Jack Baty - Tilde.club

< Hi! >
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                ||--WWW |
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This is a web page on the internet. It is nothing but basic, static HTML. It's the simplest thing that could possibly work and I think it's beautiful.

Thanks to Paul Ford for this whole tilde.club thing.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Clear 70.0 | Low 65.3, High 89.4

I was cleaning out some old blog folders and ran into the source for this site. Gosh this was neat when Paul first fired it up. It's actually still kind of neat.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

☀️ Clear +25°F

Some days I just want to edit some HTML. And yet, this page is built by exporting an Org-mode document because, honestly, editing HTML kind of sucks once the novelty wears off.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

    .--.     28(19) °F
 .-(    ).   ← 11 mph
(___.__)__)  9 mi
             0.0 in

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I've decided that rather than edit the raw HTML, I'll generate this file using Org-mode. I love plain HTML as much as you do, but I like Org-mode more.

I've archived the original files.

There's no reason or need for this. I just like having something here.

Author: Jack Baty | Last updated: 2024-08-30 Fri 06:03