## Tilde Ok, so now [this blog](https://developer.run) has [representation in Tilde](https://tilde.club/~dmi3/)[^steal]. Why? Because it is so cool if you are nostalgic for The Olde Web. Or for multi-user servers in the computer lab. Cozy getaway from the bloat of modern web. [Join now!](http://www.tilde.club/). > tilde.club is not a social network it is one tiny totally standard unix computer that people respectfully use together in their shared quest to build awesome web pages What to do there? Chat like a haxxor in [weechat](https://weechat.org/), read RSS[^rss] in [newsbeuter](https://www.newsbeuter.org/), create l33t home pages in `public_html` and see what other folks are up to by running `top`. 🏷️OldShool [^rss]: Did you know you can read [Twitter](https://twitrss.me/) in RSS? [^steal]: In best traditions of Web 1.0, most html is stolen from [~MOT'S PHLOG](https://tilde.club/~mot/)