Working with Documents

Solus comes pre-installed with LibreOffice, an office suite that is capable of replacing MicrosoftTM Office for the most common tasks.

By default, Solus provides Writer (document editor), Calc (spreadsheet editor), and Impress (presentation editor). Other applications such as Math or Draw can be installed from the Software Center.


Libreoffice Calc

Calc is a spreadsheet editor. You can view, create, and edit spreadsheets as well as leverage a comprehensive range of advanced functions. Calc supports a variety of common open formats and MicrosoftTM Office compatible document formats such as (but not limited to): xls, xlsx, and ods.


Libreoffice Draw

Draw is a graphical editor that allows you to sketch diagrams, workflows and any kind of other simple to complex drawing you can imagine. You can install Draw from the Software Center by searching for the package libreoffice-draw.


Libreoffice Impress

Impress is a presentation viewer and editor. You can view, create, edit, and export presentations in common open formats or MicrosoftTM Office compatible document formats such as (but not limited to): ppt, pptx, and odp.


Libreoffice Math

Math is a formula editor. Create your mathematical and scientific expressions and insert them with the correct formatting into your text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, or drawings. Math can be installed from the Software Center by searching for the package libreoffice-math.


Libreoffice Writer

Writer is a document editor. You can view, create, edit, and export documents in common open formats or MicrosoftTM Office compatible document formats such as (but not limited to): doc, docx, and odt.


LibreOffice Writer users may want to install the package libreoffice-common-dictionaries from Software Center to automatically enable spell-checking support.


Finnish language support is provided by installing libreoffice-voikko. After installation of this package, there is further configuration required to properly leverage the Voikko spell-checking and Finnish dictionary support.

  1. Open up LibreOffice Writer
  2. In the menubar, go to Tools then Options. This will open up the Options dialog.
  3. Go to the Language Settings, listed on the left of Options.
  4. Under Language Settings, click Writing Aids and ensure the “Spellchecker (Voikko)”, “Grammar checker (Voikko)”, and “Hyphenator (Voikko)” are under the “Available language modules” section.
  5. Under Language Settings, click Voikko and ensure “standard: suomi (perussanasto)” is selected under the “Vocabulary” section.