Making a ttbp entry private
In ttbp, every entry you write can be seen by other users. If you choose not to publish an entry, it won’t appear in your tildepage, but it will still appear to other tildeusers. But what if you have some super-secret entries?
If you really want to use ttbp for this, you can first record your entry. It
will be located at this file: ~/.ttbp/entries/YYYYMMDD.txt
being the date in that format. You can then use chmod g=,o= <file>
on the
file to revoke all of the permissions of other users and prevent them from
reading the file. Now the entry is private. The entry will appear for all
users, but only you will be able to read it. You will be able to interact
with the entry as usual, but other users will get a permission error when they
try to read it, and the entry will look like this on the list:
YYYY-MM-DD (??? words)
So other people will know you wrote an entry, but they only get the date of the entry.