SDF inside termux
Originally posted on my gemini capsule
SDF comes to your pocket: meet Termux
Recently, I stumbled across Termux. It is a combination of terminal emulator and apt based package manager which makes it possible to do development related stuff right at your fingertips everywhere you go.
What you can do inside Termux?
Well, a lot of stuffs. Connecting to sdf via ssh, accessing files stored on sdf clusters, backing up files into sdf clusters, typing markdown text and convert it to html, compiling source code, and more that you can imagine.
For my use case, the main advantage of termux is that it makes it easy to connect to sdf. I can even transfers my emails on sdf for offline consumption inside termux. It even possible to setup email client inside termux to read all those mails transferred from sdf.
mutt inside Termux
Well, first thing to do is to get a copy of mail spool from sdf. This can be done easily using scp or sftp.
# $(whoami) is sdf login name, of course!
scp $(whoami)$(whoami) ~/playground/sdf/mail/inbox
Then, mutt inside termux can be configured to read offine mail, synced from sdf.
Here is a snippet from ~/.muttrc
to read mails from sdf inside termux.
mailboxes ~/playground/sdf/mail/inbox
set spoolfile=~/playground/sdf/mail/inbox
sending mail from Termux
With those setups, sdf mails come inside Termux. The tricky part: how about sending mails? Do I need to fire up ssh connection into sdf every time I want to send emails?
First workaround: compose locally and postpone the message
Without further trick, this is the simplest possible setup. This is nice, since email can be composed locally, without the need to edit the file via ssh.
FYI, typing something via ssh is somewhat laggy. There is noticeable delay between entering text and the displayed text. Of course, the typed input needs to travel far to sdf and sent back to the screen.
So, for convenience: composing mail locally and postponing the mail is a workaround to get decent typing experience. Later, one needs to login to sdf with mail in hand, ready to send.
With this setup, mutt
will append the postponed message to
. This file can be transferred to sdf, for later delivery.
This is too cumbersome. I want to send it right from Termux.
Very demanding, aren't I? Well, it is possible to use
within Termux, with MetaARPA
membership level.
Unfortunately, such membership level is beyond what a mere diary writer
can spend, so here I am stuck with user
No problem, I can tell Mutt to send the message with local
script that connect to sdf's sendmail instance.
Here is one line addition inside Termux's ~/.muttrc
set sendmail=~/bin/
For this setup, there is configuration needed to get msmtp
Log into sdf and create ~/.msmtprc
account sdf
port 587
tls on
tls_trust_file ~/.ssl/cacert.pem
account default: sdf
For the trust file, a copy of Termux's ca bundle can be used.
Alternatively, curl's ca bundle can be obtained easily to the designated
Now back to Termux. A simple ~/bin/
executable needs to be created so mutt
can send mail directly, without postponed
workaround above.
Here is the content of ~/bin/
if [ -S "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] ; then
ssh-add -l | grep sdf && \
ssh "$SDFUSERNAME" "msmtp $*" || \
{ echo "ssh key is not added to agent" ; \
echo "refusing operation" ; \
return 1 ;}
echo "Unable to use ssh-agent"
echo "Ensure you have started ssh-agent"
echo "and add the key for to the agent."
echo -e '\a'
return 1
Give it executable bit and mutt is ready to go.
chmod +x ~/bin/
relies on public key authentication enabled
for the account used on sdf, so be sure to start ssh-agent
and add the
key to agent before sending mail from Termux.
eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/sdf.key
With the setup, everytime mutt
sends a message,
is launched. If the requirements are met: the
presence of running ssh-agent
and the key for sdf login has been added
to the agent, mutt
will send the message via msmtp
that is
accessible on the sdf cluster.
The benefit of this setup: mail sent from Termux as if one is sending from sdf ssh session. No ip address at home is exposed on the mail and the email will go through the sdf mail server, without any violation of sdf's spf records.
Very convenient, indeed!