## Sublime Text Python Tips ![Python 3 print autocompletion](//developer.run/pic/python-snippet.gif) Working with both Python 3 and Python 2.7 in Sublime? Can't make yourself used to type `print` with brackets? Put this [simple snippet](https://github.com/dmi3/sublime-text-config/blob/master/snippets/print.sublime-snippet) in your [Sublime Text User Package directory](http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/sublime-text-3/basic_concepts.html#the-packages-directory). It will autocomplete `print` statement with brackets. Bonus tip for Linux users. Tired to switch build system from `Python` to `Python 3` and back? Just want to Sublime Text use [shebang/hashbang](https://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Shebang) when running `Build` (F7) command? I.e: * If your file starts with `#!/usr/bin/python3` use Python3 * If your file starts with `#!/usr/bin/python` use Python * If your file starts with `#!/usr/bin/env python` use default Python version * If your file starts with `#!/bin/bash` or `perl` e.t.c., run file defined app.. Put this [simple build system](https://github.com/dmi3/sublime-text-config/blob/master/Run.sublime-build) in your [Sublime Text User Package directory](http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/sublime-text-3/basic_concepts.html#the-packages-directory), then select `Tools → Build System → Run`, and you will have universal runner based on file first line. 🏷️Tip 🏷️Python 🏷️SublimeText