The Second Impeachment
Our current President, Donald J. Trump, has now been Impeached by the House of Representatives. Now the onus is on the Senate to Convict and bar him from future federal service. According to Senator Mcconnell, that meeting of the Senate will happen after Inauguration Day.
tags: Capitol, Impeachment
This day was Hell
Happy New Year to all that read this.
tags: New-Years-Day
Good news, vaccine hopes
tags: COVID19
COVID-19 is Vascular
tags: COVID19
There's a vaccine, finally
Turns out, our president is an idiot. Shutting down the Coronavirus Task Force will put this mess on a train to hell with a bow on it's head.
Good news is that there is a vaccine in clinical trials, it's not deactivated Coronavirus, it's MRNA coded to make normal cells display coronavirus antigens, sure, It causes the Killer T cells to kill normal cells, but it's actually a briliant way to deal with the theory that Coronavirus came out of a bioweapons lab;
They don't use the virus itself, they use MRNA to recode cells for the purpose of using them in the place of the virus itself,
we have no idea what the virus is capable of/designed to do, so that variable is taken out of the equation entirely.
Wow, what a month.tags: COVID19
Good news
tags: Juli-Reise
Bad News
tags: COVID19, Juli-Reise
Doing well
tags: COVID19