## Fish Shell Ok, so I've already have [Intellij Idea][] that ~~writes code for me~~ translates my thoughts into code fast and without surplus typing. Now I have [Fish Shell][] + [fzf][][^ctrlr] which does the same in console. Autocompletion rules! Life is short, you don't have time to (re)type everything manually. And here is [my config](https://github.com/dmi3/fish/) with lot of cool tricks. [Intellij Idea]: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/ [Fish Shell]: http://fishshell.com/ [fzf]: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf [^ctrlr]: Ctrl+R 'search as you type' is not [implemented](https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/602#issuecomment-37341451) in Fish, but fzf offers much better alternative. Btw fzf for searching files is awesome! Just try: `find . | fzf` 🏷️Fish 🏷️Minimalism