# I use the twtxt program in unix terminal # 140 characters limit # nick = iolfree 2020-05-18T10:12:28-06:00 $ pico ~/.config/twtxt/config (note to self) 2020-05-18T10:23:40-06:00 tilde.club twtxt users: $ find /home -type d -name 'public_html' -exec find {} -type f \; 2>/dev/null | grep twtxt 2020-05-18T14:30:10-06:00 @ awesome! thanks great. 2020-05-18T16:05:20-06:00 Monday night, the week is flying 2020-05-22T16:36:04-06:00 People of twitter all seem to do the same thing, one of them does something they all do it, like one mind between them all. 2020-05-30T05:39:33-06:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhYIGIzFM6s Glass Menagerie TV play from 1966 2020-06-10T17:29:02-06:00 in life I do as little as I can, like they can't MAKE you 2020-06-11T03:27:30-06:00 There was a doggy mammy at the park & her dog came over, she said my dog is good looking! I told her she is good lookin too, she said 'yeah' 2020-06-20T17:02:52-06:00 I'm writing this on my older 2006 Mac connected to tilde club. AWESOME. 2020-06-28T21:28:54+00:00 I am in trouble with my car, the voltage often goes up to 18 volts and you have to remove the engine to get at the alternator 2020-06-28T21:57:27+00:00 had a dream i went to town and it was all 1940s and the people were 1950s, so well dressed, so I went to a tiny bar, the 50s was a great era. 2020-07-16T22:46:34+00:00 I'm on my stay-cation in Cork. 4 hour drive with dog. Got here by mid day I was worried about alternator but it made 14V most of the time. 2020-07-18T12:00:05+00:00 Still on stay - cation. I love the magic of this place.. I'm going for a walk with dog to clear my head 2020-07-18T22:03:05+00:00 My day now is I drive or walk to rosscarbery, buy milk, one beer, a bottle of fizzy cloudy lemon, don't know anyone here but I have dog 2020-08-27T21:57:58+00:00 'A man should look as if he has bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care and then forgotten all about them.'~Hardy Amies 2020-09-20T19:16:07+00:00 I took a walk in the woodlands with the dog as usual, swarms of squirrels eating the nuts, it's surprising. 2020-09-23T22:39:50+00:00 goodnight to twittertext x keep being good x 2020-09-27T22:55:05+00:00 twtxt, I saw a Renault 5 today, it passed my home, its indicator was flashing... sacre bleu... you don't see a R5 every day 2020-11-11T23:26:10+00:00 Thinkin I might quit twtxt and gemini, tidy up a bit,just use tilde club web, or gopher. 2020-11-29T23:37:25+00:00 Who am I kidding, quit twtxt? too addictive. Good night twtxt 2020-12-27T19:00:40+00:00 I'm posting this from ~ an old 3G iPhone and have logged it into my tilde club shell a/c. 2021-01-30T13:43:40+00:00 Been dredging on eBay for a second hand ext microphone for 30 pin iPhone 2021-02-01T21:15:08+00:00 I searched for 'great reset' on pinterest and it's totally censored. 2021-02-04T00:29:52+00:00 I just typed in 'censorship' on pinterest and that is also completely banned. 2021-02-14T22:15:14+00:00 The 16th is Pancake Tuesday 🥞 2021-03-17T13:39:46+00:00 TOP OF THE MORNIN from Ireland, happy St Patrick's Day 2021-04-18T20:11:05+00:00 https://www.tilde.club/~iolfree/IMG_0624.jpg Sunset I saw a few days ago 2021-05-18T22:24:40+00:00 Quality entertainment (softbody simulation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJJIjeEXHr0 2021-06-19T20:21:30+00:00 TEST hello twtxt xxx 2021-07-09T23:18:38+00:00 Twtxt stopped functioning when tilde club updated their operatin system. It's no use. I am deleting it. 2022-06-23T06:15:25+00:00 Thursday morning, test to see if my twtxt works 2022-06-23T16:05:44+00:00 I am writing to you through the medium of twtxt. 2022-06-25T22:21:48+00:00 Goodnight twtxt - sleep well. 2022-06-26T22:16:15+00:00 I will bid you goodnight twtxt 2022-06-27T21:49:19+00:00 unconsciousness awaits at night 2022-06-28T21:26:17+00:00 I will update tomorrow 2022-06-29T17:15:30+00:00 Ordered a few electrical items on Amazon for round the house 2022-06-30T21:31:56+00:00 Cringey to read over twtxts from me going back 2 years. 2022-07-01T21:31:19+00:00 sleep well 2022-07-05T21:01:28+00:00 My thinking is a bit disjointed. 2022-07-07T14:42:28+00:00 Still muddling through 2022-07-08T20:00:14+00:00 need to stay focussed @ 2022-07-12T11:05:06+00:00 My head is all over the place completely disorganised 2022-07-16T08:04:07+00:00 Yarn #mtevilq Cut flowers in the room maybe, a proper bath not just shower and stationery in room @ 2022-07-22T20:50:10+00:00 Lost my fountain pen 2022-07-27T15:24:29+00:00 I have the internal monologue but visual too. He sits at a desk with a telephone and reads to camera. 2022-10-18T20:56:29+00:00 time to go to twittertext sleep I think 2022-10-21T20:39:33+00:00 Goodnight unixverse zzzz 2022-10-30T22:29:34+00:00 I'm signing off for the night 2022-10-31T21:59:17+00:00 twitter not worth 44 billion 2022-11-03T21:50:28+00:00 wonder what will happen to nitter 2022-11-11T12:44:54+00:00 @ I call it twittertext and twt is pronounced tweet 2022-12-05T20:29:57+00:00 @ should twt again 2022-12-24T18:03:44+00:00 @in-laws Oh no, the in-laws, the most unsociable people in the entire internet 2022-12-27T20:01:39+00:00 Bon voyage @ 2023-01-01T19:35:07+00:00 New year new me 2023-03-12T21:51:28+00:00 test post to self 2023-03-13T19:31:55+00:00 @ I'm totally joining it 2023-03-17T09:35:56+00:00 Top of the mornin' 2023-04-01T18:14:26+00:00 e-scooters go like the clappers 2023-04-11T21:34:28+00:00 More weather expected 2023-04-14T11:28:04+00:00 @ well done on 1337 days of gopher server uptime 2023-05-03T21:17:38+00:00 @abucci you need to lighten up. 2023-05-15T18:08:11+00:00 People who like this sort of thing will find this to be the sort of thing they like 2023-05-20T12:19:33+00:00 Possible Italian dog-names: Piaggio, Bambino, Dogarello. Allegro. 2023-06-05T09:27:16+00:00 The Great Awakening documentary: https://banned.video/watch?id=647cd01844695d2439874239 2023-06-16T20:07:02+00:00 Qui me amat, amet et canum meum 2023-06-17T11:20:39+00:00 I don't think I can think clearly 2023-06-18T14:57:42+00:00 Maybe a beer would give me a little clarity... innkeeper, pint of lager please 2023-06-24T10:06:00+00:00 @ Could lead to world war 2 again 2023-06-25T12:05:20+00:00 1:Thinking that everything is dangerous. 2:Thinking you are in charge of everything. 3:High self esteem. 4:Looking for things to make a song and dance out of. These 4 things are a dangerous combination. 2023-07-13T17:51:17+00:00 weekend will be a day to get things done 2023-07-15T10:05:08+00:00 I think for me twtxt in the terminal has a better feel than the www twtxt 2023-07-18T10:00:12+00:00 New kitchen time I think. 2023-07-24T12:29:16+00:00 Fridge magnets are a minimalist's nightmare 2023-07-25T21:37:27+00:00 A house is a machine for living in 2023-07-26T16:21:13+00:00 Every part of the world is warming faster than every other part of the world 2023-07-27T21:43:22+00:00 Don't put all your eggs in one basket 2023-08-02T11:55:48+00:00 soft grey mystical rain here in Ireland 2023-08-03T11:45:08+00:00 Semi-lazy day today 2023-08-04T19:20:55+00:00 This coming Monday will be a public holiday 2023-08-07T05:49:26+00:00 Earlymorning here, a bank holiday, day to get things done. 2023-08-08T11:31:30+00:00 Might cycle to town to get some wine and ciabatta 2023-08-09T10:53:21+00:00 A day to get things done I hope 2023-08-10T08:21:19+00:00 A lazy Thursday 2023-08-11T08:31:19+00:00 Random day 2023-08-13T10:29:13+00:00 Think I might not go into town centre again til the winter. 2023-08-14T06:40:18+00:00 Optimistic, a day to try to get a few things done 2023-08-16T04:44:56+00:00 Early here at the moment, 5.45 2023-08-18T09:43:56+00:00 Slow day, mystical rain 2023-08-18T17:55:01+00:00 I think I'm like a battery and I have maybe a hundred units of energy every day and every time I go up and down the stairs here one unit is drained from me. 2023-08-22T05:18:04+00:00 Stupid o'clock here 2023-08-25T05:54:17+00:00 Early here, not yet 7am, I like to get everything done before the posse 2023-08-27T21:14:04+00:00 tilde club going to bed now, good night from tilde club. 2023-08-29T13:07:27+00:00 when is twt.nfld.uk coming back? 2023-08-30T11:30:47+00:00 Odd dream, BT tower in London had fallen over. 2023-08-30T19:03:20+00:00 I've been painting the room. https://tilde.fans/~iolfree/purebrilliant.jpg 2023-08-31T05:40:01+00:00 Here it's 6.40 am. I like to get my twts done early 2023-09-04T19:57:50+00:00 I think about 8pm is the ideal time for sunset. 2023-09-08T16:34:05+00:00 I had dinner al fresco out in the garden 2023-09-09T07:00:42+00:00 8am. I need to plan this day. 2023-09-10T07:04:12+00:00 day to declutter, too much stuff everywhere 2023-09-12T14:18:56+00:00 Today I think I have the giggles 2023-09-16T06:07:04+00:00 Day to get things done..? 2023-09-17T18:54:26+00:00 awesome 2023-09-27T15:48:24+00:00 Adele is the queen of bland 2023-10-07T05:34:24+00:00 Early morning twt from me 2023-10-20T18:00:57+00:00 I hope today will be the weekend I get my life back on track 2023-10-20T18:16:46+00:00 I hope this weekend I get my life back on track 2023-10-27T20:28:52+00:00 a week away from now 2023-10-28T11:17:15+00:00 a day to get a few random things done 2023-11-02T08:29:12+00:00 time to tackle all that clutter 2023-11-03T12:05:40+00:00 pick up autumn leaves by hand 2023-11-09T20:28:42+00:00 my neighbour's dog sitting in my home earlier https://tilde.club/~iolfree/blackpoint.jpeg 2023-11-13T19:01:28+00:00 I hope autumn will LEAVE soon 2023-11-13T19:25:25+00:00 I hope autumn leaves 2023-11-14T18:28:21+00:00 lovely autumn evening here on twtxt 2023-11-17T12:03:56+00:00 no end in sight 2023-11-17T12:29:30+00:00 @prologic #k25mwaq why must you question everything 2023-11-19T14:25:17+00:00 youtube ads, back button and forwards quickly seems to help (use keyboard shortcuts) 2023-11-30T10:16:22+00:00 I will go for a walk to clear my head 2023-11-30T11:49:02+00:00 @prologic I have now done so 2023-12-10T16:03:30+00:00 might wash my hair 2023-12-15T21:53:46+00:00 my dog getting ready for Christmas 2023-12-23T23:09:09+00:00 hark at this dog https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/7c/f7/be7cf79d9ab0788f2206b0edb6c9a9ca.jpg 2023-12-25T08:31:04+00:00 enjoying Christmas Eve and Christmas day so far. Every minute of it 2023-12-29T11:09:30+00:00 Love Christmas / New Year break 2023-12-31T14:19:38+00:00 2023 you are withdrawing from the world but before you go I want to thank you for being the year that went between 2022 and 2024 2024-01-01T08:15:15+00:00 A new dawn starting here, I am heading to the forest with the dogs 2024-01-01T19:10:45+00:00 Ideal New Year resolution would be not to swear but I would only keep it for 30 seconds 2024-01-02T07:26:52+00:00 seems to be a gentle winter morning here, well over an hour before sunrise 2024-01-12T16:28:54+00:00 I just doubled the value of my car by putting fuel in the tank 2024-01-13T08:46:56+00:00 imagine if someone woke at 5pm and it was dark out and he thinks it's 5am 2024-01-15T21:32:39+00:00 You know how there is always someone driving with a single headlamp. Well this morning I was that guy 2024-01-16T21:20:25+00:00 A cold beer and hanging out on twtxt, it doesn't get much better 2024-03-07T06:14:21+00:00 Calmest day ever 2024-03-14T19:06:18+00:00 I ate a kiwi 2024-03-15T09:01:33+00:00 The NZ accent can strip paint @ 2024-03-17T06:31:08+00:00 céad míle fáilte agus sláinte and the top of the mornin' to ya 2024-03-23T16:39:55+00:00 Innkeeper, long island iced tea please 2024-03-24T07:16:28+00:00 an adventures in food and drink might be an idea for a twtxt feed 2024-03-24T08:55:23+00:00 adventures in feed 2024-03-25T06:40:55+00:00 Does everyone who posts from ciberlandia live in the same house in Portugal ? 2024-03-30T19:16:18+00:00 The rain washes the air so the rain can be crusty as it filters the dirt away 2024-04-01T15:31:37+00:00 This is how I play music. Find what I want on YT, download it to my dektop as an mp3 then I transfer it to a small mp3 player then I can plug that into a small speaker or a big one using a short audio lead 2024-04-09T11:42:52+00:00 Anyone else look at YT and see ad where a scumbag comes out of the toiet and sprays frebreze all over his repulsive home 2024-04-09T15:28:29+00:00 Enjoying the dreary downtempo sounds 2024-04-11T18:26:46+00:00 I'm not a software guy 2024-04-18T10:12:47+00:00 Keeping a low profile today 2024-05-11T12:36:16+00:00 need a beer 2024-05-19T07:14:04+00:00 M a y b e p u t s p a c e s b e t w e e n t h e l e t t e r s t o t h w a r t t h e c r a w l e r s l i k e t h i s s o t h e y j u s t s e e i n d i v i d u a l l e t t e r s 2024-05-19T07:48:18+00:00 That was legible when I typed it. There were extra spaces between the words 2024-06-02T22:18:45+00:00 Englisch sprechen 2024-06-13T15:46:30+00:00 I would say gopher has a decade left 2024-08-02T14:44:14+00:00 Note to self, don't park on a hill in neutral with handbrake off 2024-08-02T17:55:00+00:00 (#avojk3q) It ended in a crash but I dreamt it thank God @ 2024-12-09T11:21:28+00:00 My neighbour is always either coming in or going out