
07 may 2024

Hello World!

This is my first time really using tilde, even though I signed up months ago, but today I remembered that this exists. I find the idea really interesting, especially with how the modern internet is. Hopefully I'll actually be active going forward, but I know that there's a high chance that I'll forget again.

finals week

Finals week is starting. Well, calling it finals week is misleading as it is more of a finals month, but finals week seems to be the more used term internationally. My first exam is calculus, in just 2 days and I haven't even looked at anything yet. It should still be fine though, calculus isn't too hard. Maths isn't something that I'm good at, mostly because I don't enjoy going through math problems, so I just end up learning the way to solve them, but I don't practice them very much. It's a bit of a shame because math is pretty important, and I do genuinely want to enjoy learning, but it just doesn't click for me.