Channing's Sermons
Duties of Children
Daily Prayer
Extracts from a Letter on Creeds
Likeness to God
Love to Christ, first discourse
Love to Christ, second discourse
"The Baltimore Sermon," see Unitarian
Honor Due All Men
Means of Promoting Christianity
Moral Argument Against Calvinism (1820)
Unitarian Christianity (1819)
This was Channing's manifesto by which the "liberal" Congregationalists (the
Unitarians) established themselves apart from their "orthodox" kin.
Links to Other Channing Sermons
Sermon at the Ordination
of John Codman (1808)
Preface to the
1830 Discourses
Slavery (1835)
William Henry Channing's
My Symphony ("To live content . . . .") is
included for the convenience of our readers.
Links to Channing Resources
Sermons and essays about Channing, or citing his work
Connexion and Unitarian Relations 1800-1844, by Thomas H. Olbricht,
Restoration Quarterly
Some Miscellaneous Offsite Channingana
The Channing Family
The Heirs to William Ellery Channing: the Unitarians
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist
Historical Society
Unitarian Universalist
Christian Fellowship
Channing's Contemporaries
Ralph Waldo
Henry David
Women A Project in Reclaiming Our Heritage: Unitarian and
Universalist Women in history
Selected Printed Resources
Robinson, David, editor. William Ellery Channing: Selected Writings.
Sources of American Spirituality series. New York: Paulist Press, 1985.
Mendelsohn, Jack. Channing: the Reluctant Radical Westport,
Greenwood Press, 1980.
This page was revised on March 3, 2001.
If you have corrections to mention or questions to ask, please email to
Scott Wells