## Breaking News Tip Very busy, but still want to get notified about _really_ important news like Meltdown or Heartbleed? Just query [3 lastest topics from Hacker News](https://hn.algolia.com/api/v1/search_by_date?numericFilters=points>1000&hitsPerPage=3), with rating > 1000. You can format it nicely using `jq`, and add it as [greeting message](https://ownyourbits.com/2017/04/05/customize-your-motd-login-message-in-debian-and-ubuntu/) for your shell, using this simple script ↓ Source on Github The major difference from weekly newsletters is it that newsletters need to fill up content to 10 topics, even if nothing happened. 1000 point threshold saves you from clutter, and you will not be bothered if nothing happened. "No news is good news". Some alternatives: * Check [News API](https://newsapi.org/) for more sources * Ubuntu [motd](https://motd.ubuntu.com/) was initially meant to do that, [but...](https://lwn.net/Articles/726902/) * If you are not busy at all, check [newsbeuter](https://newsbeuter.org/screenshots.html) - awesome CLI RSS client ![Breaking News](pic/breakingnews-150x.png) 🏷️CLI 🏷️Tip 🏷️Minimalism