
A member of Tilde Computer Club


xwindows (Male/Thailand, amateur digital artist)

  • A more-or-less regular guy that is interested in computer programming and electronics.
  • Gets into drawing whenever stressed out or get too bored.
  • Mostly vector drawing because he doesn't have a real graphics tablet and doesn't like to use a scanner.
  • Started drawing because he needed to use some artwork in his software.

Yep, that's me.

Here is mainly a place where I put a stash of vector artworks that I made for myself on display, and most are freely-licensed.

This site also exists in the Gopherspace; in case you are interested in the parts of Internet beyond the World Wide Web.

If it needs be, I could be reached via internet mail as:

Please be brief and to the point if you write, and note that I don't currently accept commissions.