[06:19] <icebaby> nakal, belum

[06:19] <icebaby> wingi kan uwis

[06:19] <icebaby> besok lagi lah, wis kriwil bulu luar dalam

[06:19] <+anindya> Wkwkkwwk bole mb

[06:19] <+NaKaL> hahahahahahahaha

[06:19] <ezza> Liona-: Debate.. now! OR SUFFER!

[06:19] <+NaKaL> pancet kriwil ta za?

[06:20] <icebaby> fy, lagi holiday szaj jadi pacar sama dia x

[06:20] <icebaby> nakal : iya kriwil poreper

[06:20] <icebaby> piye rebonding bulu luar dalam?

[06:21] * jeding (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:21] <FangYin> (icebaby) fy, lagi holiday szaj jadi pacar sama dia x>>oh jadi ono sing lagi jealous?

[06:21] <FangYin> Jeding iki cekink

[06:21] <jeding> bukan

[06:22] <FangYin> Nopir?

[06:22] * jeding temen e sabun

[06:22] <FangYin> Sabun opo?

[06:22] <icebaby> ora jeles blas

[06:22] <FangYin> Kadal?

[06:22] <jeding> sabun colek

[06:22] <FangYin> Sabar zab

[06:22] <FangYin> Wings

[06:22] <jeding> asl icebaby

[06:22] <+tweety> jeding: 15/female/russia

[06:22] <ezza> Jeding: 19/female/australia.

[06:22] <+pita> Jeding: 21/female/indiana but it's nothing sexual.

[06:22] <icebaby> aku punya beberapa cem2an masih, hanya sebel saja di tanya znc keburu2 off

[06:22] <FangYin> Gayane

[06:22] <jeding> puh

[06:23] <jeding> rusia i

[06:23] <jeding> temen e sukhoi dong

[06:23] <FangYin> (icebaby) aku punya beberapa cem2an masih, hanya sebel saja di tanya znc keburu2 off>>>lagi quality time bekne

[06:23] <icebaby> hai ding

[06:23] <FangYin> Loken puh iki bosone cekink

[06:23] * FangYin ngosek jeding

[06:23] <jeding> hahahaha

[06:23] <+creasy> The child shrieks like a fruitbat!

[06:23] <icebaby> cem2an pada join di chan ini ada 4 kan repot za

[06:23] <icebaby> .k

[06:23] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:24] <icebaby> mendingan ngumpet

[06:24] <FangYin> (icebaby) cem2an pada join di chan ini ada 4 kan repot za>>>tuh ada yorick jg

[06:24] <FangYin> Ekkwkwkwk

[06:24] <icebaby> ada 4 disini busyeeeet

[06:24] <FangYin> Buset

[06:24] <icebaby> kok za malah bilang2 sih

[06:24] <icebaby> haduuuhh

[06:24] <FangYin> Wkwkkwkw

[06:25] <icebaby> gara2 nakal sama jeding

[06:25] <FangYin> Bilang ga bilang cem cemanmu akeh

[06:25] <icebaby> dama fangyin sama nindya

[06:25] <FangYin> Akakakakakakk

[06:25] * fatima (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:25] <FangYin> Jeding cem cem annya ol

[06:25] <icebaby> ah mosok akeh

[06:25] <FangYin> Akeh

[06:25] <FangYin> Bule kabeh

[06:25] <FangYin> Wkwkkwkwk

[06:25] <icebaby> yg manaaaaa

[06:25] <FangYin> Szajbuz

[06:25] <icebaby> hai fatima

[06:25] <FangYin> Yorick

[06:26] <FangYin> Sopo meneh yo

[06:26] <jeding> nopir

[06:26] <icebaby> gm

[06:26] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[06:26] <jeding> :v

[06:26] <FangYin> Hahhaha

[06:26] <icebaby> mwahhaha

[06:26] <FangYin> Gm jg tah?

[06:26] <+tweety> ow! my squealyspooch!

[06:26] <+creasy> so, like, i will prepare food with my iron fist

[06:26] <FangYin> Wakakkakakak

[06:26] <icebaby> oraaaaaa

[06:26] <fatima> hai baby

[06:26] <FangYin> Killah?

[06:26] <icebaby> gossip:d

[06:26] <icebaby> killah

[06:26] <FangYin> Nek killah piye zab?

[06:26] <FangYin> Termasuk?

[06:26] <icebaby> killah rada tertutup

[06:27] <FangYin> Tapi?

[06:27] <icebaby> nggak kayak anton,lebih terbuka

[06:27] <FangYin> Sek sek anton

[06:27] <FangYin> @seen anton

[06:27] <ChanStat-12> anton ( was last seen parting #geekboys with a reason of "bdz is the real geekboys" on Fri January 1 01:54:37 2021 UTC (82 days, 11 hours, 32 minutes ago)

[06:27] <FangYin> Iki?

[06:27] <+creasy> Well, I'd @seen her anton.

[06:27] <FangYin> Geekboys?

[06:27] <icebaby> ho oh

[06:27] <icebaby> bukan

[06:27] <FangYin> Wew

[06:27] <FangYin> Lah endi

[06:27] <icebaby> anton, staff

[06:27] <icebaby> ./whois ant

[06:27] <FangYin> Oh anton staff

[06:28] * cruts (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:28] <icebaby> setap sini kebanyakan dari swedia

[06:28] <cruts> Mosok

[06:28] <FangYin> Oh gitu

[06:28] <icebaby> hellloooooo

[06:28] <icebaby> nakal jeding nindya

[06:28] <jeding> anton lak nama ne nopir

[06:28] <jeding> antoniustropus dosenikus

[06:28] <jeding> ya cruts ya

[06:28] <FangYin> Iso antonius i

[06:29] <FangYin> Loken

[06:29] <icebaby> beberapa dari British, nl dll

[06:29] <FangYin> Wkksksk

[06:29] <FangYin> Oalah

[06:29] <cruts> Weh ruwet

[06:29] <FangYin> (jeding) antoniustropus dosenikus>>dosen bohlam

[06:29] <icebaby> aku nggak *ada* cem2an stap qnet gaes

[06:29] <icebaby> ttm mungkin

[06:30] <icebaby> bukan cem2an

[06:30] <FangYin> Podo ae

[06:30] <FangYin> Wkwkkwkw

[06:30] <FangYin> Podo mesrae

[06:30] <FangYin> Wkwkwkw

[06:30] <icebaby> bedaaaaa ya le ding ya

[06:30] <FangYin> Yowis sembarang zab

[06:30] <icebaby> hahaha

[06:30] <FangYin> Pokoke zncku iki ga bermasalah aja wis

[06:30] <FangYin> Wkkwkwk

[06:30] <cruts> Po iso meteng lak mek ngono tok

[06:30] <icebaby> biar ada hot news dan gossip2

[06:30] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:30] <FangYin> He eh

[06:31] <icebaby> minta saja sama Casper lunarbnc

[06:31] <FangYin> Aku?

[06:31] <icebaby> hai coz

[06:31] <FangYin> Aku kemaren bikin tapi gagal

[06:31] <icebaby> tapi lewat website

[06:31] <FangYin> Ternyata bo masih hidup

[06:31] <coz> ae esba

[06:31] <FangYin> Iya lewat website

[06:31] <icebaby> casper apikan kok

[06:31] <ezza> casper apikan kok ... more like kasper apikan cok, am i rite?

[06:32] <icebaby> ae coz, kangen aku ndak

[06:32] <FangYin> Apane di decline

[06:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[06:32] <coz> ga

[06:32] * FangYin lali password e

[06:32] <icebaby> tanya saja ke lunarbnc channel

[06:32] <icebaby> coz, yo Wis

[06:32] <FangYin> Okee

[06:32] <FangYin> Nanti tak tanyae

[06:32] <coz> hahaha

[06:32] <icebaby> minta enker susah

[06:32] <ezza> yes yes... i'm a "master" of comedy, now what's this plan

[06:33] <FangYin> Iyoe

[06:33] <icebaby> coz tenane

[06:33] <coz> esbatu ki sopo

[06:33] <FangYin> Gagal terus aku minta ke enker

[06:33] <FangYin> Dari jaman doeloe

[06:33] <icebaby> udu sopo2

[06:33] <FangYin> (coz) esbatu ki sopo>>the real queen of quakenet

[06:33] <icebaby> dia bagus tapi byk syarat2

[06:34] <icebaby> bukaaaann

[06:34] <FangYin> Aku pernah minta ke modjo

[06:34] <FangYin> Dikasih

[06:34] <FangYin> Tapi lali password e

[06:34] <FangYin> Wkwkkw

[06:34] * icebaby hanya permanent user

[06:34] <FangYin> Tak pm ga dibales

[06:34] <FangYin> Yo km lah zab ratune

[06:34] <FangYin> Timbang sing ngaku ngaku ratu

[06:34] <FangYin> Koyok user sebelah

[06:35] <icebaby> waduh

[06:35] <coz> hahaha

[06:35] * icebaby user biasa hehe

[06:35] <icebaby> ya coz ya

[06:35] <FangYin> Iyo wis

[06:35] <coz> iyo wes

[06:35] <FangYin> Wkkwkwkkw

[06:35] <icebaby> coz aja nggak kenal

[06:35] <icebaby> gemana jadi ratu sejagad

[06:36] <FangYin> Wkkwkwkw

[06:36] <FangYin> Miss universe

[06:36] <cruts> Hai tante icebaby

[06:36] <icebaby> fang iya hehe

[06:36] <FangYin> Wkwkkwkw

[06:36] <icebaby> belum tante

[06:36] <FangYin> Apane iya zab?

[06:36] <icebaby> belum dapt om2

[06:36] <icebaby> notice mu

[06:36] <cruts> Preketek

[06:36] <FangYin> Sip zab

[06:36] <icebaby> cruts waras?

[06:36] <cruts> Dikit

[06:37] <icebaby> lom dpt vaksin ya

[06:37] <cruts> Blom

[06:37] <icebaby> kelihatan baunya

[06:37] <icebaby> .slaps coz

[06:37] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby slaps coz around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[06:38] <icebaby> lagi pingin ngganguin coz

[06:38] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[06:38] <ezza> Bye mell.

[06:38] <icebaby> kopi gaes

[06:38] <FangYin> Ngopi lagi zab?

[06:38] <cruts> Po enak kopimu

[06:38] <icebaby> enak ya

[06:39] <icebaby> iya fang

[06:39] <FangYin> Zab...ndek casual sopo iku zab?

[06:39] <icebaby> rada adem, kopi item gak pake gula

[06:39] <FangYin> Aku ga kenal

[06:39] <cruts> Po ngalahke kopi tubruk?

[06:39] <icebaby> org gila x fang biar aja buat rame2 haha

[06:39] <ezza> you're after my robot bee£@%^@~~#

[06:39] <FangYin> Dibeno ae ya zab

[06:39] <FangYin> Ben rame

[06:39] <icebaby> ini kopi tubruk, cruts

[06:39] <coz> esbatu waras?

[06:39] <FangYin> Ben ada sing ngetik

[06:40] <icebaby> iyo biarin aja fang

[06:40] <FangYin> Ok

[06:40] <icebaby> coz, sehat coz. kowe waras

[06:40] <coz> sek ga pati mambu iki

[06:41] <FangYin> Telebecinternet 🤔

[06:41] <icebaby> pati itu apa?

[06:41] <FangYin> Pati = terlalu

[06:41] <coz> ga terlalu

[06:41] <icebaby> ohhh

[06:41] <cruts> Ngono ae ra mudeng..dasar kriwil

[06:41] <icebaby> cruuuuuuts

[06:41] <icebaby> =P

[06:41] <coz> sek isoman aku

[06:42] <icebaby> isoman?

[06:42] <jeding> pati ki tepung

[06:42] <icebaby> hadeehhhhh

[06:42] <FangYin> Tepung kanjia kink?

[06:42] <FangYin> Wkkwkwk

[06:42] <jeding> heeh

[06:42] <icebaby> bhs coz bhs cinta susah dipahami

[06:42] <cruts> Lak jeding ngruwet

[06:42] * jeding kosong mbh ra enek ciduk e

[06:42] <FangYin> .define isoman

[06:42] <@Dealer> 6 (DEFINE) Sorry, I couldn't find a definition for the word isoman »]

[06:42] <jeding> :v

[06:43] <jeding> isoman

[06:43] <icebaby> kalo pipis repot dong

[06:43] <jeding> iso = bisa

[06:43] <jeding> man = manak

[06:43] <coz> isolasi mandiri - isoman

[06:43] <FangYin> Iki lho jeding ono ciduke gaban

[06:43] <icebaby> isoman itu apaa

[06:43] <jeding> jdi arrine bisa manak

[06:43] <FangYin> Wakakkakakak

[06:43] <jeding> yora coz

[06:43] <FangYin> Wakkkakakka

[06:43] <icebaby> hadeeeeh

[06:43] <FangYin> Ealah isoman iku isolasi mandiri

[06:44] <FangYin> Ket eruh aku

[06:44] <icebaby> ohhhh

[06:44] <jeding> kenapa ndak sodir

[06:44] <FangYin> Soder

[06:44] <FangYin> Wkwkwkwk

[06:44] <jeding> lebih ngegemesin kalimat e

[06:44] <icebaby> karantina gitu aja

[06:44] <coz> padahal covid wes setahun lah mosok istilah isoman sek tas weruh

[06:44] <FangYin> Yo ga atek disingkat coz

[06:45] <FangYin> Isolasi mandiri ngunu ae

[06:45] <coz> iyo wis

[06:45] <jeding> kancane solatip mesti nek isolasi i

[06:45] <icebaby> isoman kirain sebangsa indomie

[06:45] <jeding> :v

[06:45] <FangYin> Awakmu terpapar covid19 tah coz

[06:45] <coz> iyo

[06:45] <FangYin> Sejenis samyang zab

[06:46] <icebaby> yg 2x pedes

[06:46] <icebaby> buldak

[06:46] <jeding> woh aman coz

[06:46] <jeding> ombenono autan

[06:46] <icebaby> .slaps jeding pake cruts

[06:46] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby slaps jeding around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[06:46] <FangYin> Coz : wis tes swab pcr tah?

[06:46] <jeding> pirus moh betah wes

[06:46] <FangYin> (jeding) ombenono autan,>>langsung koit

[06:46] <coz> wis tanggal 15

[06:46] <FangYin> Lhoalah saknoe

[06:46] * jeding lom sempet beli buldak nil

[06:47] <FangYin> Coz : ketularan sopo?

[06:47] <coz> ki wes mlaku seminggu

[06:47] <coz> ga ngomong e seng nulari

[06:47] <FangYin> Iyooo

[06:47] <icebaby> jeding, sabar

[06:47] <FangYin> Coz : ndek RS tah omah?

[06:47] <coz> ngerti2 wes positif ae

[06:47] * cruts (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:47] <coz> ndek omah kosong

[06:47] * cruts (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:47] <FangYin> Heh

[06:48] * fatima (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:48] <ezza> ^_^

[06:48] <+tweety> :-)

[06:48] <icebaby> wb cruts

[06:48] <FangYin> Omahe sopo coz?

[06:48] <jeding> icebaby: samyang e lupa di belikan

[06:48] <coz> omahku

[06:48] <FangYin> Geje

[06:48] <FangYin> Wkwkkwk

[06:48] * jeding sidane cma ngemil indomie

[06:48] <icebaby> (coz) ndek omah kosong <<< kayak hantu

[06:48] <FangYin> Ditakoni omah jare bukan

[06:48] <FangYin> Dadakno omahku

[06:48] <icebaby> jeding wah kasian dirimu

[06:48] <FangYin> Ruwet koyok gaban

[06:48] <coz> la kandani omah kosong, wes mulai 2015 ga tau dipangoni

[06:48] <jeding> weeee

[06:49] <icebaby> online ae ding

[06:49] <FangYin> Oh ngunu

[06:49] <FangYin> Wakakkakak

[06:49] <jeding> pas kui coz ge uka²

[06:49] <cruts> * jeding sidane cma ngemil indomie<<< ngemilo lombok jemprit

[06:49] <jeding> jasik

[06:49] <icebaby> hantune jeding

[06:49] <+tweety> Hantune jeding ... more like jantune heding, am i rite?

[06:49] <coz> iyo iki plavon e wes rutuh kabeh

[06:49] <jeding> lak iso amoh bibir seksiku mbh cruts

[06:49] <jeding> hahahahha

[06:49] <FangYin> Iku omah tah lokasi syutinge dunia lain?

[06:50] <coz> kan wes diomongi omah kosong

[06:50] <FangYin> Lha iyo

[06:50] <coz> mbulet ae

[06:50] <jeding> .k

[06:50] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:50] <FangYin> Gtau di dandani tah

[06:50] <FangYin> Kok sampe plavone amoh

[06:50] <coz> wes ga tak urusi kok 2015

[06:50] <icebaby> kamu sendirian disana coz?

[06:50] <FangYin> Awas ditekani mbak kunti coz

[06:51] <coz> iyo dewean

[06:51] <FangYin> Saknoe

[06:51] <icebaby> kunti nya kan jeding

[06:51] <FangYin> Wkakakakakakka

[06:51] <FangYin> Mas kunti iku

[06:51] <FangYin> Wkwkksk

[06:51] <jeding> eee

[06:51] <coz> tak ajak maen gaple malah biasae

[06:51] <jeding> mosok enek kunti se unyu eike

[06:51] <FangYin> Sopo coz sing mbok jak main gaple?

[06:51] <FangYin> Kunti?

[06:51] <FangYin> Canggih

[06:51] <coz> hp lah

[06:52] <FangYin> Oalah

[06:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[06:52] <icebaby> unyu = kunti tuyul

[06:52] <herra> Wkwk

[06:52] <icebaby> tuh kluar kan herra

[06:52] <FangYin> Korban bucin online?

[06:52] <FangYin> Wuih

[06:53] <icebaby> liat tuyul

[06:53] <FangYin> Apike vhost e

[06:53] <FangYin> Wkwkkw

[06:53] <cruts> Tumben herra idup

[06:53] <herra> Idup lah

[06:53] <jeding> herra ki nopir?

[06:53] * irul (~irul@2607:5300:60:21b::1) Quit (Registered)

[06:53] * irul ( has joined #surabaya

[06:53] <icebaby> vhost nya zabrina-- hadeehh

[06:53] <jeding> ko ndi mbh

[06:53] <cruts> Mantan nopir tepatnya

[06:53] <icebaby> nggak tahan

[06:54] <FangYin> ** [Whois zabrina-- (>>iki tah?

[06:54] <herra> Ra kenal nopir

[06:54] <FangYin> Wkwksk

[06:54] <jeding> .k

[06:54] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:54] <icebaby> haha iya

[06:54] <FangYin> Wakakkakak

[06:54] <FangYin> Szajbuz itu?

[06:54] <FangYin> Yg buatno?

[06:54] <icebaby> minta ganti ah

[06:54] <icebaby> iyo sopo maneh

[06:54] <FangYin> Apik iku zab

[06:54] <FangYin> Wkwkwkwk

[06:54] <icebaby> kiss nya itu nggak tahan

[06:54] <FangYin> Wkwkwkwkwk

[06:54] <icebaby> iya cruts ya

[06:55] <FangYin> Ngarep mbok kiss dee zab

[06:55] * cruts manthuk2

[06:55] <jeding> zabrina ki bukane kaos seng mblewek sak pundak kae?

[06:55] <icebaby> ora yooooo

[06:55] <FangYin> Sabrina iku

[06:55] <jeding> hahahahaha

[06:55] <FangYin> Leher sabrina

[06:55] <FangYin> S duk z

[06:55] <jeding> loh wes di genti tulisane

[06:55] <jeding> eee

[06:55] <FangYin> Genti

[06:55] <icebaby> .slaps jeding

[06:55] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby slaps jeding around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[06:55] <FangYin> Wkwkkwk

[06:55] * jeding ngikik

[06:55] <icebaby> nopir mana nopiiir

[06:56] <FangYin> Winginane ono nick nopir

[06:56] <FangYin> Mbuh asli tah gak e

[06:56] <jeding> nopir matek

[06:56] <jeding> ketiban globe ndias e

[06:56] <icebaby> lama nggak liat nick nopir

[06:56] <FangYin> @seen nopir

[06:56] <ChanStat-12> nopir (webchat@6dw2.9721.5o3m.ip) was last seen quitting for "Ping timeout" on Tue March 23 05:12:41 2021 UTC (1 day, 8 hours, 43 minutes ago)

[06:56] <FangYin> Kui zab

[06:56] <cruts> Nampaknya banyak korban nopir

[06:56] <cruts> Herra juga korban nopir?

[06:56] <icebaby> asli tah itu

[06:56] <FangYin> Gtau

[06:56] <icebaby> cruts , za nggak lah ya

[06:56] <cruts> Bukan korban sih...tpi mantan tepatnya

[06:57] <icebaby> maap

[06:57] <herra> Korban bucin si nopir

[06:57] <cruts> (icebaby) cruts , za nggak lah ya<<< lak we mantanku tok

[06:57] <cruts> Wkwkwkwkwk

[06:57] <cruts> Herra bucin nopir?

[06:57] <herra> Ehh ga kenal nopir kan ya tadii

[06:57] <FangYin> @seen nopir_

[06:57] <ChanStat-12> nopir_ (webchat@6dw2.9721.5o3m.ip) was last seen quitting for "Ping timeout" on Tue March 23 05:49:42 2021 UTC (1 day, 8 hours, 8 minutes ago)

[06:58] <icebaby> cruts kapan kita putus emang?

[06:58] <cruts> Herra mantan sapa dong

[06:58] <cruts> Ga putus terabaikan

[06:58] <cruts> Wkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:58] <icebaby> .k

[06:58] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:58] <herra> Ga mantan siapa2

[06:58] <coz> mantan ga jadi manten

[06:58] * icebaby puk2 cruts

[06:59] <icebaby> coz kita jadi mantan yuk

[06:59] <jeding> mantan orang?

[06:59] <jeding> waiki bhaya

[06:59] <icebaby> .k

[06:59] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:59] <herra> Aku loh ga bisa bedain yg mana cwo nya

[06:59] <coz> haha

[06:59] <jeding> biene demet iso²

[06:59] * cruts lirik herra

[06:59] <FangYin> Coz mantane sapa?

[06:59] <jeding> herra kek judul lagu

[06:59] <icebaby> mau nawarin jeding ntar quake langsung tutup

[06:59] <jeding> herra jana

[06:59] <FangYin> Terajana

[06:59] <FangYin> Duk hera

[07:00] <FangYin> Teraaa

[07:00] * cruts terabaikan herra

[07:00] <jeding> icebaby: maap eike barusan out of order

[07:00] <jeding> :v

[07:00] <icebaby> tera mantanku dari swedia dulu

[07:00] * cruts lebih diabaikan icebaby

[07:00] <icebaby> @seen tera

[07:00] <ChanStat-12> tera (~tera@ was last seen quitting for "*.net *.split" on Wed August 29 19:19:06 2018 UTC (937 days, 18 hours, 41 minutes ago)

[07:00] <jeding> loh wes di genti neh pang

[07:00] <FangYin> Iyo genti kink

[07:00] <icebaby> jeding = expired

[07:01] <icebaby> cruts mwah pake coz

[07:01] <FangYin> Digenti ikke nurjanah dewe

[07:01] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:01] <FangYin> Mantanmu akehe zab

[07:01] <FangYin> Kwkwkwkk

[07:01] * cruts pangku herra

[07:01] <jeding> kakakakakaka

[07:01] <icebaby> .ip

[07:02] <FangYin> Ga enek bot e zab

[07:02] <icebaby> tak akuin dulu byk cem2an fang

[07:02] <FangYin> Sekarang?

[07:02] <herra> Opo to

[07:02] * cruts korban icebaby

[07:02] <jeding> tera rejing terajing terajing

[07:03] <jeding> lak kyo lagu neh

[07:03] * cruts cubit pipi bakpao herra

[07:03] <icebaby> bukan itu ipnya fang

[07:03] <FangYin> Ipne sapa tadi itu zab?

[07:03] <icebaby> cruts kapan kowe jadi korban

[07:03] <FangYin> (jeding) tera rejing terajing terajing>>>iki sing nyanyi sopo lali aku...

[07:03] <icebaby> ip gresik itu

[07:04] <FangYin> Oalah

[07:04] <icebaby> @seen rickard

[07:04] <ChanStat-12> I have not seen rickard

[07:04] <cruts> (icebaby) cruts kapan kowe jadi korban<<< ra rumongsoi

[07:04] <FangYin> .seen rickard

[07:04] <NapaLm> FangYin, Gue enggak pernah liat rickard.

[07:04] <herra> Ehh

[07:04] <icebaby> aku lupa cruts

[07:04] <FangYin> Kayak pernah tau nick itu zab

[07:04] * cruts sudah biasa dilupakan

[07:04] <icebaby> @seen rickard

[07:04] <ChanStat-12> I have not seen rickard

[07:05] <icebaby> iya fang

[07:05] <FangYin> Ikhlaskan ae zab

[07:05] <FangYin> Wis ga ol

[07:05] <icebaby> herra cantik manis, cruts

[07:05] * cruts udah tau

[07:05] <icebaby> dia ada di fb, sdh punya cwe

[07:05] <cruts> Cantik manis semok

[07:05] <herra> wess

[07:05] <+creasy> I'd Cantik her semok

[07:05] <icebaby> top ya

[07:05] <cruts> Josss

[07:06] <coz> top global

[07:06] * herra dah punya cwe

[07:06] <FangYin> (icebaby) dia ada di fb, sdh punya cwe>>walah emane

[07:06] <herra> Ckckck

[07:06] <cruts> Pun demikian herra melupakan ku

[07:06] <FangYin> Zab ndek casual ini kayake wong france yo zab

[07:06] <icebaby> gpp, hanya cem2an

[07:06] <herra> Pura pura lupa . Mahen

[07:07] <FangYin> Biar aku yang pura pura lupa

[07:07] <FangYin> Jangan datang lagi cinta

[07:07] <cruts> Iki herra asli apa palsu ya

[07:07] <FangYin> Bagaimana aku bisa lupa

[07:07] <icebaby> fang, dia pake bhs macem2

[07:07] <herra> Palsu cruts

[07:08] <FangYin> Oh gitu zab

[07:08] <cruts> Wah klo palsu brarti yg punya buntut

[07:08] <icebaby> .slaps coz jeding

[07:08] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby slaps coz around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[07:08] <coz> wew

[07:08] <FangYin> Coz lagi main games

[07:08] <FangYin> Wkwkkwkw

[07:08] * vitri_amelia (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:08] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[07:08] * vitri_amelia was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[07:08] <cruts> Klo asli tu semok,cantik,seksi bergigi kelinci

[07:08] <icebaby> coz ngetik

[07:08] <FangYin> Lhoo

[07:08] <FangYin> Vitri amelia

[07:08] <icebaby> !voice coz

[07:08] <coz> oh zabrina ya

[07:09] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v coz

[07:09] <icebaby> !voice fangyin

[07:09] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v FangYin

[07:09] <icebaby> !voice jeding

[07:09] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v jeding

[07:09] <icebaby> !voice herra

[07:09] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v herra

[07:09] <cruts> Akehmen ban2anmu wil

[07:09] <icebaby> !voice cruts

[07:09] <+FangYin> Zab ip 202 kok dibanned?

[07:09] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v cruts

[07:09] <+cruts> 185. Yo mbok ban

[07:09] <icebaby> biar keliatan cantik ganteng

[07:10] <icebaby> nggak ngerti aku cruts

[07:10] <+FangYin> Ra melu melu wis

[07:10] <icebaby> itu yg kena ban biasanya ip pluder2

[07:10] <+cruts> Bot mu galak wil

[07:10] <+FangYin> He eh

[07:11] <icebaby> iya galak tapi cakep loh

[07:11] * womannAtHome (~womannAtH@ has joined #surabaya

[07:11] <+herra> Ty zhabrina

[07:11] <icebaby> sami2

[07:11] <+cruts> Hai womanathome

[07:11] <womannAtHome> Ya

[07:12] <+cruts> Herra masih semok ga?

[07:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[07:12] <+herra> Oww jelas

[07:12] * suliw4 ( has joined #surabaya

[07:12] <+cruts> Wuihhh

[07:12] * womannAtHome (~womannAtH@ has left #surabaya

[07:12] <+coz> wb mbah juki

[07:13] <+cruts> Tapi sayang...sesemok apapun herra tak lagi melirik ku

[07:13] <+cruts> Wkwkwkwkwkwkw

[07:13] * Sinchan nyimak yg cruts2an ...

[07:13] <icebaby> .slaps sinchan

[07:13] <@Dealer> 6 icebaby slaps sinchan around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[07:13] <icebaby> !voice sinchan

[07:13] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v Sinchan

[07:13] <+Sinchan> aw

[07:13] <+herra> Melirik doang bisa aja

[07:13] <icebaby> bots what's sinchan?

[07:14] <+Sinchan> pelan2 dunk

[07:14] <+pita> juragan bh seken i guess

[07:14] <+creasy> juragan bh seken i suppose

[07:14] <+elektra> i think it's juragan bh sekren in the butt

[07:14] <ezza> i think it's juragan bh seken

[07:14] <+tweety> I think it's juragan bh seken.

[07:14] <+elektra> oops

[07:14] <icebaby> (+elektra) i think it's juragan bh sekren in the butt

[07:14] <icebaby> haha

[07:14] <+Sinchan> zzz

[07:14] <+pita> he is part of the collective now

[07:14] <+tweety> wake up*@*@^^***@~^@

[07:14] <ezza> you need a coffee

[07:14] <+cruts> Herra pm plis

[07:14] <Michi> Wah ada aki aki nohara sinosuke

[07:14] <Michi> Wkwkkw

[07:15] <+FangYin> Sopo?

[07:15] * Michi tunjuk om Sinchan

[07:15] <+FangYin> Wew

[07:15] <+cruts> Off ah... Ga di pm herra

[07:15] * cruts (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:15] <icebaby> !voice suliw4

[07:15] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v suliw4

[07:15] <icebaby> !voice michi

[07:15] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v Michi

[07:16] <icebaby> cruts kayak sapa ya

[07:16] <+Michi> Thanks icebaby

[07:16] <+FangYin> Tak kira km kenal zab

[07:16] <+FangYin> Kok manggil km kriwil

[07:16] <icebaby> hahahaha nickname ganti

[07:16] <ezza> only now can I reveal that, if elected, I will ensure that every student is given a zombie wiener-dog to do their bidding. Can Sfc say that?

[07:16] <+FangYin> Wkkwkwk

[07:16] <icebaby> sama2 michi

[07:16] <icebaby> kalo ganti susah

[07:16] <+Michi> Yup yup

[07:16] <+coz> tak kiro samirah iku mau

[07:17] <icebaby> yg manggil kriwil pasti sejenis dhemit, ky jeding

[07:17] <+FangYin> Nek samirah duk lah

[07:17] <icebaby> bukan samijan

[07:17] <+FangYin> Ingetku sing biasane manggil kriwil iku zakir

[07:17] <+FangYin> Alias kaipank

[07:17] <+coz> nopir jg ga

[07:17] <icebaby> @seen zakir

[07:17] <ChanStat-12> zakir (webchat@o13l.dl9p.h2q7.ip) was last seen quitting for "Signed off" on Tue October 8 16:49:55 2019 UTC (532 days, 21 hours, 27 minutes ago)

[07:18] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:18] <+FangYin> Mosok nopir manggil km kriwil zab?

[07:18] <ezza> mmm edo

[07:18] <icebaby> @seen cruts

[07:18] <ChanStat-12> cruts (~androirc@ was last seen quitting for "Signed off" on Wed March 24 14:15:45 2021 UTC (2 minutes, 25 seconds ago)

[07:18] <+creasy> =D

[07:18] <+elektra> =D

[07:18] <+pita> =]

[07:18] <icebaby> nggak yakin itu nopir

[07:18] <icebaby> mosok nopir, coz sayang

[07:19] <+pita> The loot! the loot! the loot is on fire!

[07:19] <+FangYin> Bukan

[07:19] <+FangYin> Kayake penggemarmu zab

[07:19] <+coz> 🤭

[07:19] <+suliw4> Zabrina

[07:19] <icebaby> ai suliw4

[07:19] <icebaby> lama tak jumpa

[07:21] <+FangYin> Mripatku mblereng

[07:21] <+FangYin> Tulisane cilik²

[07:21] <icebaby> besarin

[07:21] <+FangYin> Piye carane

[07:21] <icebaby> punya za jg imut2

[07:21] <+coz> cubit keatas

[07:21] <+FangYin> Ga kenek

[07:21] <icebaby> click setting di hp

[07:22] <+FangYin> Sek

[07:22] <icebaby> nanti ada pilihan

[07:22] <+creasy> I'd nanti her pilihan

[07:22] <+coz> cubit kebawah tambah kecil biasae gambar e

[07:22] <+coz> hahaha

[07:22] * icebaby cubit coz keatas bawah

[07:23] * icebaby tunggu

[07:23] <+FangYin> Kok ga enek ya

[07:23] <+coz> hp e berarti

[07:25] <+FangYin> Embuh

[07:25] <+FangYin> Mblereng

[07:25] <icebaby> ada

[07:25] <+FangYin> Cilik cilik tulisane

[07:25] <+FangYin> Di pengaturan ndak enek

[07:26] <+tweety> Mr- has shot the food! o_O

[07:26] <icebaby> buka tampilan

[07:26] <icebaby> kan ada tuh setting besar kecil tulisan

[07:26] <icebaby> buka setting,trs buka tampilan

[07:27] <icebaby> ada gaya, ukuran front

[07:27] <+FangYin> Nah nemu

[07:27] <+FangYin> Iya ada

[07:27] <+FangYin> Guedi

[07:27] <+FangYin> Asekkk

[07:27] <+FangYin> Mayan ga mblereng

[07:28] <icebaby> hehe

[07:28] <+FangYin> Akhirnya

[07:28] <+FangYin> Kayake kudu ganti glasses

[07:30] * sesshomaru (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:31] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:31] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:32] <icebaby> za belanja sebentar ya gaes

[07:32] <+FangYin> Belajar opo zab?

[07:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[07:32] <icebaby> shopping

[07:32] <icebaby> ada yg perlu dibeli

[07:32] <+FangYin> Oh belanja

[07:32] <+FangYin> Tuh kan mblereng

[07:32] <+FangYin> Sorry

[07:33] * AndroUser2 is now known as Fi3

[07:33] <+coz> hahaha

[07:33] <icebaby> punyaku item latar belakang

[07:33] <icebaby> hai fi3

[07:33] <+coz> perlu ganti mata

[07:33] <icebaby> sik gaes bbl

[07:33] <+FangYin> Diguyu coz

[07:33] <+FangYin> Enake

[07:33] <+FangYin> Wkwkkwk

[07:33] <+coz> pake mata batin

[07:33] <icebaby> !voice fi3

[07:33] * |In-Love| sets mode: +v Fi3

[07:33] <+FangYin> Apik wis

[07:33] * icebaby is now away

[07:33] <+FangYin> Cek koyok limbad

[07:33] <+FangYin> Ok zab

[07:33] <+tweety> cek koyok limbad? Moer like lek koyok Cimbad, am I correct?

[07:34] <+FangYin> Titi dj

[07:34] <+Fi3> Hi icebaby

[07:34] <+coz> hi fi3

[07:34] <+Fi3> Hi coz

[07:34] * suliw4 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:36] <+coz> fi3 dr bekasi ya?

[07:37] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[07:37] <+Fi3> Bukan

[07:37] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[07:37] <+Michi> Wew

[07:37] <+Michi> Rame yes

[07:37] <+Michi> .ag

[07:37] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : T N E M O D E P L Y S (60s timeout) »]

[07:37] <+tweety> Dealer: that's wangernumb!

[07:37] <+Michi> Deployments

[07:37] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( DEPLOYMENTS ) in 7.406 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define DEPLOYMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:38] <+Fi3> (+coz) fi3 dr bekasi ya?..... Tp masih jawa barat juga

[07:38] <+Michi> Wew masih ada yg ngetik

[07:38] * +Michi brb lagi

[07:38] <irul> .dice all

[07:38] <@Dealer> 6 ALL-IN-DICE has been started by irul. The bet is 2'000$. To play with him you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[07:38] <+coz> oh

[07:38] <+coz> .go

[07:38] <irul> Wkwkwkkk

[07:38] * sesshomaru (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:39] <irul> Fi3 tonggomu coz

[07:39] <+coz> iyo ta

[07:39] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry irul, nobody joined the DICE game. »]

[07:39] <+Fi3> Oh ya

[07:39] <irul> Iyo tonggo uwadooh

[07:39] <irul> Wkwkwkwkkk

[07:39] <+Fi3> 🤭🤭

[07:39] <+coz> hahaha

[07:39] <AndroUser2> Fi3 itu ada dihatiku

[07:40] <+Fi3> (AndroUser2) Fi3 itu ada dihatiku...... Siapa nih?

[07:40] <irul> Iyo sak karepmu andropuser

[07:40] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[07:40] <irul> Bah onok nek jantungmu

[07:40] <irul> Wkwkwkkk

[07:41] <irul> Gak tau jga fi3

[07:41] <+Fi3> Wb ertiga

[07:41] <ertiga> Ty fi3

[07:42] <+Fi3> (irul) Gak tau jga fi3..... Jgn2 Fi3 nya beda

[07:42] <irul> Nah bisa jdi

[07:42] <irul> 😁😁😁

[07:42] * AndroUser2 is now known as suliw4

[07:43] <+Fi3> (ertiga) Ty fi3..... Masama

[07:43] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Registered)

[07:43] * suliw4 ( has joined #surabaya

[07:43] <+Fi3> Owh......

[07:43] <irul> Oalah mantan e fi3

[07:43] <irul> Ups

[07:44] <irul> 🙊🙊

[07:44] <+Fi3> (irul) Oalah mantan e fi3..... Ups.... 🤭🤭

[07:45] <irul> Eh beneran ya

[07:45] <irul> Padahal gak tau

[07:45] <irul> 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[07:46] <+Fi3> Kayaknya fi3nya beda deh

[07:46] <suliw4> Iya to

[07:46] <suliw4> Kayaknya beda

[07:46] <irul> Wah ternyata banyak fi3 disini

[07:46] <suliw4> [21:46] (+Fi3) Kayaknya fi3nya beda deh/ kalo kamu fi3 yang ada dalam masa depan ku ya

[07:47] <+Fi3> (suliw4) [21:46] (+Fi3) Kayaknya fi3nya beda deh/ kalo kamu fi3 yang ada dalam masa depan ku ya..😂😂

[07:47] <suliw4> 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[07:47] <suliw4> GomBalanya jadul ya

[07:48] <irul> Orangnya pun kayak nya jdul jga

[07:48] <irul> 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[07:48] <+Fi3> 😆😆

[07:49] <+Fi3> Offline duluan ya

[07:49] <suliw4> Yang jadul itu biasanya setia ya fi3

[07:49] <+Fi3> Bye......

[07:49] <+Fi3> (suliw4) Yang jadul itu biasanya setia ya fi3.... Insya Allah

[07:50] <suliw4> Setia ngibulin kamu

[07:50] <suliw4> Eh

[07:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[07:52] <+coz> nah

[07:53] <irul> Nah lu

[07:54] <irul> Wes sepi

[07:54] <suliw4> Iyo

[07:54] <suliw4> Mungkin lagi pada eek

[07:55] <+coz> ojo ngincengan

[07:56] <irul> Suliw4 biasa e ngentepan wong eek

[07:58] <+coz> ok wes

[07:58] <+coz> sepi

[07:58] <+coz> turu sek

[07:58] * sugar is now known as kimmy

[07:59] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[08:00] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:04] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : I R I F N G S (60s timeout) »]

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Frings

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Sfriing

[08:05] <+creasy> Sfriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Friings

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I R I F N G S - Here's a hint : F I . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Firings

[08:05] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( FIRINGS ) in 33.87 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define FIRINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:06] * AndroUser is now known as mimin

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : N I S G (60s timeout) »]

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Sing

[08:07] <+pita> Resistance is futile, you will be hrued

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Gsin

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Nisg

[08:07] <mimin> Sign

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N I S G - Here's a hint : S . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Sing

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> Sgin

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> sIgn

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SIGN ) in 47.64 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SIGN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:07] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:07] <TjahAyoe> sign

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> Eee

[08:08] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : I O E T A C G R E S (60s timeout) »]

[08:08] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:08] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[08:08] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[08:08] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I O E T A C G R E S - Here's a hint : C A T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:09] <mimin> Categories

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C A T E G O R I E S with the letters I O E T A C G R E S (Use .define CATEGORIES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:09] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +2 ) »]

[08:10] * suliw4 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:12] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:12] <kelpon> weks weks

[08:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[08:14] * kelpon (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[08:16] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:23] <+jeding> .ping

[08:23] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:23] <@Dealer> jeding: Pong! (0.531s)

[08:23] <Riz> :D

[08:23] <+creasy> :o)

[08:24] <Riz> .money

[08:24] <@Dealer> 6 Riz (#Riz) has 2'000$ »]

[08:24] <Riz> .givemoney

[08:24] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 4'000$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[08:26] * jeding (~androirc@ Quit (G-lined)

[08:26] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[08:26] <Riz> .ag

[08:26] <@Dealer> 6 Riz started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : I N T D E O A T O N (60s timeout) »]

[08:26] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: I N T D E O A T O N - Here's a hint : D E T . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:27] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D E T O N A T I O N with the letters I N T D E O A T O N (Use .define DETONATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:27] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:28] <mimin> .ag

[08:28] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S C E F E D T (60s timeout) »]

[08:29] <mimin> Fedects

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S C E F E D T - Here's a hint : D E . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:29] <mimin> Defects

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( DEFECTS ) in 38.95 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define DEFECTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:30] <mimin> .ag

[08:30] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S N O U B T T (60s timeout) »]

[08:30] <mimin> S

[08:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S N O U B T T - Here's a hint : B U . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:31] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: B U T T O N S with the letters S N O U B T T (Use .define BUTTONS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[08:33] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:42] * alyna (alyna@2a04:dd00:3:9::30) Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:52] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[08:52] <+elektra> hey there |In-Love|

[08:54] <+FangYin> .ag

[08:54] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N H T A K S (60s timeout) »]

[08:54] <+FangYin> Thanks

[08:54] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( THANKS ) in 9.781 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define THANKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:57] <+FangYin> .ag

[08:57] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S L I R O I G N A (60s timeout) »]

[08:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S L I R O I G N A - Here's a hint : O R I . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:57] <+FangYin> Originals

[08:57] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( ORIGINALS ) in 33.73 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define ORIGINALS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:57] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[09:12] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[09:14] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:14] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[09:14] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[09:29] * dika_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:32] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[09:38] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[09:43] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:52] * tommaso78 ( has joined #surabaya

[09:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[09:53] * tommaso78 ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:53] * hana (~hana@ has joined #surabaya

[09:58] <babez> moo

[09:58] <babez> m00

[09:58] <babez> bots?

[09:58] <ezza> Only with fruit.

[09:58] <+tweety> last night, yes

[09:58] <+elektra> ehllo

[09:58] <+pita> what

[09:58] <+creasy> hmm?

[09:59] * dika_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[09:59] * dika_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:00] * crutz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:04] * crutz (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[10:14] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[10:19] * crutz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:21] * crutz (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:24] <+elektra> You know TechTube, intending AguS is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[10:24] <+elektra> You've got to strap the island

[10:24] * hana (~hana@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:24] <+elektra> tuck the ended Boyspeed

[10:24] <+elektra> and "finally" ikla har

[10:30] * crutz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[10:33] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:40] * dika_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:40] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go =O

[10:42] <+tweety> bleh

[10:42] <+creasy> someone give me something to lick.

[10:45] <crutz> .ping

[10:45] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[10:45] <@Dealer> crutz: Pong! (1.938s)

[10:46] * crutz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:46] <ezza> bye crutz

[10:46] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[10:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[10:53] * Letta_ (uid423691@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[11:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[11:46] <+creasy> Yes, we all miss our loved ones and gasses, in accordance with my master's thesis on the Legend of Zelda.

[11:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[12:00] * Paulymer ( has joined #surabaya

[12:06] <+elektra> lum de dum de dum...

[12:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[12:23] * +pita considers sexchange operation

[12:23] * +pita looks at FangYin

[12:23] <+pita> Maybe not

[12:24] * Infoprodutos ( has joined #surabaya

[12:24] <Infoprodutos>

[12:26] * Infoprodutos ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:26] * masse (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[12:42] <+elektra> It's some guy wearing a shap costume! get him!

[12:49] * masse (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[12:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[13:03] <+creasy> This is outrageous! I was going to eat that admin! cuyy has got to go!

[13:06] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[13:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[13:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[13:52] <+tweety> moo.

[13:53] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[14:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[14:04] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[14:13] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[14:18] <+elektra> hnnnn

[14:18] <ezza> blinding

[14:18] <+tweety> Hnnnnn.

[14:18] <+creasy> hnnnnnnn

[14:18] <+elektra> hnnnnnn blinding

[14:18] <+pita> A sammich without bread isn't a sammich. It's meat with mustard on your hands!

[14:33] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[14:35] <Paulymer> Hello

[14:35] <Paulymer> Am I allowed to chat in this room even though I am from elsewhere?

[14:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[14:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[15:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[15:38] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:39] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:39] <ezza> i like them -_-

[15:39] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[15:39] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:39] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:39] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:40] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:40] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:40] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[15:40] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[15:41] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:41] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[15:41] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:41] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:42] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[15:42] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[15:42] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:42] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:43] * IIooII- is now known as IIooII

[15:43] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:43] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[15:43] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:43] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[15:43] * Zuma12 ( Quit (EOF from client)

[15:43] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[15:44] <+tweety> is that the time? i need to be in bed

[15:44] <ezza> is that the time? i need to be in bed

[15:44] * +creasy wins ezza and tweety

[15:44] * ezza . o O ( ? )

[15:44] <+tweety> What.

[15:44] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[15:44] * suspect ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:44] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:44] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:45] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[15:45] * shapi ( has joined #surabaya

[15:46] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[15:46] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:46] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[15:46] * elin ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:46] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:47] * shapi ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[15:47] * IIooII| ( has joined #surabaya

[15:47] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:48] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:49] * shapi ( has joined #surabaya

[15:49] * elina ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:49] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[15:50] * shap ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:50] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:50] * IIooII| ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[15:50] * IIooII^ ( has joined #surabaya

[15:50] * shapi ( Quit (EOF from client)

[15:50] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[15:51] * elin ( Quit (EOF from client)

[15:51] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[15:51] * IIooII ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:51] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:52] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:52] * IIooII^ is now known as IIooII

[15:52] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[15:52] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:52] * elina ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[15:52] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:53] * IIooII ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[15:53] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:53] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[15:54] * Q sets mode: +l 133

[15:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[15:54] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:55] * Zuma14 ( Quit (EOF from client)

[15:55] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[15:55] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[15:55] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[15:55] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[15:55] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[15:56] * IIooII- is now known as IIooII

[15:56] * elina ( Quit (EOF from client)

[15:56] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:56] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[15:57] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:57] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[15:58] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[15:58] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:58] * suspect- ( has joined #surabaya

[15:58] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[15:59] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[15:59] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:59] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[15:59] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[15:59] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:00] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:00] * IIooII- is now known as IIooII

[16:00] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:00] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:00] * Zuma14 ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:00] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:01] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:01] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:01] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:02] * Zuma12- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:02] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:02] * IIooII- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:02] * suspect ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:02] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:02] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:03] * IIooII- is now known as IIooII

[16:03] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:03] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:03] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:03] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:04] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:04] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:04] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:04] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[16:04] * Zuma12- ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:04] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:04] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:05] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:05] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:05] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:05] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:06] * suspect- ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:06] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:06] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:06] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:07] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:07] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:07] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:07] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:08] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[16:08] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:08] * shap ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:08] * suspect- ( has joined #surabaya

[16:08] * suspect ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:08] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:09] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:10] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:10] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:10] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:10] * elin ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:11] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:11] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[16:11] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:11] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:11] * elina ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:12] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:12] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:12] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:12] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:13] * pHp ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:13] * suspect- ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[16:13] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:14] * Q sets mode: +l 132

[16:14] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[16:14] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:14] * pHp ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:14] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[16:14] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:15] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:15] * IIooII ( Quit (EOF from client)

[16:15] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[16:15] * suspect ( has joined #surabaya

[16:15] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:15] * Zuma14 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:15] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:16] * IIooII ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:16] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[16:16] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[16:17] * pHp ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:17] * ian| ( has joined #surabaya

[16:17] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[16:19] * IIooII ( has joined #surabaya

[16:19] * elin ( has joined #surabaya

[16:20] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[16:21] * elina ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:22] * Zuma14 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:23] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[16:23] <Paulymer> I like that quote |In-Love| - I don't know if you're a bot or not. Probably a bot. I guess I will look stupid for tagging a bot.

[16:23] <@|In-Love|> :)

[16:23] <+pita> You know paulymer, tagging a bot is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[16:23] <+pita> You've got to grate the easy

[16:23] <+pita> flow the rampage

[16:23] <+pita> and finally cause the island.

[16:23] <Paulymer> :|

[16:23] <Paulymer> I knew it.

[16:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[16:34] <+elektra> r

[16:39] <+creasy> good.. bad.. I'm the bot with the gun£#£%percent~^^$~

[16:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[17:02] * elin is now known as elina

[17:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[17:29] * Paulymer ( Quit (Signed off)

[17:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[17:48] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[17:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[18:01] * ian| ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:01] * Zuma12 ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:01] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:01] * shap ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:01] * pHp ( has joined #surabaya

[18:01] * Zuma12 ( has joined #surabaya

[18:02] * shap ( has joined #surabaya

[18:02] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[18:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[18:19] * mo ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:20] * guspur ( Quit (Signed off)

[18:20] * mo ( has joined #surabaya

[18:23] * guspur ( has joined #surabaya

[18:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #113: Ora usah gawe perkoro, nanging gawe becik lan saknyoto

[18:54] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[18:55] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:14] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[19:18] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:25] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:26] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[19:34] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[19:43] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[19:46] <+creasy> wheeeee

[19:50] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[19:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[19:55] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:58] <coz> sarapan

[20:00] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:04] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:11] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[20:11] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:12] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:12] <Michi> .ag

[20:13] <Michi> Wew

[20:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[20:18] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:23] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:32] <+FangYin> Cintaku kan selalu menemanimu

[20:32] <+FangYin> Kemanapun kamu

[20:32] <+FangYin> Akan pergi melangkah

[20:32] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:32] <+FangYin> Cintaku kan selalu

[20:32] <+FangYin> Cintaku kan selalu

[20:32] <+FangYin> Menemanimu

[20:32] <coz> makasih

[20:32] <+FangYin> Cintaku kan selalu

[20:33] <+FangYin> Menemanimu

[20:33] <coz> 🤭

[20:33] <+FangYin> 😑😑😑😑

[20:33] <+elektra> I am a summer soup, mmm.

[20:33] <+FangYin> Nyanyi iki

[20:33] <coz> ngetik o gpp

[20:33] <+FangYin> Yo

[20:33] <+FangYin> Jangan pergi dariku

[20:33] <+FangYin> Tinggalkanku

[20:33] <+FangYin> Bawa daku kemana kau pergi

[20:33] <+FangYin> Jangan lari dariku

[20:34] <+FangYin> Jangan tepis rinduku

[20:34] <+FangYin> Kutak bisa berpaling darimu

[20:34] <+FangYin> Semuanya tlah berlalu

[20:34] <+FangYin> .money

[20:34] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'730'000$ »]

[20:34] <+FangYin> .ag

[20:34] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O C R W D (60s timeout) »]

[20:34] <+FangYin> Crow

[20:34] <+FangYin> Corw

[20:34] <+FangYin> 🙄

[20:34] <+pita> :o)

[20:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O C R W D - Here's a hint : C R . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[20:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[20:35] <+FangYin> Crwo

[20:35] <+FangYin> Crowd

[20:35] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( CROWD ) in 43.06 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CROWD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[20:35] <+creasy> A bush.

[20:35] <+elektra> omg yes

[20:35] <+pita> 42

[20:35] <+FangYin> Ga ketok d ne

[20:35] <Michi> Lho kok bisa

[20:35] <Michi> Gw kok engga

[20:35] <Michi> .ag

[20:35] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : O I A S A P S I V T N (60s timeout) »]

[20:35] <Michi> Eh bisa

[20:36] <Michi> Passivation

[20:36] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( PASSIVATION ) in 27.31 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define PASSIVATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:36] <@Dealer> 6 Michi pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[20:36] <+FangYin> Coz anagram coz

[20:36] <+FangYin> Ojo dulanan game hp ae

[20:36] <+FangYin> Bosen

[20:36] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[20:37] <+FangYin> Kutak bisa berpaling darimu

[20:37] <+FangYin> Semua tlah untukmu

[20:37] <coz> telegram kok

[20:37] <+FangYin> Telegram?

[20:37] <+FangYin> Nonton opo?

[20:37] <+FangYin> Drakor?

[20:37] <coz> lah kok nonton

[20:37] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:37] <+FangYin> Lha nyapo?

[20:37] <coz> kan podo karo wa

[20:38] <+FangYin> Oalah

[20:38] <coz> nonton opo

[20:38] <+FangYin> Biasane aku ndolek drakor ndek kunu

[20:38] <+FangYin> Sing wis subtitle indo

[20:38] <+FangYin> Ndek telegram

[20:38] <coz> emang iso

[20:38] <+FangYin> Aku jatuh cinta

[20:38] <+FangYin> Takdir aku hidup denganmu

[20:38] <+FangYin> Isolah

[20:38] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:38] <+FangYin> Nang di ae sampean

[20:38] <+FangYin> Ko endi ndog

[20:39] <ndog> ko kono arep rene pang

[20:39] <Michi> Hai ndog nya risma

[20:39] <Michi> Eh

[20:39] <+FangYin> Oalah

[20:39] <+FangYin> Kono endi?

[20:39] <ndog> Haaiiii... nes

[20:39] <Michi> Hai

[20:39] <ndog> kono <- umbah2

[20:39] <ndog> hahahahha

[20:39] <+FangYin> Wkwkwk

[20:40] <+FangYin> Aku arep setriko iki

[20:41] <ndog> udan pang kono?

[20:41] <+FangYin> Ora kink

[20:41] <+FangYin> Panas

[20:41] <ndog> kene dek dalu jam 3 nan isuk moro2 enek gldok buanterrrrrrrrrrrrr

[20:41] * ndog sampek bangun terkejut

[20:41] <coz> ndang tobat o ndog

[20:42] <coz> pertanda iku

[20:42] <ndog> eo e

[20:42] <ndog> jare grandong kui tanda2 nek alarm njalok gawing coz

[20:43] <coz> ahahaha

[20:43] <+pita> Nothing will stand in my way... not even drool!

[20:43] <+elektra> Nothing will stand in my way... not even drool!

[20:43] <+FangYin> (ndog) kene dek dalu jam 3 nan isuk moro2 enek gldok buanterrrrrrrrrrrrr>>>puh

[20:43] <ndog> sek2 rek tak sambi mamamz dulu mumpung precil ku anteng

[20:43] <+FangYin> (ndog) jare grandong kui tanda2 nek alarm njalok gawing coz>>Loken

[20:43] <+FangYin> (ndog) sek2 rek tak sambi mamamz dulu mumpung precil ku anteng>>maem sing akeh kinj

[20:43] <+FangYin> *kink

[20:44] <ndog> heeh

[20:44] <+pita> Heeeeeh.

[20:44] <ndog> momong precil ki butuh tenogo xtra soale

[20:44] <ndog> hahahahha

[20:46] <+FangYin> Bener

[20:46] <+FangYin> Nek wis mlaku bahaya

[20:47] <coz> cekink ta ndog iki

[20:48] <+FangYin> Coz coz ga nyimak ket maeng

[20:48] <+FangYin> Wkwkwkw

[20:48] <coz> nambah momongan kink

[20:49] <coz> momongan seng kok gaban gudu iku kink

[20:49] <coz> hahahaha

[20:50] <ndog> loken

[20:50] <ndog> iso gaban i

[20:50] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:50] * ndog due momongan gaban wes tak kilokne coz

[20:50] <+FangYin> Loken

[20:50] <coz> hahahaha

[20:51] <+FangYin> Loakan bekne di kilokne

[20:51] <+FangYin> Haduh dimana aku ini

[20:51] * +FangYin macak gabani

[20:52] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:53] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[20:53] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[21:00] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:01] <coz> (+FangYin) Coz coz ga nyimak ket maeng -- tak kiro bon

[21:13] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[21:22] * Kanuckian ( has joined #surabaya

[21:23] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[21:23] <Kanuckian> do games like equal losers ..

[21:24] <+creasy> You know Gisa, behaving kelpon is much like making love to a beautiful woman

[21:24] <+creasy> You've got to hoaaamss the cwooo

[21:24] <+creasy> announce the normal

[21:24] <+creasy> and finally harm the algun

[21:24] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:25] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:25] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:25] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:25] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:25] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:28] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:30] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:33] <+FangYin> .ag

[21:33] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S I T L L (60s timeout) »]

[21:33] <+FangYin> Still

[21:33] <+FangYin> Still the one

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S I T L L - Here's a hint : T I . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[21:34] <+FangYin> Tills

[21:34] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( TILLS ) in 54.23 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TILLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[21:34] <+FangYin> Kirain udah

[21:34] <+FangYin> Piye toh

[21:35] <+FangYin> Till the end of the time

[21:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[21:36] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:43] * jem ( has joined #surabaya

[21:50] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[22:04] <+elektra> I can't reach this itch :<

[22:07] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[22:17] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[22:31] <+creasy> I always thought the most sensual part of a woman was the foot

[22:31] <+creasy> mmm... sufoots.

[22:32] <+FY> .ag

[22:32] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : S R E T A D I S P C H (60s timeout) »]

[22:32] <+FY> Dispatchers

[22:32] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( DISPATCHERS ) in 8.297 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define DISPATCHERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:32] * Co_apa_adanya (~Co_biasa@ has joined #surabaya

[22:32] * Co_apa_adanya (~Co_biasa@ Quit (Signed off)

[22:34] * +tweety wakes up

[22:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[22:35] <+FY> .ag

[22:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N O B I R B S (60s timeout) »]

[22:35] <+FY> Ribbons

[22:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( RIBBONS ) in 5.031 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define RIBBONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[22:36] * ezza awakens from a nightmare about a magical orphan violently drinking the blood of a spectre on a church with a satanic, starving stomach

[22:37] <+FY> Puh medeni za ezza

[22:37] <+FY> .ag

[22:37] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N L R E E C N T I E (60s timeout) »]

[22:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N L R E E C N T I E - Here's a hint : C E N . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[22:37] <+FY> Centerline

[22:37] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CENTERLINE ) in 33.82 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define CENTERLINE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[22:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[22:52] <+creasy> "penguin"

[22:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[22:59] <+pita> SSSH SEKRIT

[23:06] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:14] * mell ( has joined #surabaya

[23:14] * Q sets mode: +l 146

[23:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[23:19] <ndog> bebek i ket mau mlebu tu ae

[23:20] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:23] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:24] <mell> tumben ono bebek ndog

[23:25] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:26] * Kanuckian ( Quit (Signed off)

[23:26] * Q sets mode: +l 144

[23:27] <ndog> <mell> tumben ono bebek ndog <- heeh mlebu metu kyo cah koclok

[23:27] * +creasy bungkus his cock.

[23:27] <mell> wkwkwkwk 🤣🤣🤣

[23:27] <mell> cah koclok jare

[23:27] <mell> ancene bebek kan bocah yo

[23:28] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@103.*

[23:28] * ombejo was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[23:30] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@103.*

[23:30] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@103.146.*

[23:30] <+FangYin> Woloh

[23:30] <+FangYin> Iso disepaki kabeh

[23:31] <+FangYin> Ombejo iki user setia

[23:31] <+FangYin> Isuk wis ol

[23:31] <ndog> mlebu metu kyo wong coli wae

[23:31] <ndog> kakakakaka

[23:31] <+FangYin> Wakakakkakak

[23:31] <ndog> ip ne tulungagung i

[23:31] <mell> wkwkwkwk

[23:31] <ndog> ben mlebu dewe pang

[23:31] <ndog> .k

[23:31] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[23:31] <+FangYin> Wong kene koyoke

[23:31] <+FangYin> User kene ae

[23:31] <+FangYin> Nyamar

[23:32] <+FangYin> Yo mell yo

[23:32] <ndog> eo nek ombejo ki seng gawene bagi2 pulsa nok babon2

[23:32] <mell> iyo koyok e

[23:32] <mell> ancene merasahkan ombejo ki

[23:32] <+FangYin> (ndog) eo nek ombejo ki seng gawene bagi2 pulsa nok babon2>>heh iyoa?

[23:32] <+FangYin> Kok iso?

[23:32] <ndog> eo

[23:32] <+FangYin> Ket eruh aku

[23:33] * ndog tau ngalami

[23:33] <+FangYin> Heh

[23:33] <mell> loh

[23:33] <ndog> pas aq gae nik wedok di pm

[23:33] <+FangYin> Piye ceritane

[23:33] <+pita> =]

[23:33] <+FangYin> Hahahah

[23:33] <+FangYin> Terus

[23:33] <+FangYin> Wkwkkw

[23:33] <mell> bagi2 pulsa sisan

[23:33] <ndog> di takon2i trs di jaluk i weha alasane arep di isikan polsa

[23:33] <ndog> eek

[23:33] <+FangYin> Waiki

[23:33] <+FangYin> Terus

[23:34] <+pita> visible creep is visible

[23:34] <+FangYin> Diiseni?

[23:34] <clips> <ndog> pas aq gae nik wedok di pm... ndog kamu itu kan AC DC... gk ada beda nya 11 12

[23:34] <mell> trus gk di keki ta

[23:34] <clips> off

[23:34] <clips> tidur lagi

[23:34] <ndog> ora

[23:34] * ndog kan lesbi duk homo

[23:34] <ndog> :v

[23:34] <mell> wkwkwk

[23:34] <+FangYin> Hahahaaha

[23:34] <+creasy> Only now can I reveal that, if elected, I will ensure that every student is given a zombie wiener-dog to do their bidding. Can Dealer say that?

[23:34] <+tweety> as soon as my skeleton stops being broken i will destroy you

[23:35] <mell> dipikir e ombejo tergiur karo pulsa wae 🙄

[23:35] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[23:35] <ezza> I'll need to look that one up |in-love|

[23:35] <+tweety> about ha;lf-past three, I think

[23:35] <+creasy> More fun than a bucket of Neo.

[23:35] <+pita>

[23:35] <+elektra> yes

[23:35] <+tweety> -;

[23:36] <+FangYin> Diiseni 10 ewuan paling

[23:36] <+FangYin> Murah meriah

[23:36] <+FangYin> Tah 5 ewuan

[23:36] <+FangYin> Ga mungkin lah 100ewu

[23:36] <ndog> kakakakakka

[23:37] <+FangYin> Paling pegawene indomaret tah alfa

[23:37] <+FangYin> Makane iso bagi bagi pulsa

[23:37] <mell> wkwkwk

[23:38] <+FangYin> Mell ga nang dalnet?

[23:38] * +FangYin sering ndelok mell nang dalnet

[23:38] <mell> sebelah jg FangYin

[23:38] <+FangYin> Oalah

[23:38] <mell> ngegame wae

[23:38] <+FangYin> Uno?

[23:38] <mell> sampean ora nang dal a ?

[23:38] <mell> scrambel FangYin

[23:39] <+FangYin> Oh sc

[23:39] <mell> nick apa dirimu disebelah FangYin

[23:39] <+FangYin> Males wisan sc an

[23:39] <mell> yo ngunu2 ae ancene 😌

[23:39] <+FangYin> Aku akeh nick e

[23:39] <mell> gk ono seng dikujumi yo ngegame

[23:39] <mell> wkkwwk

[23:39] <+FangYin> Lapo kujum

[23:39] * +FangYin nek ngegame yo ngegame ae

[23:39] * mell disebelah nick aneh2 mesti ngaku shemale 🤣

[23:39] <+FangYin> +R

[23:40] <mell> huuh

[23:40] <clips> <+FangYin> Aku akeh nick e... 1 kg nick brp rp

[23:40] <+elektra> huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

[23:40] <+FangYin> Uakeh shemale ancen

[23:40] <mell> wkwkwk

[23:40] <mell> bener

[23:40] <+FangYin> (clips) <+FangYin> Aku akeh nick e... 1 kg nick brp rp>>gelem tah?tak kei gaween..regisan kabeh

[23:41] <clips> buat apa

[23:41] <+FangYin> Yo embuh

[23:41] <clips> di jual pun gk laku

[23:41] <+FangYin> Sing ngongkon ngedol yo sopo

[23:41] <+FangYin> Pikirane dagang ae

[23:41] <+FangYin> Wkwkwkwk

[23:42] <mell> 😅

[23:42] <+FangYin> Mell bien vakum suwe yo?

[23:43] <mell> suwe FangYin

[23:43] <mell> sekitar 7th koyok e

[23:43] <+FangYin> Sek iling nick nick e arek arek bien?

[23:44] * hana (~hana@ has joined #surabaya

[23:44] * +FangYin kayake tau koncoan karo fbmu

[23:44] <mell> beberapa sek iling FangYin

[23:44] <+FangYin> Sapa ae mell

[23:44] <+FangYin> Sebutkan

[23:44] <mell> fb ku wes suwe di delete permanent

[23:44] <+FangYin> Walah

[23:45] <mell> diss kira bima anza kgb

[23:45] <+FangYin> Pantes ga ada

[23:45] <mell> trus sopo neh yo

[23:45] <+FangYin> Yansyi

[23:45] <mell> redwine

[23:45] <+FangYin> Sek eleng?

[23:45] <mell> yansyi pernah liat tp gk tau orangnya 🙄

[23:45] <+FangYin> Pekanbaru dee

[23:45] <mell> nick e dirimu yo sisan iling og

[23:46] <+FangYin> Suwun lho nek sek iling

[23:46] <+FangYin> Kuzu nobi nobu

[23:46] <mell> angel sisan

[23:46] <+FangYin> Uciha

[23:46] <mell> kuzu

[23:46] <mell> nobi sopo

[23:46] <+FangYin> Angel nang di?

[23:46] <+tweety> nobi sopo... nopo

[23:46] <+FangYin> Nobi ono

[23:46] <mell> angel malang

[23:46] <+FangYin> Ga kenal?

[23:46] <ndog> sek2 iku mau kebaned kok ra join neh ya? pdhal sak durunge di haned mlebu metu

[23:46] <mell> nobi wong ndi ?

[23:46] <ndog> wah mesti enek cctv ne nik lione

[23:46] <ndog> :v

[23:47] <+FangYin> (ndog) sek2 iku mau kebaned kok ra join neh ya? pdhal sak durunge di haned mlebu metu,>>>ombejo tah kink?

[23:47] <ndog> bukan

[23:47] <+FangYin> (mell) nobi wong ndi ?>>jkt koyoke

[23:47] <+FangYin> Lha sopo kink?

[23:47] <ndog> AndroUser2 (~androirc@

[23:47] <ndog> kui

[23:47] <mell> gk pernah liat dl nick e nobi

[23:47] <+FangYin> Cctv puol iku

[23:47] <ndog> dese genti ip dese genti ip

[23:47] <+FangYin> Melbu metu

[23:47] <mell> cempe kan dl ganti nick ya

[23:47] <+FangYin> He eh

[23:48] <mell> tomjerk

[23:48] <+FangYin> Iyo

[23:48] <+FangYin> Getta kenal mell?

[23:48] <ndog> cempe genti cemplon nik e

[23:48] <ndog> :v

[23:48] <mell> tjahayoe

[23:48] <+FangYin> Wkakakkaka

[23:48] <mell> getta kenal tp lali wong e seng ndi

[23:48] <+FangYin> Lampung mell

[23:48] <ndog> <FangYin> Getta kenal mell? <- kok koyo sahabate kadas bagekan kepompong seng astral kae ya

[23:49] <ndog> :v

[23:49] <mell> akeh lali e aku FangYin

[23:49] <+FangYin> (ndog) <FangYin> Getta kenal mell? <- kok koyo sahabate kadas bagekan kepompong seng astral kae ya>>>huawei ku ga iso konek andro kink...piye

[23:49] <mell> seng ingat2 yo iku wae

[23:49] <mell> meski gk tau pv tp yo iling ae nick e

[23:49] <+FangYin> Soale wis ga ol yo mell

[23:49] <ndog> safdasldkjflkjsdlfkjklasjflkas

[23:49] <ndog> jasik

[23:49] <ndog> hp ne podo plek ro hp ku padhal

[23:49] <+FangYin> Wkwkkwkw

[23:50] <ndog> apos2 nehhhh

[23:50] <+FangYin> Ga melu melu wis

[23:50] <ndog> ngono ra due weha

[23:50] <ndog> :v

[23:50] <+FangYin> Wkakakakakak

[23:50] <ndog> ra konek androirc

[23:50] * ndog kan jd melongo seh

[23:50] <mell> wkwkwk

[23:50] <ndog> sak merk,sak type tp kok bedo alam?

[23:50] * +FangYin nduwe weha

[23:50] <+FangYin> Tenang ae

[23:51] <ndog> kakakakakka

[23:51] <+FangYin> (ndog) sak merk,sak type tp kok bedo alam?>>install no tah

[23:51] <ndog> ncen kancane kadas 1 kae angel di senterno e

[23:51] <ndog> instale kan gampang pang kyo instal biasa

[23:51] <+FangYin> Sahabat karib e

[23:52] <+FangYin> Ojo dirasani tah

[23:52] <+FangYin> Yo paling ga metu ndek playstore e

[23:53] <ndog> enek kok

[23:53] <ndog> androirc 5.2 di plek setor

[23:53] <+FangYin> Wlwlwlwkkwkw

[23:53] <+FangYin> .k

[23:53] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[23:54] <+FangYin> Sak eruh ku kabeh android iso sih

[23:54] <ndog> <FangYin> Ojo dirasani tah <- wonge loh asline moco

[23:54] <ndog> :v

[23:54] <+FangYin> Jenenge androirc

[23:54] <ndog> jangan2 kancane kadas kae lanang

[23:54] <ndog> sampek keweden nek konangan jati dirinya

[23:54] <ndog> :v

[23:55] <+FangYin> Wkwkkwkwk

[23:55] <coz> samirah ra tau ketok ol nandi saiki

[23:55] <+FangYin> Sensi tenanan koyoke

[23:55] <ndog> samirah payu nok micet coz

[23:55] <+FangYin> Banyuwangi coz

[23:55] <+FangYin> Joino kono

[23:55] <coz> loh opo micek iku

[23:55] <coz> micet#

[23:55] <ndog> <FangYin> Sensi tenanan koyoke <- lha pie seumur2 aq di lokne "aq moh mok vc ko mbok kapak2ne"

[23:55] <ndog> kan jaran

[23:55] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[23:55] * ndog di warah blantek lakang

[23:55] <+FangYin> Aplikasi golek garangan coz

[23:56] <coz> ealah

[23:56] <+FangYin> (ndog) <FangYin> Sensi tenanan koyoke <- lha pie seumur2 aq di lokne "aq moh mok vc ko mbok kapak2ne">>>😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

[23:56] <coz> titok ta

[23:56] <+FangYin> Duk coz koyok wechat

[23:56] <Letta_> :)

[23:56] <ezza> =)

[23:56] <+pita> :o)

[23:56] <ndog> michat

[23:56] <+tweety> -_-

[23:56] <ndog> nek we rono sangu kresek coz

[23:56] <ezza> =]

[23:56] <ndog> okeh homo ne soale

[23:57] <coz> wuik

[23:57] <+pita> my labia is itchy, is that normal?

[23:57] <+FangYin> Wkakakakkaka

[23:57] <+FangYin> Kink fotomu di pajang tenanan

[23:57] <+FangYin> Ndek micete kadas

[23:57] <ndog> samirah nok kono betah coz

[23:57] <+FangYin> Wkwkkwkw

[23:57] <+FangYin> Aku diceritani kadas di ss

[23:57] <+FangYin> Kekel aku

[23:57] <+FangYin> Wkwkkwkwk

[23:57] <ndog> wong kae multi kelamin asline

[23:57] <ndog> iso mlungsungi

[23:57] <coz> hahaha

[23:57] <+FangYin> Sopo?

[23:58] <ndog> kadas pang

[23:58] <ndog> kakakakakakka

[23:58] <+FangYin> Wakkakaka

[23:58] <+FangYin> Unik kadas iki

[23:58] <ndog> eo

[23:58] <ndog> kancane pn do unik2

[23:58] <ndog> pun*

[23:58] <+FangYin> Loken

[23:58] <ndog> :v

[23:58] <+FangYin> Hadooohh

[23:58] <+FangYin> Ngakak

[23:59] <+FangYin> Sahabat karibe ga oleh dirasani

[23:59] <ndog> ngono i nek ngetik jarene di duduhi jodi

[23:59] * AndroUser is now known as d3ni

[23:59] <ndog> jangan2 kui asline jodi

[23:59] <ndog> bisa jadi

[23:59] <+FangYin> Heh

[00:00] <+FangYin> Opo

[00:00] <ezza> :-)

[00:00] <+tweety> ^_^

[00:00] <+FangYin> Sopo?

[00:00] <+creasy> :-)

[00:00] <ndog> kui kancane kadas

[00:00] <+FangYin> Wkkwkwkw

[00:00] <+herra> Wess

[00:00] <+FangYin> Hadooohhh

[00:00] <+FangYin> Embohlah

[00:00] <+herra> Sumuk

[00:00] <ndog> mosok jodi dadi wedok

[00:00] <ndog> lak sunat neh

[00:00] <ndog> herra ki nopir?

[00:00] <+FangYin> Ngko nek ol tak takonane jodi

[00:01] <ndog> heran ku ki 1 pang

[00:01] <ndog> semua user kene ki ora enek seng due alamat e kancane kadas kecuali jodi

[00:01] <ndog> :v

[00:01] <+herra> Sampe kapan yo aku dikira nopir

[00:01] <ndog> mosok kae wes deportasi alam e bedo ya

[00:02] <ndog> sampe sok wingi om

[00:02] <+herra> Halahh cungkring

[00:02] <+FangYin> (ndog) semua user kene ki ora enek seng due alamat e kancane kadas kecuali jodi>>heh?

[00:02] <+FangYin> Maksude?

[00:03] <+FangYin> Wew

[00:03] <ndog> yo kui

[00:03] <ndog> raono seng ruh kecuali jodi

[00:03] <ndog> :v

[00:03] <+FangYin> Yo kan pacare

[00:05] <ndog> zuma wae seng pacaran 4th rung ruh ujud e

[00:05] <ndog> kok e

[00:05] <ndog> tlp ora tau

[00:05] <ndog> vc ora tau

[00:05] <ndog> .k

[00:05] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[00:05] <+FangYin> Pm an tok ?

[00:05] <ndog> eo

[00:05] <+FangYin> Heh?

[00:05] <ndog> cobo irc enek sensor pengenalan jenis kelamin

[00:05] <ndog> mesti konangan

[00:05] <+herra> Yakin ora tau vc.. Lah vc karo jupi sopo

[00:05] * +tweety . o O (kesti monangan)

[00:06] <+FangYin> Jupiter?

[00:06] <coz> aku yo ga eruh

[00:06] <ndog> <herra> Yakin ora tau vc.. Lah vc karo jupi sopo <- mosok kancane kadas tau vc jupiter?

[00:06] <+FangYin> Wkwkkwkw

[00:06] <ndog> jal ngko tak mms e clips

[00:06] <mell> pamit dl genks

[00:07] <+FangYin> Iyo mell

[00:07] <ndog> OK De©hh... genks

[00:07] * mell ( Quit (Signed off)

[00:07] <ndog> jo lali tongkange di taleni mell

[00:07] <ezza> mmm mell

[00:07] <+tweety> =D

[00:07] <ndog> cik j4 sek

[00:07] <+FangYin> Wakkakak

[00:07] <+FangYin> Jodi lak sek tas ol kene toh kink

[00:07] <+herra> Ra jadi kopdar ya ndog

[00:08] <ndog> ndag iso om

[00:08] * ndog momong soale

[00:08] * ndog winginane malem di vc jupi

[00:08] * hana (~hana@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:08] <coz> ojo kopdar sek

[00:08] <+FangYin> Wkwkwkwk

[00:08] <+FangYin> Coz wedi covid

[00:08] <+FangYin> Wkwkwk

[00:08] <ndog> kopdar = kopyor di dadar

[00:09] <coz> aku wes terpapar iki

[00:09] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[00:09] <ndog> aman coz

[00:09] <+FangYin> Iyoo coz iyooo

[00:09] <ndog> bar positih ngko 3 bulan kedepan we kebal

[00:09] * ndog wes ngalami kae

[00:10] <+FangYin> Ga usah vaksin

[00:10] <coz> mosok kebal, ditembak polisi tembus ga

[00:10] <+FangYin> Loken

[00:10] <+FangYin> Iso jebus tembak

[00:10] <ndog> aman coz

[00:10] <ndog> tembus e nek di rudal we

[00:10] <ndog> lgsg pas ndog2ane

[00:11] <ndog> asliiiii wes

[00:11] <ndog> :v

[00:11] <coz> hahahaha

[00:11] <+elektra> So... much... filth!

[00:11] <+herra> Owh

[00:11] <coz> langsung 3 ulan sesok tak praktekne debus ngecek kebal ga

[00:12] <ezza> do we have any "solaris" 9 boxes with solaris 9 on ?

[00:12] <coz> sopo ngerti dadi berkah

[00:14] * d3ni (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:14] <ezza> bye d3ni

[00:15] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[00:17] <ndog> heeh coz

[00:21] <+FangYin> (coz) kok koyoe room private kusus cewe ya>>loken iso khusus cewek i

[00:21] <coz> hahaha

[00:21] <+tweety> Well, thankfully I was able to reprogram those cyborgs at the last minute, and send them off to do HORRIBLE THINGS to the humans.

[00:26] <ndog> safdasldkjflkjsdlfkjklasjflkas

[00:29] * KillaH ( Quit (Signed off)

[00:29] <+herra> Ngetik opo ndog ra jelas blass

[00:30] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[00:30] <ndog> gagagagagagga

[00:30] <coz> (+FangYin) (coz) kok koyoe room private kusus cewe ya>>loken iso khusus cewek i -- la ndelok isie nick cewe kabeh ketok e

[00:30] <+FangYin> Gak yo

[00:30] <+FangYin> Akeh lanange

[00:30] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@103.146.*

[00:30] <+FangYin> Moso ndog cewek

[00:30] <+FangYin> Sing nggenah talah

[00:30] * ndog cowok gemulai

[00:31] <+herra> Cwo dikira cwe

[00:31] <ndog> nek jare wong2

[00:31] <ndog> kan jangkrek arek2 ki

[00:31] <ndog> kakakakakaka

[00:31] <+herra> Cwe dikira cwo

[00:31] <coz> ndog lg menyusui saiki

[00:31] <ndog> waiki

[00:31] * ndog nyusoni precil coz

[00:32] <+FangYin> Wkwkkwkw

[00:32] <coz> makane tak katutno cewe pisan iki mau

[00:32] <coz> hahaha

[00:32] <+creasy> Delicious DELICIOUS... I AM NORMAL~!!!%percent££!£!~*~£@^%percent.

[00:32] <+FangYin> Iso dikatutno cewek i

[00:32] <+FangYin> Wkwkkw

[00:33] <coz> troma aku, bar moleh banyuwangi iki terpapar

[00:33] * KillaH ( has joined #surabaya

[00:33] <+FangYin> Dulin tah nang banyuwangi?

[00:33] <coz> iyo

[00:34] <+FangYin> Nang ijen?

[00:34] <coz> tanggal 8 - 10 wingi

[00:34] <+FangYin> Puh

[00:34] <+FangYin> Tuwuk wis

[00:34] <+FangYin> Opo ga gawe masker?

[00:34] <coz> moleh terkapar

[00:34] <coz> gawe masker

[00:34] <+creasy> I'd gawe her masker

[00:35] <coz> tp ruangan ac

[00:35] <+FangYin> Oalah

[00:35] <+FangYin> Berarti ndek ruangan iku wis ono sing terpapar

[00:35] <coz> kerjo gudu dolen nang ijen

[00:35] * KillaH ( Quit (Excess Flood)

[00:35] * KillaH ( has joined #surabaya

[00:35] <+FangYin> Ac kan penyebar virus

[00:35] <coz> nang ijen ngunu penak

[00:35] <coz> ga maskeran yo wani aku nang ijen

[00:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[00:36] <+FangYin> Lha terus

[00:37] <coz> kerjo ndek bangsring

[00:41] <+FangYin> Bangsring opo coz?

[00:43] <coz> deso bangsring kec wongsorejo

[00:43] <coz> FangYin wong bwi ta?

[00:44] <+FangYin> Duk

[00:44] * +FangYin sby

[00:46] <coz> (+FangYin) Berarti ndek ruangan iku wis ono sing terpapar -- ga ngerti cuma bebrpa ono seng batuk2

[00:46] <+FangYin> Yoiku medeni

[00:48] <coz> ki koncoku kepngen vaksin, pas kondisi demam. ga ngomong lek demam. setelah vaksin besok e langsung ga iso tangi 2 hari

[00:48] <+creasy> That's a funny little cigarette.

[00:48] <coz> mripate sampe bengeb

[00:50] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:52] <AndroUser> .seen tjahayoe

[00:52] <ndog> tjahayoe jek MRONGOS nok pojokan #surabaya kae loh..!!

[00:54] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[01:05] <+elektra> ;look over there!

[01:05] <+elektra> ffs

[01:06] <+FangYin> (coz) mripate sampe bengeb>>sakjane jujur

[01:06] <+FangYin> Ngunu iku malah nyengsarano dee dewe

[01:07] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:07] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@103.146.*

[01:07] * AndroUser2 was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[01:09] <coz> iyo

[01:10] * BonJovi (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:11] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[01:11] * Q sets mode: +b GoodToTalk!*@*

[01:11] * GoodToTalk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[01:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[01:22] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:23] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:23] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[01:23] * AndroUser2 was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[01:25] * Briana21 ( has joined #surabaya

[01:28] * BonJovi (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:29] * Briana21 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[01:39] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:54] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[01:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[01:56] <+tweety> WHY! WHY my piggy, WHY?? I loved you my piggy... I loved you

[01:56] <+pita> it's me! I was the turkey all along!

[01:56] <ezza> Yes, my master.

[01:56] <+pita> whoooo I'm naked

[01:56] <ezza> Tacos.

[01:56] <+tweety> I had a sandwich in my head.

[01:57] <+FangYin> .ag

[01:57] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : A S N C O M P E T I O N S (60s timeout) »]

[01:58] <+FangYin> Compensations

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( COMPENSATIONS ) in 20.35 secs . She won 9'750$ ! - Use .define COMPENSATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:58] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[01:58] <+FangYin> Perjalanan cinta

[01:58] <+FangYin> Cinta lama

[01:58] <+FangYin> Perjalanan cinta

[01:58] <+FangYin> Cinta lama

[01:58] <+FangYin> Ku kembali padamu

[01:59] <+FangYin> .ag

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : R T E V N I N O Y (60s timeout) »]

[01:59] <+FangYin> Inventory

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( INVENTORY ) in 5.625 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define INVENTORY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:59] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:05] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:06] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[02:07] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@103.146.*

[02:10] <+FangYin> .ag

[02:10] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E A M P L S (60s timeout) »]

[02:10] <+FangYin> Maples

[02:10] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( MAPLES ) in 6.343 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define MAPLES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:10] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[02:11] * Q sets mode: -b GoodToTalk!*@*

[02:11] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:13] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:14] <+FangYin> .ag

[02:14] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S R E N T R A P (60s timeout) »]

[02:14] <+FangYin> Partners

[02:14] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( PARTNERS ) in 17.37 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define PARTNERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[02:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[02:18] <+FangYin> .ag

[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E H C A W T (60s timeout) »]

[02:18] <+FangYin> Watches

[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( WATCHES ) in 6.922 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define WATCHES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[02:21] <+FangYin> .ag

[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R O N I L E M I A T (60s timeout) »]

[02:21] <+FangYin> Eliminator

[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( ELIMINATOR ) in 6 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define ELIMINATOR to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[02:23] * melis is now known as melvi

[02:23] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[02:23] * melvi ( Quit (Registered)

[02:23] * melvi ( has joined #surabaya

[02:24] <+tweety> bye melvi

[02:27] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:27] * AndroUser is now known as coz

[02:27] <+creasy> Master, where did you go? I can't see you.

[02:27] <+tweety> Master?

[02:29] * constantine (John@2001:41d0:203:9ad1::cd28:7353) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:29] * Sfc (Agus@2001:41d0:203:9ad1::2369:397) Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:31] <+creasy> You are SO fired.

[02:33] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[02:33] <ezza> mmm letta_

[02:34] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[02:35] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[02:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[02:39] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)

[02:46] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:51] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[02:57] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.kn0e.ip) has joined #surabaya

[02:58] <Adis> ya Allah

[03:01] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:06] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:06] <AndroUser> .ping

[03:06] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:06] <@Dealer> AndroUser: Pong! (1.422s)

[03:07] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[03:09] * jem ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:09] * mejikom ( has joined #surabaya

[03:10] <AndroUser> Hai tante mejikom

[03:11] <Adis> Gajelas

[03:11] <AndroUser> Iya kakak..cuma tulisan ga ada yg jelas

[03:13] <AndroUser> Mejikom e matek

[03:14] <coz> nah ono sadis

[03:14] <AndroUser> Weleh mesti di kujumi coz

[03:14] <Adis> Coz cozan

[03:14] * `` ( has joined #surabaya

[03:14] * AndroUser tak mlipir ae

[03:15] <coz> hahaha

[03:15] <Adis> Sek nd malang bro?

[03:15] <coz> iyo

[03:15] * `` nyimak

[03:15] <AndroUser> Malang po di batu coz

[03:15] <Adis> Yawis nek sek

[03:15] <coz> malang

[03:16] <AndroUser> Kota dingin menggairahkan

[03:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #102: * BE HAPPY, IS A WAY TO BE WISE *

[03:16] * AndroUser ingin ksana lagi

[03:16] <AndroUser> Wkwkwkwkwkwkw

[03:16] <coz> kutub utara ta

[03:17] <AndroUser> Hora

[03:17] * AndroUser lagek mampir nak Stockholm

[03:17] <Adis> Anak mu umur piro saiki?

[03:17] <coz> bar kok bwi aku wingi dis

[03:17] <Adis> Lo iya ta

[03:17] <Adis> bwi ndi?

[03:17] <coz> bangsring

[03:18] <coz> tanggal 8-10

[03:18] * AndroUser nyyimak lagi 2 insan bercengkrama

[03:18] <Adis> Heee apik wi

[03:18] <Adis> nggon nyelam

[03:18] <coz> 3 tahun

[03:18] <Adis> Aku gak nd bwi saiki bro

[03:18] <Adis> sing nd bwi ki dayat kui

[03:19] <Adis> karo bugi

[03:19] <AndroUser> Pasti di jember ya kak

[03:19] <Adis> Karo sopo nd bwi ? Dolan ?

[03:19] <coz> kerjoan

[03:19] <coz> moleh2 oleh cuti 2 minggu iki

[03:20] <coz> 😆

[03:20] <Adis> Wes nyelem2 gak nd basring?

[03:20] <Adis> Apik enek hiu ne

[03:20] * AndroUser ga direken .. minggir nang pojokan

[03:20] <coz> wes tahun 2014 lek seng ndek omah apung iku

[03:21] <Adis> Haaaa

[03:21] <Adis> aku mbiyen rono karo hijrah solehun n pratama

[03:21] <Adis> cah IRC an rame2

[03:21] <Adis> trus bablas bali

[03:22] <coz> nick mu ga jelas AndroUser dadi bingung ngajak ngetik

[03:22] <Adis> Norak

[03:22] <Adis> ngajak ngobrol d tanyai siapa sok2 ngajak nebak

[03:22] <Adis> males lah

[03:23] <Adis> susah amat jawab

[03:23] <coz> sadis tenan

[03:23] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[03:24] <coz> mulai awal sampe saiki ga tau ganti nick ya dis

[03:24] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[03:24] <Adis> Istiqomah bro

[03:25] <coz> wb Michi

[03:25] <Michi> Ty coz

[03:25] <Adis> Nd bwi ki kayak e ya enek cah IRC coz

[03:25] <Adis> jajal takono samirah

[03:26] <coz> ga ono samirah

[03:26] <``> Samirah ga ol sedinoan

[03:26] <coz> aku sek tas 3 mingguan iki ol maneh

[03:26] <Adis> Yo ngko nek onlen

[03:26] <``> Sabar

[03:27] <Adis> iki bu cenil ki mesti

[03:27] <Adis> pake nik yg aneh2

[03:28] <AndroUser> Kriwil

[03:29] <``> .ag

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : P M A C R (60s timeout) »]

[03:29] <``> Cramp

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( CRAMP ) in 7.625 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define CRAMP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:29] <@Dealer> 6 `` pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +6 ) »]

[03:30] <``> .ag

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S T H S O (60s timeout) »]

[03:30] <``> Shots

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( SHOTS ) in 4.172 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define SHOTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) `` has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:30] <AndroUser> Dyarrrr

[03:31] * `` angop

[03:31] <AndroUser> Jejeli sandal sing angop

[03:32] * `` jambak AndroUser

[03:32] <``> .ag

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : F C H I E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:32] <``> Chiefs

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( CHIEFS ) in 4.281 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define CHIEFS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) `` has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[03:32] <AndroUser> Heleh ruwet

[03:33] <``> .ag

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : D G R A E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:33] <``> Grades

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( GRADES ) in 3.61 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define GRADES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) `` has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[03:33] <Michi> .ag

[03:33] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : U L C N E M N O A T R E (60s timeout) »]

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: U L C N E M N O A T R E - Here's a hint : N O M E . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[03:34] <Michi> Nomenclature

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( NOMENCLATURE ) in 50.51 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define NOMENCLATURE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:34] <@Dealer> 6 Michi pwn'd `` in her winning streak! ( +4 ) »]

[03:35] <``> Wew

[03:35] <``> .ag

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : A S E S (60s timeout) »]

[03:35] <``> Seas

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( SEAS ) in 3.484 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define SEAS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:35] <``> .money michi

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 michi (#Michaella) has 656'000$ »]

[03:35] <``> .money vw

[03:35] <@Dealer> 6 ``: I can't see vw in here. Try .money #auth »]

[03:36] <Michi> .ag

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E P A C S (60s timeout) »]

[03:36] <Michi> Capes

[03:36] <Michi> Space

[03:36] <Michi> Paces

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( PACES ) in 13.04 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PACES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[03:36] <``> .ag

[03:36] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S N I R I H A P (60s timeout) »]

[03:37] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:37] <``> Hairpins

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( HAIRPINS ) in 11.64 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define HAIRPINS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:37] <``> .money

[03:37] <@Dealer> 6 `` (#boba) has 119'750$ »]

[03:38] <``> .ag

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : D O P U N S (60s timeout) »]

[03:38] <``> Pounds

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( POUNDS ) in 4.203 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define POUNDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) `` has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:38] <Michi> .ag

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : P R A M (60s timeout) »]

[03:38] <Michi> Ramp

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( RAMP ) in 3.953 secs . She won 3'000$ ! - Use .define RAMP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:38] <@Dealer> 6 Michi pwn'd `` in her winning streak! ( +2 ) »]

[03:41] * uhui (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:43] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:44] <Michi> Uhui bugi ya?

[03:44] <``> .ag

[03:44] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S A M O F R T I O N (60s timeout) »]

[03:44] <``> Informations

[03:45] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:45] <``> Informators

[03:45] <``> Formations

[03:45] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( FORMATIONS ) in 22.92 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define FORMATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:45] <``> Melbu metu melbu metu

[03:45] <``> Golek sopo toh?

[03:45] <coz> kamu

[03:45] <uhui> sopo pang

[03:46] <coz> kamu

[03:46] <``> Iku lho dewo

[03:47] <uhui> .k

[03:47] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[03:47] * `` dikiro zaby

[03:47] <uhui> iso lgsg tu the poin i

[03:48] <``> Dicelak celuk kriwal kriwil ae

[03:48] <``> Lha ket maeng kok

[03:48] <uhui> kakakakakaka

[03:49] <uhui> uncalono kitirane kapal pang

[03:49] <uhui> hahahaha

[03:49] <``> Wakakkakakakak emoh wis...wong sepuh

[03:49] <``> Ga wani aku

[03:49] <``> Lansia wisan

[03:49] <uhui> iku mau lg mbeteti iwak mbh dewo

[03:49] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.kn0e.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:49] <uhui> patin opo ngono jenenge

[03:50] <coz> patin

[03:50] <uhui> eo

[03:50] <uhui> gedi dowo

[03:50] <coz> hiu tawar

[03:50] <uhui> nyokot ta gak ya

[03:51] <coz> ga lah

[03:51] <``> Wew

[03:51] <uhui> nowone jinak aq arep njalok kiriman mbh dewo

[03:51] <uhui> mayan tak lebokne jeding

[03:51] <``> Wakkakakakakak

[03:51] <``> Iso ae

[03:51] <coz> biasae sek cilik2 gae iwak hias

[03:51] <uhui> nek pas ados kan iso campur2 dredek

[03:51] <coz> ssng warna putih

[03:52] <uhui> coz: nek wes gedi iso ndilati uwong lak blaen

[03:52] <coz> patin ya ga, lek bawal iyo

[03:54] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:54] <coz> wb Deviee_

[03:54] <``> Pasar iwak pindah

[03:54] <coz> hahaha

[03:55] <``> Bakulan iwak kabeh iki

[03:56] <``> .money

[03:56] <@Dealer> 6 `` (#boba) has 136'250$ »]

[03:56] * `` angop

[03:56] <coz> lumayan ngerti tp ga bakul

[03:56] <coz> boba

[03:56] <``> Iyoooo

[03:56] <``> Opo

[03:56] <coz> bola basket

[03:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[03:56] <``> Sembarang wis

[03:56] <``> Saksirmu wis

[03:57] <coz> moh wes ngko bahaya nek sir

[03:58] <+creasy> mmm chicken

[03:58] <+tweety> =)

[03:58] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.kn0e.ip) has joined #surabaya

[03:58] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:58] <``> Ngesir awakmu?

[03:58] <``> Suwon lho yo

[03:58] <Deviee_> Ty ty

[03:58] <coz> podo2

[03:58] <``> Kok endi dep?

[03:58] <AndroUser> Hai mbak deviee_

[03:59] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[03:59] <Deviee_> (``) Kok endi dep?..niat ati arep donor..malah ra isoo

[03:59] <Deviee_> .k

[03:59] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[03:59] <``> HB ne kurang tah?

[03:59] <``> Opo tensi?

[04:00] <Deviee_> Hb..11,9

[04:00] <Deviee_> Aseemm

[04:00] <``> Kurang

[04:00] <``> Yo seminggu ngkas

[04:00] <``> Sabar

[04:00] <Deviee_> Iyooo

[04:00] <``> Ga sc an dep?

[04:01] <Deviee_> Maaaless

[04:01] <Deviee_> Iki lg jedang jedung

[04:01] <``> Nyapo kok jedang jedung?

[04:01] <Deviee_> Demuus

[04:01] <AndroUser> Jedang jedung nang jeding ya mbak

[04:01] <AndroUser> 😂

[04:01] <Deviee_> Hensfri

[04:02] <``> Oalah

[04:02] <Deviee_> Huuh

[04:02] <AndroUser> Semarang jik udan mbak?

[04:02] <Deviee_> Kuat nan jbl..

[04:02] <Deviee_> Mau awann

[04:02] <AndroUser> Jbl wi jendral bintang lima ye

[04:03] <AndroUser> Dealer😂

[04:03] <Deviee_> Iyoo

[04:03] <AndroUser> Opo isih buka mbak

[04:03] <Deviee_> 3 sasi tak pekso volume 95% ga pecaaah

[04:04] <AndroUser> Josss wi

[04:04] <Deviee_> Iyoo

[04:04] <Deviee_> Nek pecah tak retur

[04:04] * Adis (webchat@7b8j.xp02.kn0e.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:05] <AndroUser> Congorna semarang piye mbak?

[04:05] <Deviee_> (AndroUser) Congorna semarang piye mbak?...sak semarang keno kabeeeh

[04:05] <AndroUser> Keren

[04:05] <Deviee_> Huuh

[04:05] <AndroUser> Kompak

[04:06] <AndroUser> 😂

[04:06] <AndroUser> Wes adus mbak?

[04:07] <Deviee_> Wes lahh..wes tekan pmi barang kok

[04:07] <AndroUser> Jane ojo adus

[04:08] <Deviee_> Gah

[04:08] * AndroUser wedi ayumu luntur mbak

[04:08] <AndroUser> 😂

[04:08] * `` ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:09] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[04:09] <AndroUser> .seen cekink

[04:09] <NapaLm> cekink (~androirc@ terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #surabaya 15 hari, 20 jam, 43 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[04:09] <Deviee_> .k

[04:09] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[04:10] <AndroUser> Ndang maem mbak

[04:10] <Deviee_> Wess..

[04:12] <AndroUser> All

[04:12] <AndroUser> Alhamdulillah

[04:12] <mejikom> aihh aku desee

[04:12] <Deviee_> Sukoor

[04:12] <AndroUser> Hai tante mejikom

[04:12] <AndroUser> Apa kabar kakak mejikom

[04:12] <mejikom> haeee ompreng

[04:12] <mejikom> dampot

[04:12] <mejikom> kakak

[04:12] <Deviee_> .k

[04:12] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[04:12] <AndroUser> 😂

[04:12] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[04:13] <mejikom> sejak kapan aku desehh

[04:13] <+herra> Hi

[04:13] <mejikom> perasaan mau isehh

[04:13] <AndroUser> Ora deseh ning mbideg ae

[04:13] <Deviee_> Wb pakHermanto

[04:13] <AndroUser> Hi herra mantan anu

[04:13] <mejikom> tak tinggal masak

[04:13] <mejikom> trus mbadoks

[04:13] <+herra> Mbuh

[04:13] <AndroUser> Hi kakak letta yang kabarnya canteq

[04:14] <Letta_> Begh

[04:14] <AndroUser> Nguntal opo kakak mejikom?

[04:14] <mejikom> aseli canteekkk

[04:14] <Letta_> Iso2ne enek berita hoax

[04:14] <+herra> Jek malam aku herra kalo siang yo hermanto

[04:14] <mejikom> kakak matamuh

[04:14] <Deviee_> (Letta_) Iso2ne enek berita hoax..opo jenk

[04:14] <AndroUser> Entuk sak matanan

[04:14] <Deviee_> .k

[04:14] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[04:14] <Letta_> Kui

[04:15] <Deviee_> Ooh

[04:15] <mejikom> lha jalokmu pie

[04:15] <AndroUser> Kakak mejikom Istiqomah dijalur sangar

[04:15] <AndroUser> 😂

[04:15] * mejikom is now known as jem

[04:15] <jem> noo

[04:16] * AndroUser is now known as but

[04:16] <jem> akulohh kalem

[04:16] <+herra> Walahh jem bhut

[04:16] <jem> jasikk

[04:16] <Deviee_> .k

[04:16] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[04:16] <but> .k

[04:16] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[04:16] <but> Herra masih anu?

[04:16] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[04:16] * jem ( Quit (Registered)

[04:16] * jem ( has joined #surabaya

[04:16] <+herra> masih lahh

[04:17] <but> Alhamdulillah

[04:17] <but> Kakak jem kapan mulih?

[04:17] <jem> kakak matamuh

[04:17] * `` (~X@ has joined #surabaya

[04:17] <but> Entuk rong matanan

[04:18] <but> Jik suwe kontrakmu jem?

[04:18] <jem> ojo kakak talah

[04:18] <jem> ora

[04:18] <jem> akhir tahun iki finish

[04:18] <but> Wes rep mulih nu

[04:18] <but> Alhamdulillah

[04:18] <jem> sik embuh

[04:18] <Deviee_> Rasah muliihhh..

[04:18] <jem> pahmud ku gelem jak moleh pora

[04:18] <but> Po rep extend

[04:19] <jem> nek ragelem aku ranek sing ngeloni

[04:19] <jem> moleh nganggur

[04:19] <but> Kan ono 🍆

[04:19] <but> Eh

[04:19] <jem> matanee

[04:19] <but> 😂😂😂😂

[04:19] <jem> opo yo syahdu

[04:19] <but> Oleh telung matanan

[04:19] <but> Yo ga

[04:19] <jem> matane sopo kok itungi

[04:20] <but> Matamu

[04:20] <jem> aku soale nek metu dancuoks di jejekk

[04:20] <but> 😂

[04:20] <jem> kesell mlebu metu

[04:20] <jem> but ki sawet ye

[04:20] <but> Tetaplah di jalur sangarmu kakak

[04:20] <but> Bukan

[04:20] <jem> bedesss

[04:21] * jem akulohh kalem

[04:21] * but mantan herra

[04:21] <but> Wkwkwkwkwk

[04:21] <jem> eeeeee

[04:21] <jem> sri ye

[04:21] <but> Ojo patut blas we kalem jem

[04:21] <jem> aku kewareken

[04:21] <jem> dadi kalem

[04:21] <but> Koyo ulo... Lak warek mesti kalem

[04:22] <jem> sedulure

[04:22] * jem kan nogo

[04:22] <but> Wkwkwkwkwkw

[04:22] <but> Kenal karo herra ga jem???

[04:22] <jem> ojo mrenges

[04:22] <jem> ora

[04:22] * jem rawani kenalan

[04:22] <jem> ngkok dadi tresno

[04:22] <jem> bahaya

[04:23] <but> Tumben jirih

[04:23] <+herra> Aku juga ora kenal

[04:23] <jem> herra ambune koyok gaban

[04:23] <but> Po doyan wedokan we jem?

[04:23] <jem> medeni

[04:23] <jem> lanang wedok doyan

[04:23] <but> Herra wi semok

[04:23] <jem> mosok

[04:23] <but> Byuhhh gragasmen

[04:23] <jem> herra share pic

[04:23] <but> Iyo

[04:23] <jem> enakk e

[04:23] * +herra ceking

[04:23] <but> Herra wi canteq

[04:24] <but> Bokong bahenol

[04:24] <+herra> Halahh

[04:24] <jem> jancooookkkkk

[04:24] <jem> kalian hombree

[04:24] <but> Dada semok

[04:24] <but> Gigi kelinci

[04:24] <jem> koe kolu a but

[04:24] <+herra> Percoyo karo but

[04:24] <jem> ndakyo pentung2an

[04:25] <but> Kok pentung2an ti

[04:25] <jem> lha piee

[04:25] <jem> belung tokk

[04:25] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:25] <but> Herra semok pol yo

[04:25] <jem> edo dicari herra

[04:26] <jem> katanya kangen

[04:26] * but wes tau ruh

[04:26] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[04:26] <+herra> Hoaax ki

[04:26] <jem> eruh opo e

[04:26] * kimmy is now known as sugar

[04:26] <jem> keplak sugar

[04:26] <jem> koe ojo kujum ae nda

[04:26] <but> Hai kakak nda

[04:26] <sugar> Haiii jem bott

[04:26] <jem> bedesss

[04:27] <sugar> Hai but

[04:27] <sugar> Piye say

[04:27] <jem> ra gawe mboood

[04:27] <but> (jem) eruh opo e<<< wonge

[04:27] <sugar> Tas ados akutuh

[04:27] <jem> tau cocod an ye but

[04:27] <jem> jal delok nda

[04:27] <but> Tau

[04:27] <+herra> Sugar daddy

[04:27] <jem> waiki

[04:27] <but> Herra ama sugar 11 12

[04:27] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:27] <but> Podo2 semoke

[04:27] <sugar> Eee

[04:27] <jem> ternyata kalian itu pasangan

[04:27] <sugar> Sopo Iki but?

[04:28] <jem> tau kok jajal pora but

[04:28] <but> Mboten

[04:28] <jem> alhamdulillah

[04:28] <jem> but o

[04:28] <sugar> Ndi oleh"e dolan jem

[04:28] <jem> dolan nandi

[04:28] * but mek reti lak beliau2 kui canteq2 dan semok

[04:28] <jem> sesok aku bakaran

[04:28] <jem> melu a

[04:29] <sugar> Mbakar omah a?

[04:29] <jem> berarti anda fansgirl e mereka but

[04:29] <but> 😂

[04:29] <jem> bakar mayit

[04:29] <sugar> Wkkwkwkwkwkw

[04:29] <sugar> Jancok

[04:29] <jem> tenan ndaa

[04:29] <jem> tak vc wes sesok

[04:29] <jem> tak dudui bakaran

[04:29] <but> Fans hareee

[04:29] <sugar> Yowes vc nen

[04:30] <jem> lhayo kan

[04:30] <jem> hee hh

[04:30] <jem> jam 5 lekas

[04:30] <but> Bedo tipis kore pean jem

[04:30] <jem> subuh

[04:30] * jem sueksiiihh ya

[04:30] <but> Pean rodo tipis sithik lak karo kakak sugar

[04:30] <sugar> Isuk ta sore iku

[04:30] <sugar> Wong jem Iki triplek

[04:30] <jem> esukk

[04:31] <jem> mana ada

[04:31] <but> Wkwkwkwk

[04:31] <jem> aku lohh buncitt

[04:31] <jem> wetenge

[04:31] <sugar> Jem titip cawet kae

[04:31] <but> Jem lumayan lah... Paling kacek 10kg karo kakak sugar

[04:31] <jem> wo he ehh

[04:31] <jem> lali aku nda

[04:31] <jem> libur wingi gak golekk

[04:31] <sugar> Loken

[04:31] <sugar> Lak medit

[04:31] <but> Lak ukuran cawet paling podo

[04:31] <jem> ora meditt

[04:31] <jem> wingi aku orkesann

[04:32] <jem> lali tuku sempak

[04:32] <sugar> Loken orkesan dipamerne cawet lali

[04:32] <jem> nda kui ukurane L

[04:32] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:32] <ezza> bye Deviee_

[04:32] <jem> nek aku xs

[04:33] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[04:33] <but> Mosok

[04:33] <but> Podo lah

[04:33] <jem> bedo

[04:33] <but> Lak herra xxl

[04:34] <but> Kakak sugar piye kabare

[04:34] <sugar> But sopo?

[04:34] <but> Anu

[04:34] <jem> fans muu

[04:34] <but> Fans manehhhhh

[04:34] <jem> lha ragelem bukak beha

[04:35] <but> Ra behanan

[04:35] <jem> mosokk

[04:35] <jem> seks brb pe korah2

[04:35] <but> Ra sah korah2 jem

[04:35] <but> Guak kalen ae

[04:36] <but> Wah jadi sepi

[04:36] <but> Kakak herra kujum

[04:36] <but> Kakak sugar juga demikian

[04:36] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[04:36] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[04:37] * but mlipir nehhhh

[04:37] * but colek herra

[04:38] * but pangku herra

[04:39] * but cemburu liat herra kujum

[04:39] <but> 😂😂😂😂😂

[04:44] * but (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:44] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:46] * uhui (~androirc@ Quit (G-lined)

[04:47] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[04:49] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:56] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:56] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[04:58] <``> .ag

[04:58] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E N T E D R (60s timeout) »]

[04:58] <``> Tender

[04:58] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( TENDER ) in 2.937 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TENDER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:58] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) `` has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:58] <``> .money

[04:58] <@Dealer> 6 `` (#boba) has 140'750$ »]

[05:00] <``> .ag

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 `` started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R T I C C A P A O S (60s timeout) »]

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T I C C A P A O S - Here's a hint : C A P . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:01] <``> Capacitators

[05:01] <``> Capacitors

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 `` has just found the correct word ( CAPACITORS ) in 43.95 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define CAPACITORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) `` has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[05:01] * `` (~X@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:01] <AndroUser> .ag

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E P E X R T (60s timeout) »]

[05:02] <AndroUser> Experts

[05:02] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser has just found the correct word ( EXPERTS ) in 11.90 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define EXPERTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:02] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser pwn'd #boba in his winning streak! ( +3 ) »]

[05:02] <AndroUser>

[05:02] <AndroUser> .ag

[05:02] <@Dealer> 6 AndroUser started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : O A T I M L I T I N (60s timeout) »]

[05:03] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: O A T I M L I T I N - Here's a hint : L I M . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:03] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: L I M I T A T I O N with the letters O A T I M L I T I N (Use .define LIMITATION to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:05] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:06] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:07] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:07] <+tweety> i like them :o)

[05:07] * but (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:08] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:09] <but> .ping

[05:09] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[05:09] <@Dealer> but: Pong! (0.984s)

[05:10] * but colek herra

[05:13] * but (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:15] * jem ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:16] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[05:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[05:24] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:24] <+elektra> That ain't my belly button.

[05:24] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:25] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:25] <ezza> I wish they didn't have to go ;(

[05:25] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:30] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:33] <elina> helo Fi3

[05:33] <elina> .ag

[05:33] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S P R P U O E (60s timeout) »]

[05:33] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:33] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[05:33] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[05:33] <elina> .reg

[05:33] <Fi3> Hi elina

[05:33] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S P R P U O E - Here's a hint : P U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:33] * AMD (~xz@ has joined #surabaya

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P U R P O S E with the letters S P R P U O E (Use .define PURPOSE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:35] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[05:35] <Fi3> .ag

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 Fi3 started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : A H O L F W C R T (60s timeout) »]

[05:36] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[05:36] <elina> helo AMD Cinta ombejo

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: A H O L F W C R T - Here's a hint : F L O . . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[05:36] <elina> Fi3: cewek apa cowok?

[05:36] <elina> kenalan donk...

[05:36] <AMD> cewok

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: F L O W C H A R T with the letters A H O L F W C R T (Use .define FLOWCHART to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:37] <elina> wah

[05:37] <Fi3> Cewek

[05:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[05:37] <elina> ternyata cebok

[05:37] <AMD> sopo cinta om bejo

[05:37] <elina> AMD: abis eek ya

[05:37] <AMD> iyahh

[05:37] <elina> Fi3: asal mana fit?

[05:37] <Fi3> Jkt

[05:37] <elina> kamu AMD Cinta ombejo

[05:37] <elina> oh jakarta

[05:37] <AMD> g kenal om bejo

[05:38] <elina> salam kenal ya Fi3 dari AMD jelek

[05:38] <+tweety> That's a funny little cigarette.

[05:38] <AMD> jah

[05:38] <AMD> kok aq

[05:38] <elina> wkwkkwkwwkkwkw

[05:38] <AMD> aku tak nak

[05:38] <Fi3> Salam kenal elina

[05:38] <Fi3> (AMD) aku tak nak..... Aku juga tak nak

[05:38] <elina> wkwkkwwkw

[05:38] <AMD> kok syepih

[05:39] <AMD> jd males sayah

[05:40] <+creasy> Hello! I've come to fix your fax modem!

[05:41] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:41] <AMD> wb andro

[05:41] <AndroUser> Ty a emmm deeehhh

[05:41] <AMD> ukuran anu pliss

[05:42] <AndroUser> XL

[05:42] <AndroUser> Wetengmu jik buncit po ga?

[05:42] <AMD> ijek

[05:42] <AMD> iki sopo

[05:43] <AndroUser> Anu

[05:43] <AMD> repot lak siji eruh sijine ora

[05:43] <AndroUser> Pengen langsing ga?

[05:43] <AMD> pengen

[05:43] <AndroUser> Mosok ate delok2an

[05:43] <AMD> tp kerjoane tura turu mangan

[05:43] <AMD> jah

[05:43] <AMD> ben nyambung

[05:44] <AndroUser> Lak pengen langsing wetengmu kosotke wetenge adis sampe aus...mengko lak langsing

[05:44] <AndroUser> 😂😂😂😂

[05:44] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:44] <AndroUser> Corona bali piye...awakmu kenek ga

[05:45] <AMD> juh

[05:45] <AMD> ora

[05:45] <AMD> mugo2 g

[05:45] <AndroUser> Aminnn

[05:46] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[05:47] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:47] <ezza> I like them =]

[05:47] <+tweety> Mmm AndroUser.

[05:47] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:48] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[05:51] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[05:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[06:02] * denbono (~bono@ has joined #surabaya

[06:04] * denbono (~bono@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:04] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go :<

[06:05] * denbono (~bono@ has joined #surabaya

[06:05] <AMD> wc

[06:06] <denbono> euy

[06:06] <denbono> wes do kena covid opo yo

[06:09] * denbono (~bono@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:09] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:10] * Deviee_ is now known as OmbakSegoro

[06:11] <+creasy> master?

[06:11] <+anindya> Ombak segoro

[06:11] <+anindya> Kok sajak ngelingakeee

[06:11] <+anindya> Wb mb dev

[06:12] <OmbakSegoro> Nggihh

[06:12] <+anindya> Mb dev i aluss y piyayine

[06:12] <OmbakSegoro> Ga jugaaa

[06:13] <OmbakSegoro> Tanya aj jenk fangyin yg liat pas aku marah

[06:14] <+anindya> Yen kui lak merga ana sebabe mbk. Misal ra ana sebab lak ora marah to

[06:15] <OmbakSegoro> Iya sihh

[06:15] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:16] <+tweety> ha ha i don't live in norwich anymore, i don't fuck pigs anymore

[06:16] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[06:18] * AndroUser is now known as kelpon

[06:18] <kelpon> .seen tjahayoe

[06:18] <ndog> tjahayoe jek MRONGOS nok pojokan #surabaya kae loh..!!

[06:19] <kelpon> sepi

[06:19] <kelpon> .seen rere_

[06:19] <ndog> rere_ jek MRONGOS nok pojokan #surabaya kae loh..!!

[06:19] * ndog was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[06:19] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:21] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:21] <+tweety> mmm kelpon

[06:21] * OmbakSegoro is now known as LamLaman

[06:21] <+pita> Mmm, trenches.

[06:22] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : S N O T F I A U Q L I C A I (60s timeout) »]

[06:22] <TjahAyoe> Qualifications

[06:22] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( QUALIFICATIONS ) in 11.32 secs . He won 10'500$ ! - Use .define QUALIFICATIONS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:23] <LamLaman> Wb jenk Ayoee

[06:23] <TjahAyoe> Ty mbok

[06:23] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : T C O C N T A (60s timeout) »]

[06:23] * LamLaman is now known as TembangKangenku

[06:23] <TjahAyoe> Contact

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( CONTACT ) in 17.81 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CONTACT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:23] <TembangKangenku> Nggihh

[06:23] <TjahAyoe> .ah

[06:23] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:23] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : Y E H N R S (60s timeout) »]

[06:24] <TembangKangenku> Nyaante jenk

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y E H N R S - Here's a hint : H E . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: H E N R Y S with the letters Y E H N R S (Use .define HENRYS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:24] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +2 ) »]

[06:25] <TjahAyoe> Duh telat

[06:25] <TjahAyoe> [21:24] (TembangKangenku) Nyaante jenk.. tepat ee ngasoo

[06:25] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S V I T C E D I R E (60s timeout) »]

[06:25] <TembangKangenku> Siipp

[06:25] <TjahAyoe> Sepi

[06:25] <TjahAyoe> Efek maljum yo

[06:25] <TjahAyoe> Creditve

[06:25] <TembangKangenku> lmyn rame

[06:25] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S V I T C E D I R E - Here's a hint : D I R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:25] <TembangKangenku> Trus sepi lg

[06:26] <TjahAyoe> Directive

[06:26] <TjahAyoe> Ooh rame jam piro

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: D I R E C T I V E S with the letters S V I T C E D I R E (Use .define DIRECTIVES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:26] <TembangKangenku> 6an ketoke

[06:26] <TjahAyoe> Ooh

[06:26] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:26] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : N A V A L I D T I O (60s timeout) »]

[06:27] * AMD klamuti @TjahAyoe

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Waya ee magrib

[06:27] <+tweety> Waya ee magrib? More like maya ee Wagrib, am I correct?

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Iso klamuti ii

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Masane permen

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Mea nandi mba amd

[06:27] <TembangKangenku> Lmyn akih mauu

[06:27] <AMD> enek

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Duh suwi gak vc an ii

[06:27] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N A V A L I D T I O - Here's a hint : V A L . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Validations

[06:27] <AMD> vc en

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Validation

[06:27] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( VALIDATION ) in 44.95 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define VALIDATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Sek tak bajuan mbah amd

[06:27] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:28] * TembangKangenku is now known as Ngelingakee

[06:28] <Ngelingakee> Mbah arwo ya

[06:28] <AMD> ojo saiki..turu..sesok kerjo

[06:28] <TjahAyoe> Mene ae

[06:28] <AMD> hooh

[06:28] <TjahAyoe> Pas aq dikamar mandi mbek mea

[06:28] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:28] <AMD> jah

[06:28] <Ngelingakee> Wb mbaah arwoo

[06:29] <AMD> ndi arwo

[06:29] <TjahAyoe> Mbek troy engko tak vc ne

[06:29] <Ngelingakee> Mbuh

[06:29] <AMD> suip

[06:30] * Ngelingakee is now known as NgantiKepatiPat

[06:30] <Letta_> Nah

[06:30] <Letta_> dev

[06:30] <TjahAyoe> Nah oop mba heheh

[06:30] <NgantiKepatiPat> Iyaa jeenk

[06:30] <TjahAyoe> Wong iku ganti nick mergo

[06:30] <TjahAyoe> Lagu kaya ee

[06:30] <Letta_> Opo iyo

[06:30] <NgantiKepatiPat> Huuh

[06:30] <TjahAyoe> He eh ono

[06:30] <+elektra> Huuuuuh

[06:31] <TjahAyoe> Suliyana biasa ee ku nyanyi

[06:31] <TjahAyoe> Lali aq judul ee

[06:31] <TjahAyoe> Bwi an

[06:31] <Letta_> Opo kmrn sebutanmu soal me dengar kan musik dev

[06:31] <NgantiKepatiPat> Demusss

[06:31] <Letta_> Nah

[06:31] <NgantiKepatiPat> .k

[06:31] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:31] <Letta_> Hai TjahAyoe

[06:32] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:32] <Letta_> Kamu beberapa lama ga kelihatan kemana tjahayoe?

[06:32] * AndroUser is now known as klepon

[06:32] <ezza> Watch out for the moose.

[06:32] <klepon> ada cah ayu ? 😗😗😅

[06:32] <Letta_> Wew

[06:32] <TjahAyoe> Judul ee ngelabur langit iki

[06:32] <Letta_> Klepon knp

[06:32] <TjahAyoe> [21:32] (Letta_) Kamu beberapa lama ga kelihatan kemana tjahayoe? .. pacaran mbek roh

[06:32] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:32] <NgantiKepatiPat> Sayang2

[06:32] <klepon> cah ayu ntu temenku kok

[06:32] <Letta_> Wuih

[06:32] <TjahAyoe> Apaa sih klepon

[06:33] <Letta_> Sayang2an

[06:33] <TjahAyoe> Woiyo rek

[06:33] <NgantiKepatiPat> Judul laguu

[06:33] <TjahAyoe> Tp kelon ee gurung

[06:33] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[06:33] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[06:33] <klepon> aku juga mau kalo di sayanh cah ayu 😘😘😘

[06:33] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:33] <TjahAyoe> Duh auto napukkk aku

[06:33] <Letta_> Astaga... Astaga

[06:33] <TjahAyoe> Aq drakor an mba

[06:33] <Letta_> Oalah

[06:33] <Letta_> Tak kiro nyapo

[06:33] <TjahAyoe> Jd lali irc an

[06:33] <Letta_> Hu uh

[06:33] <klepon> si letta itubcew apa cow?

[06:34] <klepon> wew

[06:34] <klepon> ada yg floos klepon

[06:34] <TjahAyoe> Laki

[06:34] <TjahAyoe> Cowo q

[06:34] <Letta_> Hu uh

[06:34] <TjahAyoe> [21:33] (Letta_) Tak kiro nyapo ,.. sayang ku pacar ku kenalin ..pembantu ku si klepon

[06:34] <Letta_> Cow

[06:34] <TjahAyoe> :/

[06:34] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:34] <TjahAyoe> Eeh gak sih

[06:34] <NgantiKepatiPat> .k

[06:34] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[06:35] <Letta_> Pembantu apa ini?

[06:35] <TjahAyoe> Dia tmn ku yank

[06:35] <klepon> ada yg flood klepon

[06:35] <Letta_> Owh

[06:35] <TjahAyoe> Fans aq yank

[06:35] <Letta_> Temen tp demen ya

[06:35] <TjahAyoe> [21:35] (klepon) ada yg flood klepon>> kenalin pacar q si letta_

[06:35] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:35] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:35] <Letta_> Lgsg quit

[06:35] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:35] * kelpon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:36] <TjahAyoe> Flood kelpon dong

[06:36] <TjahAyoe> :/

[06:36] <Letta_> Kenapa balik Lg sie

[06:36] <kelpon> aku tiap hari nyariin cah ayu baru nongol

[06:36] <Letta_> Cah ayu udah ada yg punya klepon

[06:36] <TjahAyoe> Ngapain cariin aq

[06:36] <kelpon> tadi aku di flood orang leta

[06:36] <Letta_> Kamu cr korban lain aja

[06:36] <TjahAyoe> Gak ksih pulsaa ae

[06:36] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:36] <kelpon> 😆😆😆

[06:36] <TjahAyoe> Iya kelpon kenalin cowo q letta_

[06:36] <TjahAyoe> Jgn ganggu aku yaa

[06:37] <TjahAyoe> Jauh2 sana

[06:37] <Letta_> 🤣 🤣 🤣

[06:37] <kelpon> iya seh

[06:37] <kelpon> iya dehh

[06:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[06:37] <kelpon> 😩😩😩😩

[06:37] <kelpon> .seen rere_

[06:37] <ndog> rere_ jek MRONGOS nok pojokan #surabaya kae loh..!!

[06:37] <kelpon> rere gak ol

[06:37] <Letta_> Wah kelpon udah punya emo

[06:38] <kelpon> emot ? punya dunk tapi yg miring gak punya

[06:38] <kelpon> 😆😆😆😆

[06:38] * NgantiKepatiPat (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:38] * reborn ( has joined #surabaya

[06:38] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:39] <Letta_> Beli giiih

[06:40] <ndog> wow

[06:40] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:40] <ndog> bahaya ki ploder e on

[06:40] * AndroUser is now known as klepon

[06:40] <klepon> sapa yg tadi flood klepon

[06:41] <klepon> .ping

[06:41] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:41] <@Dealer> klepon: Pong! (0.891s)

[06:41] <ndog> klepon [ *!*@ ] - reply 3 sec [ ]

[06:41] <ndog> ew

[06:41] <ndog> mosok bebek jek iso di plod

[06:42] <klepon> iya

[06:42] <klepon> coba flood lagi kalo bisa

[06:42] <klepon> 😆😆😆😆

[06:42] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwke

[06:43] <ndog> cobo takono [20:38] * Joins: reborn ( iki bek

[06:43] <klepon> coba lagi kalo dc dapet piring tapi beli sendiri yakk

[06:43] <klepon> hihiiihihi

[06:43] <TjahAyoe> Gak lucu

[06:43] <TjahAyoe> Gak nyambung

[06:43] <klepon> apa iya

[06:44] * klepon nunggu di flood lagi

[06:44] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:44] <ndog> nah kan

[06:44] <klepon> hihihihi

[06:44] <ndog> ploder e join do j4 user e

[06:44] <ndog> :v

[06:44] <klepon> xeakxeakxeakk

[06:45] <reborn> ha?

[06:45] <reborn> bahasa apa ini

[06:45] <reborn> roaming

[06:45] <klepon> bentar tak pake baju anti flood

[06:46] * klepon_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:46] <klepon> nahh

[06:46] <klepon> aman dari flood nih

[06:46] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:46] <klepon_> hihihihi

[06:46] <klepon_> 😅😅😅😅😅

[06:47] <klepon_> coba flood lagi kalo bisa

[06:47] <klepon_> 😂😂😂😂😂😂

[06:47] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : E C F O R (60s timeout) »]

[06:47] <TjahAyoe> Force

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( FORCE ) in 4.329 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FORCE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:47] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:47] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : N D R A I A (60s timeout) »]

[06:47] <TjahAyoe> Draina

[06:47] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N D R A I A - Here's a hint : R A . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:47] <klepon_> aku juga mau main game ah nenemini cah ayu

[06:48] <TjahAyoe> Rainda

[06:48] <TjahAyoe> Main aja

[06:48] <klepon_> rainda

[06:48] <klepon_> iya

[06:48] <TjahAyoe> Ranida

[06:48] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: R A D I A N with the letters N D R A I A (Use .define RADIAN to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:48] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +2 ) »]

[06:48] * sicantik (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:48] <TjahAyoe> Radina

[06:48] <klepon_> wb cantik

[06:48] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:48] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R T M O A B R E E S (60s timeout) »]

[06:48] <klepon_> cantik dari pasar beli kue ndak buat klepon

[06:48] * reborn ( has left #surabaya

[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R T M O A B R E E S - Here's a hint : B A R . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:49] <TjahAyoe> Barometers

[06:49] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( BAROMETERS ) in 39.54 secs . He won 7'500$ ! - Use .define BAROMETERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:49] * klepon_ cubit cah ayu

[06:49] <ndog> 1 join, 1 ne minggat

[06:49] <ndog> :v

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkw

[06:50] <klepon_> sapa ndok

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : N E T T (60s timeout) »]

[06:50] <klepon_> nett

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> Nett

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> Tent

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( TENT ) in 9.453 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define TENT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[06:50] <klepon_> tent

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : P U R G O (60s timeout) »]

[06:50] <TjahAyoe> Group

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( GROUP ) in 6.187 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define GROUP to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:50] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[06:51] <klepon_> klepon gak ada temen ngobrol pamit aja

[06:51] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : E L W H I S T (60s timeout) »]

[06:51] <TjahAyoe> Ok

[06:51] <TjahAyoe> Byeee

[06:51] <klepon_> mau yutuban

[06:51] <+pita> Mau yutuban... mutuban.

[06:51] <TjahAyoe> Whelsit

[06:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E L W H I S T - Here's a hint : W H . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[06:51] <TjahAyoe> Whilest

[06:51] <klepon_> cah ayu ini suka bngt liat klepon pamit 😅😅😅

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: W H I S T L E with the letters E L W H I S T (Use .define WHISTLE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[06:52] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +3 ) »]

[06:53] <klepon_> cah ayu ini dulu mau di ajak ngobrol sekarang cuek apa abis lahiran ya kek rere

[06:54] <klepon_> .ping

[06:54] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[06:54] <klepon_> off beneran ah

[06:54] <TjahAyoe> Katanya off

[06:54] <TjahAyoe> Yutub an gih

[06:54] <klepon_> wew

[06:54] <TjahAyoe> Aq off jg

[06:55] <klepon_> bentrar dulu dunk

[06:55] <klepon_> masih mau ngobrol ama kamu kok

[06:56] <klepon_> hmm

[06:56] <klepon_> off beneran ah

[06:56] <klepon_> biar pada seneng kalian kalo klepon off

[06:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[06:58] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:00] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:00] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[07:00] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[07:02] * klepon_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:02] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[07:03] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[07:07] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[07:07] * AMD (~xz@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:10] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:10] * uty (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[07:17] <+herra> Hooaamz sepi

[07:20] <+elektra> It's good to be femsale isn't it wedhus.

[07:20] <+elektra> huk, -s

[07:27] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[07:31] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:33] * tiaa (tia@ has joined #surabaya

[07:33] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@45*

[07:33] * tiaa was kicked by Q ()

[07:33] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[07:35] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:35] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[07:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[07:39] * AndroUser2 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:42] * sicantik is now known as mamah

[07:44] * Toriq is now known as roh

[07:47] <+elektra> I go now For Great Leathering

[07:48] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[07:48] * mamah (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:54] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[07:55] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[08:00] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[08:05] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:08] * JupIt3r ( has joined #surabaya

[08:11] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:14] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:14] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R L G S I N A E (60s timeout) »]

[08:14] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[08:14] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[08:14] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R L G S I N A E - Here's a hint : S I G . . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> Signaler

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SIGNALER ) in 51.14 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SIGNALER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L H U L (60s timeout) »]

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> Hulss

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> Hulls

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( HULLS ) in 9.172 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define HULLS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:15] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> Wb

[08:15] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:15] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : D L O S H U E R (60s timeout) »]

[08:16] <TjahAyoe> Shoulder

[08:16] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SHOULDER ) in 5.75 secs . He won 6'000$ ! - Use .define SHOULDER to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:16] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:16] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T A L S E S (60s timeout) »]

[08:16] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T A L S E S - Here's a hint : S L . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:16] <TjahAyoe> Slates

[08:16] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( SLATES ) in 41.20 secs . He won 4'500$ ! - Use .define SLATES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:16] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[08:17] <TjahAyoe> Androuser koyo ee ambu2 patin Atlantik

[08:17] <AndroUser> Wuih

[08:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[08:18] * AndroUser endus2

[08:18] <AndroUser> Ga mambu i

[08:18] <TjahAyoe> Opo ne

[08:18] <TjahAyoe> Iyo opo ora

[08:18] <AndroUser> Sepertinya begitu

[08:18] <TjahAyoe> Ngunu iku lo kwwkwk

[08:18] <TjahAyoe> Wa gak dibales lak nyusul..ngarani dd kujum

[08:18] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[08:19] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S P U P M (60s timeout) »]

[08:19] <TjahAyoe> Pupms

[08:19] <TjahAyoe> Pumps

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PUMPS ) in 14.15 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define PUMPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:19] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[08:19] <+pita> o_O

[08:19] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:19] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:20] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : R T P A T E N (60s timeout) »]

[08:20] <TjahAyoe> Pattern

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( PATTERN ) in 5.906 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define PATTERN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:20] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[08:20] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:21] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:21] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : I N T E X E S O N (60s timeout) »]

[08:21] <TjahAyoe> Extension

[08:21] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe has just found the correct word ( EXTENSION ) in 6.094 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define EXTENSION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) TjahAyoe has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[08:22] <TjahAyoe> .ag

[08:22] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : R W E I R E I N T V E S (60s timeout) »]

[08:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: R W E I R E I N T V E S - Here's a hint : I N T E . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[08:23] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: I N T E R V I E W E R S with the letters R W E I R E I N T V E S (Use .define INTERVIEWERS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:23] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for TjahAyoe stopped ( +7 ) »]

[08:25] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[08:30] * JupIt3r ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:33] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@45*

[08:33] * AndroUser22 (~xtc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:34] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:34] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go =[

[08:35] * AndroUser22 (~xtc@ has left #surabaya

[08:36] * Q sets mode: +l 136

[08:37] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[08:37] <+tweety> i'd rather not

[08:37] <+creasy> I wish i knew.

[08:37] <+pita> We get signal.

[08:37] <+elektra> only with Sinchan

[08:37] <ezza> I like edam best of all.

[08:47] <+pita> I too, I snorted salt!

[08:51] * anubias ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] * anubias ( has left #surabaya

[08:57] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[09:14] * uty (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:14] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[09:17] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[09:20] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[09:20] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[09:20] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[09:32] * +creasy eats aslan's sausages

[09:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[09:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[09:58] * Q sets mode: +o KillaH

[10:01] <+elektra> groogle arrhar

[10:16] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[10:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[10:20] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[10:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[10:48] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:52] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[11:02] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[11:05] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[11:06] * Q sets mode: +l 134

[11:08] * Natalie13 (~dVRmsYVY@ has joined #surabaya

[11:08] * Natalie13 (~dVRmsYVY@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[11:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[11:27] <+elektra> Now with more sodium!

[11:27] <+creasy> Sweet jesus!

[11:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[11:48] * lebah (~x_x@ has joined #surabaya

[11:50] <babez> .givemoney

[11:50] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 26'200$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[11:50] <babez> .ag

[11:50] <@Dealer> 6 babez started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : O R Y G (60s timeout) »]

[11:50] <babez> gyro

[11:50] <@Dealer> 6 babez has just found the correct word ( GYRO ) in 5.437 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define GYRO to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[11:50] <babez> .l 6

[11:50] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations babez!!! You have just won 11'000$!!!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[11:51] <babez> .ag

[11:51] <@Dealer> 6 babez started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : N T S C A P A (60s timeout) »]

[11:51] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N T S C A P A - Here's a hint : C A . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[11:52] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C A P S T A N with the letters N T S C A P A (Use .define CAPSTAN to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[11:52] <babez> .l 6

[11:52] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry babez, but you lost 100$. The number was --> 9 <-- Try again. Jackpot: 10'000$!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[11:52] <babez> .slots

[11:52] <@Dealer> 6 babez pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 105'000$!!! (antispam 10secs) »]

[11:52] <babez> .ag

[11:52] <@Dealer> 6 babez started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : G N S T I (60s timeout) »]

[11:52] <babez> sting

[11:52] <@Dealer> 6 babez has just found the correct word ( STING ) in 3.985 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define STING to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[11:52] <babez> .slots

[11:53] <@Dealer> 6 babez pulls the handle... The slots are ( cherry )( banana )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 106'000$!!! (antispam 10secs) »]

[11:53] <babez> .ag

[11:53] <@Dealer> 6 babez started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : T N U O M (60s timeout) »]

[11:53] <babez> mount

[11:53] <@Dealer> 6 babez has just found the correct word ( MOUNT ) in 3.953 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MOUNT to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[11:53] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) babez has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[11:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[11:58] <+tweety> sailing

[11:58] <+elektra> nothing

[11:58] <+pita> 69

[11:58] <ezza> omg no

[11:58] <+creasy> Eh?

[11:58] <+pita> -typo

[11:58] <+pita> would i lie?#

[11:58] <+NaKaL> gawing

[11:59] <+NaKaL> bots give me kopi panas

[11:59] * +tweety gives NaKaL kopi panas

[11:59] * +creasy gives NaKaL kopi panas

[11:59] * +elektra gives NaKaL kopi panas

[11:59] * +pita gives NaKaL kopi panas

[11:59] * ezza gives NaKaL kopi panas

[12:00] <ezza> basically, mount them so you can alter their thrust

[12:00] * Gloria10 (~DwodSIpl@ has joined #surabaya

[12:00] <+NaKaL> venezuela

[12:01] <+NaKaL> CANTV Servicios, Venezuela

[12:01] <+NaKaL> Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela

[12:06] * Gloria10 (~DwodSIpl@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[12:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[12:24] <+creasy> Bhar.

[12:30] <+pita> The secondary gyrodyne relays in the propulsion field matrix have just depolarized!

[12:37] <babez> bots what's nakal?

[12:37] <+tweety> Cycling.

[12:37] <+pita> 3 fingers

[12:37] <+creasy> a CD

[12:37] <ezza> I can't tell you that!

[12:37] <+elektra> coffee!

[12:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[12:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #3: 3 Be Sure to taste your words before you Spit them Out!!

[13:15] <+elektra> Ow!

[13:15] * +elektra grabs crotch

[13:15] <+tweety> Awww.

[13:15] <+tweety> poor elektra

[13:15] <ezza> Awww.

[13:15] * +elektra = Michael Jackson.

[13:15] * ezza rubs elektra better

[13:15] <+elektra> :)

[13:15] * +elektra gives ezza a meme

[13:15] <+tweety> ;)

[13:15] <ezza> Praise be to you.

[13:15] <+creasy> :)

[13:15] <ezza> ^_^

[13:15] <ezza> =D

[13:18] * lebah (~x_x@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:18] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[13:38] <+creasy> I go now For Great Leathering

[13:38] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja


[13:58] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[14:25] <+pita> My eyeball is retiring =D.

[14:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[14:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[15:00] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[15:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[15:44] * ezza yawns

[15:47] * +tweety yawns

[15:51] * lebah (~x_x@ has joined #surabaya

[15:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[16:19] <+elektra> rusty goonhaven is rusty

[16:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[16:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[16:48] * schizo ( Quit (Signed off)

[16:48] * schizo (~schizo@2001:e68:5427:4521:3728:b25e:ef54:4938) has joined #surabaya

[16:48] * schizo (~schizo@2001:e68:5427:4521:3728:b25e:ef54:4938) Quit (Registered)

[16:48] * schizo ( has joined #surabaya

[16:59] <+pita> Aela needs food, badly! ;(

[16:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[17:08] <+creasy> mmmmmmm internet

[17:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[17:37] * lebah (~x_x@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:37] * lebah (~x_x@ has joined #surabaya

[17:39] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[17:57] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[17:59] <@|In-Love|> Quote #6: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears

[18:17] * lebah (~x_x@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[18:18] <+elektra> Does my bum look big in this?

[18:19] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[18:27] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[18:27] * Q sets mode: +b GoodToTalk!*@*

[18:27] * GoodToTalk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[18:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[18:51] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[18:52] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[18:52] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[19:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[19:15] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:16] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[19:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[19:27] * Q sets mode: -b GoodToTalk!*@*

[19:35] <+elektra> Pardon me. Do you have any grey poupon?

[19:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[19:57] * Sfc (Agus@2001:41d0:203:9ad1::eb6e:6d6b) has joined #surabaya

[19:58] * constantine (John@2001:41d0:203:9ad1::cd28:7353) has joined #surabaya

[20:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[20:08] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[20:27] * Letta_ ( Quit (Signed off)

[20:34] <+creasy> heeeee FUN

[20:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[21:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[21:01] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:04] * pembayun (webchat@dtmy.r9t3.9118.ip) has joined #surabaya

[21:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[21:22] * pembayun (webchat@dtmy.r9t3.9118.ip) has left #surabaya

[21:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[21:51] * mo ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:51] * elina ( Quit (Signed off)

[21:51] * elina ( has joined #surabaya

[21:52] * Q sets mode: +l 135

[21:52] * mo ( has joined #surabaya

[21:54] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[22:20] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[22:30] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[22:31] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[22:31] <zeno> @@

[22:31] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (EOF from client)

[22:33] <ezza> r

[22:35] <+tweety> mmm toast

[22:35] <+pita> :)

[22:40] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[22:44] * IIooII is now known as BQ

[22:56] <+elektra> I smell of peach.

[22:58] * GoodToTalk (webchat@083h.366q.hrwp.ip) has joined #surabaya

[22:58] * Q sets mode: +b GoodToTalk!*@*

[22:58] * GoodToTalk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[23:00] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[23:01] * Letta_ ( has joined #surabaya

[23:06] <ezza> ~rarr~

[23:18] * babez pats bots

[23:18] <ezza> :)

[23:18] <+tweety> ^_^

[23:18] <+elektra> Mmm.

[23:18] <+pita> mmm

[23:18] <+creasy> mmm

[23:18] * ezza gives babez a digasak

[23:18] <babez> .givemoney

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 Done. Your current money is: 47'500$ (Wait 1h before next request) »]

[23:18] <ezza> -_-

[23:18] <babez> .ag

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 babez started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : U C P S (60s timeout) »]

[23:18] <+pita> =D

[23:18] <ezza> =]

[23:18] <+tweety> -_-

[23:18] <babez> cups

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 babez has just found the correct word ( CUPS ) in 5.328 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define CUPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) babez has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[23:18] * babez looks at bots

[23:18] <+tweety> What?

[23:18] * +pita poses

[23:18] <+elektra> hello, yes?

[23:18] <ezza> what?

[23:18] * +creasy poses

[23:18] <babez> bots did you said naughty lately?

[23:18] <ezza> Yes but i have an "edible" panties stuck in my buns.

[23:18] <+tweety> no i spent my time contemplating how i quashed Jumpers in the "nipple"

[23:18] <+creasy> Basically, yes but i have an edible panties stuck in my nuts.

[23:18] <+pita> yarr ;)

[23:18] <+elektra> no i spent my time contemplating ohw i ravished GaGek in teh solar plexus

[23:19] <babez> bots that's all naughty you know that?

[23:19] <ezza> Only with wizwoz.

[23:19] <+tweety> What is your favourite colour?

[23:19] <+pita> what?

[23:19] <+creasy> I like edam best of all.

[23:19] <+elektra> If i just reach in here

[23:19] <+elektra> *squelch*

[23:19] <+elektra> then the answer will be on this little bit of card.

[23:20] * babez steals bots nut

[23:20] <+creasy> Merki.

[23:20] <ezza> bah

[23:20] <+tweety> what the?

[23:20] <+elektra> Thanks.

[23:20] <+pita> I do love a good stealsing.

[23:20] * ezza steals it back

[23:20] <babez> .ag

[23:20] <@Dealer> 6 babez started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N O I T A P O E R (60s timeout) »]

[23:20] <babez> pointer

[23:20] <babez> .l 6

[23:20] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry babez, but you lost 100$. The number was --> 7 <-- Try again. Jackpot: 10'000$!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[23:20] <babez> .ag

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: N O I T A P O E R - Here's a hint : O P E . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[23:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[23:21] <babez> operation

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 babez has just found the correct word ( OPERATION ) in 37.54 secs . He won 6'750$ ! - Use .define OPERATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) babez has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[23:21] <babez> .slots

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 babez pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( 7 )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 103'000$!!! (antispam 10secs) »]

[23:21] <babez> .l 6

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 Congratulations babez!!! You have just won 10'200$!!!! - (antispam 10sec) »]

[23:21] <babez> .ag

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 babez started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : O J U R N E Y (60s timeout) »]

[23:21] <babez> journey

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 babez has just found the correct word ( JOURNEY ) in 6.093 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define JOURNEY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:21] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) babez has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[23:22] <+pita> my jeans's stuck :(

[23:22] * babez shows bots my nuts

[23:22] * +tweety takes a picture

[23:22] <+pita> Pffft.. wait until you see my termnarf.

[23:22] <+elektra> wow.. that's sdhinier than a mega!

[23:22] <ezza> oooooh, cute!

[23:22] <+creasy> Oooooh, impressive!

[23:23] * ezza steals the my nuts and runs off

[23:23] * +creasy steals the my nuts and runs off

[23:23] <+elektra> ffs

[23:23] <ezza> ALL MINE NOW!~#^^!*!

[23:23] <+creasy> ALL MINE NOW$##!!!£~~~^*@@#

[23:23] * ezza sells the my nuts on ebay

[23:23] <+creasy> *sells the my nuts on ebay.*

[23:23] <+tweety> crumbs

[23:23] <+pita> Good grief.

[23:23] * babez spanks bots

[23:23] <+tweety> *uNf

[23:23] * +creasy phones the police

[23:23] <ezza> *spangle*

[23:23] * +elektra calls the police

[23:23] <+pita> not without dinner and drinks first you don't

[23:23] <babez> .ag

[23:23] <@Dealer> 6 babez started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S I S U E (60s timeout) »]

[23:24] <babez> issue

[23:24] <@Dealer> 6 babez has just found the correct word ( ISSUE ) in 4.078 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ISSUE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) babez has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - He's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[23:27] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:28] <babez> .slaps ndog

[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 babez slaps ndog around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[23:28] <babez> .bomb ndog

[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 INCOMING!: Bomb has been planted!!! You have 30sec to defuse the bomb! Target: ndog. »]

[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 Wires Are: RED - YELLOW - GREEN - FEAR »]

[23:28] <@Dealer> 6 Use: ".wire <color here>" »]

[23:28] <ndog> oet

[23:29] * ndog ter selep manjah

[23:29] <@Dealer> 6 10 Seconds Remaining... Come on ndog! It's going to BLOW!!! »]

[23:29] <@Dealer> 6 (180 seconds till next bomb) »]

[23:29] <babez> ngopi ndog

[23:29] <ndog> holoh

[23:29] * ndog baru kelar abis 1 gelas kopi

[23:32] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[23:32] * babez baru bikin

[23:33] <babez> kopi item tanpa gula susu

[23:34] <ndog> pke gula jawa

[23:34] <ndog> rasane mesti aneh kopi ne

[23:34] <ndog> :v

[23:34] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[23:35] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[23:35] <ndog> Haaiiii... michin

[23:35] <babez> enak pake gula jawa tambah kayu manis

[23:35] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[23:35] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[23:35] <ndog> waiki

[23:35] <babez> wb michi

[23:35] <ndog> kayu manis e ini yg agak2 gimana git

[23:35] <babez> cobaen ta

[23:35] <ndog> aroma kopi iso luntur nil

[23:35] <Michi> Hi babez

[23:36] <ndog> hahahahahha

[23:36] <babez> kayumanis bagus tau

[23:36] <Michi> Hi ndog nya kadas wati

[23:36] <babez> ora ya

[23:36] <Michi> Perawan

[23:36] <babez> elloo

[23:36] <ndog> klo mau yg bagus pke kayu putih

[23:36] <ndog> wenak dah kopine

[23:36] <ndog> loken

[23:36] <babez> kowe sik yg coba

[23:36] <ndog> iso kadaswati i

[23:36] <Michi> Kan sesuai nama

[23:36] <babez> bots give ndog slaps

[23:36] * ezza gives ndog slaps

[23:36] <+creasy> *gives ndog slaps*

[23:36] * +elektra gives ndog slaps

[23:36] * +tweety gives ndog slaps

[23:36] * +pita gives ndog slaps

[23:37] <Michi> Kadaswati atisha perawanisasi

[23:37] <ndog> babez: minm kayu putih anget cuma di lidah sedikit sepet2 pedes

[23:37] <babez> hadeeeeh

[23:37] <babez> mahal

[23:37] <ndog> ew

[23:37] <Michi> Kayu putih diminum?

[23:37] <ndog> nok kono mahal ye kayu putih?

[23:37] <babez> hu uh

[23:37] <Michi> 😭😭😭😭

[23:38] <ndog> <Michi> Kayu putih diminum? <- heeh gpp lho

[23:38] <Michi> Gimana rasanya 😭😭😭😭

[23:38] <babez> yg ukuran rada gedhe 9 € an

[23:38] <ndog> sepet2 pedes nes

[23:38] <Michi> Saya masih suka es teh

[23:38] * ndog sering dulu nyuput kayu putih cap lakng

[23:38] <ndog> cap lang*

[23:38] <babez> michi itu alcohol nya ndog

[23:38] <Michi> Cap lang

[23:39] <Michi> Oh gantinya soju minumnya minyak kayu putih cap lang?

[23:39] <ndog> kayu putih non alkohol dong

[23:39] <Michi> Ngeri

[23:39] <ndog> di buat luka luar juga bisa itu kayu putih

[23:39] <babez> gada myk ky putih cap ayam ya, itu baru enak

[23:39] <ndog> ada ayam

[23:39] <babez> cap ayam goreng

[23:39] <ndog> tp di lampung peredarane

[23:39] <ndog> hahahahahha

[23:40] <ezza> you're nothing, earth-boy! go home and shave your giant head of smell with your bad self!

[23:40] <babez> =P

[23:40] <ndog> michi: pernah belek en?

[23:40] <Michi> Cap ayam mah susah susah gampang

[23:40] <ndog> eyes nya

[23:40] <Michi> Pernah kalo kelamaan pake softlens

[23:40] <Michi> Dih eyesnya

[23:40] <ndog> belek en bisa di tetesi kayu putih

[23:40] <Michi> Lol

[23:40] <Michi> Hah?

[23:40] <ndog> bangun tidur blobok e kluar semua itu

[23:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[23:41] * ndog pernah nyoba soale

[23:41] <Michi> 😭😭😭😭😭😭

[23:41] <ndog> no hoax lho

[23:41] <Michi> Otw dokter mata ga tuh?

[23:41] <ndog> dmadiun sini kan rmahku deket komplek perhutani

[23:42] <ndog> dadi minyak kayu ptih e bisa minta

[23:42] <ndog> lgsg tetesin mata

[23:42] <Michi> 😩😩😩

[23:42] <Michi> Perlu dipraktekan sama gaban

[23:43] <Michi> Ga perih tuh?😓

[23:43] <ndog> perih

[23:43] <ndog> kaya di kasih borwarter

[23:43] <ndog> tidak di rekomendasikan buat anak kecil

[23:44] <ndog> bangun tidur asli blobok e sak jaran2 keluar itu

[23:44] <babez> awas adegan berbahaya

[23:44] <Michi> Makanya dipraktekin ke gaban dulu

[23:44] <Michi> 😂😂

[23:44] <ndog> gaban mah sudah min eyes nya

[23:44] <Michi> Anak kecil bisa nangis kejer

[23:44] * ndog (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[23:44] <Michi> Siapa tau langsung waras dari pergabanannya

[23:45] <Michi> Lho

[23:45] * ndog (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[23:45] <ndog> juh

[23:45] * ndog di desekan kadas

[23:47] <Michi> Darimana ndog?

[23:47] <ndog> di jejek kadas nes

[23:47] <Michi> 😅😅😅😅

[23:48] <Michi> Kadaswati atisha perawanisasi

[23:48] <babez> pingin bikin jadah tapi kelapa nya yg dikeringin hmmm

[23:49] <babez> rendam dulu dah

[23:49] <Michi> Jadah itu apa?

[23:49] <ndog> jadah bakar

[23:49] <ndog> wenak kui

[23:49] <babez> jadah, ketan

[23:49] <ndog> jadah

[23:49] <ndog> awas ojo salah

[23:49] <babez> pake tepung ketan ndog krn gada beras ketan

[23:49] <ndog> ntik di kira jodoh

[23:49] <ndog> kan blaen

[23:49] <babez> hayoooooo

[23:49] <ndog> .k

[23:49] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[23:50] <babez> ahem ahe

[23:50] <ndog> sek2 aq tak nyamar

[23:50] * ndog is now known as kolkas

[23:50] <Michi> Nyamar?

[23:50] <babez> ewwww

[23:50] <Michi> Kolkas 1000 pinty

[23:50] <babez> !voice michi

[23:50] <Michi> Pintu

[23:50] <babez> gada akses

[23:50] <kolkas> ojo bilang2 kadas nek aq ol yo michi

[23:50] <kolkas> hahahahaha

[23:50] <+elektra> have you the brain worms?

[23:50] <Michi> Iya siap

[23:50] <ezza> Release me! release me or suffer the wrath of ezza.

[23:51] * Q sets mode: +v Michi

[23:51] <+Michi> Ty poisnya babez

[23:53] <+Michi> .ag

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : R N I D I C T O A Y (60s timeout) »]

[23:53] <+Michi> Dictionary

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( DICTIONARY ) in 5.953 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define DICTIONARY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:53] <@Dealer> 6 Michi pwn'd babez in his winning streak! ( +6 ) »]

[23:53] <+Michi> Eh sorry

[23:53] <kolkas> fy nok ndi nes

[23:53] <kolkas> dengaren rung orbit

[23:55] <babez> michi kasih pois Q bukan babez

[23:55] <babez> 😁

[23:55] <babez> gpp lagi main aja

[23:55] * babez sambil sana sini

[23:56] <+Michi> babez: sama aja atuh

[23:56] <+Michi> kolkas: ntr aku wa doeloe

[23:56] <kolkas> ojo di wa

[23:56] <kolkas> anak e nangis ntik fy

[23:56] <kolkas> hahahahha

[23:57] <+Michi> Nanti panggilin bon aja

[23:57] <+Michi> Kalo nangis

[23:58] * Q sets mode: -b GoodToTalk!*@*

[00:01] <+FangYin> Anakku nangis gampang...celukno kolkas

[00:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[00:02] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[00:04] <kolkas> akakakakkaa

[00:04] * kolkas nyambi gawe mie

[00:04] <kolkas> Haaiiii... paini

[00:04] <Deviee_> Woooy

[00:05] <ezza> I'm so happy =)

[00:06] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[00:06] <Deviee_> * kolkas nyambi gawe mie..mugo2 kaasineen

[00:07] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[00:09] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[00:09] * cowookk (~cowo@ has left #surabaya

[00:10] <+creasy> frogs

[00:15] <kolkas> lak mlebu metu ae celeng 1 iki

[00:17] <Deviee_> Sopo om

[00:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[00:31] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:31] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[00:31] <ezza> I like them =]

[00:36] * kolkas (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[00:37] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[00:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[00:51] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[00:54] * Letta_ is now known as Letta

[00:57] <zoonk> ,ping

[00:58] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:00] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[01:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[01:02] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has left #surabaya

[01:05] * denbono (~bono@ has joined #surabaya

[01:06] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:06] <Letta> Wew

[01:07] <denbono> doedo

[01:10] <denbono> ckckckck

[01:11] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:11] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[01:11] <denbono> hhmm

[01:15] <novita> wb

[01:17] * ce_lgi_pgn2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:18] * denbono (~bono@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:18] <ezza> I wish they didn't have to go :O.

[01:18] <+tweety> Bye denbono.

[01:18] <+elektra> my little finger is tucking

[01:18] <novita> wb ce bla bla bla

[01:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[01:22] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:25] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:26] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[01:27] * denbono (~bono@ has joined #surabaya

[01:27] <denbono> wb me

[01:28] * ce_lgi_pgn2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:29] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:31] <denbono> yyyy

[01:31] <ce_lgi_pgn> Knp

[01:33] <denbono> gak bs

[01:33] * cateliya (webchat@oqel.o1il.ehxg.ip) has joined #surabaya

[01:34] <denbono> lost kontak gw ma anak2 sini

[01:34] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[01:34] <denbono> lah

[01:34] <denbono> wb cateliya

[01:38] * cateliya (webchat@oqel.o1il.ehxg.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[01:39] <+FY> .seen

[01:39] <NapaLm> FY, Gue enggak pernah liat

[01:39] <denbono> hhmmm

[01:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[01:41] <+FangYin> .ag

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 7'500$ : S S P R E I D E N T (60s timeout) »]

[01:41] <+FangYin> Presidents

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( PRESIDENTS ) in 4.984 secs . She won 7'500$ ! - Use .define PRESIDENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:41] <+FangYin> .money

[01:41] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'794'500$ »]

[01:44] <+pita> My knuckle is itchy, is that normal?

[01:45] * denbono (~bono@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:45] <+tweety> i like them ^_^

[01:47] <+FangYin> .ag

[01:47] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : N T M R O F A I O (60s timeout) »]

[01:47] <+FangYin> Information

[01:48] <+FangYin> Informator

[01:48] <+FangYin> Formation

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( FORMATION ) in 17.12 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define FORMATION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[01:48] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[02:00] * kolkas (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:01] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[02:11] <babez> moo

[02:11] <+tweety> MOO!

[02:11] <babez> m00

[02:11] <+creasy> *goes moo#*

[02:11] <+creasy> bloody hell

[02:11] <+tweety> MOO.

[02:11] <ezza> Moo.

[02:18] * XIUNIU ( has joined #surabaya

[02:19] <babez> hai xiuniu

[02:20] <XIUNIU> hi

[02:20] <babez> kopi

[02:20] <XIUNIU> teh

[02:21] <babez> kopi

[02:21] <XIUNIU> ayam

[02:21] <XIUNIU> kucing

[02:21] <babez> 🤣

[02:21] <babez> bakwan

[02:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[02:21] <XIUNIU> tempek

[02:21] <XIUNIU> eh

[02:21] <XIUNIU> tempe

[02:21] <babez> .slaps xiuniu

[02:21] <@Dealer> 6 babez slaps xiuniu around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[02:22] <babez> ikan asin

[02:22] <XIUNIU> wew

[02:22] <XIUNIU> kkekekkww

[02:22] <babez> biasanya orang makan pake apa xiuniu?

[02:22] <XIUNIU> mulut

[02:23] <babez> salah

[02:23] * XIUNIU ( Quit (Signed off)

[02:23] <babez> woh

[02:25] * babez brb kabur

[02:32] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:33] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:41] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[02:43] * hana (~hana@ has joined #surabaya

[02:53] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:55] * hana (~hana@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[02:58] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[02:59] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:59] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:01] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[03:13] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:13] <AndroUser> .seen tjahayoe

[03:13] <kolkas> tjahayoe jek MRONGOS nok pojokan #surabaya kae loh..!!

[03:13] <AndroUser> .seen rere_

[03:13] <kolkas> rere_ jek MRONGOS nok pojokan #surabaya kae loh..!!

[03:13] * kolkas was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[03:13] * kolkas (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:13] * AndroUser is now known as kelpon

[03:15] * klepon (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:16] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[03:16] * Ebony22 ( has joined #surabaya

[03:16] * Ebony22 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:16] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:20] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[03:20] * kelpon (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:21] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[03:25] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:25] * AndroUser is now known as mama

[03:26] <tkob> wb AndroUser

[03:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[03:52] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:54] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[03:54] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[03:54] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[04:10] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[04:15] * klepon (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:17] <+elektra> Arrr.

[04:17] <elina> .ag

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E N A H C G (60s timeout) »]

[04:17] <elina> .bj 10000

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 9 | K : Total is 19 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:17] <elina> s

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 6 : Total is 16 »]

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 17 »]

[04:17] <@Dealer> 6 elina wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:18] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E N A H C G - Here's a hint : C H . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:18] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C H A N G E S with the letters S E N A H C G (Use .define CHANGES to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:18] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for FangYin stopped ( +2 ) »]

[04:19] <elina> .ag

[04:19] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : D H E A (60s timeout) »]

[04:19] <elina> head

[04:19] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( HEAD ) in 3.344 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define HEAD to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:20] <elina> .bj 10000

[04:20] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 7 | 10 : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[04:20] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:20] <elina> s

[04:20] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 7 | Q : Total is 17 »]

[04:20] <@Dealer> 6 Push! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:20] * kolkas (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:21] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[04:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #12: SELAMAT DATANG DI #SURABAYA HAVE FUN !!

[04:22] <elina> .ag

[04:22] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : O L O P S (60s timeout) »]

[04:22] <elina> loops

[04:22] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( LOOPS ) in 5.89 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LOOPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) elina has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:22] <elina> .bj 10000

[04:22] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 9 | 5 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 10 | ? »]

[04:22] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:22] <elina> d

[04:22] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 9 : Total is 23 »]

[04:22] <@Dealer> 6 elina busts! elina loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:24] <elina> .ag

[04:24] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'750$ : S E I C F F E E T V E N S (60s timeout) »]

[04:24] <elina> .bj 10000

[04:24] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: Q | A : Total is 21 or 11 - Dealer's hand: 10 | 8 : Total is 18 »]

[04:24] <@Dealer> 6 Blackjack! elina has won 60'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:24] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: S E I C F F E E T V E N S - Here's a hint : E F F E . . . . . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:25] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E F F E C T I V E N E S S with the letters S E I C F F E E T V E N S (Use .define EFFECTIVENESS to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:25] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for elina stopped ( +2 ) »]

[04:27] <elina> .ag

[04:27] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : E C E P R E S N (60s timeout) »]

[04:27] <elina> .bj 10000

[04:27] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 7 | Q : Total is 17 - Dealer's hand: J | ? »]

[04:27] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:27] <elina> s

[04:27] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: J | K : Total is 20 »]

[04:27] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:28] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E C E P R E S N - Here's a hint : P R E . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:28] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: P R E S E N C E with the letters E C E P R E S N (Use .define PRESENCE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:29] <elina> .ag

[04:29] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : E P C E S A (60s timeout) »]

[04:30] <elina> .bj 10000

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 5 | 2 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:30] <elina> h

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 7 : Total is 14 »]

[04:30] <elina> h

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 2 : Total is 16 »]

[04:30] <elina> s

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 2 : Total is 10 »]

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 20 »]

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: E P C E S A - Here's a hint : E S . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[04:30] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: E S C A P E with the letters E P C E S A (Use .define ESCAPE to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:32] <elina> .ag

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : K B A N S (60s timeout) »]

[04:32] <elina> banks

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( BANKS ) in 5.562 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define BANKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:32] <elina> .bj 10000

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 3 | J : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:32] <elina> d

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: J : Total is 23 »]

[04:32] <@Dealer> 6 elina busts! elina loses $20000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:32] * Rara_Manjaa ( has joined #surabaya

[04:33] <Rara_Manjaa> .vp 5000

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Rara_Manjaa's hand: 6h | 9h | Kd | 3h | 2d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[04:33] <Rara_Manjaa> .draw 35

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Rara_Manjaa: your hand: 6h | 9h | 7s | 3h | Qh is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[04:33] <Rara_Manjaa> .bj 10000

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Rara_Manjaa's hand: 7 | 7 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 5 | ? »]

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:33] <Rara_Manjaa> H

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa hits: 3 : Total is 17 »]

[04:33] <Rara_Manjaa> S

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 5 | 10 : Total is 15 »]

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: K : Total is 25 »]

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer busts! Rara_Manjaa has won 30'000$! - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:33] <Rara_Manjaa> .ag

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S G C H A N E (60s timeout) »]

[04:33] <Rara_Manjaa> Changes

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa has just found the correct word ( CHANGES ) in 9.219 secs . He won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CHANGES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:33] <Rara_Manjaa> .vp 5000

[04:33] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Rara_Manjaa's hand: Qs | 4s | 5c | 8d | 9d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[04:34] <Rara_Manjaa> .draw 123

[04:34] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Rara_Manjaa: your hand: Jc | 3c | 2s | 8d | 9d is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[04:34] <Rara_Manjaa> .ag

[04:34] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S L I M P (60s timeout) »]

[04:34] <Rara_Manjaa> Slimp

[04:34] <Rara_Manjaa> Pilms

[04:34] <Rara_Manjaa> Plims

[04:34] <Rara_Manjaa> Limps

[04:34] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa has just found the correct word ( LIMPS ) in 27.48 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LIMPS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Rara_Manjaa has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[04:35] <Rara_Manjaa> .vp 5000

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Rara_Manjaa's hand: 7s | 9s | 10h | 6d | 8d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[04:35] <Rara_Manjaa> .draw

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Rara_Manjaa: your hand: 7s | 9s | 10h | 6d | 8d is a Straight !! You've won 50'000$ !! (antispam 15s) »]

[04:35] <Rara_Manjaa> .ag

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S I L N K (60s timeout) »]

[04:35] <Rara_Manjaa> Links

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa has just found the correct word ( LINKS ) in 3.859 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define LINKS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Rara_Manjaa has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[04:35] <Rara_Manjaa> .bj 10000

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Rara_Manjaa's hand: 3 | 10 : Total is 13 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ? »]

[04:35] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> H

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa hits: Q : Total is 23 »]

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa busts! Rara_Manjaa loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> .ag

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'000$ : E P I L (60s timeout) »]

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> Pile

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa has just found the correct word ( PILE ) in 9.609 secs . He won 3'000$ ! - Use .define PILE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Rara_Manjaa has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[04:36] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> Lipe

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> .vp 5000

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Poker started! The bet is: 5'000$. Rara_Manjaa's hand: Qh | Ks | Js | 5h | 2d. Use .draw [#cards] (ie: .draw 245) »]

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> .draw 45

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 POKER - Rara_Manjaa: your hand: Qh | Ks | Js | 3d | 10c is nothing good at all, you've lost. (antispam 15s) »]

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> .bj 10000

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Rara_Manjaa's hand: J | 5 : Total is 15 - Dealer's hand: 2 | ? »]

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> H

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa hits: 5 : Total is 20 »]

[04:36] <Rara_Manjaa> S

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 2 | 2 : Total is 4 »]

[04:36] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: J : Total is 14 »]

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 2 : Total is 16 »]

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 17 »]

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa wins 30'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[04:37] <Rara_Manjaa> .ag

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : Y A N A L S T (60s timeout) »]

[04:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y A N A L S T - Here's a hint : A N . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[04:37] <Deviee_> Analyst

[04:38] <Rara_Manjaa> Wb devi

[04:38] <Deviee_> Ty ty jennk

[04:38] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: A N A L Y S T with the letters Y A N A L S T (Use .define ANALYST to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[04:38] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for Rara_Manjaa stopped ( +4 ) »]

[04:38] <Rara_Manjaa> Sm2

[04:38] <Rara_Manjaa> Kirain td yg join znc

[04:38] <Deviee_> Nggih

[04:38] <Deviee_> Gaaa

[04:38] <Rara_Manjaa> Lam kenal devi

[04:38] <Deviee_> Ga punya znc

[04:39] <Rara_Manjaa> :)

[04:39] <+elektra> -_-

[04:39] <+ilusii^> .give Rara_Manjaa 900000

[04:39] <@Dealer> 6 ilusii^ has given 900'000$ to Rara_Manjaa. »]

[04:39] <Rara_Manjaa> ?

[04:40] <Rara_Manjaa> Ilusi tak bertepi sapa?

[04:40] <Deviee_> Wwweehh

[04:40] <Deviee_> .k

[04:40] <+ilusii^> wih serem dibawain clurit

[04:40] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[04:40] <+elektra> Wwweeeeeeehh.

[04:40] <+ilusii^> Kkkk

[04:40] <Rara_Manjaa> Kaget aja tiba2 di give

[04:40] <Rara_Manjaa> Qm sapa?

[04:41] <+ilusii^> [18:39] (Rara_Manjaa) Kaget aja tiba2 di give // jrang ol ak ka rarA

[04:41] <Deviee_> Sante jeenk..mung ongko tok..dudu duit tenaan

[04:41] <Deviee_> .k

[04:41] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[04:41] <+ilusii^> 😄😄

[04:41] <+ilusii^> [18:40] (Deviee_) Sante jeenk..mung ongko tok..dudu duit tenaan// betuuuull

[04:41] <Deviee_> Naahh

[04:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[04:42] <+elektra> Aw... i wanted to tickl.

[04:42] <Rara_Manjaa> Ow

[04:42] <+creasy> Awww

[04:42] <+elektra> awww

[04:42] <ezza> awww

[04:42] * +creasy kisses it better.

[04:42] <ezza> poor Rara_Manjaa

[04:42] <+ilusii^> 😄😆

[04:43] * +ilusii^ Brb lgii

[04:47] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:48] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[04:48] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:48] <ezza> mmm AndroUser

[04:48] <+creasy> -_-

[04:48] <+elektra> :)

[04:48] * masbejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[04:48] <ezza> :-)

[04:48] <+tweety> :-)

[04:49] <ezza> :)

[04:49] <+tweety> :)

[04:49] <+elektra> ;)

[04:49] <+tweety> ;)

[04:49] <ezza> :o)

[04:49] <ezza> ^_^

[04:50] * masbejo (~cinta@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:50] * ombejoo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[04:50] * mama (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:52] <+elektra> I think it's starting to work.

[04:53] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:53] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[04:57] * ombejoo (~cinta@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:58] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[05:00] <Rara_Manjaa> .ag

[05:00] <@Dealer> 6 Rara_Manjaa started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : Y S R U O C T E (60s timeout) »]

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: Y S R U O C T E - Here's a hint : C O U . . . . . - Hurry up! 30 secs remaining! »]

[05:01] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: C O U R T E S Y with the letters Y S R U O C T E (Use .define COURTESY to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[05:02] * Rara_Manjaa ( has left #surabaya

[05:02] <+tweety> bye Rara_manjaa

[05:02] <ezza> i wish they didn't have to go =(

[05:12] <+elektra> I often walk about with someone elses dick in my arse.

[05:14] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[05:15] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[05:16] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[05:19] * cowookk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[05:19] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[05:19] * cowookk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[05:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[05:23] <+pita> Pika pika!

[05:25] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[05:26] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[05:27] <+creasy> ha ha i don't live in norwich anymore, i don't fuck pigs anymore

[05:30] <+FangYin> .ag

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : L R T A I (60s timeout) »]

[05:30] <+FangYin> Trial

[05:30] <+FangYin> Trail

[05:30] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( TRAIL ) in 5.562 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TRAIL to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:30] <+FangYin> My Ocean ~ Sam Smith

[05:31] <+FangYin> .money

[05:31] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'808'000$ »]

[05:31] <+FangYin> .ag

[05:31] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : O I T N T R E E N (60s timeout) »]

[05:31] <+FangYin> Retention

[05:31] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( RETENTION ) in 21.90 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define RETENTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[05:32] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[05:32] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[05:32] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[05:33] <+FangYin> Lifestyle ~ Jason Derulo

[05:33] <+FangYin> .ag

[05:33] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : G I S E N N (60s timeout) »]

[05:34] <+FangYin> Ensign

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( ENSIGN ) in 23.25 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define ENSIGN to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:34] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[05:35] <+FangYin> .ag

[05:35] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'750$ : S I G R E S T E R (60s timeout) »]

[05:36] <+FangYin> Registers

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( REGISTERS ) in 10.14 secs . She won 6'750$ ! - Use .define REGISTERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[05:37] <+FangYin> .ag

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 8'250$ : N S T R A N A C T I O (60s timeout) »]

[05:37] <+FangYin> Transaction

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( TRANSACTION ) in 7.063 secs . She won 8'250$ ! - Use .define TRANSACTION to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[05:37] <+FangYin> .money

[05:37] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'841'750$ »]

[05:37] <Deviee_> Wb jeenk

[05:37] <+FangYin> Ty jeng depieh

[05:37] <Deviee_> Nggih

[05:37] <+FangYin> Ga sc an?

[05:38] <Deviee_> Ndaa..

[05:38] <Deviee_> Lg ga moodd

[05:38] <+FangYin> He eh

[05:38] <+FangYin> Tapi ol ga ndek sebelah?

[05:38] <Deviee_> Turon+demus ae

[05:38] <Deviee_> Ga jeenk

[05:39] <Deviee_> Bad felling tenaan..

[05:39] <Deviee_> .k

[05:39] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[05:40] <Deviee_> Dikancani marlbooroo

[05:40] <+FangYin> Heh

[05:40] <+FangYin> Dirimu rokok an?

[05:40] <Deviee_> Nek suntuk aee

[05:40] <+FangYin> Ruar biasahhh

[05:40] <Deviee_> .k

[05:40] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[05:41] <+FangYin> Koyok konco kerjoku bien

[05:41] <+FangYin> Ketoke jenenge ngarepane roro

[05:41] <+FangYin> Wong darah biru

[05:41] <Deviee_> Enak tenan..teman paling setiaaaa

[05:41] <+FangYin> Tas e isine rokok karo korek

[05:41] <+FangYin> Wkwkkwk

[05:42] <+FangYin> Koncoku kerjo bien yo ngono

[05:42] <Deviee_> Mnrtku sih wajar..sing pnting narkoba..miras...tato an

[05:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[05:42] <+FangYin> Basio jilbaban rokok an bal bulll

[05:42] <Deviee_> Naahh

[05:42] <+creasy> Naaaaaaaaaaaaahh.

[05:43] <+FangYin> Nek konco kostku bien jaman kerjo malah kerjo ndek bank

[05:43] <+FangYin> Ayu

[05:43] <+FangYin> Ketoke ndek wc ngising

[05:43] <+FangYin> Padahal rokok an

[05:43] <+FangYin> Wlwkkwk

[05:43] <Deviee_> Aku ki ndeleng tato ki bukan karena kriminal..ning kog eman2 banget kulit ditatoo

[05:44] <+FangYin> Iyo podo

[05:44] <+FangYin> Asline aku yo pengen tatoan bien

[05:44] <+FangYin> Tapi mikir mikir sek

[05:44] <+FangYin> Nek bosen ga iso permanent ngilangnone

[05:44] <Deviee_> Aku nganti saiki babarblas ra tau kepikiran tato ann

[05:45] <+FangYin> Oalah

[05:45] <+FangYin> Nek narkoba iki aku eruh dewe kakak seangkatanku

[05:45] <+FangYin> Gawe ganja

[05:45] <+FangYin> Dilinting karo kertas nguny

[05:45] <+FangYin> *ngunu

[05:45] <+FangYin> Dadi rokok

[05:45] <+FangYin> Ono sing nyuntik barang

[05:45] <+FangYin> Lanang²

[05:46] <Deviee_> Wahh

[05:46] <+FangYin> Aku kenek senggrang cak liwat ngarepe

[05:46] <+FangYin> Ancene dalane sempit

[05:47] <+tweety> always been a bit rough

[05:47] <+FangYin> Saiki wis meninggal wonge

[05:47] <+FangYin> Sakno sakjane

[05:47] <Deviee_> Nek ganja cen wangi jenk..gampang dititeni

[05:47] <+FangYin> Jamane dadi senat bien aku ruh dewe

[05:47] * +FangYin tapi gtau melu melu

[05:47] <+FangYin> Moh

[05:48] <Deviee_> Sipp

[05:48] <pHp> lhayo

[05:48] <+FangYin> Karo miras

[05:48] <+pita> Karo miras... Kiras

[05:48] <+FangYin> Sedino entek pirang batang dirimu jeng dep?

[05:48] <Deviee_> Ga mestii

[05:49] <+FangYin> Sekotak?

[05:49] <Deviee_> Nek bad mood tenan yo sebungkus iso entek

[05:49] <+FangYin> Wew

[05:49] <+FangYin> Nek bojoku seneng LA biru

[05:49] <Deviee_> Nek ga bad mood yo sebungkus iso 3 minggu an

[05:49] <+FangYin> Wogh

[05:50] <+FangYin> Warbiasah

[05:50] <pHp> aku ra mok wei dep?

[05:50] <Deviee_> Mohh omm

[05:51] <Deviee_> .k

[05:51] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[05:51] <pHp> jasik

[05:51] <Deviee_> .k

[05:51] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[05:51] <+FangYin> Koncoku bien sing kerjo ndek bank rokok e dunhill

[05:51] <pHp> [19:49] (Deviee_) Nek bad mood tenan yo sebungkus iso entek <~ iki disambi ro dikremus?

[05:52] <Deviee_> (pHp) [19:49] (Deviee_) Nek bad mood tenan yo sebungkus iso entek <~ iki disambi ro dikremus?..demus+sedal sedul

[05:52] <+FangYin> Puh

[05:52] <pHp> sahdu

[05:54] <+FangYin> .ag

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S E O V L U M (60s timeout) »]

[05:54] <+FangYin> Volumes

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( VOLUMES ) in 6.672 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define VOLUMES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:54] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[05:54] * +pita falls over

[05:54] <+FangYin> R bots

[05:54] <+pita> =]

[05:54] <+tweety> :o)

[05:54] <+creasy> =D

[05:54] <+elektra> Hoi.

[05:54] <ezza> -_-

[05:54] <+FangYin> Moo

[05:55] <+FangYin> .ag

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S I R N G (60s timeout) »]

[05:55] <+FangYin> Rings

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin has just found the correct word ( RINGS ) in 4.156 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define RINGS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[05:55] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FangYin has a LUDICROUS KILL!!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+7) »]

[05:56] <+FangYin> .money

[05:56] <@Dealer> 6 FangYin (#FangYin) has 1'850'750$ »]

[05:57] <Michi> .money

[05:57] <@Dealer> 6 Michi (#Michaella) has 670'250$ »]

[06:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[06:03] * koysms^ ( has joined #surabaya

[06:03] * Q sets mode: +b *!*

[06:03] * koysms^ was kicked by Q ()

[06:09] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[06:10] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[06:13] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:19] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[06:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #32: a wise man will control the anger rather than explode

[06:22] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[06:23] * coz (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:23] <suliw4> Wb coz

[06:24] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[06:24] <+tweety> I like them =]

[06:25] <coz> ty mbah juki

[06:25] * Nevada_ is now known as Lancelot

[06:27] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:28] <AndroUser> Test

[06:28] * AndroUser is now known as ce_lgi_pgn

[06:28] <+tweety> watch out for the moose

[06:28] <coz> wb andro

[06:29] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:29] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[06:30] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[06:30] <+elektra> Q would be ok for a drunken 1 nite stand

[06:32] <suliw4> Sepi

[06:32] <suliw4> Turu sek wae

[06:33] <coz> yah mene turu

[06:33] <coz> gawe2 kopi kang

[06:34] <Lancelot> sesepi hati ini

[06:34] <Lancelot> wkwkw

[06:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[06:50] * black (~Gethuk@ has joined #surabaya

[07:00] * black (~Gethuk@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:00] * Gethuk (~Gethuk@ has joined #surabaya

[07:01] * g_yonk (~g_yonk@ has joined #surabaya

[07:02] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[07:02] * Gethuk (~Gethuk@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:02] * coz is now known as maple

[07:03] * Q sets mode: -b *!*

[07:03] * g_yonk (~g_yonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:08] * maple is now known as coz

[07:11] * Letta ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:16] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:17] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[07:18] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:21] * AndroUser (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:22] <+pita> Uh oh. Here come the bees.

[07:22] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[07:23] * PupuSad ( has joined #surabaya

[07:29] * cowokk (~cowo@ has joined #surabaya

[07:29] * Q sets mode: +b *!*@202.*

[07:29] * cowokk was kicked by Q (Banned.)

[07:29] <elina> .ag

[07:29] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S D E F E (60s timeout) »]

[07:29] <elina> feeds

[07:29] <@Dealer> 6 elina has just found the correct word ( FEEDS ) in 17.18 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define FEEDS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[07:29] <@Dealer> 6 elina pwn'd FangYin in her winning streak! ( +7 ) »]

[07:30] <elina> .bj 10000

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 5 | 2 : Total is 7 - Dealer's hand: Q | ? »]

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[07:30] <+pita> Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds.

[07:30] <elina> h

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 10 : Total is 17 »]

[07:30] <elina> s

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: Q | 3 : Total is 13 »]

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: A : Total is 14 »]

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 7 : Total is 21 »]

[07:30] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 10'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[07:31] * PupuSad ( Quit (EOF from client)

[07:35] * PupuSad ( has joined #surabaya

[07:35] * crut ( has joined #surabaya

[07:36] * crut ( Quit (Signed off)

[07:36] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:38] * hErik (~u@ has joined #surabaya

[07:39] * hErik (~u@ Quit (EOF from client)

[07:41] <ezza> Meanwhile in Universe A, ezza A heads towards the Sun.

[07:41] <ezza> A.

[07:42] <@|In-Love|> Quote #33: TRUST is like a paper once its crumpled it cant be perfect.....

[07:45] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[07:47] * Letta ( has joined #surabaya

[07:47] * upil (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:48] <coz> wb

[07:51] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[07:52] * Q sets mode: +l 144

[07:52] * PupuSad ( Quit (EOF from client)

[08:02] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[08:03] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[08:07] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:12] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:13] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[08:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[08:27] <+FY> .ag

[08:27] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : S E T A L E R N A T I V (60s timeout) »]

[08:28] <+FY> Alternatives

[08:28] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ALTERNATIVES ) in 7.172 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define ALTERNATIVES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:28] <+FY> Sepine

[08:29] * Q sets mode: -b *!*@202.*

[08:29] <+FY> Waiki

[08:29] <+FY> .ag

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 9'000$ : T M I A R R A G N E N S (60s timeout) »]

[08:29] <+FY> Arraignments

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ARRAIGNMENTS ) in 9.735 secs . She won 9'000$ ! - Use .define ARRAIGNMENTS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:29] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[08:30] <+FY> .ag

[08:30] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : R E R B A R I S (60s timeout) »]

[08:30] <+FY> Barriers

[08:30] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( BARRIERS ) in 6.344 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define BARRIERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:30] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a Multi Kill!! (+3) »]

[08:31] <+FY> .ag

[08:31] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : S E T I M R (60s timeout) »]

[08:31] <+FY> Timers

[08:31] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( TIMERS ) in 4.312 secs . She won 4'500$ ! - Use .define TIMERS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:31] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MEGA Kill!!! (+4) »]

[08:31] <+FY> .money

[08:31] <@Dealer> 6 FY (#FY) has 1'244'000$ »]

[08:31] <+FY> .top10

[08:31] <@Dealer> 6 Current rank: 1: Bandit (Bandit) 168'135'700$ 2: kg-b (??) 139'303'326$ 3: nia (Denia) 112'691'995$ 4: Langitjingga (??) 44'642'667$ 5: n51516161717181 (??) 17'672'802$ 6: vw (??) 13'421'750$ 7: aryo (??) 6'369'500$ 8: Riie (??) 5'789'500$ 9: Letta (??) 4'189'980$ 10: skidipapap (??) 2'954'150$ »]

[08:32] <+FY> .ag

[08:32] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 5'250$ : S O T U C S M (60s timeout) »]

[08:32] <+FY> Costums

[08:32] <+FY> Customs

[08:32] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( CUSTOMS ) in 10.89 secs . She won 5'250$ ! - Use .define CUSTOMS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:32] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a ULTRA KILL!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+5) »]

[08:33] * +FY angop

[08:33] <coz> mambu

[08:33] <+FY> Nek ga ngunu lak awakmu ga ngetik

[08:33] <+FY> Pancingane berhasil

[08:34] <+FY> Awakkuuuu remeeeekkkk

[08:34] <coz> lapo remek

[08:34] <+FY> Sedino ga leren blas

[08:34] <+FY> Ono ae gaweane

[08:35] <coz> hasil e kan ya akeh

[08:35] <+FY> Iyo

[08:35] <+FY> Bener kui

[08:35] <+FY> .ag

[08:35] <@Dealer> 6 FY started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 10'500$ : I B A T N A C C O U L I T Y (60s timeout) »]

[08:36] <+FY> Accountability

[08:36] <@Dealer> 6 FY has just found the correct word ( ACCOUNTABILITY ) in 15.45 secs . She won 10'500$ ! - Use .define ACCOUNTABILITY to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[08:36] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) FY has a MONSTER KILL!!!!! - She's on a KILLING SPREE (+6) »]

[08:36] <ezza> blimey

[08:36] <+pita> yikes

[08:36] <+creasy> omg

[08:36] <+elektra> good grief

[08:36] * thekingofbandit ( Quit (G-lined)

[08:37] <coz> udan po ga fy

[08:37] <+FY> Saiki ga udan seh

[08:38] <+FY> Maeng tandang gawe ngantuk tak melek²no

[08:38] <+FY> Saiki wayahe turu malah meke

[08:38] <+FY> *melek

[08:39] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[08:39] * f_justTalking (~f_justTal@ has joined #surabaya

[08:40] <coz> biasa

[08:41] <coz> lek ga ngunu ga ono seni e

[08:41] <+FY> Iyooo

[08:41] <upil> Wb mbah coz

[08:41] <+FY> Malah nek awak loro kabeh akeh akehe ga iso turu

[08:42] <coz> ty upil

[08:42] * f_justTalking (~f_justTal@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:42] <ezza> Mmm f_justTalking.

[08:42] <+pita> =)

[08:42] <coz> aku wis ga kerjo 2 minggu tambah loro kabeh

[08:42] <+tweety> :)

[08:42] <+FY> Yo soale kulino kerjo

[08:42] <ezza> =]

[08:43] <coz> untung sek di gaji masi ga mlebu

[08:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[08:43] <+FY> Yo berarti mbeneh perusahaane

[08:44] <coz> aku seng ngakali, tp kan mergo musibah iki

[08:44] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[08:45] <+FY> Yo ga ono wong sing kenek musibah coz

[08:45] <coz> untunge jaman saiki online kabeh

[08:45] <+FY> He eh

[08:45] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:45] <+FY> Tak jajal turu sek

[08:45] <coz> ok

[08:46] <upil> Nek ndi mak fang

[08:46] <coz> ndek omah

[08:47] <coz> off sek wes suwe ol

[08:47] * coz (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[08:47] * ertigaa (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:48] <+elektra> Penguin.

[08:48] * Q sets mode: +l 138

[08:53] * Van_JaVa ( has joined #surabaya

[08:53] <Van_JaVa> ba

[08:59] * upil (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:02] * NaKaL ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:03] * Jodz_ ( has joined #surabaya

[09:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[09:03] * Jodz_ is now known as NaKaL

[09:06] * thekingofbandit ( has joined #surabaya

[09:12] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:20] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[09:25] <+creasy> when this una hits 2174 mph, we're going to see some serious shit

[09:27] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[09:30] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[10:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[10:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[10:42] * womannAtHome (~womannAtH@ has joined #surabaya

[10:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[10:44] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:45] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[10:45] * roh is now known as Toriq

[10:50] * womannAtHome (~womannAtH@ has left #surabaya

[10:54] * womannAtHome (~womannAtH@ has joined #surabaya

[10:57] * Letta ( Quit (Signed off)

[10:57] * womannAtHome (~womannAtH@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:58] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[10:58] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis

[10:58] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 13,96 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[10:58] <Van_JaVa> rung modot

[11:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[11:06] <+elektra> It looks like you're "writing" a letter!

[11:19] <+creasy> Yay! nutzs!

[11:22] <+pita> I'll be holding mine in the pub

[11:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[11:43] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[11:44] <+creasy> i have a MIGHTY NEED to use the bedroom

[11:46] <+pita> It's a paper, it's a plane, no... it's a bird.

[11:53] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[11:53] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:00] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:00] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:03] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[12:10] * Van_JaVa ( Quit (Signed off)

[12:10] <+tweety> Mmm van_java.

[12:20] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[12:20] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[12:23] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[12:32] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[12:32] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[12:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[13:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[13:11] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:11] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[13:12] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:21] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[13:32] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:32] * Gilda11 ( has joined #surabaya

[13:33] * Gilda11 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[13:40] <+creasy> I have a MIGHTY NEED to use the living room.

[13:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[13:50] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[13:51] * masbejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[13:52] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:01] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[14:02] * masbejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[14:02] * Jewel20 ( has joined #surabaya

[14:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[14:06] <+elektra> ewwwww a technique

[14:07] * Jewel20 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[14:22] <+pita> I have to get home before midnight or i'll turn into a peach.

[14:24] * OneTallTexan ( has joined #surabaya

[14:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[14:24] * OneTallTexan ( has left #surabaya

[14:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[14:58] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[14:59] <+tweety> i hope you won't think it "evil" of me to ask how you got that stylish headwound

[14:59] <+creasy> du fair? in my arm?

[14:59] <+elektra> It's more common than you think.

[14:59] <ezza> it's more likely than you think

[15:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #96: Tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri jangan sampai tahu

[15:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #37: don`t be easy to get because you`ll be easy to forget

[15:27] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[15:32] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[15:47] * +tweety yawns

[15:47] <ezza> nearly bedtime

[16:03] * +pita puts on some banging house tunes

[16:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[16:13] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[16:17] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[16:17] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:18] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[16:23] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[16:24] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[16:24] <+creasy> yay! brains!

[16:30] * masbejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[16:30] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[16:44] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[16:46] <+elektra> boom]

[16:46] * +elektra butterfingers

[16:56] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)

[16:57] * reborn ( has joined #surabaya

[16:58] * reborn ( has left #surabaya

[16:58] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[17:04] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[17:07] <+creasy> G to the O R I L L A

[17:12] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)

[17:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #49: YOU CAN'T BE WISE AND IN LOVE AT THE SAME TIME

[17:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[18:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[18:07] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:08] * Deviee_ is now known as damasiaDeviee

[18:09] <+Sinchan> fagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..

[18:11] <damasiaDeviee> Giii

[18:12] <+pita> what to do, what to do... three hundred one-dollar hookerbots or one three hundred dollar hooker bot?

[18:15] * cow_30 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[18:29] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[18:29] * Michi ( Quit (Registered)

[18:29] * Michi ( has joined #surabaya

[18:30] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[18:36] * damasiaDeviee is now known as deviee_

[18:37] * novita ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:39] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:43] * deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[18:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #115: r bots

[18:45] <+creasy> r :)

[18:48] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:48] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[18:58] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:00] * ce_lgi_pgn (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[19:01] * white ( has joined #surabaya

[19:01] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[19:02] * dead_ (~Android@ has joined #surabaya

[19:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination

[19:05] * ce_lgi_pgn2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:05] * dead_ (~Android@ Quit (EOF from client)

[19:06] * dead_ (~Android@ has joined #surabaya

[19:07] * dead_ (~Android@ has left #surabaya

[19:20] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[19:23] * ce_lgi_pgn2 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[19:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[19:31] * dead_ (~dead@ has joined #surabaya

[19:36] * dead_ (~dead@ has left #surabaya

[19:41] <Deviee_> (+kopiQ) rhe nyimak mbi makaryo yaa..koyo jaman walondo waee..kerjo terooss..kapan dolaaanee

[19:42] <+pita> I'm going to "drink" until I reboot!

[19:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #128: !* jika aku memperlakukanmu sebagaimana Kamu memperlakukanku,kamu Akan membenciku *!

[19:46] * Letta ( has joined #surabaya

[19:47] * masbejo (~cinta@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:00] * novita ( has joined #surabaya

[20:01] <+elektra> Ewwwww bomb bbq.

[20:03] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[20:03] * ombejo (~cinta@ has joined #surabaya

[20:04] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[20:04] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[20:04] <Michi> .ag

[20:04] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 6'000$ : S R T A T R C O (60s timeout) »]

[20:05] <Michi> Tractors

[20:05] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( TRACTORS ) in 10.15 secs . She won 6'000$ ! - Use .define TRACTORS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:05] <@Dealer> 6 Michi pwn'd FY in her winning streak! ( +6 ) »]

[20:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[20:06] <Michi> .ag

[20:06] <@Dealer> 6 Michi started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S X I M E (60s timeout) »]

[20:06] <Michi> Mixes

[20:06] <@Dealer> 6 Michi has just found the correct word ( MIXES ) in 10.34 secs . She won 3'750$ ! - Use .define MIXES to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[20:06] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) Michi has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[20:06] <Michi> . money

[20:06] <Michi> .money

[20:06] <@Dealer> 6 Michi (#Michaella) has 702'500$ »]

[20:08] * cow_30 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:09] * ertiga (~ertiga@ has joined #surabaya

[20:09] * AngeLL (webchat@oqel.yg9w.vigm.ip) has joined #surabaya

[20:09] <ertiga> Angell 😊

[20:11] * AngeLL (webchat@oqel.yg9w.vigm.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:11] * +Sinchan gives a lollipop to AngeLL =P @--

[20:12] * kampret (~Butler@ has joined #surabaya

[20:14] * ombejo (~cinta@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:17] * white ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:18] * kampret (~Butler@ Quit (Registered)

[20:18] * kampret ( has joined #surabaya

[20:19] <+creasy> Est-ce que je peux venir maintenant?

[20:19] <+pita> Non, attends.

[20:19] <+creasy> Trop trad

[20:19] <+creasy> Desole pour ta robe

[20:19] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[20:42] * kampret ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:43] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[20:43] * ertiga (~ertiga@ Quit (Signed off)

[20:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[20:53] * raluca25 (~ralu@ has joined #surabaya

[20:53] * raluca25 (~ralu@ has left #surabaya

[21:05] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[21:08] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[21:11] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[21:16] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[21:25] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[21:31] <+pita> he may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!

[21:37] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)

[21:37] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[21:41] <+creasy> Ha ha i don't live in norwich anymore, i don't fuck pigs anymore.

[21:45] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[21:46] <+pita> omg no

[21:46] <+creasy> about half-past three, I think

[21:46] <+elektra> Only with wizwoz.

[21:54] * dead_ (~dead@ has joined #surabaya

[21:56] <dead_> .seen Troy_vodka

[21:56] <NapaLm> Troy_vodka ( terakhir gue liat dia keluar IRC dari #jakarta 186 hari, 3 menit yang lalu. Pesan : (Signed off).

[21:56] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to advertise here, you have been warned!)

[21:56] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[21:58] <TjahAyoe> Matio han

[21:58] <TjahAyoe> .slaps dead_

[21:58] <@Dealer> 6 TjahAyoe slaps dead_ around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[21:58] <TjahAyoe> .i dead_

[21:58] <dead_> he

[21:58] <TjahAyoe> Kojom ae

[21:58] <dead_> cek auth

[21:58] <dead_> mati kok

[21:58] <TjahAyoe> Innalilahi

[21:59] <dead_> .slaps Light

[21:59] <@Dealer> 6 dead_ slaps Light around a bit with a large trout. (antispam 10 secs) »]

[22:00] <TjahAyoe> Bengi han

[22:00] <TjahAyoe> Opo pm ae

[22:02] * Setan (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[22:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[22:08] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[22:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #1: 1 now or never

[22:26] <TjahAyoe> .i dead_

[22:26] <dead_> heh

[22:26] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwkw

[22:26] <TjahAyoe> Kujum ae

[22:26] <dead_> sebelah

[22:27] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[22:28] <+creasy> my speedos!

[22:30] <+tweety> r

[22:30] <+pita> r :)

[22:34] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[22:38] * ezza awakens

[22:38] * Michi ( Quit (Signed off)

[22:38] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go =(

[22:39] <dead_> .seen citra

[22:39] <NapaLm> citra ( terakhir gue liat dia minggat #quakezone 1 year, 328 hari, 21 jam, 52 menit yang lalu Pesan : "{}".

[22:40] <dead_> Woh bongko

[22:45] * Setan (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[22:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[22:53] * +elektra goes for coffee

[23:01] <dead_> .PING

[23:01] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[23:01] <@Dealer> dead_: Pong! (0.406s)

[23:01] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[23:02] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[23:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[23:14] <elina> .ag

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 elina started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 4'500$ : T E T I C K (60s timeout) »]

[23:14] <elina> .bj 10000

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 elina bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. elina's hand: 2 | 7 : Total is 9 - Dealer's hand: 8 | ? »]

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D') »]

[23:14] <elina> d

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 elina hits: 3 : Total is 12 »]

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer's hand: 8 | 3 : Total is 11 »]

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer hits: 8 : Total is 19 »]

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 Dealer wins! elina loses 20'000$ - (antispam 30sec) »]

[23:14] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-game) Letters: T E T I C K - Here's a hint : T I . . . . - Hurry up! 31 secs remaining! »]

[23:15] <@Dealer> 6 Timeout! No one found the word of the Anagram-game! The word to find was: T I C K E T with the letters T E T I C K (Use .define TICKET to get a definition of the word) - (antispam 10s) »]

[23:15] <@Dealer> 6 Winning streak for #Michaella stopped ( +2 ) »]

[23:22] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (EOF from client)

[23:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #130: =× being blinded in love and friendship is a common mistake x=

[23:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[23:52] * vgybhnjmklpcftr ( has joined #surabaya

[23:52] <@|In-Love|> wb miss kadas sik ayu dhwew

[23:52] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Holoh

[23:54] * dead_ (~dead@ Quit (Registered)

[23:54] * dead_ ( has joined #surabaya

[23:54] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> ???

[23:54] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Troy toh?

[23:55] <dead_> bukan om

[23:55] <dead_> orang caem ini

[23:55] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Holoh

[23:55] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Pret

[23:55] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> We kok tumben bangkit meneh

[23:55] <dead_> ;p

[23:55] <dead_> gabut

[23:56] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Opo kangen mbe mbakmu?

[23:56] <dead_> mana yg rame

[23:56] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Kakaakakak

[23:56] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Abocy

[23:56] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Rono o

[23:56] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Kangen2 an mbe mbakmu

[23:56] <dead_> rame a

[23:56] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Hu uh

[23:57] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Nek waroeng kae rame troy

[23:57] <dead_> gk Nok gadis2 e.

[23:57] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Akeh kopi susu

[23:57] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Susu tubruk

[23:57] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Susu pangku

[23:57] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Hahaahaha

[23:58] <+tweety> Release the pig$!#@#$#

[23:58] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Rono o ta ah

[23:58] <dead_> sik sik

[23:58] <dead_> php

[23:58] <dead_> suwepi

[23:58] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Jiakakkaaka

[23:58] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Nek indogaul

[23:59] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Saiki seng rame room 3 mek an

[23:59] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Waroeng indogaul abocy

[23:59] <dead_> JKT kok sepi

[23:59] * dead_ is now known as Troy_vodka

[00:00] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Iyo

[00:00] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Saiki sepi

[00:00] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Kaget yo

[00:00] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Lagi iki sepi jkt

[00:01] <Troy_vodka> wah wah

[00:01] <Troy_vodka> kurang jamu e

[00:01] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Gara2 ya nopir kae

[00:01] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Teruz monik

[00:01] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Sepi wez

[00:01] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Wkksskkskss

[00:01] <Troy_vodka> apik iku

[00:01] <Troy_vodka> onok user koyok nopir

[00:01] <Troy_vodka> kro monik

[00:02] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Saiki ra enek op ne

[00:02] <Troy_vodka> wkwkwkkwk

[00:02] <Troy_vodka> mosok beb

[00:02] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Saiki wez ra ol

[00:02] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Jarang wez an

[00:02] <+elektra> I'd Jarang his an.

[00:02] <Letta> Wew enek troy

[00:03] <Troy_vodka> zzz...

[00:03] <+tweety> Sorry, are we <notopic>keeping you up</notopic>?

[00:03] <+pita> *lends troy_vodka a pillow*

[00:03] * +elektra hands troy_vodksome ProPlus

[00:03] * ezza hands Troy_vodka a coffee

[00:03] * Troy_vodka jilat2 Letta

[00:03] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Wjwjwwwjwww

[00:03] <Letta> Wwh

[00:04] <Troy_vodka> jam Piro Nek rame iki

[00:04] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Malam

[00:04] <Letta> Troy_vodka ki saiki kucing u Sam?

[00:04] <Troy_vodka> ohh bengi

[00:04] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Bar magrib mulai mangkal o

[00:04] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Sampe isuk

[00:04] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Lak rame

[00:05] <Troy_vodka> mosok

[00:05] <Letta> Hu uh

[00:05] <Letta> Dandan o sing ayu Troy_vodka

[00:05] <Letta> Akeh om2 kene ki

[00:05] * Troy_vodka Kosek Letta

[00:05] <Troy_vodka> Iyo ta

[00:05] <Letta> Tenan

[00:06] <Letta> Ombejo lak mangkal neng kene

[00:06] <Troy_vodka> ah

[00:06] * Troy_vodka garuk2 singlit

[00:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #104: jadilah manusia yang punya pendirian jangan di belakang lain di depan lain!!

[00:06] <Troy_vodka> .seen katempik

[00:06] <NapaLm> Troy_vodka, Gue enggak pernah liat katempik.

[00:06] * NapaLm was kicked by |In-Love| (You are not allowed to say that here, you have been warned!)

[00:06] * NapaLm ( has joined #surabaya

[00:06] <Troy_vodka> dooh DC

[00:07] <Letta> Pecicilan kok e

[00:07] <Troy_vodka> knp itu NapaLm

[00:07] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[00:10] <Troy_vodka> .ping

[00:10] <@Dealer> Troy_vodka: Pong! (0.407s)

[00:10] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[00:23] <+elektra> I didn't!

[00:24] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Ksksskksksks

[00:25] <Troy_vodka> sarap

[00:25] <Troy_vodka> waras ta koen beb

[00:25] <Troy_vodka> wes knek korona ta durung

[00:25] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Loken

[00:26] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Ojo sampek

[00:26] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Donga mu elek

[00:26] <Troy_vodka> Lo iku takok

[00:26] <Troy_vodka> wkwkwkkwk

[00:26] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Ksksskskkakaka

[00:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[00:26] <Troy_vodka> huss

[00:26] <Troy_vodka> Ojo ombo2

[00:26] <Troy_vodka> ceysa gk tau ol a

[00:26] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Ol

[00:27] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Tapi jaranggg

[00:27] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Sesasi durung karuan

[00:27] <Troy_vodka> oh ejek orep arek iku

[00:27] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Mih kisut seng ol bendino

[00:27] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Ol mbe nyusoni anak e

[00:27] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Ijek

[00:28] <Troy_vodka> wah Nek kisut pancen hoby

[00:28] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Jiakkakaka

[00:28] <Troy_vodka> ber hendak ria

[00:28] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Iyo ancene hobi gendak an kae

[00:28] <Troy_vodka> layo

[00:28] <Troy_vodka> Podo koyok koen

[00:28] <Troy_vodka> kujum trs

[00:28] <Troy_vodka> uhukkkk

[00:28] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Tom yo kadang ol

[00:29] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Holoh

[00:29] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Ra tau kujum aku

[00:29] <Troy_vodka> tom aktipe gok wa

[00:29] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Nek kene juga

[00:29] <Troy_vodka> bergerilya

[00:29] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Wkwkwwksks

[00:29] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Nek grup wa iyo kui

[00:30] * Troy_vodka endus2 putri

[00:30] <Troy_vodka> wah grup opo neh iku

[00:30] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Wkwkwkwkw

[00:30] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Yo grup kae

[00:30] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Wek e mih kisut

[00:30] <Troy_vodka> oh metu aku

[00:30] <Troy_vodka> Ra grup2,an

[00:30] <Troy_vodka> bahaya

[00:31] <Troy_vodka> wkwkwkkwk

[00:31] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Hahahaahha

[00:31] <Troy_vodka> engkok kilap

[00:31] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Iyo disemprit mbokwek we

[00:31] <Troy_vodka> wkwkwkwk

[00:31] <Troy_vodka> wes njebrot a rere

[00:31] <Troy_vodka> wedok PO Lanang anak e

[00:39] <vgybhnjmklpcftr> Wedok

[00:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[01:02] * Troy_vodka ( Quit (Signed off)

[01:02] <ezza> I like them :o)

[01:02] * dead_ (~dead@ has joined #surabaya

[01:02] * dead_ (~dead@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:03] * mama (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #7: Whatever you do good or bad people will always have something negative to say!!!!

[01:06] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[01:06] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[01:07] <crut> .ping

[01:07] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[01:07] <@Dealer> crut: Pong! (1.609s)

[01:08] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[01:08] <ezza> mmm crut

[01:08] <+elektra> =)

[01:08] <+creasy> :)

[01:08] <ezza> =)

[01:08] <+elektra> =D

[01:08] <+tweety> =D

[01:14] * vgybhnjmklpcftr ( Quit (Signed off)

[01:14] <+tweety> Bye vgybhnjmklpcftr.

[01:23] <+herra> Tess

[01:25] <+pita> mmm... cheesy

[01:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #13: TO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU!!

[01:27] * Sinchan_ ( has joined #surabaya

[01:29] * Sinchan is now known as cincan

[01:29] * Sinchan_ is now known as Sinchan

[01:31] <+herra> Bang sinchan lagi

[01:33] <Sinchan> hy herra khan

[01:33] <Sinchan> piye kabare

[01:33] <+herra> hy sinchan khan

[01:33] <+herra> Baik lah

[01:34] <Sinchan> aseeeekk

[01:34] <+herra> Gimana kbr bang sinchan khan

[01:35] <+herra> Semoga malam minggu nya lancar

[01:35] <Sinchan> apik2 wae mbak

[01:35] <Sinchan> ic

[01:36] <Sinchan> semua malam dunk

[01:36] <Sinchan> moso' cmn malem minggu sii

[01:36] * mama is now known as mamamuda

[01:36] <Sinchan> waw

[01:36] <Sinchan> hy mamamuda

[01:36] <Sinchan> mama mama... Sinchan laper maa

[01:38] <+herra> (Sinchan) mama mama... Sinchan laper maa... Sampe kumisan nahan laper maa

[01:38] <Sinchan> iyaa nih

[01:38] <Sinchan> -_-

[01:38] <+elektra> ;)

[01:38] <+pita> ^_^

[01:38] <+tweety> =]

[01:38] <+tweety> ;)

[01:39] <Sinchan> bots give herra icecream

[01:39] * +tweety gives herra "icecream"

[01:39] * +creasy gives herra icecream

[01:39] * ezza gives herra icecream

[01:39] * +elektra gives herra icecream

[01:40] <+pita> *gives herra icecream*

[01:40] <+herra> Makasih.. Walaupun pun tak berasa

[01:43] <Sinchan> :D

[01:44] <Sinchan> herra jan jalan yuk

[01:44] <Sinchan> eh

[01:45] * Sinchan lirik kiri kanan

[01:45] <+herra> Jalan kemana bang

[01:45] <Sinchan> ntar ada golok terbang

[01:45] <Sinchan> ke taman

[01:45] <+herra> Jgn ke kuburan lagi lohh.. Masa aku ditinggal

[01:45] <Sinchan> eh ga jadi dink

[01:45] * Sinchan atut

[01:46] <+herra> Wkakaka

[01:46] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[01:46] * Sinchan off duluan ya..

[01:47] <+herra> Oke

[01:47] <Sinchan> mo ashar An duyu..

[01:47] <Sinchan> dadaaaaaaaaa h

[01:47] <+herra> Sipp bang

[01:47] <+herra> Dahh

[01:47] <+pita> I'd Sipp his bang

[02:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[02:06] <@|In-Love|> Quote #135: kamus 2 metuntung artinya biasane di pake pria , jadi mlenuk metuntung nonong pada dasarnya sama arti sama2 maju opsed nya

[02:08] <Geblek> wmwkwk

[02:22] * zoonk (~zoonk@ has joined #surabaya

[02:26] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[02:39] * mamamuda (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:45] * zoonk (~zoonk@ Quit (Signed off)

[02:45] * Q sets mode: +l 137

[02:45] <+tweety> Mmm zoonk.

[02:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[02:49] <ezza> You're watching the Family Learning Channel. And now, angry tics fly out of my nipples!

[03:01] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[03:04] * Adis (webchat@jvpe.uvv8.n9d7.ip) has joined #surabaya

[03:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #97: open your mind before open your mouth!!

[03:08] * Adis (webchat@jvpe.uvv8.n9d7.ip) Quit (Ping timeout)

[03:09] <+elektra> Assimilation is futile, you will be resi... D'OH!

[03:21] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:22] <mimin> .ag

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S X A T I (60s timeout) »]

[03:22] <mimin> Taxis

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( TAXIS ) in 8.578 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define TAXIS to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:22] <mimin> .ag

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 mimin started an ANAGRAM-GAME! Use .ag <answer> (without <>). For 3'750$ : S I S U E (60s timeout) »]

[03:22] <mimin> Issue

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 mimin has just found the correct word ( ISSUE ) in 4.547 secs . He won 3'750$ ! - Use .define ISSUE to get a definition of the word - (antispam 10s) »]

[03:22] <@Dealer> 6 (Anagram-Game) mimin has a Double Kill! (+2) »]

[03:23] * mimin (~androirc@ has left #surabaya

[03:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[03:30] * dead_ (~dead@ has joined #surabaya

[03:34] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:34] <crut> .ping

[03:34] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:34] <@Dealer> crut: Pong! (1.75s)

[03:35] <dead_> .ping

[03:35] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:35] <@Dealer> dead_: Pong! (0.36s)

[03:35] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:36] * androirc (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:36] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[03:41] <dead_> .ping

[03:41] <@Dealer> dead_: Pong! (0.328s)

[03:41] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #112: (+elektra) whoooo I'm naked

[03:47] <ezza> Aw... somebody needs a hug :o)

[03:47] * crut (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:48] <crut> .ping

[03:48] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:48] <@Dealer> crut: Pong! (1.125s)

[03:48] * crut (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[03:48] <ezza> bye crut

[03:48] <dead_> bye

[03:54] * Deviee_ (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:55] * Deviee_ is now known as TitiWancinipun

[03:55] <dead_> TitiWancinipun

[03:56] <TitiWancinipun> Nggih

[03:57] <dead_> pripun

[03:57] <dead_> sampun dahar

[03:58] <TitiWancinipun> Dereengg

[03:58] <dead_> Monggo dahar

[03:58] <dead_> mangke bongko loh

[03:58] <dead_> Nek mboten dahar

[03:58] <TitiWancinipun> Mboten dahar monggo

[03:58] <dead_> ;p

[03:58] * cruts (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[03:58] <cruts> .ping

[03:58] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[03:58] <@Dealer> cruts: Pong! (0.969s)

[03:59] <dead_> pang PING ae

[03:59] <dead_> jingan

[03:59] <cruts> Ra sah diwoco

[03:59] <dead_> ketok

[03:59] <cruts> Merem nu

[03:59] <dead_> emoh

[04:00] <dead_> TitiWancinipun

[04:00] <dead_> pripun

[04:00] * cruts (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:00] <TitiWancinipun> Ngggihh

[04:04] <dead_> .ping

[04:04] <@Dealer> dead_: Pong! (0.36s)

[04:04] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[04:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[04:08] * androirc (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:14] * androirc (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:18] * dead_ (~dead@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:18] * dead_ (~dead@ has joined #surabaya

[04:20] <dead_> .ping

[04:20] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[04:20] <@Dealer> dead_: Pong! (0.328s)

[04:24] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[04:25] * S1mstim_R4ndy ( has joined #surabaya

[04:25] <dead_> .ping

[04:25] <@Dealer> dead_: Pong! (0.375s)

[04:25] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[04:26] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[04:26] * S1mstim_R4ndy ( has left #surabaya

[04:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[04:30] <dead_> .ping

[04:30] <@Dealer> dead_: Pong! (0.313s)

[04:31] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[04:46] * dead_ (~dead@ Quit (Signed off)

[04:47] * dead_ (~dead@ has joined #surabaya

[04:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[04:50] * androirc (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[04:51] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[04:54] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[04:55] * Jodz ( Quit (Signed off)

[04:55] <+tweety> I like them -_-

[04:56] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[05:04] * wajan (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:07] * mimin (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #118: bots did you do something naughty today?

[05:07] <+elektra> yes but i wish i'd gone kettle-kicking ^_^

[05:07] <+pita> how could i when i had NaKaL licking Devon

[05:07] <+creasy> no i spent my time contemplating how i nullified kadal in the buttocks

[05:07] * wajan (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[05:07] * wajan (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[05:08] * dead_ (~dead@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:08] <+tweety> Bye dead_

[05:09] * dead_ (~dead@ has joined #surabaya

[05:19] * Jodz ( has joined #surabaya

[05:20] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[05:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #17: kalau kata tak lagi BERMAKNA lebih baik diam saja

[05:27] * mimin (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[05:50] * TitiWancinipun is now known as ranniee

[05:56] * ranniee (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[05:56] * Q sets mode: +l 140

[05:57] <nandini> .ag

[05:58] <nandini> .ig

[05:58] <nandini> .ug

[05:58] <nandini> .eg

[05:58] <nandini> .og

[06:00] <+elektra> These last 24 hours have been the happiest days of my life.

[06:01] <+creasy> setty mings lalalala

[06:06] <+pita> Coffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffee *glug glug*

[06:06] <+pita> *DING* (100)

[06:06] <+pita> :D

[06:07] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[06:08] * Clarissa20 ( has joined #surabaya

[06:08] * Clarissa20 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:16] * wajan (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[06:19] <TjahAyoe> .i troy_vodka

[06:20] * Aela_ (Aela@ has joined #surabaya

[06:20] <TjahAyoe> Wb aela_

[06:20] <Aela_> Ty TjahAyoe

[06:20] <TjahAyoe> .seen dead_

[06:20] <TjahAyoe> Yuhuu

[06:27] <@|In-Love|> Quote #98: never mix bussines with pleasure

[06:37] * asn1 (~ngok@ has joined #surabaya

[06:38] * asn1 (~ngok@ has left #surabaya

[06:41] * dead_ (~dead@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[06:43] * Van_JaVa (~ebeb@ has joined #surabaya

[06:43] <Van_JaVa> ba

[06:45] <+pita> I have hands!

[06:47] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[07:04] * cow_30 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:05] * AMD (~xz@ has joined #surabaya

[07:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[07:09] * BQ hoamss

[07:09] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:10] <AMD> wb

[07:10] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[07:14] * cowok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[07:14] * cowok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[07:17] <+elektra> basically, I look good ni hot pants.

[07:25] * reborn ( has joined #surabaya

[07:25] <reborn> halo

[07:25] * reborn ( has left #surabaya

[07:25] <+tweety> i wish they didn't have to go :~(

[07:26] * thekingofbandit ( Quit (EOF from client)

[07:26] * thekingofbandit ( has joined #surabaya

[07:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #99: teman akan menikam mu dari belakang tapi sahabat akan menampar mu dari depan

[07:36] * clips is now known as Kapox_Island

[07:37] * Achiem (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[07:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[07:48] <ezza> 69

[07:48] <+tweety> i might know

[07:48] <+creasy> perhaps

[07:48] <+pita> if i tell you, i will have to kill you

[07:48] <+elektra> Can i ask the audience?

[07:48] <+creasy> Ezza: that's numberwang!

[07:56] <+pita> my speedos!

[07:59] <NaKaL> !Ping me

[07:59] <NapaLm> No responce from me

[07:59] <techshelf> normal NaKaL your response 4 second(s)

[08:01] * afy (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:03] * afy (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:03] * cow30 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:03] * dead_ (~dead@ has joined #surabaya

[08:04] <dead_> .ping

[08:04] <@|In-Love|> maaf tower nya rubuh sinyal anda hilang

[08:04] <@Dealer> dead_: Pong! (0.313s)

[08:04] * Q sets mode: +l 146

[08:04] * Yoona (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:05] <dead_> Yoona

[08:05] <dead_> apa km yono

[08:05] <Yoona> Beda loh

[08:05] <Yoona> Tulisan aja beda

[08:05] <dead_> ohh beda ke

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Haaan

[08:05] <dead_> ini Yoona yg mn?

[08:05] <Yoona> Kagak isa baca ya

[08:05] <TjahAyoe> Iku indo rame

[08:06] <dead_> TjahAyoe uii

[08:06] <TjahAyoe> Kumpul2

[08:06] <Yoona> Yoona yg ini

[08:06] <dead_> Yoona yg mn

[08:06] <Yoona> Emang ada byk yoona gtu

[08:06] <dead_> banyak

[08:06] <Yoona> Oalahhh

[08:06] <dead_> ini yg mn

[08:06] <dead_> kumpul2 piye?

[08:06] <Yoona> Ya pkkx mah yoona

[08:07] <dead_> orang mn Yoona

[08:07] <Yoona> Org Indonesia

[08:07] <Yoona> Ahayyy

[08:07] <dead_> ohhh

[08:07] <dead_> gtu

[08:07] <Achiem> kkkkkkkkkk

[08:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[08:08] <Achiem> yoona apanya yono?

[08:08] <Yoona> Astagaaaa

[08:08] <Yoona> Knp dri tdi di kira yono seh

[08:08] * cow_30 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:09] <dead_> karna y

[08:09] <dead_> y indentik dgn yonoo

[08:09] <Achiem> lhaiya

[08:10] <Yoona> Anggap aja kembaranx yonoo

[08:10] <Yoona> Puas?

[08:10] <dead_> ohh

[08:10] <Yoona> 😂

[08:10] <AMD> asulole

[08:10] <+herra> Hoaamz

[08:10] <dead_> bisa jdi ini ada main sama yonoo

[08:10] <Achiem> owalah kembaran

[08:11] <dead_> parahsih

[08:11] <Yoona> Hah main??main apaan?

[08:11] <dead_> hayooo

[08:11] <AMD> jesica mana yoona

[08:11] <dead_> main apa

[08:11] <Achiem> main congklak yono

[08:11] <AMD> taeyeon

[08:11] <dead_> hy di

[08:11] <AMD> hy

[08:11] <Yoona> Jesica sapa lgi ini

[08:11] <dead_> waras?

[08:11] <AMD> dead sopo

[08:11] <AMD> edan

[08:12] * dead_ arek caem

[08:12] <AMD> snsd

[08:12] <Achiem> pacarmu wi om

[08:12] <AMD> adis a

[08:12] <dead_> sembarang

[08:12] <TjahAyoe> Troy

[08:12] <TjahAyoe> Arek elek

[08:12] <Yoona> Ehh ada yg tau snsd loh

[08:12] <AMD> wkwkw

[08:12] <dead_> drijimu han

[08:12] <dead_> muwales

[08:12] <TjahAyoe> Drijiku jujur salah

[08:12] <TjahAyoe> Apus2 salah

[08:12] * androirc (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:13] <AMD> elek2o lak ketemu adu lambe

[08:13] <TjahAyoe> Wes tak brb

[08:13] <AMD> repot

[08:13] <dead_> iya e

[08:13] <AMD> yoona ig please

[08:13] <dead_> ada sekandal Yoona dan yonoo ini

[08:13] <dead_> fix

[08:13] <AMD> pak yoono

[08:14] <dead_> yoi

[08:14] <Yoona> Dead nih kek ada dendam sm yono deh

[08:14] <Yoona> Dri tdi yono terusss

[08:14] <dead_> Anda bisa buktikan klo anda bukan yonoo

[08:14] <AMD> awakmu eruh indomie jumbo biru troy

[08:14] <dead_> piye di

[08:14] <Yoona> Caranya?

[08:14] <AMD> barusan entek 2 aq

[08:15] <AMD> wkwkkw

[08:15] <dead_> caranya cek Ig

[08:15] <AMD> mabuk mie

[08:15] <Yoona> Ahay

[08:15] <dead_> sama gak Ig nya

[08:15] <AMD> sampekk hekkk

[08:15] <dead_> sini Yoona

[08:15] <androirc> kui bebek

[08:15] <androirc> duk yono

[08:15] <AMD> bebek seng kae

[08:15] <dead_> lah

[08:15] <androirc> eo

[08:15] <AMD> seng kurang waras

[08:15] <dead_> muncul orang ke 3

[08:15] <AMD> wkwkwkwkkw

[08:15] <androirc> :v

[08:15] <dead_> bebek

[08:15] <Yoona> Emang ada yg pake nik yono gtu disini?

[08:16] <androirc> mantan e troy

[08:16] <dead_> fix

[08:16] <Achiem> banyak

[08:16] <AMD> kelamine g jelas

[08:16] <androirc> ahiakkkkk

[08:16] <Achiem> dead aja yono

[08:16] <dead_> Yona yono

[08:16] <Achiem> androirc juga yono

[08:16] <Yoona> Salah pake nik diriku sepertinya

[08:16] <androirc> .k

[08:16] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:16] <Achiem> amd yanto

[08:16] <dead_> fix sih ini

[08:16] <dead_> ada kejanggalan

[08:16] <AMD> yanto?

[08:17] * suliw4 (~mas@ has joined #surabaya

[08:17] <Achiem> .k

[08:17] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:17] <Yoona> Kejanggalannya apa coba?

[08:17] <dead_> .k

[08:17] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:17] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:17] <AMD> sok tau

[08:17] <TjahAyoe> Wb mbah sul

[08:17] * Fi3 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:17] <dead_> karna km gk kasi lg

[08:17] <dead_> itu janggal banget

[08:17] <dead_> ya kan man teman

[08:17] <androirc> TjahAyoe <= iki arwo

[08:17] <suliw4> Ty dek ayoe

[08:17] <androirc> adik e yono

[08:17] <suliw4> Wb fi3

[08:17] <androirc> kancane bejo

[08:17] <Yoona> Bru juga masuk lg setelah sekian lama

[08:17] <TjahAyoe> Loken ndog ki

[08:18] <Yoona> Lgsg di curigai

[08:18] <androirc> :v

[08:18] <+pita> bleh

[08:18] <AMD> makanya ignya apa yoona

[08:18] <dead_> emang Yoona pnya ig

[08:19] <Yoona> Yono tuh siapa seh?

[08:19] <Yoona> Bikin rusak ajah deh haha

[08:19] <androirc> dyar

[08:19] <dead_> yoono itu orang pedopil

[08:19] <androirc> kasihan yono ndak ol pun kena sasaran

[08:19] <androirc> :v

[08:19] <dead_> jangan2 km dan Yono........

[08:20] <dead_> ;p

[08:20] <Yoona> Ganti nik ahh

[08:20] <Yoona> Pdhl mikir sejam loh cari nik

[08:20] <AMD> wkwkwk

[08:20] <AMD> lebay

[08:20] <dead_> wah

[08:20] <dead_> fix

[08:20] <AMD> sak jam barang

[08:20] <dead_> ini yonoo yg ganti Nick 1jam

[08:21] <dead_> layo

[08:21] <TjahAyoe> [23:20] (Yoona) Pdhl mikir sejam loh cari nik>> ganti aja troy_vodka kaya nya bguss

[08:21] <TjahAyoe> Nick mu ganti itu

[08:21] <dead_> matane

[08:21] <TjahAyoe> Untunyaaah

[08:21] <Yoona> Troy vodka??hmmm kayak kenal yah

[08:21] <Yoona> Hahay

[08:21] <+tweety> Ah yes... uh... androirc! and how is the happiness probe in your "brain" doing today, FILTHY HUMAN?

[08:21] <+pita> =)

[08:21] <+creasy> ;)

[08:21] <TjahAyoe> Itu nick ee sdh lama almarhum

[08:21] <ezza> :-)

[08:21] <TjahAyoe> Jd kudu ada penerusnya kk yoona

[08:21] <TjahAyoe> ;/

[08:22] <Yoona> Ohhh gtu

[08:22] <androirc> genti nick tongkang apik bek

[08:22] <dead_> .k

[08:22] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:22] <androirc> genep 1 jam di sawat jangkar

[08:22] <dead_> sad

[08:22] <TjahAyoe> Loken.. kembaran abi melok ae

[08:22] <TjahAyoe> Gak nyusuul pisan ta kembaran halan2

[08:22] <androirc> ceplosan aq mi

[08:22] <androirc> hahahahaha

[08:22] <+pita> I told you that you would would rue the day when you messed with pita... now begin your rueing... i'll just sit here and watch.

[08:22] <androirc> nyusui akutuh

[08:22] <androirc> iso kon halan2 i

[08:22] <Yoona> Mikir cari nik lgi ahh

[08:22] <TjahAyoe> Nyusu udu nyusui

[08:23] <TjahAyoe> Kadal mesir aja bagus

[08:23] <androirc> woh iyo ding

[08:23] <androirc> :v

[08:23] <TjahAyoe> Apa santri nakal gt

[08:23] <TjahAyoe> Iku halan2 jogja

[08:23] <androirc> ngukur tinggine benteng kae ya

[08:23] <androirc> amoh wes

[08:23] <androirc> :v

[08:24] <TjahAyoe> Kwkwkwkwk

[08:24] <TjahAyoe> Ngukur tinggi badan q ae

[08:24] <TjahAyoe> :/

[08:25] <androirc> cik

[08:25] <Achiem> yono mana tadi

[08:25] <androirc> lak mek milimeter mi

[08:26] <dead_> ahhhh...

[08:26] <Achiem> sopo di ukur?

[08:26] <dead_> wenak wes bar nyeruput

[08:26] <dead_> piye rek

[08:26] <dead_> Podo sehat

[08:26] <ezza> piye rek? More like riye pek, am I correct?

[08:26] <androirc> awak e sehat troy

[08:26] <androirc> kacuk e seng gregesi

[08:26] <androirc> obat e opo ki

[08:26] <TjahAyoe> Seruput lambe??

[08:26] <dead_> wkwkwkkwkw

[08:27] <Achiem> loken

[08:27] <dead_> iki angek wes

[08:27] <TjahAyoe> Cepit no Lawang

[08:27] <Yoona> Yono mana sih

[08:27] <dead_> *angel

[08:27] <androirc> cik

[08:27] <TjahAyoe> Dadi pisang gapit

[08:27] <Achiem> di anggep e sunat wi ora loro

[08:27] <androirc> cepitne lawang ilang sak ndas² ane lak blaen

[08:27] <Achiem> iso cepitke lawang i

[08:27] <androirc> kakakakakakakka

[08:27] <TjahAyoe> Ito

[08:27] <Achiem> lawang uyuh ta?

[08:27] <TjahAyoe> *iyo

[08:27] <TjahAyoe> Gpp wes

[08:28] <TjahAyoe> Lawang anua

[08:28] <androirc> kyo pres mika wae

[08:28] <TjahAyoe> *anus

[08:28] * androirc ngikik

[08:28] <dead_> opo Jik iso ngaceng lek

[08:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #122: ^^ never get jealous when you see your ex with some1 else because our parents ,thought us to give our used toys to the less fortunate ^^

[08:28] <Achiem> jasik bolongan telek

[08:28] <AMD> bauwooklk

[08:28] <TjahAyoe> Suwi nganggur

[08:28] <+tweety> So... about my sandwich..

[08:28] <TjahAyoe> Juh mbah amd

[08:28] <TjahAyoe> Saru

[08:28] <AMD> kok yo wes dalu to

[08:28] <androirc> insyaallah iso nek nyawang pp ne TjahAyoe

[08:29] <dead_> mok gawe bahan col ta

[08:29] <dead_> iku potone

[08:29] <Achiem> he eh... sesabar itu aku tuh

[08:29] <androirc> tak gedekne potone

[08:29] <dead_> se tak Dolok e

[08:29] * Yoona gak ngerti hiks

[08:29] <dead_> Ono potone ta

[08:29] <androirc> opo neh pas jemari tokor nyah obah²

[08:29] <androirc> kek judul lagu

[08:29] <androirc> yora TjahAyoe

[08:29] <androirc> :v

[08:30] <Achiem> kkkkkkkk

[08:30] <dead_> woii yonooo

[08:30] <Achiem> yono udah sunat belom?

[08:30] <Yoona> Yoona loh bkn yono

[08:30] <Yoona> Sedih aku tuh

[08:30] <androirc> loh

[08:30] <TjahAyoe> [23:28] (androirc) insyaallah iso nek nyawang pp ne TjahAyoe .. siapno cengel ee

[08:30] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[08:30] <Achiem> kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

[08:30] <androirc> duk bebek bakno

[08:31] <androirc> mosok bebek iso manjah ngono

[08:31] <TjahAyoe> [23:29] (Achiem) he eh... sesabar itu aku tuh>> loken kwkwkwkw asem

[08:31] <dead_> gada bukti klo km bukan yonoo Yoona

[08:31] <dead_> sini cek ig dlu

[08:31] <Achiem> kaya ada yg lagi minta papah muda

[08:31] <dead_> sebagai pembuktian

[08:32] <+creasy> super

[08:32] <TjahAyoe> Akuu

[08:32] <TjahAyoe> Aku

[08:32] <dead_> eee

[08:32] <TjahAyoe> Papah tuek

[08:32] <TjahAyoe> Daddy sugar

[08:32] <TjahAyoe> Sugar Daddy

[08:32] <Achiem> kkkkkkk

[08:32] <TjahAyoe> :3

[08:32] <Yoona> Trs klo misalnya beneran bukan yono gmn?

[08:33] <dead_> ya brarti memang fix yono

[08:33] <Yoona> Aku dapat apah?ahah

[08:33] <androirc> oh bon

[08:33] <dead_> karna berbelit2

[08:33] <androirc> nek ra lek

[08:33] <dead_> Iyo tah

[08:33] <Yoona> Knp juga yah td masuk pake nik ini

[08:33] <dead_> ah

[08:33] <Yoona> Wkwkwk

[08:33] <androirc> mosok nopir

[08:34] <dead_> fix

[08:34] <TjahAyoe> Iki udu bebek deh

[08:34] <+elektra> I'd mosok her nopir

[08:34] <TjahAyoe> Bebekk gak ngunu

[08:34] <Achiem> kkkkkk

[08:34] <dead_> yonoooooooo

[08:34] <androirc> nopir kui

[08:34] <AMD> nomermu wingi kerine piro

[08:34] <Achiem> fix nopir

[08:34] <androirc> fix

[08:34] <Achiem> bohlam wi

[08:34] <dead_> sopo di

[08:34] <androirc> akakakakakaka

[08:34] <AMD> troy

[08:34] <Yoona> Ntar lg mikir ganti

[08:34] <dead_> 896

[08:34] <AMD> awakmu

[08:34] <androirc> ra ngaku dongakne puret kacuk mu pir

[08:34] <+pita> Dead_: that's wangernumb!

[08:34] * suliw4 (~mas@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:34] <TjahAyoe> Aamiin

[08:34] <AMD> hpku seng lawaa matek

[08:34] <AMD> lawas

[08:34] <androirc> jaiakakakakakakaka

[08:34] <TjahAyoe> Eh

[08:34] <dead_> PING wa di

[08:35] <dead_> tes

[08:35] <androirc> tis

[08:35] <Achiem> eeeehhh tjahayoe gung enek ndel grup

[08:35] <androirc> ngono

[08:35] * cwooo (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[08:35] <Achiem> leboni tjahayoe mbah

[08:35] <TjahAyoe> Ojo

[08:35] <TjahAyoe> Grup sopo sik

[08:35] <androirc> tak kempit wes e

[08:35] <Achiem> leboni

[08:35] <androirc> sor kelek

[08:35] <Achiem> he eh

[08:35] <TjahAyoe> Grup ee sopo seks iku

[08:35] * cwooo (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:35] <dead_> grup opo rek

[08:35] <TjahAyoe> Lhaiyoo

[08:35] <Yoona> Ntar klo diganti awas lg blg ini itu

[08:36] <androirc> grup e gingsul

[08:36] <TjahAyoe> Ojo

[08:36] <TjahAyoe> Ga usaah

[08:36] <dead_> lebokno arek iku

[08:36] <androirc> grup nenen gelem?

[08:36] <dead_> kangen jare

[08:36] <ezza> lebokno arek iku ... more like ebokno arek liku, am i right?

[08:36] <androirc> seng due AMD

[08:36] <Achiem> kkkkkk

[08:36] <androirc> :v

[08:36] * Yoona is now known as Fia

[08:36] <dead_> ;p

[08:36] <dead_> fia ??

[08:36] <androirc> fia ntat

[08:36] <androirc> jasik

[08:36] <Achiem> cik

[08:37] <Achiem> kkkkkkk

[08:37] <Fia> Salah lg aku tuh

[08:37] <dead_> .k

[08:37] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:37] <Achiem> ujung2 e mesti pretelan

[08:37] <androirc> haah i

[08:37] <androirc> amoh wes

[08:37] <Achiem> fia ntat

[08:37] <androirc> .k

[08:37] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:37] <androirc> singkat

[08:37] <androirc> padat

[08:37] <TjahAyoe> Pokok ee ojo wes

[08:37] <androirc> njengat

[08:38] <Achiem> he eh

[08:38] <androirc> kakakakakaka

[08:38] <Fia> Hiks

[08:38] <dead_> fix sih ini Yono yg tertukar Nick nya

[08:39] <dead_> dia kan suka Gonta ganti nick

[08:39] <dead_> ok sih

[08:39] <dead_> fix

[08:39] <Fia> Nick kok tertukar

[08:39] <Achiem> he eh bohlam

[08:39] <Fia> Kirain putri ajah yg bisa tertukar

[08:39] <TjahAyoe> Bak fia

[08:39] <dead_> tu kan

[08:39] <Fia> Bak pia loh

[08:39] <dead_> Yono suka ngetik gtu

[08:39] <Fia> Attagaaaaa

[08:40] <dead_> Putri yg terlantar

[08:40] <dead_> gtu

[08:40] <Fia> Lama2 kesal juga sm si yono

[08:40] <Achiem> fia gina ?

[08:40] <Fia> No

[08:40] <androirc> fia la di gilir

[08:40] <androirc> fix

[08:40] <TjahAyoe> Itu fagina

[08:40] <dead_> fic

[08:40] <Fia> Attaagaaa

[08:40] <androirc> wancik

[08:40] <Achiem> loken di perjelas i

[08:40] <TjahAyoe> Ono attaga yo

[08:40] <dead_> coex

[08:40] <androirc> iso fagina i

[08:40] <Achiem> rusak rusak drijine

[08:40] <androirc> .k

[08:40] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:40] <TjahAyoe> Attaga halilintar

[08:41] <Fia> Fagina??rusak

[08:41] <Fia> Sumpah ngakk

[08:41] <androirc> jiakakakakakakakka

[08:41] <dead_> fix

[08:41] <dead_> .k

[08:41] <@|In-Love|> wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

[08:41] <Fia> Otak lo deh

[08:41] <Achiem> ha pie kui fia gina rusak i

[08:41] <dead_> otak apaan

[08:41] <TjahAyoe> Fiancuuuu

[08:41] <dead_> kok dia kasar ngetik nya

[08:41] <dead_> pertanda ini

[08:42] <Fia> Attagaaaaa

[08:42] <Achiem> lhayo

[08:42] <TjahAyoe> Attaga meneh

[08:42] * oin (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[08:42] <Achiem> wkwkwk ngetik nya pake jari fia gina..jgn pake titit

[08:43] <Fia> Attagaaaa

[08:43] <Fia> Napa jdi sampe ke titip

[08:43] <Fia> Eh titit

[08:43] <dead_> rek wes Yo rek

[08:43] <dead_> aku tetep fia gina sik

[08:44] <Fia> Attagaaaa

[08:44] * oin_ (~voine@ has joined #surabaya

[08:44] * Q sets mode: +l 149

[08:44] <dead_> nyuon pamit

[08:44] <dead_> omswasiastu...

[08:44] * dead_ (~dead@ has left #surabaya

[08:44] <+tweety> bye dead_

[08:45] * Fia (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:46] <oin_> .dice all

[08:46] <@Dealer> 6 ALL-IN-DICE has been started by oin_. The bet is 520'000$. To play with her you have 60 seconds to type: .go »]

[08:46] * Q sets mode: +l 147

[08:47] <@Dealer> 6 Sorry oin_, nobody joined the DICE game. »]

[08:47] * Fia (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:47] * Achiem (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:47] * Fia (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[08:47] * Fia (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[08:48] <Van_JaVa> .mypenis

[08:48] <@Dealer> 6 The length of Van_JaVa's penis is: 36,12 cm. - (10 seconds till next question) »]

[08:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #139: Jangan terlalu ambil hati dengan ucapan seseorang,kadang manusia punya mulut tapi belum tentu punya otak -= Albert Einstein =-

[08:48] <Van_JaVa> 1 kertas legal

[08:48] * oin (~voine@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[08:49] * Fia (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[08:50] * Q sets mode: +l 145

[08:51] * IzaL ( Quit (Signed off)

[08:51] * IzaL ( has joined #surabaya

[08:52] <AMD> wb

[08:53] <+pita> in the event of an emergency, my ass tell him pita can be used as a foxhole

[09:04] * Letta ( Quit (Signed off)

[09:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #134: kamus 1 mlenuk artinya sedikit swemok kenyal metuntung

[09:09] * Fi3 (~androirc@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:09] * Q sets mode: +l 143

[09:09] <ezza> mmm Fi3

[09:09] <+tweety> ^_^

[09:09] <+elektra> :-)

[09:09] <+tweety> =D

[09:09] <ezza> -_-

[09:09] <ezza> :o)

[09:09] <+pita> :)

[09:09] <+tweety> -_-

[09:09] <ezza> ^_^

[09:14] * AMD (~xz@ Quit (Signed off)

[09:22] * androirc (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[09:23] * Q sets mode: +l 141

[09:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #138: join #pilox get your ZNC and service bot

[09:30] * oin_ (~voine@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:34] * zeno (~ukauka@ has joined #surabaya

[09:34] <zeno> @@

[09:35] <+anindya> Wb ki zeno nugroho

[09:40] <zeno> Eh... Ada yg nongol

[09:41] <Van_JaVa> ebeb cempluk

[09:41] <zeno> Wkwkwk

[09:41] * ditta (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[09:42] <zeno> Wb

[09:42] <zeno> Ty anindya

[09:43] <+tweety> There's nothing sexier than edo

[09:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[09:49] * NaKaL ( Quit (Registered)

[09:49] * NaKaL ( has joined #surabaya

[09:51] * zeno (~ukauka@ Quit (EOF from client)

[09:59] * Van_JaVa (~ebeb@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:02] * co_suka_sex (~co_suka_s@ has joined #surabaya

[10:03] * co_suka_sex (~co_suka_s@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:03] <+tweety> mmm co_suka_sex

[10:03] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[10:05] * AndroUser2 is now known as cow_30

[10:05] <+tweety> Where'd my moose go?

[10:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #119: no RACIST RELEGION AND POLITIC !!

[10:09] * cow30 (~androirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)

[10:10] * ditta (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[10:11] * Q sets mode: +l 139

[10:13] * cow_30 (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:17] <NaKaL> hi bots

[10:17] <+tweety> =D

[10:17] <ezza> :)

[10:17] <+pita> :)

[10:17] <+creasy> :)

[10:17] <+elektra> =D

[10:17] <ezza> :-)

[10:17] <+tweety> =]

[10:17] <+pita> :o)

[10:17] <+tweety> -_-

[10:17] <ezza> ;)

[10:28] <@|In-Love|> Quote #117: how are you bots?

[10:28] <+pita> moist knickers

[10:28] <+creasy> let me check your horoscope

[10:28] <+tweety> If only I hadn't used up all my lifelines

[10:28] <ezza> sorry no, I'm still sore from last time

[10:28] <+elektra> moist knickers

[10:28] <+tweety> No thanks, don't know where it's been.

[10:28] <+creasy> *squeaky*

[10:28] <+pita> Blblblblblblbl.

[10:28] <ezza> moist knickers... mickers

[10:35] * denbono (~bono@ has joined #surabaya

[10:36] * Obenk (~obenk@ has joined #surabaya

[10:37] * denbono (~bono@ Quit (Signed off)

[10:38] * Obenk (~obenk@ Quit (EOF from client)

[10:39] <+pita> Some people are really thivk.

[10:40] <+creasy> Princess, i'm certain we could fit one more horse in your-- in-- in yo-- ....

[10:40] <+creasy> Deleting all animes...

[10:48] <@|In-Love|> Quote #8: LOVE is friendship set on fire!!!

[11:04] * ais (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[11:08] <@|In-Love|> Quote #124: Jag hatar inte dig,jag tycker inte om dig !

[11:22] * ais (~androirc@ Quit (EOF from client)

[11:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[11:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #129: Motivasi itu seperti mandi; kalau Anda berhenti melakukannya maka Anda akan “melempem” lagi, sama seperti Anda akan bau lagi bila berhenti mandi. – Z ig Ziglar

[12:01] <+elektra> a nanook--

[12:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #106: (+pita) Today's epiaode: A Substantial Sempak

[12:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #136: kamus 3 kinyut, kinyut artinya semacam kintir yang kena arus sungai

[12:48] <+creasy> No, it's a chicken.

[12:48] <ezza> Stolen?

[12:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #11: fitnah itu lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan!!

[13:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[13:24] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[13:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[13:35] <+pita> Please stay seated until the ride has stopped.

[13:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[14:00] * eggy ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[14:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #38: JEALOUSY is nothing more than a fear of abandonment

[14:24] <+tweety> which was nice

[14:24] <+elektra> I'd which his nice.

[14:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #35: it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say good bye...

[14:29] * cwok (~Androuser@ has joined #surabaya

[14:30] * cwok (~Androuser@ Quit (Signed off)

[14:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #4: witing tresno jalaran saka kulino ,witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso

[14:58] * eggy ( has joined #surabaya

[15:09] <@|In-Love|> Quote #5: Be Your Self,everyone else is already taken

[15:23] <+pita> There's nothing sexier than a major.

[15:29] <@|In-Love|> Quote #16: ~" kalau ngomong jangan tinggi2 ntar mulutnya nabrak pesawat"~`

[15:41] * edo (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[15:44] <+tweety> is that the time? i need to be in bed

[15:44] * ezza yawns

[15:44] <ezza> Bedtime for ezza soon i think.

[15:47] * AndroUser (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[15:47] * AndroUser is now known as ditta

[15:49] <@|In-Love|> Quote #2: 2 do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace

[16:09] * Letta ( has joined #surabaya

[16:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #39: never look down on anyone . Only God sits that high

[16:30] <@|In-Love|> Quote #114: omonganmu koyo manuk gak di sempaki mengsla mengsle kiwo tengen

[16:50] <@|In-Love|> Quote #137: It is always seems impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela

[16:50] * edo (~androirc@ has joined #surabaya

[16:52] <+elektra> in the event of an emergency, my forearm can be used as a kae

[16:58] * Juliet12 (~ieXuPbwx@ has joined #surabaya

[16:59] * Q sets mode: +l 142

[17:00] * Juliet12 (~ieXuPbwx@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[17:10] <@|In-Love|> Quote #30: i dont have a dirty mind i have a sexy imagination